Fate of a Poor Mans Son

By Hank M

Published on Jul 6, 2023


Wally tries to shake off the humiliation of sex with his father, then enjoys some tender time with Rye and has a surprising experience with the youngest of the Winston men. (if you're just coming in now, start with the first nine chapters.)

This story involves erotic situations and actual sexual contact between males - as well as humiliation, exhibition, and much of the usual stuff for this genre. If you are not at least 18 years of age (or whatever legal age is where you are) go away now! If you are offended by the content of this story go away now! If you are in a jurisdiction in which it is illegal to read or possess such fiction stories go away now (well, it would be better if you could get the hell away from that jurisdiction). And if you are someone who cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, please go away and get some help.

I welcome reader response (no flames). Include name of the story in title line. You can reach me at email address below.)


By Master Redbeard (redbeardedsf at yahoo dot com)

Rye knew that the captain's visitor had used me sexually. But I didn't tell him that the man was my father. In fact, I just kept silent the rest of the day. That night I serviced the captain and then later I serviced Brad. The following night Brad had me bent over for a fucking when his father entered the room, unzipped and used my mouth as a urinal. Brad had no qualms about sliding his erection in and out of my butt with his father in the same room. And once the captain had finished peeing, he started to slide his hard dick in and out of my throat. They filled me with their spunk within a minute of each other.

That was the night I was placed in a cell together with Rye. It was tall enough for us to stand up, but not very roomy. One corner had a hole and a water hose, while the other corner had just one narrow sleeping shelf. I would have expected that a slave with the seniority and responsibilities of Rye would have a better personal space. But then again, Rye was just a slave, just property of the Winston family.

We stood naked together. His cock was fully erect and mine was half-way hard. I looked at the narrow sleeping shelf with its two-inch thick slab of foam and then looked at Rye. As if he read my mind, he said, "The floor is icy cold. You get on the shelf first."

I stood there for a long moment and then said, "You know I'm not like that. You know I'm not queer."

He had a half smile as he replied, "Yeah, I used to not be like that also. Relax, Wally, I don't intend to rape you."

What was I scared about? I had already been raped and humiliated by the free men in the house. But Rye was a fellow slave. There was something more intimate about this. And yet, he was right, the floor was very cold. I got onto the shelf facing the wall. Rye climbed on behind me and pressed his body against mine. I immediately felt his erect dick along the crack of my ass and I jumped up as if I'd been electrocuted.

After some negotiating, we both turned around so that I was spooning Rye. My dick went fully hard when pressed along the crack of Rye's muscular ass. I was telling myself, "I know I'm straight. It's just the feeling of warm flesh against my penis that's making me go hard. It's just a normal natural reaction that any guy would have." But even as I was repeating that in my head I began to sob. Nothing about my life was normal or natural anymore. I was not like any guy anymore. I was a sex slave.

Now I was lying in bed sobbing uncontrollably and Rye turned around to face me. He wrapped his arms around me and I pressed my face to his powerful chest. His large hands were rubbing my back and my shoulders as he said, "You can cry if you wanna. You can let it all out."

That only made me weep harder. Why was I crying now? I had remained stoic during all sorts of disgusting sex acts and humiliation? Maybe I was finally letting go just because there was someone holding me in his powerful arms; there was someone who was comforting me. I knew I would never again get that kind of comfort from my father.

I wiped my eyes and my nose and looked up into the face of this handsome slave. I don't know how long the two of us just stayed like that looking into each other's eyes. I don't know which of us moved our lips forward first, but our lips met in a tender kiss. An instant later my mouth was opening and my tongue was in a passionate wrestling match with the big slave's tongue. My hands were moving all over his body feeling him up and his hands were doing the same to me.

Then my hand reached for my rock-hard erection and grabbed it together with Rye's stiff cock. They were both leaking and I was stroking them together. I had so many questions. Why was I erect for a man when I knew I was straight? Why did it feel so right? But I knew that if I stopped to ask any of those questions the moment would be ruined. And the important thing just then was how good the moment felt. I was touching and kissing and caressing someone of my own free will. I had doubted that my free will existed anymore. Maybe it only existed in the darkness in the confines of my sleeping cell?

Rye started kissing down my body. He licked my chest. His tongue went into my belly button and I squirmed. He was off the sleeping shelf now, on his knees next to the narrow bed, and his mouth engulfed my stiff cock. I grabbed the back of his head. I felt his lips make contact with my balls. His nose dug into the area where my pubic hair used to be. I had become an expert cocksucker in just a matter of days. But this was the first time my cock had been encased in a mouth. Rye didn't have any time to suck me. I just started shooting instantly. My cream exploded down his throat and as he swallowed my cockhead was tickled and stimulated even more.

He sucked the end of my cock to get every drop. I moaned and reached down to caress the big slave's neck. He moved up the bed and I grabbed his face to mine and kissed him, sticking my tongue deep into his mouth to taste my own spunk. Then I urged him back onto the sleeping shelf and I moved to the side of it. Now it was my face moving down his powerful body. Now it was my tongue that licked all around the base of his cock. Now it was my mouth that engulfed his thick long erection and sucked deeply.

