Feeding My Hunger

By Jessie Mkay

Published on May 22, 2012


Donate to Nifty.org Keep the site going. This contains male/male relations. If you aren't at least 18 then don't read this. This is a Twilight Saga story with a slight Jennifer's Body twist. You'll see enjoy.

Feeding My Hunger-3

I have been in La Push for a week. Jacob and I have become great friends, in fact I consider him my best friend. I missed Needy and Jennifer so desperately but they had to live their own lives. I have Jacob now, funny enough. I think...okay I know I have fallen in love with. I only hope he can accept me...for me. Not what I am, but who I am.

I am going to school. Forks High School, since I'm not Quileute it would be easier to go to Forks High. Jake wasn't happy about it, he wanted to spend more time with me. Not that I was complaining. I needed him, he was and is my light in this darkness.

The roaring of Jake's motorcycle came to a stop. "Okay, so I'll pick you up." He said getting off and picking my up bridal style before putting me down. "I'll be waiting." I said with a smirk, slightly okay okay flirting. A blush came to his cheeks, I just wanted to kiss those thin full lips. A look of love showing in his eyes, he enveloped me in a hug, me hugging back I could hear whispers.

"Omg the new kid. Looks like he's a fag." I could hear it, advanced hearing and such. Jake shouldn't be able to, yet he was suddenly posses off. "I'll see you later, Alex." Was all he said getting on his bike blazing off in obvious anger. Why was he angry?

I walked inside, getting covered in rain. The lady in the office was drooling over me, it was kind of sad really. It was obvious she was turned on, my sexual aura ducks some times!

It was American History first class. As soon as I entered I heard a gasp and heard whispers. I just went to sit down, a small rumble I realized to be growling..who was growling. It came from a hot blond haired boy. He was extremely pale, like me when I don't feed. Which reminds me, I need to feed within a few days. He looked at me one time with a territorial gleam in his eyes. I just rolled mine, it seemed to piss him off even more.

As soon as it started it ended, class I mean. The blond hottie has followed me around school. He had my same classes.

He was getting closer and closer over time. Lunch time...great...I get to pretend like I'm human.

I got in line and picked up small stuff. Pizza, Salad, a water. I sat at a table by myself. Why is it that when you do this people have to bother you? Some pale pixie girl sat next to me. She smelled obviously different, but close to that guy...she even smelt like he was on her.

"Hi I'm Alice Cullen." She greeted, whispering now."Don't worry about Jasper. He always worries about things he doesn't understand. I know what you are and can tell we'll be best friends." I had slight worry with this. "Can I spend time with you?" She asked hopeful to get to know me. "Sure. So you I'm a..." "I don't know exactly what you are. I just know you aren't human...you're closer to what I am...except more complex..I'm a vampire." I only nodded thinking that explains a lot. "I'm an incubus." A look of surprise on her face, "Really? My species have been connected to your kind."

I only laughed, "We're related!" She snickered, "How did you become an incubus?" She asked before she thought about what she said, "Sorry. You don't have to tell me." I laughed at the look on her face, "It's okay. I just became one about a month ago. I don't even know for sure what I'm capable of." I said looking around, some people were looking our way whispering.

"I was raped. By a goth dude I really liked. See my best friends Needy and Jennifer, threw a going away party. Apparently Needy's boyfriend at the time Chip, told the goth dude Colin that I like rape sex. That I liked it extremely rough. I can now say, rough sex is awesome....except when you're being killed. I can't control myself sometimes, I ride them guys until I they can't go any more, then I eat them." I started to tear up a little. "I need to feed in a few days, If I feed today then there is a higher chance the person will survive." I said finally getting a hold of myself. "I don't want to kill, but if I don't I die."

She seem to think about this. "Have you tried animals?" I only nodded breathing a sigh, "Yeah. I ate some chicken, my first feeding after my change. My body ejected the stuff from my system." "This is quite a pickle." She said looking towards her family who seemed to be staring at us. I noticed something, there was a girl who was human...sitting at a table of vampires. She had a look of worry on her face, the bronze haired she sat next to had a look of sympathy. The big muscled god I felt a craving coming over me. "I'm having cravings already." I said to Alice. Before she could respond the bell went off.

