Fated Love


Published on Jul 23, 2000


I was sleeping so good till I was waken up by the feeling of a hand caressing my neck "Hmm! I love you" I mumbled in my sleep, as I pulled my body closer to JC.

"I love you too but no the way JC does though" I heard somebody chuckled as he spoke behind me.

"Huh?" I was thinking in my head. I opened my eyes and saw I was holding JC in my arms. If JC's right here, then who the hell is lying behind me? I quickly turned around to face that person.

"Hello hello! How are you doing Tommy boy?" he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"What the hell are you doing here Kenny?"

"Just came to see you" Kenny replied.

Amy, Kenny and I have been friends forever. We are closer than sisters and brothers. There are no secrets, nothing personal between the three of us. We share everything together. I love them so much and I could never imagine my life without them, especially Kenny. He has the key to the house, in fact he has access to anything I own and vice versa. Three of us sleep together all the time. That's why I wasn't even surprised to find him on the bed "What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"It's nine something already. When are you going to get up? Amy is down stairs talking to your sister, she should be up here soon. Lucky for you I came up here first to wake you up. You know what she will do if she comes here and you're still sleeping" he giggled.

"Oh really? Is that why you're in my bed or there's another reason?"


"Admit it! You just wan to sleep with me. That's why you're here. Aren't you afraid that JC will kick your ass? I love both of you so I don't know whose side I'll be on" I teased him.

Kenny looked at me for a few seconds, then he burst out laughing. I quickly covered his mouth "What are you doing? Trying to wake JC up?" I looked over to JC and he was till sleeping soundly, and he looked so peaceful in his sleep. I didn't want to wake him up yet "Get out! Get out of my room! Go down stairs and prevent Amy from going up here to disturb me. I will be down soon" I laughed as I pushed Kenny out of the bed and towards the door.

"Is this the way to treat your best friend when he rushes over here to see you?" he pretended to be hurt.

"Yes, and get your ugly ass out of here" I laughed harder but trying to restrained myself so I wouldn't wake JC up.

"My ass is not ugly. It's so nice, firm and tender. If you don't believe me you can feel it" Kenny bent forward a little bit, wiggling his butts in my direction. I couldn't help it but stuck out my foot and gave him a push in the ass. Kenny wasn't expecting this, so he stumbled forward trying to regain his balance. Seeing this, I gave him another push in the ass as he skipped forward and fell on the ground right outside of the door. I quickly close the door and laughed hysterically, all forgotten that JC was still sleeping on the bed. I heard Kenny was laughing and cursing outside at the same time.

"Jerk! You know that I'll pay you back for this don't you? Wait till I get my hands on you" Kenny said as he slowly walked away.

I listened to his footsteps as I was sure that he went away then turned back to look at my Charming Prince. Surprisingly he could sleep through all this without waking up. I walked around the bed to his side and looked down at him. His eyes were closed to show his long lashes clearly. His nostrils moved slightly in the same rhythm with his breathing. His mouth was slightly opened. I couldn't help but stood there to look at him amazingly. How could I be so lucky? I thought. I shook him slightly "JC, JC wake up!"

He just stirred a little and went right back to sleep. I shook him a little harder this time, still no respond from him beside a little moan. When I looked at his face, I believed I saw his eyes quickly shut tightly to act like he was actually sleeping. The way the corners of his mouth crooked just a little to show that he was trying to hold his smile. I knew right away that he pretended he was sleeping. Fine! I thought if you want to play then I can play also. I leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. I pressed my lips slightly against his, the I stuck out my tongue and licked them slowly. His lips felt so soft like rose petals, sot and moist with a little taste of strawberry. The first time I kissed him, I thought it was the chapstick or the yogurt that he ate. But I found out later that it was his natural flavor. I could see that his mouth began to open slightly, very little, just enough that I could tell he responded to the kiss. I pulled back, grabbed a pillow near by, and looked at him. His eyes were still shut tightly, but the smile on his face was more visible than the last time.

"I know that you are not sleeping you faker" I said as I hit him in the face with the pillow. When I tried to hit him the second time, he caught it, quickly sat up, pulled me down on the bed, and sat on top of me.

