Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on Dec 2, 2023


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Fiance of my Ex-Boss: Chapter 22 - Hot mess


"Hi, I'm here."

"Great, just come in. I'm here over my head. It's open."

"Well, sure, but how do you expect me to do it? Your door has a ball, and it's not opening when I turn it."

"Damn it, right!"

"Do you want me to come by the back door?"

"Always, but not into my house. Wait there!"

I chuckled and put my phone into my pocket.


Soon the door opened, and the hot mess just got a whole new meaning.

"Hi." I couldn't stop grinning. Kyle was covered in green sauce and flour, and his face was red.

"I'm so sorry, I had it all planned out, but then the whole thing got burned, so I had to start again."

He was so sexy and so adorable that I just couldn't help myself. I slammed the door behind me and grabbed him so I could kiss him.

"Ross, I will go mental if it burns again," he grinned as he pushed me away.

"I don't mind, Kyle. You didn't have to worry about that. I'd eat it burned."

"No, you won't. Come."


He led me to the kitchen by the hand, and I stared in awe at the house as we went. It was nice. Simple wooden designs matched the stone floor and white walls. Trees in huge stone pots were covered in light from tall windows on the side, and the simple and spacious rooms gave the house a minimalist look, with the wood giving it warmth and contrast.

We came into an open kitchen with a huge island covered in a mess. Actually, the whole kitchen looked like there just was a frat party, and they felt like cooking drunk.

I smiled and turned to Kyle.

"How can I help?"

Kyle pointed to the tablet with fingerprints and sauce smudges all over the display next to the second, slightly cleaner one and a poor cookbook lying next to it.

I tried to suppress laughter. I took off my jacket and rolled my sleeves.


"I got up to here. Here and here." he pointed to each.

"Right. How many people are we feeding?" I kissed his cheek.

Kyle smiled at me. "Just us."

"Aha... and for how many weeks are we eating that?" I read the recipes and checked the state of things on the stove.

"I kind of thought that we wouldn't have to cook tomorrow and we'd need the energy."

"You are just so fascinating, Kyle. I adore you." This was so cute. I kissed him again and started sorting out some of that mess there.

It took us another hour to finish everything. We kept kissing, talking, and laughing the whole time.


"I can't believe it's done!"


"And it looks better here than when I started the second time."

I smirked. "I'm glad."

Kyle looked at my shirt in disbelief. "How come you are clean?"

I wiped my hands after I had just washed the last things in the sink and turned to him with a grin. "I am that good."

Kyle gave me a seductive smile. "Well, I was kind of looking forward to taking it off you so I can wash it."

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh?"

I took a spoon and plate. I put a bit of sauce into the plate, then pressed his hand onto it. Kyle looked perplexed at me.

"Then just say so." I guided his hand on my chest and pressed it there, making a green sauce handprint.

Kyle chuckled, obviously shocked. "Idiot..." Kyle laughed as he saw the state of my shirt.

"Well, I am your idiot, so it's partly your fault." I licked his hand. "Oh no! Kyle... look at this shirt!"

Kyle started laughing. I gave him a meaningful look and spread my arms. Kyle shook his head and kissed me while he unbuttoned it and pulled it from my shoulders.

"But what about yours? Look, it's ruined. You need to take it off." I started taking it off him, and Kyle still didn't stop laughing.


He didn't say a word. Finally, his laughter calmed down, and he looked at me lovingly. I adored him so much now.

"Thank you, Ross."

I didn't know what he was thanking me for, but I already had an idea of how to eat this delicious meal we had just cooked. I grabbed a piece, blew on it so it wasn't as hot, and gave it to his mouth. He watched me as he chewed it, and then I wiped my fingers on his chest. He smiled as I licked it off him, holding him by the waist and bending him backward.

Kyle grasped quickly what I was trying to do, and when I looked at him, he had already readied piece for me.

"It's delicious."

"Well, I hope you're hungry."



We never even got to take it to the table. We simply ate it off each other right there on the counter.

I turned him, unbuckled his belt, and opened his pants, sliding them down and kneeling behind him. I kissed his back, traveling down and spreading his firm cheeks so I could properly dive in there. Kyle just grinned and let me feast on him.

"Damn, I hate that we don't have this on camera."

Kyle gave me a smug smile and looked somewhere. I looked that way. There was a camera sitting in one cupboard. I looked back at Kyle. He had a satisfied grin.

"I think I am falling in love with you!"

Kyle grinned wider and dropped to his knees, kissing me.

At this point, my chest was sticky and covered with Kyle's spit as he ate off me. I grabbed his head and guided him to my pit. He looked at me, growled, straddled my hips, and buried himself there while I spat in my hand and pushed two fingers into him. He moaned and undid my pants.

