
By Kyle Weaver

Published on May 5, 2011


I couldn't believe it was prom already.

Her dress was a red satin. It was a tight dress, thinning out at the waist, hanging low. It was pure--no ruffles, no sleeves, no layers. A thin triangle was cut next to her leg, purportedly for fashion reasons, but realistically, a neat trick so that its human captive could walk. Beneath it flashed her clear, faux gem-covered slippers that she had convinced her father to buy at a Cinderella convention when she was 5, despite the fact that they were six sizes too small. At the time.

Didn't she say her dress would be pink?

It was probably just a trick to get me to wear an ugly, matching vest.

It had worked, sadly.

Sasha and I had spent a few hours making ourselves look fancy (which was a lot easier for her--she is a natural princess). I curled her hair till it was a long, wavy bob; I helped her wield a touch of light pink eye shadow, a powdered press of blush, and a cascade of ruby glitter.

Thankfully, she could handle the lip gloss herself.

She was decidedly less helpful.

"Jeremy, let me do your hair spikes. Give me the gel."

"I think I've got it, Sasha."

"Why do guys always make so many spikes? It looks so messy. It would look cleaner if it was one, huge hair horn, meeting in the middle of your head, like--like--"

"A big penis?" I finished helpfully.

"Yeah. I got this. See?" she said, molding my hair together so that it stood tall together in a big spike, except for a clump of bang-like hair that had materialized out of nothing and fallen forward toward my face. Unfortunately, it didn't fall far enough to cover my reddening cheeks and downcast eyes.

"Look good?" she asked.

"It looks like Pride Rock," I mumbled.

"What's that?" Sasha asked.

"It's a weird cave mountain thing in the Lion King."

"Oh. So I guess you are going to be a king tonight."

"Swell," I muttered. I played god and gave Pride Rock an earthquake.

By the time we got to prom I looked halfway decent. I had eventually won the hair war. In natural matters, chaos usually triumphs over order, and such was the case with the jutting jungle that tangled over my head.

I was nervous as we walked in. It felt like everyone was staring at me. Sasha held my hand tight.

"I can't believe you made me get this stupid vest," I whispered to Sasha. "I look like a freak."

Sasha giggled into my ear. "That has nothing to do with your vest--and everything to do with your crazy hair. You should have gone with the penis spike."

Slowly, we made our way onto the dance floor. What were all of the other people doing staring at us? Didn't they have memories to make, or something?

"I need to find a place to stash my purse. And slippers."

"Aren't you supposed to leave one of those behind?" I said icily.

She looked confused, then broke into a grin. "Not till midnight." She cleared her throat. "You seem very Disney tonight," she said, poking my stomach.

"Just thinking about happy endings," I said softly.

The second Sasha disappeared, I was approached by my favorite couple in the world.

"Bonjeur, Jeremy!" Emily said, resting an arm on my shoulder. Steven stood stiffly by her side, his arm interlocked with hers. "Hey--Steven wanted to thank you for helping him with his algebra homework. I think it's great that you are trying to be a good person now. Just be careful with that vest of yours--it looks sort of like an abomination. Oh, and you might want to fix your hair." She winked kindly.

"Duly noted," I said softly.

"Oh and Animal says there are no hard feelings about you being a perverted whore."

"I am assuming that's verbatim?" I said, my hands shaking.

"What's verbatim? Is that word French?" She lowered her voice. "I think you are overdoing the prom theme, Jerm-Jerm."

"Why do you hate me?" I whispered.

"I don't hate, you, Jeremy. No matter what sins you do, no matter how flippant you become, I will find some way to turn the other cheek."

That must be easy, considering how two-faced you are.

"That's very gracious of you," I said, bowing my head slightly. "Now if you'll excuse me--I need to go fix my hair."

Emily nodded knowingly, then turned away, dragging a tight-lipped Steven with her.

I didn't feel like standing there anymore.

I started to walk. The parquet dance floor was raised few feet off the ground, surrounded by a ring of entertainment sundries. There was a giant, inflatable Eiffel tower that people were bouncing around in, shrieking. There was a trickling chocolate fountain, circled by skewered strawberries and cakes. There was a shaggy boy standing in a small circle, throwing silver balls at a big wooden one.

I walked over to him and flashed a half-smile.

"That looks fun," I said softly.

"Riveting," he said. "Hey you are in my home room, right? You are going with Sasha?"

"Yeah," I grunted.

"Lucky bastard," he said, throwing a metal ball. It bounced off the back wall and got caught behind the inflatable tower. "I'm Kyle, by the way."