"Hmm! How should I punish your naughties?" he bent down and his face was really close to min "Tell me what should I do with you?"

I didn't answer him as I raised my head and kissed him. He was shocked a little, but he quickly pushed me down on the bed "Oh no mister! You don't get away for hitting me with a pillow that easily. I t wont' work this time"

"Well! At least I tried" I chuckled "So what you gonna do?"

"I don't know. I haven't thought of what I should do to you yet. Any suggestion?"

"I don't care what you're gonna do to me, but if you do something I don't like. You know what I will do to you?"

"What baby?"

"No sex for a month! So go ahead and punish me! I dare you" I said trying not to laugh as I challenged him.

He looked at me in disbelief "Hey it's your loss too if you do that. I'm not the only one who suffer here" he shrugged.

"I don't know about that. I'm sure I can hold on as long as I want. What about you babe? How long do you think you can last?"

"Ok! Ok! You win. How about we forget all about this? How about we go and take a shower right now? He said in a seductive voice with a grin on his face.

"Hmm! I like the suggestion but I have to warn you. We don't have much time. If we take a shower together, you have to promise that you don't try anything"

"You're the one to talk. The last time I remember is somebody couldn't keep his hands to himself in the shower" he grinned.

"Well it's not my fault that I can't keep my hands to myself you know, you're too damn sexy, and who's in the right mind could resist his killer bod? I said as I caressed his chest, my fingers "accidentally" brushed against his nipple a few times which evoke little gasps out of him.

"Hmm! You know what happen when you do that right?"

I chuckled "told ya it's not my fault" with that I turned around and walked to the bathroom. When I turned back to look at him, he was still standing there looking at his nipples. I couldn't help but laughing and asked "Are you coming?"

"Rigth behind you baby! Right behind you!" he said excitedly as he jumped up and down like a little kid.

"You can be so stupid sometimes JC" I laughed again.

I couldn't remember how long it took us to get out of the bathroom. I just knew that we took longer than it would necessary be. By thing time we went downstairs, my sister, Amy and Kenny were sitting and eating in the dinning room.

"Good morning guys" we greeted them.

Both my sister and Amy said good morning to us but Kenny. he couldn't because his mouth was full of food, so he just waved at us.

"Kenny the food won't go anywhere you know?" I said as I smacked him on the head.

"I don't know why you want to be with him JC? He's such an abuser" Kenny spoke once his mouth was empty enough to talk.

I glanced at my sister to see how she reacted to Kenny's joke. I felt so happy and relieved to see that she has a little smile on her face. JC didn't say anything, he just smiled. Maybe he's still a little shy around my sister.

"Sit down and eat JC!" my sister motioned for him to sit down in one of the chairs "So how are you doing this morning? Have a good sleep last night?" she tried to start a conversation with him when she sensed his uncomfortness.

"Thanks Jennifer. I have a really good sleep last night. How about you?"

"Me? slept like a log. Amy and Kenny just filled me in about you. I'm really sorry for yelling at you yesterday. I really love Tommy and if you make him happy, I don't see any reason for me to oppose your relationship. I'm really ok with you tow, so you don't have to worry being around me anymore. I won't bite" my sister chuckled "But I have to tell you something. Don't hurt him because if you do, you will have to deal with me directly. And believe me you don't want that"

"I will never hurt him Jennifer. I love him too much to do that" JC said as he looked at me lovingly. His beautiful blue eyes were filled with tenderness, love and passion.

I looked at my sister and mouthed the words "Thank you Sis! I love you" She just smiled and nodded at me. We sat there and talked until I told Amy and Kenny about me going to live with JC for the rest of the summer. I already told my family yesterday, and my parents were ok with it. I could never feel any happier than this. Life has been os good to me so far. Everything has gone perfectly smooth for me.

"You gonna go away for the whole summer? We won't be able to see you until September?" Kenny asked.

"You can come and visit him sometimes, and you can watch our concert too" JC spoke for me.

