Filthy Family

By Naked Guy

Published on Jul 30, 2017


Filthy Family Pt 3

(Fictional story--for fantasy purposes only)

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I got delayed getting out of class on the next Monday because I got in trouble for talking too much. Ms. Woods made me stay after and she lectured me for ten minutes. After that I ran to catch up with Raj. I found him nearly at his house walking with ear buds connected to a phone he was holding.

"Oh wow man, you got your own phone now?"

"Naw's Scotty's ancient phone. It doesn't have a good SIM. I just use it for listening to music and making videos."


"Oh yeah, come on inside and I'll show you!"

I followed him up his driveway watching has his butt flexed in his jeans. His shirt was tucked in his pocket and his smooth back was beginning to sweat under the hot sun. I felt my dick harden but did nothing to hide the small tent in my jeans for anyone that passed us.

Inside I pulled off my shirt and we went to his room and shut the door. He started taking off all his clothes as usual. He was naked before I was. As I pulled down my pants I felt a wet finger wiggle into my ass. He pushed it in all the way.

"Damn you're empty."

"What about you?" I asked.

"I had to shit earlier or else I was gonna shit my pants. I didn't have a diaper on."

I laughed at his joke.

We lay on his bed together on the same pillow shoulder to shoulder. He had the old iPhone in his hand.

"I take videos around here all the time. You might like some of the stuff on here--but you CAN'T tell anyone!"

"Okay man."

He handed me the phone and I navigated to its videos. I clicked one and suddenly saw the three of them dressed as cave people.

"Oh that's really of Scotty's. I didn't know that was still on there. It's about five years ago on Halloween."

Apparently their dad was holding the phone and it showed Raj in some little wraparound rawhide piece that just covered his crotch, Bobby was in a fake furry thing that was the size of a wrestling single and covered one shoulder but exposed the other and half his chest. The bottom of it covered his waist--everything was sealed off. Scotty had on some kind of shorts the size of a small speedo made in a fake animal skin print. He carried a giant wood club and had a fake bone that looked to be stuck through his earlobe

"Wow you all looked badass!" I said.

"Yeah, I was six, Bobby our age, and I think Scotty was 13 or 14."

Their dad was obviously taking the shot and then handed the phone back to Scotty. The video seemed to me small clips edited into one video. Next I saw them walking on the sidewalk in the dark. Bobby pulled his dick out behind a car from the inner leg of his outfit and pissed on the tire.

"Sorry man, I gotta go bad!"

Scotty did most of the holding of the phone, but it was handed back and forth to Bobby too. Next there were several clips of them ringing doorbells and being told how cute they looked. Others told them it was too cold to have on so little clothing. Near the end, I heard Raj in a kiddie voice saying, "I can't wait! I can't wait!" We see him then squat in his little loincloth and right on the sidewalk he is squirting out a messy shit onto the pavement! Others walk by and you hear Scotty apologizing for his "stupid little brother".

Raj just stands up and keeps walking! So the whole time had no underwear on under the loincloth!

"Wow man that is too fucking crazy!" I said.

We laughed and Raj reaches down to stroke my dick.

"Better stuff is coming up! Everything else is new stuff."

The screen of the next video showed Raj's bare feet walking in the hallway in their house. The phone moves downward to show he is naked and then moves back to the floor.

"Let's bust in on my brother and his friend!" he says to the phone

The phone slides under a door and upside you see Bobby with his pants down and shirt off getting fucked by African-American dude who is naked except for red socks. The dude is fucking Bobby really hard and they're bent over his computer desk. The monitor on the desk is rocking. Bobby is moaning loud and the other dude is grunting.

The phone moves up and shows the door opening.

"Hey Bobby I can't find my clean underwear...where is it?"

The guy fucking his brother says, "Dude what is your little brother doing in here naked?"

"Are you guys fucking?" Raj says playing dumb.

"I'm close to cumming. He can watch if you let him because I'm not about to pull out!"

"Just fuck me man, fuck me harder. I'll beat my brother later!" Bobby grunts.

The camera is at a weird angle as if it's hidden behind something. I watch as the taller beefy dude starts groaning and shoots his sperm into Bobby. As soon as it's over, the dude starts frantically dressing.

He only says, "You folks are crazy!" and left.

Bobby gets naked all the way and then you see Raj hurry to him and Bobby bends over. Raj stuck his face in his brother's crack and started sucking on the swollen hole. Then he backs off a little and Bobby starts farting and a rope of cum drools into Raj's mouth. Then he slurps through more farts until he thinks he's done.

Bobby then pats Raj loving on the head and says, "Love you little bro!"

I am sitting there with my mouth open as the video stops. Raj's head is on my shoulder.

"There's more!"

