Field Test

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 15, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



[Excerpt from the test documentation: When the side effects of Textraphederine-12 became generally known, there was of course a great deal of laughter and the future of the otherwise-laudable drug was in doubt. The FDA approval came in due order with the usual precautionary warning for the label once it was the clear that the drug was otherwise harmless and was gone entirely from the system within a 48 hour period. Still, there was a general consensus that Textraphederine-12 would not be put into general use given the fact that it was ineffective and even contraindicated for women, and so the only way for any man to gain its benefits was to follow such benefits with homosexual activity.

[However, our company handled the mostly-adverse publicity with a good deal of quiet equanimity, for a simple reason.

[The orders for the drug were beginning to come in. Given their sources, we knew that soon, and quite soon, a brand-new kind of publicity for Textraphederine-12 was about to drop right into our laps.]

Private Grimmon regarded the small bottle carefully. He looked up from it to Captain Ruehl. No doubt about it, his commander was nervous. "You mean this, sir?" he said.

"I'm not requiring it of you, Private." Captain Ruehl said. "I'm just saying that I have received word from reliable sources that your opponents during the competition will be using this drug. We don't have any tests that work on this drug yet, so if they do use it, there won't be any way to call them out on it. I'm just offering to let you level the playing field again. If they take the drug and you take the drug, too, you're back onto an even footing."

"What about...after?" Private Grimmon said carefully.

"Does the side effect worry you, Private?"

"It's something I have to think about, sir." Private Grimmon avoided the subject.

"Nothing about this drug is permanent." Captain Ruehl pointed out. "Except for the brief period when it is wearing off, you won't be anything different than you are right now, whether that's straight, or what."

"Are you saying you think I'm gay, sir?"

"I'm saying that you are one of my best soldiers, and I want you at that competition." Captain Ruehl said. "And I am willing to do whatever it takes to give you a fair shot at the competition. As for what happens after, I'm saying, son, that I won't think anything less of you when you get done. It's a side effect of the drug and I'll treat it the same as if you had been a victim of nerve gas or wounded by a grenade. I've given this same drug to the rest of your teammates, so you won't be alone at the end of the day. Anyone else in your squad who takes this drug will be right there with you, helping you to get through it."

Private Grimmon regarded the bottle of yellow liquid, and then slipped it into his pocket.

"Be sure you take that with food at least a half hour before you want it to start working." Captain Ruehl said with obvious relief. "If you take it, that is."

Private Grimmon chose not to answer that. Hell, he wasn't sure if he was going to do this or not!

He spent the rest of that day, the day before the competition, talking to others about the Textraphederine-12. It had picked up a street name, the soldiers all called it "The Yellow Horny."

"I had a buddy." One of them said, "Was part of the group that they gave it to. He cut more'n 35% off his time on everything he did that entire damned day. Then he went to the gym and was able to bench-press 285 pounds. Man, that's Olympic-quality performance."

"Yeah." another solider listening said, "And then he spent the entire night getting butt-fucked." and the man had grinned, grabbed his crotch.

That didn't faze the first soldier. "Hell, he said that he never enjoyed sex more in his life, either, even if it was with another dude." he said. "And he got married last month, so I don't think he stayed queer because he used it."

Grimmon went to his bunk that night, introspective as all hell. Over 35% improvement in his performance! Hell, he wasn't ashamed of his own ability, but that was a difference enough to turn the worst member of the competition into the clear winner!

He'd have to take the Yellow Horny. No way around it.

He drank it before he went down for breakfast. It took long enough to get his food that he felt a bit queasy, but his stomach settled down when he got outside a big platter of eggs, bacon, toast and sausage. He felt extra hungry, wondered if his body was revving up already. He knew that his eyesight seemed better, and two guys whispering at a nearby table were crystal clear to him. And unless he missed his guess, they were talking about having taken the Yellow Horny!

He had guessed right, the Yellow Horny was going to figure prominently in the day's events.

And it did. Unless Grimmon missed his guess, about 75% of the contestants started out their day, like him, on the Yellow Horny. By noon, they were all on it, their coaches must have slipped them the Yellow Horny inside their Gatorade or something. He saw one guy munching on a doughnut from a small white bag, the guy had been trailing badly in the events before then. An hour later, he was right up next to Grimmon on the course!

The judges reacted with poor grace to the records that were made on the field that day, handing out the medals with frowns and muttered praises. The massed crowd watching were both more forgiving and more crude about it. Whenever the announcer would start getting excited about the new record, they would chant out "Hor-ny! Hor-ny! Hor-ny!"

Toward the end of the day, that chant was getting right down into his crotch! Shit, he was getting horny! And too damned early!

He was in the lockers after the last event, his hormones churning. Shit, when could he get to the fucking part of this! He was ready to hump the ugliest guy they had, if the troll would just come on over and wiggle it in front of him!