Kyle started fisting my cock before he sat on me without a word.

I reached for his head and kissed him gently, moving in sync with his thrusts.


"Do you think we will ever eat again without fucking each other?"

Kyle started laughing. "Sure, we need to ensure we are not in some mall, restaurant, house, or hotel."

I laughed. "Or there is no secluded spot anywhere in sight."

"Right." Kyle laughed.

We started to move faster, and I gripped his waist. "Fuck, you are so hot!"

"Did you see yourself, babe?"

"Damn! I am going to breed you, baby."

"Yeah?" Kyle squeezed me more and started pounding hard onto me. "Do you want to breed me every time you come until you won't be able to fill me anymore?"

"You beautiful perv! You know I do now!"

"Good." He squeezed me more, milking my dick until I started to scream and filled him up!


Kyle bent over and kissed me before standing up and walking away. He came back with a glass of water and handed it to me.

I sat down and watched him sitting there like a happy boy soaking me in as I drank.

"I kind of thought you were going to breed me too."

"I will, but I want to savor this moment."

I smiled and grabbed him, pulling him onto my chest.


Kyle gave me the house tour and talked about its architecture and history and why he had chosen this or that to put in this or that place. I wasn't surprised at this point, even with the indoor pool and sauna. It was nice here, but honestly, I couldn't imagine living here even if I could. It felt like a golden cage.

Mostly I just listened to him with a smile while I held his hand. We had so much sex these past weeks that right now, I craved more intimacy with this man than round two.

"When is Karl coming back?"

"Monday after work." Kyle winked at me.

"So, you want to stay here the whole time?"

"Well, I hoped we could have sex in the whole house, and it's quite a ground to cover."

"Right." I grinned and hugged him around the waist.

"Well, I suppose we can count kitchen as done, in my opinion, but I won't mind repeating that."

Kyle just smiled. "Me neither."


"Did you tell Karl about me?"

"You know I told him I have someone. I am just vague about the gender on purpose ever since I told him."

"I know, you told me that already, but when are you planning to tell him that it's actually me?"

"I don't know. I want to tell him. I just don't know how. I mean, I hate having fights with him, and it's not like it's any business of his anyway."

I shook my head in resignation.

"Do you want to go up?" Kyle asked.


Upstairs were mostly bedrooms, a playroom, and a study. I liked the library. Tall bookshelves up to the ceiling covered the whole wall, and it looked cozy here. The playroom was a small gym with a couch, TV, and consoles. But I could see a vast difference from the ground floor. As if the further from the entrance we went, the more soul the rooms possessed. Downstairs it looked like a house you would print in some magazine for high society. Here, it looked as if someone was actually living there.

"What's in here?"

Kyle went around the closed white door without mentioning them.

"That's Karl's room and officially our bedroom when parents are here."

"You don't share a bedroom?"

"You joking? I mean, like... We are worried that our parents will find out that we are not really together, but Karl is meeting with Don constantly. Don got into a frenzy when he heard about our engagement. Neither of us is brave enough to be in one room. Not to mention Don is over all the time, and they are here then." Kyle knocked on Karl's door.

"So it's only because of Don?"

"Honestly?" Kyle shrugged his shoulders. "When I signed up for all this, I just accepted so many things that I didn't care if I would be sharing the room with Karl or not." Kyle just looked at me with a defeated smile. "I never felt at home anywhere since mom died, so it's not like I care."

I took him in my arms and held him. "Here. You can feel at home here." I don't know why I did it. I felt so hurt hearing him say that, I wanted to be the home he would feel safe in. Kyle smiled softly and laid his head on my shoulder as I embraced him.


We stood there for a while, and then he took me by the hand and led me into the last room all the way back.

"Officially, this is my cave. We refer to it like that pretty much all the time. But I sleep here."

I went in and felt warm for the first time since stepping into this house. The walls were light green, and a soft black rug was on the ground. On the right side of the room were big windows above the double bed I saw in his video. On the left was a wide rack with ropes and climbing gear. Couch and giant screen. But right in front of me was a regular boulder wall with a mat underneath and random workout equipment scattered next to it.

"I wanted this room cos I could have made them build this." Kyle pointed at the boulder. "The ceiling is highest here, and there is one more thing. Come!"

He grabbed one hold and climbed all the way up until he stopped and reached somewhere. Then he pulled himself up and got lost from my view.

"Come up!"


I went up there, and soon I saw Kyle. He was sitting on one pillar, and when I went to him, he showed me an opening to the roof. Kyle looked like an excited little boy showing me that.

"Karl is afraid of heights, so I never had the chance to show this to anyone!" he was practically bouncing. It was dim here as there was just one small window above us, but it was great! There were mats and pillows in this small space, and it was evident Kyle was here a lot. Kyle turned on the lamp and sat on the mat.

