Fiance of My Ex Boss

By I Dusk

Published on Dec 23, 2022


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My primary focus is on explicit LGBTI stories. Therefore, my content is not suited for people under 18 years old.

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Chapter 1 - Fucked up day

Do you know the days when NOTHING goes well? Yes, those when you get fired from a job because you gently reminded your asshole boss he can go fuck himself and not bother your friend?

Yeah, or when you drive furious home after the mentioned boss told you with a calm smirk you should go home for today and bring your things tomorrow? And on the way back, your car tells you, "Man, how about filling the tank?" So you swear for yourself because you are honestly afraid to talk with people right now, so you won't be looked at as a big angry Hulk?

Fuck. Being 6'4 and 240lb of meat and muscles is dangerous when angry. I don't need security called on me because the nicest tone of voice I can muster right now is growl. I just need to drive home and hit the sack. I am even afraid to call some sub now. I would worry about what I would have done to him. Fuck! Fuck! Fucking cunt trying to prove himself cos he's short and fucking boss. Fuck him!

Gas station... Should I try to make it home? Fuck!

Empty... I will try. Breathe, Ross, you can do it! You can fucking do it! Pull over, and pump the gas. Great. Now pay in peace. All stars! I made it out. No one looked scared of me. Back to the car.

I don't see anything, tunnel vision - just my steering wheel and me getting the fuck out of here! Get in. Check. Start the car. Check. Go!

"Hey! Watch out!" I hear a voice in distress. NO! Not today! Have I bumped into someone? I haven't felt any collision. There was no sound of hitting another car. And I was too slow to hit someone. WTF? Calm down. You can do it. Let's find out what happened. Was it even for me? I looked into the mirror, and some good-looking man in an expensive suit was glaring a hole into my car. Sure, why should I have just a little smidge of luck today?

I exhale, turn off the motor, and step out to meet this Karen. What do people call the man version of Karen? I forgot I call all of them Karen.

He looks at me, and I can see he is intimidated. Duh. Little man is about 5'10. But he is probably working out also. I like the broad shoulders and firm ass.

"You just bumped into me!"


"You have just bumped into my leg with your car."

"Damn, I am sorry. I thought I had enough space left." I lied here. I haven't even looked back. I was stupid, true, but thankfully nothing happened.

"Are you hurt? I know I was going slow."

"Thankfully, no, but my pants are ruined!"

I raised my eyebrow and took a closer look at his legs. I couldn't even see which one I hit.


"Are you joking? Here!"

What a prick. I willed my eyes to look again and tried my hardest not to roll them like this man is totally ridiculous. Which, I am sorry, but he is. There was the slightest smudge of mud I could see. For fucks sake, what is it with today!

Ok... Suit Karen is probably heated up. Nothing good will come from yelling at him. So let's keep this cool.

"Well, I see a little smudge. I am sorry I will be more careful next time." Of course, hopefully, I will never meet your face and smudgy pants again.

I tried to put on a guilty soothing smile and returned to my car.

"Where do you think you are going?"

This fuck is joking. Please tell me that was a joke. Then, as calm as I could muster, I turned back to the prick in his 'ruined suit pants'.

"I am going home, mister. If you don't mind. Trust me. I had it worse today than little mud on my pants. So if you excuse me."

"Do you know how much these pants cost?"

"No." And seriously don't care. If you like your life, man, drop it... Please!

"Well, they cost quite a lot!"

"Good for you, man. Bye!"

"Are you seriously not going to offer to pay for dry cleaning?"

I looked again at that little muddy spot.

"No. Have a good day."

"Do you think I am intimidated by you, sir? Offering to pay for dry cleaning is the least you can do. I would, of course, refuse as I don't need to take money from people less fortunate than me, but your lack of manners infuriates me."

"What the hell?" I don't know why... Well, stop. That's not true. I know precisely why that little speech of his made me livid. The posh attitude like he is better than the rest of us peasants. Same fucking demeanor that Karl has.