I touch the screen to make the next one play. This time Scotty is fucking Bobby as they watch a ball game. Scotty is yelling at the TV to tell the player to hit a home run while he bangs Bobby. Then he squints and breathes hard. He slowed down his fucking and pulled out. Raj runs overs and takes the brown covered dick in his mouth and starts sucking it clean. Scotty thanked him and walks away. Raj then does the same process of eating cum from his brother's freshly fucked asshole.

We stopped and kissed for several minutes and played with each other's penis. I forced my finger in Raj's butt and dug out a pecan-sized nugget. I pushed it into his open mouth and then we kissed and passed it back and forth. Before it was totally dissolved, he chewed it up and swallowed it hard.

"YUM!" he said. "Watch another!"

The next showed his dad sitting on a toilet seat with metal legs on it! His dad was in a jockstrap only.

"Oh my god--your dad!" I gasped.

He grabbed the phone.

"I can't let you see that one."

He clicked around on the phone and tapped the screen. He deleted it. I was kind of disappointed. I had to know what was so secret about it.

"Here, watch this other one!"

He laid the phone against a pillow and we look at it together. We watched another secret video of Bobby being fucked--this time by a UPS deliveryman in the garage. He was tall, skinny, and red-haired.

It all started with the phone camera catching Bobby naked in the garage. Of the two rolling garage doors, one was closed. The other door was open and you could see cars passing. Bobby was sitting on an old office chair with its back to the open view of the street, but you could tell the chair hid his naked body. He was obviously shirtless though. I could hear a truck slowing down and shifting gears. Then I heard footsteps.

"I got a package for Joshua," a husky voice said.

Into view you see the tall cute guy walk up to the chair and Bobby spins around to show his naked body. He's half facing the open view of the street boldly with a naked side profile visible.

"I can sign for it," Bobby said coolly.

"Holy shit kid, you're naked out here!"

"Yeah, so? You like what you see?"

"Well fuck yeah!"

The UPS dude rubbed his crotch.

"You delivered your package to me, but I'd like to see it." Bobby teased.

"Over here though!"

They walk to the side where the phone is hidden. The dude unzipped his pants and pulled out a decent dick that quickly hardened. Bobby sucked it for a couple of minutes and then opens the fridge in the garage and got something out and rubbed it on the guy's dick--margarine? Bobby stepped onto an open ladder and held on while the other guy immediately started fucking him.

The fuck is less than five minutes. As the guy's head rolls back with his eyes cleaned, Bobby's dick squirted a plume of cum in the air. Then the guy pulled out, zipped, and walked out of the garage. As the truck leaves (you can hear it), Raj jumps out from behind a box and starts eating the driver's from bobby's hole. He turns around and pats Raj on the head. Then the electric door closes and the garage goes dark.

"That was Brandon. After that he started coming over regularly to fuck. He got a new route though and now Bobby is trying to seduce the new guy."

I couldn't believe it. Bobby was a total slut for anyone to fuck him...and he seemed to be really good at it. We heard the front door closing.


We waited for a few minutes and heard his dad on the phone. He was talking to someone about a judge.

"Come on. Follow me!"

We left his room and walked down the dark hall naked. Once in the bright living room and while his dad's back was turned, we plopped down in front of the big TV and he grabbed the remote. He put it on some crazy cartoon. We were laying on our stomachs with out butts facing his dad. Then his dad hung up the phone.

"Hey guys, you look really comfortable watching TV. Just letting it all hang out today?"

His dad didn't even care that we were watching TV like that!

"Yeah dad, Bruce and I were hot after walking home and decided to cool off."

"Okay cool."

That was it! His dad said nothing else about it.

"Well if you guys are getting comfortable I guess I will!"

I rolled over and watched his dad take his shoes off like before. He sat there in his chair in slacks, black dress socks, and pulled off his tie. Next came his shirt with no undershirt. Bare-chested, he wiggled his socked toes. Then he peeled the sweaty socks off to show his huge bare feet. I could smell his feet from my spot on the carpet as the ceiling fan blew the air my way.

"Need a foot rub dad?" Raj asked.


He unsnapped his slacks and stepped out of them. He was in skintight boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination. I could totally see the outline of his soft dick poking outward. It looked like it had been forced into the tight pouch. His awesome hairy thick upper legs flexed with ever movement. His giant nipples pointed outward from each of the slightly sagging pecs.

"Bruce will do it!"

My face went red. I had to get up and my dick was hard. I nervously stood up and covered my dick with one hand (as if he hadn't seen me already). I kneeled on my knees and shyly started massaging one foot.

"Lay on your's easier!" he suggested.

I lay down so that his feet were next to my torso.

"Lay on your back, I'll show you." His dad explained.

I lay flat and he rested his feet on my chest! They were big and felt hot on my cool skin. They were close to my face as I massaged them. Little by little, one foot moved closer to my face. Then the toes rubbed against my lips. Instinctively, I sucked onto the big toe. IN the corner of my eye I saw Raj flipping channels not even paying attention to us. I sucked each toe of that foot. I felt the other one rubbing against my little woody!

