Female Teacher Addicted to a Cruel Teen Girl

By Faye Duncan

Published on Jan 1, 2011


Female Teacher Addicted to a Cruel Teen Girl Chapter Six

By Faye Duncan

f/F Reluctant Humiliation.

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters or events herein is based on real people, either living or dead. It was written for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit gay sex with a minor. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requested access to this material willfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of age or older. You also certify that to your knowledge, this material does not offend the standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state, or federal law.

Author's note. This chapter was harder than some because none of my wetsy dolls helped me at all. But my sweetie pie Karen helped out a little bit: so that made it better. I freely admit that I also stole a bunch from some other authors who write in this delicious little sub-genre. They know who they are, and they have earned my sincerest thanks. The artist takes what she needs.

Fourteen-year-old Madison smirked triumphantly, gazed down imperiously, and giggled happily at the naked and vulnerable thirty-seven year old woman who had once been her teacher but now had become her total submissive lesbian sex toy in the space of just a few hours. Madison knew instinctively that now was the time to move on to the next portion of her plan to ensnare Julia so completely in her web of subservience that the older woman could never, ever get herself free.

The cruel young girl reached down and roughly hauled Julia to her feet by inserting two impudent fingers deep into the older woman's soppy pussy and tugging hard. Her lascivious efforts were rewarded by Julia's high-pitched squeal of pain, but the older woman still obeyed her young femdomme and shuffled along docilely behind her owner who laughed again as she let go of Julia's tormented and blood gorged slit, crooked her tiny fingers and thumbs into vicious pinchers, and captured Julia's turgid, tormented nipples. Then, in total control of her adult sex slave, Madison, walking backwards, pulled Julia roughly along behind her.

Madison led the naked and totally cowed older woman into her own living room. There, across the room, was a long sofa. Madison immediately plopped herself down on the sofa, pulled the older woman down beside her, and began frenching and fondling her toy lewdly.

At first, Julia struggled weakly with the young girl in a vain attempt to reassert some sense of control to her shattered life. But as the persistent fourteen-year-old's hands moved alluringly around her swollen nipples, and her cute little navel, and her hungry, love starved pussy, the older woman surrendered totally and began to gurgle contentedly to be receiving such salacious treatment from the young girl. Julia had never lost her arousal and craving for Madison's love, and that gnawing hunger for release was stronger in her now more than ever. Her bruised and abused pussy ached to cum and cum some more. But she knew all too well not to beg Madison to allow her to cum. That eventuality would only happen when the young girl wanted it to, and Julia's needs and cravings had no part in Madison's equation.

While she was carelessly fondling her former teacher's vulnerable naked body, the young girl decided to re-assert her total control.

"Do you still love me, Julia Messy Pants?"

The older woman sighed languidly and gazed lovingly at her young tormentor.

"You know very well that calling me Julia Messy Pants is just the sort of teasing humiliation that sends chills right through me. I've already confessed to you how and why I got that name. I've also confessed that I've taken little girl panties into the change room at the mall and rubbed my pussy with them, training bras and little girl swimsuits, too. The thought of having something so close to me that was so close to those little girls' cute bodies is just a total turn on."

"You know everything about me and all my sick hungers now. And you still want to be around me. So. Yes, Madison. Of course I still love you. I love you so very, very much. I've needed someone like you in my life for so, so long. You know I would do just anything to make you happy."

Madison smiled.

"So. Do you also like being molested by me, my slutty little teacher dear?" Madison purred into the older woman's ear as her tiny, cunning hands roved over her former teacher's highly receptive, naked body.

"Yes..." Julia whispered, clinching her fists to try to will herself from screaming out how very much she needed Madison's lurid attentions.

"You know I do. Haven't I proved that often enough to you tonight?"

Madison smiled down at her MILF sex slave and teased and caressed the puffy outer lips of Julia's pussy with her sharp fingernail. Her lewd efforts were rewarded by little squeals of hungry happiness and pleading expectation.

"I bet you play with yourself just as often as you can, Julia? Tell me true."

Julia couldn't deny it.

"Yes, Madison. I play with my pussy whenever I can." Julia's voice shook with humiliation at the lurid confessions she was making to this cruel little girl, and then to prove her complete subservience, she spread her naked legs even wider than before to give her young tormentor more access to her vulnerable pussy, shifting her hips so she could get the young girl's finger exactly where she needed it.

"Five, six, seven times a day. At home. At school with my hand under my desk. At the mall in the change room rubbing my pussy with some little girl panties. At the library in a study carol. Anywhere I need to cum. And that seems to be all the time"

As Julia confessed her desperate and never-ending hunger to masturbate, she blushed all over her sweat soaked naked body.

