Filthy College Toilet Sex

By Brendan Shelton

Published on Jun 20, 2019


Hi Nifty readers! So, you may have noticed the 7 year break between this chapter and the two that came before it. Yeah... I had originally planned to keep this story going, but life had other plans I guess. If you were a fan at the time, I'm really sorry about that!

Anyway, I was recently thinking about writing a new story that's been bouncing around my head for years. But after looking through my inbox and seeing more messages than I honestly expected to get I decided it would be wrong not to give this one some kind of ending first. Seriously, thank you to everyone who took the time to message me, the comments were awesome to read and if it wasn't for those messages, this chapter would definitely not exist. Plus, the thought of dudes cumming over what I wrote is honestly a huge turn on for me.

Now, I'm not saying I think anyone's been waiting on the edge of their seat with bated breath for 7 years on the off chance I'd start it up again some day, but hopefully someone will appreciate this story's second cumming. I was going to try to wrap everything up in one chapter but as they say the story grows in the telling so there'll probably be one more. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


Filthy College Toilet Sex: Chapter Three

I didn't get much sleep last night, most of it was spent tossing and turning in anxious excitement. The thought of Joe finally taking my cherry kept me up in more ways than one. In the morning, Dan and I headed off to class around the same time. Thankfully today I had a light schedule with a few hours free at 11. I just hoped I'd have the room to myself.

Unfortunately when I got back to the dorm Dan was on his bed messing with his laptop. I tried to hide my disappointment when we exchanged a quick greeting, it's not his fault I'm such an insatiable perv. My mind wandered to the stall in the bathroom on our floor with the broken lock. Or the one with no door. I sat on my bed, picturing how that could go: Me sitting in that public bathroom openly masturbating while I fuck myself with an assortment of sex toys. Any hot college

dude who walks in would see, maybe even join me. Fuck, what was happening to me? Three days ago I didn't even want to use a toilet without a lock on the door. Now, though... My dad always said, college has a way of changing a man. I don't think this is quite what he meant.

I put the thought out of my mind and went back to imaging a line of dudes out the door of that bathroom waiting their turn to use and abuse me in whatever fucked up ways their minds could come up with. I pictured Joe, the guy from my class with the lip ring, a whole host of guys I knew from High School... and my new roommate, Dan.

I had to admit he was a really good looking guy. You're typical All-American jock, you know the type: strong jawline, broad shoulders, military cut blond hair, muscles that looked like they were carved out of marble. I was starting to think I should get to know him a little better. Just as I was about to say something he stood up and said "Well, I'm headin' out. See ya later, dude." Fuck yeah, our budding friendship could wait.

I said goodbye and as soon as the door closed I headed over to lock it, then I changed my mind. I left it unlocked. It seemed like such a small thing after everything that'd happened over the last few days, but the nervous feeling it gave me knowing someone could open the door at any time sent blood pulsing through my dick.

I pulled out the bag that Joe gave me last night. The first thing I went for was the shampoo bottle. I popped open the top and breathed the savory aroma deep into my lungs. My head was spinning, my knees felt weak, I had butterflies in my stomach. If you can think of any other cliched phrases, you bet your ass I felt 'em. Without thinking I clutched the bottle until it overflowed, erupting like a volcano, splattering Joe's seed against my nose and lips, where it dripped down and soaked into my t-shirt. My hand shot to my face, rubbing his cum into my nostrils, spreading it across my lips and over my chin. I shook with excitement as I smeared it down my neck. The musky smell enveloped me, marked me as his property. I groped my dick hard through my silky shorts, already getting wet with my own steady flowing precum. Raising the bottle to my lips, I threw back my head and took a heavy swig of the Ambrosia Joe had given me. Divine Nectar of the Gods, that's what it was. That's what he was: A God, the Zeus to my Ganymede, and I was perfectly willing to be his cupbearer. Huh, looks like I actually learned something in that Greek Mythology class. Who knew?

