Fathers Day Fantasy

Published on Jun 9, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This is a fantasy depicting homosexual acts involving adults. The story is intended for adult readers and not minors. IF YOU ARE NOT OF LEGAL AGE TO BE READING THIS STORY OR IF YOU FIND SUCH MATERIAL OFFENSIVE, PLEASE LEAVE. All characters are fictional and in no way related to any person or persons living or deceased.

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A Fabulous Father's Day - Part 1

Growing up I never gotten rid of my childhood thumb sucking habit or my strong attraction to silky fabrics similar to the satin edging on my baby blanket. In adolescence I often "investigated" my older sister's underwear drawer to enjoy the cool softness of her vast selection of nylon and lace undies. I could not resist now and then trying a pair on and wishing that boys could have such pretty and smooth underpants. A budding panty freak was I and many times rubbed my self to orgasm in her nicest things.

Bras were totally exciting as well. If exploring the Pennys and Sears catalogs were not enough, I remember many a time trying one of her underwired "beauties" to accompany the nylon wonders enclosing my 16 year old hardness.

My mind pictured those sessions in front of her floor length mirror quite clearly for many years after I put my thrill seeking ways to bed, got married, and had 2 kids. They did not reappear until after the girls were grown enough to be at friends houses or at sports or wherever so that I had a bit of private time.

I had stifled the urges but never completely. My collection of lingerie grew here and there but no one was any wiser if now and then I changed into something more comfortable and gave myself some, shall we call it, stress relief.

When attired in silky nylon panties, a taut bra around my chest and maybe a skimpy slip, I could lie back and put the problems of the world out of my mind. I often fantasized what a slut I would have been as a girl. Based on my strong oral and anal urges I would have been a total whore for cute guys growing up.

My wife's lifelike 8" cock shaped vibrator came in handy with the oral fixation issue and a smaller one I had stashed away often found its way into my backside for pleasure as well. I was quite the accomplished fake dick sucker. Proud to service in my bra and panties.

I told my wife before we were married about my intense attraction to silky nylon undergarments not sharing that I had a personal collection or that I sometimes wore panties to work under my regular clothes. I was pretty sure the she knew about at least a few pairs of panties as I mistakenly left a pair in my laundry pile years ago and recently had forgotten that a satin and lace pair were in my dresser when I asked her to get something from the drawer for me. Nothing was ever said though.

I had pumped many gallons of cum into lingerie over the years. It had been a long time since she wore the kind of stuff that got me hot, igniting my oral passions spending hours with my face buried in her sweet pussy and imagining that I was her lesbian lover.

Now Father's Day gifts had always been rather lame and often I had no idea of why she would get some of the things she bought me. Buy me a tool or something. Maybe a new rubber one (joke). So I was quite surprised this year when Sunday afternoon Amy appeared with a shirt box sized present with silver paper and a Pink bow while telling me that the girls were at their friend home for a sleep over.

"Open your present honey. I know that you will love this one."

Cautiously I unwrapped it and raised the lid. Inside were a bra and panties. Really pretty stuff. They both were pale blue with trim of cream colored lace up the sides of the nylon panties and around the tops of the lace over satin cups on the bra. I would have been embarrassed but I thought they were for her to wear and me to enjoy her in them.

"I see you got yourself something again but I will definitely enjoy these when you model them for me".

"Not for me sweetie. For you. They are your size."

"But, But." I was taken back a bit. I was a little tongue tied to be honest.

"I know about your 'special' underwear stash my dear. I have for a long time so I figured if that is what gets you going it might be a very enjoyable gift for us both. You can model them for me."

"So here is the deal young man-Go take a bath and powder yourself up nicely before getting into your new "outfit" and then meet me in the bedroom. Oh, by the way, be sure that you shave your balls really close as they should be baby soft so they don't prickle your hand thru the silky fabric they will be contained in."

Oh Wow! She was encouraging me to dress up. To display my always excited state in lingerie. I ran to the bathroom with the shower at the end of our upstairs hallway as she directed. She had laid out a big fluffy towel, a woman's style razor for my balls and bath powder and body lotion as well.

As I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up she knocked on the door and told me to shave my legs and my ass as well. I have never had any chest hair so I guess I was now to be hairless in my new undies.

The warm shower made me all tingly. The strong spray on my tits (man boobs) always was a thrill for me. I was giddy making sure my nuts were the smoothest they had ever been and found the idea of shaving my legs exciting. I had never been much into wearing stocking or anything but there always was a time to start. Maybe this afternoon?

After a soft dry with the towel I used a hair dryer to remove all of the moisture before applying lotion to my newly silky legs and to some other parts that needed a bit of soothing. A good powdering was next. I love the smell and the feeling of baby powder after bathing. Makes a bit more of the "femme" come out for me. By now I was stiff as a brick and the cool sensation of sliding into the nylon and lace panties did nothing to relieve that condition . It was a challenge getting my cock in the high cuts.