Madison giggled at the thought of her former teacher bringing herself off so many times in one day; and right there during her classes, too. Julia was obviously nothing but a sex-addicted grown up horn dog, and Madison knew just how to use that fact to her cruel and sadistic advantage.

"That's quite a bit of playing with yourself, especially for a grown up teacher dear like you. You must really need to cum cum a lot, Julia."

Madison pinched Julia's outer lips hard, and held on to them with her cruel fingers until the older woman began to squirm. The young girl pinched again, harder this time. Julia gasped.

"Do you need to cum cum a lot, Little Miss Messy Pants? Say it!"

"Yessssssssss," Julia replied through clenched teeth.

"Does it hurt ums when I pinch your pussy lips, teacher dear?"

Julia just had to answer.

"Yesss, Madison."

"But don't you like it when it hurts, Little Miss Messy Pants?"

"Yesssssssssss," Julia whimpered. The pain in her pussy had become sharp, but Julia had to admit to herself that she found it totally delicious. She never wanted Madison to stop.

Julia hadn't expected to become Madison's submissive pain slut when this all had started. But it was happening anyway, and she couldn't do a single thing about it. And she liked it.

Madison slapped her former teacher's pussy lightly. "You're a bad girl, aren't you, Julia Messy Pants? Begging a little girl student like me to get you off, spreading your slutty cow legs wide for me, liking it when I hurt your puss puss. That's being a real bad girl, isn't it, teacher dear?"

Julia averted her eyes.

"Yes, Madison, I know I'm a bad girl."

"And you like being my bad girl. Don't you, teacher dear?"


"But wouldn't you like to be a good girl for me, too?" the young girl asked slyly, teasing the older woman's clit with the tip of her fingernail. It drove Julia nearly insane.

"Yes, Madison," Julia gasped, not caring any more what she admitted to. "Please make me your good girl. Pleeeease."

Madison slapped Julia's pussy again, hard enough to make her former teacher squeal.

"I think Julia Messy Pants needs a good spanking."

Julia wriggled and cried out.

"No, Madison. I'll be good. I promise. From now on I'll be a good girl. But please don't spank me."

Madison put on her best pouty face.

"Now, now teacher dear. Don't be that way. Bad little girls like you really do need to be spanked, don't they?"

Madison gave Julia's pussy several more slaps in rapid succession, and Julia squealed and sobbed. Every time Madison slapped the older woman's soppy pussy, it brought her one step closer to an orgasm that she so desperately needed, and Julia knew in her soul she would do absolutely anything to make it continue.

So, sobbing her heart out, Julia mindlessly agreed to everything the young girl wanted from her.

"Yes, Madison. I really do need a good, hard spanking, I'm so sorry for being a bad girl, please teach me to be a good girl. Please, please, please."

Madison watched imperiously as her former teacher begged and pleaded and when she was sure of her timing, she ordered the older woman to stand up and bend over the coffee table that was in front of the sofa, with her legs spread as wide as she could.

Madison stood up, walked around the coffee table, reached out and caressed her former teacher's trembling butt cheeks, sliding an impish little finger along the lewdly exposed crack, giggling as she felt the dampness there.

Julia couldn't believe how turned on she was and also how humiliated at the same time. Even though Madison had coaxed and cajoled her complicity, now that the time for her spanking was here, Julia found herself genuinely wanting and needing to be spanked by her young owner.

Madison's first slap across Julia's bottom made the older woman squeal. The next one made her squirm.

"Do you want me to stop now, Julia Messy Pants?" Madison purred seductively into her former teacher's ear after a while.

"You could beg me to stop if you really wanted me to."

Julia blushed all over.

"No," Julia whispered feeling totally ashamed of her own lewd desires.

"Well then you had better beg me pretty please."

"Please Madison, please don't stop spanking me. Please."

To add emphasis to her plea, Julia arched her back, sticking out her pink butt cheeks to demonstrate to Madison that she didn't want the girl to stop punishing her at all. Madison responded to this lewd behavior by continuing to spank her former teacher's naked butt for just a short time longer, then she ran one possessive little hand over the hot, tender skin of the older woman's butt and used the other to reach between Julia's splayed legs and played seductively with her clit. Julia clenched her fists even tighter. Her legs trembled like she was going to collapse.

"That's my good girl," Madison cooed. "Just stay just like that so I can play with you all I want to."

Julia trembled all over, but she didn't move away from Madison's insistent fingers.

"Good girls like to be fucked, too, don't they, Julia?"

Julia murmured something incoherent, pushing her hungry, burning pussy back hard against her former student's tormenting hand.

"My God, slut girl. You're so soppy wet. I'm sure I could get my whole little fist up in there if I really wanted to."

