Fender Bender

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 3, 2005


Fender Bender, Part 3 By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

I'd met Ken as a result of a rear-ender that had damaged only sheet metal, and when we'd discovered that we both enjoyed male-male sex, this began an intense relationship that had led to my meeting his brother Ben, who not only had the same sexual drive but was envious and fascinated by our foreskins, as he'd been clipped at birth.

Now, as I drove to Ken's apartment for a third meeting with him and his brother, I had a friend with me. Rick was a couple of years older than I and had a naturally endowed penis as I did, with the advantage of an even longer and thicker foreskin, and I knew that both Ken and Ben were looking forward to seeing and playing with it. I'd phoned Ken the night before and he'd been enthusiastic about Rick's accompanying me.

The brothers were wearing only bathrobes when Ken opened the door, and I knew they were eager for us to undress. Ken broke the ice after the introductions, saying: "I know it's cold outside. You might like to warm up in the hot tub. Just leave your clothes on the couch." Rick and I immediately began disrobing, conscious of Ken's and Ben's eyes upon us.

"You both wear boxers," commented Ben as we dropped our pants.

"Yeah, I like `em because they don't bind the way jockeys do," answered Rick. I like to feel my cock and balls swinging free."

"I guess we all feel the same way," added Ken as we dropped our shorts. Their eyes immediately swung to Rick's crotch. They'd seen mine before. Rick's penis was about the same size as mine, with the bulge of his big helmet stretching the covering skin. However, he had about two inches of fleshy foreskin extending beyond the head, thick, wrinkled, and puckered.

"That is a hell of a nipple you've got on your cock," Ben commented. There was an obvious note of envy in his voice, and the reason was clear. As Ben dropped his bathrobe, the circular scar behind the head of his prick was evident to all. He'd lost his foreskin as a baby, and the deprivation had bothered him all his life.

In the hot tub, Ben sat to my right, between me and Rick, and he didn't hesitate to reach for our pricks with both hands. I felt him squeezing my glans through its fleshy hood, and I was sure he was fondling Rick's penis as well.

"Man, you've got a lot of skin, more than Jack here," he said to Rick. I grasped Ben's tip between thumb and forefingers and began to squeeze rhythmically. To avoid Ken feeling left out, I grasped his prick as well, feeling the thick hood sliding over his small cock-head as I stroked it gently.

"I'd like to try putting my finger in there," Ben said to Rick.

"It's okay," I added. Ben bites his nails, and you won't get scratched."

"Go ahead," Rick replied. "You're gettin' me hard already." The bubbling water prevented me from seeing how Rick's penis was reacting to the stimulation, but I knew that mine was swelling rapidly. Ken's thigh against mine was adding to my arousal, and his warm fingers were gently sliding my foreskin over my bulging tip.

The hot bubbling water's turbulence provided a really sensual feeling, and I knew that we were all hard within seconds. I was barely touching Ken's prick, merely running my fingers lightly around the foreskin-covered head. I ran the fingers of my right hand lightly up the underside of Ben's erection, stopping before I reached the tip because I didn't want him to explode prematurely. I knew that playing with Rick's long foreskin was adding to his excitement, priming him for a torrid, gushing ejaculation. Rick was sighing, captivated by Ben's finger probing deeply into his hood.

Sweat had broken out on our foreheads, an obvious cue to get out of the tub, and our mutual excitement added urgency. Ken stood first, his tapered prick standing at about 45 degrees from his body, with a slight downward curve. Ben, to my right, followed his brother, his prick with its denuded head also standing proudly from his body, and with the same tapered shape and slight downward curve as its hooded duplicate to his left.

I stood, aware that Ben's eyes were fixed on Rick, who was the last to get up. My six-incher stood out horizontally, with straight shaft and a big bulge where my helmet distended its long hood that formed a pucker at the end.

Actually, both Ben and Ken were watching avidly when Rick stood, as they hadn't yet seen his prick in erection. Rick's shaft was straight, like mine, and stood out horizontally, like mine. Unlike mine, his did not have a big vein on the right side, but a few smaller blood vessels were visible along its 6 ½" length. Like mine, Rick's had a big bulging helmet under a foreskin that covered it completely and extended an inch beyond the front dome of his glans.

