Female Teacher Addicted to a Cruel Teen Girl

By Faye Duncan

Published on Dec 13, 2010


Female Teacher Addicted to a Cruel Teen Girl: Chapter Five By Faye

f/F Reluctant

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters or events herein are based on real people, either living or dead. It was written for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit gay sex with a minor. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requested access to this material willfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of age or older. You also certify that to your knowledge, this material does not offend the standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state, or federal law.

Author's note: becka wetsy doll really helped a lot writing this chapter. And sammie wetsy doll didn't do a thing I told her. Guess which one gets a nice reward?

When fourteen-year-old Madison had finally satisfied herself that her former school teacher, thirty-seven-year-old Julia, was truly and finally hers to abuse, torment, and amuse herself with any way she chose, the young girl leaned over the older woman's naked body and whispered the obvious question into Julia's ear.

"Was it good for you, teacher dear? Did you like what just happened?

Julia lay there vulnerable and defenseless and vigorously nodded her head 'yes'.

"Good girl," Madison purred seductively into the older woman's ear.

"And does my sweet, slut, precious little teacher dear agree to mind me and behave herself like a good little girl from now on and do whatever I tell her?

Another submissive, happy little nod.

"Good girl. And you're gonna be my very, very good little girl from now on because you know it's what you need to do."

Another happy nod.

Madison suddenly stopped purring and began yelling at her submissive lesbian conquest.

"Now, listen here you fat cow, let's understand each other once and for all. Because of what you've let me do to you already tonight, we both know you are nothing but a nasty little girl pussy eating slut. And you had better know you're MY nasty little girl pussy eating slut. And you had better know that you'll eat my little girl pussy any time I want you to. And you had better know that the only reason I'm having anything to do with you is because playing sick little games with you amuses me sometimes. Do you understand me, teacher dear? Tell me right now."

While she yelled these cruel words into her grown up and totally naked sex toy's ear, Madison also seductively stroked the back of the older woman's neck with her impish fingers. Then she let her tiny hand trail slowly down Julia's naked back to the swell of her butt where the cunning little tormenter stopped to play teasingly for awhile around the little vee of the older woman's tailbone. Madison could distinctly feel Julia shiver, driven as she was by her dire sexual hunger, as the young girl tenderly groped and patted the older woman's butt for her.

Madison could tell quite easily that Julia was so very hungry for what the sexy young girl might do to her and at the same time so terrified of the pain the cruel girl could cause her. Julia remained stark still; just like a deer caught in the headlights. Madison smiled to herself. This was exactly the state of confusion mixed with need and fear she wanted in her grown up women conquests. She was well aware that compelling Julia to remain in this state of mind made it the most delicious for her of all.

As Julia watched wide eyed and frantic, Madison casually reached down and picked up the little pile of evil metal clamps from where she had dropped them on the floor.

"I asked you a question, teacher dear."

Because of her recent torture of the older woman, Madison had the advantage of knowing just where her vicious clamps would cause the most pain. So, without another word, she quickly applied them to Julia's turgid nipples and puffy labia with a suddenness and viciousness that took her former teacher completely by surprise.

Julia's tormented body jerked and wriggled with each application of a biting metal clamp onto her already abused flesh. The naked older woman cried out in the starkest pain and terror; then froze solid as she felt Madison's hand touch her naked flesh once more. The cruel fourteen year old slid her palm once again along Julia's back.

"You know, Julia. The truth is, I just love giving pain to grown up woman sluts just like you. So you go ahead and keep misbehaving for me, and I'll just keep on hurting the living shit out of you. Okay, sweetie?"

Julia was now simply beside herself with throbbing pain. She screamed hoarsely again and again as she wriggled and writhed around. So totally unconscious was she of the vulnerability of her nakedness that she did not even bother to try to cover her intimate parts from the hungry gaze of Madison. She just kept thrashing about on the floor, giving the young girl more and more tantalizing glimpses of her abused charms.

But even cruel Madison finally grew bored with Julia's lewd display and agonized screams. She was impatient to get on with her subbie's training.

"Julia," Madison said the woman's name with brutal command in her young voice.

Julia, in the very midst of her torment, heard that command and immediately jerked to attention on the floor.

"Julia! Are you going to behave for me like the good little teacher slut girl I know you want to be for me or do I have to keep hurting your cow body with my nasty ole clamps?"

Madison reached out her other hand and began stroking around Julia's vulnerable and horribly clamped pubes. Her nimble fingers toyed impishly with the clamps, and that made the pain all the more intense for Julia.