"Yippee! I will get to go and see N'sync" Kenny shouted. We all laughed at his stupid gesture. That's one thing I love so much about him. He always knows how to lighten up the mood, and turns everything completely around.

"What are you going to do when you go back JC?" my sister asked.

"We gonna have to prepare for the tour, and practice a little bit. Plus there are some interviews, public and promotion stuffs that we have to take care of"

"When are you leaving?" Amy asked me.

I couldn't answer so I looked at JC "We should be leaving in a couple hours" JC answered.

We sat there eating and talking for about fifteen minutes before JC and I got up and excused ourselves to go upstairs and pack.

"TT you don't mind living with Chris do you?" JC asked me when we were alone in the room.

"Off course I don't. As long as I'm staying with you, but I'm not sure about Chris though. Will he be ok? Did you ask him yet?"

"I don't think you have to worry. We'll talk to him when we get there"

"K you're the boss" I shrugged as I approached him "My boss, my master, your wish is my command. So what do you want to do now master? We still have lots of time" I said as I ran my fingers slowly up and down on his strong, firm and muscular chest.

"I want you to tell me you love me" he looked at me and said it in a serious voice. I didn't know what made him say that. I'm usually the uncertain one in this relationship. But when I looked into his eyes, I didn't see any doubt, any uncertainties. I realized that he wanted to hear those words not because he needed to confirm it, but because he loved to hear them.

"I love you JC. I love you more than anything in the world. I know that we only know each other for a short period of time. I know that I'm new and inexperienced to all these things. But I know for sure, and I can tell you with no doubts that my love for you is true. So in case you didn't hear me the first time, I love you Joshua Scott Chasez. I love you with all my heart and soul" I kissed his heart when I finished. He pulled my in and hugged me tightly. I sighed happily as I melt in his strong arms. Is this how you feel when you are in love? I thought to myself. If it is, then I wish for everybody in the world to have a chance to experience the feeling I'm feeling right now.

"I love you too TT, more than you ever know. I don't know why but I love you crazily, insanely and tiredly. I try to hold back the love I have for you. I try to stop myself from loving you more and more each day, but I couldn't. I couldn't when I look at your face. I couldn't when I look into your eyes and see the love you have for me. Loving you is such a wonderful feeling, but it can be so painful too baby" he said as he caressed my cheeks slowly with his long and slender fingers. Then he bent down and gave me quick kisses all over my face. He kissed my forehead, my eyes, my nose tip, my cheeks, and my lips. Every time when he finished kissing me, he whispered softly "I love you." I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the wonderful feeling of his soft and moist lips. I closed my eyes as his words sank deeper and deeper in my heart. I didn't dare to open my eyes because I was afraid that if I open my eyes I would wake up from the dream. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up. If this is a reality, I'm blessed, I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

I didn't know how long I stood there with my face pressed tightly against JC"s chest. I could hear his heartbeats clearly, and I could feel his body heat transmitted to my body. He was so warm, so warm, and the feeling of his arms around me was incredible. I wish time would stop flying so I could stay like that forever, forever in his arms. We didn't say anything as we just stayed in that position till we were interrupted by the sound of somebody knocking on the door. I sighed, and pulled back regretfully. JC turned me around and gave me a kiss on the lips and said "I love you baby" before I walked to the door. I just looked at him and smiled.

"What do you want Kenny? Haven't you bothered me enough already?" I said when I opened the door and saw Kenny stood outside.

"Yeah yeah yeah!" he said as he pushed me aside to enter, and sat down on the bed "So you finish packing yet? Need any help?" Kenny said as he looked around the room.

I stood there watching Kenny intensely, I could sense that he was hiding something from me. I could tell that he really needs to talk to me, but he tried to hold back "Can you excuse us for a few minutes JC?"

"Sure!" he nodded "I'll go downstairs and get a drink. You want me to get you something?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks"

"You're welcome baby"

"So what's wrong Kenny?" I asked him as I sat down on the bed next to him.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"Kenny how long have we known each other? Don't you think I can tell when something's bothering you? Now spill it"

"He's back Tom" that was all Kenny said as he leaned his head on my shoulder "Why is this happening to us? First you and Ethan, now it's me and him" I immediately tensed up and wrapped my arms around him after hearing this.

