Fate of a Poor Mans Son

By Hank M

Published on Jul 12, 2023


The captain's party!

This story involves erotic situations and actual sexual contact between males - as well as humiliation, exhibition, and much of the usual stuff for this genre. If you are not at least 18 years of age (or whatever legal age is where you are) go away now! If you are offended by the content of this story go away now! If you are in a jurisdiction in which it is illegal to read or possess such fiction stories go away now (well, it would be better if you could get the hell away from that jurisdiction). And if you are someone who cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, please go away and get some help.

I welcome reader response (no flames). Include name of the story in title line. You can reach me at email address below.


By Master Redbeard (redbeardedsf at yahoo dot com)

There had been parties at the Winston estate over the years. We saw pictures and read about them in the newspaper, but our family had never been invited. I don't know why Brad Winston decided to have a graduation party for the young people of the town. Brad and his brother had attended private school and didn't know many of the high school students in the town of Winston. For a moment I wondered whether the party was Brad's way of humiliating me even further, showing off my degradation in front of my former classmates. Was it possible the boy was so petty? But I didn't have time to wonder about that. There were many jobs to be done: paving stones to lay, wooden tables to build, freezer chests to move, and more food and drink being prepared than I'd ever seen in one place.

And then it was the night of the party. High School graduation had just taken place the day before. It seemed like all the kids in the high school, all the faculty, and even the parents of the kids had all been invited to this big outdoor party. I was dressed in something that looked like a jockstrap except there was only one strap up the middle of the butt and the fabric was much softer and thinner than a jockstrap. But as the party started I didn't know what my assignment was or where I should be.

I saw Captain Winston striding toward me flanked by my coach and the school principal. All three men took me by the arms without saying a word and tossed me on my back onto one of the big wooden tables that had been built. I felt each wrist being strapped to the legs on one end of the table and then each ankle being strapped to a leg on the other end of the table. I was stretched out on the table in the shape of an X looking around at the people who were surrounding the table.

Then I watched as my former high school coach pulled off his jacket and tie. He unbuttoned his shirt so that he was left in his white undershirt that showed his muscular chest. He grinned at me and said, "You don't want me to do this later on after I've gotten good and plastered, do you, boy?" He was pulling out equipment that I didn't recognize.

"B-but I'm a temporary slave and you can't...."

The coach smacked my face hard and then shouted, "Stuff something in this slave boy's mouth to shut him up."

I saw Eddie, the obnoxious football player, bounding up to the table enthusiastically with his gym bag. He pulled out a raunchy pair of his boxer shorts announcing to all assembled, "I jacked off into these three times and wiped my ball sweat off with them." Then Eddie unceremoniously stuffed the filthy boxers into my mouth. I could taste his cum and his sweat as well as a distinct flavor of piss.

And then I saw the light glisten off the sharp small knife in the coach's hand. It looked something like the exacto blades we used to cut posterboard in art class. He was moving it toward my cock. My cock instantly shriveled up practically trying to hide inside my body. What the fuck was this man going to do to me?

"We got any homos here?" Coach called out merrily. "We need to get this slave boy cock at full mast and I ain't about to rub it for him."

Someone pushed Rye forward. Obedient slave that he is, Rye just fell to his knees beside the table and started to suck my cock. There were jeers and catcalls from the men gathered around, including some cries of, "I'll give you a real man's cock to suck on." I was trying to will myself to stay soft, but Rye's tender ministrations were more than I could resist. My cock was fully stiff. Rye was pulled away only to have free boy cock shoved down his throat. And once again I saw the blade of the knife coming toward me.

The bonds were holding me very tightly in place. In retrospect it was a good thing I couldn't shift around on the table. The very tip of the knife blade sliced along the side of my cock as the coach began to lecture the assembled, "There was a time in America, the last century, when just about every baby boy born in a hospital was circumcised. But once slavery was reintroduced and it was established that slave boys would all be circumcised, people stopped getting their baby boys cut. They didn't want their sons mistaken for slaves."