"Well. Are you going to be a good little slut girl for me from now on or not?"

Through the veil of pain Julia was experiencing, a flicker of lucid understanding bubbled up inside her fevered brain, warning her that she had better respond right now.

"I'll behave from now on, Madison," the older woman sobbed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Madison leaned over her victim's pain racked body.

"Then say it so I can hear you, you pathetic cow."

Julia stared up into Madison's fixed and evil glair just exactly like a wounded and trapped animal, which, of course, she was.

"I'll behave, Madison. I promise. I'll do whatever you say."

"And you do know the only reason I have anything to do with a fat cow like you is because playing sick games with you amuses me sometimes."

Julia looked down at the floor and sobbed.

Yes, Madison. I know I'm a stupid, fat cow, and the only reason you have anything to do with me is because it amuses you to play sick games with me."

"That's right, Julia. So now that you know where we stand, we won't need bad ole Mr. Clamp, anymore. Will we, sweetie?"

Julia shuddered.

"No. Please no. Please, no more clamps. Pleeeeease."

Madison slid her fingers along the older woman's cheek, then to her slightly parted lips, then across her chin.

"That's my good little MILF teacher slut. She's going to be sooooooo obedient for her little girl owner Madison from now on. Isn't she?"

Julia shuddered once more at Madison's tantalizing fingers and her hypnotic words.

"Yes. I'll be good. I'll be sooooo good from now on, Madison. I love you so much. I need you so much. I'll do anything to keep you. Yes, Madison. I'll be a good girl. I want you to love me too. And if I'm a really, really good girl, someday maybe you will."

Madison suddenly reached her hand back and gave Julia three stinging slaps on her face.


Julia cringed and tried to scoot her body across the floor and away from Madison's menacing hand. But the fourteen year old grabbed a handful of the older woman's pubic hair and jerked her back.

"Weren't you listening to me at all, you stupid, fat cow? Who am I, slut?"

Julia squealed shrilly as Madison pulled her hair really hard.


Julia struggled to form the words but the intense pain was blocking out everything else.

Madison let go of Julia's hair.

"Now, who am I, baby," Madison purred down at her terrified victim, her nimble fingers once more stroking the nape of the older woman's neck.

Julia's lower lip trembled and she began to sob.

"You're Madison."

Big, hot tears streamed down Julia's slap-reddened face.

Madison leaned her face until her lips were touching Julia's.

"That's right, baby. I'm Madison. And, from now on, you're my little subbie fat cow, Julia. And don't you ever, ever forget it. Now, shut up and kiss me, you fat old teacher cow, you. I'll tell you a little secret, baby girl. I just love hurting grown up woman cow sluts just like you until they cry their little eyes out and beg me to let them obey me. And then I just adore kissing the soul right out of them."

Madison parted her sweet, warm, young girl lips and waited impatiently for Julia to follow suit. Slowly, the older woman allowed her lips to part and Madison began kissing her passionately. Julia did not want to kiss this teenage tormentor right then: she hurt too much for that. But she now knew better than to disobey. As she kissed, she could do nothing but wonder when would this nightmare be over for her?

Madison twined her slobbery young tongue around Julia's, mixing her saliva with that of her grown up victim. Then, she stabbed her tongue deep into Julia's warm, wet mouth and pulled back. Julia went slack.


"Look, Julia, you stupid, fat cow. From now on, when I stick my tongue in your stupid cow mouth, I expect you to suck on it for me. That's just the kind of slutty stuff I like from little girl pussy licking MILFs like you. Okay, stupid?"

Julia slowly nodded her head in understanding.


Julia's face was once again inflamed with Madison's painful slaps.

"Do you understand me, you stupid, fat cow?"

A totally terrified Julia used all her mental strength to pull herself together in the face of Madison's renewed cruelty.

"Yes, Madison. I understand you."

Madison fixed the older woman with her harshest stare.

"Then repeat it out loud for me, teacher dear" she said in a syrupy sweet voice.

Julia shuddered then whispered the words Madison wanted to hear.

"From now on, when you put your tongue in my mouth, you want me to suck it."

Madison made a motion with her hand that indicated that she wanted Julia to continue.

Julia concentrated very hard on what she was being made to say.

"Because that's what you like from grown up girl pussy licking fat cow sluts like me."

Madison clapped her hands and smiled down on her new conquest. Then she put her palm on Julia's shoulder and slowly rolled her over on her back. Knowing what would happen to her if she put up any resistance whatsoever to her young tormentor, Julia did not do one thing to inhibit Madison's action.