At that moment, Julia would have given anything under the sun for the young girl to try to do just that. But of course, Madison had no such plans for the moment. Instead, the fourteen-year-old girl abruptly left off what she was doing, walked back to the sofa, and drew her former teacher back down to the sofa and continued where she had left off kissing and molesting her.

After a while of indulging her desire to tongue kiss and play with the older woman, driving her nearly to distraction with her nimble fingers and wicked tongue, Madison finally stopped and said in her best little girl voice, "Julia, why don't you get down on the floor right this minute with your slutty face stuffed right between my thighs once more like the good little teacher girl you are. I know what a real treat it is for you to be allowed to taste my little girl pussy. And you certainly deserve a yummy treat as a reward for begging me to spank your fat cow butt for you and for promising to be my little Messy Pants teacher slut girl from now on."

"And it will make me so very happy to have your soft, wet, worshipping cow tongue licking me down there on my little pussy. And you do want to make me happy, don't you, teacher dear. That's 'cause you love me so much. You already told me so."

Without giving it a second thought, Julia eagerly did exactly as she had been instructed. Her trembling chin soon rested right on the edge of the sofa and her soft pink tongue began its happy work of bringing her young girl owner off, not too quickly, of course. She had already learned her lesson well that if she made Madison cum too soon, the young girl would punish her severely.

Madison gazed down at her grown woman slave as Julia hungrily licked and sucked her fourteen-year-old owner's blood engorged smooth little pussy lips, now fully comprehending just how far Julia had fallen into her evil trap. It made the young girl smile sweetly to herself and remember back to the first of the year. Her own Mom had fallen just that same way almost six months ago,

It seems that Madison had been merely sitting there at her kitchen table doing her homework as usual that Wintry evening early last January when she noticed her Mom sitting across the table from her with a strange, disconnected look on her face. Sharma had just come back from her after-dinner shower, and she was sitting at the kitchen table in only her bathrobe. As she gazed at her young daughter, her expression was both peculiar and oddly eager. Little beads of perspiration glistened on her brow. She knew she didn't have a fever, but something was making her hot. And for some inexplicable reason, her pussy itched and burned just like it did when she was about to orgasm.

As she gazed across at her Mom and saw the disconnected expression on her face, Madison smiled knowingly to herself. Oh, yes. She knew all about that particular kind of look so very well; though she had never expected it from her own Mom. For the past couple years now, the young girl had been on the receiving end of that particular kind of look from several grown up women as they slyly and secretively tried to observe her while at the mall, or the bookstore, or the library, or wherever. That particular kind of unsure, perplexed, yet fretfully eager look meant that an older woman was being drawn to Madison sexually, but didn't understand how that could be. These women weren't pedophiles, or Lesbians either, for that matter. But there was something about Madison that made these women hungry; submissive and sex hungry. That particular kind of look always meant that an older woman was unexpectedly vulnerable to the intrigues of a cruel girl like Madison and ready for the taking.

Madison knew all about that particular kind of look because she had taken such malicious advantage of it over the past couple years. Several times. And now that self-same look was on her own Mom's face.

Madison slowly and slyly moved closer to her Mom and lay her tiny hand gently on the smooth skin of Sharma's exposed naked thigh.

"It's okay, Mommy. I know you want something from me. And I know just what it is," Madison purred into her Mom's ear.

"I know that even though you don't know why, and even though you know it's wrong, you want me to take you right here and now, Mommy. I dare you to tell me you haven't fantasized about me taking you, Mommy. I know all Mommies like you fantasize about that from time to time. They won't admit it, not even to each other, but I know it anyway. They want so much just to let go and to give in. They want to surrender completely and let their daughter's win. They even want to be bossed around by their daughters. And, deep down, they also want to find out just what it feels like to put their hungry Mommy tongues right there on their daughter's sweet, young pussies. And now you want all that, too. Don't you, Mommy?"

Sharma could not utter a sound, but she did manage to nod her head slightly. That nod was all Madison needed.

Madison leaned forward even further and whispered in her Mom's ear. "Do you want to know what I dream about, Mommy?"

As she whispered, the young girl skated her fingertips lightly down her Mom's neck, inside the collar of her robe, and right across her large breasts; and at the same time she allowed her other hand to creep toward her Mom's inner thigh. Madison slipped her exploring hand right under the fabric of her Mom's robe until she found just what she was looking for. And it was soppy wet!

Sharma just sat there at her kitchen table and let it all happen to her. She found herself powerless either to move or to speak. Her daughter's sultry words and cunning little fingers had totally mesmerized her. And, deep down, Sharma knew it was all true the things Madison said about her, every last bit of it. She had indeed fantasized about all the horrible, sick things Madison had said. She had fought and fought, but she just couldn't seem to help herself.

