Feeling Horny in the University Library

By Mr Skinny

Published on Jun 26, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Feeling Horny in the University Library (part 1)

"Another important case study in this area..." It was no good, the words were starting to blur now. I looked up from the article I was reading and checked the clock on the university library wall. Half past eight. I'd been here seven hours solid now, trying desperately to get the reading done for the seminar the next morning. I wouldn't normally make such a big deal about it, but I had already had one written warning for skipping classes this semester.

"Another important case study in this area..." I looked up at the sound of whispered voices approaching. Two girls, heavy looking textbooks clutched in their hands, walked past my desk heading for the shelves behind me. God this article was so boring I was even taking notice of girls going past!

"Another important..." More whispered voices, this time much lower in pitch. I looked over towards the staircase. Wow! Two incredibly hot lads, one with a white sleeveless vest top on, that leaving his well-defined upper arms in full view, the other a tight navy blue t-shirt stretched over his built pecs and shoulders. Both wore the loose grey sweatpants that practically every sporty person on campus seemed to own a pair of. The sort that show off every bulge and curve you have. The one in the vest top carried a towel. They were probably calling in to return some books before hitting the gym for an evening workout.

My cock twitched as I imagined them sweating, working out on the machines, muscles bulging as they pushed themselves to lift the heaviest weights they possibly could. Then peeling off those sweat-drenched clothes to hit the showers together. Mmm.

"No, no no!" I thought to myself, "I must concentrate! Where was I? Another important case study in this..." As if to punish me for forcing myself to drag my mind away from my dick and back to my work, one of the guys turned sideways, searching for the set of shelves he wanted, presenting me with a perfect side-on view of his pert arse, the grey material of his sweatpants emphasising its delicious shape.

I let my breath out slowly, wishing I could cop a feel to see if it was as tight and muscled as its outline suggested. I moved my gaze forwards to see if there was any cock bulge on show. Well there was a definite outwards curve in the right sort of area. As I looked, trying to work out whether it was a cock-shaped bulge I could see, or just the knot of the sweatpant ties showing through, his hand came into my line of vision and he absent-mindedly readjusted himself, showing me for definite it was his cock I could see the outline of.

As he turned to whisper something to his mate, the bulge moved too, in fact, you could almost see it gently swinging from the movement.

"Fuck, is he even wearing any underwear under those?" I thought to myself, my eyes riveted to the moving bulge as he wandered off towards a set of shelves, unable to tear my gaze away now I had noticed it. My own underwear suddenly felt tight and restrictive as my growing cock wrestled against the material of them.

He moved out of my eyeline, disappearing into the History section of the library. I took a quick look round to see if anyone was watching me, then dropped my hand into my lap to adjust myself through my jeans, setting my cock to a more comfortable angle.

"Right, no more distractions, got to get this read" I thought to myself. "Now, where was I? Ah yes, Another important case study in this area... Hold on, I'm sure that seat in front of me was empty a moment ago".

While I had been perving on the lads in the sweatpants, it seemed someone had sat down in the seat directly in front of me in the library study area. The desks were arranged in rows of three, each with its own reading lamp and all facing the same way. Then to my left, there was a narrow walkway through the rows, and more rows of three desks all facing the opposite direction. A bit like a train carriage I suppose.

I ran my eyes over the back view of the newcomer. He was wearing a white and blue striped t-shirt, navy blue jeans, and Nike trainers. He had short brown hair and the back of his neck and what little of his arms and elbows I could see were already quite tanned. The faint smell of deodorant reached my nose as he reached up to switch on the reading lamp above his desk. Lynx, if I wasn't mistaken, and one of my favourite scents too.

Fuck, I was starting to feel really horny now. I shook my head from side to side, in a hope to refresh my brain and banish the sexual thoughts that were filling it, and then forced myself to try to concentrate on the article I was supposed to be reading.

Problem was, looking down at the article meant looking right in the direction of his arse over the top of the page. He sat hunched forward slightly in his chair, his arse filling his jeans nicely. I abandoned attempting to find my place on the page, and just drank in the sight of that denim-covered arse.

