Feeding My Hunger

By Jessie Mkay

Published on May 21, 2012


It's a mix between Jennifer's Body and the Twilight Saga. Hope you enjoy. It's dark at first and gets interesting. It has mm relations, if you're not at least 18 don't read. It has no information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to Nifty.org keep the amazing site alive.

Feeding My Hunger-2

Days have passed. Jennifer beat the crap out of Chip. Needy just couldn't bring herself to stop her. Then they turned their sights on Colin and his crew. They acted like nothing happened. Colin walked around even more depressed. The lie going around school was that Alex had acquired the flu. Yeah that's nice, someone is killed and they know nothing about it. The only thing they know is what they are told.

Bursting from the lake, a demonic scream erupted from my throat scaring all wild life around me. Taking in the world around me I noticed my eye sight was clear...I could see from a great distance away. It was nighttime and I could see in the dark. My nerves felt lite up like a live wire. I was running on thoughts and instincts. I wanted to be out of the water and my body registered with sky rocketing in the air. I was levitating above the lake by 20 feet. I leaned forward and realized I could fly. My mind was really what was in control...if I even for a second released control of my own thoughts who knows what I would be doing.

With a slight thought I felt a force leave my mind. Resulting in what seemed to be an invisible energy rippling the air and waves. As if someone did a hug cannon ball into the water. Telekinesis, flight, who knows what powers I have.

Flashes went by in my head. How did I get here....I remember I was raped and stabbed, then thrown into the lake. That is all...I don't remember anything else. Blurred images flashes in my head, a man above me. Screaming, and pain. That is all that came from the memories.

Landing on the ground. I needed to leave. Where would I go? Somewhere new? I walked down a street. Finding a red house that looked familiar to me. The upstairs house lights on. I levitated to the window, opened it and slunk in. My long bright red hair covered my face. "Aaaaah! Rape!" I heard a female voice say before a bat hit me over the head snapping in two. I on the other hand felt nothing at all. "I can't see how exactly it's rape." Another female voice said. I turned around revealing my face. "Seriously!" I said with a smirk.

"Alex!" A girl with blue eyes and black hair ran up to me hugging me. Followed by a Blondel gal with glasses. "We thought you were dead....you smell like it too." "You been gone for a week now. We were told what happened. Colin raping you was so shocking. I'm sorry that happened to you." "Ditto...." "Can you two stop talking. I'm kinds hungry." "Oh... okay. Come on." They brought me to a kitchen. Memories flashed and I knew their names. Needy handed me some carrots, I just dropped them. Looking in the fridge, there was chicken.

"Ummm... your mom said not to eat that until...." she started trying to take it from me, as I was eating it off the floor. raaaaaaaaaawr! The girls freaked out backing up. Something was coming up....with a grunt I threw up a sickly dark matter residue. "Gross, dude." Jennifer commented walking out. Needy followed in shock.

"Sorry about that you guys." I said grabbing the mop and started sweeping. "Yeah. What was that?" Jennifer asked from the other room. "I have no idea. All I know is I'm hungry. I need to eat." I spoke trying to eat again. Running to the toilet, I threw up again. "I think somethings wrong with the chicken." I said expelling more dark matter. "No. I think somethings wrong with you." Needy said worried. "What happened?" She asked grabbing my hand and leading me to a couch. "I don't remember." I thought but images flashed, I remembered my mom. "Why are you guys in my house?" Truly curious why they were at my house. "Umm... we spend time with your mom since she thought you skipped town. You know to calm her down." I only nodded.

"You're back." My mom's voice was heard before. I felt a smack on the face, "You had me worried sick. Rumor has it that you skipped town for some kids hopped up on the weed. We waited so we would be able to move. We will be leaving tomorrow. Now I'm going to pray and go to bed. Good night." She kissed each of us the foreheads and walked upstairs.

We went to my room. Playing music, "The Show Goes On" Lupe Fiasco. We were dancing when a buzzing sound was heard. "It's Chip." I grabbed Needy's phone and put it in my pillow. "Alex! He and Colin have called constantly trying..." "They can try....I don't want them to know I am alive." "What happened that day?" Jennifer asked sitting on her knees. "I was raped....rather roughly by Colin." I began giggling, "It was so painful. He used me like his personal toy." I laughed harder. Needy grabbed my hand realizing something, I was cold and didn't have a pulse. "He killed you." Needy said Jennifer gasped, "They...his clique did it. Stabbed me and threw my ass in the lake."

*Twin gasp * "You just cursed." "I apparently do a lot more than that. an evil snicker mixes with normal snickers "It's time for you to leave. Good night." Despite their protests. "I love you two." I kissed their foreheads. "I'll miss you guys." I offered, hugging them. "Same here."

La Push, Forks, Washington

Kevin Rudolf- Let It Rock played in my ears, I was thinking of what I discovered. I fed on three things....blood and flesh, and sex. I could survive on sex, but finding someone who could go all night is hard when they can be killed by to much sex. Trust me.

As I was....thinking of the weeks so far. It took us a few tries to get to Washington. Dad was sure he knew his way and we got lost. Hahaha I know such a man!

Rihanna and TI- Live your life played smiling, we drove through the streets of La Push. The residents looked at our car skeptically. Nice we're going to get judged...for my Dad's 1970 Dodge Challenger. He rebuilt it himself....so he likes to say. I put that bitch together with my own two hands.

I know nothing about cars, just that I can fix the doohickies. We pulled into the driveway. I couldn't say I didn't like it. It was just like Devil's Kettle except it was raining....all the time.

