Fates Helping Hand

By Adam

Published on Dec 17, 2001



This story is fictious. Ya know what that means right? It's not real. I don't know the guys of *Nsync, or the guys of the Backstreet Boys. I don't know Britney Spears, I don't know Mandy Moore, I don't know Christina Aguilera, I don't know any one famous. I'm using their names and identities, but I don't own them. If I did, I have a feeling I'd be a millionaire. (but on a side note, I wouldn't be a pervert who would exploit them...not to name names, but ahem...Lou Pearlman)

As for you...you should be 18 or older. Unless the legal age in your area is younger, then you shouldn't be here either. Just be the judge by the laws your current place of residence has instilled. You should realize that this story is homosexual in nature, and that the homosexual acts involve some of your favorite pop stars. That's right, love between men...does it scare you...then leave. If you understand everything you've read, and you are okay with it, then please continue reading to the story.

And if you have any feedback then you can send it to golden_silence27@yahoo.com and I will respond to it good or bad. Thanks.

Chapter 2 - Change of Heart

Justin knew the hotel by heart. He knew every major hotel in practically every American city by heart, the name, the look, the place, after a while, they were all so much the same though. He vaguely remembered this one, although he never really stayed at a hotel in Orlando, not with his own place, his mom's, and his friend's, it was really out of the question most of the time.

He also knew the suites quite well. When he did stay here, he remember how nice of a room they were. With a large sized living area to watch tv, relax on a couch, or just talk. A small kitchen with a fridge and small appliances, a big bathroom with a giant jaccuzi sized bath, and of course, two large bedrooms with kingsized beds. Elegancy at it's finest.

He knocked on the door softly, unsure if he had knocked on the right one. He also could barely hold all the things he had in his hands, he wasn't exactly smart enough to just set something down when he knocked. The door suddenly opened, Justin thought a little too cautiously. Face to face he stood with Brian, not Summer.

"Hi, um, Summer's in the bathroom. She's getting a shower, but she said to make yourself at home." Brian smiled thoughtfully. "Let me help." He immediately grabbed the heaviest of Brian's things and carried them into the living area. Justin stood still for a second, before shaking his head and walking in behind him. Brian ran back to shut the door and then turned.

"Thanks." Justin replied for it all, the help and all that is.

"Welcome, so, um, yeah. Kinda awkward, ya know, with all Summer did." Brian rubbed his hand across the back of his head and neck. "But I guess she was just trying to be helpful...you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I overreacted. I shouldn't have ran out on the two of you. I just get that way some times, I don't know why, just part of me." Justin replied, as he took a seat. The couch was definetly comfortable, he felt like he could sleep instantly if he gave himself the chance to do so.

Just then the door of the bathroom burst open and Summer came bounding out in a t-shirt and jeans, her hair soaking wet. "Hey Just." She smiled as she took a seat on the couch next to him. Brian remianed to stand towards the side of the couch, a smile on his face the whole time. "Bri and I were talking, and we figured we could order in some room service and a pay per view movie, just relax for the first night. After all, my plane ride was pretty long and I'm kinda tired, so I could use a little down time."

"No problem with me. I was thinking this same thing as soon as my ass hit the couch." Justin laughed, Brian laughed too, as Summer simply shrugged and yawned.

"Ya know what movie I really wanted to see?" Summer asked with a big smile.

"Huh?" Brian asked quickly.

"That one with Dean Cain, and that kid, that kid from um, that summer camp movie. The play baseball and their gay. Damn, I know it's playing, I saw it in the guide, now what the fuck is it called." Summer kept thumbing through her head for a name but found nothing.

"The actors name is Andrew Keegan and the movie is The Broken Hearts Club or something like that." Justin replied with a smile.

"How'd you know the name?" Summer asked inquisitively

"No reason." Justin replied quickly.

"Oh really, sounds to me like you might have a little crush for Andrew Keegan." Summer giggled and Justin blushed. Brian just smiled and finally took a seat on the couch next to Justin. "But please don't tell me that you've seen the movie."

"No, I didn't, I just heard about it. I can't just go rent a gay movie when I please. I think the video clerk may get the wrong idea." Justin replied.