Ben found this exciting, and he grasped the loose foreskin and held on to it as we walked into the bedroom. Rick wasn't surprised, as I'd told him of Ben's fascination with foreskin, and he seemed to enjoy the attention. Certainly, his prick enjoyed the attention, for it remained rock-hard during our short walk.

Ken brought several towels from the bathroom and we dried ourselves. Ben, however, was intent upon drying Rick, paying special attention to his groin. He held the towel under Rick's penis and patted it dry with the other end of the towel, lovingly caressing it as he did so.

"I guess Ben's the latest member of your prick's fan club," I said jokingly. "He's been neglecting mine up to now."

"Oh, yeah, I can see he's really into skin," Rick replied. "He can play with mine as long as he wants."

"You know he never had one of his own," Ken said. "At least, not since he was a few days old."

"I bet he'd like to feel his head covered with skin," said Rick. At this, Ben looked up at him wide-eyed.

"You've heard of docking, haven't you?" asked Rick.

"Yeah, but I never did it," said Ben.

"My skin's not quite long enough to dock him when I'm hard," said Ken. "Jack looks like he's got a nice long skin, but his helmet's so big there's not enough room for Ben when Jack's cock is hard."

"Think you can dock him, Rick?" I asked, realizing that this would be a new and thrilling experience for Ben. "Your foreskin's longer than mine, and even though your tip's about as bulky as mine, that gives you a lot of room."

"It's worth a try," Rick replied. "His tip's not even as wide as his shaft, and that makes it easier. Anyway, I'd like to give Ben a hot thrill that he'll remember."

"First lay down," Ben said to Rick. "I want to get real friendly with this cock." Rick lay supine on the big queen-size, and Ken and I sat on the edge to watch. Ben crawled up alongside Rick, crouching over his groin, and lifted Rick's penis to vertical. Holding it just behind the head, he insinuated his tongue-tip into the thick fleshy skin tube, probing for Rick's glans.

"Oooohhh," Rick gasped as Ben's tongue reached in to tickle his slit. Ken and I could see the outline of Ben's tongue swiping the end of Rick's helmet from side to side. I reached over to cup Rick's scrotum, which was still loose from the effect of the hot water. I knew it would begin contracting quickly as Ben worked on his prick, arousing him.

"Here, let me," Ken said as he began squeezing the head of Ben's prick gently, the way I'd been doing it in the hot tub. At the same time, I saw Ben's tongue penetrating deeper into the foreskin, caressing the rim of Rick's glans. Ben now lifted his head and spoke:

"He's sure got a tasty cock," he said. "I just love the smell and taste of a man's cock, if he's not cut like me."

"Strip him back," suggested Ken. "That way you'll be able to see and smell it." Ben began tugging gently on Rick's shaft behind the head, stretching the foreskin back over the big-domed glans. The fleshy sleeve's puckered orifice parted, and then opened to the size of a dime.

"He's got a long slit," commented Ben as he watched the purple tip gradually revealing itself. "It's not like Jack's teardrop."

"No, but Rick juices a lot more than Jack," Ken added as the rich masculine odor of Rick's went and shining glans filled the air.

"Ooooohhhh, that's such a nice smell," said Ben as he inhaled deeply. Ben was being aroused not only by handling and smelling Rick's penis, but by the rhythmic squeezes his brother was applying to the head of his prick.

"Let's see the rest of it," I said. "I know you want to see it, and so do we." Ben tugged gently on Rick's shaft to drag the foreskin slowly back, and we watched as it expanded to allow the big head to appear.

"Wow, it's a nice helmet shape," Ben observed as he kept increasing the tension on the skin. "I like that hot purple color, too. It's like Jack's helmet." Now the ring of foreskin was poised on the rim of Rick's glans, further distended by the flare.

"I like the way his rim turns up in a flare, just like Jack's," said Ken. "I've handled Jack's cock, and really like the looks. I wish my cock-head was as big."

"Yours is fine the way it is," I said. "It made you really cream when I handled it, and you've got nothing to complain about." Now Ben's eager fingers slipped Rick's foreskin completely off the head and bared the deep groove behind the flaring corona.

"That's nice, really nice," Ben said as he lowered his head. His tongue flicked out to trace the rim of Rick's helmet, working down one side to the vee-groove underneath, and then he twisted his head to work his tongue-tip up the other side.

