Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on Jun 28, 2023


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Chapter 16 - Third Man to Top Me


My lips were swollen by now and getting sensitive, but I didn't care. I needed more! We were eating ourselves with hunger I hadn't felt in a long time. He pulled my head away from his. My hair is too short for someone to grab it, but from how he held my head, I was positive that's what he would do if they were longer.

"Look, you are missing an important part," he pointed out.


I turned to the video still playing. I didn't even think about that. I saw Kyle on screen lick his fingers, and at first, I didn't get it, but then he scooped another drop of the cum he had just shot and put those fingers back in his mouth. "Fuck!" I exclaimed.

I looked at Kyle beneath me, and his smile was wicked. He took my head in a hot demanding way and guided it to his neck. I saw it immediately, the smell of it was intoxicating, and I let him make me lick it and eat it off him. I heard his moans and couldn't help but moan too. He took my head back, kissed me, and demandingly forced my head down, lower. This time I ate the drops on his chest and then on his stomach. The whole time he was holding my head firmly, and I was letting him, feeling my cock stir in my jock and beg me for release! It was painful at this point as it was rubbing the fabric.


Kyle pulled me up by the throat and dove his tongue in my mouth, claiming it possessively. I was sold! I could now do anything for him. I was so horny! He pushed on my shoulder, and I knew this move too well from my experience. I hungrily pounced on his cock and sucked it deep, feeling it deflate slightly since he had just cummed.

"Gently!" he hissed.

I slowed down and licked his shaft, restraining myself with all power inside me. I licked and sucked him, feeling greatly satisfied as it grew again!

I spread his legs and parted his glutes, cherishing that hole I needed to taste so much. Kyle let me there for a while, then he pulled me up again and turned with me, so he straddled my waist.


We were both breathing heavily, and I needed to cum! Now! I clasped his face and pulled him to my lips again, caressing every part of his body I could reach. Kyle opened my jeans and broke our kiss to take every piece of clothing off me. I lay there and let his eyes feast on my body.

"For fuck's sake, you are fucking hot, babe!"

"Have you seen yourself, big guy?"

Kyle grinned and knelt between my spread legs. "Flex, babe."

"Which part, baby?" I snickered.

He smirked and scratched my chest and biceps. I obliged, and he parted his lips. Next, he rubbed my abs, and as I crunched, flexing them with hands behind my nape, he bit his lower lip. I loved this. I relaxed and grinned at him. He looked so cute sitting on me like that.


"If I can give you advice, baby. If you like me flexing, wait until you are fucking me. The way muscles tense when the pussy is pounded, it's just astounding!"

"I saw, actually, seeing Seth gave me that idea."

"Well, Kyle, you are just the perfect kind of perv for me!"

"You have no idea, babe!" he licked my lips before kissing me again. His look was ominous.


"Kyle," I smiled but glanced earnestly at him, rubbing his forearms. He looked at me with interest. "You can destroy me over the weekend, but give me time with the first one. It's been ages since I let someone there."

He caressed my torso, combed through my chest hair, and examined me.

"That reminds me that you promised to show me the video where you have been fucked."

"I keep my promises, boy, but I still haven't fucked that," I looked at him meaningfully.

"That pussy?"

I raised my brow. I was a bit worried about calling it that way in front of him. "Yes."

Kyle smirked. "This will be better worth it!"

I sat and launched on his mouth. "You fucking bet it will be! You will think of me every time you move, baby."

"Then be prepared for the same kind of treatment, boy."

"Fuck, Kyle, you are seriously making me crazy here! What do you want to do with me?"

He pushed me down and unhurriedly, with some kind of sinister love in his voice, said only, "Fuck your pussy, babe." Before he kissed me surprisingly gently and spread my legs wider.


I let him kiss me and felt his dick humping my ass, his hands all over my chest, neck, and arms. Then he moved lover and licked my nipples while he scratched my legs and raised them to feel my butt. I watched him and moaned whenever a tingling wave of heat ran through me. He was so good! By the time he got to my hole, I was delirious, and once he started rimming me, I was screaming in a frenzy.

"Yes! Fuck! Yes!"

My dick was now so hard I was worried about touching it. I gripped the sheets and thought I would bite into the arm next to my head.

"Please, fuck! Just fuck me already! Please!" I was really desperate now. Kyle raised both of us with a wild grin, reached for my nightstand, and grabbed a lube. I watched him smear it over his cock and push two fingers into my pussy while he leaned toward me, and we both watched that side by side.

His fingers dove in, and I hissed a little, holding him by the nape.

"Shh babe... breathe," he kissed my lips gently. "Let me in, boy."

I looked at him with such devotion he stopped for a moment, and we just glanced at each other. I put my second hand behind his head as well and kissed him. We kissed for a moment, and then I felt his fingers pressing on my crack. I pushed against it, and while kissing him tenderly, I let him in.


His fingers stretched me, and I was too hungry to care about the slight pain.

