Filthy College Toilet Sex

By Brendan Shelton

Published on Jan 7, 2012


The following is a work of fiction that contains male/male sexual intercourse. If this type of material offends you, or is illegal where you are, then do not read the following story. This material is intended for mature adult audiences. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental.

Feedback on this story is appreciated. Feel free to email me at with any comments. Enjoy.


Filthy College Toilet Sex: Chapter One

I'd always heard people say that you can meet the most interesting people in college and, well, they were right. During my freshman year I found out just how right when one of those interesting people introduced me to the world of raunchy gay sex. His name was Joe and damn did he know how to push my buttons, even the ones I didn't know I had. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name's Brendan and when this story took place I was a 19 year old kid just starting college.

It's not like I didn't know I was gay when I got to college; I figured that out around age 15 or so. I was just never much of an outgoing guy in high school, and it didn't help that of the almost 400 kids at my school, only two of them were out as gay and they got beat up on a weekly basis. I figured that wasn't for me so I mostly just jerked off thinking about the hot guys in my gym class, which I did pretty much any chance I got. Unfortunately I shared a room with my older brother so privacy was bit of an issue at my house. I had a friend that I messed around with a few times at his place but I never really had the balls to do more than an occasional mutual hand job, and I guess neither did he, if he even wanted to do more. But that's a story for another time. So anyway, there I was, an extremely horny but kind of repressed virgin, moving into a dorm room I had all to myself, at least for the three days before my roommate was supposed to get there. And for those few days, I was damn sure planning on taking advantage of my privacy.

As my parents were driving me down for freshman move-in I noticed a group of hot looking guys playing football in the field right across the street from my building. I was starting to like this place already. Once we got all my stuff moved into my room, I noticed that my second floor window looked right out at that football field. Seeing all those ripped jocks running around down there with sweat dripping down their abs was getting me pretty horny so once my parents left I decided to get a little more comfortable. I locked the door behind them, pulled the shades closed on the window and I was out of my clothes in a flash. As I walked toward my bed I stopped to take a look at myself in the mirror and I'm no jock but I was pretty pleased with what I saw. My family always told me I had a cute boyish face which went well with my shaggy blond hair. I guess I'd say I looked kind of like a skater kid. I didn't have much muscle but I had a flat stomach and was pretty thin at around 5'10 and 150 lbs. I had a mostly hairless chest with a treasure trail leading from my belly button down to my dense pubes around my hardening uncut 7" dick and egg-sized balls. My foreskin is pretty long and it bunches up and forms a nozzle at the end of my dick that I love to play with. I'm not the most hygienic guy you'll meet so I usually have a pretty thick build up of smegma around my cockhead.

As I looked at myself in the mirror I lifted my arm up and started playing with my thick bush of long sweaty pit hairs. I hadn't bathed in a couple days and the smell from my sweaty teen pits was making my dick rock hard. I'd never been turned on by my own B.O. before but once I started exploring I quickly found out I was starting to like the nasty smells my body could produce. I reached down and started fingering my foreskin while I kept sniffing the stink from my pit. The combination of this new sensation and the fact that I hadn't jerked off in a couple days was making me leak a ton of precum that I used to lube up my dick for what I thought would be a nice long wank session.

That is, until I heard the sound of a key in the lock on my door. I grabbed whatever of my clothes I could find, made a dash for my bed and jumped under the covers right as the door was opening and my new roommate walked in with his parents. I was pretty embarrassed but I don't think they caught on to what I was doing; they probably figured I was taking a nap. My roommate introduced himself as Dan and explained that he rearranged his schedule and managed to move in a few days early, "I hope you don't mind," he said. Great. He seemed like a nice guy but, honestly, I was a little annoyed to be interrupted like that. I was already starting to feel a little backed up and his timely arrival upgraded it to a full blown case of blue balls. Later that night I went to the dorm bathroom to see if I could get any time alone but no such luck. The lock was broken on one of the stalls and the other one didn't even have a door. I'm a guy who likes his privacy, especially when I'm about to jack off, so with people going in and out every few minutes I figured I'd just wait till my roommate was out sometime the next day. The only problem was that never happened. The first time I saw him leave the room for more than a bathroom break was the day after, Monday. It was the first day of class, but lucky me, we both left for class at the same time so my dick would have to wait.