"Aaaaahhhhh," Rick sighed as the sensations hit him. I knew what he was feeling, as I'd had that done to me too. Now Ben's tongue-tip worked down into the deep groove behind Rick's rim, and circled it was he'd done before. At the vee-groove, Ben flicked his tongue across the thick gee-string, making Rick gasp loudly with surprise.

"Hey, you're gonna make him come if you keep that up," admonished Ken. "Don't you want to dock with him?" At this Ben lifted his head.

"Oh, yeah, I want to go head to head with him inside his skin." Ben was very excited, as clear fluid was running copiously from his slit. Ken had begun to work his fingertips around the wet, slippery glans, further arousing his brother.

Ben released Rick's penis and they turned on their sides facing each other, prick to prick. Rick grasped his prick at the base, pushing the long hood forward until it rode over the rim and down the taper of his glans and encapsulated his big helmet.

"Now you just hold your dick out straight," he instructed Ben. "Hold it steady and let me do the work." He moved his prick until it was touching Ben's engorged glans, wet with lube. The thick pucker of Rick's foreskin covered the end of Ben's small head, and now Rick began pushing it farther, over the slippery surface, until the opening reach Ben's rim.

"Can you go a little farther?" I asked.

"Sure can," Rick replied confidently as he pushed his thick fleshy tube beyond Ben's rim to fill the groove behind the head. Now his foreskin totally engulfed Ben's glans, and Rick locked his thumb and forefingers around the end to secure it.

"Now you can start moving a little," he instructed Ben, who began thrusting his hips very slightly.

"Aaaaahhhhh, that feels so good, my head against yours," Ben said.

"I like the way you're pushing your tip against mine. It's so slippery," Rick replied. Ken and I were avidly staring at the scene, imagining how it must feel to both of them. I felt Ken's warm fingers closing around my shaft, sliding my foreskin gently up and down my helmet, and I clasped his prick as well as he murmured to me:

"Since my tip's small like Ben's, maybe one of these days Rick could dock me too." My fingers slid Ken's foreskin up and down his small glans as he spoke, and it was clear that the head was small compared to mine and Rick's.

"Well, we could ask him, Ken. Right now, your brother's really in seventh heaven." Ben was thrusting avidly in to Rick's ample foreskin, completely carried away by this novel sensation and totally absorbed in the excitement.

"Ben's not only bumping heads with Rick, but his tip's sliding past it," Ken commented on the scene before us.

"Yeah, he's really going deep," I added.

"He's really stretching my skin with that dick-head of his," said Rick, who although intent on the cock-to-cock contact, was still aware of our conversation. We could see the outline of Ben's small glans as it distended Rick's thick hood in its thrusting. The end of it probed all the way back to Rick's corona, caressing the nerve endings in Rick's helmet as it glided past.

"Wait till he shoots," Ken said. "You'll really feel it then. Ben shoots a heavy load, and I think this time he'll drain himself completely into your skin." Both Rick and Ben were red-faced now, the excitement raising their heartbeats and blood pressure.

"Ben's really hot," I said to Ken. "Notice how his balls got tight?"

"Rick's balls are tight too," Ken replied. "This scene's affecting Rick as much as it is Ben." Ken reached to cup his brother's scrotum with his free hand, while still stroking my hood rhythmically with the other.

"They'll be coming soon," I said. "We might be coming too. This scene's so hot to watch."

"It's affecting me," Ken said as he snuggled closer to me. "Maybe we'd better stop stroking each other's dicks, or we might lose control when it happens." He removed his hand from my prick and I released his.

"Right," I said. "I get a real thrill from watching guys come, and if I come when they do, I'm sure my eyes are gonna close and I'll miss the big show."

"Me, too," Ken agreed. "I'd hate to be all wrapped up in my own orgasm when Ben and Rick start to shoot."

""I wonder who's gonna shoot first?" I asked abstractedly. "Rick's prick tip is more sensitive than Ben's."

"Yeah, but Ben's gettin' more excited than Rick because he never docked before," Ken countered. Docking's gonna push him over the edge faster." Ben's excited prick was thrusting steadily into Rick's enveloping skin tube, and I imagined what it felt like to have another hard glans bumping against mine. I knew that the steady shocks against Rick's overheated nerve endings would tip him over the edge soon.

"Both have their eyes closed," Ken pointed out. Rick and Ben were breathing heavily, their chests heaving, caught up in the impending frenzy and helpless to resist. Ben hips were bucking sharply now, and we knew that he was into the final stage before release.