"When did you see him? Did you tell Amy about this?"

"Are you crazy? I haven't told Amy yet. She would track him down and kill him. I just saw him yesterday."

"I would kill him myself too if I see him" I said angrily.

"I'm sorry Tom. Didn't want to bother you especially at this time. You will be leaving with JC soon. I shouldn't have said anything, but I'm really scared. He came looking for me yesterday, and he asked m to take him back. What should I do?"

"I can't help you with this Kenny. You have to make this decision on your own. I know that you still love him. But do you think it's worth the pain to take him back? And are you sure it won't happen again? But I stand by whatever your decision is. Tell me if you don't want to see him again, and he's bothering you. I'll kick his sorry ass for you. I'll make sure that he will never come close to you again."

"I still love him Tom, but I never want to be with him again, never"

"Good! That's settled. Now we just have to tell Amy and we'll take care of him."

"Do we have to tell her?" Kenny asked timidly.

"Yes, we do. You know if she finds out that you keep this from her, she kills you first before she kills him" I laughed "Let's go and tell Amy"

When we walked into the living room, Amy was sitting on the sofa watching TV with JC, and my sister was nowhere to be seen. We were about to sit down next to her when the bell rang.

"I'll get it" I said as I walked to the door "Who's it?" I asked and opened the door at the same time.

"Hi Tom! How are you doing? Is Kenny here? I want to talk to him"

"Yes, he's here, but he doesn't want to talk to you Steve. In fact, he never wants to see you again, so get the fuck out of here" I said angrily.

"Look you little piece of shit. I'm not coming here to fight with you. I come here to look for Kenny."

"I told you he never want to see you, and get the fuck out of here. What part of get the fuck out of here don't you understand you half-wit" by now our conversation became more heated and louder.

"I'm not fucking going anywhere till I talk to him" he yelled.

"What's going on Tom? Who's this?" JC asked me as he walked over and stood next to me. He looked like he was about to strike down the person in front of me. I looked at him and smiled. God! He's so protective of me I thought. By now, Amy and Kenny have come out to see what happened.

"It's ok JC! I can take care of this" I said then I turned around to Steve "How many times do I have to tell you that he never wants to see you again you stupid shit? This is my house, and if you don't get the hell out of there I'm going to kick your sorry ass"

He just ignored me, as he tried to walk pass me over to Kenny behind me "Kenny I want you to go with me" he said in an ordering tone.

Before he could pass me, I had my knee up in his groin. He bent over in pain as I grabbed his hair and put my face close to him "Listen you stupid fuck! I never like you. I never like the way you treated Kenny but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to hurt him. Now you listen to me and you listen good! From now on, I don't want to see you coming looking for him. You know what? I don't even want you to be ten feet close to him. If I catch you bothering him again, I swear I will rip off every single appendages of your body, starting with your dick. You understand?" I said angrily.

He didn't say anything as he just nodded his head "I didn't hear you say anything asshole" I said jerking his head all the way back as he winced in pain.

"I won't bother him anymore Tom. I promise I will never look for him again" he pleaded, and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Good! Now get the hell out of my house" I gave him a kick in the ass to push him out of my door before he left, and slammed the door behind him. "Now that's settled I can leave in peace with JC later" I smiled as I looked at Kenny. he looked like he was about to cry but trying to hold it.

"Thanks Tom!" he said as he pulled me in a hug.

"Group hug!" Amy shouted as she hugged both of us "Join us JC! You don't have to stand there by yourself" she laughed.

Fifteen minutes later, when we were in my bedroom getting ready to leave JC asked me "Who's that guy baby? And what's all that about?"

"Steve's Kenny's ex-boyfriend, and I tell you everything later" I answered him.

"K!" was all he said. The next minute was silent. I was sitting on the bed busy finish packing up my last bag. I could feel that JC was staring at me. When I looked up at him, I was right because he was staring at me intensely.

"What? Do I have something on my face or something?" I smiled as I pretended to clean my face.

