Fated Love


Published on Apr 13, 2000


Hi everyone! This is my first time to write a story and I'm really nervous about it. The story is fiction. It doesn't represent the sexuality of any member of n'sync. Please don't read it if gay sex offends you. Otherwise, go ahead and read it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I write it.

Chapter 1: It All Started on a Beach

It was a beautiful day, and I was sitting on the beach, enjoying the sun, and relaxing. After playing for a long time in the water with my best friends, Amy and Kenny, I decided to go up and rest for a while. I took a book and began to read where I left off last time. Within fifteen minutes I was totally absorbed into the book, and unaware of my surroundings. I didn't pay any attention until "BAM" I was hit in the head by a ball. The impact was so great that I could see all the stars revolving around me.

"Ouch! That's fucking hurt!" I yelled grabbing my head.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I saw a figure running toward me. He stopped and stood in front of me and asked again "Are you ok?"

"Yeah! I'm ok. I guess?" I replied. I looked up to see the man who standing in front of me. I was lost when I stared in a pair of piercing blue eyes that were looking directly at me.

He bent down to pick up the ball and threw it back to his friends and said "you guys go ahead and plays without me." He then turned back to me and spoke "look I'm really sorry that I hit you. Are you sure you're alright? Is there anything I can do to make it up?"

"I'm ok. I'm ok. Don't worry about it!" I quickly responded. I would never imagine that someday I would see him in person let alone talking to him.

"Uhh! The name is Joshua Chasez, but you can call me JC" He spoke a little too loud.

I was brought back to reality by the sudden of his voice "I'm sorry! My name is Tom. Nice to meet you" I extended my hand.

He shook it and said "Nice to meet you too even in this awkward situation" He laughed.

"I'm really ok JC. You don't have to worry about it." God! He is so gorgeous I thought.

"I know, but I still feel bad though. Hey, how about I treat you dinner later on to apologize"

"It's ok! You don't have to." I regretted the minute I said it. My heart leaped when I heard he invited me to dinner. Wow! This is like dream come true.

"Hey Tom, who is this"

I didn't notice that Amy and Kenny have come up "Hey guys, this is JC, and these are my two best friends" I introduced.

They started to exchange greetings. While JC turned away to shake hands with Kenny and Amy, I took the chance to check him out. He has the most beautiful body I've ever seen. His chest is so smooth, and well defined. His stomach is like a washboard, so flat with six packs. There isn't an ounce of fat on his body, and his skin is shinning under the sun.

"I hit Tom in the head with a ball, so I invited him to a dinner to apologize. How about you two coming along too? This way we'll have more fun, and have a chance to get to know each other. It's cool to make a few new friends down here." He spoke.

My heart sank when I heard what he just said. He only invited me to dinner to apologize, and yet I think I let my imagination and hope carry too far away. I quickly dismissed the thought. I knew there is no way in the world I could be with him, and I was sure he is straight anyway.

"Sure! Where and when will we see you?" I asked.

"How about 7 o'clock" He then told us the name of the restaurant and we agreed to meet him there. "Ok! I'll see you guys later then"

Kenny, Amy and I sat on the beach and talked for a while before we got up and went back to our place to get ready for dinner with JC. We left the house at 6:45 since the restaurant was not far away from where we lived. We saw JC was waiting for us when we arrived at the restaurant.

"Hi guys!" he greeted us.

"Hi JC!" we all said it at the same time.

The hostess showed us to our table. We took our seats and started to order our dinner.

"So where do you live? How long are you gonna stay here?" he asked.

"We live in Orlando. We are not taking any class for this summer, so we just packed up and took a short break from school. We're gonna stay here for three weeks, and we just got here last night. How about you?' Kenny asked him.

"I'm staying here for a whole month. I got here two days ago. It's been a long time since I have a vacation."

We sat there talking, joking and getting to know each other until 9 o'clock.

"So what are you doing later? Do you want to go to a club or something?" he asked.

"Actually, we're kind of tired. I think we'll just rent a couple movies and stay in tonight." Amy answered for us.

As much as I love to spend time with him, I was kinda tired. I figured I wouldn't be a good company for him, also I didn't want to give him the impression that I'm too leechy.

