Fathers Duties Never End

By Nathan Booth

Published on Feb 25, 2022


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This a very delayed second part to a story of punishment which involves sex between father and son. If such things offend you, are illegal to read in your territory, or you just don't like then please click away now, if not then please carry on and enjoy.

I do like to get feedback and will reply when I can.

Father's duties never end Part 2

Both men did not speak to one another Hayden went back to his apartment, housemates sheepishly hiding the marks on his backside, and Rex went about his day. Both had repeated fantasies about the sex; Rex would wake up from an intense dream where he had Hayden on his back or knees taking his cock and begging for more. It was never the young juvenile Hayden always the adult. Hayden would get his favourite toy, sniff hard on poppers and fuck his hole shouting in his head for dad to fuck him, begging Rex to beat and fuck his ass. Once he had cummed, he would bring the dildo to his mouth and suck on it.

Hayden wanted it again and had to think about how to do it. He had to piss Rex off, his dad had always had a short fuse, but the fucking had been intense and fuelled Hayden wanking for weeks. Having settled on an idea, he set about instigating it. It began with a text.

Hayden: Can I come over?

Rex: Sure

Hayden: When?

Rex: Friday?

Hayden: Busy. Saturday?

Rex: When?

Hayden: Mid-afternoon

Rex: Sure. What's this about?

Hayden: I need some help

Rex: is that all I get.

Hayden: Better in person see you Sat

Rex had been nervous about the meeting. What help did Hayden need? Hayden had been nervous as his plan could go wrong. Shaking a little, Hayden knocked on the door, and Rex opened it and looked at his son. The black eye had nearly gone. Only a few red marks remained. Hayden followed his dad into the house and spoke about inconsequential things. Rex appraised his son, now an adult was in great shape. He had always tended to be skinny, but in the army, this had been refined. He was not massively built. That is not what the army wanted; he was lean but muscular, a solid mass.

Fighting to control the shaking feeling, Hayden continued to speak about life and the issue with the up and coming trial for the fight.

"Is this the important thing you wanted to ask me about?" Rex asked, his cock thickening at the thought that hopefully, it was something else and not wanted to wait.

"AH no," Hayden said, and Rex's cock flinched hopefully. "You see, I have a fine, and I can't pay?"

"What?" Rex asked, confused and a little disappointed.

"Yeah, I got a fine a few months ago, and I forgot to pay..."

That was as far as Hayden got when Rex's tone changed, clearly trying to control his anger.

"How long ago was this fine?"

Hayden gulped "six months ago."

"How much is it?" he asked.

"Then or now?" Hayden spoke, hoping this would do it. His father had always beaten into

him fiscal responsibility along with a host of other ideals the old man held.

"NOW!" Rex growled.

Hayden Paused. "Well....a grand."

"WHAT!?" here it came, and Hayden got nervous and excited. "You let a fine get up to a grand? You have a job pay it"

"Yeah, but..." that was it. Rex stood up.

"Yeah, but, is that some pussy ass excuse you are coming out with"

"The thing is"

"No, answer me!" Rex declared

"You see"

"Right, go to the reck room" Rex declared and pointed into the house. Hayden almost skipped down the corridor; his cock was filling with blood as he stripped off and left his clothes in a pile.

He heard his father come in a bit later, grumbling under his breath. Rex looked over Hayden as he lay across the pool table naked and his arse in the air.

"Good to see you have not forgotten from the other week" Rex declared. Hayden had to suppress his smile as he saw the ropes land on the table. "Neither have I" he fastened them to Hayden's wrist and tied him off. "We won't have any of those shenanigans again."

Hayden was rock hard as his father pulled the ropes tight, and he had to stand and arch his foot.

Rex stepped behind his son and looked admiring at the lads' butt; he ran a hand over it. The marks from the last time had gone, and the light fuzz began to stand up as Rex handled the butt. He undid his belt and pulled it out of the loops, the leather slapping against the denim. He saw Hayden shake a little, and stepping down, he looked between his legs and saw the engorged cock of his son pushed against the wood of the pool table. Rex smiled and folded the leather, and held the buckle end.

Whoosh, Thwack! Cam the belt as it hit Hayden's upturned butt; this was followed by a growl.

