Fathers Duties Never End

By Nathan Booth

Published on Jun 3, 2017


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This is a story of punishment which involves sex between father and son. If such things offend you, are illegal to read in your territory, or you just don't like then please click away now, if not then please carry on and enjoy.

I do like to get feedback and will reply when I can.

Father's duties are never over.

Rex thanked officer Martin and shook the man's hand as the he left the house closing the door Rex turned back to look at Hayden. His son looked sheepish he knew he was fucked, although one eye was bruised and his tank top was stained with blood he knew that his father was going to do a lot worse than the hick who had tried to start something.

"Is it true?" Rex spoke in his deep voice as Hayden looked to the ground.

"Yes Sir" Hayden said in a quiet tone not lifting his eyes.

"Why?" Rex asked but before his son could answer "No... No I don't want your excuses. How many times do we have to go through this." He spoke sounding exhausted "Time and again we go through the same patterns I thought we had turned a new leaf after deployment after all the army had fucking taught you, you go and do this." Rex paused "You know what can happen?"

"Yes Sir"

"And still you fucking did it?"

"Yes Sir" came the reply.

"Look at me when I am talking to you!" shouted Rex his voice showing his annoyance. Hayden snapped his head up like he was on parade.

"Sorry sir"

"Oh you ain't sorry yet" Rex declared, "Looks like we have to go back to discipline, if you acting a kid. Go to the den!" Rex commanded and with only the slightest of hesitation Hayden moved off into the body of the house.

Rex walked into the den set a few steps lower in the house it was dominated by a large pool table and comfortable seating about. Hayden lay bent over the table his vest and shorts off. His boxers were tight to his legs the thick calf muscles developed in the army. Rex looked at his son bent over the table only the other night he and a friend were shooting pool drinking beer a few bottle still lay about floor. Rex moved behind Hayden and slapped his arse almost playfully.

"Belt or Cane?" Rex asked Hayden was unsure he had never been asked this before.

"Sorry sir?"

A loud crack came down across his cheeks and Hayden jumped it had been eight years since he had been spanked.

"I said Belt or cane, which punishment do you think you deserve?" Rex spoke loudly commanding from behind Hayden "Clearly you think boxers are ok to wear during punishment so you decide Son Belt or Cane?"

"Fuck!" Hayden swore as the memories flooded back, punishment was taken in the nude, nothing to hide his shame the few early times he had tried to wear boxers to soften the blow it had come twice as hard.

Slap came the hand on his arse again.

"What?" barked Rex.

"Sorry Dad" Hayden replied.

"You will be. Now Belt or Cane"

"Cane sir" Came Hayden's reply. With that he heard his father leave he returned a moment later a switch in his hand.

The cane was long and thin, half a fingers thickness, Hayden had not seen this one before as his father rested it in front of him and left the room again this time returning with a finger thickness which Hayden had experienced.

Hayden gulped as he heard his father move into position the whoosh and the crack of the cane across his butt. Hayden jerked forward as the blow landed his cock pushed into the wood, He gritted his teeth and waited for the sound again the whoosh and then crack as the wood landed on cotton covered flesh. Hayden bit his jaws together the muscles tensing in his leg as the sound came again and the familiar crack was heard. The pain began as a low feeling in the flesh of his arse it was not searing but the noise of the cane hitting him registered more than the pain. When the tenth blow came then Hayden could feel the pain, the stinging came through the back of his mind pushing it to the fore until it was all he could concentrate on.

His father moved position behind him and the blows fell above where they had landed before. Rex was an expert at caning he had done it often enough to Hayden during his teenage years there was a month where Hayden had a blue arse the entire thirty days, his behaviour was so bad. Then military service came the USA needed soldiers and Hayden wanted to serve, all the pent up aggression the hate and hurt he felt over his mother's death was taken out in drills, firing guns and hunting Taliban in Afghanistan and Iraq. As the pain increased the stinging became a constant burning sensation, Rex moved below the first line and delivered again, the same power as the first blow, time and again whoosh, crack. Now the noises were met by a grunt, a muffled scream through gritted teeth as Hayden bounced forward into the pool table. The silence between father and son created more of a void and added to the sense of Hayden's wrong doing as he tried to endure the punishment. Thirty strikes in Rex stopped and moved towards Hayden he rubbed the arse the heat could be felt through the cotton as Hayden almost winced at his father's touch.

"Had enough?" Rex asked.

"It is not for me to decide" was the stoic response from Hayden.

"Good were learning. Ready to move on to you punishment now?" Hayden knew that this was all for wearing the boxers, his father had not begun.

"Yes sir"

"Call out your crimes" The formula had not changed and Hayden feeling the stinging pain in his cheeks had a rush of memories and began to recall what had brought him to this.

"One getting drunk, Two getting into a fight, three getting arrested, four swearing in the house" Hayden sounded off.

"Sure" Rex asked.

"Five, humiliating my father" Hayden added.