"Well, no one will know that you ordered it, cuz this hotel room is under my name. Although, I think my two, rich, famous friends could afford to pay for it as a sort of present for my safe arrival to them." Summer hinted and laughed as she browsed through the channels. "Now why don't one of you call down to the room service and get us something to eat."

"I'll call." Brian offered, picking up the phone as it was right next to him. "What would you like Summer?"

"Whatever you all get is good with me."

"What about you Brian..got anything in mind?" Brian asked again politely, waiting for an answer.

"Something chinese, anything chinese would be nice." Justin replied to him. "Make sure you get some extra soy sauce, please."

"No problem, three chinese meals coming up." Brian picked up the phone and dialed, ordering the three largest chinese meals that the hotel offered and then hanging up again. "They said it will be about twenty minutes or so for them to make it."

Summer shook her head as she hit in the response for the movie. It wasn't exactly perfectly timed and they would be coming in towards the end of whatever movie was already playing, but just to be safe they would make sure that they at least had it ready. None of them really wanted to miss part of the movie.

"So, let's talk sleeping conditions." Summer smiled micheviously as she turned to face her two friends. "I obviously get a bed because I'm a girl, and that gives me rank over the two of you. So I call the bedroom closest to the bathroom, since I'll no doubt be up about fourty times in the middle of the night to pee or something. So that leaves just one other bedroom."

"Justin can have it. I'm older so I'll sleep on the couch" Brian offered.

"Nah, I'll take the couch." Justin insisted.

"It's cool, I'll take it." Brian reiterated and Justin smiled.

"Thanks dude." Summer also smiled at the transaction, perhaps her plan had a chance of working. Or maybe she was just reading into the situation a little too much. She didn't really care, as long as every one was having fun, it didn't really matter to her.

"Now that that is out of the way, we just have to agree that I am in charge." Summer grinned foolishly. "And that what I say goes, and we have to set up some ground rules, cuz no living area can be complete without rules. So first rule is no tv after ten at night, and no food in the bedrooms. But that should be okay because Justin isn't in a bedroom and he's the only one big on eating...."

"Shut up." Justin smacked her in the arm and laughed. "You know their aren't going to be any rules, and you'd be the last one to make them anyways."

"No fair." Summer pouted.

"Don't even try it, I invented the pout." Justin smiled back at her.

"Yeah, but your pout doesn't work like that anymore. I mean, it's just sexy now, not pity worthy." Summer replied with a bigger smile.

"Okay, let's put it to the test. Whose pout is more depressing...mine or her's Brian?" Justin turned to Brian and turned on his best pout. His bottom lip went down, his eyes sloped and he definetly put himself to work to look sad. Summer did the same, and her's was almost as equally depressing. Brian just frowned and shrugged his shoulder.

"Do I have to answer?"

"Yes." They both replied in unison, their pouts still holding strong.

"I don't know, um, Justin."

"Yes, I win." Justin smiled anxiously, and stuck his tongue out at Summer.

"You are way to much like Nick." Brian laughed hysterically, while Summer and Justin just sat onlooking. Although Summer knew the other guys, none of them were close to her like Brian, so she didn't know much about them, and Justin had no idea about any of them, so that comment went right through the both of them. "It's a good thing." Brian included as he continued to laugh.

Summer smiled again. Justin blushed at the mention of it being a good thing. Summer smiled even bigger. Perhaps Justin and Brian were thinking of something good, equally good to the both of them. Or, maybe again she could have just been seeing things, or hoping to hard for something to be there. But it appeared to her all to clearly that maybe a friendship was at least growing between the two.

The food arrived quicker then they thought it would and was gone from sight with in just a short period of time. The movie was slowly coming to and end, and Brian seemed to be the only one in the room who had managed to stay awake. He laughed at a certain scene in the movie where Dean and Andrew end up kissing with their fingers in the air to signal for the other player to wait, and half expecting the laughter to be contagious, it is only then that it dawns on him that he is the only awakened member of the room.

