Field Test

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 5, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



[EXCERPT FROM THE TEST DOCUMENTATION: Textraphederine-12 is a performance enhancer in its most broad interpretation. The drug causes the neurons both in the brain and in the body to increase its number of neural signals by a factor of nearly two-fold. This causes an increase in both the thought processes (sufficient to increase the IQ of the test subject by a factor of 20% for the duration of the effects) and the muscular responses, including those of reflex and autonomic functions. The slight increase in heart rate and breathing is counterbalanced by....

By far the most obvious use of this new drug is in our military forces, and in anticipation of this application, we have spent the last two years cultivating contacts among the middle-ranks of the Army (mostly Colonels in the smaller bases around the central United States), inducing them with appropriate incentives to make their men available for the field tests when we are finished with laboratory tests and manufacture a sufficient quantity of the new drug....] *********

Private Glenson grimaced when he saw the small cups of yellowish liquid at the head of the mess-hall line. "What the hell is that?" he asked the captain in front of it.

"Drink this before your meal." the captain said.

"Yes, sir. Only, what is it?"

"Drink it and find out."

"Hell." Private Glenson grunted and quaffed the small amount, about an ounce. Smacked his lips. "Hey, not bad!" He said. "What is it, vanilla?"

"Move on, Private." the captain said, still not smiling.

Private Glenson got his breakfast and sat with a couple of men from his squad as usual. There was no reason not to fraternize with the other squads around, but hell, he didn't really know any of them. He knew these men!

"What do you think was in that fucking cup they gave us?" He asked them in general.

Private Seward seemed to think he knew everything. "I hear that the Colonel had been talking to some drug company." he said in a confidential whisper.

"So they trying to dope us up?" Private Lewis scoffed.

Private Seward shrugged. "Guess we'll find out. They're running us through the obstacle course again today."

"Shit." Private Glenson said. "I thought we were over that shit!"

"Well, if you want to test what a new drug does to someone, the obstacle course is as good a place as any, ain't it?"

"So if we fall off the net and break our necks, the drug ain't working." Private Ireland opined. From that, the table's conversation shifted over to the coming weekend.

An hour later, Private Glenson was standing before the course. The day seemed like a good one for running the course, if there was such a thing. The air was crisp and clear, everything seemed to stand out very clearly, the voices were sharp and easy to understand.

And then it came his turn to run the course. There were men chasing each soldier going through the course, stop-watch in hand, timing him. He had been timed on the course in the past, but never so carefully, they apparently wanted the time of each soldier right down to the very half-second!

The course itself was an experience. Never had he climbed so easily, never had he swung so gracefully, never had his body responded so carelessly, flawlessly, perfectly right!

When he reached the end and the soldier timing him announced his time, Glenson was pleasantly surprised. He had just made his best time ever on the course, cutting his prior best time by almost a minute, while it felt like he'd been on a casual walk about the grounds!

Then came calisthenics, endless calisthenics. Glenson decided he must have caught his second wind, for the endless monotony of movement of muscles was delightfully easy, he could have done this all day. His body, he noted, had yet to even break into a sweat! He wondered if he was getting heat-stroke, but no, his mind was clear, clear!

In the afternoon, they sat him down one-on-one and gave him military problems, stuff any soldier needs to answer. Again they timed his answers. The words flew out of Glenson's mouth, every answer was right on the tip of his tongue, begging to be released. The interviewer was grinning ear-to-ear, and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Well done, soldier!"

After his interview, he had a couple of hours to kill, and he went out to the swimming pool. He had plenty of company, everyone wanted to swim, everyone was active, active! The base usually had a sleepy air in the afternoon, but now, it felt more like a rock concert about to happen, with everyone talking, laughing, moving, jumping, wrestling! Wall-to-wall men, mostly naked, men exercising, men moving, men's bodies gleaming and flexing and mixing in the bright sun of day.

Damn, he felt horny! Glenson noticed bulged in plenty of other shorts. Hell, they were all young men in their prime, woodies were common enough to not cause a real problem, other than some good-natured kidding.

Two guys were bumping their erections together in front of a group of guys, some sort of contest. Glenson writhed inside as he watched it. Shit, this was too much! Evening mess call came just in time, he would have come just by watching these two studs with their bone-bumping game before much longer, he could see their sweat, smell their raunchy aroma from their cocks, the grunts of the two as they pounded at each other.

