Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on Aug 26, 2023


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Chapter 19 - We Used To Call Him Rix . .

Kyle took the jacket and led me by the hand upstairs. I pulled him tight to my chest and kissed his neck. He smiled but continued walking.

The jacket fell on the couch, and Kyle led me to the bedroom. I had to chuckle. He knows today is his turn, yet he acts like the one in control. I loved that. The strength of this man was captivating.

I had to grin when I remembered what he did to me yesterday. Damn... I would destroy him if I didn't just take his virginity or didn't care about wanting him to bottom again. But it seemed today would be more of an emotional day. We can fuck like beasts some other day.


Kyle sat on the bed, looking expectantly at me... I exhaled deeply. Fine. I gave my word.

"I hope it goes without saying this is only between us."

Kyle nodded. "You didn't have such a speech before showing me the video of a straight married dude, but you care about a single openly gay one?"

"True... I was thinking with my dick then, but I hope it goes without saying."

"Of course, buddy. Same with any of mine."

"Damn. I want to see some."

"I won't be sleeping with other guys, Ross, so I hope you don't mind seeing real pussy."

I just smirked while I scrolled through the library, "So it's no point telling you that Seth had to stay here, and he's been already asking about you?"

"Our lieutenant?"

"I think so." I shrugged.

"How come you never asked his rank?"

"Why? I am not much into the military. I mean, they are great fuck, can take a lot. But I hate guns. So army never interested me in the first place."

"Really? That was the thing that sold him to me!"

"Good for you. I believe the things you did to Seth sold you to him." I winked at him, amused when I remembered Seth's dreamy look and the pretend-casual way he asked if Kyle would sometimes join us again.

Kyle just grinned. "Okay, I can honor him with my dick sometime again."


I smirked and sat next to him.

"This is it."

The video playing showed Rick sleeping on my bed, his back to the camera. It was from a high angle, so Kyle immediately understood.

"How many cameras do you have in this room, Ross?!"


"How many?"

"In here three, and I can put one there, which you saw when Seth was here."

Kyle's eyes were cloudy. "You really are a perv, Ross."

I shrugged with a grin. "Yes, that one is running pretty much all the time. I am used to deleting most of the content every night. Do you mind?"

"I was never so turned on just by knowing about something this weird."

"So you don't mind?" I was now genuinely surprised at his reaction.

"Man, I think I am sick too, but knowing this made me hard, look."

I did and couldn't help but grin.

"Were you watching him sleep?"

I sighed, feeling a bit defensive. "So I like to see him do other things than take my cock or fuck my ass. Sue me!"

"Would you watch me do other things than take your cock and fuck your ass?" Kyle asked with a wicked leer.

"I may have watched that stupid dance you did back then a couple of times."

He leaned back, mouth agape and grinning. "You may have watched that stupid dance I did?"

"Yes." I didn't know how to act now. To be honest, I was used to being a jerk about it sometimes since it was my home, but I didn't want to be like that with Kyle. But that guy just looked flattered!

"A couple of times?"

"Yes." I was a bit tentative now. Is he for real? Most of the guys who find out about that are at least a little taken aback.

"Do you record everything in this house?"

"No..." I frowned, but his grin was wider each second.

"Do you have everything we did on video?"

"No, I missed those first couple of times on couches."

"So, since Seth?"

"Maybe..." I remember discussing this with people I told about it... even those most understanding thought it to be weird. But Kyle looked like a ten-year-old that I just showed tickets to some amusement park.

"Man! You are a fucking creep! I need to see that!"

"You not mad?"

"I'm fucking horny now!"

I blinked and tried to calm down! "Stop playing with me, Kyle, or I will marry you!"

Kyle laughed. "I mean it! Ross, I need to see that!"

"For real?"


Kyle sat on me, straddling my hips, and his hands took my head firmly. His tongue darted on my lips as he purred, humping my stomach with his hard cock. Fuck, this man is too much! I grabbed him around the waist and split his lips open with my tongue. I was now rock-hard myself.