I licked all over the first foot and then the other one. While I sucked toes of the other foot, the left foot rubbed my hair. His feet tasted salty. The sweaty odor was strong but intoxicating. His big feet rubbed all over my naked body.

His dad had his hands behind his head with his eyes closed until I stopped. He sat there shirtless with those huge nipples looking swollen. Then he opened his eyes and patted the armrest next to him motioning me to come up.

I stood up and sat on the arm of the big chair. His big hairy arm reached around me. I pulled my feet off the floor and they hung in front of me. His hand touched my bare ass and slowly slid up my back giving me chills. It rested on my head and gently pressed downward. I moved my head to wherever he was trying to aim me. My head bent down to his right nipple. My nose rubbed against it. I smelled deodorant and men's cologne. He smelled really good. Hair surrounded the giant nipple. Then my lips pressed against it.

He whispered, "That's it...suck it!"

I started sucking on the nipple and it hardened in my mouth. I sucked on it gently at first. His dad spoke very low.

"Nurse on that tit. You can suck as hard as you want."

I put my hand on the giant curved pec and squeezed it. It was almost like a big breast but hairy and hard. I sucked and sucked and a calm feeling came over me. I sucked at hard as I could and it felt like the nipple expand even more in my mouth. I teased it with the tip of my tongue several times and heard a chuckle from deep in his chest. His hand stroked my back and butt. I felt really happy--naked with a big hot hairy man (and my buddy naked on the floor behind me). I could have never dreamt all of this up in a fantasy.

After about ten minutes on that nipple, he urged me to the other and I scooted all the way onto his lap. I felt his hard dick pressing against my butt through the fabric of his underwear as I sat on it. He stroked my crack and then lightly fingered my hole.

While sucking the other tit, I used my fingers to play with the other one. I mashed it in my fingers and rolled it around. His dad moaned. I slobbered all over his pecs worshipping them. I rubbed my nose and mouth under the curve of each round muscle. My hand slid down to past his navel and stopped at the barrier of his elastic.

"Stick your hand in there, kid."

I did as I was told. A massive hairy bush appeared under the gap that was exposed. He gently placed me back on the armrest and stood up. He pushed the briefs down and then was totally nude. His fat uncut penis was half erect. He sat down again and pulled me back to his nipple. He lifted me so that I was back on his lap with his big dick between my thighs. He pulled my free hand down to his penis. It felt huge in my small hands. While sucking the tit, I could feel the long foreskin over the top of the penis. With my hand gripped on it, I pulled downward and I saw the head revealed. A strong new smell wafted up from his exposed piss slit and head. It looked like there was a crusty white ring around the head.

"Just stroke it like that."

I kept rubbing his dick by rolling the foreskin up and down. He cooed in a deep moan. The more I rubbed it, a clear liquid oozed from the tip of it. I jacked him slowly for several minutes. His breathing got deeper. He moaned and then his cell phone started buzzing.

"I gotta get this kid!"

He gently lifted me and placed me back in the chair. He walked to his briefcase as he chatted on the phone. On the dining table he spread out papers while he stood with his glorious hairy butt exposed to us. While totally in our view but not facing us, he discussed business. Then Raj got off the floor and came over and dropped to his knees. He started sucking me.

Already so horned up, I came immediately. This time it felt really different too like my dick was pulsing. He pulled off fast and stuck his tongue out.

"Look, your dick spitted this out!"

I just saw his slobber, but I looked down and saw a thin liquid oozing from the piss hole.

"I think you made cum!"

Now his dad was sitting down not paying any attention to us. I felt weird and embarrassed. I started to go and dress and told him I had to get home. He looked disappointed. I nervously found all my clothes and put them on with shaky hands.

I was home in fifteen minutes. Mom was gone again. Dad said mom was picking up my aunt. I wondered if dad was going to masturbate again in his room--or maybe he had already. I went to my room and tried to recreate the experience.

I spit on my dick and rubbed it for over twenty minutes before I finally came. It felt raw by then. Only a tiny bit of liquid oozed out. No longer nervous, I felt relaxed and on an emotional high. I was now elated that I had my first ejaculation.

Feeling mischievous, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to make dad talk about sex again. I pulled on some underwear and went to find him. He was in the kitchen with bills laid out and was typing on his laptop.

"Dad, I need to talk to you again...about that private stuff."

He looked bothered at first, but when he looked me directly into my eyes, he put the papers to the side and turned his chair all the way around. He pulled the chair next to him out and I sat down.

"Dad, I was masturbating again."

"Uh, okay son."

His face blushed.

"This time liquid came out. I think I made sperm dad!"

He laughed softly.

"Well congratulations Bruce. Looks like you're hitting puberty early. It stands to reason since you're already so tall for your age."