"Mommy dear. Did you know I played with myself late last night in bed and I came so hard thinking about your sweet Mommy face buried right between my tuff little legs, Mom. I know you want to do that for me. I just know it. Now tell me that you want to do that for me. Tell me how much you've wanted to lick my tight, wet pussy. Tell me how much you've wanted me to eat your pussy, too."

Sharma just sat there frozen the entire time. A horrible, terrible battle was raging inside her head. From what the young girl was saying and doing to her, it was crystal clear to Sharma that Madison wanted complete dominance over her. And Sharma's battle within herself had to do with whether or not she would in fact surrender. God knows she had thought about it from time to time, especially when she and Madison were deep into one of their frequent mother-daughter shouting matches. Why couldn't she just surrender and let Madison be in control from now on? And what would be the harm really if she were permitted by Madison, from time to time, to experience the very thing every mother secretly dreams about with her sexy, alluring young daughter. Why not?

Still, Sharma couldn't bring herself to face Madison and speak her thoughts aloud. She just stared straight ahead as her daughter touched her sweat-washed skin. She felt the young girl's nimble fingers reaching once more between her thighs, demanding what she wanted to possess, insisting on having it. Sharma struggled to stop this now; before things truly got out of hand: struggled and lost. She knew Madison had already touched her sex and had felt how wet she was. She knew she had no defenses left now that her daughter was aware of the lurid effect she was having.

Madison's fingers reached her Mom's crotch a second time and once more felt the sticky wetness between her legs.

"You belong to me now, Mommy" the young girl purred contentedly. "You will submit to me from now on whenever and wherever I say."

Madison slid her finger the length of her Mom's pussy, found her clitty button, and then circling it with her teasing fingertips. Sharma remained still, just sitting there with her eyes closed and her mouth open.

Sharma's complete capitulation had sealed her doom. She was by now so aroused by her daughter's mesmerizing touch that she couldn't have stopped even if she had wanted to. Just at that very minute, Madison's mother needed sexual release more than anything else in the whole wide world, and she prayed that Madison was going to give it to her.

"You're so wet, Mommy" Madison purred. "I can feel the wetness on your pussy lips." The young girl slowly used her free hand to push open her Mom's robe. Her demanding little hand slid under one of Sharma's soft, pendent breasts and began to fondle it languidly. She moved her other hand away from Sharma's soaking slit and slid it slowly and seductively up and down her Mom's left thigh.

After a while Madison determined that Sharma was sufficiently under her thralldom to begin the process of dominating the older woman completely. Without another word, the young girl removed her seducing hands from Sharma's naked body and slipped out of her sweatshirt to reveal her small pert breasts to her mother's hungry gaze. She was setting the hook and she knew it.

"Finish undressing me, Mommy dear. Just like you did when I was a little girl getting ready for bed," Madison said in a low but commanding voice. The young girl noted with amusement as her Mom attempted once again to win back control of her soul. Madison knew her mother could not continue to stare hungrily at her sweet, young breasts and at the same time regain the upper hand. As Sharma slowly weakened and finally lost that last fleeting battle, Madison congratulated herself. "Now, she will be mine from now on," Madison thought to herself. "Just like all those other MILFs I've taken, and used, and had my fun with."

"But now this'll be even better with Mom," Madison whispered slyly to herself. "Because she'll be around to play with all the time any time I want."

Sharma steadily weakened at the sight of her daughter's seductive charms. She couldn't help herself. She couldn't stop. She couldn't regain control. She just wanted more. She wanted to see more. She wanted to do more. She wanted more and more and more until she had done it all. As if they had a will of their own, her trembling hand reached out to the waistband of Madison's loose fitting jeans.

"Go ahead, Mom. Take them off me," Madison demanded in no uncertain terms.

"And oh, by the way, I'm not wearing any panties," the fourteen-year-old giggled.

Sharma slipped her trembling fingers underneath the waistband, feeling Madison's smooth, young skin yield to her touch. She closed her eyes and slowly lowered Madison's jeans. The jeans fell to the floor, and, when Sharma could stand the suspense no longer, she slowly opened her eyes and saw her daughter's alluring, naked body right there in front of her.

Madison didn't allow her mother more than a couple seconds to feast her eyes on her girlish charms.

"Stand up and take off that stupid robe, Mom. I want to see your body now that it belongs to me." Madison was nonchalantly rubbing her own tiny clit as she spoke. The power that came along with dominating an authority figure such as her own mother was making her so hot. The fact that it was her Mom she was conquering had her head spinning and her clit tingling with desire.

