Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on Apr 26, 2023


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Chapter 12 - Karl's Overtime



"Man! Come over here!"

"Did you find something?"

"Dude, seriously! Come - here - now!"

"I shower and am on my way."

I dropped the safety glasses and turned off everything. Running to the shower like someone was chasing me.


I was parked in the garage next to the security door within forty minutes. I knocked, and Phil let me in.

"What did you find?"



"I don't even know if I want to show that to you!"

"You better not send me back now." I would be furious! "Show me."

"I checked all the times you gave me... Man!"

"Seriously, stop this. Tell me or show me but stop pacing here like a virgin on the wedding night!"

"You won't believe this!"

"What?!" This was getting seriously annoying!

"Sit down!"

I did and looked at him, expecting him to sit as well, but he just kept pacing around. I rolled my eyes and fought the urge to pull him onto the chair.



"I am not giving you anything! Do you understand?! I will show you cos I owe you big time, but first, you will have to swear that you will choose how to approach this extremely wisely!"

"For fuck sake, what?! Is he not cheating on him?"

"Oh yes, big time!"

"So, I know the other guy?"

He looked at me strangely.

"It's not a guy?"

"Yes, he is."

"Who? Mitch?" That's his boss.

Phil shook his head. If Karl is fucking someone from the office, he must be somebody high in the food chain. I thought about who it could be. From Phil's expression, it had to be huge!

"Douglas?!" Ryan Douglas is the CEO, although I am sure he is straight and married. But he looks really good for his age. I could see Karl lusting for him.

"Not even close!"

"You joking! Who?"


Phil finally sat down and grabbed the mouse.

"Swear you will not do anything without talking with me first!"

"Damn, ok, I swear!"


He played it.

At first, I didn't know where to look.

"Here." Phil pointed. Now I realized that after four years of working under him, I didn't even know what car he drove.

"Were you working that day?"

Phil shook his head In negative, fixated on the screen.

Karl parked and walked towards the elevator. So far, nothing has happened. I looked at Phil, who crossed his arms and breathed heavily. I looked and realized that he was hard!

What is going on here? Karl went past the elevator.

"He is not going up?"


"Where did he go?"

"Here, look at this one." Phil pointed to CCTV on the stairwell and put it on full screen.

"I didn't know we even have a camera over there."


"Watch now."

Soon I saw Karl clear as the day. He stopped and put down his bag.

"What's going on?"

Phil kept silent, so I just watched Karl turn around, and with his head bent down, he took off his suit jacket and put it on the stair rail.

I leaned back in the chair.

Karl unbuttoned his vest slowly, took it off, and put it on the jacket, the same with the dress shirt straight after. Then he removed his shoes, socks, and pants. He was not wearing any underwear.

I breathed heavily. I watched my boss standing there naked and exposed in the middle of the stairway. I wasn't much into his lean frame, but the situation was hot!


Karl stood there for a moment looking at the floor, then he turned around and reached for something in the bag.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed when he pulled out a bottle and a big dildo!

That man skillfully attached the dildo to one step before he got on all fours and lubed his hole in a way we could clearly see him fingering his asshole to stretch it a little first. Karl then put the lube on the stairs and reached again into that magic bag. He pulled out a little chain with something on both sides.

"Are those clamps?"

Phil just nodded.


I was hard now!

"Did you jerk off to this?"

"Not yet," Phil replied, his voice cracking a little.

Karl now had the chain in his mouth. He turned, and in his hand was something else.

He squatted down with legs spread apart and impaled himself on that thing! He moved up and down a few times, and then he finally managed to sit on it, taking that whole thing in!

I felt my cock jerk and rubbed it a little through the jeans while he put something on his cock and around his balls. Cockring...


Kyle tilted his head back slightly and, holding that thin chain with clamps between his teeth, he looked at me! Fuck! A blob of precum just made a wet spot on my jock! I would go fuck that face this second if I saw that in real time!

"Do you think Don was watching them?"

"Just watch."

Karl sat there on that dildo, absolutely still, looking into the camera. The only thing that made me sure it was not a picture was his slowly rising and falling chest.

I suppose someone might find this attractive. He had a chest and belly covered in thin hair, his stomach was flat, and even though there weren't many muscles, he looked in good shape. Although too thin for my taste, he didn't look bad at all.