As the movie ended, and he yawned, he became completely aware of the dilemna at hand. Summer was sleeping on Justin, not much for a problem for him, except for the fact, that Justin was uncomfortably asleep on Justin's arm and chest. This put Brian in an odd predicament.

His first thought was just to slide out of the room and into bed, but then he realized that the two would wake up in terrible pain as the way they were laying didn't look comfortable. And he also realized that they were both fully clothed, another problem he had. He figured that problem would have to be something they did themselves if they were to wake up some time in the night, cuz he planned to undress neither of the two.

First he slid out from under them, sliding Justin's head gently down on the couch where he once sat. Next he walked over and scooped Summer into his arms. This was easy is the first thought that came to his head. He slowly carried her to the bedroom she had claimed and laid her in the bed. She barely even stirred in her sleep as he tucked her under the covers and watched her breathed contently.

Next would be Justin, not an easy task. He walked over to the couch and watched Justin breathe in and out, barely able to eve tell that he was breathing. For a second he forget what he was even doing as he watched the peaceful slumber, then he finally realized he was staring and blushed. No one was around to see, but he blushed none the less.

His attempt to pick Justin up had been over tried. Justin wasn't as heavy as he had predicted, and the amount of strength he used to scoop him up seemed far too much. Justin didn't stir though, even with the bounce that occured in Brian's arms. Brian felt the weight increase on him however as he walked through the bedroom door, and barely made it to the bed without dropping the bigger man. Justin seemed to sleep just as contently as Summer however, and he almost seemed to smile as the blankets folded around him.

Brian couldn't help but stare again. Justin was cute, it was an undeniable fact, he was just cute. He also had a lot of other charms. Brian couldn't resist but to touch Justin's hair, he ran his fingers through it lightly. His face lit up briefly as he almost laughed at Justin's recent buzz cut, something that Brian himself had not really liked. But he didn't even know Justin, so what did it matter what he cared? It didn't.

Shaking all the thoughts out of his head, he walked out of the room and gently shut the door. He walked back to the couch, flicked off the tv, and sank into his own blankets. He was almost immediately in the world of sleep, peaceful thoughts of the days transactions running through his head...predominantly a curly, blond angel with the name of Justin.

"GET UP" Summer jumped anxiously on the couch, Brian's body bobbing up and down at each landing and take off.

"Why?" He squirmed under the covers and turned over.

"Cuz I am the guest in town and I wanna do something today." Summer replied as she jumped off the couch. She pulled the blankets off of Brian, leaving him in a pair of boxers and nothing else. He stayed still, refusing to budge from the bed.

"Go wake Justin up." Brian hollered through a pillow and half smiled as Summer did just that.

"GET UP" Justin didn't even move, no signs of waking, no signs of even having heard her. She slowly pulled the covers back off the bed, laughing as she caught sight of Justin sleeping in all his clothes. She had woken up shortly after Brian put her in bed and had changed, apparently Justin had slept through the night.

"Justin!" She screamed in his ear and he swatted at her before opening his eyes.


"It's time to get up." Summer replied peacefully. "Ya know, breakfast, fun, excitement."

"How did I get in bed?" Justin asked rubbing a hand across his eyes and head. "And why am I still dressed?"

"Cuz our magical angel Brian put us in bed silly, but he didn't undress us. He's not a pervert or anything." Summer laughed, laying down next to Justin. Brian slowly walked into the room, still in his boxers and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"If I'm up, you're getting up." Brian laughed.

"I'm up, I'm up." Justin groaned and rolled over to face Summer. That's when he caught eye of Brian's body, Brian's half naked body. A blush crept into his face as he helplessly stared at the muscular frame. Brian was short, but very muscular, a six pack graced his stomach, and his chest wasn't full out body building style muscle, but definetly more muscular then any he had seen. His arms were nice, not over done, and his whole body seemed to be glistening with beauty.

Justin shook his head as the blush deepened, Summer laughed at him, fully aware of why he was blushing. Brian seemed to be oblivious, not even paying attention to Justin or Summer at the moment.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Summer smiled as she drew Justin's attention away from Brian's body and towards her.

"Nothing until I shower." Justin replied, getting up from the bed and walking into the bathroom.