"Six having an officer bring you to the house, seven forgetting your crimes, eight not doing as told, nine messy bedroom" the last one made Hayden think he still had his own place how did his father know what his room was like however, he knew better than to ask question. Hayden felt his boxers being sharply pulled down and his father slapped his arse the muscular orbs wobbled a little as Rex leaned against the pool table and took a position. Rex lifted his right hand whilst his left grabbed Hayden's waist and pulled him slightly up his dad's leg turning the naked arse to one side allowing him to bring his strong right hand down on one cheek then the next, then back. The slaps came thick and fast falling one after the other bouncing from one cheek to the next and then moving back again. Hayden gritted against the pain as he felt the powerful blows land on his arse.

Following on from the pain of the canning this brought an all-round sensation to Hayden's butt the three red lines which crossed his arse were now joined by a general redness. Hayden was grunting through gritted teeth as the blows rained down with a speed and firmness he had not experienced in a long while. Hayden's boxers were caught between his stretched legs and as his father adjusted pulling his son up one leg went to wave out but caught on the elastic part pinged back. A hard crack came down on his arse pushing Hayden into his father's leg.

"Sort yourself out" he demanded and Hayden brought the leg down and flicked the boxers off with some difficulty.

As soon as he was back in position one leg stretched down the length of the pool table over his father lap the blows resumed and now Hayden broke his silence as such. His lips parted and the first true noise of pain left his lips. This only brought satisfaction to Rex as he continued to rain blows on the soft flesh of Hayden's arse.

Pushing Hayden off him Rex stood as Hayden remained bent over the table his red arse on full display. The last five minutes had seen blow after blow land on Hayden's butt, and Rex's hand felt the stiffness and the pain he expected after carrying out such a punishment on his son. He flexed his fingers as his son panted against the felt of the pool table. His arse was a beautiful shade of crimson, three distinct lines across a sea of red, and bum hair. Rex looked down at his pants which were stained with the perspiration of his son.

"Look what you done." Rex demanded and Hayden shakenly rose up and looked behind to see his father's pants with sweat marks on them.

"Sorry Father" Hayden said in a soft childish tone of voice.

"Get back down" Rex declared and Hayden complied.

Hayden heard the being undone and the fabric being pulled down the clink as the buckle hit the ground. Then he saw his father come round the other side of the pool table and pick up the thin switch. Hayden gulped as his eyes followed the top of his father's hairy muscular legs, the hint of an erect cock held beneath tight white fabric, of the man's own boxers. Standing behind him Rex swished the switch through the air the noise disturbing Hayden as he knew the next stage. Rex rested a hand on the bottom of Hayden's spine and pushed his son into the table, so there was no room to move. Rex took up the position back and to one side, looking down at the tanned hide his cock jerked inside his trunk boxers and he adjusted himself. Bringing the switch to rest on the up turned butt Rex swung back from the elbow and returned with a swift swoosh through the air and stuck Hayden. He yelped at the new pain it was sharper and the sting came through quickly, and all whilst his body processed this another blow came and Hayden yelped at this, before the third landed. Rex swung the switch and landed blows unlike the first canning where each blow fell on top of the other which had produced the three lines running across Hayden's arse these were thrown randomly about the target area, causing a stinging across the cheeks as Rex landed the switch precisely where he wanted. As the punishment continued, Hayden's body tensed his yelps became screams and all the manly stoicism he had presented before was gone.

"STOP, STOP, STOP!" Hayden screamed throwing his right hand back and catching the switch across his palm making him yelp louder.

Rex held back the switch as Hayden pleaded his voice rippling as he begged.

"Put your hand back where it belongs" was all Rex said his tone was deep, heavy and commanding.

Like the boy he was being reduced to Hayden nervously complied with his father and brought his right hand back up and gripped the far cushion of the pool table. Rex paused allowing Hayden to regather his breath. Looking at the Hayden's back he could see the sweat pooling in the deep curve of his spine. Hayden's shoulders rose and fell as he breathed deep through his nose the noise filled the room, resting the switch on the butt it jumping as the wood lay there, Rex began to flick his wrist and the light constant tapping began on Hayden's arse.

The pain was different from the previous where it had been thrashes and deep powerful blows onto an already red arse now Hayden could feel a dull constant pain which none the less was still uncomfortable and as the numbers increased with the switch moving down the arse so the pain intensified. The pain was now all over Hayden's butt it was a burning sensation his stomach felt as though he was going to throw up his head was burning a heat the same as his arse as he tried so hard to hold it together but again he had to intervene. Both hands shot back palms open to protect his butt.

"Please" he whined as the tapping stopped.

"GET THEM OUT THE WAY" Rex bellowed and Hayden raised his hands a little then moved back.

"PLEASE!" he begged.

"GET THEM OUT OR I WILL TIE YA!" Rex commanded and Hayden had no choice to comply.

The switch moved out and back with a new force jerking Hayden into the pool table he screamed out as this happened his back arching up.

"GET DOWN" shouted his father from behind him.

