Fender Bender

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 1, 2005


Fender Bender By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

I sat relaxing in the hot tub, feeling Ken's fingers kneading the hardness of my prick. My fingers played with his foreskin, feeling the hardness of the glans it shrouded, and I thought back to how we'd met barely two hours ago.

The light had turned red in front of my Lexus and I had applied the brakes. I felt a jar, and realized that the car behind me had hit mine. I looked in my mirror and despite the heavy rain I saw that the driver had one hand on the wheel and the other on a cell phone he was holding to his ear. He made a few frantic comments into the phone and put it down before opening his door. I got out too, and saw that he, too, was driving a Lexus.

"Sorry about that," he said with a sheepish grin. I was not amused, and was about to chew him out for using a cell phone wile driving, especially in heavy traffic, but he beat me to it:

"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been using my cell phone, but I got a call from a client about her court date tomorrow, and I had to answer."

"Let's pull over to the curb," I said. "Then we can exchange information." I got back in my car and eased it over into a parking slot, and he pulled in next to me. I quickly got into his car's passenger seat, eager to get out of the driving rain.

"Look, my insurance will pay for everything. I know it's my fault," he said. "I'm an attorney, and I know how the system works. I've been with Justin, Kyle, and Brad for a few years and handled some personal injury cases."

"I'm an attorney too," I answered. "I know what it is when a client's antsy and wants to talk to you. Anyway, I'm not hurt and I hope you're not, either." He seemed to be a couple of years older than my 30 years, blond, and blue-eyed. I had brown hair and eyes, and we were both about six feet.

"No, I'm okay. Let's just get a couple of pictures of the damage," he said as he pulled a digital camera from the briefcase on the back seat. "I know pictures will speed up the claim processing." We got out and inspected the rumpled sheet metal, both us and the cars dripping water, and he took several pictures of both his front bumper and my trunk.

"Look, we can go into the copy shop there and make copies of our licenses and insurance papers," I suggested. "No point getting even more soaked." I got my insurance card from my car and we hurried through the door and I copied my driver's license while he went to the counter to give the clerk a couple of dollars. When we'd finished he said:

"We're both soaked, and I feel really cold and uncomfortable. I live only a few blocks from here. Let's go to my place and warm up with a couple of drinks. I've got a hot tub too." I agreed and he told me:

"I've got underground parking with two spaces, but I've only got one car. You just follow me in and pull into the slot next to mine." We got in our cars and I followed him past the attendant on the ramp into his garage. Once inside his apartment, he began stripping off his suit jacket.

"I'm gonna fix us a couple of hot buttered rums," he began as he walked over to the wet bar on one side of his living room. "The hot tub's right through the far door in the bedroom," he indicated with his chin as he fixed the drinks. I saw that he was shivering, and I felt wet and clammy as well, so I began removing my clothes. He led the way to the hot tub, a drink in each hand.

"I guess I can leave my clothes on the floor in here, okay?" I asked. "The floor's tiled." He set the drinks on the edge of the tub and removed the rest of his clothing. I noticed we both wore boxers, and when I dropped mine, I saw that his eyes were on my crotch.

"I guess we don't need bathing suits," I said as I followed him into the hot water. "We've got nothing to hide."

"Nope," he said. "We've both got the same equipment. Anyway, it's nice to have the hot tub in its own room instead of on the patio where people could see us."

"You're sure right about both points," I said. "Not many guys with foreskins nowadays."

"That was a problem between me and my wife," he said. "I'm divorced. If I'd known you then, I might have had you handle my case."

"No, I do criminal defense," I replied. "I'm in private practice. What do you do?"

"Civil," he replied. "My firm does wills, trusts, and some divorces."

"I'm divorced too," I said. "I guess we're both in the same boat. What was the problem with your wife and your foreskin?"

"She said I should have been cut. She thought if I didn't have that skin, my cock head would have been bigger." Before we'd sunk into the swirling water, I'd noticed that he had a tapering prick, narrowing from a thick base to a pucker at the end of his long wrinkled foreskin.

"I don't think that makes any difference," I replied. "I've seen lots of guy who were cut and who had small heads."

"I know you're right," he said. "I saw that yours has a big head under that long skin."

"Well, that didn't save my marriage," I said. "We broke up for other reasons, and lucky for us we had no kids."

"We didn't have kids, either," he said. "That would have been a bitch. The kids always get it in the neck during a divorce."

"My wife had a real attitude problem," I began. "Lots of women do. If it's not one thing, it's another."