Then dad told me that as I got older I was going to want feel the urge to share that experience with another person. He told me I shouldn't have sex with a girl until I was much older and then I should use a rubber. He explained it was a balloon type thing that covered the penis so no sperm went into the woman. He was definitely embarrassed at first but by the end of his talk he was totally at ease.

"But dad...I don't like girls at all. They're so yucky."

Then I went for it.

"I only like boys. Especially really cute ones!"

Dad choked on the water he was drinking.

"Bruce, you really don't know what you will like until you try it. That doesn't mean try it now. Just don't uhh...don't consider yourself gay just yet."

He didn't have to explain what gay meant. Even kids knew that word.

"Did you ever masturbate with a guy dad?"

His face turned dark red.

"Remember our talk about private stuff. You shouldn't ask people those kind of questions."

Then he looked suspicious.

"Has anyone touched you or made you do anything private?"

I lied.

"No dad. I just like thinking of my friends while I masturbate."

He looked relieved.

"Let's keep this to ourselves. You can talk to me about anything...I might not tell you about private things about myself but you can ask me anything. Your mom...she's not so cool to talk to about that."


"Let's just say she isn't the one to talk to about masturbation and you liking boys."

"Okay dad."

"Did you have any other questions?"

"Yeah, is mom going to get mad if she finds out I am sleeping nekkid? It feels better."

"Well son, you mom does your laundry and changes your sheets. You can't hide that kind of stuff. She already told me you're not using pajamas. We both noticed you going around the house in your underwear. You might want to start wearing shorts around the house and then sleep in your underwear or nothing. She doesn't really care if you sleep that way. But as you get older and your body starts growing it's going to be weird if you're walking around in underwear showing your business."

He and I laughed. My dad was so much cooler than I ever imagined.

"Does mom know I masturbate?"

"She's no dummy. She had four brothers and she's an adult. It's common for teenagers to beat off all the time. I don't think she knows exactly when you're doing it but she's going to suspect soon that you are. Mothers are a nosey bunch. And they really know how to embarrass you. Just be discreet when you're gonna go beat off."

He made the motion of jacking with his hand. I loved his expression "beat off".

"You sure are growing up fast Bruce."

I looked down and I thought I saw a bulge in the crotch of his jeans. When he saw me looking down he quickly put a pile of bills in his lap.

"Buddy I gotta finish these bills. I'll start us dinner in a few."

"Okay dad."

I got up and walked out with a devilish feeling and grinned to myself. As I walked to my room I dropped my underwear defiantly to my feet and kicked them into my room. I stood there in the hallway with dad just around the corner and fingered my ass. I squatted so I could feel up in there better and dug out a mushy bit of sludge. I sucked the stinky shit off my finger and walked back into the living room naked. With his back turned opening a can of something in the kitchen, I sucked the finger clean and stroked my dick. Then I ran back to my room and shut the door out of breath and satisfied.

Until dad called me to dinner, I lay there fingering my hole thinking of how cool it was to be naked with Raj's dad and how he let me play with his dick. I wondered what would have happened had we not been interrupted.

The next day Raj followed me to my house. We wanted to test my dick and see what it looked liked as I had an orgasm. We talked on the walk home. He said he should just jack me off so we both can see it. He told me that it usually takes his brothers thirty minutes or an hour before they can cum again and if they wait until the next day they shoot a lot more jizz.

I hadn't touched my dick since the 2nd jackoff the night before, so I was sure my balls had refilled. We did the usual hellos to mom and dad and then we were in my room. I unzipped my pants and sat on the bed. He got on the floor and jacked me on his knees. Raj kept spitting on my dick to keep it slipper and feeling good. His free hand was under me and his middle finger dug around in my asshole. It always felt better to jack off while my ass was being stimulated.

In a few minutes, I started cumming. Clear liquid drained out with several oozing's. He stuck his finger in it and then put it in my mouth. It tasted good. He sucked it up with his mouth and then we kissed to share it. I hear footsteps and then a knock.

"Boys!" dad said.

I zipped up like lightning. Our shirts were off an on the floor.

"Yeah dad."

"We need to run into town. Raj can join us or we can drop him off at home."

I went and opened the door. Dad stepped in. I felt flushed and sticky with sweat. Dad looked at us a little strangely.

"I can call my dad sir. I'm sure I can go."

Raj followed dad to the kitchen phone and he called his dad. He gave the phone to my dad. Dad talked to his dad and it was agreed Raj could join us.

We drove to a Home Depot where mom and dad looked at stoves. Ours was old and wasn't working well so they wanted to shop for a new one. Raj and I were allowed to go pushing a shopping cart around the store. When we passed the bathrooms, he told me he needed to take a piss.

"Come on, let's go together!"

I was nervous to do so at a public bathroom, but I followed him in there. He looked under the stalls and saw no feet. We went into the same stall together at the end next to the wall. There was nothing in front the stall but a trash can. Once inside, he pulled his pants down and they fell to the floor. He stepped out of them.