"Nothing. It's just that I could never imagine my baby can be so tough"

"What are you implying? So you always think that I'm a wimp and I can't take care of myself? I can kick your ass too you know?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah? You could kick Steve's ass doesn't mean you can kick my ass baby" he said as he stood in front of my, trying to intimidate me with his size.

Without thinking I just wrapped my arms around his waist, and pressed my face tightly against his stomach "I don't care if I can kick your ass or not. Why would I do such a thing?" I said as I squeezed his butts tightly. "I rather kiss them then kicking them" I said as I rubbed his stomach and tickled him with my nose. I could feel his body shaking a little as he was trying to contain his laugh.

"Oh TT, I love you so much" JC laughed as I tickled his stomach harder with my nose and making a humming noise.

"What? You love me because I would kiss your butts?"

"Uh huh" he laughed.

"K! Turn around and I will kiss your butts" I said as I turned him around. I placed small kisses on his butts, and every time I kissed them I said "I love you butts. I love you" JC was giggling the whole time I did this. The next thing JC knew was the feeling of my teeth on his butts.

"Ouch!" he yelled as he jumped away after I bit on his butts.

I fell on the bed, rolling and tossing around laughing hysterically. When I looked at him, he was standing there looking at me and smiled. Then he jumped on top of me "You're so dead this time baby" JC said as he began to tickle me. I tried to throw him off but I couldn't. Somehow he knew all my sensitive spots because that where he attacked them. I was squirming under him, begging him to stop.

"Say you are sorry!" he ordered.

"I'm sorry" I quickly said.

"Say you love me" he ordered again.

"I love you. I love you like Romeo loves Juliet, like a vampire loves blood, like fish loves water, like…" I was unable to finish because right then I had two tongues in my mouth. Even though I couldn't finish but I didn't complain anything as I opened my mouth bigger to invite his tongue to enter. We were kissing for a long time, and every time we pulled back we dove right back in. I couldn't get enough of his kissable, his luscious lips. Time seemed to fly so fast when you enjoyed something. We didn't even notice the time till we were interrupted again by the knocking on the door.

"Huuuh!" I sighed as I reluctantly got up and walked to the door, and opened it "What's it this time Kenny? You know I can't wait till you have a boyfriend. I'll make sure that I will bother you two every second you spend together"

Kenny laughed "Well! I just want to tell you that the Limo arrived. You two lovebirds are ready yet?"

"Ok! Thanks Kenny. We'll be down there soon. Goodbye and see you later" I said as I quickly close the door. I heard him chuckle and shout out "Jerk!" I couldn't help but smiled. Hey if you are disturbed so many times when you are with the sexiest and the hottest man on earth, you would act the same way.

"So you have everything TT" JC asked me.

"Yeah! I have everything. But can I have one more kiss before we go down there?"

"You don't have to ask baby" he walked over to me, grabbed my hands and brought them up to his chest "You don't have to ask. Everything about me, everything that you can see, everything that you can touch is yours" he lowered his head and kissed me. I felt so happy after hearing those words.

"Ok! Let's go!" I said when we pulled back from the kiss.

We carried our luggage downstairs. My sister, Amy and Kenny were waiting to say goodbye to us. This was the part that I hated the most. I always hate saying goodbye even though I know that I will see them again soon, I still hate it.

"Have fun and enjoy yourself Tommy. Don't get into troubles" my sister said as she gave me a hug.

"Thanks Sis. You too ok? I'm sorry that I don't have a chance to spend time with you this summer. When I get back, I promise we'll do something together" I gave my sister a kiss.

"Take care of him ok JC. I want him to be exactly the same way he is when he goes back here" my sister told JC as I went to say goodbye to Amy and Kenny.

"Don't worry Jennifer! I'll take a good care of him. It's nice meeting you" he extended his hand.

"Forget the handshake! Come here" my sister pulled him into a hug.

I was so happy when I saw this. I'm so happy that my sister took JC in easily. I smiled happily when I hugged Amy "Bye Amy! I'll see you again soon"

"Bye mate! Have fun"

"You too Amy. Enjoy the summer and watch out for Kenny. He seems really down" I whispered into her ear.