"Well, mine did too. It wasn't just my cock. I couldn't do anything right. Nothing was good enough for her."

"Same here. I know I'm better off single," I continued. "I don't plan to get married again."

"Me neither. Once is enough. Anyway, it's a lot easier getting along with a guy. What do you think?" He was sitting next to me and as he spoke I felt him moving closer so that his thigh touched mine. A funny tingle started in my prick, and I felt it begin to swell.

"I agree with you," I replied as I felt his fingers wrap around my prick. He squeezed it slightly, and I felt my prick jerk in response. "No complications with a guy." I picked up my drink with my right hand as I slipped my left into his lap to clasp his prick. He picked up his drink and we clinked glasses before taking a swallow of the hot pungent liquid.

"Our cocks were really shrunk tight with the cold," he commented as he gently squeezed mine. "The hot water's gonna make them limp and relaxed."

"Maybe not all that limp," I said as I felt the blood rushing into my prick. His was filling out as well.

"You're right," he agreed. "I can feel the outline of the big head through your skin. It's getting bigger." We took another sip as the warmth of the water filled us with a sense of well-being, augmented by the alcohol. I snuggled closer to him and put my left leg over his right.

"I'm really comfortable here with you," I said. "I'm glad we met, although the circumstances could have been better." His fingers tightened around the end of my prick.

"Yours feels about as big as mine," he observed, "although you've got a bigger head. It feels really nice. I can feel the rim through the skin." I felt his fingertips running around the rear edge of my glans, following the contours.

"I think we've both got six inches," I replied. "I can feel your head too. It feels really hard." I now was pulling the thick puckered end of his long and stretchy hood forward beyond his glans. "You can never have too much foreskin," I added. Ken's prick was obviously enjoying the attention because I felt it twitch a couple of times between my fingers. The opening of his foreskin had relaxed in the hot water, and I pushed my fingertip in to touch his glans. Ken jumped.

"Hey! My tip's pretty sensitive. It feels better if you just stroke the skin." I removed my finger and began massaging his long foreskin over the hard head.

"Your prick curves down a little," I commented. "You have a big vein on the right side just like I do. Your foreskin's very supple, even rubbery."

"Damn! You're really turning me on," he exclaimed, and I felt him shudder against me. "I like the way you're handling my cock, and yours feels wonderful in my hand. Your skin's pretty stretchy too."

"Between the drink, the hot water, and you, I'm pretty warm," I replied. I finished my drink and he picked his up and drained it as well, saying:

"Me too. Want to get out of here and go in the bedroom?" I rose from the hot tub in reply, releasing his prick as I felt mine slip from between his fingers. Ken picked up a thick terrycloth towel from a stand beside the hot tub and began drying me. I took another towel and ran it over his body to sop off the hot water.

"Both our pricks stand out above horizontal," I observed. "I think yours stands up at a slightly higher angle than mine."

"That's because yours is so heavy at the end, with that big head," he laughed. "I like the way it looks, though. That big bulge looks so sexy." Ken picked up our glasses and took them into the kitchen as I headed for the bedroom. Inside was a queen size bed, and I lay down on it to wait for Ken. A moment later, he came in, his prick standing proudly at a 45 degree angle.

"We've both got long foreskins," I said. "I like that a lot. There's more to play with."

"Yeah, my skin gives me a nice long stroke when I play with it. I'm glad they didn't clip me." He lay down beside me, and I felt the warmth of his body against mine.

"Lots of kids weren't as lucky as we were," I commented as I wrapped my fingers around his hardness. Ken grasped mine around the bulge of the head and said:

"My kid brother wasn't as lucky. When he was born, the doctor talked my mother into having him clipped. He said the skin was too long and would give him trouble later on. She believed him and had it done, even though mine was just as long. I guess that doctor was pretty persuasive. My brother never forgave her for that."

"My father wasn't cut, and he made it clear to the doctor who delivered me that if I didn't come home from the hospital with everything I was born with, he'd sue. He was a lawyer too." As I spoke, I stroked Ken's foreskin up and down the head, sliding the skin gently, rubbing it against the sensitive bud without uncovering the end. I felt him shudder again.

"I want to see the big head," he said as he worked my foreskin back to uncover the blunt dome of my glans. He got up on one elbow to get a better look. Now I tightened my grip on his foreskin and began dragging it back to bare his tip as well. It slid back easily and in an instant the glossy red acorn was exposed. It was rounder than mine, as well as much smaller, and looked a lot like a cherry. It was narrowed than his shaft and had a thin slit at the top, already dripping wetness.

