Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on Mar 17, 2023


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Chapter 8 - Tell me your kinks, and I will tell you mine

Kyle opened his eyes and just lay there. "You ok?" "Sure, just overwhelmed, I think." "Wasn't that the reason why you came?" He chuckled and covered his eyes with his palm. "I don't know, Ross." "Cool. Want to eat something?" "Sure." . I didn't bother with clothes. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a few things. "Eggs fine?" I shouted to him. "Yeah, why not." I cracked the shell when I felt his hands on my glutes. "Fuck, Ross, you are hot." I just smirked. . We ate, and he kept looking at me with a smile. He was cute. "So what now?" Not this talk, please... "I don't know, you the one with the baggage. You tell me." "How do you take it so cool?" "Practice, I suppose," I spoke calmly. "Are taken guys like your kink or something?" "Straight, married, supposedly unobtainable. Yeah, I think you could say that." "That's sad." "For real? You didn't seem sad five minutes ago," I pointed my fork at him. "I mean for you. You are just trying for something challenging, and you can't keep it when you finally get it." "Gee, thank you, doctor Freud, you just opened my eyes, and now I am a whole new person." I spilled every ounce of sarcasm in me and just kept eating. . "How many times has that worked for you?" "Many, I prefer not to have commitments and fights about trivial things." "Aren't you lonely?" I looked at him. "Kyle, seriously? Have you created some sad image of me in your head, and now you trying to save me? Cos if you have, stop it. Some people are just happy as they are." "Fine." I smirked at him. "Then, stop looking at me like I'm a lost puppy." "I am not." "Yes, you are. You'd be taking me home if we were in a shelter." "I would take good care of you, puppy," he grinned at me. "Well, I would bite you." I grinned back. "Maybe I would like that." "Noted," I grinned at him. . We finished in silence, and Kyle looked at me earnestly as he put his fork down. "You still not getting near my ass, bro." "Seriously? I've been in your ass. It welcomed me like a lost friend," I blew him a kiss and took the plate from him. "Weren't you the one who said you would kick me out if I put a finger in you?" "Yes. You didn't say anything, though, and I can still taste how much you liked it." "Cunt." I smiled at him. "Why is it that bad that you enjoyed it? Are you now less of a man because of that?" "Fuck off." "Are we getting butthurt again?" I smirked. "No." "He said, pouting," I said mockingly, narrating what he looked like. "Stop that." . I shook my head with a grin. "I wanted to show you something for a while now, come." "What?" I led him to the room where I had the desk and turned on the computer. "Sit." He looked at me perplexed as I looked for the file. . "First and most important, Kyle. I will never use that in any other way than jerk-off material. For the record, if I wanted to, I could have used it when I didn't give a shit about you, and I didn't. It's something way below me. Is that clear?" I looked at him seriously. "What?" "Here. A friend of mine gave me this." I pressed play and watched Kyle. . He understood the second the video started. He frowned and leaned closer to the screen when he saw us get into the frame. Kyle looked at me, shocked, and returned to the screen with his mouth agape. "Did you know it was there when you hit on me?" "Honestly, no. But if I knew, I would hit on you even harder." Kyle sat leaning against the back of a chair with arms crossed on his chest. His face was an impenetrable mask. That guy should play poker if he doesn't yet. . "How long do you have this?" "He called me when I was leaving the garage." "So from day one." "You can say so." "Yet you are telling me about this only now." "Didn't seem relevant." "If this didn't seem relevant, I am curious what would be." "And what would you do about it?" "I don't know. But if Karl saw this, he would go mental." "So, you would just worry pointlessly." "Still, I feel betrayed you haven't told me." I rolled my eyes. I got together with a drama queen. Great! "I told you, Kyle, I would never use this, and the guy that made me this wouldn't either." "I suppose he could get fired for making you this copy." "Don't threaten my friends, Kyle. There's the line that will not be crossed." "I am not threatening anyone; I am just stating the fact." "The only person who knows I have this copy is you, and it will stay this way." "Of course." . "So, what do you want with this?" "I told you I just jerked off to it a few times. It's hot. Look, I can see you sucking on my pit, and soon, you will be bobbing on my cock." Kyle looked at the screen, frowning. His cock, however, twitched a few times and was already semi. I ran my fingers down his chest from behind him. I leaned close to his ear and coarsely whispered. "It's turning you on, isn't it?" "Yeah." I licked his ear, and he moaned lightly. "Do you like being watched, Kyle?" He looked at me, silent but aroused. "You know the guy who gave it to me said he nearly cummed himself watching us." His dick was hard now. I reached for