It's a good thing no one tries to teach you much of anything in that first day of class because I was so horny I couldn't focus on a thing my professors were saying. It definitely didn't help that in my last class of the day (something about history) this really hot guy came and sat next to me in the back of the room. He had these piercing green eyes and short black hair and he was wearing just a black wifebeater and basketball shorts. He had gauges in his ears and a lip piercing that I thought was really hot. Judging from how easily I could see the outline of his dick in his shorts I was guessing he wasn't wearing any underwear. I could see some pretty dense chest hair coming out of the top of his shirt which, by the way, did little to conceal his extremely well muscled body. I was checking out the bulging veiny muscles of his arms when he leaned back and put his hands behind his head and I got a full view of his massively hairy pits. I suddenly got the urge to just lean over and start sniffing and sucking one of those thick sweaty bushes. There was no one else sitting anywhere near us and he was only a few inches away, so close I could smell his manly pit stink. I could easily just... God, what the hell was I thinking? I'd never been turned on by a guys B.O. before this week but this guy had my dick rock hard. It felt like I was in a trance, I was practically drooling over this hot sweaty jock sitting next to me. Normally I'd be too nervous to even take a glance at a guy this hot but when the bell rang to end class I realized I'd been openly staring at him for the last 15 minutes. I looked down at my crotch and my dick had leaked so much it almost looked like I pissed myself a little. When I looked back at him we made eye contact and he flashed me this devilish grin. I thought, shit did he just catch me ogling him like a perv? I was pretty embarrassed so I got up and practically ran to the bathroom before anyone could see the semen stain in my pants. Luckily the building was pretty empty. Even though my class was in a big lecture hall there were only about 30 other people there and I didn't see anyone coming out of any of the other rooms so I figured I'd probably be alone in there.

I went into one of the stalls, unzipped my pants and sat down so I could dry the crotch of my jeans as best as I could with toilet paper. As I was doing that my cock stayed rock hard and I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to lick every inch of that hot muscle-bound jock's sweaty skin. Prejizz was dripping down my shaft and off my balls into the toilet as I sat there drying my pants and reveling in my perverted fantasies when I noticed the hole in the wall next to me connecting to the stall to my left. I'd heard of glory holes before but I'd never seen one in real life and it was bigger than I thought it'd be; I could easily fit my entire hand through it. I started imagining the hot guy from my history class shoving his dick through the hole and down my throat as I began to absentmindedly play with my stiff cock. As I got more and more lost in my fantasy I started to build a steady rhythm stroking up and down my throbbing shaft until my daydream was broken by a voice from the adjoining stall.

"So, are you the guy I'm supposed to meet here?"

I was so far gone I must not have even noticed when someone came into the bathroom and sat down in the stall next to mine. I'm not usually the kind of guy to have a conversation with a random stranger in the bathroom, especially not when I'm whacking off, so it caught me pretty off guard when my stall neighbor decided to strike one up.

"Uh... No, sorry." I had stopped playing with myself and became instantly frustrated at being interrupted again while I was trying to get some much needed relief.

"Are you sure?" He said. "You sound shy. I like that; maybe I'll give you a discount." He had what almost sounded like a southern drawl to his voice.

"Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm pretty sure you've got the wrong guy." I kept thinking to myself, what does this guy want from me? Is he a drug dealer or something? I was so naïve; the thought that he was aware of the gory hole hadn't even entered my mind. After a moment of silence my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to ask "A discount on what?"

"Why don't you take a look at what's written on the wall to your right?" When I took a moment to look I noticed there was a lot of graffiti. There was all the generic crap you'd expect to find in a men's bathroom stall; fraternity letters, drawings of dicks, some girl is a slut, really clichéd stuff. And then I figured out what he must have been talking about. Right there on the wall in plain black letters it said "Name a date and time and I'll come fuck your brains out. Bring $20." and right underneath someone had written today's date and 4:00. It was about 4:20 now.

"Oh, I uh..." For a minute I thought about just going along with him but I was so nervous I was shaking. I'd never really been in a situation like this, but I guess most people could say that. I also wasn't sure I liked the idea of paying a stranger for sex. "...I didn't write that." I finally managed to choke out.

