Fender Bender

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 4, 2005


Fender Bender, Part 4 By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

Last week Rick and I had enjoyed a hot foursome with my newfound friend Ken and his brother Ben. We'd tasted each others' pricks, stroked each other to shattering climaxes, enhancing the joy of mutual discovery. Perhaps the one who'd gotten the most out of our time together was Ben, who had been fascinated by foreskins ever since he'd found out that his had been cut off at birth, and who had enjoyed handling ours.

Ken, who was an attorney as I was, had invited Rick and me to his apartment the following Saturday. He'd told me that he'd be out of town taking depositions, but that Ben would be there, as would a friend of Ben's, Jerry. I had never met him, and was looking forward to it.

Ben opened the door clad only in a towel around his waist, and very wet as he'd just jumped out of the hot tub to answer the bell. He told us to strip and join him and Jerry as quickly as we could. Rick and I left our clothes in the living room and went out to the room beyond the bedroom where the hot tub was. As we stepped through the door, two pairs of eyes were fixed on us. Jerry, Ben's friend, appeared to be in his early 30s, and unlike Ben, was not blond. Rather he had brown hair and eyes as Rick and I did. Ben introduced us to Jerry, who showed a warm smile as he scrutinized our crotches carefully. We quickly slid into the hot water, and I sat next to Ben while Rick sat across from us next to Jerry.

"Ben told me you both had long foreskins," Jerry remarked.

"Well, you got to see what we've got, but the bubbles are hiding your equipment," I replied.

"Oh, I'm not modest," Jerry said as he lifted himself out of the water. "Take your time and look." Protruding from a thick brown pubic patch was his prick, arcing down over his scrotum, and I noted that his shaft had a big vein running back along the right side, just like mine. At the end was a large purple helmet-shaped head, with blunt front dome and flaring ridge, again a lot like mine and Rick's. About half an inch behind the high rim was a thick brown scar ring.

"You can see why he's interested in your skins," Ben said. "He got clipped when he was born, like me."

"My mother told me she had me cut because it would make the head grow bigger," Jerry explained. "She said women would like me better if my cock had a big head on it."

"My cock got clipped and you know I've got a small head," Ben riposted as Jerry sat again.

"Look at mine," Rick said as he eased himself out of the water until his crotch was exposed and his heavy-ended prick swung in front of him with its two-inch foreskin overhang proudly displayed. As Rick turned to look, Rick added:

"Go ahead and touch it. Skin it back so that you can see the head." Jerry reached up and tentatively grasped the thick bulging end of Rick's penis between thumb and forefinger, slightly squeezing it. He grasped the base of Rick's shaft with his other hand to steady it and began pushing back on the long droopy foreskin.

"That's a lot of skin," Jerry commented as he eased the hood toward Rick's body. "You've got even more than Jack."

"You can push a little harder," Rick said as the front of his glans came into view. "Skin it back all the way so you can see the whole head." Jerry obediently pushed the long thick hood back until it rode over the flaring ridge and snapped down into the deep groove behind it. Rick's glans was swelling, wet and glistening in the soft light.

"Your cock-head's as big as mine," Jerry remarked as Rick's big helmet began swelling in front of the thick ring of wrinkled foreskin. His eyes were fixed on the big purple head engorging before him.

"Now let go," Rick said. Jerry released Rick's snake and we all watched as it came up to horizontal. Jerry drew in his breath and said:

"Your skin stays back. Ken's always slips forward unless you hold it back."

"That's because of the big ridge," Ben explained. "Jack's cock works the same way, although he doesn't have as much skin as Rick."

"Well, I'd better get back in the water before I get chilled," Rick said as he eased himself back down. Ben got up saying:

"I'll bring us some martinis. I think we all like those." We nodded assent and he went out to the kitchen, returning in a couple of minutes with a tray and four glasses. We toasted and drank, relishing the sheer sensuality of the hot water and the drinks.

"This is luxury," said Rick as he held up his glass.

"Yep, I think this is gonna be a good day," added Jerry.