"Unh! Unh! Unh!" Ben began to grunt as his body went into overdrive and his thrusts increased in sharpness, driving his swollen glans deep into Rick's enveloping skin tube. Rick, too, was feeling the effects of this frenzied thrusting, and had begun to moan loudly.

"HUUUNNNHHHH!" Ben cried out sharply as his back arched with the onset of his release. Rick responded a second later with his own cry, and we knew that they both were into the hot, frenzied spasms of ejaculation. Ben's hot, driving prick hammered at Rick's blunt tip and slid past it to thrust deeply into the restraining fleshy sleeve, filling it with his sperm as Rick's throbbing tip added to the volume.

"It's leakin' out of the skin," Ken commented to me as we saw the creamy discharge ooze past the edge of Rick's foreskin to pour out onto Ben's hard shaft. The ooze grew to a flood as Ben and Rick's discharges filled the distended foreskin and gushed out between the fleshy sleeve and Ben's straining shaft. The veins stood out prominently on both pricks as they thrust against each other, totally caught up in the frenzy of their orgasms. Hot fluid dripped down onto the sheet as Ben and Rick drained themselves dry, sharing the magic moment and bonding in a way that only men can know.

Their thrusts diminished and finally stopped, with both men exhausted by their efforts, their nervous systems shocked into torpor, and we saw them begin to relax. Now they pressed their hot bodies against each other and as their pricks were pressed between their stomachs, the foreskin connection broke and Ben's white-coated tip came into view. They remained hugging tightly together for several minutes, stunned by the after-shock of their orgasms, their fury totally spent. Occasionally, Ben would kiss Rick on his lips, a dry kiss but filled with appreciation.

"This really affected you," Ken said, pointedly looking at my prick. I followed his gaze and saw that the puckered end of my foreskin, still enveloping my helmet tightly, was wet with clear fluid. "You don't usually leak that much, and I wasn't even touching you."

"You too," I think." I saw that the end of Ken's foreskin was oozing lubricant even more than mine.

"Yeah, we're both so hot that if we touched each other we'd probably blow our loads right now."

"They both came together," Ken observed. "I'm not all that surprised. They really turned each other on." At this point Rick opened his eyes, looking at us, and said:

"Yeah, I was hot, really hot, and when Ben started shooting and his hot juice hit the back of my ridge this just set me off. I couldn't hold back. I was gone right then." At this point Ben opened his eyes and added:

"It felt so good with my tip inside his skin. I never came so much in my life, and feeling how our comes mixed inside his skin just drove me wild."

"It really was something to watch," Ken said. Jack and I had to stop stroking each other or we would have been gone for sure. Even now we're so hot we'd let go in a second if you stroked us."

"That's for sure," I added, confirming his point. "Right now I feel an itch in my tip, and I know if I scratch or rub it, I'll just drop my load."

"I sometimes get that too," said Rick. "If something makes me really hot, I get an itch all over my tip, from the front right back to the ridge. It doesn't take much to make me blow my load then, just a couple of strokes of the skin."

Ken got up from the bed and took me by the hand, pulling me up with him.

"I think we need to cool off," he said to all of us. "Anyway, Rick and Ben need a shower, and we all need a break. Jack and I can shower after you guys." Ben led Rick into the bathroom, and Ken and I stood looking at each other as we heard the water running. Ben and Rick were talking, their voices muffled by the running water.

"I bet Rick's showing Ben the pee-in-the-foreskin trick," I surmised.

"I've done that a lot of times for Ben," Ken said. "He never gets tired of seeing it, watching my skin balloon out, when I pinch the end shut."

"I guess we can do that for each other when we get in the shower," I suggested. "It's still fun, no matter how many times I do it."

"I feel the same way. I always enjoy playing with my dick. I do it every chance I get." We heard the water stop and a minute later Ben and Rick returned to the bedroom.

"Now you guys just relax. Jack and I are gonna get in the shower and be back to you in a couple of minutes," Ken said to them.

"Are you gonna go in the shower, or come in the shower?" Ben asked with a wide grin. He knew how hot we were, as our erections hadn't gone down at all.

"I think we'll just shower to cool off," Ken replied. "If you get impatient, you can jack each other off." We went into the shower and stood under the warm water, feeling it running over our bodies.

"That hot water running over my prick makes me want to pee now," I said. I felt the pressure building up inside.