His reply came back immediately, "Well, someone did. Maybe I missed him already. I guess I kept him waiting too long. Oh well." There was a moment of silence and I thought he was going to leave. At this point I kind of wanted him to stay and I'm pretty sure he knew it.

He broke the silence and asked, "You got a name, bud? Mine's Joe." I felt a little uncomfortable but I figured what's the harm in him knowing my first name, so I told him.

"Uh... it's Brendan."

"Tell you what, Brendan; let's forget about the fuck and the 20 bucks. How about I give you a freebee an' just let you suck my dick?"

I didn't know what to say. Part of me wanted to just go along with it, part of me wanted to run away. I guess I was trying not to seem too eager so I said "You're a pretty confident guy, huh? You make it sound like you're doing me a favor. No offense, but uh, isn't it kind of the other way around?"

With the next thing he said his whole demeanor took a radical shift. He laughed a little bit and said back "You think so? Well I've got 11" of hard dick and a few years experience that tell me otherwise. You might not know it just yet but you want my dick bad. I can hear it in your voice. Now, Brendan, how about you get down on your knees in front of that glory hole like a good little bitch so I can feed it to you?" I'd never heard anybody talk like that and I wasn't sure how to feel, but deep down I knew he was right. I started to weigh my options in my head but my body had other plans as I almost involuntarily knelt down in front of the hole. Apparently I subconsciously knew just as well as this demanding stranger did that I was going to do whatever he asked me to. He laughed again, said "Good boy" and stood up as I obediently waited for his dick.

My eyes widened as the biggest dick I'd ever seen came through that bathroom stall wall. He definitely wasn't exaggerating when he said it was 11" long. There were a couple huge veins going down the shaft and a bunch of smaller ones branching off. There was a slight downward curve to his dick; it looked like it was so heavy that gravity was pulling it down toward the ground. He was uncut like me except the tip of his head was exposed revealing his wide open piss hole that was steadily leaking prejizz. God, I thought I leaked a lot but I had nothing on him. Even mostly covered by his tight foreskin I could tell that his shaft flared out into a huge mushroom head that was easily thicker than my wrist. His equally huge set of balls came through the hole too. They were about the size of lemons and they stretched his hairy sack down about 6 inches below his massive dick. Surrounding the base of his dick and balls was a thick bush of long wiry black pubes.

The pungent aroma of unwashed sweaty teen genitals hit me like a punch in the face as I took in the sight and smell of his incredible monster cock. I reached out tentatively and put my hand on the middle of his shaft. I was so excited I felt a tingling sensation shoot down my spine as I made contact and my dick throbbed and spit out another glob of precum on the bathroom floor. I couldn't get my hand all the way around his dick so I encircled it with both and slowly pulled back his tight foreskin revealing his huge purple smegma covered dickhead. The second it popped out I got an even stronger whiff of the overpowering musky fragrance of his nasty cockcheese that got me so horned up I almost came on the spot. I leaned forward and licked the top of his filthy dickhead. That first taste of his grungy cock was indescribably awesome; I never knew something this nasty could be such a huge turn on. I started licking my way down his shaft and in that moment it felt like my only purpose was to satisfy this humongous cock in front of me. I worked my way back up his shaft so I could get a taste of the precum dripping out of his wide open piss hole. The sweet tangy flavor filled my mouth as I sucked down all the man milk I could get. I was loving sucking my first dick so much I tried my hardest to shove as much of it down my throat as I could. I stretched my mouth open wide and I barely got a couple inches past the head before I started to gag. As I pulled off to catch my breath I left a trail of spit and precum from his nasty cock to my mouth.

"Yeah, choke on my fuckin' cock, bitch!" Joe moaned out. The demeaning way he talked to me was turning me on even more. As I went back to sucking and licking his head I started stroking up and down his cock with one hand and reached out to play with his balls with the other. They were sweaty and sticky to the touch, like he hadn't bathed in a few days but I already assumed that from the smell. I gently kneaded and rolled them around in my hand as I thought about how much delicious seed must be packed in those giant heavy balls and I wanted nothing more than to get his hot salty cum shot down my throat.