I felt the pain searing through me. It was like getting a paper cut, only this very thin cut was on my cock. I gritted my teeth. At least I knew now that the coach wasn't planning to slice off my penis. He was just going to circumcise me. Just going to? Damn, wasn't that bad enough? I was having my foreskin removed against my will.

There was a slice made perpendicular to the first. Fortunately, the coach had a steady hand and seemed to know just how deep to press the blade. But still there was a large quantity of blood. I felt lightheaded. I blacked out for a moment. Water was thrown in my face and the coach was holding up the bloody piece of skin, waving it around. Then he tossed my foreskin in the barbecue fire. "A hunk of useless fat for the fire," he joked and the crowd roared with laughter.

He turned his attention back to me and wrapped gauze around my bleeding penis. He taped it in place and then pressed it down against my groin. He put a gauze pad over my penis so that it was flattened against my body. My balls were still revealed below. Then I was untied and given a small cup to place over my cock and balls. It snapped in place. There was no belt, nothing covering my ass, just the cup over my bandaged genitals.

I looked around but I didn't see Randy. I learned later that the captain's younger son hated parties. Not so with Brad Winston. From out of nowhere, Brad grabbed my arm and said, "There you are, boy. You're needed." I was positioned on my knees just behind the table with beverages. Then Brad announced, "OK, guys, we have a urinal in place now."

Eddie the football player was first in line and already had his cock out as he approached. He shoved it quickly into my throat and began to piss with a powerful stream, his hands on his hips. He grinned from ear to ear looking down at me and snickered, "Finally found your rightful place in the world, eh, Wally?" I tried to suck off the final drops but he pulled out of my mouth. He wanted to smack his pissy cock on my face so the final drops would splash in my eyes and my nose.

The line kept moving. I lost track of which boys had used my mouth and of how many boys had used my mouth. The pain in my recently circumcised dick was throbbing but I had no time to think about it. I had to concentrate on swallowing the piss as fast as I could.

I heard some shouting. From the corner of my eye I saw Eric, the boy who used to be my best friend and co-captain of the track team. He was angrily telling someone, "No, I'm not a slave lover. It's just that's Wally, someone I used to know, it's gross to piss in the mouth of someone who used to be your friend."

The person in front of me at that moment must have saved up his urine for days because he just kept going. I couldn't turn to look but I recognized Brad's voice saying, "I'll show all of you something that'll change your mind about Wally."

There were large video screens set up all over the property, most of them showing music videos, but some showing financial news or sports. I was startled when I heard Rye's voice coming from the speakers: "You don't have to do this, you know." I knew what would follow. There was my voice booming from the speakers: "I really wanna suck your cock, you big handsome slave." Then there were loud groans from male voices. Someone called out, "Gross!" That was followed my Brad's voice saying, "Well Wally sure didn't think it was gross." Raucous laughter.

Just then my current customer finished pissing in my mouth and zipped up. There was a commotion. I looked up and there was Erik pushing away the other men and boys in the line. He snarled, "Excuse me but I really gotta stick my prick in there right now." I heard cheers from the other boys. Were those the boys who had been on the track team with Erik and me? I glanced at the screen and saw me kissing Rye and rubbing our cocks together. Rye had been right about the surveillance equipment. But I had never imagined the uses that might be made of the footage.

Erik grabbed my face roughly and forced me to look up at him. "Please Erik," I whispered, "I'm not like that."

He smacked me so hard across the face I thought I would lose my balance and fall over. "Shut up you fuckin' uppity slave. Who gave you permission to talk to a free boy?" Then he roughly pulled open his jeans and reached into his boxer shorts. He stuffed his thick young cock into my mouth and I got ready for the onslaught of piss.

No urine came. As my tongue moved along the bottom of his cock, I felt his tool getting stiffer and longer. I looked up at his face and saw him sweating. One of the boys called to him, "What'sa matter, man? Are you pee shy?" Erik called back, "This cocksucker's tongue is so hot he got me all boned up." There was laughter as the other boy called back, "So make that hungry little homo slave happy and feed him your spunk!"

I saw a dark look across Erik's face as he reached for my ears. He started to fuck my mouth in a way I had never experienced before. He was slamming into me so hard I thought his pubic bone would break my nose. Over and over unrelenting he yelled out, "Yee-haw" and indeed he was acting like he was riding a bronco with his cock.