"God, Julia. You are such a dirty little slut. You're so hungry for my cute little girl pussy you'll do anything I say. You are so desperate for me to love you as much as you love me, you'll let me humiliate you any way I want to. You are one sick puppy and, now that I think about it, I'm not really sure I want to have anything to do with you any more."

Julia cringed at Madison's harsh and hateful words.

"Please don't say that. Please I'll do anything. Please. I love you so much. Please don't leave me."

Madison rocked back on her heels.

"No, Julia. You see, I don't really need you to humiliate and hurt. I have my Mommy to play with anytime I want to, so I don't really need you at all."

Julia sobbed.

"Please don't say that. I'm begging you."

Madison giggled. She knew she had won another round.

"Well, maybe I'll keep you around to amuse me if you're very, very good and let me do anything I want to you. You really like it when I tell you what a nasty little teacher cow you are. Don't you, you stupid slut?"

Julia nodded and smiled wanly when she heard Madison's reprieve.

"When you talk down to me, Madison, it turns me on. I can't help it. I don't really think I'm a perv or a pedo. It's just what I need."

The young girl laughed out loud.

"Oh no, Julia. You're not a perv or a pedo. Not you. Not at all. Just because you're lying there all naked on your own floor with clamps on your tits and pussy while a fourteen year old girl plays dirty pervy games with your fat cow body. No, sweetie. No one would ever think that about you."

Julia could do nothing but just lie there and admit to herself that Madison was right about her. She WAS a perv and a pedo, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Madison was becoming very satisfied indeed with Julia's complete docility, especially considering how short a time she had had to work with her. The fourteen year old began languidly fondling the older woman's firm breast as she slowly removed the vicious metal nipple clamps, humming contentedly to herself as she explored and petted Julia's sweat-drenched skin. She pinched the older woman's taut tormented nipples that the teeth of the clamps had so recently bitten into. Then she leaned down and casually sucked one of Julia's inflamed nipples into her sweet young mouth, knowing that the older woman would not dare to object to this kind of lewd treatment.

Julia was very afraid. She anticipated that Madison would try to hurt her in some way or other and she endeavored to brace herself for the pain that was sure to come. When Madison did nothing but just quietly suck the older woman's nipple, Julia relaxed slightly; but only slightly. After a while, Madison pulled her face away from the saliva-glistening nipple.

"See, Julia. If you just lie there and do whatever I say, I won't hurt you at all. But if you give me any shit whatever, I'll hurt you till you faint from the pain. Then I'll wake you up and hurt you some more. Got it, you stupid old cow?"

Julia let out a sharp gasp as she comprehended the truth of Madison's words.

"Yes, Madison. I get it. I hope I'm not too old for you."

Madison said nothing to allay Julia's fears about being too old but merely continued to fondle and grope the older woman's naked and vulnerable body; all the while smiling down on her sexy new plaything. If there was anything better than a willing subbie, it was an unwilling one. Julia had been both, and would be again as Madison's hold over her became ever stronger.

After a while, the young girl deigned to remove the cruel labia clamps, and Julia cried out in pain as her most sensitive flesh reacted to the sudden loss of their vicious teeth.

Madison giggled at the older woman's reaction. Then she squeezed Julia's still turgid nipples between her fingers and thumbs until Julia began whimpering from the pain.

"Why are you whimpering, teacher dear. Isn't this what you've wanted all along? Didn't you want some strong-willed young girl just like me to take over control of your life? Didn't you want to find a girl like me to love?"

The older woman nodded resignedly.

"Yes, Madison. You know how I've had these hungry, sick feelings deep down ever since I can remember. Back when I was a little girl in school I used to be called Little Julia Messy Pants. I was bullied in school by cruel young girls who were just like you are, and I guess I never outgrew it".

"Being driven by my own hunger to do all those sick, nasty things still makes me so wet. I can't help but fantasize about so many nasty things whenever I go to the junior miss section in that exclusive tween/teen girls' store out at the mall. I go over there practically every weekend. I'm sure when the sales lady looks at me, she just knows what a pervert I am. I love the thought of getting caught sniffing the panties that the young girls who shop there have tried on. When I go to the junior miss section and look through the panties lying there, I have to pretend I'm looking to buy for someone else or else the lady who owns the store would figure out what I'm doing. I'll confess to you that I've even taken some of those young girl panties into the changing room along with some short little girl skirts and masturbated in there thinking about getting caught. Oh God, I still can't believe I do sick things like that."