With his taste lingering in my mouth and his scent invading my every breath, it was time to get a closer look at the toys Joe gave me. Inside the bag there was a blue 9 inch dildo. It was a veiny fucker, and thicker than it's 7 inch little brother that I used last night, but not as thick as Joe's enormous tool. The black rubber fist I pulled out next would've given him a run for his money though. I felt my asshole spasm at the thought of taking something so big. I remember thinking, 'Fuck man, what've I gotten myself into?' but it wasn't long before the steady pulsing of my cock drowned out any reservations I might have had.

There were two more items in the bag. Once I saw them I knew they would make up the 'outfit' I'd be wearing when Joe first saw me tonight. First, a pink buttplug, about 6 inches long, and thick as a baseball bat at its widest point. And second, a matching pink dog collar with the words "Dick Pig" engraved on the tag. That was unexpected, but honestly I couldn't say it was wrong. The collar had a padlock on the back instead of a clasp. I checked the bag for a key, but before I even looked I felt like an idiot. Come on, Brendan, there was never gonna be a key in that bag.

Checking myself out in the mirror I held it up to my neck, my hands less than an inch away from making an irreversible desicion. The idea of walking across campus and sitting through class with a bright pink dog collar around my neck filled me with dread. Sure, It rested low enough that I could slip the tag into my shirt if I had to but in this warm Summer weather there'd be no easy way to hide the collar itself, or the fact that it was locked in place. It occured to me that Joe might not even take it off at the end of the night, too. On the other hand, my swollen cock and twitching asshole emphatically demanded that I put it on anyway. The debate raging in my head was cut short by the sound of the shackle clicking into the lock. Fuck, when did I get so impulsive!? I told myself if I wasn't careful I might find myself in serious trouble someday. There was a twinge of regret as I pulled on the lock to test it, but I reassured myself that it would fade soon. I knew there was no going back now.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I tore off my clothes and kneeled in front of the mirror. I squeezed out a generous helping of Joe's homemade lube and slathered it on my new red rubber friend. I spread some of it on my twitching boyhole and easily slid 2 fingers inside. It wasn't until that moment that I realized how empty I had felt. A couple fingers wasn't gonna be enough to satisfy my aching need. When I felt ready, I lined Red up and slowly impaled myself on him. I picked up his blue brother and put his head in my mouth. I lifted my arm and took a deep whiff of my sweaty armpit as I buried Red to the balls in my hole, then forced another couple inches of Blue down my throat. I held him there as long as I could before taking him out to catch my breath and take stock of myself in the mirror. Drying sperm glistening on my face, wearing nothing but a dog collar, my dick throbbing and dripping precum; there was no denying what a whore I was becoming. Then I saw Dan's laundry basket behind me in the mirror.

I told myself I shouldn't as I rocked up and down on the toy in my ass. It was an invasion of his privacy, he'd be pissed if he found out. Not to mention it was sleazy as fuck, something only a total pervert would do. Ha, who the fuck was I kidding? Of course I was gonna do it!

Slowly stroking my foreskin over my cockhead, I reached over and grabbed it to see what I could find. Near the top there was a plain white t-shirt with some pretty big pit stains, still damp. I hoped he'd worn it to the gym. Pressing it hard into my face I savored the musky aroma of Dan's pits and sucked as much sweat as I could out of the cotton. I pictured him doing a bench press wearing nothing but this shirt clinging to his hard muscles as they flexed and strained against a ridiculous amount of weight. I imagined the look of concentration on his face, blood coursing through his engorged veins as his rigid dick stood at attention. Blue was lying on the floor in front of me; I wondered if it was close to his size.

I stood Blue up and attached the suction cup to the floor and slowly pulled Red out of me. Sorry, buddy. I slathered Blue in a mixture of sperm, precum and spit and, rising up on my knees to line it up with my hole, pictured myself hovering over Dan on that weight bench. I let the anticipation build, feeling the head tease my greedy asshole, and went searching through Dan's laundry again. To my fucked up head it was a god damn treasure trove. It didn't take long to find what I was looking for, a pair of Dan's dirty underwear, white boxer-briefs that looked like they'd cling tight to his muscular thighs. They were lightly stained with a few drops of piss and what looked like cum. Perfect. I inhaled the scent of Dan's manhood as I slowly started to lower myself on it's stand-in poised at my waiting hole. As the massive head stretched past my sphincter I started releasing a quiet stream of expletives, "Shit. Fuck... Oh god, fuck me, Dan."