"Wau! This is amazing!"

"Yeah, it's my secret spot."

"What are you usually doing up here?"

"Nothing much, I read or just think. I usually come up here when I feel upset."

I knelt in front of him. I was looking in awe at how good I felt here.

I smiled at him. "When you said you want to have sex all over the house, was this place included in it?"

Kyle looked at me and took my face into his hands.

"This place especially, babe."


I crawled on all fours to him and kissed him, pushing him to lay on his back and covering his body with mine. Kyle kissed me so sensually that my body tingled. I held him so close I wondered whether he could breathe, but his body was pulling me even closer.

Kyle turned and sat on me, kissing my neck and Adam's apple while roaming my chest and back.

We were making out slowly as nothing was now more present than this moment here. Kyle licked and kissed his way down my body, undid my pants, and took them off.

Then he licked my cock and trailed down to my balls, cherishing them and slowly sucking on each, making me moan as I watched him.

Kyle raised my legs and licked my crack with the flat of his tongue, smearing spit on it before he started sucking, and darting his tongue deep, spoiling my hole so good I was just purring in pleasure.

"Kyle, please..."

Kyle came over to me on all fours and spread my legs, gently pressing his hips on my butt. He kissed me while slowly pushing in, making my legs wrap around his back.

"You feel so good, baby."

Kyle was quiet, just watching me moving under him and kissing me while his hands cherished every part of my body they could reach.


We stared at each other, and then he just kissed me. We moved slowly, kissing gently, and our hands joined above my head while our bodies slowly danced.

Kyle kissed every bit of my face, ears, and neck. I never felt more cherished than at this moment.

"Kyle..." my voice got stuck in my throat. This was too perfect for speaking now.

I grabbed his head with one hand and kissed him repeatedly as I felt him getting close.

"Come for me, baby."

"Not yet, Ross."

Kyle smiled and pulled out, obviously with great restraint.


He licked every part of my body all the way down, and then I took him and lay him down under me. Kyle watched me as I raised his hands and kissed both his palms before pressing them into the mat, our fingers entwined.

I kissed his face, ear, and neck before I glided with my tongue into his armpit and gently kissed him a few times, breathing him in. Then I licked it while he watched me and raised his legs around me.

I was hard. It was painful, but all this was too beautiful just to fuck him. I entered him while I stared into those deep hazel eyes and wanted to fall into them.

We breathed heavily and moaned - that was the only sound escaping our lips as we stared at each other.

I felt I was getting close. I closed my eyes and tried to delay it when his tongue was in my ear, and his hot breath was making me shake.

"Take me, Ross. Breed me, please! I think I will go mad here!"

His voice was husky, and he was stammering as I felt his arms around my neck, and his whole body was shaking.

I held him tight as I looked at him with a smile and kissed him while I started coming. Holding him for dear life...


I was slowly getting back to my senses. Kyle kept kissing me and roaming my back when he turned with me and laid between my legs, pushing in. I gasped and moaned when he began moving inside me gently but now with need and hunger.


I didn't even set down from one climax when I felt him brushing against my button and bringing me even higher.

We moaned each other's names when Kyle finally started trashing himself, squeezing me around my neck as he exploded, screaming my name.

I held him until he stopped shaking, and then I laid down on the mat, taking him with me.


Kyle looked at me after a little while and kissed me holding my head in his palms. Then he reached behind me and put a warm blanket over us.

We just lay there in the embrace, gazing at each other.

"I should probably tell you something."

"Tell me."

"I promised myself I would take only the person I will love here. Even if I marry Karl and I would never find her, I will not invite anyone else up here."


"Well, I didn't really think I would ever invite a guy here, to be honest."


I caressed his hair and smiled at him. "And what if she would also be scared of heights?"

"I would build her stairs and hold her hand all the way up."

I smiled. "You really had it thought out."

"A little."

"And how would she deal with your marriage?"

"She would know that Karl is just a friend, important to me enough to help him by being married to him."

"And what if she also wanted to marry you one day? Or at least hoped that you two could get there sometime in the future?"

Kyle sighed deeply. "Then me and her and Karl and most probably Don as well would sit down and discuss it in length."

"And what if you'd find that person even before you were married, and everywhere would be rumors about the pandemic and social restrictions preventing you from having a big wedding in the first place?"

Kyle kissed me softly. "Then I would ask that person to be patient, so we can see where all this could lead."

I nodded and kissed him.

"I love you too, Kyle."

Kyle smiled and cuddled against me.



Chapter 23 - Get the fuck out! -

For those who would like to read ahead or see my other work feel free to check out my Patreon -

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