Sharma was in a complete daze. She found herself absolutely powerless to resist her young daughter, whose commanding presence and stunning body crushed her will. Zombi-like, she lifted the robe off her shoulders and let it fall unceremoniously to the floor.

Madison stepped forward menacingly and glared into her mother's eyes; eyes that were wild with confused sexual lust, eyes that registered those first pangs of humiliation that all mothers face who have found themselves submitting to their young daughters, eyes that were waiting for direction, eyes that were praying to be dominated.

The young girl placed her hands on Sharma's shoulders and turned her around, unceremoniously marched her out of the kitchen into the living room, then had her face the sofa. Madison pressed her body tightly up against Sharma's, wrapping her arms around her mother's naked body and cupping her Mom's heavy breasts, grazing her fingers across the large nipples.

Sharma shuddered deep inside her body as she felt the warmth of her daughter's skin against her back, Madison's small, firm breasts pressing into her flesh. She let out a sigh that was half fear and half expectation as Madison's sparse pubic hair tickled her naked butt. She moaned softly to herself as Madison's hands caressed her pendent breasts.

"Bend over and put your hands on the sofa, Mommy" Madison lick-whispered into her mother's ear, causing her to shiver all over in lurid anticipation.

"That's very good. Now show me your big cow ass, Mommy. Do you know what it means when a grown up Mommy like you shows her naked fat ass to her little girl? Do you, Mommy? It means she wants something real bad. And it means she's willing to humiliate herself completely to get it."

Sharma quivered as she followed her daughter's command. Madison had told the truth when she described what it meant for a mother to show her daughter her naked ass so submissively. Sharma did indeed want something real bad. And she was willing to humiliate herself totally to get it.

Seeing her Mom in such a submissive position, her moist pussy lewdly exposed, her subservient head bowed down, her trembling arms outstretched, her wanton breasts pendent, made Madison yearn for the fat strap-on that was hidden in her own bedroom so she could fuck her mother right then and there. Instead, Madison kneeled down and spread Sharma's ass cheeks with her searching fingers, displaying her mother's puffy pussy lips and puckered rose. She could both see and smell how wet Sharma was, her nether lips glistening with heat. "

"Touch yourself, Mommy cow. Show me just how hot you are for me."

Sharma immediately moved a hand between her splayed thighs, groping for and finally finding the wet lips of her sex between her tentative fingers. As she moved her hand to her young daughter's direction, she could feel her last shreds of inhibition melt away, losing control of herself totally.

"Rub that nasty clit of yours, Mommy," Madison said. "You like being told what to do, don't you? You're such a good, obedient slut." Madison slapped her Mom's ass lightly. When her Mom moaned, she hit her again with more force. "Stick two fingers in your sloppy cow pussy. Fuck yourself while I watch you do it. You are such a dirty little Mommy slut."

A moan escaped Sharma's mouth as she fingered her pussy, quickly shoving her fingers in and out of her slit. She was lost and she knew it. After all this, how could she ever regain any semblance of authority over her daughter? And did that really matter if Madison would just give her the release for which she hungered so?

As her Mom continued to drive her willing fingers into her own pussy, Madison sat down on the sofa in front of her and spread her own girlish legs wide, exposing her sex. "Now Mommy Dearest, why don't you go ahead and lick my sweet young pussy while you jill yourself off. You know you want to."

Sharma was by now far beyond refusing to do anything her daughter demanded of her. She lowered her head even more so that her face was right between Madison's legs. Then Sharma ran her exploring tongue up and down Madison's tiny slit, still frigging herself. She could hear her daughter whimpering with lust hunger, urging her mother to stab her soft, pink tongue deeper and deeper into her tight young vagina.

Madison's sex scent and sweet, little girl taste left Sharma intoxicated with lust. She was so close to coming herself; she could feel her ravaged body approaching the point of orgasm. Her head hovering above Madison's sex as she moaned loudly. "Oh God, Madison."

Sharma was startled as Madison grabbed her mother's pistoning wrist and pulled her hand away from her sex-drenched pussy. Frustrated beyond belief at not achieving orgasm, Sharma let out a squeal of disappointment.

"Me first, Mommy cow," Madison shouted. "That's the rule from now on." "You can only cum when I give you permission, you fat slut. Now do what I tell you and get flat on your back."

Sharma was frustrated beyond belief at not achieving her orgasm. She could not have been any more in need of sexual release than she was at that very moment. Even so, Madison's mother had to confess that she'd loved every second of her daughter's domination of her, and she yearned for even more. She therefore immediately lay down on her back while Madison stood over her head and slowly lowered her little pink pussy right down to her mother's parched mouth. "Lick my clitty button for me like a good little Mommy slut. Make me cum cum on your face. That's Madison's good slut Mommy girl."