"Your hard-on's going down," Ken pointed out. "Mine's gettin' soft too, so we'll both be able to pee." He reached over to pinch the thick pucker at the end of my foreskin, and I consciously relaxed my sphincter.

"Here it comes," I said as I felt the flow begin. The fluid filled my overheated tube and ran out the lips of my slit to be trapped by the foreskin, and we watched it swell. Just as it was becoming uncomfortably distended, Ken released the end and the flow gushed from the puckered opening all over our legs and the floor of the shower.

"That'll rinse out your skin," he said. "Now I can feel mine starting. I reached down to pinch the end of his fleshy sleeve, watching it balloon out as it filled with urine. When I judged any further stretching would be uncomfortable, I let go and we watched his gush pour out of his foreskin, spraying indiscriminately.

We weren't really dirty, so we didn't use any soap, just rinsed our bodies under the warm water. Ken skinned back my hood to rinse off my helmet, and I peeled his hood back for the same purpose, carefully replacing it afterward. We dried each other slowly and lovingly, sharing one towel because the other was wet. My tip was still exposed, and Ken dried the helmet and rolled the hood back down to cover it.

Back in the bedroom, Rick looked up at us from the bed and said:

"Wow, you guys are still half-hard. I guess the shower didn't cool you off that much, did it?"

"No, my tip's still tingling," Ken replied.

"Mine was tingling when you were drying me off," I added. "Now it's not tingling, but the head still itches a bit."

"Well, I'd like to take care of that," Ben said, a note of eagerness in his voice. I looked at Ken, who nodded and said:

"He'll use any excuse to get his hands on that skin. Give him half a chance and he'll make your tip tingle."

"With his tongue," added Rick. I sat next to Ben while Ken took up a position on my left side, his hand dropping to my crotch to tickle my scrotal hairs. This light tickle produced an immediate effect, worked up as I was, and my prick began swelling before Ben could grasp it. He steadied it pointing towards his face and lowered his head. I felt his tongue-tip pushing its way inside the puckered end of my foreskin nipple, probing for the helmet. I felt the tight skin stretch as his tongue pushed in farther, and then his hot tongue touched my front dome, making it tingle at his touch.

"I want to get in on the action," said Rick as he got up to sit next to Ken. He grasped Ken's prick and lowered his head, and I saw the tip of his tongue extending to lick at the thick pucker of Ken's hood. His grip tightened slightly on Ken's swelling organ and he pushed his tongue farther into the long fleshy tube, aiming for the head.

Meanwhile, I felt my foreskin being stretched from side to side as Ben's thick tongue worked on my slit, swiping it from side to side, and I felt a contraction deep inside me as a drop of lubricant began to crawl up my prick toward the end. I heard Ken sighing with delight as Rick's tongue made contact with his tender glans and circled around it, caressing the many nerve endings.

"I'm gettin' real hard," I said as the effects of Ben's tongue registered on my nervous system, pumping up my prick to its full six inches. Ben's tongue plunged under my helmet, caressing the gee-string and the sides of the vee-groove. Ken's warm fingers cupped my balls, and with his other hand he caressed the insides of my thighs.

Suddenly Ben lifted his head to say:

"You guys lie on the bed, and we'll work on you there." Ken and I shifted our positions to lie with our bodies touching. I felt Ken's warm thigh against mine, and I clasped his right hand with my left. He squeezed my hand gently as he said:

"I think they want to bring us off together. It'll be nice, coming with you." I heard the warmth in his voice, and sensed his eagerness to share an orgasm with me. Ben crouched on my right and once more grasped my prick to steady it as his tongue worked its way inside my thick fleshy hood, this time penetrating to roll around my rim.

"He likes the way you taste, Jack," Rick said as he brought his head down to engulf Ken's prick. Holding the end of the foreskin in his mouth, he pushed his tongue inside the hood, and Ken jumped as Rick's tongue swept around his rim. I saw the skin stretch as Rick's tongue worked down one side of his rim to the cleft under the head, where I assume he began strumming Ken's gee-string.

"My tip feels really itchy now," I said as Ben continued to work on my tender helmet, now probing my pouting slit. His tongue-tip traced small circles around my teardrop hole, spreading the lubricant that had seeped out.

"Mine's gettin' kinda tingly," Ken said. I saw that Rick was now cupping Ken's balls, kneading them slowly and gently to enhance his excitement. Ken's sac was drawn up tightly against his stomach, a sure sign of arousal.

