Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on May 8, 2023


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Chapter 13 - Save Yourself a Heartache

I've been to Don's very few times. Honestly, now that I think about it, we mostly met at Phil's or mine. Thankfully I had his address saved.

Anyway, I should call beforehand.

"Hi, Don. What are you up to?"

"Just reading, why?"

"Can I come over?"


"Yeah, I am just near your street."

"Right. Sure, come."

I knocked, and when he opened the door, he looked at me with a grin.

"I was curious when you will finally show up."

I raised my eyebrows. "You were?"

"Yeah, come on in."

Don is one of those guys you can find in the dirtiest pubs with his buddies over beer. He loves his bike and his friends. I met him a few years back when Phil got him the job in our building. At first, I was taken aback when Phil told me they used to date, but as I got to know this guy, I fell in love with his sense of humor and rough edges. He was one of those guys you could call in the middle of the night and was down for anything.

We fucked one guy once together, but since he was top only and not exactly my type, we never did more than that.

If I'm correct, he was 41 at the time, and even though he was really outgoing, when you got to know him, you found out that deep down, he was really a loner, and there wasn't much he said about himself. He's about 5'10 and 180 lbs, a bear with broad shoulders and muscular arms. He's got more of a dad bod, and he says that he rather rides on an empty road in the summer than spend his time in a gym.

I still couldn't believe that this was the man Karl chose to cheat on Kyle with!

I sat on his couch and moved a few things away. It was not messy here. Just you could always bet to find a few things lying around. I couldn't picture Karl being here with this man. I couldn't think of more opposites than these two. If I didn't see it, I would never believe it, really...

"What do you mean you were curious when I will show up?"

"Ross, let's not play this game," he shook his head with a smile and went to the kitchen. "Beer?"



"Thanks." I just held it, still frowning and trying to understand his mocking sneer.

He sat in the chair before me and smiled as a loving but disappointed father would do. What the heck? Did I miss something?

"What?" I started to feel offended.

"Look, I know what this is about. You don't have to worry. I won't say anything."

"What do you mean?" Now I was really confused!

Don just leisurely sat back and took a sip.

"Honestly, I thought you would come sooner. What happened? Did that pretty boy get worried after all this time?"

"What are you talking about, Don?"

"For real? Ross. This is getting ridiculous. You know I saw you two."


He shook his head, disappointed. How did the tables turn? I was getting flustered since he really looked sincere.

"You tell me, who sucked your dick in your car the day you got fired?"

"You saw that?!"

"Of course. Didn't you see me?"

"Damn! No, I didn't know! You really saw that?!"

"Really?" he frowned with a smirk.


Don shrugged his shoulders and took a sip. "Then you know. I did see you. I have to say, man. I have no right to judge but not cool."

"Not cool?"

"No, you know he's Sinclair's fiancé."

I looked in bewilderment and crossed my arms in front of me. "You the one to talk."

Don frowned a little bit. "What do you mean?"

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a suggestive look. "Guess."

He looked taken aback. His features got tense, and he crossed his arms in front of his chest as well.

"How long do you know?"

"How long you've been fucking him?" I asked, trying to sound as little intimidating as possible. I didn't come here to threaten him.

"Why you've never told me?"

"I am not judging you, Don." I raised my hands. "I don't even want to get you into any trouble. I was just honestly shocked. You are like the last person I would expect to be fucking him. No offense, but he is one stuck-up princess."

Don had to chuckle. "Yeah, he is."

We both smirked at each other. He looked at me as if he was trying to read me.

"Ok. So you got his boyfriend to suck your dick, and I fucked him. What else do you want to talk about?"

I was thinking about how much I wanted to reveal. This was seriously a weird situation. He kept looking at me, his features were stiff, yet I didn't feel threatened. More like we were both trying to figure out each other's intentions. The silence grew a bit heavy for our taste.

Donald peered at me. "Okay, can we cut all this drama? I just don't like this tense shit. So tell me, why did you come here, and why should I care?"

"I just heard that Sinclair is supposedly working overtime, and since I know that there is no way for him to need to work so much, I got interested."

"Were you looking for some revenge since he fired you? Did you try to find some dirt on him?"

Now I was taken aback. I hope he would know I would never stoop so low. Yet I could understand what made him think that.

"I would say making his fiancé suck your dick should be satisfaction enough," he finished his beer and stood up. Don looked really protective now. He must care for Karl.

The thing is, I find Don to be a genuinely good guy. I trust him since he has repeatedly proved to be one loyal friend. I would like to clear things out, but telling him that I like Kyle and wanted to know if Karl is cheating felt like oversharing and outing Kyle in a way.

"Look, I didn't know what I would find, and you weren't very careful, to be honest."

"Okay, so tell me, what did you see and when?"

Don stood in front of me in a wide stance, arms crossed in front of his broad chest, and was looking at me with a serious look. I frowned now, thinking what to say. He probably felt threatened, and he started to look defensive and angry. I should have thought more about what exactly I wanted to achieve before barging here like this.