Sharma placed her own exploring hands on Madison's back, pulling her body down to her as she flicked her tongue all over her daughter's soppy sex.

Madison shifted forward slightly. "Lick my ass, too Mom while you're at it. You know doing that will mean you are mine forever."

Nothing mattered now to Sharma except pleasing her daughter. She stiffened her tongue and jabbed it up into her daughter's pink puckered little rosette while rubbing Madison's clit with her thumb as fast as she could. She could feel Madison's body quiver above her; her cries were deafening and she began to grind her sex against Sharma's face. Madison grabbed the back of Sharma's head and forced her mouth over her swollen clit. "Suck it, suck it. Oh fuck!" My Mommy's going to make me cum cum! Madison shook over her Mom's body, her orgasm crashing against her taut body like a tidal wave. She finally fell to her side.

After a few moments Madison crawled over to her Mom whose face was glistening with her juices. Madison reached down and slipped first one, then two fingers effortlessly into her Mom's soaked pussy. Sharma groaned as Madison fingered her.

"Oh God," Sharma whispered.

"You like that, don't you, Mommy? And now that I've given you a taste for it, you'll do anything I say to get my little fingers deep in your pussy again. Won't you?"

Sharma screamed out one word, "yes!"

"And maybe if you're a very good girl I'll put my whole little fist inside you. Won't that be wonderful?"


"And then I'll fuck you with my big, fat strap on. You'll love that, too, won't you, Mommy?"


"And then I'll fuck that tight little Mommy ass of yours. You'll beg me to do that, won't you?"


"And we can start off each day with my Mommy waking me up with a nice tongue bath that will relax me so much I won't want to get up out of bed to pee. But my Mommy knows a way to let me stay in bed. Doesn't she?"


Sharma's body responded to Madison's seductive touch and to her salacious words, her pelvis gyrating along the floor. Her eyes her closed; her senses focused on the fingers that were driving in and out of her pussy and the wet tongue caressing her ear.

Madison had already decided that she would deny her Mom an orgasm for as long as she possibly could. She'd promise to get her Mom off, but, then, at the very last minute, she'd stop and watch as her mother wriggled around and cried out, begging for release. A sly, wicked smile came to her face as she re-assured herself that this was the best way of keeping her Mommy in line. Of course, this didn't mean that Sharma wouldn't give her daughter orgasms: plenty of them.

Madison also knew deep down that Sharma wanted it that way, too, just like all sexy MILF moms who are trying to live with their hot little tween and teen daughters wanted it. Sharma might try to fool herself into believing she was the head of the house; but she now knew that in reality, it was young Madison who ruled. Sharma would have to come to terms with submitting to her perverted daughter. And it wouldn't take long because, deep down, she wanted and needed to submit to Madison to quench her own sick, submissive cravings. There was no turning back now.

Madison suddenly stood up, hovering over her Mom "Now, I promised you that if you were a good girl, I'd let you cum cum. So now I'm going to make good on my promise." Madison unceremoniously left the living room and returned shortly with a hugh strap-on in her hand, and then she slipped it up her slender legs.

"Oh my God," Sharma thought, "she's going to fuck me with that thing. My own daughter is going to fuck me. I can't wait."

Madison dragged her Mom back to the sofa. Sitting down with her butt hanging over the edge, Madison ordered her Mom to squat over the large dildo. Sharma straddled her daughter's legs, feeling the hugh fake cock rub up against her slick entrance.

Madison gazed up at her Mom and saw a hungry question in Sharma's eyes. Should she?

"Do it, Mom."

Sharma lowered herself slowly onto Madison's thick strap on, feeling the dildo stretch her pussy beyond anything she had ever known. "Oh my God, that feels so good," Sharma whined.

"Fuck yourself on my big strap on, Mommy Dearest," Madison ordered as she roughly grabbed and squeezed her Mom's breasts as hard as she could.

Sharma did as she was told. She placed her hands on the back of the sofa and slowly moved up and down on Madison's large-girth dildo. She looked down and saw the dominance in her young daughter's eyes, and it only added to the incredible itching and burning sensations she felt between her legs.

As her vaginal canal conformed to the size of the plastic cock deep inside her, Sharma moved with more urgency. Madison placed her hands on Sharma's ass cheeks, pulling them apart and plundering along her mother's crack.

"You're such a dirty cow Mommy...Say it!"

Sharma felt the tip of the dildo reach her cervix: then she knew for certain what Madison had said was true, and she didn't care a bit.

"I'm a dirty cow Mommy," she cried.