"I just keep fantasizing that I'm standing there at that sales table and I'm sniffing those young girl panties right out in the open and a bunch of little girls are all standing around me, and looking at me, and laughing at me. That's exactly what I crave and what I deserve."

"I've taken plenty of girls' panties from that store in the mall and some skirts and masturbated with them. I know it's wrong, but I can't ever stop myself. Last month, I went over to another teacher's house and stole her twelve year old daughter's panties and brought them home to masturbate with. I sniffed and licked those little girl panties I had taken from that teacher's house and pretended it was her daughter who was making me do it. I loved the smell and taste of her used panties. They were so divine. I wanted that teacher and her daughter both to dominate me. I really needed them to. But they didn't, of course. It was all just a fantasy."

"For as long as I can remember I've loved my own pussy taste, but I could only imagine the taste of that little girl's sweet young pussy from the smell and taste of her panties. But now I really know what young girl pussy tastes like because you have let me taste yours."

"I confess that I just love the taste of my own pussy. Especially when I suck my own panties. I think I do that at least twice a day and have my hand in my panties so much I can't tell anymore. I really used to want to be normal, Madison, but now I know I can't be. Now that you have taken me over."

As Madison listened to her former teacher's confessions, she stroked Julia's hair softly, hoping to coerce the older woman into revealing even more of her sick desires.

"Tell me more, sweetie. I want to know all about my little Julia slut, even if she's getting too old to really interest me with her fat cow body any more."

Julia swallowed her next sentence and began to cry. She WAS too old to interest Madison. The girl had said so.

Madison giggled at Julia's reaction.

"Don't cry, teacher dear. You may be a fat old cow, but I'll still play with you, for a little while longer, anyway."

Julia sighed contentedly at Madison's reassuring words and continued her lurid litany of confessions.

"I can't believe I've told you so much. Why do you and all those other young girls torment me so much? Your short skirts and short dresses, and those tight panties you all wear. I've spent so much time at the mall looking at them. Sometimes, I even buy some. And when I buy little girl panties, I tell the sales girl they're for my daughter. But I'm sure she knows who they are really for."

"And even though I'm ashamed of myself for stealing that teacher's daughter's panties, I know I just had to. They were so nice and they even were a little moist still. I saw them lying in her bedroom on the floor where she had casually thrown then down and I just had to have them."

"I can't help it. When I sit down behind my desk at school my hips rock on the chair and I rub my pussy through my panties. I can't help but keep telling you things. Your calling me Julia Messy Pants and teacher dear doesn't help either. It's just like being a girl back in school all over again. I need to be bullied. Can't you tell I'm wet even telling you these things? The way you treat me is so humiliating, but I just have to obey you."

"I can't seem to stop my pussy from leaking into my panties. When I'm at school it's so hard to control myself because there are so many of you young girls around I have to find a supply closet or the bathroom just to rub myself until I cum."

"When you were in class and I could see you just sitting there at your desk with your legs spread and teasing me, it was everything I could do not to crawl between your legs and beg you to let me lick your little pussy. I didn't cum thinking about you, but I did wet my panties all day. I almost had to wear a diaper to school each day because of you. Each morning I would see your name on the class roll and my pussy would drip into my panties until they were soaked."

"And now I'm your Julia Messy Pants. I love it when you talk down to me and make me feel humiliated for how I am. I know its wrong but it feels so right."

"I need to tell you another dirty little secret. Since graduating from college I only wear young girl panties myself. So when I'm rubbing myself I can imagine it being someone else. Plus knowing they are under my clothes is like a dirty secret."

"I fantasize sometimes that maybe one of those young girls at the mall would suggest that I go and put a pair of little girl panties on myself because I don't deserve to wear big girl panties anymore. Those little girls would know me for who I am and the sales lady would demand that I buy all the panties that the girls tried on and even the pair I tried on, as they would be stained from my juices. You see, that's why I was called Little Julia Messy Pants by Phyllis and the other girls at school who bullied me so much. Because I got wet so easily. It was as humiliating then as it is now."

"You know I need to be treated like that, Madison. And you do treat me like that. So I need you very much and I love you very much because you give me what I really need."

Madison gazed down at Julia in just exactly the same way a hawk looks down on a scurrying rodent out in the open. She grasped one of Julia's hands and forced the older woman to place it next to her Madison-saliva-coated nipple.

"That's just so sick, teacher dear. But if that's how you need for me to treat you, I will be more than happy to. So be a good little teacher dear for me and pinch that fat cow nipple of yours real hard. I just adore watching grown up woman sluts like you pinching their own nipples till they squeal like the slutty little pigs they are."