When someone did come over, he first stared at the crotch. No bulge there. For himself, he didn't dare stand up.

He looked up. A coach from one of the other squads in the competition. "Saw you out there on the field." the coach began.

"Yes, sir." Private Grimmon said.

"You did very well. A little too well."

"Sir, if you have a complaint, you should bring it up before my superior officer." Grimmon began.

But the coach held up a hand. "Whoa! Easy! I'm not wearing any halo here myself! I wanted my team to have a fair shake, too! I'm just saying that if you do have a bit of the, uh, yellow fever bothering you, I just wanted to say that we have set aside Barracks Number Twelve, just the other side of these lockers, in case you'd like notes with your opponents."

Grimmon thought it over. He could pick a sex partner among his teammates, and then have to look the guy in the face for another couple of years, or he could pick a handsome stud who he'd never see again.... "Thank you, sir, I think I'll head over there now, in fact."

"They'll be eager to see you there." the coach said and passed on, presumably to give Grimmon's teammates the good news.

For himself, Grimmon only had eyes for the door and then the hall and then the outer door and then the barracks! Shit, a bunch of horny guys over there, and he was ready to show them his sculpted, black-haired, marble-skinned body, and right now, anything they wanted to do to any part of his finely toned buttocks and seven inches of prime Army pud was damned fine with him!

He got in and it felt like being a kid in a candy store, one a rich uncle had just bought and given to him for his birthday! Nobody went to this competition who wasn't in the finest of physical condition, and there was an unspoken additional requirement that the contestants be poster-boy material, photographers haunted these events taking pictures that ended up in the recruiting brochures like as not, Grimmon's own face adorned one of them, just his head and upper shoulders, in an Army-green tanktop, his sweat streaming off him in mid-exertion, mouth open, hair flying to one side. Well, if any of those guys had seen that brochure and dreamed about getting it on with him, he was about to get his wish!

All around him, men were in the process of having sex. To his left were four guys in a square of cock-sucking. He wondered if they'd consider making that a pentagram, one guy looked damned suckable! Beyond them were three groups of men in various sexual positions, two fucking and one sixty-nining. To the right were two triads, Grimmon envied the guy in the middle, wondered if he could get one of those fuck-while-being-fucked scenarios going, it looked damned satisfying! So did the get-fucked-and-suck scenario.

God, it all looked good! Grimmon groaned and grabbed his crotch and squeezed hard, "Ah, shit!" he moaned, looking at all the hot, sweaty, horny, sex-crazed men! "Ah, damn, I need someone now, who, damn it, who?"

He felt someone grab him from behind and he just moaned. "Ah, yeah!" as the guy's hand came down and into his shorts. "Ah, fuck, yeah!" he groaned as the hand gripped his cock. "Yeah, damn, yeah!"

Hot lips reached for his ear, and he turned and kissed those lips fervently, right now not caring who they belonged to. When the tongue dove into his mouth, he sucked on it, and damned but it tasted sweet, sugar-sweet!

Those hands were roaming over his body, unbuttoning and pushing down his shorts, lifting up his tanktop, tweaking his nipples. Oh, shit, he had a man's hands playing with his tit-buttons, and they felt so damned goo-oo-oo-ood!

He broke off that ardent kiss, fended off the hand which had grabbed his pud and was yanking it, and got a good look at his erstwhile lover.

Hey, it was doughnut-boy! The same guy who had been scarfing down doughnuts earlier the same day. He licked his lips, hell, that was left-over doughnut powdered sugar he'd been tasting on that tongue!

"Say, doughnut-boy." he said and the guy grinned at the appellation. "How'd you like to chow down on my long-john."

Doughnut-boy said, "Hell, by the time I get done with it, it's going to be a twister-roll."

"Go for it." Grimmon groaned. There was an empty bunk nearby, over half the bunks were unused (they were all doubled and trebled up on the others!), so he and his new partner fell onto it. Grimmon's tanktop and shorts came the rest of the way off easily, and then he was getting the promised "dick twisting" blowjob from the guy. That was so damned good, having a guy suck your dick was the best feeling ever! Shit, the guy knew just how to push every damned button he had, he was twirling his tongue around the glans' edge, he was working the so-sensitive skin just beneath that was normally protected from contact by his foreskin, he was making Grimmon's cock hum!

"Ah, yeah, damn, yeah, suck my dick! Shit!" Grimmon moaned. "God, give me some of that. Shit, who's got a cock I can suck, damn it, I need one, now!"