"Take your slut Mommy finger and rub your clit for me while you fuck my big strap on," Madison ordered. "Try to make yourself come for me like the dirty Mommy slut you are."

A thoroughly aroused Madison now began spanking her Mom's ass, as Sharma slammed her gyrating hips hard against her daughter's body. With each thrust, Madison could feel her power over her Mom become stronger and stronger. She raised her own pelvis to meet Sharma's downward thrusts, cruelly taking what now belonged so clearly to her. The power that Madison felt over her mother shot her to her own series of orgasms quickly and with a tremendous gush of girl sex fluid.

She yelled out as she exploded. "Stop, Mom!"

Unhearing or unbelieving, Sharma continued to buck and grind into her daughter's strap on. But Madison was not to be denied. She slapped her Mom's face so hard her hand left imprints on her mother's cheeks. She twisted and squeezed Sharma's nipples so cruelly that her mother screamed out in purest agony, agony that finally made her comprehend she must stop her wild fucking.

When Sharma finally had come to herself and had stopped her ravaged body from gyrating up and down on Madison's strap on, the young girl unceremoniously bucked her Mom off.

"Now get down on your cow knees and clean your nasty pussy juices off my plastic cock." Madison stood up as her Mom meekly kneeled in front of her. Sharma gazed heartbrokenly up at her daughter, and then without hesitating, swallowed the dildo, savoring the tang of her own pussy.

As she did as she had been commanded, Sharma was rewarded by peals of cruel laughter as Madison completed her total conquest.

Remembering back to that first time with her Mom got Madison so hot she nearly came on Julia's exploring tongue. As Julia continued to lick the young girl's smooth little slit, Madison began fantasizing one more; this time about all the ways she would make her Mommy prove how much of a pervy sex slave she had become in the past six months. But that was for sometime later that night. Right now, the young girl was just enjoying what Julia's talented tongue was doing to her. She knew she had to pace herself, even as she felt those hot young girl sex fluids oozing within her body.

Madison's right hand began possessively sliding back and forth along the top of Julia's head, her fingers running through the older woman's hair, guiding her where she wanted her to go. "Julia," the young girl whispered down at her sex slave. "Would you like me to call my Mommy right now and tell her to get her fat cow butt over here so you can show her all the little tricks I've taught you?"

Julia heard Madison's words and her pussy twitched and burned even more at the salacious thought that soon she would be worshipping Madison in company with the little girl's own Mom. She didn't reply in words, but Julia redoubled her sucking and licking efforts. Her scandalous actions told Madison in no uncertain terms that the older woman could hardly wait to show Madison's Mom how much she loved the young girl by performing all her lewd tricks in front of her. She wanted more than anything to prove to Madison's Mom that she was a better sex toy than her. Madison, seeing the eagerness in Julia, giggled in anticipation.

Madison now freely and happily exercised her complete dominance over Julia just as if she had been doing so for years. Julia, who sensed deep in her very soul the utter futility of fighting against her tormentor, just knelt on the floor, praying desperate that Madison really did love her, or would come to love her if only she obeyed the young girl's every whim.

As she licked and sucked her young girl owner's pussy, Julia came to understand more and more just how desperate was her current situation. The more she felt the young girl twist and wriggle and listened to her happy squeals, the more she understood how her own deviant sexual need to be dominated and her desire to be loved had so thoroughly been used by cruel little Madison to entrap her. She still found it so hard to believe that she was finally being intimate with this fourteen-year-old young girl and that she had wanted to be since the first time she ever saw her. And Madison had known it all along, and had used that need to ensnare her and make her the young girl's willing and submissive sex toy.

Julia's senses reeled as she licked hot and sticky fluids from the young girl's pink slit; fluids that her own salacious, hungry tongue had coaxed out of her owner. A part of Julia was simply transfixed with horror as she saw himself being tricked into licking Madison's young pussy and drinking Madison's urine into her waiting mouth. Even as she continued to lick and suck the young girl, deep despair and a grave sense of hopelessness began to overwhelm her, body and soul. Julia had always known that deep down inside her lurked a ravenous, licentious sex hungry pedophile who obviously craved the wanton attentions of a young adolescent girl. And she had to admit to herself that the salacious, sick things she had done at Madison's orders this evening only increased that craving, and, because of it, Julia could do nothing now but humbly consign herself to the dreadful fate providence and Madison had allotted her.