JC and I spent so much time together over the next week. We seemed to hit it off really well. I discovered that we have to many things in common. We did so many things together, and I enjoyed every moment I spent with him. However, I noticed that Kenny's mood began to change. He seemed annoyed when JC and I spent time together. One evening when the three of us were sitting down on the pool relaxing, I decided to pop the question. "Kenny, what do you think about JC?" "He is ok, I guess. Why do you ask?" He looked at me. "Nothing. It's just that you act like he is bothering you or something?" I said. "No, he is not bothering me. It's just something about me" "You like him, don't you?" I tried to look away from his eyes. Kenny and I have been friends since forever. He's always there for me. I couldn't think of one time that Kenny was not there when I need him. I love the guy to death and I would do anything for him. Anything. I would never let anything come between us and destroy our friendship, especially another guy. "WHAT? What makes you think that? I don't like him Tom. He is not my type. And I know that you like him, I would never do that to you Tom. You know that." He seemed hurt, and offended. "Then what is it Kenny?" "We're supposed to go down here and have fun together right?" "Yeah!" "Ever since you met him, you guys hit it off. You spent most of your time with him. You acted like you're best friends. It's only been a week Tom, and he already replaced me. I fucking hate it when he just showed up and took you away from me" Kenny angrily responded. I walked over and sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug "Oh you stupid ape! You know that nobody could replace you and Amy in my heart. I'm sorry that I didn't spend much time with you guys". By now, Amy has come and pulled us into a group hug. "Ahhh! You look so cute when you're jealous Kenny. Why? Are you bored of me or something? I guess I'm not a good company heh?" she teased him. "Shut up! How come you don't say anything to him? You should be on my side kicking his ass instead of making fun of me. You woman" "Because I'm Amy's favorite. She loves me more than she loves you. I don't see how that's hard to see. I'm cuter than you are. I'm more fun to be around with" I said smiling. They both looked at each other and then looked at me and burst out laughing. "What?" I tried not to laugh and looked innocent "You're full of shit Tom!" he punched me in the arm. "God! I'm sorry that I didn't spend a lot of time with you guys last week. I missed us being together like this. But you don't have to worry. This will change" I said happily that I have two wonderful friends like Kenny and Amy. "What do you mean?" they both asked at the same time. "You know that I have a crush on JC before right?" They nodded. "Well! Over the past week, I think I'm falling hard for him. I love every minute I'm with him. But I don't think I can spend time with him anymore. Being close to him, and know that I can never have him drives me crazy" I told them sadly. "Why don't you tell him?" Amy asked. "What? Tell him, and ruin the friendship we have. I know for sure he is straight, he is too nice and I can't mess him up. If anything that he'll do, he'll do it for sympathy. And I don't want that. I rather have someone who loves, not just because he feels sorry for me" "You never know how he responds until you tell him, and I think he deserves to know if he considers you are his friend" "It's ok! I'm just happy to be his friend. I don't want anything more" I sighed knowing that's not totally true. Over the next week, I tried to avoid JC as much as possible. I always made up excuses when he asked me to do something with him. I noticed that he tried to talk to me many times but I always managed to get away. As much I as love to spend time doing stuffs with him, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The pain of being so close to him knowing that I can't not have him was tearing me up, and driving me nuts. The best way to avoid enduring that pain is staying away from him. One morning he came over really early in the morning while we were having breakfast. He asked if we wanted to go to the beach with him. I almost refused when both Amy and Kenny eagerly agreed since we haven't gone for a long time. I had no choice but went along with it. While we were on the beach, I always made sure that I wasn't alone with JC. I rarely talked to him, only when it's necessary. After having so much fun playing and joking in the water, I came up to get a drink and rest for a little bit. Big mistake, all the fun must have made me forget and lower my guard down. I just sat down for about two minutes when JC flopped down next to me. "What's up?" he asked. "What's up?" I was startled a little. I succeeded in avoiding JC up until now. "I need to talk to you about something" he said looking directly into my eyes. "About what?" I nervously