"Come on, drink it!" he whispered.

I put my mouth on him and sat on the toilet seat. His filled my mouth good and I swallowed several times. His piss was strong and salty. I loved it.

"Your pee taste good!" I told him.

"You gotta pee?"


I pulled my pants down as he knelt on the dirty bathroom floor. He pulled his shirt off and shoved it between the toilet paper roll and the stall wall. He had on nothing but tennis shoes with no socks. I started pissing into his open mouth but then he moved my dick with his hand and let it spray down his neck! Some of it got on the floor. He put it back in his mouth and it felt so good to piss like that. I farted and we laughed. When I finished, he rubbed the piss on his neck onto his chest.

"I gotta shit now!" I said.

He told me to stand on the toilet and squat facing the wall. I was holding on to the set of pipes that the flush handle was on. I felt his mouth sucking on my butthole tightly. I felt nasty shit squishing from my hole and I was afraid he was going to lose the seal and I'd shit on him. His hands gripped my butt cheeks tightly and he sucked hard as my guts churned. It felt like diarrhea maybe. I didn't know but it felt mushy and nasty. I heard him gulping. I started jacking off and his tongue drilled me. He never removed his lips my pucker. Being mostly naked, jacking off, and shitting in my buddy's mouth in a public bathroom was just too much. I didn't last at all. I immediately came. He pulled off my as and licked me clean. When he got up off the floor he kissed me and I tasted the shit in his mouth. We giggled like girls and started to dress.

Just then we heard two shoes hit the floor someone was grunting and moaned.

"Uhhhhhhh," someone moaned.

We scrambled from there super fast. But before we could get far he pulled my shirtsleeve and stopped me.

"Let's see who it was!"

We'd thought we were alone in the bathroom but someone had been in another stall listening to us. We went to the paint section and watched around the corner. A few minutes later an older guy in his forties came out. He had on a Home Depot uniform!

I was really scared by then but Raj kept a cool head.

"So what, he was probably jacking off...I swear I heard him cumming!"

Just then the guy turned and walked our direction. He winked at us and smiled!

"See...he was into it!"

Did he know who we were or just smiled because he was friendly? I had no idea. I still wanted to get out of there. We pushed our cart and found my parents talking to a sales guy. Dad told us to sit with them. We sat there bored for half an hour while dad and mom signed a paper and handed a credit card over. They bought a new stove and it was to be delivered Saturday.

On the way home, we stopped and picked up carry out food for dinner. Mom invited Raj to stay but he said he had to get home and help with brother with something. I could only imagine what it was--eating his ass after another fuck? His own special dinner?

I walked him to the front door and out of view from my parents, he open his mouth and huff air in my face. I smelled his nasty shitty breath! I kissed him quickly and shut the door.

After Raj left, I ate with my parents and then I went to my room to take my clothes off. I pulled on just a pair of baggy shorts and then joined my parents to watch TV. The doorbell rang and I answered it. It was Brie, a silly girl my age from across the street. I immediately called mom to the door.

I heard Brie asking my mom to borrow some kitchen thing for her mom. I heard her and mom talking about what they were cooking. Boring. I went back to the living room floor to watch TV. After she left mom cam back into the room.

"My, my but Brie sure was looking over at you honey. I think that girl has a crush on you!"

"Oh mom!"

"Well, she's a very pretty girl. Who might be dating her in a few years!"

I looked at dad and rolled my eyes. He just shook his head and smiled. Mom didn't see us exchange glances.

I thought I'd rather be dating her big brother who I often saw mowing their lawn in his football jersey shorts and no shirt on. He was very good looking. My dick moved in my shorts and I shifted my waist to hide it as if anyone could see it from over the table.

After dinner, I went to my room and jacked off slowly. I thought about all that happened recently. Raj and me drinking each other's piss in a store bathroom, feeding him my shit, me sucking his dad's nips, watching all those dirty home videos. I was learning that it felt good to jack off for a long time before finally allowing myself to cum. Each time I felt close, I stopped and just played with my small nut sac. When I finally came it felt massive and a lot more cum was produced.

After I came, I sat there licking it off my hand and relaxed nude under the cool air conditioning. I wished that I could walk around the house nude like that all the time. I was jealous of Raj for having such a cool family. I wished I could move in with him. I imagined us sleeping in the same bed together, kissing each other any time, and his family walking around with nothing on. All these thoughts encouraged me to jack off again and I came quickly--though practically no cum oozed out. The head of my penis felt really tender.

I turned over and fell asleep. Some time later, I heard a knock at the door.

" awake?"

It was mom. My shorts were nowhere in sight. I just pulled the sheet over me.

"I was..."

Then the door opened.

"You need to start coming to pick up your clothes from the laundry room. You're tool old now to have me brining it all to your room. You need to start making your bed before you leave. This room is a mess!"

"Yes ma'am."

