Fifteenth Summer

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Aug 30, 2015


Fifteenth Summer

You guys all remember what it was like at fifteen? You just figured out what sex was and even knew some of the various details. Of course you didn't talk much about it, other than the occasional boast or name calling of each other. Oh yeah then there was the part about always getting a hard on when you really didn't want one. The best part was the few minutes of solitude you could find to relieve the pressure. For me that was at least three times a day. So now you can imagine where this story is going.

Early summer in the Midwest is hot and living in a small town left little to do. But boys being what they are will usually find something to do with all the time. For me it was time spent with the two best friends you could have. We were three skinny fifteen year olds that did everything together. Matt was the ring leader that always seemed to be in charge. He was a little taller and more muscular than me JJ, a dark skinned mixed breed and a Japanese American born guy named Tommy.

Every opportunity we had we spent together in the woods near Tommy's house. Mostly just sitting around talking and trying to figure out what we could do to amuse ourselves. One day we stumbled across a pair of play handcuffs, you know the kind made of pressed metal with a button release. Matt of course decided that he wanted Tommy to get handcuffed with his hands behind his back which I thought was funny. Once they were on, Matt got this devilish look in his eyes and asked me what we should do with him. Knowing that with his hands behind him it would be difficult to find the release button, I suggested he grab his balls. Laughter of course followed but I started to get stiff at the thought. Keep in mind it is hot, humid and we usually wore no shirts and just cotton shorts without under ware and tennis shoes or flip flops.

I noticed a small tent in Tommy's shorts and realized he found this as exciting as I did. Matt immediately pulled him to the ground and put his hand between his legs rubbing and squeezing his stiff prong and balls. At fifteen this only took about three minutes and Tommy yelled oh fuck. A large wet spot appeared on the front of his shorts and there was nothing but silence for a few seconds. Matt never one to be without a plan, immediately rolled him over and removed the handcuffs, looked at me and said you're next. At this point, I knew I wanted nothing more than to have Matt rubbing my crotch to get me off. I turned put my hands behind my back and let him attach the cuffs. When I turned around I was smiling and said do what you will. Again with him touching my stiff cock and squeezing I lasted about as long at Tommy did and left a large wet spot in my shorts. I think Matt realized at this point that I was good with what was going on, just grinned at me as he slipped his hand inside and felt my cock collecting some on his finger. He pulled his hand back, looked at it and stuck it to my lips forcing his finger into my mouth. Yep, it was the first time I had tasted it.

When I suggested that it was Matt's turn to be cuffed he just laughed and said I don't need to and turned to display a large wet spot of his own. He clearly enjoyed doing us enough to shoot his own load without help.

We were all quiet for some time and finally with our shorts drying we said our goodbyes and parted for home. At home I quickly showered and put on clean shorts. I lie down on the bed and let my mind deal with what we had done in the woods. Going through it in my head, I realized that I really enjoyed what happened, Matt was clearly the dominant one of the group and Tommy while somewhat shocked by what happened actually pitched another tent while we were waiting for our shorts to dry. My last thought before drifting off to sleep was that I knew I wanted to do more.

The next day at our meeting place, there was a bit of awkward silence until Matt finally spoke up. It was a simple question, did you guys like what we did in the woods yesterday. Tommy was looking at the ground and Matt looking directly at me, I said yes. Our eyes immediately went to Tommy, without looking up he just nodded his head. Matt was elated and suggested that his Father owned an unused building in town and he had a key to the basement. He explained that the upper floor was used for some kind of storage and that it was necessary to keep the air conditioning on to prevent damage to the goods. The basement of course was serviced by the same system and had previously been used as a work out gym business. Long ago it had failed and left some of the equipment in place. So it was agreed that we would change our meeting place from the woods to the basement. So we jumped on our bikes to go check it out.

The place was just as described and in checking it out we found nice toilet and shower facilities along with some old unused equipment. One corner contained several foam mats laid out apparently for wrestling competition. Along one wall were evenly spaced steel loops apparently used at some point to anchor pulley lifting equipment? After very brief discussion it was agreed this was our official club house. Tommy was first to leave because he had a dentist appointment. So Matt and I stayed and talked more about what we had done yesterday.

Matt suddenly just came out and asked if I thought we were gay? Wow, I guess I hadn't even thought about it that way and had to think for a minute before I answered. Finally I responded by saying I didn't know and that I understood it was common for teenagers to experiment with sexual things and ideas. Matt was a guy that would just drill down on a subject without haste then asked if I would like to do more experimenting? Without thinking I just said "hell yes" which made him smile. Matt explained that he had already talked with Tommy and while a little embarrassed had also said he would like to do some other things.

Matt then hit the big question, did I enjoy being restrained. Gulp, I may have turned red and without looking at his face explained that when he put the cuffs on Tommy I sprang a hard on and was hoping that he would do it to me as well. Then he explained he found some things in an old office in the basement. Holy crap, he opened the box and it contained leather cuffs, ropes, and an assortment of sex toys and things I didn't even know the purpose of. He explained that after he found these things he had thoroughly cleaned them and wiped them down with alcohol. Just looking in the box had given me a hard on which was tenting out my shorts and had not gone unnoticed by Matt. With things getting a little blurry in my mind I heard, would you like to try some of these things?