asked knowing what he's gonna say. "Did I do something wrong Tom? Why are you avoiding me?" he asked me slowly with a hint of sadness and hurt in his voice. "No, No, you didn't do anything JC, and I am not avoiding you. It's just that I didn't feel like doing anything over the past week. I have so many things on my mind" I quickly explained to him. "What's it Tom? Tell me may be I can help you" "I don't think you can help me JC. I have to sort this out by myself" I tried to look away from him. He seemed a little hurt He was about to say something but interrupted by Amy. I was happy that Amy saved from this conservation in the nick of time. I saw Amy quickly ran up to me and whispered something in my ears. I turned around to look behind me. The instant I saw what Amy just told me, I was petrified. I clutched on to her hand, my body started trembling involuntarily. "IIhave to get out of here" I could barely get the words out of my mouth. "Let me go with you" she squeezed my hand gently. "No, you stay here and tell Kenny" I got up, grabbed my keys and ran away immediately before Amy could say anything. "What's happened Amy? What's wrong with Tom?" I heard JC's voice as I ran away. "Wait Tom! Wait for me" I heard JC called out to me. I was horrified when JC did this. I tried to run faster. I didn't even dare to look back, not because I'm afraid of JC is catching up with me but because of what Amy just informed me. Lucky I got a good start ahead of JC. By the time I got to the car, he was almost behind me. I quickly got in the car and drove away. I must have broken every speed limit on the way home. Once I pulled in the driveway, I quickly got out and rushed into the house. I was shaking so bad that I had a difficult time to unlock the door. The whole time, I didn't dare to look back behind me. The moment I got inside, I fell to the ground. It was only a short run, yet I felt so exhausted. I barely got myself up on my feet when I heard the door open. My head promptly snapped in that direction. I was so relieved to see JC walked in. "What's wrong Tom? What's happened? Why are you so scared?" he quickly asked me the minute he got inside. He approached me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Nothing JC! Nothing" I lied unconvincingly because my body was still shaking. JC got a hurt look on his face. He grabbed my hands, looked me directly in the eyes and asked "Am I your friend Tom?" I couldn't answer him with all the emotions inside of me, so I nodded. "If I'm your friend then tell me what's wrong. I hate it when my friend is in trouble and I couldn't do anything" he spoke sincerely. His eyes didn't leave me the whole time he talked. "I can't tell you JC. Even if I tell you, there's nothing you can do. Please don't ask me anymore. I can't talk about it right now" I pleaded him. "Ok if that's what you want" he nodded. I was relieved that he decided to drop it. We just sat there in silence. I was getting uncomfortable with him sitting there looking at me like that. I was about to move when he did something that shocked the hell out of me and changed my whole life. He suddenly lean forwards and kissed me on the lips. I was so shocked that I just sat there motionless. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Tom! I didn't know what's wrong with me. I shouldn't kiss you." JC quickly pulled back when he saw the shocking expression on my face. He started to get up. I immediately grabbed his hand to stop him from getting away. "It's ok JC. You don't know how much I've wanted to kiss you. It took me every bit of my will power to keep myself away from you. I almost went crazy. The last two weeks is the best time of my life, but it's also the worst" I said slowly, "I know exactly what you're talking about Tom. Ever since I met you, I don't know why but I feel like I have to see you everyday. I need to see you, talk to you, look at your face, your smile, listen to your voice. You possess some kind of mysterious force that pulls me to you, that I can't get away from you. Nobody ever has this effect on me Tom, especially a guy. I don't know what you did, but I couldn't sleep at night without thinking about you. Last week when you tried to avoid me, I was going crazy. I tried to figure out what I do wrong that make you avoid me like that" I just sat there listen to him and smiled the whole time. "What?" he asked confusingly. " Have you finished talking yet?" "No, I still have so many things to tell you. I" He was cut off because at that moment his lips were sealed by mine. As much as I loved to listen to his soothing voice, I couldn't resist the urge of kissing him. I already missed the first kiss, I didn't have a chance to feel it before he pulled back. So I determined to find out right away. There's no way in hell I would miss it again. I couldn't tell how long we kissed, and I don't want to sound clich but it seemed like forever. We didn't want to stop. Neither