"I have to go." I said breathing funny, my cravings getting stronger. That's how it was. It started with a thought, then cravings, until I couldn't take it any longer. Until I basically force myself on a guy draining him of cum and sexual energy. Then eat his flesh and drink his blood.

If I get a lot of sex then I don't go for flesh, but if I can't be pleased then I eat him. Isn't just how life is? I walked off to my last class.

Seated next to the overly muscled dark hair Greek god in the back of class. "Hi. I'm Emmett. You're Alex." I nodded, "Heard about your cravings. We all were thinking of ways to help." I only gushed at his smile. "You guys don't even know me. Why help me?" In all curiosity, "Because one day we will...never mind. I said too much. We just like you."

Class ended and I had my homework finished already. A rumbling found my ear. Jake's image came into view. "Hey Alex." He hugged me, "Hey Jacob." My cravings killing me. I didn't have long. "Can we get going?" "Sure sure." He said his usual reply.

I just got home, yet something doesn't feel right. I opened the door, smelling the thing that killed me...blood. Running to the kitchen, there was a trail of blood. I found the food from my fridge sprayed on my floor and a trail of blood in the fridge. I opened it in shock to see my mom's mutilated body blue and dead..... I screamed! I couldn't ... who would do this....where's my dad?

Smelling around, a trail of blood leading up the stairs. I went upstairs crying now, my cell in my hand ready to call. I went in my bathroom seeing my Dad's decapitated body floating in a blood filled tub. His head floating in a blood covered sink. I again screamed! My parents slaughtered...who...or what could do this?

A smell hit me. It smelled like.....vampire. I began levitating in anger, things around me began floating and were pushed away violently.

When my episode was over. I called the police, they rushed in. Asked questions, Chief Swan was rather nice. He said he wanted me to live with him, since I couldn't live here any longer. I couldn't get away fast enough.

The police cruiser pulled up to Swan residence it was a nice homey house. White, slightly peeled paint. I noticed an old red truck in the front, it was like one at my school. Next to a silver Volo.

He opened the door to my side and escorted me inside. It was warm, I smelled a sweet smell...vampire. A growl left my lips, "Easy there tiger." I heard police Swan say in a whisper. "I'm not exactly fond of Edward either." I only nodded unaware of what he meant.

"Hello. Edward Cullen." The lean pale bronze haired god from school introduced himself, shaking me his hand ice cold. He didn't have a heart beat or body temp. "That's okay. You don't have one either, my incubus friend." Edward said with a small smile.

Chief Swan...er..Charlie like he asked me to call him. Was upstairs getting my stuff from upstairs, no wonder Edward said it so openly. "Bella knows aswell. Sorry we can't keep secrets in the family." I only nodded, already picked up the story around school about them...oh school. I'm not going tomorrow. Last I need is for everyone to talk about what happened. Their complete assed out stories that they come up with due to incessant gossiping.

"So....here are your stuff. The best I can offer is the basement downstairs, it has a bed and is set up like a regular room. If not you can take the couch." Charlie offered, "I'll take the basement." He nodded before turning to Bella and Edward. "Wrap it up you two." Bella just sighed, with a look on her face as if she wasn't ready to say goodbye.

He leaded me to the basement...it was nice. Nicer than my room actually. It had white walls, a small window looking from the ground up. It had a big fluffy white carpet, with a green plush Queen sized bed. It had a large Tv, wow. This is much better than my room. I turned back to him, "Thank You." "No problem. If you need anything than just ask. Ummm...Bella made stir fry." He said now feeling awkward, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I'm tired so good night." I nodded, "Good night, and thanks again." He put a hand on my shoulder, "No problem. What so ever." He winked walking upstairs. When he left I let out a grossed out sound.