"I'm glad you all could come," said Ben, squeezing my thigh as he spoke.

"I really want to get a closer look at your cocks, said Jerry, looking at Rick and then at me. "I want to compare them, and then see them get hard and shoot."

"You're welcome to them," I said. "Ben can tell you my prick loves attention. So does Rick's."

"I see you guys finished your drinks," Ben suggested. "Let's get dried and get into the bedroom." We arose and while Ben and I dried each other, sharing a towel, Rick and Jerry did the same. Not surprisingly, Ben paid a lot of attention to my prick, and Jerry took an inordinately long time to pat the glans of Rick's penis dry and to roll the long fleshy sleeve down over it. We were all half-hard when we'd finished.

"Here, you and Rick sit side by side," Ben said to us once we were inside the bedroom. "Jerry, you sit on the floor between them so you can get an eyeful." He threw a pillow on the floor for Jerry. Rick was on my left and I felt the warmth of his thigh as he pressed it against my flesh. The contact gave me a tingly feeling in my glans.

"Your cocks are a lot like," Jerry said as he grasped our pricks, one in each hand. "You've got a lot of skin too, Jack, but Rick's is really the champion. I like those big heads too." By this time, our pricks had swollen fully from the verbal attention and the physical stimulation.

"Now skin them both back, Jerry," Ben urged. "They're both stiff, so it'll be easier to push the skin back." He was right. With our prick-cores rigid, our long hoods would easily slide back, as Ben and his brother had found out. I felt an increase in pressure around my prick as Jerry tightened his grip slightly and began pushing my long sleeve down my glans and shaft. My helmet popped out as he made my foreskin ride over my corona and snap down into the groove. Now both Rick and I were bare-headed, our moist purple helmets the object of Jerry's fascination.

"Man, you both got big heads," he said. "I like the way they smell, too. That's a real man smell."

"Any difference between them?" Ben asked Jerry.

"Well, they're both big and purple, and their ridges are nice and high to hold their skins back. I think the only difference is the slits. Rick's is long and closed, but Jack's looks like a teardrop shape. It opened up when he got hard."

"That's right," said Ben. "You can see their cocks have lotsa skin, and their heads are as big as yours."

"Some people think having a foreskin keeps the head from growing because it confines it," I said. "Your mother was one of those. Now you've seen Ben's cut prick, and he has a small head. Rick and I have big heads, and we've both got long thick foreskins."

"Yeah, but you can slide them back," Jerry said. "What about guys who have such tight skins they don't go back?"

"Ours didn't always go back," Rick answered him. "Mine was tight when I was a kid, and I didn't un-skin until I was about 13. When I had a physical when I was ten, the doctor told my folks I had to be circumcised because it wouldn't go back. I'm really glad they said no."

"Mine was tight too," I added. "I was about ten when I got it back the first time."

"My tip always made a bulge in the skin," Rick continued. "When I hit puberty, it really began to grow."

"Mine too," I said. "Maybe it was because of all the exercise you gave it," Rick laughed. "Now that you've got them both skinned back," Ben suggested, "maybe you can stroke them and get the feel of the skins sliding over those big heads." Jerry tightened his grip on our pricks and I felt the squeeze as his fingers rolled my tight foreskin over my rim. He kept tugging and now my foreskin followed the taper of my glans, soon covering it right to the end to form a pucker. Rick's hood was also covering his helmet, and formed a nipple beyond the end.

"I can't get over it," Jerry said as he stroked both our pricks, jiggling our foreskins without uncovering our helmets. "Rick's skin is so long, he's got even more skin than Jack."

"How would you like to feel what it's like to have your helmet covered with skin?" Rick asked.

"Rick docked me the last time he was here," Ben offered. "You know what docking is, don't you?"

"Oh, yeah, I've heard of it, but never had it done to me. So few guys have skin these days."

"Not all natural guys have as much foreskin as Rick," I added. "I've got a long foreskin, but when I'm hard it just covers the end of my helmet. Rick's got foreskin to spare, even now."