"You seem to care about him."

"I do. Now answer. What do you want with that information?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to know the truth as it was bugging me."

"How did you know he works overtime?"


"I just heard it."

"From who?"

"A friend."

He frowned.

"I thought we were better friends than this, Ross. Can you talk straight with me?"

"I just don't want to expose anyone."

"Only me and Karl. Did you want him to get into trouble?"

"No. Well, I wouldn't care about him. To be honest, I hate his guts, but I wouldn't do that to you. That is the reason I came."


"Talk to you about it?"


I realized that I didn't have any other reason than to satisfy my curiosity. Now I felt pretty dumb. I was making him uncomfortable with something that shouldn't even be my business. He knew for months that I had Kyle suck my dick and didn't do anything about it since that was not his business.

"Can we take a break, man? Look, can I just go take a leak and think a bit here?" I felt uncomfortable and frustrated now. I didn't think it would go this way.

He looked at me with a frown. "Sure. Those doors on the right," he pointed behind me.

I just needed to breathe and think about what I wanted to do here. I entered the bathroom and stopped frozen in spot when I saw one single shelf that was so out of place here that it screamed Karl. It was methodically stacked with about ten oils and lotions, a toothbrush, a shaving kit, and a fancy-looking blowdryer.

It would be just slightly less weird if Donald weren't bald. The rest of the bathroom was... let's just say, in the state, you would guess by being in this house, but this shelf was like catalog-picture-perfect. I looked in the shower and found another three bottles that were in striking contrast to Don's things. I took out my phone and looked up one cream in front of me.

"Who the fuck spends three hundred bucks on face cream?!" I whispered to myself.

This is definitely not fling! If Karl keeps thousands of dollars worth of cosmetics here, they must have been dating for years, not fucking a couple of times!

I stormed out of the bathroom and looked at Don. Just that moment, I realized that if Don keeps that here he must care a lot for Karl too. I didn't give a damn about Karl's feelings, but I sure as hell cared about Don's. That calmed me down, and I felt a bit of camaraderie with this guy. Didn't I like Kyle a bit too much as well?

"How long are you two dating?"

He frowned and realized why I may have asked that. He looked behind me to the bathroom door and crossed his arms in front of his chest again.



"It's none of your business."

"Does Kyle know about that?"

Don looked at me intently, observing me.

"Why do you ask?" He definitely had suspicion now.

"Okay, Don. Can we just calm down? Let's agree that whatever we say now will not leave this room."

Don nodded.

"I know, Kyle. We didn't sleep together, but he is kind of my buddy."

"How do you know him? Other than that encounter in the garage."

"I started to go to boulder gym and met him there. He is helping me now with rebuilding my basement."

"You finally doing that?"

"Yeah, you know now when I have time."

"Cool." He nodded, still observing me. "Do you like him?"

"Do you love Karl?" I can't imagine Don letting Karl leave his things here like that otherwise.

We stared at each other in silence for a few moments.

"Okay, cut all bullshit and swear nothing goes out?"

I nodded. "I suppose we both have few things on each other we could use if we would be like that. And I find that beneath me, especially to do it to a friend." I said.

He nodded. "Same."

"Fine. Yes, I do."

"Does he know that?"

"I am pretty sure he does."


Great, we got somewhere, but I suppose we were still too worried just to expose it all.

"How long is it going on?"

"How about you?"

I had to chuckle. This was getting ridiculous.

"I met him just a couple of weeks back. He tried to keep his distance from me most of the time. I suppose he felt ashamed that he had sucked me off, but we became good friends after a while. That's how I found out. When we were talking on the phone, he mentioned Karl working overtime, and it didn't add up to me, being the middle of December. So I got kind of angry that Karl may be cheating on him and wanted to know before I said something to Kyle and made a mess of things.

"So you asked Phil to look at cameras if Karl is really at work?"

"In a way, yes. He wasn't excited about doing that."

"Still, you probably persuaded him."


"What did you see?"

"Your Friday farewell."

Don's lips curved slightly up. "What do you want to do about it now?"

"I don't know, man. Nothing, I just felt like you should know, and I wanted to talk to you. I know that I would want to know if that was me."

Don let down his arms and sat down. "Well, to answer your question. We've been together for quite a long, and yes, Kyle knows."

"Why the fuck he didn't tell me?"

Don frowned, observing me.

"I suppose he didn't feel like exposing his fiancé."

"Still! He could have told me."

"I suppose he didn't want to."

I sat down, frustrated.

"You do like him, do you?"

"He's a bro."

"We said to cut the bullshit, Ross."

I looked at him, defeated.

Don sighed, came to me, patted my shoulder, and went to the kitchen for another beer.

"Just to be sure. Does anyone else know?" he asked.

"No, just Phil. But don't worry. We got your back. We were just shocked."

"Trust me. I was shocked myself the first two years." I heard his soft laugh when he emerged from the kitchen.

"First two years?!"

"Yeah, we had our third anniversary a few weeks ago."


"This cannot get out," he pointed his index finger at me.