"Jeremy," I said, shaking his hairy arm. "Was that what you were trying to do?" I asked, my eyes wandering to the balls rolling aimlessly around the floor.

"Shut up," he said, punching my arm. "Here, if you are so amazing." He handed me the next metal ball.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"You throw the metal ball at the wooden ball."

I smirked. "Do you know what a point guard does?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Does it keep you from stabbing yourself with your pencils?"

"Close," I said. I hurled the metal ball at the wooden ball, and they collided with a loud crack.

"Shit dude," he said. We both started laughing, and for a moment I smiled.

Then, I saw him.


I felt the color drain from my face.

He looked amazing. His tuxedo fit cleanly around his body, his glittering navy vest and sky blue tie really brought out his eyes--which sparkled at me through the shadows. His blond hair had a bounce tonight.

I swallowed and approached him.

"Hi," I said faintly.

"Hey," he said. We both spent the next ten seconds staring intently at our shoes. He sighed. "Who was that?" he asked, his voice uneven. He gestured at the shaggy boy throwing a ball. It bounced off the Fondue fountain and rolled toward the dance floor, stopping with a clang.

"Oh, that's Kyle. Just some boy in my homeroom that has a thing for Sasha," I said.

Animal raised his eyebrows. "Unless it is just a ruse to get closer to you," he mused.

"Who would ever do that?" I said, smiling in spite of myself.

"I guess I sort of did," Animal admitted. "And Steven too." His face fell.

"I'm really sorry for what I did," I said. "I'm an idiot."

"Pretty much," Animal said. "Who would cheat on this?" he whispered, running a hand down his tight chest.

I groaned and leaned in toward his ear. "Give me a second chance and I promise I will be your personal cocksucker until the day I die."

His eyes twinkled as his strong arms clutched my shoulders.

"What is this?" a voice said. We turned.

It was Emily. How did I not notice that yellow ruffled dress before? My lips curled.

"I'm not sure, Emily," Animal said, smiling.

"Charley," Emily said in fake whisper. "Don't be seduced into a life of sin! If even half the things about him are true...What if he really does have a voodoo shrine where he slaughters goats so he can run animal genitalia through his fingers? Or if he really worships sodomy by shoving a cross up his butt? Do you really want to play with that? With your soul?"

"Actually, Emily," Animal said, "I was thinking about giving him a second chance."

"He's manipulating you! You are straight!" She growled. She pulled him toward her, her nails digging in for a soft, wet peck on the mouth.

I felt the bile rise from my stomach and into the back of my throat.

Animal pulled away slowly.

He shook his head. "Emily, I-"

Emily groaned, quiet and deep. "This is absurd. The gays are all the same! Did I tell you about my cousin?"

"The one that cheated on his wife, destroyed his family, embarrassed his relatives, then got AIDS and died penniless and alone? Yeah, I think you mentioned it," Animal said softly.

"They're all exactly the same." She turned to me. "How many people have you had sex with in the last month? How many?" She paused. "See? He won't even answer. Probably lost count."

"This is ridiculous," Animal said. "Jeremy hasn't done anything I don't know about. Right Jeremy?"

I just stood there. Animal's eyes flashed. "Right?"

"Well--I--there was this one guy who sucked me off," I said quietly.

"What?" Animal said. "I thought you wanted back with me?"

"You're one to talk!" I said. "Have you been celibate the last few weeks?"

"See?" Emily said. "A whore is a whore is a whore."

"Emily, go away!" Animal said, voice rising enough that we now had a few onlookers. She pursed her lips, then scampered off.

Animal dragged me off to the bathroom, which he locked. "What the hell, Jeremy?" he asked.

I just shook my head. "I saw you and Steven together. In the gym at school." I said.

Animal's face fell. "I really lost it that day, didn't I?" he said. "I'm sorry too."

"Sorry that you did it? Or sorry that I found out? Or, maybe, just maybe, you regret that your primary outlet for rage is fucking?"

"All of that," Animal whimpered.

"I'm not proud of what I've done," I said. "But isn't it funny that the only person that tended to me romantically--is someone I don't even like? I love you, Charles--but the only emotion you express during sex is anger. All I ever wanted was to make you feel good. But if you act so insatiable all the time--I just don't know how that's possible."

"Insatiable? What the hell is that?" Animal asked.

"I'm sorry, Animal. I get a little wordy when I am flustered. I just mean to say--you seem unsatisfied all the time. I really want to make you happy Animal--but I don't know if I can."

"You want to know how to satisfy me?" Animal said. "Stop screwing around with other people."

"Same to you," I said, turning to leave.