Whoosh, Thwack! Came the belt again, landing higher up.

Rex had decided to soften up Hayden by belting him all over before coming in with the thin cane. With each whack on his arse, Hayden gritted his teeth and lurched a little forward. His cock was losing its hardness as his butt took the smacking. However, he loved every moment of the pain, and he had learnt long ago that being spanked was a great prelude to sex for him. However, it was hard to find the right man to give it to him; he had never contemplated that he had known that man his entire life.

Whoosh, Thwack came another hit from the belt, and Hayden grunted as he jerked forward; the heat was rising in on his cheeks, and the hits were no longer comfortable. After several more whacks of the leather belt, Hayden's cheeks were pinking and almost glowed.

Rex placed a hand on Hayden's butt, and his son jerked as he did; the cool hand on the hot cheeks had the desired effect, and the cooling feeling relaxed Hayden as he arched his back and his body relaxed. Hayden had not realised how much tension he had been carrying until his father touched him. Then it all escaped, and his muscles relaxed, and his body rested back onto the pool table.

Now Hayden had relaxed Rex picked up the cane so thin it could be a switch; he made sure Hayden saw it, and stepping back, he saw blood filling the cock again and knew that blood would soon be diverted elsewhere. He swished the cane through the air, Hayden tensed, and Rex chuckled. "Relax son, or this will hurt more than you want" Hayden relaxed back down, and Rex knew he his son had wanted it.

When Hayden had texted, Rex had worried that he wanted to fuck again. Rex could not deny it was the hottest sex he could remember having. The organism had been otherworldly, but he did not want to fuck his son. Rex had fought in himself over the whole thing and settled to deny Hayden, but now his son was tied down before him, and to Rex, this was perfect. His cock was also rock hard in his pants.

Swoosh went the cane through the air, and it landed right in the middle of the two red orbs, which were Hayden's butt. He jerked forward and made a noise between a grunt and roar, teeth and mouth clenched. Rex raised the cane again and landed it almost perfectly. Eight more in the same place and Hayden was breaking the stoic noises were gone, and Hayden screamed his hands moved and jerked back against the restraints. As Rex took a step back and admired the red line on Hayden's butt, he heard his son sniffle. Well, the lad had wanted this or he would not have been hard. Rex pulled down his zipper and freed his cock, giving it a few tugs, letting it hang in the air as he moved back into place.

Hayden breathed deeply during the break; the pain in his butt was searing like he was being cut into. He sniffled and felt the tears rolling, unlike the last time his father had not made him shout out the wrongs he had committed, maybe his old man had forgotten, or it was both men accepting that things had changed between them and this was no longer about punishment. He heard his father moving and looked back as his dad got into position and saw the base of the hard cock free of the jeans. Hayden smiled, but that soon left him as the cane landed lower than the last hit, and Hayden gritted his teeth and yelled through them.

The cane fell quickly on Hayden's butt, the strikes were painful like a master craftsman Rex could land blows almost one on top of another. He had plenty of experience. Hayden had been a wild child, and unknown to Hayden, Rex had visited those places that encouraged men like him to spank and cane naughty girls and boys. Moving above the first line, Rex delivered ten more cane thrashes, and Hayden had broken, begging his dad to stop and crying. The sniffles made Rex harder, and if Hayden's mind was not on the pain he felt, he would also have been as hard as a rock.

Rex stopped and put the cane down; he rubbed his hand over Hayden's butt admiring his own work with one hand feeling the warmth; his other gently stroked his hard cock.

"You think you had enough?" Rex asked.

"If you think I have."

"I am not sure how many strokes a grand in debt deserves," Rex said.

"I am sorry, dad, I lied," Hayden said. The blood rose in Rex he let go of his cock.

"WHAT!" he said, landing a large hand on Hayden's butt.

"ARGH" Hayden yelled as Rex dug his finger in.

"How Much?" Rex said through clenched teeth, his mind racing to think how he could have raised such a stupid child.

"It never..." Hayden's voice quivered, "...never...existed the fine, I made it up."

Rex let out a breath relieved that he did not need to find a grand from somewhere he had savings but not that much. But once that had sunk in, the reality of the situation before him was apparent.

