Feminizing Faye

Published on May 21, 2023


Feminizing Faye Part 1  

    Feminizing Faye Part 1    
by Bill Beaumonte (oral_guy_2000@yahoo.com)  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_After dating CDs and TGs for many years, but one day I'm asked to help one get started, launching an entirely new adventure. I hope you enjoy this work of fiction.


    M y name is Bill, and I've dated crossdessers and trans-woman for many years, and really enjoy their wonderful combination of femininity and desire. For a long time I had wondered what it would be like to feminize someone from scratch, and finally I got my chance.

I was online, in a chat room for crossdressers and received a message from Faye. Our conversation follows.

Faye: I'm just starting out and wonder if you would feminize me?

Me: I've got a lot of experience with gurls, but never actually feminized one, but I think I could. We would have to meet so I knew what I'm dealing with.

Faye: Please try to understand – I'm excited and scared at the same time. I feel so vulnerable admitting my weird desires.

Me: Faye dear, don't beat yourself up – your desires are a lot more common than you think, and I personally consider gurls like you to be a wonderful blessing to guys like me.

Faye: What kind of guy are you then?

Me: A guy who prefers gurls like you to genetic women. I've dated CDs and TGs for a number of years, and had a few really loving relationships.

Faye: I guess you must have a lot of gurlfriends.

Me: I'm not seeing anyone now, but perhaps I'll be seeing you!

Faye: I'd like that, but kind of nervous telling a stranger where I live.

Me: That's a sensible concern. Sadly, a lot of guys are really jerks and will use or abuse gurls like you, thinking you wouldn't dare make a fuss, which is often the case. Why don't we meet in a public place, like a coffee shop?

Faye: But I wouldn't be dressed – how would that do any good?

Me: I can assess your potential, and you can decide if you like me enough to proceed.

Faye: If we did, what would happen next?

Me: We would meet in a private place, and I would measure you and determine your clothing sizes. We can decide what sort of body changes you want to consider.

Faye: You mean like surgery?

Me: Nothing that extreme – at least not yet. I mean things like shaving your body hair, learning to do makeup, and perhaps some exercises.

Faye agreed to meet me at a nearby coffee shop. She arrived promptly and I greeted her. She wanted to sit as far as we could from the counter, so we would not be overheard. I thought she was over-reacting, but honored her wishes, since I knew she was really nervous.

"So here we are," Faye said, "I'm not sure what's next."

"For now, let's just get acquainted," I said, "I need to decide if you are a good prospect for feminization and you need to decide if you trust me enough to be alone with me."

"Fair enough," replied Faye, "But what must I do to be a good prospect?"

"Much depends on how far you want to go," I said, "If it's just dress-up, then anyone can do that, but if you want to pass in public, that can be more complicated."

"Well, I'd like to be a girl as much as possible," Faye said.

"Do you mean having sex change surgery?" I asked.

"Oh no!" Faye said, "Nothing that extreme, but I'd like to live as a girl full time – can I do that without surgery?"

"Certainly," I assured her, "Many are doing just that, but your body needs to fit the part. I can see that you aren't very tall, which is really good. You are thin, and your facial features are delicate for a male, with no discernable adam's apple. I'd say you would femme up very nicely with very little makeup."

"How long would it be before I can go out in public as a girl?" she asked.

"That depends on you, and your comfort level," I explained, "It could be a couple weeks or a couple months."

"That soon? That would be wonderful," Faye responded, "How soon can we get started?"

"As soon as we can meet in private," I said, "Presuming that you are comfortable with me."

"I feel like I can trust you," she said, "But I'm still pretty nervous about it."

"If you have time, I'd like to start now," she said.

I agreed and we departed. I agree to follow Faye to her apartment. Once inside I told Faye that I'd need to measure her, and she would need to be naked.

"Can't we do it with clothes on?" Faye asked.

"Yes, but I want you naked so I can see your body completely," I said, "Trust me, I won't take advantage of you."

Faye began to tear up. I looked into her eyes and she looked away in embarrassment. I pulled her close and kissed her neck. Even in boy mode, I knew I was kissing a girl, so I didn't hold back.

Faye looked up at me, our lips met, and we kissed.

"Just hold me a little more," she said, "I want to do this, but I'm scared."

I held her for a bit, and then she pulled back, saying, "I'm ready now."

She shed her boy clothes and was soon naked. Even so, she was a far cry from feminine, with light body hair all over.

"I'm kind of embarrassed about my small penis," she said.

"Don't be," I said, "There is no need for you to be manly, and a small penis will be easy to conceal."

I approached her and took her in my arms once again, now running my hands over her body. She looked up at me and we kissed. I put my hand on her cock and gently fondled it, bringing her to arousal. Suddenly her tongue parted my lips and she kissed me passionately. It wasn't surprising, since I now held her small, but fully aroused cock in my hand. We continued to kiss as I stroked her, and soon she came, squirting her load in my hand.

"Oh," she said, "I didn't mean to do that – sorry if I made a mess."

"It's okay," I said, "I wanted you to climax – how do you feel now?"

"Well, I'm not aroused anymore," she said.

"But do you still want to be Faye?" I asked, "Any shame or second thoughts about being a girl?"

"Yes, I still want to be Faye," she affirmed, "No guilt any more – that's something I overcame a long time ago."

