Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on Apr 18, 2023


Chapter 11 -- Friday the 13th

That Friday, Kyle skipped the boulder gym again. Zack was looking at me strangely but hadn't said a thing, only asked if I knew if Kyle was coming, but when I said I didn't, he dropped it. So I joined guys, but it was no fun without Kyle, to be honest.

I wrote him whether he would come Monday, but he just replied with a simple "No."

I let it go. If he doesn't want to contact me, I can respect that. I was mad at first, then hurt a little, but in the end, I tried to think of it as his decision and that I had nothing to do about it. He probably wants to behave, and it's his choice.

The following week was the same. He hadn't contacted me. So I was climbing with guys and returned to rebuilding my basement alone. I can't say I wasn't sad, but I didn't feel like wallowing in that. So I just fucked some random guys, worked out in Ben's gym with Phil and Don, and just tried to get back to my old life "before Kyle".

Dec. 13th, 2019:

I just got out of the shower and laid in bed after the whole day. I took out the book I was reading and just relaxed when my phone started ringing. I looked and immediately jumped to it when I saw Kyle was calling.

"Hi," I said cautiously.

"Hi," Fuck! Was his voice always this deep? "What are you doing?" he asked slowly.

"I was just going to read something."


"Can you even talk? Karl's not there?"

"No, he needed to go into the office to deal with something."

I raised my brows. Karl? Now? "With what?"

"No idea. He said that since he will be gone for over a month, he needs to sort some things out. I am used to it. He gets these calls so often that I feel like I am dating a surgeon."

I furrowed. "He does that often?"

"No. Only now and then when there are big projects on the line."

"Big projects on the line?" I repeated, cringing at the sound of that. Nothing about that sounded right...

"Yeah, not like I care. He's a workaholic. I am surprised he doesn't have a bed in the office yet."

"Karl?" I couldn't think of a single project of his that should keep him there at night, especially in winter.


"You have no idea what he does, do you?"

"Not really, he tries to tell me about it from time to time, but I usually zone out after a while. It's not like I don't care. He is just not good at explaining it to me."

"Right... How long is he usually gone?"

"Few hours."

The thing is that I do know what Karl does. I know his responsibilities quite well to be absolutely positive that there is no need for him to be called back into the office in the evenings. Occasional overtime? Sure. But even that, I would imagine, couldn't take longer than a few hours monthly, especially not at this time of the year. I was just wondering if I should mention that and how even to approach it when Kyle growled into the receiver.

I instantly forgot anything I wanted to say.

Shortly after, I heard him moan! I sat up on the bed, and my balls sent a jolt into my dick and up to my stomach.

"What are you doing now?"

"Take a guess," his voice was coarse.


"Actually, I am making you a video. So, I should mention that this call is being recorded," the way he spoke now was making me crazy. My dick got hard, and I grabbed it.

"I want to see you!" I snarled into my phone.

"Patience, boy, you will see it."

"Did you just call me boy?"

"Yes," he let out another moan, and I heard him move a little. "I have it set up in a way I can see myself. I have to say it's a trip."

"Show me! Let's Facetime. You can see me too."

"Do you know how much effort it took me not to see you this week?"

"You could have come over anytime."

"I tried to be a good boy."

"Fuck...! I would make you my good boy."

"Fucker!" he hissed and shifted again. "Did you watch the video I left there?"

"No, I wanted to see it with you."

I haven't honestly touched that flash drive, it was bringing up bitter memories now, and for some reason, the idea of seeing Kyle fuck Karl was somehow hurtful for me.

"How considerate of you."

"I am a considerate person."

"Sure you are. Watch it. I made it in a way you wouldn't be able to recognize any of us if you didn't know who was on it. I have more with our faces, but I wouldn't give you those."

I was stroking my cock. He was moaning and breathing so intensely by now that it was obvious what he was doing. It was making me crazy over here. "Okay, I will watch it." I groaned.

"I am still mad at you, by the way."

"You don't sound like that."

"I just realized that I am even worse... Fuuuck..." Kyle had to stop talking for a moment and whimpered quietly before continuing. I felt shivers all over and started now fisting my cock with force. "I keep thinking about you and can't seem to be able to stop. It's getting pathetic, to be honest." I groaned hearing that.

"I am flattered," I growled.

"You should be! You are not even my type, and I am here fingering my hole like some hungry bitch thinking about you."

!!! WHAT?!

I sat straight. I thought I would shoot that moment! My dick jerked so intensely it hurt. My balls were immediately tight under my cock, and I felt shivers and goosebumps all over me!

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me."

"Fuck! Kyle, come here! Or tell me your address!" I was beside myself thinking about him doing that while thinking about me!

"You know you are right. I am scared shitless about you fucking me. You are a fucking beast! And honestly, I am not going to turn into a bottom!" he fucking hissed and moaned in that deep voice while saying that!