She put all my clothes on the computer desk and hung the clothes on the closet doorknob. Then she was gone. She'd said nothing about my questionable state of undress. Whether she thought I was naked or not under the cover she didn't make a deal of it. I got up and put the clothes away.

I thought it fair game. My mom was telling me to do more yet at the same time wasn't treating my like a kid about what I was wearing (or not wearing) around the house.

It rained the next day and dad picked me up. He was working at home most all the time now while mom worked outside of home. It was weird for him to pick me up instead of her. She was working later a lot too I noticed.

We stopped at Kroger on the way home for groceries. Midway through, I decided to go look at magazines while dad shopped.

"Don't go off...stay with me."

I thought it weird. Then we walked to the next aisle...hygiene stuff.

"You can open the cans or containers if you want. But go through the aisle and find something you like."

We were in the deodorant section.

"Do I stink dad?"

"Not yet. But you're going to soon if you don't use one of these. I think you'd rather shop for it with me instead of your mom."

"For sure dad!"

I had to admit, I'd been feeling a lot stickier under the arms and was sweating in new places. I sprayed a few cans and found one that I liked. Then we passed the shaving stuff and dad grabbed some razors.

"Won't be long before you need one of these. I was shaving at fifteen. If you turn out hairy like your Paw-Paw (my grandfather on mom's side) then you might be both hairy and tall as hell.

"Even taller than you dad?"

"Could be. You're very tall now."

The hope of being as tall or taller than my dad was intriguing. Our talk was making me feel very grown up, but made my kind of horny too. We moved on and dad openly got a box of condoms off a shelf in the next section. I figured then that I'd have to look for them at home and investigate what they were like. We moved on to food and spent awhile shopping for that. After being at the store for nearly an hour, we hauled the buggy full of bags home and then he started cooking dinner.

When it was time for dinner, mom wasn't home yet still. We ate alone and then watched some TV. When dad excused himself, I had an idea what he was going to go do. I left the TV on and silently walked to his door. I heard the shuffling of clothes and a sound of a squeeze bottle. Then some smacking noises for about ten minutes. I sat there on the floor patiently. I couldn't see anything but the bed. He had to be lying on it. Suddenly dad groaned and I heard him breathing hard. Yes...he was jacking off for sure.

After he recovered, I saw feet stand up and then the noises of him getting into the shower. I opened the door and he was in the bathroom humming. I heard the shower water and knew it was safe to walk around until it stopped. I saw an open laptop. When I moved it around and the screensaver disappeared, I was shocked to see a freeze-frame of a porn video!

On the screen was a man on his back with a woman on top. She had his dick in her pussy. Over them was another dude and his dick was in her ass--but his ass had a rubber dick hanging from it! It was a rear view of all of them. The shower turned off and I heard the glass door roll open. I hurried out without making a sound and shut the door. When I got to my room my heart was beating so fast!

My dad had been watching dirty movies with two men and a woman! I couldn't believe it. My dad didn't seem like the sort of guy to like that stuff. I wondered if the man with the rubber dick in his butt was going to get fucked by the other man. I was very confused, yet I couldn't ask dad about it at all.

I went to my room and stripped. I lay there fingering my ass and licking light smears of shit off my fingers until I got sleepy. I rolled over and pulled the covers up.

Eventually I dreamt that my dad was naked with my grandpa on the couch just watching TV while mom talked about something random like nothing weird was going on. I had no idea how an old man would look naked, but I had seen my grandpa in swimming trunks. When I woke up to pee, I thought the part of my grandfather was gross (a man in his late 50's was "old" to me then), but I wondered why I dreamt it at all.

The rest of the week was hectic and I didn't make it to Raj's to play. Every day dad or mom had a project or errand to run and I couldn't be left at home alone. When the weekend came, Raj's family went out of town. I was stuck at home bored to death.

I went and rode my bike to the trail he'd taken me to before. When I got to the section under the bridge, I took my clothes off and jacked. I was lying on the dirty concrete with my bike in the dirt. The thought never crossed my mind that I should be on the lookout for anyone else using the trail. My logic was that it was too hot for anyone to be out and riding. I figured no one would go down there where the stagnant creek water stunk really badly.

When I was close to cumming I stretched out and kicked my shorts far from me. The freedom of being totally nude outside was so intoxicating. When I was done cumming, I heard a whistle. I jerked up and reached for my shorts, but there was a foot standing on them!

Above me was a tall teenager with very dark skin. He was wearing a tank top and denim shorts. He had on tennis shoes and short socks. He was covered in sweat.

"What are you doing out here kid?"

I pulled my shorts harder and freed them. I pulled them on fast and stood up.

"What does it look like?" I snapped.


He looked me over.

"How old are you? About twelve...maybe thirteen."


"You look big for eleven."