Once Julia had come to that irrefutable understanding of her situation, she was able to examine, at least a little, her current response to what this evening's activities showed her about herself. Clearly, from the way her naked abused body was reacting, the older woman was most obviously craving to get off on the young girl loving she was being coerced into. There was no denying, even to herself, that she had reacted hungrily to the feel and taste of the tantalizing young girl flesh put within her reach. Furthermore Julia had strong feelings of sex hunger that were stoked by Madison's soft, cool hand as it impudently roved over her own hot flesh. Even though Julia had had enough experience of the fourteen year old so far during this one night to know with absolute certainty that her new young girl owner was the embodiment of evil itself, the older woman was still somehow drawn mysteriously to her seductive touch. Julia did not consciously want Madison's hand to make her react in such a passionate manner, but she could not seem to stop himself.

So deeply enmeshed in her own moral downfall was she that Julia hardly noticed the salacious effect her sucking and licking was having on Madison. The young girl was avidly watching the scene of Julia's degradation unfold right between her legs. Madison giggled and hooted at the sight of the older woman on the floor licking her crotch. And the feel of Julia's hot tongue on Madison's most intimate places was pleasure beyond belief; particularly because Madison knew that Julia was struggling with herself over it, and losing that struggle with every passing minute.

As a sign of her own growing horniness, Madison increased her pressing the older woman's head ever more firmly against her sex. Madison knew perfectly well that this woman was now hers for the taking, and she made sure by her hand movements that Julia knew it, too.

Madison couldn't stand it any more. She was bursting with hellish desire to torment the older woman beneath her. She suddenly dragged Julia's mouth off her young pussy and pushed her roughly to the living room floor. Then the young girl pounced upon the vulnerable naked older woman like a tiger upon its prey. Julia suddenly was being cruelly sucked on and bitten, pinched and scratched, palpated and prodded by her young assailant. The completely broken older woman just lay there on her living room floor and sobbed her heart out as Madison took her fill of her cruel play pain/pleasure with her.

From her place on the floor below the young girl, Julia could plainly see the ravenous lust hunger in Madison's eyes. She realized then that the young girl had decided that the time was right to move her play on to the next level. Madison reached her hand down to Julia's upturned face and turned it so that she was looking directly into the young girl's commanding stare.

"Now Julia, wasn't that a sweet little show you just put on for me, cutiepie? Didn't my little girl cum cum taste just wonderful? And didn't you just love my nasty hands all over your slutty body?"

Julia began to cry hard, bitter tears of understanding as she nodded her head in agreement. Madison giggled as she tenderly stroked Julia's tearstained cheek. Julia just sobbed and sobbed.

After a while, Julia's wracking sobs slowly subsided as Madison's hand continued to reassure and comfort her. But the hot tears of her humiliation continued to flow. The older woman just could not seem to stop crying.

Madison fixed her eyes on her tormented grown up sex toy and noted that despite her hot tears and despite everything she had endured so far Julia began to sense, somewhere deep in the recesses of her tormented psyche, all those vague and uncertain stirrings and cravings taking over control of her body yet again. Madison, who was truly experienced in these matters well beyond her fourteen years, gently stoked Julia's sparks of nascent masochistic desire by allowing her seductive hands sensitively to continue to make love to her captive's abused body. Her caressing fingers glided tenderly over Julia's sweat covered, naked body . Her tiny fingers lewdly caressed the older woman's neck, and shoulders, and breasts, and nipples; petting and fondling her victim until she saw the telltale flare of her nostrils and the beginnings of a flush across her chest. Madison looked down to see Julia's pussy leaking a steady ooze of sex fluids. The older woman began to whimper piteously with unrequited need.

"I know what my Julia Messy Pants needs."

Julia wriggled in anticipation.

"Get up you nasty cow."

The tone of Madison's voice indicated she would brook no arguments.

When Julia stood up, Madison's naked leg brushed the older woman's thigh as the young girl moved past her now totally disconcerted former teacher.

Madison suddenly embraced Julia, who turned her now radiant face toward her young girl owner, begging for the girl's loving kisses with her hungry eyes. And Madison obliged her.

In response Julia hugged Madison so tightly, pulling the girl closely to her and opened her mouth to admit Madison's probing little tongue that slithered over her own, tasting her.

After a while Madison broke the torrid kiss and, as she stepped back, Julia found that she could not keep her eyes off of Madison's pert breasts.

"Such beautiful breasts, Madison," the completely enraptured older woman whispered huskily.

"And they're all for you, teacher dear so long as you do exactly as I say from now on"

Madison could see it plainly in Julia's pleading eyes. The older woman would do anything right this minute to gain sexual release. And because of this fact, the young girl knew she was winning once again. Yes, indeed. She was creating yet another sweet, and meek, and submissive, and tormentable victim to add to her growing collection. First there had been her Mom. Now Julia. What fun.

What next?

This work is copyright (c) 2011 by Faye Duncan You may download and retain a copy for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.

Faye can be reached at: fayeduncan01@Yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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