"Here you go!" said a guy, and Grimmon didn't even look at the guy's face, he didn't care who it was, friend, foe, movie star or bum who had wandered in off the street, he had a hard dick and it was beside Grimmon's face, that was all he needed, he sucked it down and he sucked it down hard! God, that big fat dong went down his throat like it belonged there, he didn't gag or choke or get grossed out or anything he had expected, those few times a vagrant thought of sucking a man's cock had crossed his mind before. Fuck, he loved the taste of this dong, it tasted of honest sweat and a patina of washing afterwards, this was another soldier, someone who had been in this competition and had spent the day driving his body to its limits and beyond, thanks to the Yellow Horny, he had surpassed his every physical limit, and now he was testing the limits of his sexual desire!

When the man's hands grabbed Grimmon's head and began to fuck at his face, that was okay with Grimmon, too, he had the ability to take anything a man wanted to do to him, that beautiful joy was all it took to make him the ultimately compliant and adaptable lover, he had never been anything like this versatile with women before, he could do anything in bed with a guy, just do it to him and he'd take it, all of it!

So when "doughboy's" prick began to squirm in between his buttocks, Grimmon just lifted up his leg and invited it on in. His ass sphincter opened as easy as any longtime hooker's would have, he was being stuffed full of hard soldier dicks from both ends, both end, God, yes, hot, horny pricks were inside of him, he was the receptacle for twin power pistons that were ramming him from behind and before, he was transported into an ecstasy of delight that doughboy's hand on his prick only added to, his cock was being pumped and his ass was being pumped and his face was being pumped, and he couldn't have said that any one of them was the central source of his delight, he fed from them all!

Doughboy was too damned hot, he was yelping in his pleasure as he pounded Grimmon's ass, and then he squirted hot male jizz into Grimmon's ass! The sperm stung and squelched and squinched between his bowels and the hard male pud ramming his innards, his nostrils burned with the smell of fresh jizz and it wasn't just from his butt, he smelled it from all around him as soldiers got their relief fucking soldiers, sucking soldiers, there was hot army jizz flying all about, and he was in the middle of it, he was smelling it around him.

A mouth closed on his cock and Grimmon didn't know if it was doughboy re-entering the fray or not. It didn't feel the same, but he was too caught up in his rising pleasure to be a discriminating connoisseur of such, he was being milked and that was all he knew or cared to know.

A squirt of spunk arced over and landed on Grimmon's body, someone nearby had shot a long, hard jet and it had traveled to get to him, it landed quite cool to the touch, but was a solid, pungent wad of sperm as it trickled onto his chest.

"Ah, fuck, I'm coming!" the guy Grimmon was sucking groaned. "Damn, Grimmon, you are one damned good cocksucker, hell!"

Grimmon wondered about this (who knew him here?), but he was too busy then holding on for life as another heavy load of salty jizz shot into his mouth, he was gulping it all down and it was thick, juicy, musky, all man! He sucked that dong as dry as he could and then another man's prick dove into his ass, shit, it was a big one! No way this one was doughboy, and another cock brushed his hand and he latched onto it, the man the cock belonged to was being fucked from behind, all Grimmon had to do was provide the lucky fuckee with some friction for his pleasure.

His own orgasm clawed at his senses and he moaned and murmured and then a long keen of joy as his climax struck and he shot his own wad, he looked down through the haze of delirium brought on by the ultimate joy and his wads were squirting on some buff body's flat, taut stomach, and he saw the man's fingers come down to rub it in, and then he was beyond cognizance and closed his eyes and let his orgasm take him to the dark realm where it was king.

Exhausted, he panted, but the cock in his ass would not be denied, he was rolled onto his stomach and his ass was slapped by a muscled pair of thighs that drove what must have been a ten-incher deep into him with every thrust, and another cock was brushed across his lips and he opened his mouth and took it inside! God, yes, more, more, always more!

And the orgy of the contestants went on through the night. ******************

[Excerpt from the test documentation: The publicity of the overwhelming use of Textraphederine-12 during the Army athletic competition was just the beginning. We had timed the release of this drug very carefully, and had a more than ample supply ready in time for the Summer Olympics. We all know how the major break for the acceptance of this drug arose from this event, when the three medal-winners of the gymnastics event, who had apparently skirted the attempts to curtail the use of the drug by taking the Textraphederine-12 much earlier in the day, ended up having a three-way on the stand. So many records were broken in so many events that the arguments about whether these records should be allowed to stand en masse or some attempt made to distinguish those won by use of the drug and those won honestly will probably go on for decades.

[At the end of the Summer Olympics, we introduced the rest of the Textraphederine line, and in doing so, extinguished all objections. It was possible to select exactly what period of time a user would have before the side-effects would show up (the Textraphederine-8, which lasted for a typical business day, proved exceptionally popular among the business world, and many a board meeting ended by an orgy on the large conference table among the participants.

[Whatever the feelings about this new drug may be, one thing was certain.

[Textraphederine was here to stay.

[All field tests having proved successful, the testing has now been closed. Anyone wishing to add to their papers on the subject have until the end of the year to submit revised versions through the proper channels.]


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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