Another blow followed the commanded and Hayden grabbed the other side of the Pool table and screamed as the blows came. Rex aimed low clipping the balls and upper part of Hayden's thigh's the pain was intense and Hayden rose up again.

"That's it" and Rex threw down the switch and marched out the room.

Hayden welcomed the end, he lay on the pool table fighting off the sobs, his butt was nothing but pain, it felt almost numb from the punishment which had been inflicted However, Hayden had miss read the situation and his father soon returned, and like a lamb to the slaughter was obedient as he was tied to the table.

Hayden lay across the blue felt of the pool table his arms extended over the edge and were pulled down rope was tied to his wrists and led under the table to where it was bound to his ankles; there he lay exposed to the Rex. With no way for Hayden to interfere with the punishment Rex looked down at the arse before him, it was more than a light red, the first blows had begun to bruise and turn an almost purple colour as the rest of the but shone a bright red, and a line ran across the top of Hayden's thighs. Rex decided to start where he had left off the switch landed on just under the butt on top of the previous line and Hayden screamed and pulled against the ropes which held. Rex waited for Hayden to relax his legs and then deliver another blow, followed by a scream.

"You're only dragging this out"

"FUCK YOU" Was Hayden's response and he regretted the reaction almost instantly.

O of nowhere heavy blows landed on his butt the slapping sounded filled his ears as he turned his head and saw his father t-shirt off sweat on his brow belt in his hand swinging. The blows landed one after another and Hayden screamed out the pain he felt under the new torture, his arse which was already delicate, numb and abused now face a new onslaught as he bucked and writhed but could not get away.

"WHAT...HAVE...I TOLD YOU ABOUT ...SWEARING" Rex shouted over the noise punctuating each word with a strike of the belt.

Hayden leaped more and more into the table his pubic hair scratching against the table as he tried to get away. He did not realise he was crying until he felt the salt flavour of tears in his mouth. Hayden sobbed a Sorry as he father stepped back and looked at Hayden, scratches and cut had appeared on his sons' youthful pert butt and he heard his cries and sniffles. Rex had never been more excited than now and moved behind his son.

He tried not to think what he did but he came to rest directly behind Hayden his hard cock straining against the cotton of his underwear as he stood behind him and he pressed in close. Hayden winced and let out a noise of pain as Rex moved his hips in pressing on the butt he could feel the heat glowing off it and Hayden moved his butt up and down allowing the cock to run up the crack.

"Is that what the army did, make you a whore?" rex asked his voice hoarse as he stared at the butt his cock hard and resting up it.

Hayden did not speak merely continued to rub his arse along his father's groin. Rex could not fight the urge anymore and pulled the front of the boxers down under his heavy balls and allowed the cock to run freely up the crack. Hayden still whimpered and winced at the feeling of pain in his butt as the temperature rose between the two men, the silence was deafening when it came.

Rex spat on his hand several times and applied the liquid to his cock before positioning the head at the entrance. As best he could Hayden pushed his arse back letting the lips open and take the large man cock into his butt. Hayden had not taken many in him and none quiet as big as this felt he had not seen the cock however the mix of pain in his butt, a throbbing head and the weakness in his limbs made the anal assault feel as though the cock was as thick as an arm.

"YES!" groaned Hayden as the head popped into his arse.

Rex slowly pushed forward allowing his weight to carry him into Hayden, the boys lips and hole sucked him in as fast as it would come. All the aggression had left Rex now and he was gentle and slow. The cock slide for a long time pushing further and further, Rex would pause holding tight listening to the noises of his son before advancing more. Hayden knew he had all the cock in him when he felt the flesh tough his own the sensation was nothing but pain, his cheeks still on fire even the slightest touch was painful and now his entire arse had a large body pressed against it, pubes scratching against his own hairy arse.

Rex's retreat was slow and smooth pulling back Hayden could feel the gap being left his bowls felt like they were going to follow the cock out however, Rex stopped held it for a moment and then began a slow and steady advance. Rex was gentle here being dazed and never having thought of fucking Hayden in his life he was part bemused part thrilled to be invading his sons gut.

"Please father" Hayden whispered as he lay against the pool table opening himself up before his father.

The whispered words stirred something in Rex.

"You are whore boy?" he said slapping the reddened arse.

"Your whore" Was Hayden's screamed reply his back attempting to arch from the pain.

Rex grabbed Hayden by the hips and jammed his cock into him, Hayden screamed again.

"Not so hard"

"Whores don't decide that" Rex Spat through gritted teeth.

He gripped Hayden's hips his blood was up his cock was hard and he jack hammered home. Rex pounded away Hayden tried to protest at the pain he felt but it was too much all he could do was let out one continues scream punctuated by breaths as Rex would slam into his behind. Rex who had not had sex like this in his life nor with something so tight at the hole of his son could not last he felt his balls churning tighten and then lifting his legs as they tensed he offered his own roar to the screams of Hayden as he shot a powerful load into his sons arse. Hayden felt the cum explode into him as he welcomed the forward thrust and the suspension of the onslaught on his butt.

Next: Chapter 2

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