I was so horny that I would jump into my car and break down his door so that I could fuck him at that moment!

"But since you fingered me on that fucking couch, I can't stop thinking about it, and... man! When I think about that Tuesday, I am getting crazy!"

"Kyle, come here!"

"No. I am going to cum soon. I just wanted to hear your voice while I do it."


"Kyle... Please tell me your address." If Karl was really gone for hours, I was sure I would make it in time to him. Hell! Even if that prick returned, I wouldn't give a damn! He is probably cheating on Kyle as well, anyway.

He whimpered and breathed heavily into my ear. I was getting insane here!

"I will leave with Karl tomorrow. I won't see you for a month. I won't hear from you, and I will do my best not to think about you. But if that won't work... I want to fuck that tight hole of yours and make you scream under me while I will breed you, Ross! And then I want you to fuck me hard until I shoot a second time with your dick deep in my ass!"

His voice was getting gradually tenser and coarser. I could hear he was about to cum. I jerked myself furiously while listening to that. I was groaning and breathing into his ear, and when I heard him finish that sentence, I knew from the way he spoke that he would cum any second! Then I listened to his screams and banged the back of my head against my backboard from deep frustration and lust for that man!

He breathed ruggedly for a few moments after. "See you in 2020, bro. Don't call me."

As he said that, he hung up on me! I was too far to stop myself. Within ten strokes, I was shooting all over my chest and screaming into my empty room!

What the fuck was that?!

About twenty minutes later, I got a video file in my inbox. I opened it, and it was a fifty-second clip of a close-up of Kyle's round muscular butt with three fingers inside while the second hand was jerking his leaking dick. Then I could see his legs twitch and his fingers get faster as that beautiful cock started shooting! I watched as he stopped moving for a moment, pulled out his fingers, spread his cheeks, and showed me his gaping hole! I got immediately hard again.

Under that was a message: "I have the whole video with our voices and my entire body. I will jerk to it tomorrow. Consider this your Christmas gift."

Fucking tease!

I immediately ran for that flash drive and plugged it in. There were two videos, both over forty minutes long. I played one, and damn! It was POV style with Kyle's thick cock, and I could see all of Karl's body except his head. Kyle was right; Karl was a loud bitch in bed! But the way Kyle was taking him was mad! He was rough, demanding, and fucking alpha all the way. When I remembered what he did to Seth and compared that to what Karl had, Seth would be jealous!

I came again, watching those two videos and that short muted clip Kyle sent me.

The next day I still couldn't shake what was happening. Kyle probably already left with Karl. But I was sure that Karl also had someone who demanded a proper goodbye. With how Karl was taking that fuck I was sure he was someone else's bitch. It wasn't that I wanted a reason for them to break up. Of course, I wouldn't mind, but mostly I felt offended that Kyle trusted him and that cunt was betraying my best friend... However weird that sounds, that was really bothering me the most! I was fuming, pacing around my living room, and thinking. Should I tell Kyle? Should I gather some evidence first? Or should I leave it as it's none of my business...?

Damn! I was invested! I needed to know myself. Then I can deal with the choice of whether I should tell him. But how? I paced more and thought hard. Kyle loves public... rough public! And Karl, according to Kyle as well. So how big could be the chance that Karl had sex with that guy in our company? If that were true, and he wasn't as careful, there should be a CCTV record of that!

I picked up my phone. "Hi Phil, can you talk for a minute?"

"Hi, man."

"How are you holding up?"

"Good, it was my decision anyway. It just feels empty here."

"Right. Can I come over?"

"Sure, when?"

"Is now ok?"

"Is mess here, but yeah, do you remember the address?"

"Man, I drove you to that place for over three years. Trust me; I can get there blind."


"I will see you in ten."

Let's hope Kyle will not hate me for this.

Phil split with Glen about a month ago. They supposedly stayed friends. The official version was that they just grew apart. Phil didn't tell me much more; I never cared to pry.

I knocked, and after a little while, he opened the door.

"Hi, man."

"Hi, come on in."

"What do you need?"

"Look, man, I don't want to beat around the bush, but I have huge favor I need to ask."

"I don't like the sound of that one bit. Sit down."

I told him pretty much everything. If I counted my friends, Phil would definitely be among those I trusted. I was never really into deep soul conversations, and Phil wasn't either, but I considered him a good friend. He saw us with Kyle anyway, so I didn't feel threatened to tell him what happened.



"I don't think we mean the same kind of damn."

"What do you mean? He is definitely cheating on him."

"Ross, what was so surprising for me was not Karl."

"I don't understand."

He looked at me with a fatherly smile. I didn't like the look. He always tries to talk some sense into me when he looks like that.

"You like him."

"I already told you I do."

"No, you really LIKE him."

"What the fuck? I told you already."

"Man! The way you talk about him, it's clear you care about him a lot."