one of us wanted to pull back. Eventually I had to pull back for air, but I went right back to those luscious, kissable lips. I've never kissed anybody before, and I never know how to kiss, but this is one of these things that you just know how without learning. The only difference is the more you do it, the better you get. Our tongues were dancing in each other mouth. They were dueling with each other. I was amazed at the agility of his tongue. It moved like a snake inside of my mouth, roaming and attacking every where. JC was getting more and more impatient that he put both of his hands on my face to bring me more into the kiss. He pulled back a little to suck on my tongue, but he dove right back and began to suck my mouth. I felt like he almost sucked out all my internal organs. "WOW!" that was all I could say when we stopped. I felt the room was spinning, and I almost blacked out from that kiss. It took me a while to recover. I smiled at him "Hmm, you're the best kisser JC, and your lips taste like strawberry" "Sorry! Must be from the yogurt" he giggled. "I don't care where it came from, but I want to taste it again" "Hey, you don't see me complaining anything, do you?" he shrugged with a wicked grin on his face. We moved slowly towards the couch as we kissed. He gently pushed me down and got on top of me. His hands began to roam all over my body as our kisses were intensified by ten folds. He tried to pull off my t-shirt, I lifted my arms up to help him in the job. He was so hot that I could feel a tremendous amount of heat emancipating from his body. He started to grind his groin into mine as his kisses moved slowly down to my neck. I was helpless, I couldn't do anything as I just lay there enjoying the feeling he gave me. Soon my hands snaked their ways under his shirt and began to explore his muscular chest, his muscular back. JC's grindings became faster and more forceful, and our breaths were getting heavier. I felt his hands reaching down and pull down my shorts. Even though my body was burning with desire. Even though I desperately wanted him to take me right there, right then. I grabbed his hands and stopped him. "Please stop!" I pleaded. "Why Tom? I want you so much. I need you. Please let me do this" he continued his grindings and sucking on my neck. His hands fished inside my brief as he cupped my butts and squeezed them. I felt a tear roll down on face. It's not like I didn't want to go all the way with him. It's just that I always want my first time to be special at the right time and the right place. And it hurt me that JC didn't realize this. I believed that if he really wanted it, I would give it to him because I love him so much that I would do anything for him. Luckily, he raised his head and looked at me. He quickly sat up. "What's wrong Tom? Why are you crying?" "I'm scared JC. II" I stuttered. He quickly caught on "It's ok Tom! I'm sorry that I pushed you. I love you so much I would never do anything to hurt you baby. Don't worry, we will wait until you're ready. I will wait forever if I have to" he whispered softly as he bent down to kiss me and licked the tears away. WOW! Isn't he incredible? I love him so much. Whatever I felt for him before, my love for him just increased by ten folds. "I don't think so dude. After what you just did to my body, I don't think I can wait that long" I laughed. "I don't think I can wait that long either. I'm just saying that to impress you. I did a good job, didn't I? If you don't put out soon enough, I'll go crazy, and you'll never know what I'll do. I may commit a serious crime" he said as his head bobbed up and down, and he had that stupid grin on his face that I love so much. "What crime?" I wondered and laughed at his stupid gesture. "Rape!" he said bluntly "you know that I can't keep my hands off you. If you make me wait for too long, I guess I'll have to drug you and do whatever I want" he said still with that stupid grin on his face. "Bastard! Then I'll kick your ass your ass until your mama can't recognize you anymore" "You and what army baby?" he laughed. "I can take care of your skinny ass. If not, I can get Kenny and Amy to help me" "Hey, who are you calling skinny ass?" "There are only two of us here so guess who blondie?" "That's it! You're asking for it boy. First you call me skinny ass, now you say I'm stupid?" Before I knew it he was right on top of me and began to tickle me. I didn't know how he knew all my weak spots because that were where I attacked them. I squirmed under him, struggling to fight back and begging him to stop. "Say uncle!" he said with a victorious smile on his face. He leaned forward, inched his face close to mine and whispered "Say uncle or I'm gonna tickle you until you pee in your pants" Without thinking, I raised my head and kissed him. He seemed surprised that I did that "How about I call you something else? Like Mr. gorgeous, handsome, cutie, hottie, beautiful. Hey, I