"Damn, Wally," he grunted as he rode hot and heavy. "You're a cock-hungry little fag. Shit, all that time I had the locker next to you I'll bet you were looking at my cock and boning up. Shit, you little cumdump, if you were looking at my ass I'll fuckin' really hurt you bad, toiletface."

Then he began to shout out, "Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven..." By this time the gang of boys had joined in with the rest of the numbers. "Six... Five... Four... Three... Two..." And then when Erik slammed in on number one his cock spurted load after load of steamy cream down my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could. He pulled out of my mouth so that I got the last spurt of spunk right in the eyes.

Erik held his dick in his hand now. The look on his face seemed as evil as the look I usually got from Brad Winston. I knew what he was going to do. I leaned forward and tried to take his cock in my mouth, but he slapped my face with his tool and began pissing all over me. He pissed in my hair, on my face, down my chest. I just bowed my head and took it. I tried to block out the sound of the other boys cheering. Damn, I had heard them cheer for me at the state track finals, and now they were cheering for my degradation.

I was hosed down and moved further back to an area where only men would go. The boys who had been my teammates on the track team were first in line to get blowjobs from me. But Eddie's pals from the football team cut into the line. Every so often a dad would come along and they'd let him go to the front of the line. There was Erik's dad. I had been going to his house to play since second grade. And now he was gloating as he shoved his uncut cheesy dick into my mouth for a cleaning. Were people really so nasty? Were men really so perverse?

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I heard the captain's voice. I glanced to the side while still sucking on the cock in my mouth and was horrified by what I saw. The captain had his big arm around my younger brother's shoulder. My brother, Will, was wearing the gray pants of a school uniform, but had removed the white shirt and tie so that he was just wearing a white undershirt from the waist up.

My brother was saying, "My dad told me but I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen that video." I knew just what he was talking about.

The captain chuckled softly and said, "Show me you're a real man, little buddy, heheheheh."

Then the boys on line were being moved aside by the captain. My brother was standing right in front of me. I could smell alcohol on him and from the way he was unsteady I knew he was already drunk. I don't know whether my brother had ever been drunk before. When I looked up at his face, Will blushed and turned away. And through this he was struggling with the snap and zipper on his gray slacks.

Captain Winston came up to my kid brother and grabbed his pants and pulled them down to his knees along with his briefs. Will was shy and put a hand over his dick. But the captain just laughed and slurred, "Be a man. Stick it in the slave boy's mouth."

Will hesitated so I just leaned forward and gobbled his cock and began working my tongue over it. What the hell! I had already sucked my father's cock. I had sucked the cocks of my former friends and the nasty jocks from school that I'd always hated. Now that I was giving my younger brother what was probably his first blowjob, I was gonna suck him good.

His dick stretched to full length as my tongue massaged right under the head. Will called out, "Fuck, he does love sucking cocks." Then the boy caressed my head and started humping his hips never really pulling his meat too far from the warmth of my mouth, but moving it around on my tongue.

I was trying not to look up into Will's face knowing that embarrassed him. When I looked to the side I saw Captain Winston standing there with his hand in his pocket glaring at Will's ass. Then I looked and realized I could see Will's back reflected in a shiny cabinet across the way. I saw the way Will's firm ass cheeks moved in and out, clenching and then releasing, as he rode his cock in my mouth. I looked back at the captain and saw the way he was moving his hand in his pocket and the way he was staring. He was staring at the crack in Will's ass. I could read the captain's mind. He was thinking how nice those firm young cheeks would feel clenching and unclenching as they rode on his stiff prick.

Will's boner slapped against the roof of my mouth. His eyes were closed. He was looking up at the sky and I thought he would start howling. I tasted his sweet cream sliding down my throat. He immediately pulled out of me and turned away. The captain was coming close. There was no way I could warn Will about the fate that awaited him. I knew now how powerful the captain was; how manipulative; how unscrupulous he was; and how much he loved young smooth flesh.