He was dazzled by the sunset when it came. All the colors, red, orange, yellow, gold, white, all overlaid upon a field of delicate, even blue that slowly darkened to violet, darker and darker, though even when the stars came out, Glenson noticed with bemusement that even when it was truly dark, the sky wasn't really black! Just a dark, dark, dark blue! Why hadn't he ever noticed that about the sky before!

He looked around and everything was that same sort of color, dark, dark, but colored still. Nothing he would call truly black, nothing truly gray, it was still a world of color, though in the dark!

His erection was getting impossible to ignore. Have to get to the barracks and whack it off. One big problem of the base was that you had to wait for lights-out to jerk off, and even then, woe betide the man whose nighttime ritual was spotted by a bunkmate! You'd be saddled with a monicker like "Stroke" in no time! Glenson typically waited until he had to use the bathroom, at least he had a stall and the privacy that afforded him, though whacking off while sitting on the pot wasn't very comfortable, and you didn't dare splay out your legs to get more room...

But with this one, he was ready to risk the wrath of his buddies! When lights-out came around, he was jerking this one!

He was in bed nearly a quarter hour before lights out, under the covers, lying on his side. His boner was so thick and hard, he felt like he was going to burst! Every voice to him was crystal-clear, every color stood out like fresh paint, every smell identified instantly, from after-shave to human sweat to the occasional fart. God, he was so damned alive right now! Maybe there'd be a late-night alert, it fit with the day's events, he could race out and run through the night, howling like a wolf, damn it!

The lights went out, and Glenson's hand went immediately to his crotch! God, yes, God, that felt good! His cock was alive, alive, alive! Every nerve went into overdrive when he pulled on his pud!

Have to keep it quiet, keep it careful! He looked over to see if the soldier to his right, Private Dominguez, was asleep or not.

God, Dominguez was jerking off, too! He looked up from the moving blanket to Dominguez's face, to look right into his eyes, looking at him. The darkness was as much as it ever was, but that preternatural brilliance of the day and the glory of nightfall was with him still, he could see everything easily.

Right into Dominguez's eyes he looked, and the sparkle there was as clear as any star in the sky. The gleam of those teeth was the smile of the Milky Way and Glenson grinned back at Dominguez. Hell, two guys whacking off after a long, hard day, nothing wrong with that!

Dominguez threw back his blanket and Glenson got a good look at his body, the sleekly shining muscles glistened like moonshine, and Glenson licked his lips, his tongue tasted that body even over here, God, yes, even from over here he could taste that sweetly salty, sweaty body with the sheen of night sweat and the musk of male need.

He rose upright, swung his young white legs over the side of his bunk, knuckles on the bed, ready to pounce.

"Want some of this?" Dominguez whispered and the whisper was like a scream.

"Yeahhhh!" Glenson sighed.

"Then come on." Dominguez said.

Glenson moved and it was like he was a panther, all sleek muscles moving in harmony, and he was on his knees and his upper body was across Dominguez's bunk and his arms were across Dominguez's legs and his mouth was upon Dominguez's cock!

The slide of that silken, sultry, shining sheath of foreskin upon his lips was like an exercise in immortality! He couldn't bear the rich, riotiously raucous interplay of intensity upon his tongue, he shuddered as his mouth filled with Dominguez's dong, dipped onto the dick to the very base, and it seethed there inside of him, electrifying his senses.

"Ahh-ahhhhhh!" Dominguez sighed.

And from around them, there was the sound echoing from other lips. "Ah-ahhhh!"

Glenson felt it as well, this single-minded need arising from all around him, his body picked up what he could only describe as a telepathic signal from his squad, his friends around him, the way he had learned to hear them even though they never made a sound, how to anticipate their needs in combat conditions even though they didn't ask, there was this...gestalt of comprehension that didn't rely upon the typical five senses, but was this other set of perceptions that had a direct contact with his brain.

All around him, his friends were coupling, a common need had declared itself, and they only had to offer themselves to it, their bodies were communing as any bodies should, with the celebration of sex!

In that glory of comprehension, Dominguez's hand upon his prick was a hosannah to Glenson, he felt the warm hand enclose him and the pressure was wonderful, wonderful, it spoke to his very soul, join with me, we will surround each other, we will become each other, join with me, join!