Suddenly I remembered seeing this guy before--he was fucking Bobby in the video! I didn't feel so scared anymore. Hell, he'd been watched by Raj openly while he fucked Bobby's ass hard. He obviously wasn't freaking out about busting me naked and shooting a load.

"You looked like you were having fun...but you gotta be careful. A lot of people use this trail."

"Yeah, I see."

I was feeling defensive and was being smart-ass. I was still naked. It was cool just shooting the breeze without a stitch on.

"What you need is a lookout buddy! Someone to watch while you do your thing. Somebody who can warn you in advance to put that dick away or get some clothes on."

I was feeling a little bolder so I said it.

"You need a lookout?" I asked.

He laughed.

"Well, I guess I would if I was gonna do something. What did you have in mind?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"You want me to rub one out?"

I wasn't sure what that meant.

"You want me to jack off?"


He sat down on the concrete and between his legs pulled his dick out of the shorts. I stared wide-eyed. He slowly grew to the length I'd seen in the video. I constantly looked both ways around us.

"I'm more practiced at this. If anyone comes, I'll just pull my shirt over it and tell him I had a cramp in my leg or zip up fast. You were riskier getting totally naked."

I shrugged again. He spit and a long drool of spit hung from his mouth and perfectly landed on his stiff dick. I licked my lips at the glistening purple skin. His dick looked so perfect. Its head was well proportioned and his dick had neat pulsing veins. He began pumping it fast. Sweat dripped down his body and I wanted to touch it so badly. I wanted to put my mouth and face in the sweat of his smooth chest.

I thought I heard a noise and he covered up. It was only a squirrel jumping in a tree knocking nuts to the dirt. His smooth chest was had two round perfect pectoral muscles. I kept staring at them with my mouth open.

"Can I touch you?" I asked

"Yeah, but you better keep looking out for us." I put my hand on his left pec. I thought the skin would be hot but it was cool to the touch even though it was soaking wet. My finger traced the curve to the middle of his chest and drops of sweat pooled on my finger. I pulled it away and stuck it in my mouth. It was salty. His hand moved up and down faster again as he jacked off furiously. He slowly stood up and stretched back. His dick was pointed outward as he masturbated.

"You want this load?"

I nodded my head.

"Get over here and take over!"

I reached for his dick and started jacking it like he had been doing. Cum started spurting like a fountain. It splattered all over my face and I aimed squirts into my open mouth. Feeling brave, I put my mouth on it and sucked on the head while I milked the shaft dry. He moaned so loud it sounded like someone was injured. He pulled away gently and stuffed his dick back into his shorts.

"You gave it a good workout dude!"

I rubbed some stray drops of cum off my face and licked my fingers.

"You're really something kid. I'll see you around here again sometime!"

I got on my bike and drove the opposite way he jogged. I felt sweat drying on my skin. By the time I got home, it was dry completely. I went inside my house through the garage and saw mom's car was gone. I found dad locked away in his bedroom. I didn't go spy on him. I knew what he was doing and I wondered why he was doing it alone so much.

I went to the bathroom and washed the teenage guys' smells off me. I took off my shorts and looked at my body in the long mirror. Light shown brightly from the skylight. I noticed a light sheen on my legs--new hair! Further inspection in the bright light showed light hair over small balls. How had I not noticed it before?

A closer inspection all over found the same light fuzz under my arms. I touched my pits and couldn't feel it, but I could see it in the bright light. I sniffed my underarm and it was only slightly stinky. I heard dad stirring around and pulled my shorts on. I went to find him watching TV on the couch. It seemed that like me, he got tired after cumming. I sat on the recliner and grabbed the remote.

"Hey sport."

"Oh sorry dad. I thought you were asleep. Can I change the channel?"

"Sure buddy."

Saturday TV sucked. I clicked around until I found a talk show. Two cute dudes were talking about coming out to their parents. The host asked the first guy was ready. A minute later his mother was called out onto the stage. On national TV, the guy came out to his mother. In the end she hugged him and said she loved him no matter what.

However, when the 2nd guy came out to his parents, they started yelling at him and there were a lot of words bleeped out. Then the channel changed.

"You don't need to see that trash. A lot of that crap is staged...not even real." Dad said.

The TV ended up on the Syfy channel.

"Dad, do you think mom is going to act like the first or second mom when I tell her I like guys?"

Dad was stunned.

"If you turn out to be gay Bruce, I'm hoping your mom will act like the first mother."

I noticed he wasn't sure. Dad looked sad after that. He turned over and faced the couch.

I watched the rest of the movie and after thirty minutes heard him lightly snoring. While dad snoozed, I walked up to him. He had on an old tight white t-shirt and some nylon shorts. I could see the outline of underwear under them. While he snored, I reached out and ran my hand down the back of his leg. He didn't move. I ran my hand back up it and slowly pushed my fingers under the material and felt part of his butt. It felt smooth. The kitchen door to the garage burst open and I heard mom walking in. I hopped back and sat there watching TV like nothing happened.

