Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on Mar 4, 2023


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Chapter 6 - The couch in the basement

I started looking forward to each time I met Kyle at the gym and worked with him in my basement. I could slowly see our progress in both, and it was satisfying. We both managed to stay in the friendly teasing line, but I already realized I was getting increasingly frustrated being next to him. I liked him a lot, he was a cool guy, and I hated Karl now more than ever. Kyle sensed that.

It was the first Monday of December when Kyle finally sent that v12! I was down there staring at him the whole time, and I was never prouder than when he reached that top! We both screamed so loud with excitement that those few people that go there Monday mornings must have turned. Kyle jumped on me and slammed me down with his body. We were grinning and celebrating as if he had just won the Olympics. He was amazing!

"So, the first one doesn't count?" he said with a wide grin sitting with each leg around my hips. I just laid there and tried to burn that moment within my memory. It was fucking epic!

"You take rest now, big guy; that was a masterpiece! I loved it!"

He looked up. "That was amazing!" he was glowing.

We went to my nemesis, but his luck didn't rub on me. Not that I minded; I was happy I could see him made it. He then did it again to be sure, and it took him a couple of tries, but towards the end, he got it again.

"Kyle, I got an email that they will deliver today the couch I ordered. I was thinking we could put the old one in the basement."

"Won't it get destroyed when we still work down there?"

"Hopefully not, and even if it gets dirty, I can call some cleaning service. I am sure it could use it for a while now anyway."

"Well, it would be great to have a place to sit on other than a log and that chair."

"Yeah, that was my thinking, and when there will be a working gym, we can use it after a workout to wind down."

"What time will they come? I am pretty beat up from this today."

"Around one. We could go just through the plans. I needed to make a new shopping list for a while now."

"Good idea. My arms could use the rest."

So as always, we came and cooked. He was getting good at that. He even started mixing some things in it, and it tasted lovely. However, today he started spoiling this beautiful ritual I was looking forward to each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, thinking it was a good idea to try to make me like Karl more.

I ignored his first attempt, admitted the second, and shrugged my shoulders on the third. But when he tried to compare the two of us and looked for similarities, I was nearly beside myself.

"Kyle, for fuck's sake, stop trying to make me like him. Great, so he is generous, amazing with animals, and has a good family. Cool, but really... stop. It's making me livid!"


"Cos, I fucking like you, man," I blurted out without thinking as I was destroying a piece of tomato, "and the only reason I am not kissing the shit out of you every time I see you is that you are with him." I looked at him accusingly. He just stood there speechless.

"Not to mention he is still a prick that made my past four years harder just for fun. Just cos I am bigger than him, and he was my boss."


"Just drop it, will you?"

He was quiet for a moment looking at me with a strange glow. I tried to ignore it and continue cooking. I cannot give in to this now. I would drown in it. I knew I already liked him too much.

We ate in silence, and he kept looking at me. I didn't feel like talking about it more. I brought up my shopping list and the plans we made over the days we talked as we ate in the mornings. We spoke of things needed to order or buy in home depo, and by the time it was done, it changed the mood enough to be breathable over there.

"What are you going to do over Christmas?"

"I suppose I will have to drive over to my folks. They have this family gathering every year. It's exhausting. You going with Karl away for a month?"

He looked like I had said something shocking.

"How do you know that?"

I just shook my head in frustration.

"Each year, there are those few amazing days when Karl is away. Since that is usually from around the 15th, and you asked with that apologetic tone, I added one plus one. Thank you for giving me a two-week notice. You don't have to. I enjoy your company; you are not employed here."

"You sound mad."

"I hate him."

"You could give him a chance."

"Why? I wouldn't need to bother with his existence if you weren't here."

"Right. What do you usually do when you are not working out or working in the basement?"

"I don't know. Normal things, listen to music, read, play games, meet friends, fuck. What do you do differently?"

I hated this "first-date-small-talk-questionnaire," as if people would tell you all the weird things they do, or they could tell you something different from the rest. We are people; we are a bit predictable.

He asked what music I listened to, and we seemed to have a few artists in common. We talked about them, and after a little while, it melted that grim mood I was in. Soon we were in a heated discussion about whether the old or new lead singer was better in one band we liked. And then proceeded to play them to prove our point. By the end, we were grinning and wrestled playfully for my phone to play the next song. I had so much fun that I totally forgot about being angry an hour ago.

Hours came together, and then my phone started ringing.

My couch!

"We should have first moved the old one down."

"And clear space for it."


"Can we fit both here in the meantime?"

"Probably, but I need to take this; wait."

So, we took the couch from them and cramped all furniture to the side to fit all in. Then we proceeded to go down and clear the space for it. Kyle started talking about movies, and we spent most of the cleaning in an excellent mood. We were exhausted when we managed to get the old couch down! In a great mood but exhausted.