In between moans Joe kept up the dirty talk. "Yeah, you like playing with my sweaty nuts don't you? Put `em in your mouth." Immediately I took his dick out of my mouth and started suckling on his meaty ball sack. It was like he had a hold over me; I couldn't resist doing whatever he told me no matter how nasty and degrading it was; it just made me want to please him more. I was really starting to learn a lot about how much of a bitch I really was.

"Oh yeah, suck all the salty sweat off my balls. You're gonna learn to love the taste of my grungy crotch," Joe moaned. The thing is, I already loved everything about it. From the way Joe was grunting and grinding his crotch against my face it seemed like I was doing a pretty good job with my first blowjob. Precum was flowing heavily down the length of his dick and dripping all over my face, down my chest, and even into my mouth as I thoroughly spit-shined his balls. I could feel his dick throbbing in my hand and his balls start to draw up real tight and suddenly he groaned, "Get your mouth back on my dick! I`m gonna cum!" I eagerly got as much of his dick in my mouth as I could as I impatiently stroked him closer to orgasm with both hands. He started bucking and slamming against the wall, forcing his dick down my throat. I was practically choking on his mammoth cock but I was determined not to stop. I needed to get as much of his sticky cum down my throat as I possibly could. Joe cried out and made one last forceful thrust against the wall before he started releasing powerful jets of semen into my mouth. The first blast shot right down my throat and made me gag so I had to pull off to catch my breath. Joe's cock kept gushing spurt after spurt of hot thick spunk all over my face as he yelled, "Eat my fuckin' cocksnot!" I got his dick back in my mouth and did my best to swallow every drop but it was still coming out so fast it was overflowing down my chin. Eventually his flow slowed down but I didn't want to stop sucking on his delicious pole. As he came down from his orgasm he kept panting and moaning out obscenities. After I had a chance to thoroughly clean his cock with my tongue he pulled it out of my mouth.

"God damn that was good. Stand up," Joe said as he caught his breath, "Daddy wants to reward his bitch for doing such a good job." I jumped up to my feet, not wanting to keep him waiting. I wondered what he had planned but it didn't really matter. I was his bitch now and I'd gladly take whatever he wanted to give me.

"Put my dick in your pants," He said. I wasn't sure where this was going but I did as I was told. After a few seconds I heard him let out a sigh of relief and I felt a powerful spray shoot from his cock right onto my balls as a warm feeling started spreading over my crotch and down my legs. He was pissing in my pants! The smell of piss grew stronger as it reached all the way down my pant-legs and started dripping heavily onto my shoes and into the puddle of Joe's cum around my feet.

As Joe's piss stream finally started to die down he told me, "It's official now, I own your ass. Now get down on your knees and worship this cock. Suck the piss off your master's dick." I knelt down and cleaned his cock with my mouth for the second time. The piss on his dick and the few drops still coming out of his hole tasted acrid and salty. I didn't like the taste too much but I couldn't disappoint Joe. I sucked down every drop my new master had to offer until he was satisfied and he pulled his cock out of the glory hole. He zipped up his pants and started to leave. Right before he walked out the bathroom door he stopped and said in his same commanding tone, "Be here tomorrow, same time."

A couple seconds later he was gone and I was still on my knees in a haze. I hadn't touched my raging boner the whole time I sucked Joe off because I was afraid I'd come instantly if I did and by now my balls were aching for release. I began jerking my cock hard as I thought about how careful I'd been not to get caught masturbating throughout my life and how now, all I wanted was for someone, anyone, to walk in on me so I could have more cock to suck, or maybe even take up my virgin asshole. I'd never had so much as a finger up my hole and the thought of getting reamed by Joe's massive meatstick scared and excited me at the same time. I was turning into a major slut and loving it. I smeared my hand in Joe's cum that all but covered my shirt and worked my middle finger up into my ass. The feeling was so intense that I couldn't help but let out continuous whimpered moans as almost instant waves of orgasm rocked my entire body and I shot 6 jets of hot cum all over myself and the walls of my bathroom stall. Still incredibly horny, I stayed in the bathroom fingering myself while I whacked off two more times before I was totally spent. Once I brought myself back into the real world I realized that I was sitting on the floor of the men's room in a puddle of my and Joe's collective splooge and Joe's piss. My face and hair were coated in drying spunk, my shirt was absolutely drenched in cum, and my jeans were soaked in piss. Fuck, how was I gonna walk home like this?

Next: Chapter 2

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