Dan's pinch hitter was a thick motherfucker and it took time to adapt to its size, but every time I breathed in the mixture of cock, balls, piss, and cum from his briefs my hole relaxed just a little bit more and I slid down another inch. Before long it's veins and ridges were teasing over parts of me that had never been touched before. With every added inch the moans and curses forcing their way from my mouth were getting louder, more uninhibited. From the laundry basket I grabbed a sweat drenched sock that looked like it'd been worn for a week straight and shoved it in my mouth to stem the flow of elation cascading from my lips.

I rose up on my knees then dropped down hard, still picturing Dan on that weight bench, dripping with sweat as he pushed his muscles to the limit. As I started getting into a rhythm fucking myself on 'Dan', I matched the cadence on my own turgid erection. As my pace quickened I could tell I was getting close to orgasm, but I was determined not to cum yet, so I indignantly forced myself to let go. It felt like an out of body experience. I lost myself in bliss as I bounced up and down, staring through cloudy eyes at the depraved slut in my mirror. There was a look of unadulterated joy on his face. Unfortunately lost as we were, neither of us heard the bedroom door opening.

"DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK!?" Dan's shout stopped me in my tracks. There I was on my knees in front of the mirror with Dan's dirty sock in my mouth, his briefs pressed up to my nose, and a small collection of sex toys spread on the floor around me. I can't imagine how red my face was. "The door wasn't even fucking locked! What the fuck are you doing with my clothes!?" I had no idea what to say, so I just didn't say anything.

Not too long ago, I had wanted someone to walk in on me. I thought to myself, 'Why did I want this? It's absolutely fucking horrifying.' As if in reply to my quesiton, my dick involuntarily sent a stream of precum oozing out of my foreskin. 'Oh yeah, that's why.' Despite all the shame and fear I felt, or really probably because of it, I was hard as fucking steel.

"Jesus, fag, is getting caught turning you on? You don't have any fucking shame, do you?" He waited for a response but I didn't have one for him. I just stared up into his dark, unblinking eyes, studying the features of his masculine face. He looked absolutely disgusted with what he saw in front of him, but I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted him. His eyes were brimming with anger, but for a second I thought I saw hunger in them, too. I didn't know if he was going to kick my ass or fuck me and as messed up as it sounds, I didn't really care.

He grabbed me by the collar and effortlessly yanked me up, forcing me to stand on my toes. I yelped as the dildo was sharply pulled from my ass with a loud slurp. He gaped at it as it flopped back and forth still held to the floor by its suction cup. As his eyes travelled back up he paused for a moment at the collar still held firmly in his right hand. When he saw the tag his eyebrows furrowed and his nose wrinkled in revulsion but he didn't let go. When his cold stare reached my eyes I didn't look away, I didn't even blink. I don't know how long he spent looking me over but it felt like ages. Finally he spoke again. "What do you have to say for yourself," he glanced down at the collar, "Dick Pig?"

I thought, 'Fuck, what do I say? Do I try to explain? Should I just apologize, beg for forgiveness? I wanted to beg him to fuck me, beg for his cock.' I had no idea what he wanted to hear, but keeping him waiting was definitely a bad idea. I had to say something, anything's better than moronic silence.

"Oink?" ...Yeah, I actually said the word 'oink'. Probably not the best choice. I mean, what can I say, man, I panicked! There was a nervous smile on my face but the look on his made me think he didn't find it very funny. The southpaw punch to the gut confirmed my hunch and took the air right from my lungs. I crumpled from the pain but his hand at my neck kept me on my feet. While I was still trying to regain my breath he threw me onto my bed with all the effort it took to throw out an empty beer can. He put his knee down on my chest and commanded, "Try that again, Faggot. You say, 'I'm sorry that I touched your dirty laundry without permission.' "

My chest was still heaving from the punch and the weight of his densely muscled body wasn't helping. "I'm sorry that I... touched your dirty laundry... without permission." He narrowed his eyes and started to press down with his knee.