Moving my eyes up his body, I realised that as he had stretched to switch on his reading lamp, his t-shirt has ridden up his back a bit, completely exposing the top of his jeans and an inch of bare skin of his back. He wore no belt, and his jeans were slightly loose at the back.

"If he leant forward just a little bit more, I could probably see down the back of them" I thought to myself. As if he had read my mind, he shifted his position in his chair and the back of his jeans gaped a bit further, exposing the waistband of his underwear. My semi-hard cock gave a lurch at the sight and I had to readjust my angle again. As I watched, his right hand moved down from his desk into his lap too, and he left it there, using his left hand to turn the pages of the textbook he was reading.

From the back, I couldn't tell exactly what his right hand was doing, but my mind was soon imaging all kinds of things. Stroking a growing bulge in his jeans, unzipping his flies to play with himself, bringing out an enormous erect cock to discretely wank as he read, safe in the knowledge everyone else in the library was too busy studying to pay any attention to him... Fuck, I had a good imagination! Probably too good, as my own cock was fully erect now, pressing outwards against the flies of my own jeans.

I slowly let my breath out and tried to ignore what was happening between my legs, turning my attention back to the article.

"Another important case study in this area..."

He shifted in his chair again, his jeans waistband gaping further. Craning my head, I could see maybe two or three inches of boxers now, the fabric probably originally white but now a sludgy grey from being washed too many times in the university laundrette. I allowed myself to imagine what he might look like without his jeans on, sitting in front of me in just his boxers, and moved my hand to my lap to squeeze my balls and stroke my full erection through my jeans.

"Fuck! What are you doing?! You're in the library!" I suddenly thought to myself, snapping out of my daydream. Taking my hand of my cock, I looked around me to check that no-one had been watching. As I did so, I noticed a lad sat diagonally opposite me turning his face quickly away from me.

Fuck! Had he seen me? I made a pretence of concentrating on the page of the article I was reading, watching him out of the corner of my eye. He turned his head back in my direction. I quickly looked up and over at him, and he turned away, frowning, as if concentrating on reading a difficult sentence. Hmm, maybe he had been watching me.

I kept looking at him. He had black hair, a little bit of dark stubble on his face, and was wearing a black, white and green checked short sleeved shirt with enough buttons undone for me to see that the top of his chest was hairless. He had black jeans on and white trainers. He looked slim, but the tops of his arms where his sleeves ended showed some surprising muscle definition. He wasn't a muscle powerhouse, but like me, he must work out a bit, just enough to tone himself up. He was pretty hot actually. In fact, the more I looked at him, the hotter I thought he was. My hard cock twitched in appreciation of his hotness and I shifted in my seat, trying to adjust it to a more comfortable position without having to touch it.

At that exact moment, he glanced back over at me. His eyes were a vivid green, big pools of colour that seemed to burn right into me. He raised an eyebrow and grinned, then turned his attention back to his reading. Wow, he really was hot! My cock pushed impatiently against the flies of my jeans, begging to be released from its prison.

"Must. Concentrate. On. Reading. Ignore the hottie. Ignore the hottie. Another important... Oh fuck! Look at that stomach!"

The lad was yawning deeply, stretching in his seat, his eyes closed, his arms lifted high above his head causing his shirt to ride up to expose firm, defined abs and a neatly trimmed black treasure trail that disappeared into a white Calvin Klein waistband visible above the top of his jeans. I swear my mouth started to water as I gazed at him. He opened his eyes then and looked right at me, holding my gaze. I turned my head quickly away, embarrassed at being caught checking him out.

"Another important case study..." I couldn't resist sneaking another glance his way. He appeared to be concentrating on reading, but he had one of his hands on his knees. As I watched, it slid its way up the leg of his jeans and rested over his flies. Fuck, was he feeling himself up too?!

He lifted his hand up out of his lap to turn a page, his eyes remaining focused on the textbook. I squinted at where his hand had been, trying to see an outline of a bulge, but with his jeans being black, it was difficult to make out for definite.