it and scooped a small drop of precum, putting it to his mouth. "He probably fucked his man hard that night thinking about it." Kyle parted his lips and sucked the drop off my finger. "You are dangerous, Ross." "You love it." Kyle exhaled. "Yes." . We watched Kyle step out of the car, and both of us staring at each other over my car. I pulled his head closer and licked his lower lip, sucking it. He turned with the chair and grabbed my cock and the back of my head. He kissed me. Kyle ravished my mouth hard. He let go and breathed heavily, watching my eyes. "Tell me, boy." "It's not only about being watched. I get hot doing it in public, knowing anyone can catch us, and the thought that someone did is making me crazy." "Fuck, Kyle, you're my kind of a guy." I sucked his mouth to me, attacking his tongue with mine. He pulled me closer, and I kneeled in front of him, taking him by the waist and pulling him down, straddling me. "There's one more thing that I love about this." "Tell me." "I love recording myself destroying some straight, muscled pussy, breaking all guys' boundaries, and making him my bitch." Kyle's eyes grew bigger in an instant. His lips curved up in aroused exhale. "Man! Do you have more videos like this?" "I have a fucking collection! This is the first that was done without my knowledge, and that was hot as fuck!" "I was filming me having sex since I started fucking my first girlfriend." "Fuck! Man, I think I found my best friend!" . "Will you show me more when we will fuck?" Kyle was horny as hell. I could see his demeanor shift as if he had just let go. It was damn powerful to witness that. I didn't want to break this spell by asking who would fuck whom. I was so hungry for him now that I would let him fuck me. Fuck! Just seeing him like this was making me want to lose it! "Do you fuck them rough, Ross?" "Some, well... most of them." "I want to see that!" "Fine, but I want to see yours as well!" "Even those with girls?" "I want to see how you fuck, Kyle." I licked his ear and lightly bit the skin on his neck. I was so hard now! "I want to see how you fuck muscled, straight jocks!" "Do you have some with Karl?" "Man, Karl's little bitch in bed!" "Bro! You have to show me!" "Man, I want to fuck now!" "I will bring my camera!" "Fuck! You just made me so hard it's painful, Ross!" . This was too hot to resist. Yet as I let him sit on the floor and turned to open my drawer with camera equipment, I thought, who will be fucking who? We were way too similar. Neither of us wanted to be the bitch, and we both knew we wanted to fuck the other one. When I turned back, I could see his pulsing dick in his hand, but he had the same question in his eyes. "How do you want to do this, man?" "No idea. I suppose we both think the same." "Well, you said you already bottomed," he tried it with a smug smile "Good try, bro. But one is 6'5 and bigger than me, and the second one was special." "I am not special?" I grinned. "You are, but still. I bottom very rarely." "We have a problem here, do we, Ross?" "Slight one. I am still horny as fuck, though." He smiled. "Yeah..." . "I've got an idea. Come with me." I stood up. I took him to my bedroom, switched on the TV, and set the camera to its usual spot. "Nice." "Come on, sit. What do you want to watch?" "I don't know what you have." "Tell me your kinks, and I will tell you mine, big guy." "Rough, public, twinks." "Don't do twinks much, but rough public, I can oblige." "Fuck Ross, if you'd be bottom, I would think I've met a soulmate." "Is Karl into rough public?" "Yeah, and he's also a twink." "He's old for being a twink, man." Kyle laughed. "Don't tell him that." "Man, the things I would tell him would fit on a single sticky note. I don't have any interest in speaking with him. I want to see him being pounded by you, though. Will you bring some?" "Bro, has anyone told you that you are a bad influence?" "Yeah." "Well, they're right!" I smirked and opened my library on the screen. . "Damn! I'd say that is a collection!" "I told you I am happy with my lifestyle, Kyle." I opened one folder. "These all are public. Choose," I handed him the remote. "What if I recognized someone?" "Wouldn't that be hot?" "Man! You are fucking evil!" "No, just honest." "How many guys have seen this?" "Honestly, Kyle... you are first." Kyle looked at me. "For real?" "Yeah," I shrugged my shoulder. . He scrolled through the windows. "Do you have one where you are fucked?" "I do, but that's not public." "I want that." "No. Those are off limits for now." "Bro! Show me! I want to see your ass pounded!" "You want to pound my ass, man." "That too." I couldn't help but chuckle. He was perfect. "Not today." "When?" "When I get to pound that pussy." I looked meaningfully at his ass. "No way." "Then you won't ever see that. That's fine." "Okay, so we will just suck each other until we are frustrated enough to stop whatever this is?" "Or to fuck each other," I winked at him "Two tops. As I said, we are not compatible." "Maybe... still, you are hot." He sat on me, kissed me passionately, and sucked on my lip. "You too." I grabbed his ass and squeezed it. He laughed and sat down next to me. "You choose something good."