"I've never docked a guy with a big helmet like that," Rick said. "I'm not sure I can get my skin over it."

"Well, you just lie on your side like you did with me, and I'll help get Jerry in position," Ben said. Rick leaned back and rolled over until he was lying on the far side of the queen-size facing us. Jerry climbed up onto the bed and Ben helped him align his penis with Rick's so that the ends touched. Rick reached between them and began squeezing Jerry's helmet rhythmically. "That's making my cock throb," Jerry sighed. "I know," said Rick. "I want your cock nice and hard when I slide my skin over the head. It's easier to handle that way." "You'll need to have the head lubed," said Ben, reaching for a squeeze bottle of Astroglide sitting on the bedside table and pouring several drops over Jerry's big helmet. I worked the slippery liquid in with my fingertips as Ben applied it, until the entire glans was wet and glistening. Meanwhile, Rick had grasped the edges of his foreskin with thumb and index finger of both hands and now had the orifice stretched wide. "Here, just push forward a little. Get that big tip in there," he urged Jerry, who now thrust the blunt end of his helmet gently into the waiting fleshy sleeve. Rick held his foreskin open to ease its entry, until Jerry's helmet was in up to the corona. "He just might be able to get it all in," Ben said to me. We sat side by side on the bed, and Ben's fingers had encircled my prick, sliding my foreskin gently up and down my helmet. I squeezed his tip to make his cock-root throb and maintain his arousal. "Just a little more," Rick urged, and he thrust his hips forward just enough to allow him to engulf Jerry's helmet completely with his long rubbery foreskin. Now the edge of Rick's hood sank into the groove behind Jerry's flaring rim, and he clasped it there with his thumb and index finger forming a ring. "I can feel your tip against mine," Jerry breathed. "It's so hard..." "Yours is hard too," Rick replied. "Now let's get a little action started." As he spoke he used the thumb and forefinger of his other hand to begin working his foreskin back and forth along Jerry's trapped helmet. "I think Jerry's gonna blow very soon," Ben whispered to me. "I know how exciting it is to be inside that skin." "I know," I whispered back, not wanting to break the mood with normal speech. "The psychic stimulation's pretty powerful." Now Jerry was thrusting his shaft into Rick's fleshy hood, providing the friction, and Rick stopped moving his fingers, just keeping them around his foreskin to add a little pressure. Ben and I could clearly see the outlines of their helmets kissing under Rick's hood, and their flaring rims made prominent bulges in the covering skin. "Let's add a little to their sensations," I said as I removed my hand from Ben's prick and cupped Rick's balls, which had already begun to tighten. Ben cupped Jerry's scrotum, which was already tight against his body. "How you doin' buddy?" asked Rick. "Just fine, Rick," answered Jerry. He hesitated in getting the words out because his breathing had become gasping and labored, and it was obvious that his excitement was increasing exponentially. "You ready to come?" Rick asked. "Oh, any second, it's so hot inside your skin." Jerry's face had flushed, and his jaw was clenched. "When Rick docked me, and I shot, my hot cream spraying all over his helmet made him come too. It might happen again," Ben said to us. "Jerry's eyes just closed," I pointed out. "If he creams, I'm a goner," Rick whispered. We could see the tension in his body, and hear the strain in his voice as his sensations mounted. Now Jerry was grunting regularly with each thrust, becoming caught up in the rhythm of sex, withdrawing into himself as his sensations dominated his consciousness. Ben and I had our eyes fixed on their joined pricks, fascinated by what we could see of the outlines of their helmet bumping against each other as their passions mounted. "Any second," Ben whispered. "HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" Jerry grunted loudly as his thrusts picked up in intensity. His jaw dropped as he hammered his hard thick helmet against Rick's for a final thrust that unleashed his orgasm. "HHHUUNNNNNHHHH!" he bellowed as his first discharge spewed into Rick's thick enveloping hood. A split-second later Rick's eyes closed and he cried out helplessly because Jerry's hot stream has triggered his climax. I felt a hard throb in his scrotum as he released his first gush, and I knew their hot ejaculations were mixing inside Rick's foreskins, bathing their helmets in thick slippery fluid. Rick and Jerry cried out in joyful agony as they shot again, distending Rick's foreskin until the excess fluids seeped out around the edge of the hood. Their faces red, they both shuddered with the frenzy of orgasm as their bodies strained against each other. Ben and I quickly exchanged glances as we felt their convulsions through their tightly drawn scrotums. They shuddered again, and a squirt of thick white fluid poured out from the edge of Rick's distended hood to run onto the sheet. Now they were quieting down as they finished their ejaculations. They'd stopped thrusting but were still breathing heavily as their orgasms ran their courses. I knew that they were still seeping as the minor convulsions in their cock-roots poured out their last drops. "That was beautiful to watch," Ben said to me as Rick and Jerry became still and we removed our hands from their crotches. Ben leaned towards me and kissed me on the lips. "It was special, watching it with you," I replied. "Your being next to me made it very hot." Ben's warm personality, so much like his brother's, was both attractive and erotic, and I wanted very much to share orgasms with him. Rick and Jerry lay still, totally exhausted, sinking into the almost comatose daze that followed their explosions. We let them recover, meanwhile preparing for the aftermath. Ben returned from the kitchen with a roll of paper towels, and placed them under their pricks, which were now softening. Jerry's glans slid smoothly out of Rick's extended foreskin, followed by a thick gush of cream that flowed onto the paper towels. Ben slipped a finger under his balls and began milking the residue, forcing it toward the tip, where the drops emerged from the slit-like orifice. The stimulation made Jerry open his eyes, although he remained silent. Rick rolled onto his back, and I milked his urethra. I placed two layers of paper towels under the end of his long drooping foreskin to catch the outpouring, and was rewarded by several thick gushes. When his eyes opened I asked him: "Want a wet towel? I know your tip's super-sensitive now and maybe you'd rather clean it yourself." "No, I think I'll take a shower instead. Want to join me, Jerry?" Jerry opened his eyes and sat up.

