Field Trip Encounter

By Metro

Published on May 7, 2019



Author's Note: All my literacy works that appear on this site are to be considered erotic fiction. To view more of my stories - or to share your own, please check out: I would love to hear from all readers with comments and suggestions at or Thank you. Pete Metro

Field Trip Experience, Part 1

On a school field trip a few years ago, I had an unexpected encounter with another dad which awakened a sexual desire in me I never knew existed.

My daughter attended a small private school since the 4th grade when we moved to our home 5 years ago. Now in the 8th grade my daughter and I were preparing to participate in the schools' annual trek to Washington DC. For over 40 years, 8th grade students embark on a 3-night trip to Washington DC a few weeks before graduation. To make the trip affordable, parents serve as chaperones and stay in the same motel room with their children. Each room has two adults and two kids. When a parent is the same gender as their own child, they sleep in the same bed.

The year I accompanied my daughter I was assigned a room with another dad and his two sons. Since I was a single adult male and Matt was traveling with his two 13-year-old twin boys, I was placed in his room. I was advised about this arrangement at a pre-trip meeting a few days before we left when Bob Smith, the schools 8th grade advisor reviewed the itinerary and room assignments.

I understand the school wanted four to a room to keep costs down and I was very glad to be on the trip with my daughter as this was a highlight right before graduation. It just felt a bit weird knowing I would be sharing a bed with Matt, even though I knew him from occasional interactions at school events.

We left early Thursday morning on two motor coaches filled with students, parents and the advisor from school. As we loaded the buses, students and parents were split between both motor coaches. My daughter and Matt's boys were on the other bus with their friends. I told my daughter to behave and text me if she needed something.

After making sure his boys were settled Matt took a seat next to me in the last row in the back. As he was getting settled this 35-year-old dad of twin boys said, "you want some company?" As I nodded and began removing some papers on the seat next to me, he sat on my hand and wiggled his butt. He looked at me, smiled and said, "I guess we'll be getting to know each other over the next few days. I hope you're not shy!" A few minutes after getting settled into his seat Matt patted my thigh and said, "good to finally meet you." Matt and I would see each other at school events but never really formally met. Matt was a gregarious guy who was very friendly and `forward' but was also respectful and polite. My personality is a bit more reserved, so I wasn't sure if this was going to be a great trip with him or an excruciating 3 days.

As the buses rolled down the interstate over the next several hours, we chatted about our kids, family and jobs. I learned Matt was a divorced dad whose wife walked out on the family. Just shy of two years of marriage and just before the boys turned 1 years old, Matt's wife called him at work to tell him to pick them up at a neighbor's house. When he arrived home after picking up the twins, he found a note saying she didn't want to be a wife or mother anymore. He would later learn about her mental illness. He learned she struggled with drugs and slept around as her life spiraled out of control. At the time of the divorce, the judge granted Matt full custody of the boys as she didn't show up at the hearing. Matt said he hasn't heard from her in almost ten years and has lost touch with her family once her parents passed away. There weren't any obligations from that short ill-advised marriage; just two terrific kids from what was otherwise a horrible relationship.

What a sad story. Matt shared that life can be lonely at times. He has no interest in dating, let alone getting remarried. His said his sole focus was building his construction business and being the best dad for his two boys who have just begun their teen years.

I really admired Matt's love and dedication for his boys. I could sense his sadness in sharing this unpleasant aspect of his life as he poured out his feelings. As he continued to open up about his past, I placed my hand on his thigh. After a few minutes, I gently caressed his knee to upper thigh. It was meant as an affirming gesture, to express my understanding, not a sexual overture.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. As I continued to gently rub up and down his upper leg, I noticed him adjust in his seat a bit as he spread his legs apart slightly.