"I fucking do! Why is that so surprising?"

"Seriously? When was the last time you cared about someone like that?"

I got quiet. Do I care about him that much? I probably do.

"He doesn't look much like Rick..." Phil said as if lost in thoughts.

"What the fuck, man?"

"I was just thinking aloud."

"Why should he look like him?"

"I was looking for the pattern as I haven't met anyone else that made you lose your cool in these four years, and you don't really talk about previous boyfriends."

"I never dated Rick."

"Not for lack of trying," he winked at me. "And you obviously not dating Kyle either."

"Can you just stop?"

"Sure, sorry. So, what do you want from me? I don't believe you came here to get it out of your chest. I would be seriously worried if you'd change that much."

"I want you to look in the CCTV records to see if you could find that guy."


"Karl is into rough public; there could be a chance he did it somewhere in our building."

"Are you serious now?"


"Ross, first, that's utterly crazy! We wouldn't even know where to start, there are hours of records, and you can't just put Karl-fucking-with-someone in the search bar."

"I thought about that. Karl called Kyle, telling him that he was staying late a couple of times when he was at my place. So we can check those."

"And what if he was meeting him somewhere else, and he would just step into his car and drive away?"

"Then I will drop it."

"Sure you will." He shook his head. "Ross, the second thing to consider is that this is something that they can fire me for."

"I won't give that to Kyle, I promise."

"No, I am sorry, I can't do that."

"Can you at least look?"

"No! Because if I find something, you will not leave me alone!"



"I will get you a date with Peter."

He got quiet and looked at me, speechless.

"He is with Ben."

"I am not saying you get to date him, but I could get you a steamy date."

"He's got a boyfriend, you dick."

I grinned. "I know them well. They are cool. They are much homier since they got Sheila, but they still have fun from time to time."

Phil looked definitely intrigued but as if he still refused to believe that. "What about Ben?"

"He will know about it. Peter would never do that without Ben's approval, but I can get that."


"I just can."

"Even if you could, why do you think I would want something like that?"

"Phil... I am pretty sure one of the reasons why you broke up with Glen was because you like Peter. I honestly don't think the two of you could date, but I don't even think you want to date someone right now. But sleeping with Peter could help you get it out of your system."

Phil stared at me. I hit him in a carefully hidden soft spot. We both knew that. "You are a sinister person, Ross."

"I don't want to get your hopes up, Phil, but Peter likes you too. But he will always be with Ben."

"Then, why should I even try?"

"Look up polyamorous relationships."

"What is that?"

"Ben and Peter. In a nutshell. Well, with a twist, but who am I to give you spoilers."

"I don't believe you."

"Okay, here." I took my phone out. "If this will work out, will you just look?"

He frowned but nodded. I dialed Ben. I turned the volume to the max so Phil could hear everything.

"Hi, Ross."

"Hi, Ben."

Phil looked worried now. It was nearly funny.

"Did you know Phil broke up with Glen?"



"Well, I am sorry to hear that," his tone was, however, quite amused. Phil looked at me with a strange look.

"Sure you are."

"And why are you telling this to me?"

"I just thought Peter would like to know."

"Would he?"

"Are you with him?"

"I am just looking at him." I could hear a smile in his tone.

"What?" I could faintly hear Peter talking to Ben.

"Ross is just telling me, for no apparent reason, that Phil broke up with Glen."


"Yeah, he thought you would like to know."

"How is he doing?" Peter asked, knowing I heard him. From how I heard it, Ben must have put me on speaker.

I looked at Phil. He was flabbergasted. I chuckled.

"I think he is well. It was Phil's decision."

There was silence on the other side. As I knew those two, they stared at each other with wicked smiles.

"Well, thank you, Ross. Is there anything else you would like to gossip about?"

"No," I smirked. "Have a good day."

"You too, Ross."

"Bye, Ross."

I hung up and looked at flustered Phil.

"What was that?"

"Nudge. When are you going to the gym?"



"What was that?"

"I don't want to spoil it for you. But if you are happy with the result, will you look at the records?"

"I will not promise you anything."

"Did I do something wrong? Was it secret that you two broke up?"

"No, of course not. Just the way the three of you spoke gave me chills."

"Good or bad chills?"

"I have no idea."

"Look, man, neither of them will do anything you are not a hundred percent confident you want, but trust me, no matter what choice you make, you are in for a ride of your life."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You will see if you give yourself a chance," I winked at him.

"What does that mean?"

He was really cute, flustered like that. I understood why those two liked him.

"I will go now. Thanks, man."



I left. At least one thing worked out well.

Damn, I miss Kyle...

Tuesday, I woke up as usual. On my phone was a text message from Phil: "Send me the dates and times."

I smirked and typed all those I could remember. Then, I realized I don't remember any other guy I ever paid this much attention to.

What is Kyle doing now?

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 12

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