"Is that it?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I whimpered.

"I was kind of hoping you might get down on your knees and beg," he said. His eyes glittered as he flexed.

I smirked, ignoring the jolt in my pants. "Maybe you should, for a change." I unclicked the lock and left.

The second I made it back to the dance floor I was accosted. "There you are!" Sasha yelled, punching my arm. "Where the hell have you been?"

"It's a long story," I said, rubbing my arm where she hit me.

"Well, thanks to you, I've been spending the last fifteen minutes trying to avoid dancing with Kenny. I even played this stupid ball-throwing game with that Kyle kid from homeroom, and then he asked me to dance too--I can only have to go to the bathroom so many times you know!"

I laughed. "May I have this dance, then?"

"It would be my pleasure," She said, curtseying.

We took the floor.

Did I mention I am a terrible dancer? I must be the only gay person in the world that sucks at dancing. The fast songs were awkward, because I think I was supposed to dry-hump Sasha, and for some reason I wasn't in the mood. The slow songs were slightly better.

"Is this Elvis?" I asked.

"I think so," Sasha replied. She made her voice all deep. "Take--my--hand!"

"Take my whole--life--too," I whispered.

She continued her deep vibrato. "For I can't help--falling in love with you."

We laughed, stopping finally to get drinks. "I should put on my slippers," Sasha said. Sasha and I sat down at the little table where she stashed her purse. I downed a Sprite while Sasha tried to get her slippers back on.

"Mind if I sit down?" someone asked.

I looked up. "Go ahead, Steven," I said softly.

He just looked at me awkwardly for a while. "Look man--I hope we are still cool. I really appreciated your algebra help. I was hoping you could help me out again this weekend, if you know what I mean."

"Steven--you are going to have to find a different tutor. If you know what I mean."

He frowned, but he didn't get a chance to say another word.

"There you are Steven!" Emily said. "It's like you've been avoiding me," she said, rubbing his hair and sitting down between us. "Hey Jerm-Jerm. Nice dancing."

"Thanks," I said faintly.

"Hey Sasha," Emily said, "John Mason seemed sad because even though he is prom royalty, his date is some nobody. But I told him, John, it's no big deal! Sasha's in the same boat and it doesn't seem to bother her at all. You are such an inspiration, Sasha."

"I know," Sasha said. "I'm queen of the loser demographic, am I not?"

"I guess you are," Emily said. "And I don't care what Caroline says, you don't look anything like a Canadian prostitute."

"French Canadian prostitute," Sasha corrected. "That's the theme of the prom, is it not? Anyway, as you probably guessed, it's the real reason I'm graduating early." Sasha fondled her purse. "I am ready to hit the streets. Lesbians make the best prostitutes, of course. So hard-headed, we are. That reminds me--the rumors about you giving the Jesus statue a blowjob at Saint Antonius Church--I wanted to know, do you think that kind of practice might be useful?"

Emily stuttered. "I can assure you, I've done nothing of the kind. Who have you been talking to?"

I was surprised by how long Sasha talked to Emily. Couldn't she tell I just wanted Emily to go away?

I zoned out until the music crackled to a halt. At last, Kenny's voice boomed over the loudspeaker. "Could I have your attention, please?" Heads craned toward Kenny; Sasha reached into her purse and pulled out something that glimmered.

She dropped it into the front of Emily's dress, where it swayed and winked in the shadows.

Was that what I thought it was?

Kenny continued. "Could prom court please step up to the stage."

The rest of my table stood up; Animal, John, and Meredith abandoned a small girl at their table. The royalty filed onto the stage, and I could hear an oddly familiar snapping noise.

People were muttering and pointing at Emily, but Kenny continued on.

"And the winner for prom king is..." He opened the envelope.


I stood up and cheered; half the room broke into a faint roar. Eventually, it died down, and Kenny cleared his throat. "And the winner for prom queen is..."

Kenny paused, the murmurs and pointing had grown so loud. And then I saw it.

Emily's dress had been sliced down the middle.

By a pair of scissors cutting on their own.

The dress fell to the floor, ruined. Shit. Where was her bra?

Emily looked down. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Emily muttered.

"Hey Jeremy," Sasha called. "Can you hand me my purse?"

I grabbed it, hurdled onto the stage, and handed it over.

"Someone help me!" Emily screeched, covering her nipples. There was a rumble of laughter.

"It's okay, I'll cover it right up," Sasha said.

"What is this?" Emily muttered, running her hand over the tube of fabric Sasha had tightened around her left nipple. "Is this a sock?"