can go on and on here if you want" "Hmmm, I think I like those better. Go on finish it" He smiled. "Uh! How about Mr. vain, cocky, " "Oh! You're so dead this time. I warned you before but you didn't listen to me boy" I knew what he was going to do and I already planned an escape. I turned my head to the door and asked "Hey guys! When did you come back?" JC's head quickly turned towards the door, I seized this moment as he was distracted to throw him off me and dashed for the bedroom, hearing a big thud as JC's ass hit the floor before I got in. I laughed as I heard him yelled "you little twerp , I'll get you. You can't stay in there forever you know" "You have to get through the door first to get me, and I don't know how you can do that" I said in a na-na-na-na-na-na voice. After standing in front o f the door threatening for a while, he gave up. "Baby! Please le me in" he pleaded. I love it when he called me baby, it sounds so sweet. "Yeah sure! Let you in so you can get even, and tickle me. I'm not that stupid JC" "I promise I won't do anything. Please! I'm pretty lonely out here without you" "Promise" "Scout honor" The minute I opened the door, he pushed in, grabbed me and carried me to the bed. He threw me on the bed and sat on top of me. He sat there laughing, enjoying the scared look on my face. "You promised JC" "Well! I've never been a scout so that doesn't count" he chuckled "and I believe I promise that I won't tickle you, but I didn't say I won't do something else" He didn't speak but his actions did. He leaned down and kissed me. Soon we were engaged in passionate kisses. When we stopped, he lay down next to me and pulled me into a tight embrace. He kissed the back of my head and whispered "I love you TT" I quickly turned around and asked "what did you call me?" "TT, why? You don't like it?" "No, I love it, and you know what sometimes my family calls me that too" "Really? I just want to call you differently from the way everybody else does. Something special so that you realize how much I love you every time you hear it" he spoke softy. "I'm not gonna cry. You're not gonna make me cry. I'm freaking invincible for God's sake" I tried to laugh it off as I could feel my eyes were getting moist. God! I love him so much. He is so sweet, so caring and his words always hit me hard. "Baby! I have a confession to make" he said as he hugged me tightly from behind "you remember the first time we met?" "How could I ever forget? That was a beautiful day, and it was more beautiful to me when fate brought you to me. I could never forget JC. If you hadn't hit me with the ball, we wouldn't have been together" "Well! That's what I want to tell you" he scratched his head "you know, that wasn't an accident" "What do you mean JC?" I was confused. "When I saw you on the beach, the way you sat there looking at Kenny and Amy with a smile on your face, I was fascinated by you. I couldn't take my eyes of you. Then the way you were totally absorbed in the book, I just had to find a way to get to know you. I thought of so many ways but I couldn't come up with a better one other than his you with the ball. I did that on purpose so I could have a chance to talk to you" JC laughed as he recalled the look on my face when the ball hit me "You looked so funny when the ball hit you that I tried so hard not to laugh" "Bastard! You think it's funny heh? Don't worry! I swear I'll get you" I laughed jumping on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. "Really? When? I can't wait. How about right now?" he whispered in a low, seductive voice. His head came up and his lips were so close to mine. They barely touch each other. He brushed his lips against my lips slightly as he moved close to my ears "Oh Tom! I love you so much" I was so nervous, hoping that JC was not charming his way to have sex with me. I knew that I couldn't resist it if he did. Who on earth with the right mind could resist him? I'm damn sure I couldn't. I was so relieved when he just pulled me down on top of him, and hugged me. I lay there on the bed with JC's arms around me. I felt so secured, so wonderful. All my life, I've been waiting for this moment, and it finally come true. We stayed on the bed for a while, enjoying each other's company. We kissed, and kissed and kissed. It seemed like I could never get enough of those luscious, kissable and strawberry lips. I got addicted to them. "Well! Look like somebody's dream come true" We quickly got up and looked in the direction of the door. There stood Amy and Kenny with the biggest smiles on their face. They both walked forward to the bed and sat down in front of us. Amy pulled me into a hug and whispered "congratulation Tom!" "Thank you mate" I kissed her on the cheek before we pulled off. "Get away Amy. It's my turn now" Kenny pushed Amy away and hugged me tightly. "Ahhh! Let go of me you doofus! You're suffocating me" I laughed at his stupidness