"Sit on my cock, baby!"

Kyle didn't smile anymore. He reached back and inserted my pole into his hole, making me gasp at the tightness surrounding me.


We fucked like this for a moment, kissing and watching his leaking cock and expressions in our eyes. I fucking loved him right now. I loved him with such lust that I could just fuck the soul out of him.

"You want to see it now?" I breathed into his mouth, watching him.

Kyle moaned and licked my ear before turning to that paused image of Rick's wide, muscled back spread over my pillow. "No. Later... I want to see sleeping beauty turn around so I will see his face."

"I need to seed you before that, boy," I growled in his ear while gyrating from beneath him.

"No. You have been teasing me all morning. So it's my turn," With that, he grinned and sat next to me.

"What?! Hey!"

He blew me a kiss as I did to him this morning. I couldn't help but shake my head and grin.


Then, he took the remote from me and played the video. I stared him down, and Kyle just moved in between my legs and sat leaning against my chest. I inhaled the subtle fragrance of his hair and tried to calm down my raging dick!

"You fucking tease."

Kyle just grinned. "Why are you not in bed with him?"

"He hates that."

"He hates sleeping in bed with someone?"

"I mean, if we'd fuck and woke up like that, he'd be probably okay, but we just talked the whole night, and then he wanted to go. I told him it was late, so he should stay. He wanted to sleep on the couch, but I wouldn't have that, so I just made him sleep there and went to sleep on the couch."

Kyle just raised his eyebrow. "You have that as well?"

"What? The talk?"

Kyle nodded.

"Why do you assume the sound would be clear?"

"I can hear him snore, bro. And I don't believe you like silent movies when you can hear them squeal under you. You are too verbal for that."

I genuinely hated how perfect he now seemed to be for me!

"Maybe somewhere on the server, but I cut it," I knew perfectly well where, but I didn't want to go into this wormhole just yet.

"Why you haven't just deleted it?"

"Kyle, we already established in what way I am twisted and how deep I was for him, so why are you even asking this?"

He looked up at me. Kyle's eyes were so warm I could just squeeze him and hold him tight. He was so cute right now!

"Bro... I want you to love me once."

I watched him dumbfounded. What the fuck?!


"Selfish, narcissistic reasons."

"Kyle, that's not why people should want to be loved." Is this guy seriously playing with me, and I am just too stupid to realize that?

"Sorry, it was partly a joke."


"I was just being honest. I find this beautiful. It may be twisted and weird, but I have never been loved by anyone like this."

"Kyle, if anyone else saw this, I would be perceived like that weirdo in some old films with a wall full of pictures of his love interest he stalks."

"Would you do that?"

"No! Of course not! But I think that for many people, it would be the same."

"Does Rick know about this?"


"Does he still hang out with you?"


"Cool, so he knows you like him. He knows you are a creepy video maker, but he also knows that you respect people's boundaries. I see that also. So let me dream that one day I would be as special to someone as he is to you."

I couldn't take this anymore! I took a deep breath and watched the earnest look on him. I grabbed his face in my hands and dove into the most appreciative kiss I ever gave to anyone.

"You fucking, beautiful weirdo!" I said in between kisses.

We both laughed.


"Question?" Kyle pushed me away a bit and kissed my neck.

"Yes, baby?" I held him tight and moved my leg behind him so his shoulder now leaned on my chest.

"If Rick would have a partner who would ask you to delete it. Would you?"

"There were six more videos before these. I was already asked that question."

Kyle looked surprised. "So you did that?"

I nodded. "I could understand his point, and Rick backed him up, so yes."

Kyle nodded with a smile. "And... If you find a boyfriend who would like for you to delete them, would you?"



"No. I was asked that question also."

"Why didn't you?"