The silence was defining. Hayden still breathed heavily, but his father did not speak, one hand still on his butt, fingers dug into the flesh turning his head, he looked at his father's back. He was not stroking his cock, just resting against the pool table. Then he spoke.

"What is the punishment for lying?"

"Ten strokes"

"given the severity of the lie, we will double it" his father's voice was cold, not portraying the excitement he felt. Hayden gulped.

"I don't think I can handle that."

"Should have thought about that before you lieing" his father said and moved off the pool table and out the room.

He came back t-shirt and pants off, his hard cock bouncing out of his boxer fly as he walked. Hayden smiled as he looked at the furry stocky frame of his father and the blood filled cock. However, his smile dimmed when he saw the thinness of the switch which his father held his heart sank. Maybe he had pushed too far.

"Please, Dad, I am sorry... Look, it is"

"SHUT UP!" his father hollered; Rex moved before Hayden to check the bonds. These did not need to be tested, but Rex was making a point and showing Hayden what he wanted. His boy was almost drooling with anticipation of the cock swinging before him out of reach.

Moving behind Hayden he looked at the deepening red butt with three lines on it like an electric heater. Rex did not want to push his son too far he still loved the kid even though he had long stopped being a kid. Moving to the other side, Rex gripped the switch with his left and weaker arm. Hayden did not just want a whopping Rex knew that; he wanted to be fuck. The energy in the air was pregnant with the unspoken truth. Rex using his weaker arm, his aim was erratic, and he landed in different places and sometimes on top of past strikes from the cane and sometimes cutting across. He went quickly for five, then paused. Hayden's leg was shaking as Rex started on the next five. The room was filled with the noise of Hayden screaming and begging. With his right hand, Rex stroked his cock; he had added a bit of lube to it, making the stroking easier. He was committed, and Hayden would have to be too. Both men had a part to play; Rex saw this, and Hayden had made the decision when he concocted the story.

As the final stroke of the twenty landed, Hayden was draped across the pool table. The rope holding his arms were taught as he could barely support his own body weight. Rex looked at the sweat which had pooled in the dip of the spine and thought for a moment, not of his son but the felt of his pool table. Then all fatherly love came flooding into him, and he moved before the pool table and untied Hayden, who slumped back. A mixture of feelings filled Rex as he moved back round. If he had not wanted it this hard, then why orchestrate it? Why tell him about the lie.

"Stand up", Rex barked as he supressed the fatherly feelings, like a good soldier, Hayden mustered his strength and stood. "Don't pretend you did not want this" Rex said, moving behind Hayden and standing there, his erection sliding along the valley formed by the two red mounds of flesh. The sweat formed a channel that his lubed cock could slide. Hayden made a noise, and Rex pulled his son back, his gut falling into the arch of Hayden's back as the younger man was forcibly pulled up and his ear bent to Rex's lips.

"What's that, son?" he asked

"Fuck me" was all Hayden said.

Rex did not need a second invite, and he moved back, pushing Hayden's hips forward; his son winced as the thumb dug in. Rex angled his cock into the butt crack and slid over Hayden's hole. Hayden cooed as the head glided over his hole. The hole itself twitched at the expected invasion cursing in his mind, Rex moved his cock back and found the hole, but the sweat and lube slid his cock past the hole again. Hayden reached back, grabbed his dad's cock and angled it to his hole, Rex thumped in. The aggressive shove caught Hayden off guard; he pitched forward, squealed and tried to push back with his hand. Rex grabbed it and threw it to one side. He was fully in his son, belly resting on his son's butt. Hayden Hissed through his teeth, knowing that protesting would not do him any good. Unlike the last fuck, which had been a slow glide to full fucking Rex powered in and out. Hayden flopped forward onto the pool table and held onto the rests. Unlike the caning, which was actual pain, Hayden had been fucked by enough men like this to know to grit and bear the onslaught. His father was no different. He fucked like a straight man back and forth, not caring for the other's enjoyment. Hayden held on as both hands held his hips in place, and he was fucked into and then, almost as quickly as it started, there was a guttural roar from behind, and Rex held his position deep inside his son. Hayden knew he was being filled with cum and held his breath; unable to get to his own cock he could not toss himself off or climax, but his cock was rock hard and needed attention.

Next: Chapter 3

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