I called Jacob, he didn't pick up. As soon as I put up my phone to charge, My phone went off. It was Jacob. "Hey Jake." He sounded winded as if he has been running. "Hey sorry to hear about your parents. I know what it's like to lose a parent. I lost my mom when I was young." He said sad, and as if He was trying to regain his breath. "It doesn't get better does it?" I asked feeling in pain, his voice making it go away some. "Not really, it only numbs over time." I nodded realizing we're talking on the phone, so he couldn't see my nod. "I understand. I'm at the Swan's place. Can I see you?" I asked feeling like I needed him. "I can't go. I want to, but....Sam says he needs my help moving some furniture. " I looked at the clock, "At 11 at night?" He didn't respond, "Yes. He says it can't wait. I have to go. Love you babe." He said quickly, ending the call. I was shocked, he just said he loved me.

Sam's House

"Shit!" Jacob boomed, "Language, Jacob!"Emily scowled him, "Sorry." He grunted, "What's getting jakeypoo so upset?" Quil said pinching his cheek, earning a punch in the arm. "Dang! Jake what was that for?" "For being annoying." He said rolling his eyes. "Whatever what's the matter." Sam asked, "I told Alex 'I love you' I don't know what to do. I love him....I do. I been inlove ever since I laid my eyes on him. It's obvious he isn't human, he smells amazing but still close to a vampire. His parents were murdered by the vampire we just killed, and I want to see him. I need to tell him the truth all of it. It's time." Sam seemed to think about Jacob's words. "Fine. I want to Paul to be there." Jacob groaned "Fine. Tonight?" "That's fine."

Swan Residence

"I just can't see it. Him being a monster." Bella looked at Edward. "So he's a monster and not your vampire boyfriend or your werewolf bestfriend?" Edward asked looking at her in disbelief of what she said. "I...that's different." She tried to defend herself. "How? I drink blood and kill." He reasoned, "He rapes, eats flesh and drinks blood." She shot back, "He was changed recently. He still isn't use to his new self. He seems to believe if he recieves...uh-hum..sexual energy and semen then the feeding wouldn't be violent." She blinked and he had to explain. "If he has constant sex, then he wouldn't need to kill." She had an 'O' look on her face. "So then how does that help us?" Jumping to conclusions, she asked. "We will attempt to feed him animal flesh. Chicken doesn't work, he says his body rejects such. Maybe a carnivore will help."

"Excuse me." They jumped up in surprised, "Alex. Please don't do that." "Sorry. It one of my abilities. Teleporting, flying, super strength, telekinesis, I have have a few more I think. I'm not sure what I can do...oh super healing!" I said cutting myself with my sharp nail. (So far nothing can penetrate my skin, except myself.) Edward's eyes turned black. It healed immediately. "I'm stronger and look better when fed." A knock at the door.

"Jake!" "Alex!" He hugged me tightly not wanting to let go. "You okay? You look pale and have dark rings around your eyes. Your eyes...they look different." I looked in a picture frame reflection. There was more red in my eyes than green, it was a small change in them yet you could just notice it.

"Jake...follow me." "Umm...Paul has to come." "Paul?" As his name was mentioned he came inside with a wave. "Hi." I only nodded. Grabbing his hand I led Jake and Paul to my room.

I heard an attempt to stop me. "What if he kills them?" "He won't kill them. Alice would call before she would let him do something he'll regret. Besides, you couldn't do anything about it, I don't even think I would stand a chance." She stopped and breathed heavily. "No good can come of this."

In my room.

"You feel cold." Jake said hugging me. "I'm cold." I could tell Paul was feeling like the odd man out. "We need to talk. I...a shapeshifter. We'll we are wolf shapeshifters.We basically just call ourselves Werewolves." I looked at him funny,"Yeah." "I'm an Incubus." He gave me a weird look. "It's basically a sex demon. I eat flesh and drink blood, and have intense sex." We shared stories.

He had a look on his face. "I'm sorry for not telling you." I looked at Paul...he looked angry, yet unstanding. "I need to feed. I love you Jacob." He looked at me suddenly with a cheerful smile. He lifted me up and our bodies collided in a heated his. His tongue begging for an entrance, finding it as I opened with a moan. "I'll see you later Jacob." Paul said leaving.