"Don't worry! I will"

"Hey buddy!" I greeted Kenny as I walked over to him "I guess I'll see you in September heh?"

"Guess so. Unless Amy and I go and visit you sometimes"

"That would be great. Call me when you guys coming k?"

"Sure! Now go! The driver has been waiting long enough" Kenny laughed as he pushed me forward.

"Ok! Ok! I'm going. I'm going" I waved to them the last time before getting into the Limo.

"So who is Steve baby?" JC asked me later when we were in the Limo

"Steve is Kenny's ex-boyfriend. They were together for almost two years, and Kenny loved him with all his heart. At first they really love each other, but suddenly Steve seemed to change. Somehow he became more dominant and demanding. I don't know why and what made that fucker changed his attitude and personality but he didn't let Kenny fuck him anymore. He made Kenny become his submissive bottom. Kenny loved him so much at the time so he went along with everything. But that still wasn't enough for that stupid asshole" I said angrily "He treated Kenny worse and worse, and made Kenny submitted to him totally. That mother-fucker even beat Kenny up. That was when Amy and I found out about his, we were so furious. Especially Amy, she almost killed that bastard. After talking to us for a long time, Kenny made up his mind and ended his relationship with Steve. He moved on and got his self-esteem back. Even though they were through for a long time, but I knew that Kenny still loves Steve, and hasn't got over him yet. I was more confirmed till he told me this morning that he still loves Steve, but never wants to be with him again. That's why I kicked that asshole's ass when he came looking for Kenny" I stopped looking at JC. He was listening to me intensely.

"Wow!" was all he muttered.

The rest of the drive went on uneventful. We just sat there and made small conversations. I was excited and nervous at the same time. This whole new thing with JC came so fast and blew me all out of proportions. We only know each other for a short period of time, yet we love each other crazily. I guess love can hit some people faster than the others. In our case, JC and I fell for each other fast, and I hope we would last. The last thing I wanted now was losing him. I shivered with the thought of losing him.

"We're here baby" his voice suddenly brought me back to reality. I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice we arrived.

We got out of the Limo, and took our bags from the driver. We walked to the house after JC gave him the tip.

"Chris are you home?" he called out when we were inside.

"Yeah! Who's it?"

"It's me JC"

"Where the hell have you been JC? The guys have been asking about you. Oh I didn't know we have company. How are you doing Tom?" he asked when he saw me standing next to JC.

"I'm fine. Thanks Chris you?"

"Same old, same old"

"Hey Chris is it ok if Tom stays here with us?" JC interrupted us.

"I don't care. He can stay in one of the guess room"

"No, no, he can stay with me. I just want to know if it's ok with you that he stays here. Thanks man"

"You're welcome! Oh and we have a meeting with the guys tomorrow"

"What time?"

"At 11 o'clock"

"K!" JC said as he opened the door to his bedroom. The second he entered the room, he threw the bags on the floor and flopped down on his bed "Oh I miss my bed" he said as he rolled around on his bed, pressing his face into the pillow. I couldn't help but smile. It looked so cute when he acted like that, just like a kid. He suddenly sat up and looked at me. Then he patted on the bed, in the spot next to him and motioned for me to come and sit down.

When I looked at him, I saw passion and lust in his eyes. I knew what would happen next, and I wanted to be taken by him so bad at that instant. But I was so surprised because JC didn't do anything. He just sat there looking at me. He ran his fingers through my hair and whispered softly "I love you". I couldn't figure out what he was contemplating in his head. Then I knew that moment would arrive when he slowly stripped off his clothes. I just sat there and took in the image in front of me greedily. I couldn't imagine anybody who was more beautiful. I couldn't move a finger as I sat there motionlessly watching his every move. He slowly moved towards me and reached down for the button of my jeans. He unbuttoned it. I raised my hips to help pull them off. When he did next surprised me even more. I thought he would have lie me down and make love to me, but he did the opposite. He spread his long, firm legs to expose his pink virgin hole.