"Gee! That's what I get for showing how much I care, and love you heh? JC you better teach your boyfriend some manners" he stuck his tongue out at me "JC, can I talk to you for a minute?" he got up and walked out of the bedroom, waved at me and Amy before he disappeared behind the door.

Amy started asking a whole bunch of question while Kenny and JC talked in the living room. I was so nervous because I couldn't figure out what Kenny gonna say to JC. The whole time, I didn't pay much attention to Amy until she smacked me on the head "Earth to Tom! Earth to Tom!" "Oh! I'm sorry. What did you say" "You really love him, don't you" she smiled. I nodded and asked "What do you think they are talking about?" "Don't worry Tom. You know Kenny. Knowing I'm sure he probable tells JC better treat you good or he kicks JC's ass" Amy assured me. Meanwhile in the living room, Kenny went straight to the point after both of them situated themselves on the sofa. "Do you love Tom JC?" JC was a little taken back at Kenny's straightforwardness "Yes, I love him Kenny. I can assure you that." "That's what I want to hear. Promise me that you won't hurt him." Kenny pleaded with sincerity. "I will not promise you anything but I can tell you that I will do anything in my power to keep him from getting hurt. Why Kenny? Why are you so worried about him? He just got out of a bad relationship?" JC wondered. "No, no, he has never been in any relationship. Not even once. While Amy and I have been on several dates, Tom has been single for the rest of his life. He always waits for something special. He doesn't say it but we can tell he gets pretty lonely sometimes. Especially whenever he visits his brother Johnny, and his husband Matt. He always seems sad and depressed. We try to ask him but he never says it. We never figure out until we talk to Matt. Matt told us that Tom asked him many times how does it feel to love and be loved. He told us that the reason Tom is sad sometimes because he never has anybody, he feels lonely. Matt tried to talk to him many times, he told Tom that someday he will meet somebody, and he has been waiting since. I've never seen he's so happy until he met you JC. Tom is a very loving, caring, and the most passionate person I've ever seen. But this also makes him very vulnerable, and he's very fragile. So I'm begging you JC. Please leave him if you are just looking for somebody to fuck with." JC listened intensely "No Kenny, I really mean it when I say I love him. I know that we just know each other for a short time, but I can say it without doubt that I love him." "Ok, I trust you JC." Kenny pulled JC into a hug. "You know he's very lucky to have friends like you and Amy" "We are very luck to be his friends too. He's a very loyal friend, he'll never betray our trust, and we love each other like we are brothers and sister. Enough, let's go and see him. He must be worried sick in there" I didn't know what he and Kenny have talked about, but I was glad that they had that talk because they looked like they got along pretty well. We didn't go anything special that night besides chilling out, talking and enjoying each other's companies. Once in a while JC would give me a quick kiss and whisper I love you in my ear. I loved the affection he gave me, but at the same time I felt a little uncomfortable especially when Amy and Kenny gave me those stupid looks. It's not that I didn't like JC did, in fact I loved it. Isn't it what I always dream of? It's just that the whole thing is totally new to me. I didn't know how to act or respond. I really wanted to say I love you too back to JC, but somehow I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I know for sure that I love him, so what's stopping me from saying how I feel? I guess I'm just a weird little kid or maybe it's just the way I am brought up. We never good at showing affection especially when there are people around. The next day, JC came over around 1 o'clock. We were sitting on the couch watching TV. I loved it when I sat in his lap with his arm around me. It's the best feeling in the world. I felt so happy, so contented and secured in his strong arms. If this is how it felt like to be in love, I wish I can be like this forever. Amy and Kenny decided to go shopping later, but they wouldn't let go with them. No matter how much I protested, they wouldn't budge. I knew that they wanted to give me and JC some little time together. Gotta love those two, they are so protected of me. Once they left the house, I sat JC down right away, and got myself comfortable in his lap again. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he hugged on to me tightly, kissing the back of my head. I gentle stroke the hair on his arms. He is not very hairy and not very smooth. He has a thin layer of hair on his chest, and arms, thick enough to cause a little friction every time I brush myself against him. Oh God! I love him so much, he is so perfect. "JC?" "What baby?" Every time he calls me baby, he sends shiver over all my body. I love it, and I don't know if he know he has this effect on me "Remember I told you that I want to wait for our first time to be at a special place and at the right time?" "You can have all the time you want Tom. I won't make you do anything you don't want to" he said kissing my shoulder "I love you so much that I'll do anything you want. Anything." "I love you too JC. I thought about it last night and I realized that it does matter where and when it will be. It'll be special as long as I'm with you. I want you to be my first, and I believe that every moment I spend with you are so special so I don't see any reason for me to hesitate. I don't see any reason for me to be scared. I love you, and I trust you JC. So will you be my first? Will you make love to me JC?" I asked