"Remember how sensitive our tips get when we come?" I said to Rick. "Well, Ken's is even more sensitive, and you'd better stop stroking it when he starts. Just pull his skin right back and hold it tight. That'll get him through the rest." Rick nodded, his mouth still down on Ken's prick, and I knew he understood. Rick had brought me to orgasm with his mouth several times, and I'd done him, so we both understood how uncut guys became super-sensitive upon orgasm.

"I'm really tingly," Ken moaned, as his breathing became hurried and irregular. He was gasping with every other word, and I knew that he was rushing toward the edge.

"Try to stay relaxed," I urged as I squeezed his hand. I was trying to follow my own advice, but the hot sensations Ben was pouring into my helmet made this impossible. I felt my stomach muscles tighten despite my best efforts, and I saw Ken's legs begin to tremble.

Ben's magic tongue was producing a fierce tickle in my helmet, and I knew that this was the precursor to the hot tingle that would trigger my orgasm. I took a deep breath, trying to control my breathing, which had become labored and ragged as had Ken's. I began moaning helplessly as my sensations built up, and soon I was surrendering to the inevitable. Now my eyes closed.

Ken's hand gripped mine tightly, and I heard him cry out loudly. He was right on the edge, and a second later I felt Ben's firm encircling fingers pull down hard on my foreskin, baring the tender glans to his lips and tongue. His lips locked around my rim, and then I felt the scrape of his teeth, sending hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into my glans and shaft. The hot tingle overwhelmed me, and I felt the hard contraction in my cock-root as I heard Ken wail.

I felt Ken's body jerk against mine as the first flood of hot lava seared its way up my shaft, sending me into a spasm of delight. I felt the stream burn its way around the curve in my tube as it turned up into my glans and then slam through the lips of my slit into Ben's mouth.

Ken was crying out loudly and helplessly as the orgasm raged through his body. His hips bucked and he yelped again as my second hard contraction gripped me. Another hot stream of juice poured into my urethra, sending me to the dizzying heights of orgasm, aware of little except the hot spasms that raged through my body. We were thrashing on the bed, caught up in the frenzy of our ejaculations, and we both wailed as the mind-numbing sensations swept through us.

I don't know how many times I shot, but I became aware that my torrents had slowed to a dribble, and that Ben's lips were clasped lightly around the middle of my super-sensitive glans. He was eagerly sucking the fluid that still seeped from my tortured tip, holding my skin back tightly to keep the head exposed so that he would get every drop.

After a long period of silence, during which Ken and I lapsed into the quietude and inertia that follows orgasm, we opened our eyes. I looked over at him, and his blue eyes bored into mine.

"Man, that was wonderful," he said. I was still groggy and it took me several seconds to reply:

"I guess we came together. I could feel you straining as you came."

"You were gripping my hand so hard you almost broke it," he countered.

"You were both jumping on the bed," Rick laughed.

"How did you get us to come right at the same time?" Ken asked.

"While you guys were in the shower Ben and I agreed that we'd get you worked up close to coming, and then we'd scrape our teeth on your tips. "I've done Jack several times, and I knew that always triggers him, so I figured it would probably work on you. Ben told me he'd done that to your dick a few times too."

"You're right, that really sent me over the edge," I said. "It felt like my prick was exploding."

"I just loved the chlorine taste of your jizz," Ben added. "How did my brother taste, Rick?"

"He smelled and tasted like chlorine too," Rick answered. "Before he shot, though, he was drooling pre-come so much that he almost drowned me. His lube tastes very salty." By now, Ken's prick and mine had relaxed, the swollen heads having shrunk and lost their excessive sensitivities. I felt Ben gently slipping my foreskin up over the head.

"That's a good idea," Ben said as he looked over and saw what Ben was doing. "I'd better get Ken's skin up to protect the precious tip." His skilled fingers worked Ken's long fleshy tube up over the tapered head.

"It's easier pulling Ken's skin up," Rick commented. He doesn't have a thick ridge for the skin to ride over like Jack does.

"Yeah, with that small head, Ken's skin comes up real easy," Ben agreed. "Even when he's not hard, Jack's skin often locks behind the ridge."