I was mesmerized by the pink hole right in front of me as I moved in closer. He slowly pulled me closer, grabbed my already erected cock and guided it to his waiting love chute. I was paralyzed. I was petrified. I couldn't do anything while he did this. I let him took control of everything. He wiggled his ass and pushed himself slowly and all the way down on my cock.

I moaned in pleasure as my cock was engulfed inside of him. The feeling was incredible. His inside was so hot, so hot. I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist and bucked my hips up and down in the same rthym he rode my cock. I was so hot, so turned on by the image of JC riding on my cock. I tried to hold it. I tried to stay longer in his love tunnel. I wanted to make love to him for a long time, but I couldn't. Just a few more quick thrusts and I found myself getting closer and closer to the edge. I could feel my cock expanded as I cummed inside of him. I could feel his ass muscle clam tightly on my cock milking me to the last drop as I moaned in ecstasy. My arms wrapped tighter and tighter around his waist when I came. And my face was pressed tightly against his chest, breathed in and out heavily, inhaling deeply in his strong, manly smell. I thought I would die from the pleasure. I could see all the stars revolving around me. It took me a while to compose myself.

"Wow!" I said as I crashed down on the bed, pulling JC down with me. he lay on top of me with my cock still inside of him. He then rolled over, and pulled me on top of him, when he did this, my cock slipped out of him.

"You like it baby?" he asked.

"Like it? I love it. I love it. I thought I would die when I came"

"Good! I'm happy that you love it. I want to tell you something baby. I told you before that anything about me. Anything you can see, anything you can touch is yours. So if you ever want to be inside of me, just tell me. I doubt that anybody could ever do that. You are my first, and you will be the last, the only person I allow inside of me. I don't want make you feel that you're only my bottom. I don't want what happened to Kenny and Steve happens to us. I love you so much Tommy and I would never treat you like that."

"Oh JC! You don't have to worry. We will never be like them. I love you JC. I love you so much" I exclaimed.

"K! Let's go and clean up" JC said as he got up. We both walked to the bathroom with him in front of me. I was hypnotized by a firm, muscular pair of asscheeks. A piece of virgin ass I just made love to. I didn't know what came over me but I suddenly smacked them, one on each cheek. JC jumped a little when he experienced the burning, stinging sensation on his butts. He turned around and broke into a big smile and shook his head when he saw the grin on my face.

"So you think you're manly enough after fucking me heh? Hmm! How do I punish you?" he said smiling while thinking of something to punish me.

"Well! You can make love to me till I'm so exhausted that I can't get out of the bed to punish me" I chuckled.

"That wouldn't be a punishment. That would be a reward for you" JC said as he lifted me up and carried me back to the bed. He sat down and bent me over his knees. I squirmed trying to get out knowing fully well what he would do, but his grip, his hold was too strong for me. The next thing I knew was the feeling of his palm on my asscheeks. He smacked me again and again on each one, harder and harder every time I believe "Bad Tommy! Bad Tommy! You gonna behave?" he asked while continued to spank me. I kept nodding to his spanking. After thirteen or fourteen spanks, I didn't know why but suddenly I felt my balls contracted and before I knew it, I came for the second time. JC was surprised when he felt my body convulsed but soon he realized what happened when he felt my cum hit his leg.

Needless to say we took a long time in the shower to clean each other up. I had a chance to find out more about his body. There was a single spot on his body that I missed. That night was one of the nights that I loved so much. Even though we didn't make love that night, but I still love it. We talked, we cuddled, we kissed and we caressed each other till we drifted of to sleep. That night was a night when we explored and found out more about each other, a night for our intimacy to get its peak.

The next morning he had to go to Lance's house to meet the guys for a meeting. He asked me if I want to go but I declined the offer. I wanted to stay here and relax.

I was sitting on the couch and watching TV when JC entered the living room and sat down next to me. I turned my head to look at him to find my lips touched by a pair of his waiting lips "How are you doing babe? How's the meeting?" I asked when we pulled back from the kiss.

"It went fine! How about you? What have you been doing today?"

"Nothing! I was just sitting around watching movie" I replied. I reached out and took his hand, brought it to my lips and kissed it. Then I traced small circles in his palm with my index finger and asked him "So what do you want to do JC?" JC loved it every time I did this. He found it very erotic and cute.