"Paul? What's going on in there?" Bella asked, Edward obviously not telling Bella anything. "The lover's are just showing how much they love eachother." He said with a smirk leaving. "Oh hell no!" She said trying to get inside, but Edward stopped her. "Bella...it's either this or he kills." "What if he kills Jake." "He won't kill him." He pulled her on his arms, before taking her to her bed and they layed in it. "Can you hear them?" A snicker, "Yes. I can hear their thoughts and they noises. I'm not telling you what's going on though. It's a private matter...I just can't stop listening because I'm a vampire." She sighed angryly.

I was kissing his neck, he was moaning from all the attention I was giving with my tongue. I gave him a hickie, hoping to make all know I own him. He gave me the same with the same intention.

He pushed me on the bed and crawled on top of me. Taking charge. My shirt was ripped off and lay on the floor in tears. I did the same to him, our skin rubbing together. I looked at the russet skinned god on me, his ripped body. I loved him, I only knew him for so long but I love him...I love him.

He licked and suckled on my nipples. I was gasping from what he was doing. The man I love was doing this too and for me.

I flipped us over and bit his nipples a moan/grunt left his lips. "You are totally kinky." He joked, "You love it." I smirked. Running my tongue along his abs, tasting the salt. He moaned, I was sending sensual vibrations through my touchs to his body. I ripped his shorts. Looked at his black boxer briefs, "Finally a real man." I kissed him rubbing his obvious erection. The tip was about to pop out of the elastic band. "Please stop playing around." I groaned.

I took as the sign. I pulled his gigantic cock out, my supernatural abilities allowing my to take the whole 14' 3' into my gullet. I didn't need to breath so I just went up and down with a 'Shlook' sound. "OH FUCK!!!" he yelled in ecstasy, quivering under me. His breath short, and him sweating bullets. "OH YEAH! I...M...GONNA....CU-MM!!" He yelled a warm splash in my mouth he was really cumming. It hit the back of my throat the salty sweet goodness flooded my throat.

I felt a burst of energy, I was returning to my usual self. Time to seal the deal. I removed my clothes. We shared another heated kiss, "Ready for the main event?" I nodded, "Turn over. " He flipped us over and I was on my stomach as I felt something wet and slippery on my hole..."OH FUCK YES!!" He was eating me out. "Don't stop." I was moaning, his tongue going around the rim of muscle. Before plunging it into me tasting my insides. "So sweet! I thought it would taste disgusting, everything about you is sweet." He said before continuing his front. "Sex Demon remember." I gasped, I was flush faced and sweating ready to cum. He did something I thought he wouldn't he pulled my cock in his mouth and bobbed a few times I came in his mouth, he pulled me to a kiss...surprised I really was sweet. "Time for a good pumping." He turned me on my back and aimed his dick for my hole. "Ready for some loving baby?" I nodded frantically in need.

With a plunge He entered me on the first strike. I moaned in delight. "OH FUCK!!! YESSS KEEEP GOINGGG!!!!" He made love to me as we made out. My legs around his waist pulling him in closer. We switched positions without him getting out of me. He sat and had me bounce on him. Hugging him tightly, my nails growing into claws and began to pierce his flesh. "Aaah!" He continued to fuck me, he hit something in me. "Pleased. Hit there again!" He kept hitting that spot. I made myself tighter. "OH DAMN SHIT FUCK!!!" One last pump we came together yelling, eachothers names. "Jake!" "Alex!" He pumped the cum back in me that attempted to leave...luckily it work, increasing the cum as he came again. My incubus body immediately draining him of the cum.

We shared a passionate kiss, we collapsed on my bed. "That was amazing." Jacob said feeling happy to finally BE with the one he truly loves. "Yes it is. Because you were part of it." He blushed, "You're too much love!" He said laughing. With a yawn from both we reminiscently thought of what happened. "I love you Jacob. I give you everything I can ever give." I kissed me. "I accept it, only if you accept my everything....for you are my everything." "I accept." "I love you Alex." "I love you too Jacob."


(There's the next chapter, writing the next one. Donate to Nifty.org if you want these stories to keep going. Reach me at Jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

P.S. Thinking of making another story of Twilight...Paul/OC anyone? What of a vamped out version...I'm thinking Jasper and Emmett? Lol email me your ideas and see them come alive before you.

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