I was about to ask Phil when that guy would come when the door to the stairwell opened, and in walked a man in a bomber jacket, ripped jeans, and heavy boots. He had a shiny bold head and a long bushy beard. That man was stocky, and since he wasn't wearing any shirt under that jacket, I could see his furry pronounced chest. He had a bigger belly, but it was one of those solid stomachs guys sometimes have.

I don't know if I was shocked more that Karl, a posh, stuck-up princess, was waiting for a guy that seemed to be some truck driver or member of a biker gang or the fact that the guy was Don!

He was a really good friend to both of us. Phil got him this job about three years ago, and we hung out from time to time. But Don was a bit of a loner. And he really was a biker.

I looked at Phil, absolutely shocked. He nodded and stopped the video.


"That shit gets heavy!"

"Show me!" My voice was coarse. I needed to see this!

Phil just stared at me.

"How many of these did you watch?" I asked him.

"I didn't watch those before because when I found out first, I needed to make sure that this is a thing they do. So I skimmed through those videos, and I was so shocked that I called you on a whim. But by the time you came, I watched this one."

"Make me a copy."

"No. I mean it. This is Don, Ross. We are not doing this to him!"

"I will not use this against him."

"Are you going to tell Kyle?"

"I still haven't decided."

"Then I am not giving those to you. I don't know that guy, and this is not getting out."

"Man! I would never do that to Don."

"Good, that is the reason I told you. But I am not giving this to you."

I looked back at the screen, realizing what could happen to Don if this became an issue. At best, he would get fired. It's true that I trust Kyle to some extent, but Phil was right. It's not wise to risk it.

I nodded. "I understand."

We stared at the frozen picture of Don towering over Karl.

"Did you sleep with Peter or both?"

"Both," I heard Phil's smooth voice.

I smirked. "In that case, you will let me watch the rest of this one." I looked at him resolutely with a smile.

Phil watched me for a short while, then grinned and said, "Fine. But only once, and then you leave, and we are even."

"I don't think this would make us even yet, but I will go. I want to talk with Don anyway."

Phil nodded with a smile and pressed play.


I watched Karl look at me and then turn to Don. Those fucking clamps hang between his teeth. He was rock hard with cockring around his dick and sitting on that dildo! They stared at one another, and then Don said something. Man! I wish I could hear that!

Karl started moving up and down on that rubber cock and watched Don standing above him. Then Don kissed him before he took those clamps out of his mouth and sat behind him on a higher step. He looked good in that opened leather jacket, and I could see Karl lean to it slightly when Don sat. Don tilted Karl's face up and smacked his pecs several times with the thin chain while holding the clamps in his hand. Karls's mouth was opened, and he bounced on that pole. Don was sneering at him and still talked into his ear.

Karl said something, and Don grabbed him by the neck and tilted him all the way up until Don smacked his chest with an open palm and squeezed Karl's nipple. His face obliviously cringing in pain before Don pounced on Karl's mouth and kissed him roughly.

He kept kissing him while he attached one clamp to Karl's nipple. He must have screamed because Don covered his mouth with his hand and then slapped him across the face saying something just inches from him. Karl nodded, and Don slapped him again before destroying Karl's lips with his.


That guy still kept bouncing on that dildo! Don moved to his side, and Karl opened Don's zip with his teeth while Don pulled on the chain attached to the clamp on Karl's nipple.

Then he wiped out his cock and dick-slapped Karl on his face a few times.

"Were the rest also from this place?"

"Two. Another three were from around the building. They were even on your floor on the desks, and then they moved into the staff room. Why?"

"Cos, that guy knows how to stand. Look. He definitely knows where the camera is and from what angle he needs to be. They had to do this loads of times to know it that well."

"How do you know that?"

"Just that you need to ask reminds me we never fucked." I looked at him sweetly.

"What a shame."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"Just a bit."

I sneered, but I was too invested in this spectacle in front of me to bother with that now.

"Damn! I wish I could hear them!"

"Tell me about it!"


I was getting ready to pull out my own dick and start jerking. I said that to Phil. He nodded.

I don't know if he tried to say he felt the same way or that I could go with it, but I just did!

I spat in my hand and grabbed my leaking cock. Phil looked at me with a frown, but then he just took out his own and followed suit.

I turned back to the monitor. By now, Karl had Don's dick down his throat, and Don was slapping him on the face. This was epic to watch!

Then Don stopped. The whole length of his dick was in Karl's throat. He pinched Karl's nose and put the second clamp on his nipple while still buried deep inside him!

