Fifteenth Summer

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Sep 2, 2015


Fifteenth Summer 2

I run into Tommy the next day while shopping. I was expecting it to be a little awkward but he smiled warmly and touched my arm as he said how happy he was to see me. I swear I started to stiffen just looking at him. He said he had something for me and handed me a key. I must have looked puzzled because he said it was for the basement. He explained that Matt said if he couldn't make it sometimes we could use the basement to meet.

Suddenly this felt weird. The idea of going there with out Matt sounded good to me but didn't seem right somehow. I explained to Tommy that I thought we should talk about this a little. He was please and suggested that we just walk over to the basement and talk there.

We no sooner closed the door and we were kissing and pulling at each others clothing. We managed to make it to the mats in the corner before falling down. WAIT, I shouted and he stopped and looked at me with a hurt expression. I started laughing and he smiled looking a little embarrassed. We need to talk about Matt's place in this arrangement. Once again he gave me the look like he knew a lot more about what was going on than I did.

Tommy explained that Matt had talked to him when he provided the keys. It seems Matt is far more perceptive than I realized and had told him that it was apparent that he and JJ had strong feeling for each other and he understood that. This is where it became strange. He said that He and I could meet and use the basement on one condition. Since he likes to be dominant and we were somewhat submissive he would still like to have sex with us sometimes. He claimed he had no interest in the boy/boy relationship and was only interested in sex. When I asked Tommy how he felt about this he nearly started crying. This is the only place we can go to meet and as strong as I feel about you, I really do like the way Matt takes charge and gets us to do different things. As good as it felt to have you suck me yesterday I actually would like to have been doing it to you. Matt promised that he would never tell anyone and would never force us to do anything we didn't want. My head is spinning at this point and I asked him to stop for a minute and let me think. I know I like the way Matt takes charge and the idea of him restraining me and touching how ever and where he chooses make's me harden in seconds.

After what seemed like minutes I reached for his hand and pulled him to me and we started kissing. I kissed his ear and told him I will do anything to get to spend time with him and have access to that perfect body of his. We were wearing t-shirts and my hand slipped under his and pulled at a very stiff nipple just as my tongue slipped into his mouth. We weren't wearing much clothing and in a frenzy it was off and we were rubbing naked bodies together. In seconds we were in a 69 position lying on our sides. I raised his top leg reaching between them and putting my hand on his lower back pulling him deep into my mouth. I felt him mirror my movements as he did the same. I let my hand slide slowly over his bum until my middle finger found his hole. He let out a low growl noise as I pushed it in hitting the magic button inside. He did the same to me and there was a combined groan as we came at the same time. He tasted sweet and I swallowed keeping his shrinking cock in my mouth. Neither of us moved for a couple of minutes when we both just rolled on to our backs with huge smiles. He looked down at me and asked if I would like a kiss. For now I only wanted to take in the sight of his wilting cock and tight ball sack in front of me.

What broke the spell was a knock at the door, not a loud banging but just a light tapping. It was panic as we both threw on our clothes and ran to the door. No one was there but under the door someone had slipped a note. All it said was, do we have a deal? If so, let's meet here in two days and don't you two jack off between now and then. We started laughing and Tommy said that's OK, what we just did will hold me for two days.

Two days felt like a year but it finally arrived and Tommy and I headed for the basement. We let ourselves in only to find Matt standing there with a big grin and a cardboard box. Matt immediately took charge and told us to strip. We had all been naked together but this was different. We were butt naked and he stood there with t-shirt and shorts. It was exciting in a bizarre way. Being naked when someone else in clothing is ordering you around is strange.

Matt was almost mechanical in how he started to explain how our deal was going to work. He handed us a typed list of rules to follow on the days we were to be with him. As it turned out it was only twice a week and he would provide a schedule in advance.

The Rules:

You will both be here and you will shower here before I arrive.

You will be clean shaven.

You will not masturbate for two days prior to our meeting.