I then shared my story of being a widower and single dad at age 36. Now at 38, I am raising a 13-year-old daughter and a 12-year-old son who is staying with my parents while we are on this school trip. I told Matt my wife was killed in an automobile accident two years ago on her way to work by a truck crossing the median during a snow storm. I always felt partly to blame since I should have driven her to work that morning. But I had an appointment to meet a colleague for breakfast in the opposite direction. As I shared my story, I started to get a bit emotional and he immediately placed his left arm around my shoulder and leaned into me. He then placed his right hand on my thigh and pulled me into him a bit to comfort me. It felt great to feel another person close to me in that way. It felt warm and so good that I sighed involuntarily at his touch. It was an intimate moment that I haven't felt with another adult in a long time. It was like two brothers hugging and reassuring each other.

As we sat there, I told Matt I had no interest in dating either. My focus was on raising my kids and giving them as much of a `normal' life as possible. Getting married again was the furthest thing from my mind. After the accident, I changed jobs, so my schedule was more flexible. I looked at Matt and said, "you and I are in similar circumstances, although how we got here is different. This is the first time I met someone that can appreciate and understand my Ð our - unique challenges." He replied, "that is exactly what I was thinking. The one thing I have missed is having another person, especially another guy, with whom I can share whatever is in my head."

Several hours into the trip, the bus stopped at a buffet restaurant for an early lunch. As we entered the restaurant, the kids sat together, while the parents chose an adjacent section. As I spent time eating and socializing, Bob Smith (the school advisor) told me he had been organizing this annual trip for 20 years. As we chatted, he said Matt and I were placed in the same room intentionally since we were the only fathers on this trip, and I had a daughter.

When we got back on the bus, I smiled and told Matt we were special parents on this trip. He gave me a curious look as I said, "the advisor put us together since we were the only dads going." He just smiled and rubbed his hand on my left thigh. This time Matt was sitting on the window seat and I had the aisle. As we had the last seat in the back, no one was behind us or across from us since the bathroom partition was there which also served to block the view from others. The seat in front of us wasn't working properly so we used it to store our backpacks. The total group was about 80 spread over two buses. Each bus had a capacity of 56, so there was plenty of room to spread out.

As we continued talking, our knees rubbed together more freely. I got the sense that Matt would deliberately make our knees keep touching even after I adjusted myself in the seat to give us more room. Normally it would be strange to be so close to another guy, but Matt and I have become comfortable with each other and it felt really great.

An hour into the second leg with five hours to go, I started yawning. I told Matt I wanted to take a short nap since I was up early and had a crazy few days at work. After I connected my Apple Air pods and put my sleep mask on, I began to think about how lucky I was to find a guy like Matt to hang out with for a few days. These past few hours getting to know Matt eliminated any anxiety I had about sharing a bed a strange guy. He was a good-looking man in decent shape who had a similar build as me.

After about 30 minutes, I felt Matt climb over me. He whispered, "Sorry, I have to take a leak." When he returned a few minutes later, I moved over to the window seat and he took the aisle seat. Sometime later, I began waking up, and noticed Matt's head was resting on my shoulder as his left hand was resting in my lap. There was a blanket covering our legs which he placed there after I fell asleep. I could tell he was asleep by his breathing and his hand was not moving.

Since I was uncomfortable, I slightly altered my sitting position. By doing this, I opened my legs and his hand fell deeper into my crotch. I froze as I didn't know what to do. So, I just sat there with my legs spread apart, and his hand cupping my junk over my jeans. I looked around slightly and noticed very little movement on the bus as most people where either reading or napping. I just sat there with my legs spread apart looking at my phone and catching up on some emails.

Then it happened. I slowly felt his fingers begin to move in between my legs. I was startled at first, but it felt really good and I instinctively moved my pelvis slightly forward into his hand. He must have taken this as a "go" signal, because he began to apply more pressure. In seconds, my six inches came to life laying across my right thigh inside my pants. As Matt caressed my cock through my jeans, I let out a soft moan. He lifted his head, looked at me and smiled as his hand began to unbuckle my belt, undo the button and pull my zipper down. As he slid his hand into my briefs I involuntarily lifted my ass off seat as I let out a soft moan.