My heart was pounding and in spite of the coolness of the basement I was starting to sweat. In a halting voice, I ask what he had in mind. In a very reassuring voice he said "nothing you aren't going enjoy". Numb with excitement I just nodded my head and waited for his lead.

OK and he took me to the corner with the mats with the box of toys. Keep in mind, all I am wearing is shorts and flip flops and I have sweat forming on my lip and forehead. My five inch hard on is so hard it doesn't even bend. Using leather wrist cuffs and short ropes he ties my hands to the rings in the wall that were spaced just right to make for a proper fit. As he finished he looked down and smiled and said, now you are mine. Explaining that he has always wondered what I looked like naked, he proceeded to pull my shorts down and off exposing my little spike pointing straight out. As he looks down he said oh no, I prefer my boys to be smooth without hair. This was not in the plan and I started to struggle to no avail. I was attempting to kick out and he just grabbed one foot and used a leather cuff to attach it to a higher row of rings. The other foot followed and I was helpless. Matt explained that he just didn't like body hair and pulled out an electric clipper from the box. Picture me flat on my back, naked, legs pulled up at an angle exposing my privates and even my secret entrance. I closed my eyes and actually could picture myself, which did nothing to reduce the swelling.

In life, just when you think it can't get more embarrassing, I hear pounding on basement door. Oh shit who could that be? Matt just gets up and tells me not go anywhere and heads for the door. I hear the door open and close and shortly I hear holy shit and there is Tommy back from his dental appointment. The next thing I hear is, would you like to help? By this time Tommy is standing between my upraised legs looking down. Clearly the tent in his shorts is bigger than mine as well as his smile. My mind is racing and all I think is geez he is so cute. I really like the Asian look. Tommy gleefully says he would like to do the shaving once the hair is clipped away.

They managed to clip and shave all hair around my cock and balls and even my exposed ass, which really didn't have much, all without making me cum. I'm so ready I'm aching for release and they just look and drool over what they see. Yeah, I'm only five inches but it is perfectly straight, smooth and uncut with only a small opening at the tip. The skin slides back smoothly from the tip exposing a perfect pink head. Tommy is first to react when he points out that my nipples are shrunk down in size and pushed up with very hard centers. Yes, I have been told I have girl tits. Making it even worse they are connected by a direct nerve to my cock.

He kneels down and lightly runs a nail over first one then the other making them even harder and more pointed. His next move shocks me, since I have always viewed him as somewhat passive. He bends down runs his tongue over one while at the same time pinching the other making me give a throaty groan. He immediately starts sucking the one while continuing to pinch the other. I can feel a massive explosion of cum building up with breathing turning into sucking air. He suddenly stops, damn him.

He stands up and looks at Matt asking what's next. Matt smiles and produces a rubber glove for one hand and a tube of lubricant. After putting the glove on he loads on a big drop of lube and kneels down between my legs. Once again, I feel cum building up for release as his finger easily slips in with one motion. Quickly removed and repeated three more times, once again bringing me to the edge. I can feel pre cum running down my cock on to my tightly pulled up balls.

Matt lets my legs drop down with a warning that if I offer any resistance the will go right back up. He detaches the ropes but leaves the leather restraints in place. He then moves toward my head leans down and whispers in ear that now the fun begins. They both stand drop their shorts exposing their junk. For the record, both are smooth shaved, Tommy a little larger than me but straight, smooth, and uncircumcised. Matt is straight, long, and thin with a cut head.

At this point I know if the AC cycles on, I'm going to blast off a load never seen before straight into the air. Tommy straddles my chest with a knee is each arm pit, leans forward and tells me to open my mouth. My heart is pounding as his hard cock touches my lips causing my mouth to react in opening as he slides slowly in. At the same time, I feel Matt raise my legs slightly into the air and feel his cock slipping along my well lubed ass crack towards my hole. I'm thinking, I'm glad he is long and thin, not short and fat. With that thought he penetrates me making me suck in air and shudder.

With Tommy slipping in and out of my mouth and Matt pounding my ass with regular strokes I know I'm not going to last long before I explode. As it turns out you would need a stop watch to measure the difference as we all cum at about the same time. Tommy kind of squeals and stops movement as I feel his cum shoot hard and straight into my throat giving me only slight opportunity to taste his seed. Matt is more vocal yelling a very loud oh fuck as his cock jerked juices up my ass. Me, I can't recall I know it was intense because when Tommy stood up cum was running down his back clear from his shoulders. I'm not sure but I may have actually blacked out as it happened.

I was released and actually fell asleep lying on the mat surface until Tommy woke me and said that we should leave and lock up since Matt had already left. Tommy helped me pull my shorts on and find my flip flops. As we got ready to open the door to leave he pulled on arm to turn around and as I did, he kissed me very softly. Softly was not what I wanted and forced my tongue into his mouth for a real kiss. He didn't pull back and we stood like this for what seemed like minutes before we opened the door.

If you enjoyed this story, let me know. It was a long summer and this grew and developed for the next several weeks. Email me at with comments.

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Next: Chapter 2

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