Brian climbed up into the bed and laid down. Summer laughed, and watched as Brian fell back to sleep with ease.

'What the fuck' Justin thought as he turned on the hot water. He stepped into the shower and let the water cascade down his body as he continued to think about his actions. He had stared openly at Brian for what seemed like an eternity, the whole while practically drooling at the site. He definetly needed to fix that before the end of the day. He didn't want Brian to catch him.

But the more he thought about Brian, the bigger his problem became. Well, two problems. First of all were the thoughts he continued to have, wondering why he din't want Brian to know that he thought he was good looking. The other being his body, which was definetly just as interested in Brian.

His cock was already hard, and each thought only made it throb.

Grabbing it with his soaped up hand, he leaned into the wall and began to stroke it. Each glide of his hand over it sending chils through his body, as he really did imagine Brian helping him with his little problem. As he came, and the cum dripped down his hand and down the drain he himself was drained.

It was the best orgasm he had had in a while, and all at his own hand and the images of Brian in his head. He definetly had to work this out soon, because he wouldn't mind more orgasms like that, especially if the image was in front of him.

Rinsing all the cum and soap off of his body he turned the shower off and grabbed a towel. If any one knew how to be sexy and seductive it was Justin, so he would simply play a little game of his own.

Drying himself off briefly, but still leaving enough water to glisten on his body, he wrapped the towel around his waist and exited the bathroom. Brian and Summer were sitting on the couch, Brian still in his boxers, Summer completely ready to go. Justin nearly climaxed at the sight of Brian, his game not really working to his advantage, the towel didn't serve as much of a distraction from his once again growing erection.

Blush crept back into his face, and he walked into his bedroom, shutting the door. So much for being sexy. More like a school girl.

Looking through his clothes, he picked out a pair of boxer briefs and through them on. He knew he could managed to be more cool in them. They would be tight enough to restrict his hard on if he got one, and at the same time he wouldn't have to worry about losing them in the excitement of seeing Brian.

So opening the door he walked out into the living area, only to find Brian wasn't there, just Summer.

"Brian's in the shower, you can go get dressed." Summer laughed.

Justin blushed again as he took a seat on the couch next to her. "I'm an idiot...aren't I?"

"Well, I mean, yes. You're blushing like a little girl, trying to impress him with your body, well, that just makes it worse cause all you do is blush even harder, and anyways, you don't need to impress him with your body." Summer laughed. "Any one can see that you have a good body, impress him with your personality."

"I, I, it's just that he's so hot. What would you do if you saw Lance in a towel or his underwear with nothing else?" Justin replied, knowing fully well that Summer had a thing for Lance.

"I understand completely." She replied with a grin.

"I wanna come off as cool and sophisticated, but all I come off as is a dork." Justin mumbled.

"Actually, last night you were really cool. The two of you got a long great, and I wouldn't be surprised if he realized that too. Not to mention he could have easily taken the bed when you fell asleep, but instead he carried you to the bed...maybe you've already been noticed." Summer smiled at him.

"Maybe" Justin smiled and jumped from the couch. He headed to the bedroom and grabbed an outfit, he wasn't going to try and impress Brian, he was just going to be himself. Throwing on a pair of jeans, his shoes, and a long grey and black turtleneck sweater he walked back out of the room. His hair was too short to really worry about, it was perfectly curly and looked fine so he sat down and waited.

With in ten minutes Brian came out of the bathroom fully dressed. A disappointment and also a relief for Justin. His hair was even done and he was ready to go.

"You look nice Just." Brian complimented and Justin blushed, unable to even say thank you. Instead he just shook his head with a dumb smile on his face. Brian and Summer laughed.


So I think we all know something is happening between Justin and Brian. I mean come on, it's not that hard to see. But you'll have to wait and see with the final two chapters, coming in the next month. I'm not sure when the next chapter will come out with Christmas and the New Year on their way, so just expect it some time within the early month of January.

Also if you'd like to e-mail my friend who I write about in this story, her name is Summer, yeah, duh, and you can e-mail her at time4anap@hotmail.com She'd love to hear from you.

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