"I'm sorry that I touched your dirty laundry.. without permission, Sir!" I blurted as rapidly as I could manage, hoping I'd corrected myself in time.

He eased off my chest just a little. "Good. Now tell me you're sorry you're a Pathetic.Shameless. Pervert who gets off on the odor of a superior man." Dan's natural bulge was starting to grow. His anger seemed genuine but on some level this was turning him on.

"I'm sorry that I'm a pathetic, shameless pervert.. who gets off on the odor of a superior man, Sir." I hoped I sounded convincing. I mean, I really couldn't argue the description, but was I sorry about it? I don't know, but I'd have done or said anything to see what was growing in his basketball shorts.

"Tell me you're sorry you didn't submit to me sooner."

"I'm sorry I didn't submit to you the moment I met you, Sir." I held my breath hoping he wouldn't mind my slight ad-libbing.

Dan's lips started twisting into a devilish grin. "Good boy." The words dripped out of his mouth like honey and a heartfelt moan escaped my lips at his praise. "I should reward your good behavior." Dan pulled his shirt off and I took in his perfect masculine form. Every impeccably maintained muscle moved in concert under his taut skin. He had no body hair to speak of but that just made it easier to appreciate how well defined his chest was. He put his right hand behind his head, took a quick whiff of his armpit and grimaced. "Man, I fuckin' stink. You know I was just at the gym, right? Is this really what you want, Faggot?'

I begged for it, "Yes, Sir. Please." In the moment I didn't care what he thought of me. I didn't care how desperate I looked or sounded. I needed what he was offering me, nothing else mattered.

"Please what?" He leaned down. "Tell me what you want, you fucking pig."

I knew exactly what to say this time. "I want to worship your amazing body. Your stinking pits. I want to suck your sweaty cock and balls. I want to wash every inch of you with my tongue, Sir." He frowned again, but the tent in his shorts made it obvious that he liked having his ego stroked.

He moved to kneel on the bed and in one fluid motion he pulled me up into a sitting position and forced my face into his exposed pit. My hands explored Dan's body, tracing over the veins that snaked along his arms and his rippling chest as I huffed his manly funk. I can't really explain why it had this effect on me, but it made me feel light-headed, almost drunk with desire. I lost focus on anything but the overwhelming stench of pure masculine virility. My body went limp and I willingly sank into the pheromone-laden abyss. Suddenly Dan's voice cut through the fog in my head, "Lick, Faggot!" My tongue darted out of my mouth and pressed hard into his sweat-soaked flesh. The salty flavor of unwashed stud filled my mouth and drove me into a frenzy. For what felt like ages I vigorously swept my tongue over every inch of his tangy skin, delirious with lust.

Without warning Dan yanked me back hard by the hair and held me at a distance. It didn't hurt too much, just enough to bring me back to my senses. As he took a moment to look me over I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My skin was flushed, my chest was heaving, my hair was a mess. Fuck, I was a mess. But all I wanted was to put myself back under his spell. I looked Dan in the eye, silently pleading for more as I meagerly struggled in his grip.

"Jesus, you're fucking insatiable, Fag. Control yourself!" he barked. He let go of me and lifted his left arm, tempting me with his yet untouched armpit. It took every ounce of restraint I had but I held back, an obedient hound waiting for my master's next command.

I didn't have to wait long. "Lick." I lunged at him with the same ravenous hunger I showed the first time. "Good boy." Those words unleashed a flood of dopamine in my sex-addled mind. Almost overwhelmed, I fought back the tears in my eyes and the impending orgasm in my pulsating cock. A single touch would have been enough to send me over the edge. As I devoured his manly flavor he started to press my head into his flesh. It was gentle at first and as he steadily raised the pressure it only encouraged me to worship him harder. At least until it started getting hard to breathe.

I began to panic as Dan wrapped his arm around my head, pinning me tightly in his armpit. I struggled but it was no use. My strength was draining away by the second and he was so much stronger than me already. I was utterly trapped with his flexing bicep and pec pressing into either side of my head. My lungs cried out in pain and my vision blurred. Just before I blacked out he released me and I fell to the bed, gasping for air.