him, looking directly into his eyes. There were no shame, no shyness, no doubt in my voice. I was confident to take the next step with him. JC lifted my chin and kissed me on the lips and asked "Are you sure you want to do this baby?" "I've never been surer in my life JC" "Ok! Give me an hour. I'll be right back." Before he left, he leaned in and kissed me. Soon we were engaged into a hot passionate kiss. Neither one of us wanted to let go. I opened my mouth wide to invite his tongue to enter. I tasted his lips, his strawberry smell like. I never seem to get enough of kissing him, and every time he seems to kiss better and better. Finally, he reluctantly pushed me back, and smiled. He kissed my forehead before he left. I was sitting alone, waiting for him to get back. I couldn't figure out where he's going, and what's he gonna do. The anxiety was killing me. It was only about five minutes since he left, but I felt like forever. I couldn't hear or see anything from the TV even though I was sitting right in front of it. I was so nervous when I thought about what we would do when he come back. I was worried because I don't know anything about sex. There were thousands of what if questions going through my mind. What if he does like it? What if I do everything wrong? What if it hurts? What if? Aaaah! I'll go insane if I just sat there so I decided to take a hot shower. I felt much better when I got out. I fixed my hear and put on my favorite cologne Curve. I looked at my watch I saw that JC wouldn't be here at least for half an hour. Have you ever been anxious like this? Time seems to fly so slow. I took out my journal and started writing. I always write when I'm upset or there's something major in my life, this kept me distracted for a while until I heard the doorbell. I quickly put the journal away, and dashed for the door. I was greeted by the most handsome man on earth with the cutest smile on his face. "Hi babe! Are you ready?" I nodded. I was too nervous to speak. I knew for sure that I wanted to do this. I knew for sure that I wasn't scared, I was just nervous. We walked silently towards the car. We pulled out of the driveway slowly. Still neither one of us spoke, the tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. I was startled a little bit when JC took hold of my hand. His thumb massaged my palm, and he squeezed it gently. "Are you scared baby? If you are, don't be because don't have to do this if you don't want to" he spoke sincerely. "No, no, I'm not scared. I'm just a little nervous. I don't know anything. What if I screw up? What if i?" I was interrupted when he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it "TT, I'm nervous too. I will be lying if I tell you that I'm not. In case you don't recall, this is my first time too with a guy too. I don't have any experiences either. But I'm very excited, I can't wait to show you how much I love you. I believe that sex is something very sacred between two people. It's an act of love that when two people are in love, they will share with each other. I believe when two people make love they will be connected. I want to share this with you. I want to be together with you in every way Tom, physically and mentally, it's an intimacy that we'll explore together" After hearing all this, all my doubts, hesitation, nervousness were gone in an instant. I knew for sure that JC is the perfect person who I want to be with for my first time. He loves me, I love him, and that's enough for me. I was too busy listening and looking at JC, I didn't notice that we arrived at his house which was pretty close to the house we rent. We walked out of the car, he grabbed my hands and we walked to the door. He opened the door. Once we were inside, he quickly spun me around and kissed me. "Wow! I've been waiting to do that since we were in the car" he said smiling "Ok! Now close your eyes and don't open it until I tell you, and no peeping either" he giggled. I laughed at his childlessness, and closed my eyes. I felt his lips barely brushed against mine. I leaned forwards to indulge, but he quickly pulled back. And I heard him whispered lowly "remember, don't open your eyes until I tell you to". Again, I nodded. The next thing I knew was he swiped me up in his strong arms and carried me upstair. I almost forgot and opened my eyes. We entered a room as he kicked the door closed. He lay me down gently on the bed. My skin came to contact with a soft layer of something feel like petals. I could feel the softness of the petals on my skin, and I could smell the fresh scent of flower. I realized that I was lying on a layer of rose petals. I felt JC was leaning down on me, I could feel his hot breath on my face. He kissed my forehead, my eyes. He caressed my cheek gently with the back of his fingers, then I felt his thumb was rubbing slightly on my lips. I stuck out my tongue to lick it, but he quickly pulled back and laughed. "Eh uh! Not yet baby" I wished he hurried up and finished the whole seduction things because by now my body was burning up with desire, my heart was aching from waiting impatiently for his next move. Again, I felt he leaned down, this time my lips were touched by a pair of lips that I knew so well over the past couple days. They were so soft and moist like rose petals, and they have a pleasant strawberry taste that I love so much. Soon, our kiss were getting more passionate, as I put my hands behind his back pulled him more into the kiss. Now I knew why people close their eyes when they kiss because the feeling was wonderful. It was so good, so good that I couldn't even describe it. My eyes were closed but I could vividly see his face as my fingers were tracing, exploring the rugged outline of his gorgeous face. We kissed, and kissed and kissed. I kept my eyes closed the whole time.