"That was awesome," he said. "Coming inside your skin, feeling your hot come hitting my tip, that sent me to heaven."

"Hell, it was your cream that made me start to come," Rick riposted. "You were thrusting hard, and when I felt that hot juice shooting into my skin, running around my helmet, I just lost it right then. I think our juices stretched my skin so much it poured out the end."

"It sure did," I said. "You were leaking cream after your second shot." I knew what he meant. The feel of a partner's hot cream swirling around my swollen helmet had triggered my orgasm when I'd docked.

"Well, let's get into the bathroom," Rick said, taking Jerry by the hand. After they'd gone Ben said to me:

"Want to try to dock me?" I saw the eagerness in his eyes.

"I'm not sure I can, even with your small head," I replied. "My helmet's so big it takes up all the room inside my foreskin." Ben looked disappointed. "However, there is a way," I continued. "I can't dock you while I'm all hard and swollen, but you could make it go down if you want. Then there'd be room." Ben brightened up and said:

"I know. I'll do the same thing Ken enjoyed a few weeks ago. I'll give your skin a twist with my palms." As he spoke, we heard the shower running, and I wondered what Rick and Jerry were doing.

"Now you just lie down and I'll have your cream in a minute." As I lay back on the bed Ben spread paper towels over my stomach.

"Now you just relax and let me take care of you," he continued, placing the palm of one hand under my prick and the other on top. He began to move them in opposite directions, twisting my foreskin around my hard, swollen helmet. I sighed, enjoying the almost indescribable pleasure. Ben's technique was applying friction to my helmet and to the inner lining of my foreskin, as well as stretching the nerve receptors in my foreskin and gee-string, and the sensations were irresistible. I felt myself becoming more excited very quickly.

"How you doin?" Ben asked. I could only sigh and smile, as my mind was losing its focus. I was drawn to the hot sensations in my prick, the warmth of his clasping palms, and the warmth of the friction he was applying to my sensitive head and hood.