As I lifted my ass a bit, he slid my jeans and boxer briefs down a few inches to give him access to my balls. As his head continued to rest on my shoulder, he slowly stroked my shaft.

As he did this, I looked up to make sure we were safe and private. As I turned to look at Matt, he gave me a smile and moved his head into my lap. Soon I felt his warm lips circling my cock. He deep throated me while caressing my balls. I let out a gasp and made quiet moans. I grabbed his head and stroked his hair as my pelvis lifted off the seat. Within a minute, I whispered, "I'm going to cum." He kept deep throating me and as I approached climax, I gave Matt another warning. He squeezed my balls tighter as I let out a low groan and thrusted my pelvis into his mouth. Volley after volley of cum blasted into his mouth as I could feel him gulp down my seed. After what seemed like forever, he let go of my cock and looked up at me with a mischievous smile. I looked at him and exhaled. As he continued to milk out the last drops, he grabbed my index finger and used it to wipe off the last droplets of cum. Then he bent down again as he put my finger into his mouth licking the remnants of my seed.

Wow! How do you respond to that? I pulled up my pants and excused myself to use the bathroom as I climbed over Matt. In the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "what the hell just happened?" I never had a blow job from a guy before. I was straight. I was a father. I am a widower. But, at the same time, that was unbelievable. I never had a blow job feel that good. Ever! My emotions were all over the map at that moment. What do I say to Matt? Is he gay? Am I sleeping with a gay guy for the duration of this trip? Do I find another seat now? Or do I pretend nothing happened? I was very confused.

As I exited the restroom, I decided to return to my seat. Matt had moved over to the window, so I just sat down next to him in the aisle seat. After about five minutes of an awkward silence, Matt looked at me and said, "Are you alright?" I looked into his eyes and said, "Wow, I don't know what to say right now. I mean that was very unexpected. It's has been a long time sinceÉyou know, someone has gone down on me."

Matt replied, "I didn't expect to do that either. It was spontaneous. Would you believe me if I told you I never did that before? I just felt so close to you since we first met this morning. I didn't plan it, but our situations are similar, and I felt a special bond with you. It is like you're the only person that can truly understand my life right now. I'm sorry if that sounds crazy."

I sighed and said, "Matt, I am glad to hear you say that because I know our meeting today was by divine design in some way. I just have always considered myself straight. I just need to process this a bit. But I am so glad we met." Matt looked at me, grabbed my hand and said, "I consider myself straight too. It just happened and I don't regret it. I hope you don't either."

I looked at Matt and replied, "Regret? Hell no, that was the best fucking blow job I ever had! I sorry I couldn't last very long. It has been a very long time." We both laughed.

Throughout the rest of the trip, there was no anxiety, no uncomfortableness between the two of us. We sat with our legs touching and our hands freely roaming on our laps occasionally cupping his crotch. In just a few hours we went from being acquaintances to being closer than brothers. In hindsight, it was obvious we were both longing for some male intimacy on a level we never realized.

After our arrival, each group was given their room assignments. Matt and the boys searched for their room while I caught up with my daughter to make sure she was settled into her room. She was having a blast with her girlfriends and almost didn't notice me as I tried to speak with her for a few minutes. The female adult chaperones seemed so nice as well. I am so glad she was having fun.

When I rejoined Matt and the boys in our room, I noticed Matt grabbed the bed next to the window. It was a large budget motel on three levels with four buildings laid out in a rectangular shape. On one side of each building the rooms faced the parking lot. The other, inward side faced the other motel buildings and in the middle was two large pools, a playground and other activities for kids.

All of the rooms in our group were clustered together and faced the pool. After placing their luggage in our room, the boys left to search out their friends. I just stood in the room, pointed at the double beds and said to Matt, "I think we are definitely going to get to know each other in this room over the next few days." Matt looked at me and smiled. I laughed as I told Matt I sleep on a Queen bed at home. Matt said he has his own Queen bed as well and the boys occasionally sleep with him.