My breath was ragged as I lied there staring up at Dan. For the first time I thought this might be going too far. I wondered if I should say something. But what would I say? I didn't want him to stop, but a part of me was afraid of what he'd do to me, what I'd let him do to me. Even if I said something, would he actually stop? It didn't matter, I wasn't going to say anything. We were way past that point. I had wanted this. I still wanted this, now more than ever. Besides, I wasn't really in a position to make demands. As I was considering my lack of options, Dan straddled my chest and pulled down his shorts until his swollen member sprang up and slapped against his abs, instantly erasing any lingering doubts from my mind.

I wasn't far off the mark when I wondered if he'd be as big as my new blue friend, from the look of it he was maybe even a bit bigger. His intense arousal was obvious. His dick was pulsing regularly, his shaved billiard-sized balls were drawn tight toward the base of his shaft, and clear, thick precum was dripping steadily out of his puffy dickhole. He was circumcised, the tight skin on his dick made his large helmet head and the veins snaking across his engorged rod stand out all the more.

Oh dude, I wanted it. I really fucking wanted it. I reached out, wrapped my fingers around it and squeezed, feeling the warmth of the blood rushing through his bloated, dripping cock. That was the wrong move.

He grabbed my arm, dug his fingers into my wrist, and ripped my hand away. Through clenched teeth he growled "Did I give you permission to touch my cock, Bitch?" The scathing tone of his voice left me petrified, at a loss for words yet again. When I didn't say anything he slapped me in the face. "Answer me!"

"No Sir! I'm sorry, Sir!" I distinctly remember thinking, 'Jesus, Brendan, get your shit together! How many times are you gonna piss him off? But is it my fault he's so damn irresistible?

...Okay, even then I knew that was a bullshit excuse. I promised myself I wouldn't let it happen again. If only I knew how quickly I'd break that promise.

Dan put his hand around my throat and held me firmly against the matress. "You haven't earned the right to touch my fucking cock, Whore. Do it again and I'll make sure you're sorry." He tightened his grip on my throat, just a bit to punctuate his next command, "Stay." Then he let go of me. He moved closer until his dick was hanging just inches above my face.

"Keep that cunt you call a mouth closed. If you open it before I tell you to, you won't like what happens next." He leaned forward and started gently humping his dick against my face leaving streaks of prejizz wherever he went. He was marking me with his musky scent like some territorial animal. Every time his head dragged over my lips the urge to take him deep into my mouth grew stronger. I'm sure he heard my pathetic whimpering as I fought hard not to disobey him again. It felt like a losing battle. I bit down on my lower lip hoping the pain would distract me but as it curled inward and touched my tongue the taste of his precum burst into my mouth. I should not have done that.

I tried to be good. I really did. But once I tasted his essence I just couldn't help myself. 'Sorry, Dan,' I thought, resigning myself to whatever punishment he had planned. And I went for it. I licked his juicy, dripping meat from root to tip. Oh fuck, he tasted like heaven, like sweat and precum and raw masculine power.

My bliss was fleeting, it was only a moment before he pulled his dick away and his fist connected squarely with my jaw. I lied there racked with pain thinking about how that was definitely going to bruise.

Dan climbed off of me and pulled his shorts back up over his dick. He sighed pointedly and asked, "Was it worth it, Fag?" Once I realized what was happening I crawled off the bed and got on my knees in front of him and pleaded for mercy.

"No, please Dan, I'm sorry. I'll be good, I promise. Please don't stop. I'll do anything you say!" As he looked down at me, he was surprisingly calm. You know, it was like when your parents pull out the old 'I'm not angry, just disappointed,' routine. I guess it's a classic for a reason, this was so much worse than the violent discipline I expected.

"You need to learn your lesson. No more of this," he groped himself, "until you can control yourself. Now get back on the bed." I instantly complied. I didn't know what would happen next but if he was giving me another chance I was gonna take it. While I lied on the bed in suspense, he grabbed a bottle of lube out of his dresser. He spread it over two of his fingers as he knelt down on my bed and then abruptly shoved them into me.