"Your tip's so shiny and red," I said. "I can see why it's really sensitive." I slid his hood up again to cover the head.

"It's very sensitive," he replied. "If you keep that up you'll have my load in no time." He stroked my hood forward and then back again, uncovering more of the head.

"That feels so good," I sighed as I felt the delicious sensations in my prick.

"You've got one of those big helmet heads," he whispered as he dragged the foreskin down farther to the rim. "Your skin feels tight because the head's bigger and it has to stretch more to slide back over it. Mine just slides back easily because the head's not as big." Now he gave a final tug and I felt a snap as my foreskin dropped into the groove behind my rim. I swiveled into a "69" position with him, with his prick a couple of inches from my lips. Now I steadied his hard shaft with my hand as I insinuated the tip of my tongue into the opening of his foreskin.

"Oh, that feels good," he said as my tongue tip probed for his slit, tasting the saltiness of his natural lubricant. He inhaled deeply. "I love the smell of your cock," he continued. "It smells like musk." Now I felt his slit, and swiped my tongue tip across it, spreading the lips to release another slippery drop of lube.

"You taste wonderful," I said as I remov ed my mouth from his prick. "I love the taste of your lube." I felt his lips wrap around my bare helmet, caressing the rim as his tongue-tip probed my slit, tickling it and sending a hot thrill down my shaft. He removed his mouth to say:

"Your slit's different from mine. It kinda flares, like a teardrop." His lips closed around my glans again, and as his tongue tip swiped across my slit I felt my glans expand slightly as he sucked hard. I cupped his balls as I drew his hardness farther into my mouth, and felt the sac contracting between my fingers. I used my tongue to sweep around his hot sensitive glans, feeling its roundness as it began to throb in response. Now I removed my mouth and spoke again:

"I think you're so hot you ought to come first. Want me to make you come now?" Ken looked deeply into my eyes and said:

"Yeah, Jack, that would be fine. I really need to come. It would relax me. I'm still keyed up from this afternoon." I'd forgotten about our collision, and hadn't been aware that he'd been more upset about it than I was.

"I'll make you come, Ken. I'll really make you have a hot one. Your tip's pretty sensitive, so you shouldn't have to wait long." I leaned forward again to envelop his prick between my lips, working my tongue around the contours of his cherry-colored glans. As I cupped his sac with one hand, I wrapped the other around the base of his shaft, squeezing tightly to constrict the veins, knowing this would make his prick harder. The effect was immediate:

"Jack, my cock's becoming so sensitive," he moaned. "I can feel your tongue around my cock-head. It's making it tingle." I felt his glans throb against my tongue, and I tightened my lips around the middle of his shaft, holding his foreskin back as I explored every delicious contour of his cherry. Salty lubricant bubbled out of his tight slit, and I wondered if the small size of his orifice would increase the force of his ejaculations.

Ken's sac was tight and drawn up against his body, and I gently kneaded his balls through the thick wrinkled skin. As I worked my lips and tongue on his prick, I inhaled the sweat of his groin, savoring the rich masculine odor that was emerging despite the recent dip in the hot tub. A residue of chlorine flavored his aroma, and I wondered if his cream would also smell of chlorine, as mine did.

"I'm almost there," he whispered. I felt the tension in his body, and heard him again between gasps:

"I want to hold your cock when I come. That okay?"

"Sure, hold it, but don't stroke it. I don't want to lose my load before you do." Then Ken spoke again:

"When you feel me come, stop sucking or stroking my cock. It gets too sensitive the moment I start to come."

"Okay, I'll be careful about that. I know some guys have to stop stroking when they start to cream," I answered. My tongue was twirling around Ken's flat rim, caressing the nerve endings, and strumming the gee-string under it. I tasted the salty lubricant pouring out onto my tongue, and swallowed hard.

"UGH! UGH! UGH!" Ken's body began to jerk, but he hadn't begun to spew yet, so I continued to work my tongue around his glans. I felt his grip on my prick tighten as he was becoming lost in sensation and approaching the moment of release. His grunts grew louder, and I kept running my tongue around the smooth sensitive glans, working on his nerve endings.

"UGH! UGH! UGGGGGHHH!" he cried as I felt his hot hard prick throb against my tongue. A sudden hot spurt erupted from his slit, driving into my mouth, and I backed off. I was still holding his throbbing shaft around the base and felt it throb again as he cried out helplessly and another hot thin jet of cream shot into the back of my throat. I kept my mouth open to catch his streams, and wasn't disappointed because he shot again, accompanied by an agonized howl. I was swallowing frantically to keep up with the relentless spurts into the back of my throat.