"Time for a drink," Ken said as he stood. "Everybody like martinis?" We nodded and Ken went into the kitchen. Ben led Rick and me into the living room, where he sat on the couch next to Rick and I took an armchair. Ken came in with a tray holding several ice-filled glasses, olives, and a pitcher of martinis. He poured our drinks, and lit a cigarette, passing the pack around.

The warmth of the alcohol flowed through my body, producing a sense of well-being that accentuated the orgasm-induced relaxation. I noticed that Rick, Ken, and Ben's scrotums had dropped, loosening now that they were relaxed. Mine was always on the tight side, and close to my body.

"That was really hot," Ken said to me. "Thanks for bringing Rick with you."

"Yeah, thanks for me too," added Ben. "That was a first for me. I'd never docked before."

"With your skin, Jack, did you ever dock anyone?" Ken asked.

"I've done it a couple of times," I replied. "With my big helmet, though, I can't do it when I'm hard. Rick and I docked once, but he stroked me first so that I wouldn't be hard when he went in. With my tip soft, there was room inside for his big helmet."

"That's a nice helmet you've got," Ben said. "I really enjoyed sucking the juice out of it today. I could feel it throbbing against my tongue every time you shot."

"Your tip throbbed hard too," Rick said to Ken. "It's smaller than mine, but it was hard like a rock when you came and the throbs were really powerful." As he spoke, I noticed that his prick had begun to swell. Ken noticed it as well, for he said:

"You're gettin' turned on again just talking about it."

"Yeah, having a drink sometimes does that to me. Plus, you're such a hot guy, and we watched you get off. Hell, I got you off." He'd begun to stroke his foreskin, slowly sliding the long hood over the head as his shaft lengthened.

"Looks like you need to get off again," commented Ben. "I'm drained, but if you need it, go ahead. I'd be glad to watch." Ken got up to go to the kitchen, returning with a roll of paper towels.

"Here, you can shoot all you want. I'll put these on your chest and stomach to catch the jizz." He spread several paper towels over him as Rick's hand continued to work rhythmically on his prick.

Rick's erection stood at its full 6 ½" now, filling his long fleshy sleeve, banishing some of the wrinkles, as we watched avidly. Ben was the most intent of all, eager to see Rick manipulating the foreskin that had docked him with such intense effect minutes before.

"You gonna just stroke it like that?" Ben asked.

"No, I'm just gonna pump myself up this way for the moment. Later I'll change strokes." Rick eased himself further into a semi-reclining position on the couch.

"Rick likes to stroke the way I do," I explained. "We both use the full length of our foreskins to get worked up, but when we get close, we both like to skin back to shoot." Now Rick was taking longer strokes, baring the front dome of his helmet on the back-stroke.

"That's a beautiful purple color," Ben said. "It's so shiny and wet." Rick's excitement was growing, and we saw drop after drop of clear lubricant parting the lips of his long slit, easing the way for his foreskin that spread the slippery liquid evenly over the glossy domed helmet. Rick had spread his legs and we got a clear view of his scrotum as it began to contract. Ben reached over to cup his balls, his eyes never leaving the helmet that emerged from the thick ring of foreskin only to be hidden again on the up-stroke.

"I can see it's gettin' darker," Ben commented, carefully studying Rick's penis. "He's close." Now Rick drew his foreskin fully down, baring the rim and the deep groove behind it.

His head's gettin' harder," Ben continued as he touched a finger to Rick's helmet, feeling its consistency. "His tip's really hard and his rim's all flared out."

"We both like to shoot bare-headed when we jack," I explained. "With the foreskin back, there's no longer the tightness of the skin and the pressure of our fingers, and the head grows to full size. We also like to see the head get darker."

"Look at that long slit," Ben said. "Maybe I can get my tongue in there." With these words, Ben lowered his head, experimentally probing Rick's long leaking slit.

"Go ahead, man," Rick said. "I'm almost there, and I'm gonna take a break for a minute while you taste my juice." Ben's tongue-tip parted the lips of Rick's slit, insinuating itself into the hole, and then withdrew to trace small circles around the slit, caressing the blunt front dome of Rick's helmet.

"Rick's juice is really salty," Ben said as he raised his head. "I just love that taste." Rick resumed his stroking, lightly bumping his flaring corona with the ring of wrinkled foreskin.

"Watch Rick's helmet closely when he comes," I said. "You saw what a long slit he has. His cream comes out in a ribbon, not a round stream like ours, because of the shape of his slit."