Julia's eyes grew wide in happy wonder at Madison's cruel words. This was just what she needed; to be humiliated beyond endurance and turned into Madison's grown up little pain slut. She ecstatically pinched her own nipples as hard as she could. Waves of sharp pain radiated out from the tormented tit flesh, and Julia shed big wet tears of pain.

"Wow," Madison said incredulously. "You really pinched your floppy cow udder nipples enough to draw tears. You are really one slutty little perv."

Julia just kept pinching and weeping, while Madison decided to throw her off guard by changing tactics.

"Does my slutty little teacher dear want to be my precious princess from now on?"

Julia stopped pinching herself and clapped her hands like a little girl opening her presents.

"Can I really be your little princess, Madison? Please oh please. I'll be a good little princess for you, Madison. I promise. Julia Messy Pants doesn't ever want you mad at me. I want to be your Julia Messy Pants little princess so much. Please, Madison. Please. I'll buy a pretty pink princess dress and wear it just for you. I'll wear a sparkling tiara in my hair. I'll carry a fairy wand. I'll wear pink fairy slippers just for you. I'll look so pretty for you, Madison. I promise I will. Please let me be your precious princess. Please, oh please.""

Julia was just ecstatic with the sudden joy that Madison might want her after all.

"I want to be so pretty for you, Madison. I want to wear some tight, pink hello kitty panties just for you. I think wearing them is dirty because I know they belong on girls and not women like me who just want to be girls. But I'll wear them just for you."

Madison grinned.

"We'll see, my precious little Messy Pants princess. I just might let you do all that when I show you off next week to my girlfriends from school. I made Mommy play dress up in front of them a couple months ago. They really liked that. I bet they'd like to play dress up with their pretty precious teacher princess, too."

Julia cried out with delight at the prospect of playing dress up with Madison's young girl friends.

"That's my good little Julia Messy Pants slut. That's my good little girl. You just keep behaving like that and everything will be all right. You sure are one sick little puppy slut though, aren't you?"

Julia looked up at her teen owner and smiled her wan little smile.

"I can't help all these feelings I have, Madison. I never could. And now that you have made me surrender to you, I can't help but tell you all these nasty things about myself."

"I've had these sick puppy feelings as long as I can remember. When I first saw you in my classroom last year, I realized there was a good possibility that I was going to become addicted to you. I wanted you to humiliate me, and hurt me, and love me. And now that you have taken control of me, it makes me feel like I'm Julia Messy Pants all over again. I do have lots of fantasies and fetishes, little girl panties being only one of them. I love to lick and sniff any I can get a hold of. And I have always been submissive especially to younger girls like you. I got bossed around a lot when I was a girl, and I got to where I needed it."

"I know you're just going to keep saying cruel things to me and making me do dirty things that are going to humiliate me and hurt me and make me feel even lower for how I am. I'll just die when the girls at school find out what I am".

Madison gazed down at her former teacher.

"If girls like me get you so hot, why did you put yourself at risk by becoming a school teacher in the first place?"

Julia shrugged her naked shoulders.

"I don't know why I ever wanted to be a teacher. I think I was drawn to it by knowing that young girls would be there. And I could never get those dirty thoughts out of my head that I hungered for one of them to take me and use me and love me just like you have now, Madison."

Madison giggled loudly as she listened to Julia confess her inventory of perversions to the young girl. For some reason, her former teacher's lurid litany reminded the girl that she had been on line earlier that day, and had read an interesting article about a female teacher in England who had had a sexual relationship with one of her fifteen-year-old girl students, and had been caught at it.

As it so happened, when the judge was passing sentence on the lesbian teacher who had been so smitten by her student, he said, "Pupils are susceptible to abuse by those who teach them. The teacher's position of authority, their influence on the class, pupils' admiration of them, pupils' desires to be liked, their desire to impress or to be a special favorite makes it easy for a teacher, who so wishes, to take advantage of their pupils and start a relationship."

Madison smiled cruelly as she wondered to herself what that judge would say if he could see what was going on in Julia's house right then. Could he deal with the fact that the student-teacher relationship sometimes cuts both ways?

"Oh well," thought the wicked young girl. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

She returned to listening to her grown up submissive continue her confession.

"I'll tell you another dirty little secret, Madison. I almost always wear tight little girl panties, even to teach in. And if I want to be really dirty, I'll wear a diaper under my skirt to school. I wear a panty liner a lot at school because I drip so much. When I go to class and see all those young girls sitting there at their desks with their legs spread apart, they just drive me up the wall."

