Feminized at Last

By ten.vtbew@1dehctertS

Published on Jan 16, 2001


I have read countless stories about men who like to wear women's clothes and most of them are very redundant and a little boring. My true story may be more of the same but I think it has a few new twists. I have liked men since early childhood and I sucked my first cock at a very young age. I was a small submissive kid who got bullied a great deal. I would fight on occassion but usually got whipped. I craved attention from the bigger kids as I got very little at home. I tagged along with any guy who would put up with me. There was one big guy who took a liking to me and would often stand up for me in abusive situations. He was my hero and I would do anything for him and when I was with him all the other guys left me alone as he was so large for his age. He didn't have a very high IQ but was gentle with me and kind, something I realy appreciated. His family was struggling to raise six kids and his father worked two jobs. My family was in much better shape so Richard ate with us a lot and we spent a lot time in my room reading comic books and playing cards. Our friendship lasted all through grade school and we were still close buddies when we graduated. He was not too good with his studies and I helped him a great deal with his grades. ......................................... As we journeyed through our youthful years together we talked and did the usual things young boys do. We talked about girls and looked at dirty pictures that we managed to find. We peeked up girl's dresses and down their blouses so you would consider us normal by those day's standards. By the time I was seventeen I was still a virgin and starting to realize that I liked boys better than girls. I would catch myself staring at guys in PE class and comparing their cocks to mine. I would feel a certain thrill in my groin when I saw a large penis . Richard had grown very big now and was well over six foot and playing football on the school team. There were rumors going around that he was being considered for a scholorship at a state college. We were still buddies even though I didn't see as much of him now. We had one thing in common though and that was the fact that we never dated girls! Homosexualality was never discussed much and we didn't join in with the teasing of the "sissies" .......................................................................... One afternoon Richard knocked on my door and I invited him in to my room where I had been studying. We were getting ready for our senior exams in order to graduate. Richard was undergoing a rough time and he asked me to help with his studies. He needed good exam grades to be elgible for a football schoolorship at Auburn. For the next few days he practically lived at our house and one night we asked him to spend the night. He loved my Mom's cooking and he ate like a horse. We studied for quite awhile until my Mom stuck her head into the room and said, "Time for bed guys." We closed our books and I headed for the shower. I washed and brushed my teeth and then Richard took his turn. I flipped him a clean towel from the closet and soon I heard the water running. My mother always had extra tooth brushes for guests and layed one on the sink while he was under the shower. I wanted too let him know and I parted the shower curtain a little and peeped in. I also secretly wanted to see that beautiful muscular bod. When I parted the curtain he was soaping his face and didn't see me. I looked down at his crotch and saw that big hammer- like cock hanging down almost to his knees!! I couldn't believe the size of it and I got a lump in my throat from just looking at it. It was uncut and had a thick shaft tipped by a bulbous thick knob. The water was running off the end and it looked like a fire hose. I couldn't take my eyes off it as I stood transfixed. It was about 5 inches long and it wasn't even hard. I wondered how big it got when he was aroused? . Little did I realize that he had cleared his eyes and was watching me admire his manhood. He was so big his head almost touched the roof of the shower stall . I finally broke the spell when he reached down and took it in his hand as he turned toward me and smiled. " Big isn't it?" He said as he skinned it down and started to stroke it. You could have knocked me over with a feather and I turned crimson as I backed away fro the curtain. I heard him say something as I hurried from the room. I jumped into the big feather bed and pulled the covers up. When he walked in later I pretended to be asleep. I felt his weight settle into the bed after he raised the covers. I was suprised to find that he slept nude. He was so large that he took part of my side too and I was laying with my back to him when he leaned near my ear and asked, "are you asleep Johnny?" I sad nothing and he gently shook my shoulder. His big hands were like meat hooks and I realized just how big he had grown. I stalled as long as I could but he kept shaking me and finally I pretended to wake up. I turned toward him and he whispered, "I am sorry if I embarrassed you, and I hope you aren't mad at me. He had grown huge but he was still the gentle guy he had always been. I put my hand on his and said, "forget it.", but I didn't really mean it. I was warm inside from the feeling I was experiencing and I wanted to get closer to this guy. I then made a move that changed my life forever and I still don't know where I got the courage but something just came over me as I turned my body toward him and slid my hand down toward his big, limp cock. He gasped in supprise but didn't move away as I started to push the thick layer of skin away from the hardening head. Gosh was he big! He wasn't extremely long but he was enormous in girth. My hand felt like it was encircling a baseball bat as my fingers closed around it. He sighed and mummbled a "yes" as I started to work his meat. I flipped the covers off to our knees and I looked at the mighty stalk pointing toward the ceiling. It had grown to about eight inches and was leaking fluid on my hand. Then I was drawn to do something that I had fantasized about many time over the past two years. I moved my head downward and was soon hovering over the big uncircumsized meaty shaft. My mouth stretched wide as I took the over-sized plum-shaped head into my virgin mouth. Richard put his big paw on the back of my head and I knew he was approving of my action and I forgot my fear of rejection and sucked my first of many cocks. I let my teeth scrape him a couple of times but I guess my inexperienced lips turned him on as he moaned and squirmed underneath me. He was so thick I really could do lttle sucking with him wedged in my mouth. He just moved his body slowly and it forced his mighty weapon in and out with a regular motion. ....Next Chapter Soon....

Next: Chapter 2

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