As I closed the door (the curtains were closed), I approached Matt who was standing at the foot of the bed. I went right up to him nose to nose and pulled him into me for a hard embrace. After about 10 seconds, he wrapped him arms around me and we just stood there tightly hugging each other for about 5 minutes. It was like our entire bodies were glued together. I could feel his crotch pressing against mine, our belt buckles clicking as we touched. I grabbed the back of his head and held onto it tightly rubbing my hands through his hair. The smell and feel of another man was incredible. The embrace was intoxicating, and I felt myself moaning slightly. No words were said, just the two of us enjoying real, genuine intimacy we desperately needed.

The moment was abruptly ended when Chris, one of his boys banged on the door and said, "Hey dad, come on everyone is meeting." Matt opened the door and Chris said, "Dad, Mr. Smith is meeting everyone in the conference room now." We quickly followed Chris downstairs to a large room in the adjacent building. As we entered the room, Bob said, "Now, I think everyone is here." He then spent the next 30 minutes reviewing the itinerary. He reviewed where we would go and what we would see during the next two days as he gave instructions to all the chaperones. He said each evening following dinner we would have a few hours at the pool, which the kids were happy about. Once this meeting concluded, the group headed over to a restaurant next door followed by pool time.

After dinner, the boys bugged Matt and I to finish up so they could go back to the room to get changed. Matt handed them the room key and told the boys to go ahead and we would be right up. We got up to the room about 10 minutes later. When I opened the door, there was Chris lying naked on the bed and his brother in the bathroom. A minute later his brother walks out naked as they began to wrestle with each other. Matt said, "come on boys, get your suits on and let's get out to the pool." As Matt said this, he began to strip out of his clothes. Once fully naked he walked to his suitcase as he dug out his bathing suit.

When Matt looked over to me, he could see I had a funny look and just said, "Hey, we're all boys here." I just shrugged and I began to remove all my clothes. Once naked, I passed Matt as I walked over to my suit case to retrieve my bathing suit and he slapped my ass. The boys were watching and laughed. I said, "Hey" and turned around to slap Matt back. He anticipated this and grabbed my arm and threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me and said, "Pinned!" We all laughed as the boys said, "Dad, that was cool!" We got up, put our suits on and left to join the others.

We spent about 2 hours at the pool watching the kids and mingling with the other adults. I think I spoke to my daughter for less than 5 minutes the entire time. Matt and I spent time talking to one of the moms who was in the room with my daughter. She was being a bit overtly flirtatious once she learned we were single dads. We learned she was divorced with one daughter. She told us she was lonely and would love to spend some time with Matt and me as she playfully rubbed her hands on our knees.

I smiled as said, "maybe we could do that after the trip". She seductively smiled at both of us and said, "Let's keep in touch." As she walked away, I looked at Matt and said, "what just happened?" He smiled and said, "We're two hot guys, and this is one horny lady."

A few minutes later, Bob Smith said swimming was over and it was time to head back to the room. As we said our goodnights to everyone, I told Matt, I wanted to get a few miles in. He said, "Good idea. I will get the boys settled." I headed to the room to change into running gear and left. About 40 minutes later, when I returned, Matt was on the floor holding Chris's feet as he was doing sit-ups. Matt's other son, Ben was in the shower. Here I was standing watching Matt in nothing but his underwear crotched down holding his son's feet while his son is doing sit-ups in nothing but his "tighty-whitey's." Soon Ben exits the bathroom naked as he walks around pulling out PJ's from his suitcase.

I wasn't accustomed to this openness that Matt encouraged in his family. I guess with 3 males in the household it seems natural. In my home, I am more modest, but of course that is probably because I have a daughter living in the house. My son, Paul will always wear a pair of shorts when he is walking around the house.