"More," I whispered when our lips parted, and he, dazed, his eyes never leaving my stare, added third. A chill ran through my body, and I suddenly felt cold. Goosebumps emerged on my skin, and I started shaking. He watched me the whole time and started fingering me gently. My poor cock was crying, and I felt at the absolute edge!

I looked at him. "Kyle, I am too close! I want you to stop when I cum, but don't pull out. Just slowly start again."

"Okay," his voice was raspy, and I loved that.

"Please, Kyle. I can't wait much longer. I need that cock now!" I was purring like the most submissive bitch, but I really felt that I needed his cock now! I needed him, all of him. I needed to cum with his dick in me!


He moved closer and pulled out his fingers, unhurriedly pushing in his dick. I laid down and arched my back as I growled in pain. It hurt, but I wanted him to fill me! I was desperate for a connection with this man. This! I was desperate for this!

"Don't stop." I kept pushing against him.

"Ross, fuck, you are so tight, I can't think straight."

"Then don't."

He grinned at me and kissed me again, pushing relentlessly slow inside until I felt tears running down my temples, and my hole was stretched so painfully that I had to put my palm on his chest to stop him.


I breathed heavily and groaned. This was getting too much now. It really hurt!

My eyes were closed when I felt he was kissing my tears and caressing my hair. Then, he just laid there, his dick twitching in me, and I didn't know how much more was to come.

"Tell me when to move, babe."

I raised my head and hugged him tightly, hiding my face in his shoulder. Kyle held me and kissed my neck.


After a while, the pain subsided, and I relaxed enough to look him in those caring, patient brown eyes and smile. He smiled back and nodded with a questioning look.

"Yeah, go for it, big guy."

He kissed the tip of my nose and softly pushed further. It was manageable now, and I moaned when his tongue licked the inside of my ear.


I finally felt his pubic hair on my balls. I breathed deeply and grinned. I was so fucking proud. No idea why. That was how I felt!

I looked at him and kissed him passionately.

"Fuck man, you are huge!"

"Have you seen your dick, man? If you had a problem with mine, I worry how I will take that pole!"

"Don't worry, boy. I will take care of you. I am a pro at tight virgins. So you are in good hands."

"Then you could have given me some tips. I didn't want to hurt you."

"Fuck, Kyle. You are fucking perfect don't doubt yourself!" I smiled at him, but he still looked apprehensive.

"Is the queen visiting again?" I made the face of how he now looked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You are a prick. I was worried for you."

"I know, you are cute when you do that. But I can handle myself." I squeezed the muscles in my ass and watched his reaction to that with satisfaction.

"Ross! Fuck!"


We smiled at each other, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Now fuck my pussy good, baby."

I didn't mind calling my hole pussy. I was always confident enough in my sexuality that name-calling never bothered me. And I was actually curious about what this guy could do to me.

Kyle eyed me, amused, and gave me a warm smile before kissing me and pulling his dick slightly out. He unhurriedly moved back and forth until I started moaning under him and begging him to stop teasing me. Then he sped up and grasped my hand, entwining our fingers together and holding my face with the second hand. It was great!


I understood he was holding back because I asked him for that, and I was grateful. Soon enough, I was in heaven! I loved the way he felt inside me, and the patient tempo was enjoyable and even intimate. "Man... what are you doing to me...?" I whispered, staring into his eyes with awe.

We kissed a lot, and we stayed only in missionary for the first time he took me. He kissed my neck, my ear, and my nipples. Scratched my shoulders, arms, glutes, and legs. While with a steady tempo, he brought me to the absolute edge.

"Kyle, I am close." I whimpered, and he nodded. I could see his gentle, caring side, and it felt so good! Kyle spat in his hand and took my cock in his palm, stroking me.

We were both panting, moaning, and growling. I was squeezing him inside me while I held his head in my hands.

"I will cum!" I trembled and felt steady waves of pleasure building up. I don't remember ever coming to a climax like this! I knew it was here, and then it just broke! I screamed and moaned, my body shaking under him. I held his hand to stop him from jerking my cock more as I couldn't take it. I blinked a couple of times, my vision blurry, and I laid my head on the pillow in the last scream.


Kyle watched me with a satisfied smirk. I hadn't felt wetness anywhere on my body, I looked, and his whole stomach was covered in my load. Damn, that was hot!

"My beautiful, amazing buddy. I think I am getting crazy for you." I mumbled in a post-orgasmic state, covering my forehead with my forearm, not even realizing how uncharacteristic this was for me. Kyle just watched me with a smile. Still deep inside me.


We lay like this for a little while before he started patiently moving again.

"Care to up the level a little?" he asked with a little smile.

"Give me a slow start, but then go for it, big guy. I want to see what you can do!"

"Careful, boy, you may ask for more than your top pussy can handle," he grinned wildly, and I smirked back. "Don't worry, buddy. I can handle a lot!"

Kyle gave me a smug smile and scooped a little of my cum on his finger. I watched him taste it and then feed it to me while he kept that steady rhythm. I licked his finger and spread my legs further.