Ben picked up the pace, intending to have me lose my load as quickly as possible, and I abandoned myself to his stimulation, concentrating on the delicious sensations in my prick. I was starting to feel a tickle in my rim from the friction, and felt my entire prick distending as more blood pumped into it. I was beginning to grunt with each twist.

"Just let it happen, Jack," he said. "I wanna feel your cock throb and watch it shoot." His palms were cycling more quickly now, and the tickle spread from my rim all through the head. I took several deep breaths, trying to relax, but the hot sensations were quickly overtaking me.

Ben noted my increased excitement and went faster, and now the tickle in my helmet became a hot tingle. My engorged glans ached for release, and I was breathing hard. All my attention focused on my swollen prick as I withdrew into myself, anticipating the hot blast of my impending orgasm.

The tingle intensified, and I was helpless to stop or slow it as my eyes closed, shutting out images of the world outside my body. I was grunting now, totally captivated by the intense erotic sensations in my prick, waiting for the explosion.

I cried out, loudly and helplessly, as a hot flash of sensation filled my helmet and shot down my shaft to trigger my climax. I felt the sharp contraction deep inside me as a torrent of hot fluid poured into my urethra and burned its way up my prick. I felt the lips of my slit distend as the hot stream slammed through them, bathing my tip and the enveloping skin with its wet slipperiness as I writhed in the frenzy of my orgasm. I cried out again as the hot frenzy of my orgasm enveloped me, and my prick discharged a second jet that made me shudder. Another convulsion wracked my cock-root, sending my third load shooting up my shaft and pouring out of my straining glans as I lay paralyzed by the mind-numbing sensations.

I felt my foreskin being pulled down hard to bare my wet throbbing helmet as another spasm gripped me, and I knew that Ben realized that my tip was becoming super-sensitive. He kept the tension on my foreskin, exposing my naked helmet to the cool air, and watched the rest of my load bubble through the lips of my slit. My orgasm tapered off as my contractions weakened, and I began to relax.

I felt Ben's probing finger between my thighs, feeling for the urethra and milking the residue from my system. In my daze I barely heard Ben's words:

"Man, you really came! I felt every throb of your cock through your skin. When I skinned it back, I saw your big dark tip still shooting."

"Oh, thanks," I said weakly, trying to rouse myself. "I was just out of it. I felt you twisting my foreskin to make my prick pump its juice, and it was heavenly." I lay there for a couple of minutes, feeling Ben working the excess fluid out of my prick with his skilled fingers, and watched him dab at the end of my helmet with a paper towel, very lightly so as not to irritate my still-sensitive glans.

At this point we heard the shower stop. A minute later Rick and Jerry came back into the room. Both looked very alive and energized.

"How did it go in there?" I asked, wondering what they'd been doing. I was sure that Rick had allowed Jerry to explore the wonders of his fleshy hood and that Jerry had done so enthusiastically.

"Well, I showed Jerry what you can do with a skin in the shower," Rick replied. Jerry nodded affirmatively.

"I had to pee, and I told Jerry to hold the end shut," Rick continued.

"His skin really swelled up while he was peeing," said Jerry. "When it got too swollen he told me to let go."

"Jerry really liked it, seeing how my skin ballooned, and then how it gushed when he let go."

"Then I skinned him back to rinse the head," Jerry added. "It's easy to clean under the skin. Rick told me not to use soap, because you don't need it."

"That's for sure," I said. "If you use soap, you just might leave some inside, and then it'll irritate the head and the inside layer of the foreskin."

"We're gonna dock," Ben piped up. "I guess you guys wanna watch."

"How are you gonna fit your tip inside Jack's skin?" Jerry asked.

"Lots of room," Ben explained. "I just made him come, so his helmet's gonna be small and soft when I go in." He reached for the Astroglide and skinned back my hood, pouring a few drops on the glans and then working the foreskin forward again to spread the lube. Then he put some on his head, spreading it with his fingertips. When he'd done that he lay down facing me.