I scrolled. "Okay, here." I played one with this dude in his late twenties. The military cut short hair and blue eyes. He had a nice ripped build about the same as Kyle, an army tattoo on his bicep, and a golden band on his finger. Seth was down on his knees and stroked my cock with a worried look in his eyes. He kept looking around. "Where were you?" "Not sure, some shopping mall. He gave me a hell of a blowjob thought. His wife was just buying something for their kids." "Fuck...! Did you fuck him?" "Wait and see." . We stroked our cocks, and then looked at each other with grins. I leaned forward to him and licked his neck. Taking his cock in my hand, I squeezed a drop of precum out and put it, this time, into my mouth. He watched me with a dazed smile and then glanced at the video upon hearing something. "Fuck did someone just come there?" he asked, hearing the sounds in the background. "It's a public restroom. There were about five people when we came in." I licked his ear, and his hand returned to his cock eagerly. "How did you do that?" "I fucked him a couple of times before. When I saw him with his family, I texted him, he went to that stall like five minutes later, and I followed." "Was he in the army?" "I think he's in the Navy, he's good at taking orders, and if you look, he is great at taking dick down the throat." Kyle turned to the screen. "Fuck!" . I squeezed his nipple and pulled. He hissed and looked at me with foggy eyes. I grabbed his head and forced his mouth open with my tongue. We were making out, hearing quiet groans and gagging from the TV. Kyle looked back. "Will you fuck him?" "Soon." Kyle kept looking at that solid man's face, red from throating my cock with teary eyes staring into the camera. "Fuck, I think I love your cock!" "You think?" "I am an ass person, don't look much at guys' cock." "Then I am honored. What's Karl's cock like?" "I can show you tomorrow." "Fuck, man, you are killing me here!" . We watched Seth gag and slurp down my dick, and I rubbed against Kyle's side, licking his neck and ear while playing with his nipples with my right hand. We saw me taking my dick out, and a thin rope of saliva leaked out of his mouth. "Fuck me!" "Careful big guy! I am too horny to stop once I start." Kyle looked at me with a smile. "I meant that it's that hot." "I know, still." I turned Seth on his knees to face the wall behind him. I slid down the back of his pants and spat on my hand, rubbing his pussy with my fingers. "He was the whole time crouching on the toilet?" "Sure, I told you there were a ton of people around. If he were on the floor, it wouldn't be too subtle. Being tall has its perks, and he is very flexible for his build." . "You're fucking him raw." "Yeah, I am not a big fan of rubbers. But I do often test and my bitches too." "You just fucking rammed it in!" "Yeah, but look at that needy face. He's begging me for more." "Fuck! Man! You destroying that pussy..." "He can take it." "Damn... this is too much, man. I think I will shoot soon!" Kyle's rough voice was steering my insides. I thought I would fucking rape him here. "Wait for him! You can cum with us!" I growled. "Shit, he's fucking biting his arm!" "It's hard not to moan when you get pounded like that and hear the people out there!" "They must have known you were fucking there." "Probably," I smirked. "Not like I cared at that moment." Kyle leaned against me, and I felt him shake. "Ross! I am close!" Kyle pumped his cock so hard I didn't know where to look first, at that horny dazed face with open mouth fixated on the image of me fucking Seth, the video itself, or that red, hard, leaking cock about to burst! . "I will cum too!" I jerked my dick, watching all this, feeling at the absolute edge and shaking! Seth on the screen mouthed to me, "I will cum!" He was shaking and trusting toward me. We could hear my hushed moans as I was about to shoot into his pussy, and the whole picture started shaking as I did! Kyle lost it! I lost it! And all of us shot our loads at about the same time! What a fucking thrill! . Kyle leaned his head to my chest and breathed deeply. I hugged him, and we watched together close up on Seth's sloppy hole gaping for me with my load inside before the video stopped. "That was fucking hot, man." "I want to fuck you so bad, Kyle!" "Like that?" "I think you could take it." He looked at me silently with a smile. . .

Hope you forgive me for a little spoiler. The next chapter is called: Chapter 9 - Two alphas taking down a lieutenant.

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 9

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