I shut the door and turned to him. His body jerked a little from sudden fear, but that defiant look on his face stayed. I walked towards him at a pace that made him step back in sheer primal reflex. Then when I was about only 4 inches away from him and stared at him from above, I dropped to one knee and took his leg. I put it on my knee, all the time looking at him. I looked really closely at that muddy stain and dusted it off. That was all it took to be gone. I put his leg down and stood up straight, pinning him to the car behind him. His eyes weren't defiant anymore. He looked scared and intimidated, but I recognized one thing I see in my bitches all the time - he was turned the fuck on. He breathed shallowly through his parted lips, and no witty comment came this time.

"Is that good enough for you? Or do you need me to take you somewhere where I will take them off and clean it properly, boy?"

I felt a slight hint of hardness twitch against my leg. I smirked.

"I thought so. Goodbye, boy."

With that, I left. I could have taken him into the restroom and fuck the living shit out of him. But honestly, I just wanted to go home now. I was drained at this point.

I came home and went into the kitchen to get water when Carol called.

"Hi, Carol." -- "Hi, Ross. How are you doing?" -- "Amazing. I wanted some free time anyway." -- "I am so sorry. I tried to speak with Mitch, but he kept talking about you losing your cool. Karl did that on purpose. He must have known Mitch is around. We all are furious with him. This was not right!" -- "No, it wasn't, but Carol, I had tough times working under him for months. I wished to say those things to him for a long time, and now I at least had good cause." -- "I should have said something myself. You shouldn't have to fight my battles, Ross, and get fired for protecting me. I feel awful." -- "Stop it, Carol. You have had my back since I started there. You have nothing to feel guilty about. He should have more respect for you and not treat you like his PA. Just promise me you will not run his errands when he doesn't feel like doing them." -- "What can I do? I don't want to look for another job. I've been here for over 20 years!" -- "Exactly. You have, and Karl should again - have some fucking respect. Excuse me." -- "I am not your superior anymore, Ross. You can swear all you want." -- "I will miss you, Miss D." -- "I still think it's wrong. I will speak with Mitch again tomorrow." -- "Don't bother Carol. I won't come back. But, on the other hand, I am glad it happened. I think more and more people will start to speak out soon." -- "I definitely will." -- "Good for you, Carol. I will come tomorrow for my things and bring back everything. We could have dinner sometime." -- "That would be nice. We can call the rest of the team." -- "Definitely. I will see you tomorrow Miss D. Thank you for calling." -- Thank you for standing up for me. I look forward to seeing you, Ross. --

The next day I went back to the office. I parked my car in a visitor spot as I was going to return my card anyway when I realized a familiar vehicle was parked just next to mine. I stepped out and curiously looked at it closer. I may be wrong, but this "Visitor 1" has a car nearly identical to the prick in the suit yesterday.

I came to our floor and went over to my team. We talked for a while about yesterday, and again I assured them I would be fine. I never was much for long goodbyes, so we agreed we would meet Friday at the nearby bar and drink on it. Then I went to HR and filled them in. We had a really long talk about yesterday, and they made a report about it. Tatiana and Sam are great, they mainly deal in internal affairs, and I know that if I would go to them yesterday, I would probably still have my job, but so much has happened now. And I already realized I don't mind leaving one bit.

So I gathered the rest of my stuff and went to the elevator. There I saw Karl proudly displaying, most probably, his partner, and when I stepped closer to distinguish what he was saying, I heard him just boasting about their engagement that weekend.

'Broad shoulders in a fitted suit' was turned with his back to me, so I hadn't seen his face, but I had a slight suspicion. With a charming voice, the man in a beige suit kissed Karl and said his goodbyes as the elevator arrived. I was by that time behind them and didn't bother to acknowledge that cunt, Karl. He was not worth the charges for physical assault.

I stepped into the elevator, and as it closed, suit prick looked at me. Firstly just politely, and then his eyes grew bigger as he recognized me.

"Hello, smudgy pants."

If you want to read at a faster pace, you can join us at here the next chapter is posted every 5th day. And for Early access readers as soon as I write it. I will also post other short stories on an irregular basis.

Thank you for reading and supporting me. I hope you will enjoy my work and more will come in time.

I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 2

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