I turned towards the mirror and seeing my reflection I almost came a load right then. These were by far the sexiest panties I had ever seen much less worn. My dick hurt under the confinement. I picked up the matching bra and examined the tags. It amazed me that see got the right size or that she even found the right size. I have found it tough over the years to get bras that fit. This one did, perfectly. My man boobs kept the cups filled and smoothed out without any extra bulges or ripples of material. The tension of the band felt comforting like a hug and the straps settled neatly onto my shoulders. I checked for any twists or misplacements being sure it was all perfect. My nerves were electric like as I left the bath and headed down the hall to our bedroom.

I opened the bedroom door to discover that Amy was sitting on the edge of the bed in the exact same outfit that I was wearing. Like looking in the mirror only the reflection had a much better body that I remembered mine to be.

"Oh, dear. You sure know how to turn my crank."

"I think your crank is about to rip thru your panties pretty boy. Come here a let me look you over closeup. This is way better than I had expected"

She had me stand in front of her and she explored me and my new undies from top to bottom giving my boobs, my crotch and my ass an encouraging squeeze as she went.

"Not bad for a new girl." she complimented. "I should have dressed you up years ago. We can be lesbian lovers now and regular lovers too just maybe."

I could not speak. I just stood there looking down at her and her cleavage a my turgid cock weeped what seemed a never ending stream of precum. I was getting soaked.

"I can tell that you like this, Yes?" She pulled my head down towards her breasts and told me to worship her tits. I don't recall her ever using that word before. It sounded like and turned out to be a command. Kind of like 'suck my tits bitch' but a tiny bit more ladylike.

I dove right in, determined to follow every request, command, demand, whatever. I nibbled and kissed at the rounded mounds over the lacy edges of her cups. I moved my face over and over the fabric materials, analyzing each differing texture. Smooth elastic, scratchy (in a nice way) lace and cool silky satin. I wanted to break into that song about "these are a few of my favorite things'.

My cheeks felt her nipples harden so my lips pinched them and my teeth nibbled at them thru the bra. Did I mention my panties were totally soaked by now? Each movement I made I could feel my parts slipping around down there in the new happy home my wife had provided. I reached behind to undo the bra but she told me that I had to keep the package intact for now and that I could unwrap it later if I had any strength left. Ominous request - but exciting.

I started descending her body lowering myself to my knees between her legs as my tongue drew a path to her belly button. I gave that depression a good swabbing. My face was now pressed into he panties again needing to feel the different textures and sensation against my face. My hands were on her hips with my fingertips exploring the soft ribbing of the nylon and my thumbs locked into the lacy trim in front.

"Lower. Go Lower" she instructed as by now I was basically eating her thru her panties. "Pull them aside and eat my cunt you delicious girlfriend. I want to soak you in my wetness until you drown."

Who was I to argue all dressed in a bra and panties with baby soft balls and a shaved ass and legs. Not much to be the macho male here at this moment. I ate. Without all the details I give her as great a licking as good or better than a real lesbian could do.

After Amy had cum hard and her juices had soaked my face she handed me a towel to wipe up and then instructed me that it was my time to sit on the bed. I figured that it was my time for her to do the oral thing and get me off. Oh boy. Was I ever wrong on that one.

"That was really great dear. You surely know how to give pleasure with you mouth. I have another surprise for you so close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you it is ok to look. Alright?"

I closed them and she moved around a bit. Then I felt something smooth move across my lips and then my cheeks. It felt familiar but I was not sure about that.

"Open your eyes now." Before my eyes was one of my rubber cocks, the biggest one. 8 x 2 inches of realistic pink penis with a spongy skin, hard shaft, and molded nuts attached. My gosh, not only did she find my big rubber dick but she is getting off rubbing it on my face. "Open wide sweetie. I want you to suck it like a hot little slut in a bra and panties should for her lover."

To satisfy my aforementioned oral fixation I had taught myself to make love to my dildo collection. Sucking, licking, deep throating were all in my repertoire of actions that made me excited when I was dressed and meeting my own pleasure desires. I was quite the cocksucker even if I had only ever had one real one in my mouth back in high school for a few minutes, experimenting with my best friend. Yes I liked being a dicksucker when no real dick was in play. Never really attracted to guys. Just cocks.

Amy had the base against her mound like it was a real one. She held it in place with one hand with her other on top of my head.

I opened my lips ready to follow her instruction. She held my head away a bit and directed me to just lick the head.

"Get it nice and wet babe. Caress the end. Now lick all along the sides. That's right both sides of that fat shaft. Top to bottom." Then she slapped my cheek with all of its weight. Smack! Then switched to the other side. Smack ! again. "What a good little slut! You like this don't you?" I nodded and she let me know it was time to open wide.