"Sometimes," Sasha said, clamping something else down.

"OW!" Emily screeched. "What the hell is that?"

"Pencil sharpener," Sasha said.

"I can't believe this," Emily muttered. "Just give me my crown," she yelled, stumbling toward Kenny.

Kenny held the envelope out of reach. "Wait, I get to read it."

"Give it to me!" she shrieked, grabbing at the envelope. They wrestled for a moment. Then the envelope tore in half. The piece of paper inside ripped in half, fluttering from the stage to the dance floor. Emily screamed, grabbing for the tiara itself, but Animal was pulling her back.

"Emily, I think you should wash up, now."

"No!" she shrieked. "That faggot is behind this, I just know it." I looked down.

Emily whimpered before barreling down the steps.

She tripped, her face hitting the floor with a loud slap. It tinged her face red as she rose, quivering, as she gazed at what tripped her. It was a shoe. Inside a hat.

But not just any shoe. A single, glimmering slipper.

"YOU!" Emily screamed. "You did this!"

"Now why would I help Jeremy?"

"Because you're in love with him!" Emily cried, her voice cracking.

"Yeah, yeah. Like you have no idea what it's like to fall in love with a gay guy."

"SHUT UP!" Emily screeched. She hurled the slipper at Sasha, who ducked. It hit Kenny squarely in the face, and he fell to the ground, dizzy. Emily lumbered up the stairs. She cackled as she found the walking scissors, clutching them. "YOU FUCKING DYKE!"

"Nice pink undies," Steven muttered. I smirked.

Sasha hopped off the stage, and Emily pounced after her, holding the scissors in her fist maniacally. "Not that I believed the rumors about you getting a boob job," Sasha said between breathes, ducking behind the chocolate fountain, "but it is an unfortunate coincidence that you couldn't feel those scissors even as they walked across your bare breasts."

Emily's shrieks were incoherent now as they danced around the fountain, the nearest spectators stumbling back in horror.

Emily held the scissors high above her head; Sasha tossed the whole fountain into the air.

Emily groaned as her body was painted with scalding chocolate, dripping off her face like she was some sort of badly crafted mud demon. She dropped the scissors with a clang and ran off shrieking.

There was a moment of silence.

"Uh," Kenny said, looking at Meredith, "I think you are the only candidate that is still eligible." He cautiously handed her the crown.

She stepped up to the microphone. "I hope it's clear that we don't really need royalty," Meredith said. "What we need is liberty, equality, and fraternity." She let the tiara fall to the floor with a zing. "Now, let us eat cake!"

The dance hall broke into scattered applause.

Sasha walked slowly back onto the stage, and I pulled her in tight.

"I love you, Sasha, y'know that?" She held me soft. I put my hand on her hair. "You are the coolest person in the whole world."

A hand tapped my shoulder. I turned, admiring his shimmering crown, form-fitting suit, swirling blue tie, glittering vest, and eyes as deep as the ocean.


He had Meredith's tiara in his hand.

He smiled, turning it over. "So--want to be my queen?"

I shrugged. Then, I put the tiara on my head.

"No," Steven groaned. "Do you know what Emily will do when she finds out you are with Jeremy? The whole school can fucking see," he growled.

"I don't care," Animal said. "In fact..."

Animal pulled me close. I could feel my mouth, my pupils, my eyes--open wide as he loomed, trying to take in as much of him as possible. His bouncing blond hair, his chiseled jaw, his precious eyes, his full, wet lips...

They closed around mine and my eyes fluttered shut. His soft lips slid warm against mine, and I tried not to moan. I felt tingles rushing to my extremities, my fingers and toes electric, my lips and ass jolting wet, the blood flowing to my face, my heart--my dick.


My heartbeat hurt my chest.

His tongue pushed slowly between my lips. It was so powerful and tender. I wrapped my tongue around his, blanketing it as he probed. He pushed slowly in and out of my mouth; my whole body softened; I held Animal tight.

He pulled away, his pearly teeth shimmering as he flashed a grin, ear to ear.

My face was red, my heart racing, my quick breathing and open mouth betraying me.

Slowly we turned to the dumbfounded witnesses.

Sasha burst into applause, cheering; Meredith joined her; soon half the school was cheering for us.

I heard Sasha and Meredith yelling casually over the din.

"Thank god, I'm sick of keeping Jeremy's secrets," Sasha said.

"I know what you mean," Meredith said. "I'm so glad I don't have to be Animal's beard anymore. I know I am supposed to act French, but I'm just not cut out to be a hairy thing."

They smiled. And so did we.

Next: Chapter 8

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