You will be provided with large bulb syringes which you will use to take enemas so you are clean inside. (I will show you today how to use them)

With this he asked if we understood the rules and we said yes. We were then directed in the shower room and told to kneel and lay over a small bench. We look at each other with near panic expressions but do as we were told. Matt came in with a bucket of warm water, a tube of lube and stood behind us explaining that this is what we were to do to each other before our next meeting. I knew what an enema was but had never had one. I think Tommy had because he had an expression of oh geez on his face. I hear the snap of a rubber glove and realize this is not about sex and your balls pull up so tight that it looks like they will never be found again. Tommy is first and I hear a grunt as he is penetrated by Matt's finger covered with lube. He actually looks at me makes a face and sticks his tongue out. This is followed by insertion of the tube of the syringe. After repeating this procedure three times. He tells Tommy to go to the toilet area and purge. As he stands I see his stiffy. Matt moves over to me and says OK JJ, looks like you're next. Another glove snap, I feel the finger and just like Tommy I'm sporting wood. This is repeated one more time and we are instructed to take a shower and use the towels provided. Surprisingly being freshly douched out is kind of a good feeling. The process not so much.

When we return to the corner Matt is sitting on a straight back chair in the middle of the mat area. He explains that if we disappoint him there will be punishment and so we understand what that is going to be like we are going to get a demonstration. JJ over here and get over my lap. Oh man, butt ass naked and I am going to be spanked. Over I go and with my ass high and my head low I feel the paddle alternate between cheeks ten times. While I'm not crying, my butt burns and I'm sure glows red. Damn, once again I'm hard as a nail. I watch as Tommy moves to get into position and note that he has sprouted wood while watching me. As he finishes with Tommy he tells us to get to the corner and on our backs.

By this time we are both so horny we just stay hard. Matt approaches with two sets of wrist restraints and secures our arms to the lowest set of rings on the wall. Not at all uncomfortable we lay their waiting for what will happen next.

Matt sits on the chair with his clothes on and says OK it's time for you two to entertain me. He tells us to both pull our feet in toward our bums so that our knees are raised. We do this and he comes over with a tube of lube and rubs a liberal amount on the insides of our thighs being careful not to touch our erect cocks. He returns to the chair and sits down smiling he says time for you to masturbate. The first to finish will get a prize. No questions to ask I think we have both gotten off this way. I see Tommy pull his knees high into the air closing them around his stiff cock and trapping it. His feet return to the floor and I see him jerking his bottom to develop friction. Yep he's done this before. My motions are the same and in minutes we are both huffing and puffing and groaning.

About two minutes and Tommy groans and I see cum shoot out from between his legs. He wins the prize. He takes off the cuffs from both of us and tells Tommy to sit on the chair that is his turn to watch the show. He tells me to kneel on hands and knees with my legs spread which I do. He comes from behind and I feel his finger applying lube to my hole. When I'm well lubed he removes his clothes kneels behind me and holding my hips pushes forward easily slipping into my very eager hole. While he pounds in and out I just moan and feel cum building up pressure. I explode seconds before he does and my tightening ass pushes him over the edge. He pumps slowly in and out as he squirts his load deep into me.

Looking over at Tommy I see he has gotten hard again just from watching. We are told to go to the showers and clean up and Matt joins us. We take turns soaping each other and after rinsing dry off and return to the corner. Tommy inquires as to what his prize is and Matt just laughs and says JJ on your back on the mat. I lay flat and Tommy is instructed to kneel with his crotch over my face. He does and this puts his very hard and dripping prong right over my face. Matt kneels behind Tommy and inserts a lubed finger up his bum. To this point all Tommy has had up there is Matt's finger. With my view I see his balls tighten up and I feel a drop landing on my lips. Matt was very kind and entered slow and easy so as not hurt Tommy's virgin ass. When he was all the way my view was most interesting. I heard a grunt as he pulled and reentered. Matt told me to suck Tommy off now as he slowly fucked him from behind. Since he had already cum once he was going to enjoy a slow pounding while I sucked him. I think he lasted about five minute before he stiffened and filled my mouth which I found just as sweet as the first time.

Matt clean up, dressed and as he headed for the door looked back and said I'll see you guys in a few days. Tommy smiled at me and slowly crawled down between my legs and started to suck my very stiff cock. He appeared to know when I was about to cum and would stop sucking and finger my already slippery hole. After a short time he would return to sucking until I was about ready again, the he would stop. He continued this for about ten minutes until he stopped the last time and slipped his finger into me; I exploded spraying cum into the air. Tommy didn't miss a beat and started licking the spots from my stomach and chest. He suddenly stopped and looked puzzled, hey what the hell was my prize for cumming first? We laughed until we hurt and then lay there and went to sleep.

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