"He had no right to ask me that. It's the same for me, as I wouldn't date a person who would demand that I never watch porn cos is cheating. I did take it away from my TV, and I stashed it in the server, but decisions like this need to be made by participants, not their boyfriend's insecurities about their past."

Kyle had this look on him...

"You did that?" I asked him.

"Yeah, and I also stopped watching porn," he smirked at me.

"I mean, it's your choice, but that's not what I would want out of a relationship. Did you at least have that good sex life that it was worth it?"

Kyle laughed. "No..."

Who am I to judge? This boy is one cute softie. I liked that, but I worried about how many people took advantage of that. Am I taking advantage of that?


"Now, let me see him," his voice woke me up from my thoughts.

"Right! I honestly forgot for a minute that it's still on." I grinned. It was true.

Kyle didn't say anything, but this cute, satisfied smirk played on his face.

The minute Rick turned, Kyle frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"He is beautiful."

"Yes." And you still didn't see him open his eyes.


Rick on the screen started moving, and the pain was evident on his face. He screamed and sat on the bed. Kyle watched Rick comb his hair back and straighten his spine as he leaned against my backrest.

Kyle frowned and leaned closer to the screen. Kyle was silent, so I just watched him for a minute and turned to the TV when I heard my voice.

I watch myself come in and sit on the bed next to Rick. We had only a pair of shorts and a plain tee, which we slept in.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just had a bad dream."

"What about?"

"Just things."

"Right, I always hated those." The Ross on the screen grinned and lay on Rick's legs spread on the bed under cover.


A slight smirk crossed Rick's features, and he looked at me, lying there spread like that.

"Why we never dated, Ross?"

The Ross on the screen laughed. "Let's see..." He started counting on his fingers. "One, I am too big. Two, I am white."

Kyle frowned and looked at me quizzically.

"He likes contrast," I explained. Kyle just silently turned back to the video.

"Three, you didn't want to ruin our friendship."

"Four, you prefer being top only." Ross frowned, thinking of more. "I am sure there are a few more; I just can't think of one now."

Rick grinned, touched my lips with one hand, and raised my fifth finger. "You never persisted."

Ross stopped and just watched Rick sitting above him. Then he grabbed Rick's head and pulled him close, kissing him.


I watched Rick raise my shirt, me sit before him, and let him take it off. We kissed slowly and passionately and moved with intent. I remembered that time. We have been together many times, and we both knew perfectly well what any of us loved.

It was strange watching it after this time. I thought I would feel more excited or touched, to be honest, but when I looked at Kyle in my arms, I felt warmer. I told him about this, and Kyle turned to me with the most beautiful smile. He leaned closer to my chest, finding my hand with his as we watched it.


The video was passionate and hot, but neither Kyle nor I touched the other in any sexual way. If someone saw just us, they would think we were watching some drama or something. It was fascinating to experience this...

The video ended, and Kyle just cuddled in my arms. "Why haven't you dated him after this?"

"We did unofficially, or I felt we did, but about two weeks after that, he met this blue-eyed, kinky black twink that was everything he ever dreamed about in a guy. He was cute, funny, smart, and distant in the right way. I had no chance, and I saw that Rick was holding back. I could see it in his eyes, and it was quite painful, to be honest. I believe he felt responsible for my feelings, so he was trying."

I nuzzled against the top of Kyle's head. "So I acted like a dick and drove him away. I knew quite well what hurt him. I suppose I could act like an adult and talk with him about it, but I just couldn't do it...Then I apologized after they were together, and since he is a good guy, we kept being friends."

Kyle looked at me, his eyes peering into my soul. It felt really heavy now.

"You did it so he will be with him and not feel guilty about it?"

I shrugged and tried to smile. "I am used to being perceived as a jerk. He doesn't. He would be guilting himself, and nothing would come out of it. No one would be happy like that. This way, he nearly found a husband."

"They got engaged?"