I was picking up boxes pretending I was still a pathetic human....I have a slender nimble form. My ass is thick and my skin is pale...unless I fed then I have a nice light glow. My straight mid back length dark red hair tied back out of my face, revealing my pink lips and green and red eyes...I looked hot, but I'm an incubus. I'm suppose to look hot, it attracts prey. Point being I can't just start lifting the car with a finger and not expect someone to freak. If I was a huge beef cake then it would make more sense. Sooo one box at a time.

I had three boxes inside, five more to go. The smell of wet dog....I looked around, we were close to the beach. Can't wait to swim.

40 minutes

I was finished in stupid human speed. Everything in place. Time to hit the beach.

On my approach of the black sanded beach I noticed the wet dog smell...it was coming from a trio of hot beefy boys. My incubus side wanted to transform and ride each one of them into submission. My human side thankfully was in charge. Walking into sight, I could feel eyes on me. I placed my towel down before I went swimming. The cool waves strong enough to push a human farther into the deep, yet my strength was vastly overpowering the force. I swam for a good half hour before coming out in a speedo. I felt so good, I had to hastily wrap the towel around me because. I would be spotted if the steam shows on me. I turned to run with a kid in my face. "Hi! I'm Seth." I only looked at him funny, until I answered with "Alex" as I walked off. Back home. Feeling like I was being followed.

"Sooo Alex how old are you?" He asked, "Too old for you." I quipped, a sudden red blush appeared on his russet skin, "That's.....not....ugh." I couldn't help but snicker, my enhanced hearing allowed me to hear them talking as I left. Laughing "That was a nice attempt at making a new friend." "Shut it Quil."

"Did you guys check out his smell? He smells sweet, like honey and brown sugar and strawberries. He has so much warmth to his body, except...I can't remember hearing a heart." Seth finished looking at the floor still blushing. "Are you sure? We need to look into it." Quil said, rising to his feet. "No we need to tell Sam and then get our orders from them." Embry finally putting his two cents in.

Next Day 4pm

There was a knock on the door, I don't know by who though. The smell of wet dog returning to my senses. "Hi. The La Push council would like to welcome you to...well La Push. " I heard a male voice say with my awesome hearing. By the smell of it and the taste in the air there was quite a few people outside, "Alex! Company!" Mom yelled from downstairs, dad being already at work. "Coming mom!" I yelled getting appropriate for guests. A nice white see through v neck. A pair of black skinnies, white converse and Kindom Hearts- Heartless Necklace <3. I walked down the stairs to my living room to see a huge group of people. All stairing at me, some whispering to eachother. I never looked anyone in the eye unless I knew them, so I focused on something like their teeth or nose or chin. "Hi everyone." I offered a smile, going to my mother's form. "Hey mom. Was wondering..." "I need you to go into town to get some groceries. They're staying over for dinner." I

merely nodded and left hearing a game on Tv sta

I was on my way into town, walking dad having the only car. It's okay. I was faster on my feet...thank you incubus. 10 minutes I was at a grocery store.

Milk,Cheese,chef boyardee (it so tastes different. I miss the old stuff.), Ramen. Now for the stuff for tonight. Sour cream, beans, cheese and macho chips.. .chicken and rice. Perfect. I even grabbed some ingredients for a chocolate fudge cake! Yummy...if I was even able to keep human food down. At the end of dinner I eject the stuff, before it happens on instinct. Yeah...my parents know nothing about what I am or what happened to me.

"Excuse me." I heard as someone bumped into me. I didn't get a good look at him just knew how tall he was. He looked ripped, reminding me of the guys at my house....my house! After paying for the groceries and making dinner as my mother was trying to save the souls of our guests.

"Only Jesus can save you...." I cut her off with "Dinners ready." I heard a rush of footsteps as the whole crowd satbat our large table. Gathered like family members. It brought a smile to my face. A knock on the door, "I'll get it. It's probably Jacob." A guy named Paul said getting up. "I'll get it. You eat." I told him, he needed no further encouragement.

I opened the door to a colossal beef cake....wait a minute. It's the guy from the store. "Hi" he said with a pearly white smile our eyes met...a weird feeling crossed me. He began to blush suddenly lose the confidence he had a minute ago. My own face heated when I saw the look in his eyes. Pure love, some lust, yet total devotion?

"J..J..Jacob. M..m..yname is Jacob." He finally got out. "Alex, pleasure to meet you." Shaking his hand a sap was felt, tingles and warmth. His flesh felt almost as hot as mine. "Wow! You're hot." He blushed realizing what he said, "Why thank you. You're not so bad yourself." We were left blushing, "Alex! Your dinner is getting cold." "Oh right. Dinner time come." I grabbed his hand and guided him to the table. He sat next to me and we all ate, the guys giving us knowing glances ... what's going on. I looked at Jacob's eyes and melted. My heart felt like it was about to start beating again.

After Dinner

"Please...have some cake. I made it myself. There's more than enough for everyone and for seconds." I said serving everyone. With groans of pleasure, everyone ate the cake. I noticed something. Leah and Seth were related, Jacob was the biggest of them all. Sam seemed to be the leader, his girlfriend Emily had a curious scar..I didn't stare...no one likes it when people stare. Paul was short tempered, Seth was like a little brother to everyone around him. Jared was like a therapist to everyone. Embryo was so shy, while Quil was the comedian. Leah...well she was the Queen Bitch of the group. They all had someone...except Jacob. Also....that I wanted him...Sooo bad.

(That's it. Hope you like it. If you guys review and email me, I will take even more time next time to make it better. Reach me at Jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 3

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