My younger brother was trying to keep his genitals covered as he struggled to pull his underwear and slacks up from his knees. So very na^'ve! The boy was bending over and turning his back in an effort to keep his dick hidden from the captain, not realizing that the evil old man was much more interested in looking at his backside.

Did I really think that would be the low point of my night? How could I underestimate the nastiness and perversity of the men in the town of Winston?

I found myself inside a musty room with a pool table in the middle. Men were gathered around. Of course Captain Winston was there along with the principal, my coach, a few men I didn't recognize, but some I knew from the town. There was Aldo, the barber who had been cutting my hair since I was ten. There was Mr. Blank, father of the twins I used to babysit. They were smoking cigars and drinking brandy. And I knew I had been brought in as entertainment.

All I had on was the cup that covered my genitals. I hadn't realized before but with the gauze taped over my recently circumcised penis and the cup covering it all, it looked as if I didn't have anything down there.

I was told to wash out my mouth and was supervised to gargle and rinse and scrub my lips numerous times until all trace of urine would be gone. Then the coach tossed me a pair of pink panties with flowers on them. I just looked at him, my eyes wide, and shook my head slowly. "Please," I whispered. The principal slapped me across the face for speaking without permission and the coach tossed me a pink bra with small bows on it. I obediently put on the bra and panties wishing I could just sink into the earth and disappear.

Aldo placed a blond wig on my head. The hair color was close to my own, the cut seemed very young and girlish. The barber then pushed me down into a seat and began applying makeup. He brushed pink blush on my cheeks, smeared lipstick on my lips and then worked on my eyes. "Careful," someone exclaimed. "Don't make her look too slutty." Another voice added in, "Yeah, she's still such a sweet young thing, hardly any titties yet."

Drunken laughter filled the room. Almost as an afterthought I was given a pink satin slip to pull up my legs. It was very short and barely covered my flowered panties. I couldn't look anyone in the eyes.

"Awwww, look how shy our little girl is," Mr Blank said in a mocking way, the back of his hand brushing along my cheek. I cowered away from him and he laughed.

Then the men lifted me onto the edge of the pool table. My high school principal stood in front of me, his fingers playing with my nipples through the fabric of the pink bra. "Sure she's shy. She's such a sweet young thing, doesn't even fill out her training bra yet." Then he kissed me full on the mouth. His tongue was wet and sloppy. Even his moustache was wet and sloppy and his kiss was disgusting. I tried to pull back from the principal.

I was grabbed by my former coach who laughed, "Aw, our little lady don't like being stripped to her panties in front of all these big nasty men." Coach kissed me in a violent way, shoving his tongue hard down my throat. Simultaneously, his fingers went into the back of the flowered panties and he shoved one finger hard and dry up my ass, making me howl in pain in spite of all the ass fucking I had experienced. The cruel coach just laughed and snarled, "Our little lady don't even have any bush on her pussy." My utter disgust for these evil men multiplied a hundredfold just then. Fuck, these sick bastards not only wanted to pretend I was a girl, but they were playing a scene in which I was a young girl and I was their victim!

Suddenly I was pushed back so my head hit the pool table and my legs were in the air. Just the back of my flowered panties were pulled far enough so my ass crack was revealed. Then I felt the thick head of the coach's cock shoving against my anal opening. Fuck, didn't this man know anything about lubricant? Or maybe he just wanted to make me hurt?

The principal grabbed my face and looked down at me with an expression that almost implied sympathy. "Look at how pretty she is," he said in a soft voice. "You must be the little sister of that boy Wally. Yes, you're Wally's little sister and your lips are just as soft and inviting as his ever were."

His cock was surprisingly thick when he shoved it into my mouth. It tasted as if he hadn't washed under the foreskin in weeks. I gagged on it. He pulled back and then pushed it in harder. The coach was now firmly embedded in my butt and men were encouraging him to "fuck that twat, nice tight little pussy."

I could no longer keep track of which man was fucking which hole. I was defeated. They had won. Whatever the game they wanted to play, they were the winners. I looked around at all the men surrounding the pool table. Yes, they were all good heterosexuals. They had only fucked me after they could pretend I was a young girl. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine a place in hell worthy of these vile perverts.

Next: Chapter 13

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