Watching the twins' parade around nude even as they are showing clear signs of puberty is new to me. As Chris strips down to go into the shower, Matt calls the boys. As they stand naked in front of me, Matt says, "Pete, here is one of the few ways I can tell the boys apart." He then grabs Ben's ball sack and lifts it up and says, "See, Ben has a dark mole on underside of his scrotum." As Matt is manipulating his penis and balls, I can see Ben begin to squirm a bit and notice him begin to get hard. He then tells Chris to turn around. As Matt rubs his hands all over his butt, he shows me a mole on his right cheek. Matt said the other way to tell him apart is a mole on Ben's shoulder which he showed me. Matt then slapped Chris's butt and said, "get in the shower and make it quick." Matt and I left the room and stood on the balcony to get some fresh air. As we stood beside each other he placed his hand on mine as I was holding the railing. We stayed this way for about 5 minutes, when he said, "You need a shower." I laughed and said, "I always need a shower after a 4-mile run."

After a few minutes, I went into the room to shower while Matt tucked the boys in. Ten minutes later, I came out of the bathroom to a dark room and I heard the boys lightly snoring. There was a little light coming through the curtains that illuminated the room just enough to see Matt sitting on our bed in his boxers. I leaned over the boys quietly to make sure they were sleeping and then stood next to Matt and dropped my towel. He smiled, put an arm between my legs, grabbed my ass and pulled me into him so my flaccid penis was aligned to his mouth. He opened wide and swallowed me to the root. I let out a deep quiet moan and within 30 seconds I was at my full 6 inches. Matt was able to deep throat me without any difficulty. I was so aroused I knew it wouldn't take me very long. I felt I was 16 years old again as I haven't felt these intense feelings in a long time. I started to thrust into his mouth as he pressed my ass into him. Unexpectedly, I let out a low moan and unloaded at the back of his mouth. He was swallowing as fast as I was able to give it to him. As he swallowed, he was moaning and gulping every shot keeping pace with my spurts. I am normally very sensitive after I cum, but Matt could sense that as he backed off and just continued to lightly caress my cock squeezing out any remaining juice over a ten-minute period.

When he pulled off my cock, I crawled over him to lay on the other side. As we got under the covers, I whispered to Matt, "That was fucking unbelievable!" As we were spooning, he turned his head to me as we kissed very sensually and slowly for about 5 minutes. I then slowly started moving down as I continued kissing him. I started at his neck then down his chest taking time to suckle each nipple. My nipples have never been that sensitive, but his body was squirming and writhing as he responded to my touch. His chest was firm and moderately hairy as I kissed my way down stopping to lick his belly button. As I mouth was discovering his stomach, my hands were caressing his sides as I lightly tickled him.

When I reached his boxers, he lifted his ass as I pulled them completely off. Here I was staring at Matt's crotch with the covers thrown over one side. With the light peering through the curtains, it provided just enough illumination for me to see that beautiful 7 inches of cut cock. Matt kept himself neat and trim which made it look all the more inviting. I have never had a cock in my mouth before. I have never been naked in bed with another guy before.

But here I was laying in bed with a guy I just really met (other than on a superficial basis) earlier that same day. I was salivating and my heart was pounding as I leaned down and licked the tip. Matt jumped at my touch. I slowly engulfed the top and swirled my tongue around. Matt was moaning in response and that just made me want to continue. My other hand began to feel his balls. What a feeling to roll my fingers around Matt's testicles in my hand as I deep throated him. I was able to get the first five inches down easily as he began to thrust in and out of mouth like it was a pussy. I then moved down and started to lick his balls taking each one into my mouth. Going lower I continued to lick as I reached his ass and his response gave me all the motivation I needed.

Matt reached down to stroke himself as I was licking him. I moved his hand away and aggressively swallowed his cock down to the root, almost choking as it hit my gag reflex. I full throated him and my other hand alternative between feeling his balls and caressing is stomach. Soon Matt cried out in a whisper, "I'm going to cum" as he grabbed the back of my head and held me tight as he shot into my mouth. I was surprised by the taste, texture and amount but just swallowed as he gave it to me. After Matt calmed down, I rose up to his mouth and planted my open mouth in a deep French kiss and said, "I hope it was as good for you as it was for me." Matt, hugged me tight and said, "Thank you."

Within a few minutes, we drifted off to sleep naked and holding each other close.

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