His hand was in his lap again, drifting lazily backwards and forwards. I was sure he was stroking his cock, and my own rock hard one jolted at the thought, moving into another uncomfortable angle as it strained against the zip of my flies through my boxerbriefs. It was no good, I had to adjust myself again to get a bit more comfortable. I felt sure out of the corner of my eye I saw him glance over at me as I shifted my erection to a comfier position.

I looked across, but he was busy writing something now. He read it back to himself, but obviously wasn't happy with what he'd put, as he tore the page out of his pad of paper and screwed it up with both his hands. I couldn't help but notice the muscles in his lower arms moving as he screwed the sheet of paper into a ball.

"Hot arms, hot arms," one part of my brain was saying. "Ignore, ignore, read, read" another part (the one that wanted me to pass my degree!) was saying. "I feel so fucking horny" a third part of my mind screamed.

I closed my eyes and counted slowly to five, then looked down at the desk before I opened them, not allowing myself to glance over in his direction, forcing myself to focus only on the words on the page in front of me. I heard a chair scraping over the floor as I found where I'd got to in the article.

"Another important case study in this area..." Footsteps walked past me, but I forced myself to carry on concentrating on the sentence I was reading. It was probably just another girl walking past anyway.

Something landed on the desk in front of me, right in the middle of the page I was reading. It was a screwed up piece of lined paper. There was a bin just behind me, had someone tried to throw it in and missed? I picked it up and was going to just turn and put it in the bin myself, when curiosity got the better of me and I unscrewed it, smoothing it out on the desk in front of me to see what had been written on it.

"Way too horny to concentrate on my reading. I'm off to the 3rd floor bogs for a wank. You look as if you could use one too, fancy joining me???"

I looked up and over at the black haired lad's seat. It was empty, an open textbook discarded on the desk where he'd been sitting.

"Was this a dream?" I thought to myself. Being the shy person that I was, I didn't have much experience (ok, any experience) of anything sexual. I wasn't bad looking, but I had never been confident enough to even make eye contact with anyone in a bar, let alone approach someone and offer to buy them a drink. And if someone looked as though they were going to come up to me, that was usually my cue to trip over my feet or spill my drink down myself causing them to change their mind. Yet someone really hot had just invited me to wank off with them in the library toilets. Wow! Or maybe a wank would progress into something even better!

My mind was buzzing with excitement and my cock felt harder than it had ever felt before. Before I knew what I was doing, I was on my feet and walking for the staircase. I was conscious of a small wet patch of my boxers sticking to the top of my leg as I walked. My rock hard cock had obviously started leaking pre. I suddenly thought that my erection probably showed in my jeans and that I was walking through the middle of the university library past people studying and librarians stacking shelves. What if they noticed?

"Fuck it" I thought to myself. "Even if they do notice, I can't be the only fresher who ever got a hardon from their mind wandering off their dull reading onto more exciting thoughts". I bounded up the stairs two at a time till I reached the third floor.

The toilets on the third floor were tucked away in a corner behind the Statistics books shelves. I looked around me as I walked towards them. The whole floor looked pretty deserted. Well, it was nearly nine o'clock. Every sensible student was getting tanked up in the union bar ready to hit the pubs and clubs of the city centre.

I pushed the door to the toilets open and walked in, my cock hard as iron in my now slightly soggy boxers, my heart feeling as though it was beating in my mouth.

He stood at the urinals, at the far end of the toilet, with his back to me, his legs apart. I walked past the sinks and mirrors, my heart beating faster and faster, and stood at the urinal next to him. My hand shaking slightly, I unzipped my flies and, reaching in, released my hard cock from my underwear, bringing it slowly out through my flies.

The foreskin had rolled back, half-exposing my thick cockhead which was shiny and wet with precum. I could feel his eyes gazing down at my exposed erection, but I focused my own on the tiles in front of me, not yet daring to look anywhere else. He exhaled deeply.

"Nice cock mate" he whispered. "Looks even better out of your jeans. What do you think of mine?"

My mouth was dry and my heart pounded in my ears. I licked my lips to moisten them, turned my head to look him direct in his piercing green eyes, then lowered my gaze to what was sticking out of his flies.


Next: Chapter 2

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