"Now we can all watch Rick shoot his ribbons," said Ben. "It'll be different and anyway I really love to see a hot guy doing that to himself."

"If Rick closes his eyes, he won't see himself shoot," Ken said.

"That's all right," I replied, as Rick was now too wrapped up in his self-manipulation to be able to answer. "We both get turned on by watching our helmets swell and get darker, and even if Rick closes his eyes at the end, we'll be able to see him shoot." Now Rick was still bumping his flaring corona with the thick ring of wrinkled skin, and the shocks to the base of the glans were fueling his fire. A steady flow of clear lubricant poured from his long slit, each drop gracefully parting the lips before running down the compound curves of his helmet.

"He's close, really close," Ken commented as we watched Rick's face flush and heard his breathing become ragged. Rick had completely withdrawn into himself as his sensations had mounted. Now Ben lowered his head until it was resting on Rick's right hip, giving him a close-up view of the thick weeping prick-tip that Rick was caressing.

"It's really dark," said Ben. "That back of his rim's almost black." Now Rick's eyes were closing, and we watched a light trembling begin in his spread legs. His entire body tightened up, and we knew that he'd be discharging momentarily. Ben placed the tip of his index finger in the vee-groove of Rick's helmet, saying:

"I want to feel the head throb when he starts to shoot." Rick's jaw clenched and his stomach muscles contracted. His breathing was now gasping, and he'd begun grunting.

Hunh! Hunh! Hunh!" he grunted as his excitement rose to its peak. He was stroking his foreskin faster now, slamming the thick fleshy ring against the hard, flaring corona to compress its nerve endings. Now he slowed, barely kissing the rim with the wrinkled flesh.

"He's slowing down like I do at the end," I explained. We both enjoy the feeling of anticipation when we get to the edge." As I finished speaking Rick gave a howl and tightened his grip on his prick. His fingers flew as they bumped the foreskin ring against the rim, compressing it and triggering his orgasm.

"HHHUUNNNNHH!" he grunted loudly as his hips bucked and his prick exploded, sending a thick ribbon of semen arcing high into the air to land on the paper towels covering his chest. He howled again as another gush shot from his slit, again soaking the paper towels. The powerful odor of chlorine filled the air as Rick's body tensed for another ejaculation. He grunted again and we saw a third ribbon of cream slamming through the lips of his slit, this time landing on his stomach. Ben was hugging him, feeling Rick's straining body against his, as the throbbing prick discharged another heavy load of white juice.

Now Rick stopped stroking, holding his foreskin fully retracted from the flaring, throbbing head as another torrent poured from his meatus. The jets had weakened to a steady flow now, still white but not as white as before, and instead of shooting it was running down his dark purple helmet and shaft. Rick was still now, and I knew that his tip had become overly sensitive, and that the slightest stroking of his foreskin would be too much for him.

We watched silently as his prick drooled an ever-lightening stream that ran down over helmet, shaft, and tightly encircling fingers as he drained himself. Now only a seepage of clear fluid oozed from the lips of his long slit, and I knew that this was only prostate fluid, his sperm having been exhausted during his climax.

"You were right about him shooting ribbons instead of streams," said Ben. I was right there and saw it all."

"You felt it too," said his brother. "You had your fingertip on his helmet when he started coming."

"Yeah, he throbbed hard when he came," said Ben. "That was nice to feel. I always love to feel a guy's cock throb when he unloads."

We left him alone as he sank into his characteristic daze for a few minutes. We didn't try to wipe his prick because we knew that the rough paper towels would feel painful against his tender tip. When he finally opened his eyes Ken was there with a washcloth wet with warm water, which he offered to Rick. Rick took it and gingerly began dabbing carefully at his helmet, now shrinking as his excitement ebbed. When he was finished, he slipped his long foreskin up to protect the helmet and sipped at his drink.

"That was nice to see," Ken said, echoing my thoughts.

"Damn right," Ben said. "I had the best seat in the house. I also felt his helmet throb against my finger when he shot."

We sat in our chairs for several more minutes, finishing our drinks and cigarettes, until Ken suggested that we'd had enough for the evening. He and Ben took the main bedroom, and he showed me and Rick the way to the guest bedroom, where another queen-size awaited us. As sleep overtook me, I wondered what other adventures with Ken and Ben awaited us.

End of Part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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