His throbbing tip was dark red with excitement as the thin lips of his slit parted again under the pressure of another jet that I drank avidly, inhaling its chlorine odor as I tasted its saltiness. All through this I kept my fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft, feeling each pulse as his prick pumped its discharges into my waiting mouth. I'd stroked a couple of guys with super-sensitive tips before, and knew that I could add to their sensations without friction by just keeping the skin stretched back tightly to stretch the nerve endings in their gee-strings.

Ken was still groaning but not as loudly as his ejaculations slowed to a steady dribble. I heard his breathing slow and felt his body relax as he came down off the high I'd just induced for him. His tip was still dark red but his cream had begun to flow clear, as he'd drained his sperm tanks. I relaxed my grasp on his shaft as he sank into the daze that follows a hot orgasm. His eyes were still closed and did not open for a couple of minutes. Then he spoke:

"Man, that was hot! I was floating on Cloud Nine."

"You needed that," I replied. "You were primed and ready to go. It just didn't take much to send you over the top."

"It was just being with you," he said. "I felt hot the moment we got naked together."

"Well, I enjoyed making you come. Your prick was really shooting that cream."

"Did you enjoy it, making me come?" he asked. "I always love it, feeling a hot guy's cock throbbing in my hand, seeing his tip swell, watching it shoot."

"You know I did," I said as I reached for a box of Kleenex next to the bed. I began wiping the cream that had flowed down his shaft to wet my encircling fingers.

"I think that made it hotter for me," he said. "I knew you were holding my prick like I was holding yours, and that you could feel me coming."

"I watched you come, heard you come, and I tasted you when you shot into my mouth. You tasted delicious, by the way." Now I began milking his urethra, starting behind his sac and working forward to press out the thick residue. As each drop flowed from his slit, I dabbed at it with the Kleenex. My finger worked forward along the underside of his softening prick until I was sure I'd gotten it all, and then I eased the long thick foreskin forward to protect the precious tip.

"That feels good," he said. "Even though I shot my load, I still like the feel of your fingers on my cock."

"It's supposed to feel good. This is a full-service BJ," I laughed.

"Well, I want you to know I appreciate it," he said. "Now it's your turn. I want to make you come, and I want to feel your cock throbbing when you do." I let go of his prick and lay back on the bed, anticipating the delights that awaited me. Ken had never let go of my prick, even while in the throes of orgasm, and now he lifted it to point straight up as he got up to bring his face close to it.

"Let's start by tasting your slit," he continued. I felt his tongue-tip insinuate itself into the opening of my foreskin, probing for my slit. I felt its warmth as it reached the orifice, and then a delightful sensation as he swiped it across my distended slit.

"Your tip's not too sensitive, is it?" he asked as he lifted his head.

"No it's not, Ken. You're doing just fine right now." I felt his tongue slip into my foreskin once more, this time probing past my slit and the front dome of my helmet, reaching for my flaring rim. His tongue swept slowly down one side, reaching the deep triangular groove under the head and caressing my gee-string, and then moved up the other side until it reached the top of my flaring rim.

Now I felt my foreskin stretching as he pushed his tongue farther, reaching into the deep groove behind the corona, hitting nerve endings that rarely saw the light of day. I felt a twitch deep inside as my body responded to this, and had to concentrate to keep my muscles from tensing. I knew that I`d last longer if I remained relaxed, and that my orgasm would be hotter.

Ken's other hand cupped my balls as he continued to work on my rim and groove. Each tour around my rim made me more excited, and I wondered when I'd lose control and explode with my seed spurting into his mouth. Now I felt him withdraw and heard him say:

"Now I want to see your big helmet without the skin," as he began pushing down on my foreskin, exposing the blunt front dome. "That's a nice slit," he continued. "Bigger than mine, and I like the way it flares out." My breathing came faster now, the inevitable result of the magic his hot mouth and fingers were working on my prick, and I felt my crotch muscles tightening again.

"We're almost there," he said as his warm encircling fingers continued to push back my fleshy covering. "You've got a lot of skin, but you need it to keep that big helmet covered." Now I felt my foreskin stretching over the flare of my corona, and a second later felt the snap as it dropped into the deep groove behind it.

"Now I've got that beautiful head all to myself," he commented as I felt his lips close around my bloated glans. The warm friction was hot and exciting, and my nerve endings tingled as he engulfed the swollen head completely. His lips locked behind my rim, encircling the bulk of my retracted foreskin, as I felt his tongue begin to swipe across my slit. His other hand was gently kneading my balls, adding to my sensations. My breathing was now fast and shallow, and I knew that I was helpless in his hands. No matter how hard I tried to stay relaxed, he'd force my prick to spew its juice when he wanted.