It was finally the last week of school on Monday. We had testing throughout the week and the last day was only half a day. When we got out I went straight to Raj's place. His dad wouldn't be home for hours but Scotty arrived home early like us. We went to Raj's room. Raj sucked me off so he could taste my cum. After that we took turns eating each other's ass trying to make each other fart--neither of us a load to shit.

After we tired out, Raj napped. I played with his butt for a while until I needed to piss. I tried to rouse him to drink it, but he rolled over. I went out of the room naked knowing that no one would care if they saw me. Already in the bathroom taking a piss was Scotty.

"Hey sexy boy!"

He was naked too. I was going to ask to drink it but his stream fizzled out. Then I stood there after he moved and pissed in front of him.

"You guys fooling around?"

"Yeah but Raj fell asleep."

"How rude. We'll I'm awake if you wanna go to my room."


He picked me up and carried me on his shoulders. I ducked and he squatted to go into his room. It smelled like piss and there were sheets on the bed with a big yellow stain.

"Stinks in here." I said.

"Sorry man, but I piss my bed at night. They can't tell me why. Been to the doctor."

"Sorry man."

"Don't be," He answered. "I'm not ashamed of it."

He plopped down on the bed.

"I can change the sheets if you want."

"No, I kinda like that smell now," I admitted. "Besides, I would have drank your pee in the bathroom if you let me."


He patted next to him on the bed and I hopped up. He pushed my legs up to my chest and lifted me up. He dove for my ass and started sucking on my asshole. I farted for him.

"Do you gotta?"

"No man."

"Oh, okay."

He was wondering if I had to shit. I wasn't sure if he was really serious about eating it.

"Can I play with yours?" I asked.

"Sure man!"

He rolled over and I rimmed him for a while until my jaw tired. I used my fingers and wiggled them around in his ass.

"Here man, use this!"

He reached under the bed for some Vaseline.

"I cover my feet in this and put socks on before I go to bed. Keeps my feet really smooth! Use it on m ass."

I coated my fingers good and began fingering his hole.

"You can put more fingers in if you want."

And that's what I did.

"You told me you don't like to fuck!" I said.

"Yeah, but your fingers feel different. It doesn't feel like a dick being forced in there. Just be easy on me back there."

I fingered his ass for several minutes. I was able to get four fingers in at once. He farted every time I pulled out.

"My dick is smaller than my fingers...why can't I put that in your ass instead?"

"I don't know man..."

"Look, you said you wanted to be told what to shut up and let me fuck you!"

He looked shocked. Then he just rolled on his back and pulled his knees to his chest. I leaned into him and shoved my dick in all the way. I thought it was less intrusive then all four of my wiggling fingers at once. He remained calm. I started humping his butt. It felt very tight and awesome.

"It's weird but I thought it would hurt. Maybe because you're so offense."

I just shrugged. He moved up to try to kiss me but I wasn't tall enough to reach all the way. Instead, I concentrated on playing with his dick and baggy ball sac. I loved the way the balls moved around in the loose skin. I liked the curly dark hairs covering them. I took his balls and wrapped my hand around the root of it. Then I squeezed. He gasped.

"Fuck that hurts."

"Shut up man. You said you wanted to be told what to do right?"

He nodded.

I let go and slapped the balls hard. His face grimaced. I kept fucking his hole and I played with his dick. I jacked after I drooled spit on it. He moaned loudly. I twisted his balls and he bit his lower lip. As I jacked faster, cum started shooting out of his dick. The sight of it made me cum too. I humped faster until I felt no more of the orgasm.

When he was done, I thought I'd do like Raj did. I lay between his hairy legs and stuck my tongue in his hole. He groaned in pleasure. I sucked hard on his ass ring until he farted a tiny bit of cum out. I licked my lips.

"Come here man!"

He grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. He made out with me very passionately for nearly half an hour. When I started to get sleepy and tired, he sensed it.

"You need to go home kid?"

"Yeah, I better go there to nap."

I got up and looked for my shorts...I remembered they were in Raj's room.

"You're so beautiful Bruce. I think I'm falling for you."

I wasn't sure what he was saying. I thought it was just after-sex crazy talk. I got up and straddled his waist after he stretched out on his back. I rubbed my hands all over his lean and tight upper body. He was such a hunk.

"I gotta piss again. You want it?

"Sure!" I said excitedly.

While he lay there in bed, I put his penis in my mouth and waited for it. A steady stream invaded my mouth and I drank it down hungrily. When I was done I burped loudly and we laughed. I went back to Raj's room and got on top of him to kiss him goodbye.

"I gotta run dude!"

He kissed me back.

"Okay man, but I can't wait until next week when we can hang out all day long doing all kinds of dirty stuff!"

Summer days of sex and nudity...all I wanted was on it's way.

To be continued...

(Comments are welcome!)

Next: Chapter 4

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