This was not to be denied, and Glenson threw himself into the union joyfully, he swung his legs up onto the bed and over Dominguez's head and immediately those rich lips caught his cock and sucked it in deeply.

The movements of Glenson upon Dominguez's prick was echoed upon his own, it was like he was part of both acts, he moved as Dominguez willed him, Dominguez moved in response to his own brain's signals, and they were joy doubled, joy exponentially squared and cubed and more, more, more! He would suck this and be one forever!

But when Dominguez pulled away from him, this lacked the power to surprise him, he had felt and understood even before Dominguez moved, the tenseness in the muscles of the body beneath him and their order told him clearly.

As Dominguez stepped onto the floor, Glenson swiveled to place his own knees upon the cold concrete, feel it biting into his skin, not in pain but in the nibble of a lover's teeth, gentle kisses of solid rock upon his flesh.

And there was the hot dong pulsing at his ass crack, how could he refuse it when his every fiber begged for it to enter him, enter me, enter me, make me whole once more!

Only a tiny whisper slipped from his lips as he was impaled, as the hot Latin dick drove into his ass, sending a wave of hot desire over his body that hit with the power of a tidal wave, he was writhing in ecstasy from only the entrance, any other movement was just extra, just more, more, more!

All over their room, all over the rows of barracks, Glenson felt how the base had become a maelstrom of male lust, knew without seeing that everyone around him was in the throes of this ultimate, delightful, ecstatic embrace, and he could join with it without fear, without compunction, he could throw himself into it and never fear the jibes of his compatriots, for they were with him in this, they were one, one, one!

He therefore thrust himself back against Dominguez's hunches, matching the rhythm of his dusky-skinned lover with his own, a syncopation of lust joined and embraced, and in that sea of delight, in that ocean of orgasm, he would join, he would join and contribute and add to the universe of male bodies, join with them in the orgy of ultimate, undulating unction of joy!

There was the sound of a building climax from a thousand throats both far and near, Glenson felt it bubbling out of his own as well, and he threw back his head and he yelped like a bitch in heat as he was plowed, for Dominguez was a rutting dog atop of him, the hot sweaty body dripping marvelous pearls of raunch upon him, for him to feast upon, feel his body soak it up even as it exuded his own to mesh with where Dominguez held him, and Dominguez fell down on top of him and the thrusts of his dong into Glenson's ass were now tight, sharp, hard rams with the cock held deeply within him at all times, and he was being deep-fucked, and that hard length of dick was buried within him and it pulsed and pulsated and plucked his joy aflame.

Climax hit Glenson with the force of a blacksmith wielding a sledgehammer, and he was slammed down onto the anvil to be molded, to be carved, to be made to shine with the glory of bright steel, glowing with a light more than that reflected, for the shine came from within him, and that light was Dominguez's orgasm, the hot seed squirting into him, hot, steaming, bubbling blobs of jism in his ass, and that was everything for him, and he came into his own need, and he climaxed, ejaculated his hot seed onto the sweat-soaked sheets of Dominguez's bed and let the salty swarmy smell saturate his senses, his own come, his partner's come, the come of all the hot young men beside him, the light of their shared climax must have lit up a fire that could be seen from outer space, for it was so intense, so bright, so TRUE!

Only mere husks of men fell exhausted onto the bunks, or upon the floors. Dominguez managed to heave up to lie as Glenson did, upper body on the bunk, knees on the floor, and he panted, his nose less than two inches from Glenson's as he lay drained upon the bed, feeling the hot salt of sperm dribbled out of his ravaged ass.

"My God!" Dominguez said. "What happened?"

With the clarity of thought that had blessed his entire day, Glenson knew the answer. "It must have been that stuff they gave us at breakfast!" he gasped. "Some kind of weird chemical to make us perform better."

"Perform, yeah." Dominguez agreed. "Shit, I'm fucking weak now."

Glenson considered it. "I'm not."

Dominguez seemed startled at this, and then said, "You know, I'm not that tired either. Shit, it's like I can just throw it all off."

"All of it." Glenson agreed. His cock was still sticky on the head from his climax, but it rose to rigidity once more. "My turn to fuck you, now."

"Yeah." Dominguez agreed.

And around him, the men were rising again to rejoin their bodies into this combat, a contest not of death but of life, and new combinations were struck, and the sounds of lovemaking rose from a thousand steaming muscled bodies throughout the rest of that glorious, multi-splendored night!


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Next: Chapter 2

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