My nipples, contained so beautifully in the pretty brassiere, were as hard as gravel as I brought up my hands to pinch them. I was still oozing precum, saturating my lovely panties. I had never been so hot to suck anything and I began to slobber all over the cock as I worked my eager mouth up and down the thick full length of the shaft. Amy pushed my head back and forth soon realizing that she just had to hold that monster against her crotch and I would do all of the work. I think that the base rubbing against her clit was getting her off as well.

More slobber. Spit was flowing everywhere. Dribbling, no pouring, down my chin and dripping in long strands onto my legs, chest and the floor. I was never so "into" anything. I raised my hands up behind Amys firm and tight nylon encased ass. The fabric silkiness added yet another thrill so I pulled her ass towards me hard forcing the whole 8 inches past the back of my mouth in into my throat. I had gotten quite adept at some deep throating practice with that dildo. The firm head locked into my orifice. If she had stepped away that big dick would have stayed right where it was stuffing my eager throat.

I kept it there for over 30 seconds. Amy commented in amazement " Holy shit! How can you hold your breath that long? You must have had a lot of practice with this "friend" of yours to be able to do that!" Yes I had, but never like this.

Because that cock was held so firmly against her clit by the force of my face she took her hand away not needing to provide the force of attachment. Still holding and rubbing and caressing her fine ass I continued to push my face up and down the fat shaft frequently violating my throat over and over. She was going nuts watching me and feeling herself reaching an incredible orgasm from the friction to the base against her swollen clit. The louder she got the more effort I put into it if that was possible.

I eased my hand inside her panties and remembering how often, in erotic stories, the one providing the blow job shoves a finger up the ass of the one being blown resulting in a monstrous orgasm and the production of an extreme amount of cum to fill the cocksuckers eager mouth, I pulled her smooth cheeks apart and approached her tight little asshole with a finger. She moaned a bit when I made contact and her pucker fluttered a bit. Taking this as a go-ahead I forced that finger all the way into her butthole. Amy screamed in pleasure as she throw her hips forward forcing the huge plaything into my happy throat hole again and then grinding her hips wildly against the base producing the "cum of a lifetime" for her. She kept the pressure against the tool locking it into my face and forcing me to find a way to breathe around it.

I was able to do that when I was training myself and just playing but at those times there was no pantied groin smothering my face and preventing me from getting any air. After about 45 seconds, my absolute limit without blacking out, I pulled the finger from her newly violated ass, grabbed her hips and pushed her away forcefully before I would have passed out. As her pussy parts moved away relieving the pressure on the rubber friend. With nothing holding it in it pretty much shot out of my mouth along with what seemed like gallons of slobber. I collapsed on the bed gasping for air. Seconds later I was surprised by by my lovely and now newly extra special wife draping herself over me, french kissing me like a crazy person and grinding her crotch against my cock as it felt to be tearing apart from the inside. I could not believe I had not blown my full load by now but I figured that I had leaked out every drop already from how wet I was with precum.

"Oh my!!!!, That was incredible!" she spoke breathlessly and we made out like we never even had in our twenties.

After a few moments she asked me if I had cum. I told her No but there had been so much taken out of me already in a lot of ways that it was fine.

"Oh,No. Lover. You deserve your Father's Day draining." With that she slid down my sweated body straddling my thighs. "You look pretty cute in your new attire but this bulge here has got to go." she said rubbing the front of my wetted undies.

She pulled the waistband away from my body, stretched it down and hooked it under my balls. Leaning over she began giving my nuts a tongue bath like I could never imagine.

"Please suck me baby. I need to cum before my dick actually bursts."

"I am not your baby now. You were my bitch and now I expect to be treated as yours."

"OK bitch, Suck my cock. Take all my cum in your mouth. No more fucking around. Drain it cunt!"

That's all it took. She dove forward sliding her lips down the shaft as far as she could. (no where as deep as I could have). It only took a little tongue action, some tight suction and a few passes back a forth to cause my full eruption.

Did I say that I thought I was already drained. Apparently not, as I exploded into her mouth with the biggest load of spooge I had ever produced filling a her mouth to and beyond her limit. The big surprise was yet to come as she pulled her magic mouth off of my slimy prick and with so much of the overfill running down her chin she pressed her mouth to mine and used her tongue to stir that full batch of my own cum into my mouth.

Our faces were slippery sliding obscenely back and forth as we savored that delicious cum load together. It went on for at least 2 minutes before Amy lifted her mouth from mine.

"Happy Father's Day lover!!!"

What a day. We hit the shower together, dryed each other sensually, and wrapped up in robes for the evening. At bed time she told me that she had one more surprise. With that she pulled a pink satin padded hanger from her closet which held a short yellow satin charmuse teddy with matching panties.

"Here are your new pajamas , my dear."

Comments encouraged: LacyLips@gmail.com

Have a nice fathers day. Come back for part 2

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Next: Chapter 2

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