He slowly fed us both with every drop from his body, and by the time he was done, I was loose enough and aroused so much that I demanded more! I grinned at him and raised myself to roll on top of him. Kissing him and then straightening my back while I rode him.

"Fucking hell, what a view!"

I grinned and upped the speed. He clutched my hips and thrust from below. We were slowly loosening our boundaries, and we both knew it. That ominous smirk on his face was priceless.

"Show me what you can do, big guy."


With that, it was on! Kyle grabbed me and smacked me down again. He licked my throat on its whole length, bit my ear, and ravaged my mouth while he took my legs higher and started pounding into me.

I was screaming after a while and thrusting against him with the same power.

We got into full power mode. Kyle took me in so many positions and pounded me so hard that I was curious how much strength I would have left when he will be done with me! We both screamed a lot, wrestled, bit and choked each other, licked each other all over, and he rammed me so hard I saw stars at some point. It was fucking madness!

But there was no way I would tap out first! We both played for the win! We were besting each other and pushing ourselves for more and more. He made me flex in various positions, and I can't count how many times we said how hot the other looked! It was the ride of my life for sure! If I wasn't trained and wasn't used to pushing myself, I was sure tomorrow I wouldn't be able to walk! Damn, even now, I hoped I would be able to walk tomorrow!


"Fuck! How hot this would be if we were switching roles mid-fuck!" I growled in between screams and moans at some point.

"Do you want to fuck me now?" Kyle now sounded nearly eager. I even believed he was. We were so horned up.

Kyle was riled! He was mad with lust, but I knew better than having him have a first time like that. Yeah, he would enjoy it! I would make sure of that, but the start would be a massacre for him.

"No, baby. I want to take you right. I want to take my time with you. We are fucking my pussy today, and tomorrow we will stretch yours."

"In that case, man, I am fucking you again after this!"


Okay, seems that I will have to be the one to admit defeat. There was no way I could make another round! Everything hurt by now. My muscles were heavy and sore! "No way, man! I need to be able to move tomorrow to give you the best treatment possible." I winked at him from the side and screamed immediately after as he pounded my button mercilessly!

"Fine, but Sunday, we will keep switching, and I want to see that guy who pounded this tight pussy!"


I was just on all fours, Kyle taking me from behind, when I knew I had reached the point of no return!

"Fuck, fuck, Kyle! I am so fucking close!"

"Me too!"

"Wanna cum together?"

"Fuck yes!"

With that, we both caught my leaking cock, and I squeezed my hole. We were panting, thrusting against each other like madmen!

I started to feel my balls twitching, and pulses of electricity ran through me. I was getting dizzy, and I knew I was going to shoot!

"I will cum!"

"Hold on!"

"What?! Fuck!!"


"Fuuuck!" The last one, we screamed together, and I fell down on the pillow, Kyle on top of me, and we breathed heavily. I couldn't speak for him, but I could not move or even think at the moment.


I heard chuckling behind me.


"I am starving, but I can't move!"

I laughed as well. "Same."

"We never even finished making the breakfast, did we?"

"No. I have some things we can eat, but I don't believe I will stand up in the next hour," I laughed weakly.

"Damn! How long would pizza take?"

"About 30-40 minutes."

"I would kill for one."

"I can order, but you need to get off me, man."

Kyle wrapped his arms around me tightly and nuzzled against my back.

"No way. I rather stay hungry."

I had to chuckle at how cute that was.

"How about I just turn on my back? It's getting hard to breathe."

Kyle scoffed but moved.


I turned and lay on my back. Kyle handed me the phone and wrapped himself around me again. I looked at him. He was seriously too cute now! I kissed him and smiled.

"What do you want?"


"Post-orgasmic bliss?" I smiled.

"Sure," he grinned.

I kissed him again and unlocked my phone. "What kind of pizza do you want?"

"I don't care, but I don't think one would be enough."

"We can have three between us."

"Great." Kyle put his leg on my groin and gazed at me.


I opened the camera settings and whistled.


"Dude, we fucked for over four and a half hours."

"No way!"

"Look." I showed him the recording time.

Kyle looked proud. He was practically beaming! I had to laugh. "How long is that video of our call?"

"32 minutes," he said. I was curious how many times he watched that to know it that precisely.

"Damn!" So he pounded my ass for a little under four hours. No wonder we cannot move a muscle now!

We were both feeling like we had just won the spartan race. Well, I did feel like that. But Kyle sure looked the part as well.


"Tomorrow we fucking the whole day!" I grinned happily. Even if I would have to stay on bed rest for the whole next week, unable to move, tomorrow I will fuck him into oblivion!

"Dude! We're talking about my ass!"

"And... You're welcome," I sang.

Kyle blinked, raised his brow, and started laughing. I watched him with a grin and realized I was so fucking hungry!

"Food!" I exclaimed and opened the page with the menu.



As you already know, the rest is on my Patreon. Feel free to check it out. The next chapter is here for those who are not sure where to start. >> Chapter 17 - Those Firsts -

I will post it here, as always, in about ten days :)


I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 17

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