After the dildos my hole didn't offer much resistance. But as his fingers plunged in and out of me it wasn't long before he added a third, then a fourth. I started to feel that familiar pain of my anal ring being stretched to new limits as his knuckles pressed up against me. I tried to focus on my breathing as he steadily applied force until they popped in, too. A spasm of pain shot through my abdomen. I panicked a little at the thought that his entire hand might be in me soon. This was happening so fast and I he was in complete control. Thankfully, he stopped for a moment and let me catch my breath.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, but there was little sympathy in his voice.

I couldn't lie to him so I just said "Yes, Sir."

"Do you want me to stop?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "No, Sir."

"Good boy."

He smiled down at me as he pulled his hand out and my eyes rolled up into my head. Dan added more lube to his hand then started to re-enter me, this time adding his thumb to the steepled fingers stretching out my worn and sloppy hole. He started to increase his pace and twist his hand as it entered me, forcing the smallest bit further with every stroke. The pain was getting intense and I couldn't help but groan as he unceasingly plowed into me, but my dick was rock hard and ready to burst at any second. I'd been on the edge so many times it was a miracle I'd lasted this long.

With one final push Dan reached his goal. I cried out as his entire hand sank into me. He stared down at me with a frenzied look in his eyes and pulled his rock-hard cock back out of his pants. He gripped it tightly at the base and stroked upward as he dragged his fist from my ass. A heavy drop of precum oozed out of the tip and added to the stains collecting on my soiled bed sheets.

"I know you want this dick in your cunt, Faggot. You should have thought of that when you disobeyed me." He stroked back down matching the pace of his fist as it entered into my spasming fuckhole. My cunt. Dan started to build up speed on both fronts, eliciting ragged gasps and labored moans from me. I didn't know how much more I could take before I either passed out or came. Or both. I was hanging on by a thread.

As Dan's fist repeatedly assaulted my overworked cunt I fought with every fiber of my being, every ounce of strength I could muster, not to give in to the waves of orgiastic pleasure wracking my body. His knuckles raked over my prostate again and again, each time testing the limits of my endurance. Dan was stroking his swollen cock at the same rapid pace he was punching into me, the crazed look in his eyes made it obvious he was close to the edge. As I writhed on the bed in sublime agony I felt tears streaming down my cheeks.

Suddenly, like a switch had been flipped deep inside of me, I knew that I was past the point of no return. Accepting my fate, I latched my hand onto my throbbing, leaking dick and beat it with reckless abandon. I expected Dan to stop me but he was on the edge himself, too far gone to care that he was supposed to be punishing me. I lost all control of my body and convulsed with pleasure, shooting my load all over myself. Each time Dan's hand plunged into me my vision blurred and I let loose a scream that the entire floor must have heard, but it only spurred him on. Dan's cock erupted soon after, shooting blasts of ropy splooge across my chest and face, adding to the mess he'd made of me.

I lied there catching my breath and enjoying the afterglow. Eventually Dan pulled out of me. The only thing I wanted was to taste his thick, syrupy jizz. I scooped some off my chest and greedily sucked it off my fingers. It tasted similar to Joe's, but there was a difference, a unique and subtle flavor that suited Dan somehow. He frowned when I did it, but then he gathered more on the fingers he'd just had in my ass, shoving them in my welcoming mouth.

He tasted like comfort, and warmth, and contentment.

He spat in my face, and I thanked him for it, grinning like an idiot.


So there's chapter 3. If you were looking forward to more Joe, I'm sorry. I originally intended for this to cover Dan, Joe, and Brendan's classmate, but once I started writing about Dan I started to feel like he deserved a full chapter of his own. I hope you enjoyed this anyway. And don't worry, Joe will be in chapter 4 which, with any luck, will be ready in less than 7 years.

As always, feedback on my writing is appreciated. Constructive criticism, suggestions for improvement, or just tell me what you thought was hot, or if there's something you might want to see in my next story. I have a good number of ideas already but maybe you'll inspire me ;). Feel free to email me at

And one last thing if you're still with me. If you've never considered making a donation to the Nifty Archive, consider it now. Sorry for the shameless pitch, but this site's been around longer than I have and I hope it continues to operate for years to come.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to all the people who keep this amazing collection going!

Next: Chapter 4

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