There was little movement. Karl looked into Don's eyes but fuck! I was getting really close when seeing this and realized how that could have felt!

Don finally pulled out and smeared the spit on Karl's face before kissing him and pushing his back on the cold stairs. Don said something, and Karl immediately spread his legs up in the air. Don kneeled to him and made sure the camera could capture that he didn't pull the dildo out when he aimed his cock at Karls already filled crack!

"Fuck!!" I had to take my hand off my cock to stop myself from cumming! Even like that, I thought I would shoot!

Don pushed in slowly, and I could see in those black-and-white pixels that he was slowly thrusting in and out in the rhythm of Karl's slow movements.

They kept looking into each other's eyes the whole time, and Don slapped Karl's cheeks from time to time and kept pulling on the chain.


If Kyle is rough like this, I am in for a ride! But Karl definitely has a type!

After a while, Don managed to get in the whole cock and smiled at Karl. They just looked at each other with lips parted, and then Don kissed him sensually. This was even more thrilling. The contrast to his previous rough treatment was fucking crazy!

He started slowly fucking Karl while kissing his neck, ear, and lips. He caressed Karl's chest nearly with love and played with the clamped nipples. Karl was following every Don's movement with his eyes and parted lips.

Soon Don's thrusts become faster, and Karl's mouth wider.

They will cum soon!

Don raised his torso and grabbed Karl's shoulder, pumping into him at full speed while they watched each other!

In about three minutes of this, Don slapped Karl's face, plunged his mouth into Karls, and started shaking.

He cummed! He definitely just bred him!

Fuck fuck fuck! I was getting close myself!


Don pulled out and stared at spent Karl beneath him. Don brought his cock to Karl's mouth, and he licked and sucked it clean. Don then moved to Karl's hole and took out the cum covered dildo, putting it in Karl's mouth, making him swallow it while he took off both Karl's clumps. Karl arched from pain but remained still both times and bobbed on that dildo.

Then Don took away Karl's cockring and took his leaking cock deep into his mouth!

I had just enough! My balls were so tight they burst, and I shot my load on my shirt! Phil hearing me groan and suck for air, turned to me and, within a few seconds cummed as well.

I smiled at Phil and looked back at Don a Karl. They now sat on the stairs, and Don held Karl tightly. He took off his leather jacket and covered Karl's shoulders with a smile and kiss.


"When was this?"


"Fuck! The day before they left. This is what I call proper goodbye!"

"What do you mean?"

"Karl is from some posh family, and they have an estate in some I-don't-give-a-fuck-where place."

Phil smirked.

"And he always goes there for about a month around Christmas."

"Right... Do you think they date?" Phil asked

"No idea, but I have to say I wouldn't guess that Karl knows Don's name. The idea that he lets him fuck like that is absolutely insane!"


"Don't get offended for your bestie Phil. You know I mean well."

"Why couldn't he be fucking him?"

"Karl is seriously that kind of guy who considers some people "not worthy". It's twisted and weird, but he really is a posh cunt."

"Yet they look quite good together."

I realized they were still sitting there in an embrace. Karl now had the bomber jacket on and got dressed in his pants. They sat there holding hands and leaning against each other, talking.


"Will you tell Kyle?"

"I have no idea, man..." I shook my head, trying to collect my thoughts. "But thank you for trusting me with this."

"I know you, man. You would never do anything against Don, and if I didn't tell you, you would find out some other way. When you're invested like this, you're holding on like a bulldog."

I nodded. I can get obsessed; that's true.

"I need to speak with Don before I meet Kyle. I am grateful he is not here now. What time is it?"

"Past eight-thirty."

"Cool, I will go to his."

"You sure?"

"Look, man, we didn't intend to perv on him. I will just tell him the truth."

"Will you also mention that we just cummed all over our shirts watching them?"

"Phil, he obviously knew what he was doing. I am telling you, man. He could shoot porn with those skills."

"How do you know that?"

"Cos it looks like we have more in common than I thought."

I grinned, picked up my thighs, and said goodbye.


. . .


I picked up my phone.

"Hi, Don. What are you up to?"

"Just reading, why?"

"Can I come over?"


"Yeah, I am just near your street."

"Right. Okay, come on up."


I knocked. He opened the door and looked at me with a grin.

He grinned. "I was curious when you will finally show up."



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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 13

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