"No, that guy broke up with him the day he wanted to propose."

Kyle leaned back, shocked. "Why?!"

"He motivated Rick to start his own business, but it took much time to get it going. Jerry felt like he was making him choose between doing something Rick loved or being with someone he loved. So Jerry made that decision for him and left. They still sleep together to this day, though."




Kyle just laid for a while on my pec, hugging me.

"Damn... I would never say that he is gay..."

I raised my eyebrow, a bit confused. "What do you mean?"

"Damn. I need to take a minute." Kyle wrapped his arms around me tighter and nuzzled against my pec. I held him, but I didn't understand a single thing.

"What's going on, Kyle?"

"I know him. I thought it would be hot to have sex while watching this together, but I feel weird now."


"Cos I know what he told Ben. But I would never guess that he is gay! So I suppose Stick is also... damn!"

"Who is Stick?"

"Steve, he was his best friend. Well, now I believe he was probably Rix's first boyfriend... After seeing this."

"Back off, back off! What's going on, Kyle?" I pulled him away and looked at him.

"I used to go to high school with him. We called him Rix. He hated it when people called him Rick. He would get agitated when people called him that. So we either called him Thornton or Rix. There even was this guy on our team who called him Rick or Richard, I don't know, and Rix punched him. Rix was not a violent person, so the way he did it, we had to laugh about it."

"What did he say to Ben?"

"I can't be sure, but he was bruised up often. And he wasn't the type of guy to seek fights. We all knew, but he wouldn't talk about it, and at that time, we didn't know what to do about things like that."

"Bruised up how?" My blood was boiling.

"I guess someone at home was beating him."

I stood up. The rage in me was unbearable! If he'd told me... what would I do? I knew I would probably hurt them! I could imagine the things I would be able to orchestrate so that his family would never have rest.

In those times, I had guys in biker gangs as closest friends... maybe it was good that Ben was there for him. Back then, I was cruel to those I hated. I had friends who would make a living hell of their lives, and I would justify it for myself in a split second. I was a fucking hothead.


I felt Kyle's hands around me, and I calmed down. "He never told me."

"I guess he didn't want to bring those memories back."

I just nodded.

"But it looks like he built himself up nicely."

"He did. He is a strong one."

Kyle smiled at me. "You built him into one."

"No, he always was. Ben and I just gave him a chance to work on that."

"I am glad he had you two."

"Me too." I held Kyle around his shoulders and felt him gently kissing my neck as he was kneeling on the edge of my bed. I took his cheek in my palm and kissed him.


In the end, it probably worked out for the best. I tried to concentrate on the good.

"But I have to say, Rix! I love that!" I grinned.

Kyle laughed. "I suppose it's not something he would call himself as an adult."

"Man! He ain't got a choice now! I am calling him Rix from now on!"

"Are you?" his look was scrutinizing for a moment.

"Damn... right... that secret again... Fine." I was disappointed, but I tried to understand.

"Are you sure it would be safe with him?"

"I believe it would. He knows I crave married men, and he never outed anyone. I trust my friends."

"In that case, you can tell him."

"Are you sure?"

Kyle nodded with a smile.

"Yeees!" I beamed and pulled him tighter.

"But I don't want to have a threesome with him."


"Maybe if he finds someone whom he loves the same as you did him back then and they both would be open to that. But otherwise. No. I don't think I want that."


I snickered at him, checking out his naked frame under me.

"Now, when this is done with. I think we had other things on our agenda." I winked at him.

"Showing me the fingering session in your kitchen?"

"Only if you are in that leather jacket, and I will be fucking you while I watch you dance for me!"

"Well.. we can make that work! I was so close back then to let you fuck me. It was insane!" he purred into my lips with a grin.

"Man! We really are fucking the whole day today!"

Kyle licked my lips. "You bet we are, babe!"



Chapter 20 - Please stay on the line, Matt -

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Next: Chapter 20

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