We sat next to each other on it and just let our heads rest on the back cushion with smiles on our faces. I turned my head to the side, facing him.

"Thanks, buddy. It would be a massacre doing this alone."

He also turned his head, looking into my eyes gently with a smile.

"Sure, bro," he patted my thigh, leaving it there.

We just sat like that, heads resting on their sides, staring into each other's eyes, and the silence grew heavy after a while. His lips no longer smiled. We both were very aware that there were only about three inches between us, and it felt really intimate at that point.

I moved without thinking, just drawn to his lips, watching his expression as he watched me get closer. He hadn't moved an inch, he still had his hand on my thigh, and I finally reached his lips with mine. I softly parted them as I kissed him, and my hopes were answered when his mouth opened for me, and he kissed me back.

Nothing would be able to stop me now. I was absolutely immersed in that moment. I reached the side of his face and drew him closer to me, deepening that slow kiss we shared. His tongue found mine, and we started to make out. I felt his hand in my hair and his solid chest press against mine. I took him and held him for dear life. We were kissing and increasing the hunger between us. In minutes we were making out hard, grinding against each other and panting.

I reached beneath his shirt and traveled with my hand all over his back, taking his nape with my second hand as I wanted to merge his body with mine. He pushed me on my back, and I pulled him with me so he lay on my chest between my legs. I grabbed his nape and squeezed it slightly as I kissed the side of his neck, then adam's apple, and returned to those hungry lips.

His hands pulled my shirt up, and even though I was afraid to let go, I raised my torso and unhanded him for that second to let him take it off of me. I did the same, and then he dove his lips at me again, and ground our bare chests together.

I found the button on his jeans and opened it hastily. My cock was so hard now! I needed to feel his! I opened his zip when he took my hands and raised them above my head, pressing them into the side of the couch on which I lay. He breathed heavily as he raised his head, breaking our kiss. He just stopped there, catching his breath and looking at me with desperate lust. His dark eyes were dazed, and I watched him look at my pit. I would smirk if I weren't so desperate myself.

"Fuck, just do it!"

He latched on to it as if in a trance, licking it and breathing it in. My cock started hurting as it was straining the fabric of my underwear and jeans. I let out a roar and trusted my pelvis into him, feeling his cock hard against mine.

His right hand left mine, and he opened my jeans, pulling my jock down and taking my cock in his hand.

"Fuck!" I was lost!

I grabbed his dick, pulled it out, and we both jerked each other as he kept licking my pit. I couldn't stop looking at him. It was so hot I could shoot, and I was fucking close. I told him that, and he looked at me with crazed eyes diving into my mouth again. His hand sped up, and so did mine. Fuck, how convenient now is to be left-handed! I needed him to shoot. I need to watch his face as he does. I wanted to see that before I cum.

I could feel his dick twitch; he was panting above me, watching me. We stared at one another, and I could see he was close. Then his head tilted back, and he shot his load all over my chest with a scream. I couldn't take anymore and cummed maybe a second after him.

I raised myself and pulled him to me, kissing him again. His response was now slower and more gentle, and I soon matched his pace, finishing this as we started with slow, intimate kisses until he lay on my chest, our kisses came to a halt, and we stared into each other's eyes silently.

I don't think I was ever so immersed into jerk-off like this. Hell! I don't think I was ever so engaged in kissing anyone like this!

We lay there for a little while, looking at each other, and I had no idea how to act now. I just caressed his hair and let him play with mine. Then he smiled softly and raised himself to his knees, looking at me gently before turning away and breathing out. I sat, I couldn't find words.

"I should shower, I think."

"Sure," I just observed him. Most guys I've been with who are in relationships get weird after. I am used to that. I suppose it is the payment for being an asshole who doesn't care. To have to deal with that in times like this. I usually even found that easier, but this felt different in so many ways that I was now the one feeling weird.

Kyle stood up and went to shower. He usually showered in the one upstairs, so I got conscious about the state of this one, but he didn't seem bothered by it. I went after him and watched him undress and get under the showerhead. He seemed to be deep in his thoughts.

I waited till he finished and then showered as well. I was still waiting for him to say something.

I came out naked and dried myself looking at him getting dressed.

"I should go."


He gave me again that silent soft smile. I got the hint. He doesn't want to talk about it. Okay.

I got dressed and drove him to the boulder gym as always.

"Wednesday? I asked."

Kyle looked at me. I couldn't read him at that moment. "Sure."

Then he left... Just like that.

I sat there watching him walk away. Realizing this was the first time, I even looked to see the direction in which his house is. Their house, Ross, theirs... Fuck! Damn it!

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 7

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