He pulled me in to his lap and hugged me tightly. He began to kiss me neck and lick it. He knew that this would drive me crazy because my neck is super sensitive. He loved to see that every time he did this, I totally submitted myself to him. I leaned back, put my head on his shoulder and moaned softly. My breathing was getting heavier and faster as JC started to suck lightly on my neck. He then began to apply some more pressure and started to suck harder as I clenched tightly to his strong, muscular arms and moaned louder "Oh God! Oh JC please stop" It's ironic that I told him to stop, but I didn't actually want him to stop. In fact, I wanted him to suck harder, to draw every single drop of blood out of my body. It's a good thing that he's not a vampire.

I was so disappointed when JC stopped sucking on my neck. He turned me around and shut me up as I started to protest. He pressed his lips on my lips and I felt that his tongue sticking out trying to enter my mouth. I wanted to tease him so I didn't open my mouth, and I pressed my lips together tightly. He didn't give up the battle easily as he put more pressure on my lips and forced his tongue into my mouth. He brought both of his hands up to my face to pull me more into the kiss. I was so turned on by his eagerness, his passion that I surrendered and opened my mouth to allow his tongue to enter. When we kissed, he almost pulled me up off the couch, and I felt like he has sucked all of the air out of my lungs. I didn't know how long we kissed but it seemed like forever. I was in ecstasy, pure bliss. I couldn't describe how I felt. I was almost blacked out when he stopped. We pulled back and gasped for air.

All I could say was "WOW!"

He smiled and said "Baby! I have something to tell you. I hope you won't get mad"

"As long as you kiss me like that again, I won't get mad at you. Wait! Even if you don't kiss me like that, I still can never get mad at you. You're too cute and gorgeous to be mad at. I love you babe."

"I love you too TT. I love you so much that it hurts every second I am not with you. You know that Justin have feeling for me right?" he asked.

I sulked as soon as I heard what he said. I nodded

"Well! He has been trying to kiss me so many times the whole day today. But I always stopped him. But I don't know why in the end I didn't" he stopped when he saw me looked down on the floor and pulled back a little. He pulled me closer and tighter. He started to shake a little "Please TT! Please don't be mad. I don't know why I didn't stop him in the end. I don't know why I kissed Justin. But when I closed my eyes, all I could see is the picture of your face, your smile and the love in your eyes every time you look at me. Please forgive me baby. I promise you I will never kiss Justin again. In fact I will make it clear to him. I will tell him that I only love him as a brother and I love you so much to hurt you. I will make sure that he understands it. Please TT! Please say you're not mad" he pleaded.

"Oh JC! I told you before and I will tell you again. I can never be mad at you, and for all the things that you just told me. I couldn't see why I should be mad at you" I said.

"But I kissed Justin TT. I kissed him. I betrayed your trust. You would never do that to me" JC interrupted me.

"No you didn't betray my trust JC. Yes I know that you kissed Justin. I was hurt and jealous at first when you told me, but I realized later that I am the luckiest person in the world JC. You have many chances to sleep with a popular, handsome heartthrob but you turned him down. Who would be able to turn down Justin, JC? Who would refuse such an offer? I couldn't think of anybody who could reject Justin. He is handsome, talented and he got everything. Yet you turned him down for me. So what if you kissed him? You were just curious my love. I could never lie to you. I am so happy after you told me about this. You may think I am crazy but I am not. Do you want to know the reason why this makes me so happy JC?" I poured my heart out to him.

"What is it TT? Tell me! I want to know why you are so happy instead of being hurt. It's not that I want you to be hurt but I want to know what make you so happy" JC spoke as he pulled me into a spoon position. He wrapped his arms around my chest. I felt so safe and warm in those strong arms. I wish that we could stay in this position forever. I would never complain.

"Your love Josh! Your love for me, that's what makes me so happy."

That's it for now everybody. i hope you will like it. The next chapter will be out soon. Take care and see you next time. I love you babe, more than you ever know.

Next: Chapter 6

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