I looked up to see the satisfied smile on Rye's face. He whispered, "You don't have to do this you know." I nodded and grinned and even with his cock in my mouth I managed to say, "I really wanna suck your cock, you big handsome slave." He chuckled and I got down to work. I wanted to give him the best blowjob I'd ever given. I'd been forced to suck on the captain's cock and Brad's cock. I'd even been forced to suck on my father's cock. But Rye had been kind to me. Rye was a fellow slave. I remembered Rye saying that, "the only comfort a slave gets is in the arms of other slaves." He had given me comfort and now I was determined to give him comfort.

Rye shouted a warning that he was going to shoot, but I stayed all the way down on his big hard cock and swallowed his sperm eagerly. Then he pulled me up alongside him on the narrow sleeping shelf. We kissed once again, our tongues intertwining.

"B-but, you know I'm not queer..." I began to stammer, not sure why I was even saying that.

Rye put his fingers to my lips again and said, "Shhhh, this isn't a time to worry about anything or think about anything. This is our only time to relax."

He was right. I slept in his arms that night and it was the best night's sleep I had since my enslavement.

Everything went as usual the following day. In the early evening, Rye helped shave me and give me my series of enemas. I didn't know whether I was going to be servicing the captain, Brad, or both of them, but I knew what was expected of me.

But when Rye led me upstairs dressed only in slave briefs, he brought me to a different door. He rapped softly, opened the door, and ushered me inside. This room was not nearly as grand as the captain's room or Brad's room. We walked through the sitting room and into the bedroom where there was a small figure sitting on a very large bed and sorting through books.

Rye nodded his head and said, "The new slave boy, Master Randy."

I recognized Randy when he looked up from the books. He still had that cute face, still looked so young although he was my age. When he looked at me he seemed to blush and look down again. Then he stood and approached us. There was something in his manner, something in the way he walked toward us, that was so different from his father or his brother. He looked me up and down and then seemed to bow his head as he said, "Wally, I'm so sorry my father did this to you."

How was I supposed to respond to that? Mechanically I said, "I'm here to serve you, Master Randy."

Rye stepped back and left the room. Randy guided me to sit beside him on the bed. He was fully dressed in a white shirt and gray slacks, and I was only wearing the small white slave briefs. I sat on the very edge of the bed, wondering if there would be some nasty trick happening. I remembered the way the captain had sat beside me in such a friendly way before he pounced on me and used me for sex.

There seemed to be a sparkle in Randy's eyes as he looked at me. "You're still as good looking as ever, Wally. I really wanted to be your friend back when you visited us here." My face showed no emotion. I still wasn't sure how I was supposed to respond to my third master.

He seemed to blush deeper and his fingers made contact with my hand. He was acting like a nervous schoolboy on a first date. It seemed to take all the courage he could muster for him to look up at me and ask, "May I kiss you, Wally?"

"I am here to serve you, Master Randy."

"No," he cut me off. "I want to know if you'd like me to... if you wouldn't mind having me... ummm, kiss you."

His face went so red I actually felt sorry for his nervousness. I leaned toward him and pressed my lips softly to his lips. He sighed softly and I relaxed my lips so that my tongue was playing along his lips.

Just then I heard the door open sharply. Randy pushed my shoulders and pushed me off the bed so that my face was in the crotch of his pants. I didn't look up. I heard the voice of the captain say, "Ahhh, I see you're making use of our new slave boy. Now don't be all namby pamby with him, boy. Assert yourself." Then I heard Brad's voice say, "We'll be at the big industry banquet till late, so he's all yours tonight, little brother." As I listened I moved my mouth around Randy's crotch and moved my lips to outline the obvious erection the boy showed through his gray slacks.

Randy was breathing hard. I looked up at him and he reached his arms down as if to raise me up. "I'm so sorry, Wally. I'm so very sorry." Then there were tears running from his eyes. I leaned in and kissed away his tears. The feeling of my tongue must have tickled because Randy began to giggle. Then he smiled and we kissed once more.

The youngest of my masters did not give me any commands. We ended up lying side-by-side on the bed. I was unbuttoning and pulling off his shirt. Then I was unzipping his pants and pushing them down. Soon we were both in white briefs. Two smooth teenage boys rubbing our erections together through the cotton of our briefs.

We rolled over and over on the bed. Then when I was on the bottom, Randy pulled back from our kiss and looked in my eyes. "C-could we have been like this, Wally? I mean, if you weren't enslaved, c-could we have just been two buddies together doing this?"

As sweet as he was, as gentle as he was, as different as he was from the rest of his family, I couldn't lie to Randy. I shook my head and said, "Before I was enslaved I only ever wanted... well, Randy, before I was a slave I was totally straight." Oh my god, what had I done? I had just called him by his first name! I hadn't called him sir or master.

For a moment there seemed to be a dark cloud in front of Randy's face and I wondered if he was going to explode in anger over my lack of respect. But then he smiled brightly and said, "Oh, that's OK. I like that you're a straight boy." With that he slid down my body and started to work his lips on my erection through the fabric of my white briefs.