His hot tongue now moved to the top of my helmet, swiping across the broad upper surface and I felt my crotch muscles tighten even more despite my attempts to relax. My engorged head swelled further, blood rushing into it, as I felt my excitement rise. Now Ken twisted his head from side to side, his lips rotating around my rim, and I began to moan as the sensations rushed into me. I felt his fingers tighten around the base of my shaft, holding my foreskin tightly back and compressing the veins to make my prick swell to its utmost. My awareness of the outside world began to fade as my mind became focused on the exquisite sensations in my prick.

I felt Ken's lips slow, as did his tongue, and realized that he was trying to keep me at the point just before orgasm as long as he could to prolong the feeling of anticipation, to build up my tension slowly in order to increase the violence of my inevitable orgasm. His tongue still slowly caressed my helmet, but now moved to the deep triangular groove underneath, deliberately strumming my gee-string as his clenching fingers kept it tense to stretch the nerve endings within it.

Ken was masterfully playing my prick like a musical instrument, expertly keeping me excited without letting me tumble over the edge. His lips caressed my hot hard glans skillfully, building the sensations within it, and I felt my stomach muscles tighten as I moaned more loudly. A deep and delicious ache built up in my helmet, signaling an urgent need for release, and I felt my legs begin to tremble.

Ken's lips and tongue were caressing my nerve endings, and I felt a tickling sensation begin, first around my rim and then slowly spreading all over the head. His tongue probed my gaping slit, spreading the lips as it pushed into the cavity. I was almost paralyzed, unable to resist, as he kept pouring the sensations into me. I felt a responsive throb in my cock-root and my eyes closed as I withdrew into myself. The tickling changed into a hot tingle and I knew that I was poised on the brink, helpless in Ken's hands, and that he'd push me relentlessly into the abyss at any moment.

Suddenly, hot sparks of sensation stabbed deeply into my glans and I heard myself cry out in helpless surprise. I knew what he was doing, scraping my engorged helmet with his teeth to trigger my climax, and I howled as I felt the heavy pounding of orgasm begin deep inside me. I felt the first hot torrent of fluid squirting into my urethra, surging up my prick like a current of hot lava, and then rounding the upward curve in my cock-head to reach the orifice. The liquid blast spread the lips of my slit as it slammed through them into his waiting mouth.

A second convulsion in my cock-root wracked me, and I howled again as the second surge seared its way up my urethra, the burning, tingling sensation numbing my mind as I tumbled helplessly into the abyss. I was sobbing and grunting, moaning and gasping, as the hot sensations diffused through my body, paralyzed by the helpless and joyful agony of orgasm.

My hips bucked as the third hot stream poured into my urethra, driving my prick deeper into Ken's mouth. His lips were locked tightly behind my corona, and he was sucking the cream from my straining glans. The entire surface of my helmet was tingling, and the gush of liquid sent a hot thrill through my shaft as it rushed up to the end.

Now I felt Ken remove his mouth but he still held my prick firmly around the base as another gush erupted from my tip. The fifth jet wasn't forceful at all, just flowing up my tube and pouring from the distended orifice. Now my orgasm became a dribble that slowed and became weaker, and I felt myself coming down off the high.

"You really shot a lot," I heard Ken's voice in the distance. My mind was still numb from the biological shock of climax, and the numbness would quickly turn into a daze as I sank into the delicious comfort of the afterglow. I was dimly aware that Ken was milking my tube as I'd done to his prick, getting the last drops out of it, and then pulling my thick fleshy hood upward to cover the softening helmet.

"Man, your big helmet was dark purple when you were shooting," he continued. "Before you came, I felt it swell and harden in my mouth, and then it was throbbing hard. Your cream was pretty thick, but I swallowed it okay. You've got a chlorine taste and smell just like I do." He was caressing my chest as he spoke, running his fingers along my ribs, rubbing away the tension, and I felt myself relaxing even more.

He lay down beside me and I rolled toward him, clasping him tightly to me. His lips found mine, and he gave me a light dry kiss.

"That was really hot," I said.

"You were waiting longer," he replied. "Once I started in on you, you didn't last any longer than I did."

"Well, anyway, thanks. You really drained me with your hot mouth."

"My pleasure. I hope we can get together again so that you can meet my brother."

End of Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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