"Then you should take better care of the footage."

"I suppose you are right. But it's really hot," he smirked at me.


"So that thing on your shirt is cum?"

"What?" I looked, and he was right. With everything going on, I forgot I shot on my shirt. "Shit. Yeah."

He looked amused. And just laughed at it as he sat down.

"You liking McCoy. How long is that going on?"

"I don't know. We haven't fucked, well...."


"Kyle is top. He is not open to being fucked."

"I heard that is kind of your type. Straight and tops. I was genuinely stunned you managed to get him."

"Yeah, well, experience," I smirked. "Not like it helped me much further."

"So, why do you bother?"

"He kind of grew on me."

I told him a very short version of our relationship. I was intentionally leaving out sexual things we did. He listened non-judgingly and just drank from his bottle.

"Just don't."

"Not like you can judge me, Don."

"I am not. But I can see you already care for him. Trust me. It's not worth it."


"They will never break up. Save yourself the heartache."

"Look who is talking."

He shrugged his shoulders, admitting my point with a sad laugh.

"Karl. Does he love you?"

"He says so, but there is no point in that. I will never be good enough."

"What the fuck?"

"It's nice that you don't know. I suppose there is still a chance for you to run away."

"What do you mean, man?"

"Did you see the house they live in?"

"No. I don't even know the street they're on."

"Good. Keep it like that. Seriously."


"Man, they live pretty much in a palace. They can never show guys like us to their posh parents. I suppose they can keep coming back and saying the first year how much they hate it, but even when you get through that, and they realize they love you, they just can't be with you."

"I am not saying I want to marry him."

"Good, keep it that way. Cos you can't."

"You seem so sure."

"You know nothing Ross Garret."

"Don't Game of Thrones me, dude. Tell me."

"Their parents got them pretty much by the balls. If they split and got together with someone as we are, they would renounce them."


"Yeah. I already asked him that. I can't count the number of fights we had over this. After a while, I just resigned."

"How does Kyle deal with that Karl is with you?"

"I think he doesn't ask. From what I know, they have a kind of agreement. They don't even fuck."

"What do you mean they don't fuck?"

"It's a sham marriage."

"That's what Karl told you?"

Don nodded.

Great, give me more drama that I need to think about whether I want to get involved in... I don't need this shit. I decided to let it slide this time. I will ask Kyle first. We definitely need to talk after this.

"You know they engaged, right?"


"Don't you think they would sleep together since they will be married?"

"I flipped when he said he was engaged. I wanted to cut it off right then, but he kept coming back. I kept punishing him for that, but after a while, I made my peace with it. If they would sleep together... I don't know. I don't want to think about that, man! I mean...Ross... If you think they do, don't tell me, and if you know they do, make sure you will not tell me. I am dangerous when I feel angry and sad."

"Should I feel worried for Karl?"

"No, I am not a brute. Well, I can be, but no, I would never hurt him more than he wants me to, but that guy wouldn't be able to sit for weeks if I found out they fucking. And I personally just don't want to know if they do!"

I felt like I didn't understand anything at this point...

"Did you tell Karl about Kyle and me? I mean, the blowjob?"

"No. I thought about it but decided it's none of my business, and it's not like Karl should care." Don said it like it should have made sense... It didn't at all!



I moved and hit something with my leg. I looked around and started chuckling when I remembered Kyle telling me about their fight that morning.

"You don't get told off for having him in such a mess? I remember I wanted to punch him every time he stood above me to clean something I spilled by mistake or didn't put away back when he was my boss."

He started laughing.

"Oh, yeah! He tried it! One of the best hate-fucks we had. He still keeps doing that sometimes, but now he knows that it would result in him being pinned against it and fucked hard, so he uses it only when he feels like being punished. Now he just usually cleans it himself or deals with it."

I had to laugh. Those two are striking opposites, but it seems it's working for them.

"If Kyle knows, would it be ok if I told him I know it too?"

"I suppose so. But man, seriously, be careful."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't go deep for him." He looked into his bottle. "It may sound great having no commitments, amazing sex, and bitch on demand, but in the end, even when you think you want something like that, it gets lonely." Don looked at me sincerely. "You will not be the person he can wake up with each morning, and you start to cherish those mornings he does. I tell you, man, I love casual sex, but it's a fucking heartache once you start to care. And I can tell you already do, in a way."

"Don't worry, man. I am not looking for a husband. Most of my hookups are married men."

"I've been there, Ross. Trust me, I know. Just take my advice. Don't let it get too deep."

I felt sorry for him. Now I could see how tough it may have been for Don. Damn! Over three years, being someone's secret, and in a few months, Karl will be married! That must have been harsh.

"Thanks, Don."


"I will go now. Can I be sure you will not say anything to Karl?"

"I am a man of my word."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Good luck."

"Thanks," I handed him my bottle.

"You didn't even drink it?"

"I am driving, man."


"See you at Ben's at New Year's?"

"You bet."

I left with more questions than answers in the end...

Chapter 14 - New Year's 2020 -

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 14

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