"I'm glad you did," I said, "But I had to see for myself." I excused myself and went to the bathroom to wash my hand.

I pulled a seamstress measuring tape from my pocket, which I brought just in case we got this far. I asked Faye to stand with her feet shoulder length apart and measured her chest, waist and hips. Then I had her make fists and hold them against her nipples, and repeated the chest measurement. That would help determine her bra size. I wrote down Faye's measurements.

"Do you have any bubble bath?" I asked. Faye said she did.

"Then why don't you run yourself a nice warm bath," I said, "You can soak for a bit and then begin to shave your body hair."

Faye ran a bath and set aside a razor, then got into the tub. I came into the bathroom, put down the lid on the toilet and sat down. "I'll help you shave any of the hard-to-reach places, so you'll be nice and smooth all over," I told her.

"When you said you wanted to be a girl full-time," I asked, "Did you mean at work as well?" Faye confirmed that she did.

"Do you have any idea how your employer would react to that?" I asked.

I work for the city, and they are very liberal about supporting gender expression," she replied, "They even provide counselling if needed. My health care plan even pays for hormones."

"That's great!" I responded, "Many girls lose their job when they transition, so it's wonderful to have a supportive employer."

Faye began shaving her body hair, beginning with her arms, then legs and torso. Then she knelt in the tub with her back to me and I shaved her back. There were only a few spots. I asked her to stand up, and shaved her buns and the back of her legs. I spread her cheeks and shaved the hair from her crack.

Faye rinsed and dried off. She now seemed to be at ease being naked in front of me. I ran my hands over her smooth skin, and found a few places missed, shaving them smooth.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"It's so nice to be smooth," she said, admiring herself in the mirror, "Parts of me actually look girlie!"

"There will be more and more of that," I assured her.

Faye got dressed. I told her I would email her clothing size information along with her measurements. On our next meet I will take her shopping for clothes, but until now she'll have to wear her boy clothes, though she had pretty sexy undergarments. She said they felt better against her smooth skin.

We got online and searched for nearby therapists with transgender experience. We found a few and called them, posing a series of questions to satisfy ourselves that the fit would be right. We set up an appointment for Faye to visit a female therapist early next week.

I explained that the therapist will be wanting to confirm that she truly wanted to change genders, and wasn't just exploring. It might take a visit or two, but they would write her a referral to a doctor who would examine her and prescribe a female hormone and a testosterone blocker. Once she began to take them, she would slowly see the effects: smoother skin, finer body hair, slight rounding of the hips, and most important – breasts!

"How big and how soon?" she asked.

"Eventually about the size of other women in your family line," I said, "But that will take over a year. You should see some change within six months – be patient – it will happen. The most obvious change will be tenderness of your nipples, which means your breasts are growing."

"Because the change will be slow you probably won't notice it," I said, "So let's take pictures regularly to record your progress." Faye agree and we took some pictures of her chest with her cell phone.

"Why not skip the therapist and doctor, and just get hormones over the internet?" Faye asked.

"Please Faye," I implored her, "Don't do that! Always take the hormones under a doctor's care – you could suffer kidney failure or death, so do it right and don't rush!"

"Bill, how do you know all this?" Faye asked.

"I've been helping girls transition for years and know the path well – all the way to surgery, but you're not going that far."

"Should I be considering surgery?" she asked.

"That's entirely up to you," I said, "It's not necessary. I'm not a fan of it, but some girls feel they just can't be complete without it."

"Does it make a real vagina?" she asked.

"It's called a vaginoplasty and does make a very realistic appearing vagina – at least from the outside. The inside is a little different, but many men would never know the difference."

"Are there reasons not to have the surgery?" she asked.

"Yes," I affirmed, "It's major surgery done under general anesthesia. Some perfectly healthy people never wake up from it. Recovery can take six months or more, and there can be complications. Finally, it's really expensive, though some health insurance plans will pay for it if you follow WPATH guidelines."

"What's WPATH?" she asked.

"It stands for World Professional Association for Transgender Health," I explained, "It defines standards for care in transitioning that are fairly widely accepted."

"What do you think of the surgery?" she asked.

"It's not up to me," I said, "But I'm not a fan of it – you can live a very normal female life without it."

"You said you've dated girls like me a lot – do you prefer them without the surgery?"

"Yes," I acknowledged, "But if you really want it, I'll support your decision."

We sat down and sketched out a rough sequence of events for Faye's transition:

  • Meet with therapist

  • Get referral to doctor

  • Begin hormones

  • Apply for name change at courthouse

  • Put name change notice in paper

  • Finalize name change

  • Meet with HR department at work to declare transition

  • Apply for U.S. passport in new name and female gender

  • Change driver's license and other records (bank, credit card, etc.)

"It seems overwhelming," Faye lamented.

"I've helped others through this before and I'll get you through it as well," I said, "Meanwhile there are a lot of details you will need to work on – specifically learning how to BE a girl."

"I hope I can do it," she said.

"You can," I assured her, "But it may take a long time, but it will be a labor of love, and I'll guide you along the way – you won't fail."

"Thank you Bill," she said, kissing me once again. We agreed on our next meeting, and I departed for home.

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (oral_guy_2000@yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 2

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