Then Julia blushed and whispered.

"And I just love masturbating in the girls' bathroom after everyone has left school."

"When I get so hot looking at all those young girls at school I wet my panties and can't stop playing with myself while I'm sitting at my desk. I'd think I had died and gone to heaven if you and a bunch of those young girls from school ever made me their hand puppet. I don't think I could stop myself as I begged them to use me any way they wanted to. Maybe they would make me lick my own panties after they made me strip in front of them in the girls' bathroom. Or maybe they would take me someplace else to humiliate me. All the young girls I see at school remind me of the bullies in my school who made me be Julia Messy Pants. The ones who made me masturbate for them. I can't help but tell you more, Madison. It's like I need to finally tell someone. I know you are going to use all this against me. But I can't hold anything back. It's like I don't really matter any more. I'm so confused right now. Wanting you to love me gets me so wet. But wanting not to matter to you at all gets me wet, too."

Madison nodded her head in agreement with Julia's self-assessment.

"I know all about you, teacher dear. And I AM going to use what I know about you to make you do more and more degrading dirty things just to amuse me."

"Now, speaking of which, does anybody in the room have to take a piss?"

Madison giggled at her own rhetorical question.

"I do. I do," said the fourteen year old, clapping her hands in glee.

Julia looked up at her young owner with stark hunger in her eyes. She sensed where this was going and she licked her lips in anticipation.

"Well, Julia Messy Pants. I think I know you well enough by now that if you would ask me really, really nicely if I would allow you the privilege of drinking my little girl pee pee so I don't have to waste a trip all the way to the bathroom, I'd let you do it."

Julia shuddered in anticipation. Madison made her point with an especially vicious nipple squeeze.

"Yes, Madison," Julia said from between clenched teeth.

Then the girl's former teacher asked in her sweetest little girl voice.

"Madison, would you mind letting your little Julia Messy Pants drink your yummy little girl pee pee for you?"

Madison smirked and acted as if she were debating the matter with herself.

"I don't know, teacher dear. Ask me if I'm willing to let you do it for me anytime I tell you to from now on, Julia Messy Pants."

Madison looked down at Julia with that certain glint in her eye.

"Well, Julia. Ask me."

Julia really, truly wanted to have to beg Madison, and the feel of Madison's fingernails pressing viciously into the underside of her throbbing breasts convinced her that she should do it right away.

"Would you let me drink your little girl pee pee, please, Madison?"

Madison looked benevolently down at Julia.

"Sure, Julia. But I think that it's only fair for you to have to beg me better than that to allow you the privilege of drinking my pee. What about it, Julia?"

Once again, Julia knew her hunger for the young girl gave her no choice but to obey.

"Yes, Madison. Please, oh please let me drink all your little girl pee pee. I want it so badly."

Madison clapped her hands again and sat down on the older woman's floor and motioned for Julia to move between her spread legs. Madison raised her hands completely away from Julia's body as a clear sign to both that the older woman was doing this of her own free will.

Julia shivered once more, turned her head so that she faced Madison's splayed thighs, and joyously slid her face in close to the young girl's crotch.

Madison barely gave the older woman enough time to prepare before releasing her hot, pungent stream. Julia gurgled deep in her throat as she began drinking her young owner's acrid pee. For the next minute or so, Madison sprayed and Julia gulped. Then Madison finally finished her peeing.

Julia was just pulling her face away when Madison's restraining hand on the side of her head stopped her.

"Lick me clean, Julia Messy Pants. I can see I still have a lot of work ahead of me teaching you how to drink my little girl pee pee the right way. I'll make my Mommy show you how to do it right later on tonight. She does it really well."

Julia happily turned her face back to the job at hand and licked the last few golden drops from Madison's pussy.

Madison finally relented and let her up.

"Well, Julia. Do you agree to drink down my little girl pee pee whenever I tell you to, and beg me for the privilege?"

Julia now knew exactly what she wanted to say.

"Yes, Madison. I promise."

Madison smirked her most evil smirk.

"I think it's time we went on to the next part of your training. Don't you, Julia?"

The older woman could only nod and whisper her agreement. She realized that she had descended a long way into the well of pain and humiliation at the hands of this fourteen-year-old cruel young girl who was gaining more and ever more control over her. But she knew there was still a long way to go before she reached bottom.

This work is copyright (c) 2010 by Faye.

You may download and retain a copy for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.

Faye can be reached at: fayeduncan01@Yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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