"You can open your eyes now baby"

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful face that only inches away from me "I love it when you call me baby JC."

"Then I will call you baby from now on for the rest of my life. Are you willing to be my baby for the rest of my life Tom?" his voice was so soothing, and his eyes were so beautiful. They were full of love and passion. I was lost when I looked into his eyes. They were so blue, and they seemed to pierce into my soul. I slowly nodded as I was hypnotized by him.

"Baby, baby, baby" he was chanting into my ears. The next thing he did that totally sent us into a series of laughter "Baby, baby hit me one more time" he sang as hit head bopped up and down. I couldn't help but raised my hand and smacked him in the head.


"Hey, don't blame me. You were asking for it" I replied trying to hold my laugh. He must have seen this because he burst out laughing which made lost my concentration and laughed along with him.

While we were laughing I took a look around the room. I gasped in awe as I saw it. All the drapes were closed to prevent the light from the outside entering the room. The room itself was dimly lit by four candles at every corner of the bedroom. The ceiling was beautifully decorated with hundreds of stars and planets. It seemed like we were in a planetarium. On the bed where we were lying, rose petals were scattering every where. It was so beautiful, so romantic, so heavenly extravagant.

"So you like it?"

"Do I like it? Do I like it? No, I don't like it. I LOVE it. It's so beautiful JC. You did all this" I grabbed his hands and kissed them frantically.

"I'm glad that you love it. Do you love the rose petals on the bed?" he asked as he leaned forwards and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Yes, I love them. They were so beautiful"

"Do you know how many roses did I use?"

I shook my head in wonder. Is there a significance in the number of roses he used? I thought to myself.

"There are a 106 roses altogether. Twenty three of the roses are for twenty three years that God has put you here on earth, another twenty three are for me. The other sixty signifies that we will be together for another sixty years. Do you want to be with me for another sixty years baby? Do you want to stick with me until we are wrinkled and old?"

WOW! That was deep! That wasI don't know if there's any word or vocabulary in the world has a meaning to describe what he just told me. If this is a dream, I don't ever want to wake up. If this is a reality, I'm blessed, I'm the luckiest person in the world.

"I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry. You're not gonna make me cry JC. I'm freaking invincible for God's sake" I tried to laugh it off to cover up for all the emotions I felt inside. We were staring at each other silently, neither one of us said anything. We didn't want to ruin this magical moment. You know silence sometimes can make two people feel uncomfortable. It didn't apply for us at that moment. I didn't want to say anything, and JC felt the same way. We were communicating through our eyes, we were communicating telepathically. I wanted to tell him how much I love him, how much he means to me, and how happy he makes me feel. But I didn't say anything because he knew, he knew just by looking into my eyes. He knew everything in my head, and I believed that he had the same thoughts in his head. We moved slowly together until our foreheads touched. Again, we stared into each other eyes, and smiled.

"I love you TT, I love you so much that I don't think I can love you more than I do right now" I could feel his hot breath on my face as he spoke.

"I love you too JC more than you ever know. If you could live forever, I wish I could live one second less so I don't have to stand the pain of losing you. Now I can not imagine life without you. Please make love to me JC. I want to give you everything, everything that I have been saving for my whole life, my body, my heart and my soul"

He didn't say anything as he pulled off my T-shirt, and I lifted up my arms to help him remove it. He gently lay me down on the pillow. He bent down and kissed my heart while his hand reached down and unbuckled my jeans. In a swift movement, he pulled it off as I lifted my hips so he could remove it. Then he slowly took of his jeans, and T-shirt. As I looked at him with nothing on but a boxer. I believed that JC knew that I was scared so he took control of everything. He took my hand and put it on his chest, and let it rested on his heart. He looked at me and asked, "Do you feel my heart beating TT?"

I nodded.

"It's beating for you. It belongs to you baby" then he moved our hands slowly down, passing his stomach and followed the trace of hair that disappeared into his boxer. He didn't stop when we reach the plastic band of the boxer, our hands continued to travel down further and into the boxer. My heart was racing faster and faster as we approached the target closer and closer. I gasped until my hand came in contact with an already erected shaft. My fingers involuntarily wrapped around it. It was so hot, and big too. The feeling was incredible. "Do you feel that baby?" he asked.

Again I nodded.

"It's yours too. Everything about me is yours, everything about me that you can see, everything about me that you can feel is yours." He then directed our hands to the top of the boxer as our fingers hooked around the plastic band, he removed it slowly to reveal the most beautiful cock I've ever saw.

That's it everybody. I hope you like it. I have the story line for the next chapter already. All I have to do is type it, and send it in

Next: Chapter 2

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