Then Randy pulled my boner out of the leg opening of the briefs and began to lick it all over. I had just received my first blowjob the previous night from Rye, but that had been over in less than a minute. Now here was a cute boy licking the pre-cum off the tip of my cock and then wrapping his lips around it and sliding all the way down. But this cute boy was supposed to be one of my masters!

Randy was acting like a starving man and my stiff dick was the only source of nutrition. He was panting, lapping, sucking noisily and making slurping noises. Then he slowly slid his lips back up off my cock and looked up at me. He jumped off the bed and took my hand, leading me to the bathroom. He didn't order me to go there, he led me there with a big smile on his face.

Once in the bathroom, he knelt down and took something from a secret hiding place. When I saw that it was an enema kit I said, "I already had three enemas downstairs. I assure you I'm totally...."

But before I could finish that sentence, Randy had knelt down on a towel. His briefs were pushed to his knees, his butt was raised and his head was on the ground. He looked back over his shoulder and smiled sheepishly at me. For a moment I was stunned. I was dazed and didn't know how to respond. But I quickly got down beside him and began to administer an enema to my cruel master's youngest son. He moaned when the nozzle entered his rectum and his eyes had a dreamy faraway look.

"Ha," I snorted. "So your asshole is like a vagina that gets all hot and wet to have something stuffed into it?" Where did I get the nerve to say that? If I said something like that to Brad he would have had me flayed to death with a bullwhip. But Randy just smiled broadly, his face still on the floor and he moaned, "Mmmmmmmm." I knew then that what I had said was correct. Randy wanted his asshole to be used like a vagina.

Once the boy was all cleaned out, he got up on his knees and once again his lips were at the fabric of my white slave briefs, toying with my erection. "Please," he whispered, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. "I know you're a straight boy. But please I need dick up my boypussy."

My cock had never been stiffer in my life. I lifted the boy into my arms and carried him to the bed. But I didn't lay him gently on the bed. I dropped him on the floor beside the bed. I bent him over the bed. Then I positioned the head of my very stiff prick at his butthole and, without any lubricant, I shoved the full length of it into him.

He moaned. I thought for a moment I had hurt him. And for that moment I was happy thinking I hurt him. This was the son and brother of the men who had tormented me, who had brought me so low. I would make sure this boy was brought even lower. But he wasn't hurt. He was crying out in pleasure. I started fucking in and out as hard as I could. "Fuck, you are one fucked-up cock-hungry little pussyboy, aren't you?"

"Yessssssssss," he moaned.

I kept on pumping into him hard and fast. I lifted him up onto the bed and swung his legs around. I kept my cock inside him the whole time but now he was lying on his back, his legs wrapped around my middle, and I was on top of him pounding for all I was worth. I sneered at him, "So Captain Winston's little boy is a great big homo who can't live without slave cocks up his ass and down his throat." The boy kept on moaning and repeating, "Yes, yes," so I kept on going, "You're the one who should be the pussyboy slave, Randy. You're the one who should service real men." And still he kept on moaning, "Yes, yes."

"Open your mouth, bitch!" I spoke to him as a master would speak to a slave and he obediently opened his mouth. I was over him fucking his ass with long hard strokes and I looked down, gathered all the spit from my mouth and hawked a glob of spit right into his mouth. A serene look came across his features and he swallowed.

"We should chain Slave Randy down in the toilet of the barracks where they put all the African slaves. Yeah, all those real powerful men, so big, so many muscles, with cocks like baseball bats - and they'd come in and use you. They wouldn't even need toilets in there, they'd have such a pretty little pussyboy for their toilet."

Randy's howl may have been the loudest human voice I ever heard. I looked down in amazement. He hadn't even touched his leaking cock, but now it was spurting streams of semen all the way up to his face. But I had no time to think about that. Just as he started to cum, my cock had thrust into his ass as deep as it could go. Now my cock was being milked by every muscle inside his butt. The spunk was being pulled out of me by his hungry asshole. I collapsed on top of him glued to him by all the white cream on his torso.

Both of us were breathing so hard. I could feel both our heartbeats in unison. I was gripped with fear. Now that he shot his load, would Randy turn on me. But then I felt Randy softly kissing my neck and his voice had a sob in it as he said, "I w-wish we could be like this always, Wally."

I pulled out of him abruptly. Was my grin as evil as the grin that Randy's father always showed me? It sure felt that way as I glared at him and said, "Clean off my cock, bitch!"

He grinned as wide as he could as he nodded, "Yes sir." Then I was lying with my head on the soft pillows and he was kneeling between my legs licking and slurping on my cock. This was all so mind-blowing and so erotic that I was fully stiff again just moment after I shot that huge load up Randy's tight ass.

As I watched Randy lick all around my cock and then suck it into his mouth, I knew just what flavors he was tasting. I had licked the residue of spunk and ass juices off his father's and his brother's cocks plenty of times since my enslavement. But I looked down at the small-framed teenager with sadness. I knew this was a dangerous game he was playing. I knew that if the other Winston men found me dominating Randy, I would be in for a severe punishment.

But I couldn't help wonder, if his father and brother had found Randy submitting eagerly to a slave boy's cock, what would happen to Randy?

Next: Chapter 11

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