"Okay, I'll spread the opening," I began. "You come forward and slip the head inside." Ben moved forward slightly and the small glans penetrated the orifice of my wide-open hood.

"Okay, you're doing fine," I coached him. "Now come in a little more." He did, and I felt the hardness of his glans pressing into my soft and tender flesh, compressing my glans slightly.

"I think our slits are touching," he said as he snuggled in farther, and I felt his hardness pressing into my shrunken helmet, his glans now totally enveloped by my hood.

"You want me to slide my foreskin or you wanna thrust?" I asked as I made a ring of my thumb and index finger to hold the end of my foreskin behind his corona.

"No, just hold still," he replied. "I get my hottest comes when I thrust." He began moving, and I felt the rhythmic pressure and release as he moved his turgid flesh inside my foreskin.

"His balls aren't really tight yet," Rick remarked as he sat on the edge of the bed behind Ben and slipped his hand between his thighs from the rear. I knew he was contributing to Ben's arousal by cupping his sac. Jerry reached over Ben's body to caress his stomach, and then bent farther to kiss his neck.

"I don't think you'll last too long, Ben," I said. "You're already primed and these two hot guys are gonna get you even hotter."

"I don't care, Jack," he said. "I feel like I'm ready to pop right now."

"It'll be another minute, Ben. Wait until Rick gets your balls tight, and then you'll really be ready."

"Okay, Jack," he agreed. "It feels so warm inside your skin, and it slides so easy."

"I can feel you sliding inside me," I said. "I can feel your tip gettin' harder." Ben's glans was firming up, as it went into its final swelling. Now he was thrusting faster, and his breathing had increased.

"You're the last to come today," Jerry said. "You built up quite a load watching the rest of us come, and you're really gonna explode when you come."

"I know I will," Ben gasped as he increased his pace. "I can feel it in my dick now. It's so swollen it feels like it's gonna burst."

"You're close," I coached him. "Your tip's rock hard. I can feel it through the skin."

"Your tip gettin' tingly yet?" asked Rick. Ben now was thrusting hard, his engorged glans stretching my foreskin as it plunged into it, sliding over my soft head to reach the root of my hood.

"It's tingly, it's tingly," he said as his face flushed and his eyes closed. He was breathing hard and beginning to grunt as he withdrew into himself in anticipation of the explosion.

"HUNH! HUNH!" he grunted as his hips bucked hard, driving his turgid prick deep into my hood, where I felt a heavy throb an instant later. Ben cried out as his tip spit a thick hot stream into my foreskin, caught up in the frenzy of his ejaculation.

"HUNH! HUNHHHHH!" he grunted loudly as I felt his tip give another heavy throb as the hot juice erupted, flooding my foreskin. I felt the stream stretching my hood and flowing into the groove behind my corona, evidence of his release.

"Man, he's really into it," Rick commented. "I can feel the throbs in his balls."

"Look, some jizz is leaking out," observed Jerry, who had been watching his friend's prick avidly as it had sunk into the depths of my hood. I saw some cream oozing from under my foreskin's edge, running onto Ben's scar ring.

Ben lunged again and another thick eruption came from his straining glans, flooding my foreskin and cushioning the sensations with its slippery wetness. Ben was howling helplessly, shattered by the mind-numbing sensations, his body on automatic as he kept thrusting. My hand was now wet with his cream, and I gripped my foreskin more tightly to prevent it from slipping off his prick.

Ben's thrusts were slackening, and I knew he was over the peak. He still grunted as several more contractions made his body shudder, and then he was still, sinking into the torpor that follows orgasm. I let him lie next to me until he opened his eyes a couple of minutes later.

"How was it?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Man, it was hot, very intense. It felt like all my insides were shooting out of my cock."

"I could tell," Rick said. "You were really rocking and rolling there."

"He was," confirmed Jerry. "He really flooded Jack's skin with his jizz. It was leaking out even before he'd stopped coming." Ben was snuggling up to me, his prick still dribbling fluid onto the sheet. It felt so comfortable to have him in my arms that I relaxed as well, and soon we were asleep. The End

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