Fate and More

By Alain Mahy

Published on May 20, 2015


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He took the card and went closer to the car. Once within reach we heard the central locking working and the road lights switch on. He went even closer, walked around the car and finally sat in it. On the dashboard there was a Start/Stop button and he pressed. It was as if nothing happened. The car was so silent you didn't even hear the engine start. Kyle looked puzzled but once his eyes fell on the dashboard he saw that the indicators told him the engine was running. He pushed the button again and the indicators went back to their original place.

Kyle came out of the car again and came over to me. I had a bright smile on my face and just said: "Happy Anniversary". That's when Kyle collapsed and fell on the floor.

I ran over to him and fell on my knees. I looked at his face, but his eyes were closed. I called his name over and over, but he didn't respond. He was unconscious.

Someone calls an ambulance, I shouted.

I stroke his face but it seemed life had gone out of him. I touched his throat like I had seen it in many movies and felt a very weak heartbeat. Thank God! He was alive. I touched his face but still no reaction. To me it seemed an eternity before the paramedics arrived, but George told me afterwards that he didn't know how they had gotten here so fast. They did their job and one of the paramedics pulled me softly away from Kyle so that they could help him as much and as quickly as possible. A stretcher was wheeled in. They put a collar around his neck to stabilize it. Kyle was on the stretcher in no time and they almost ran with him to the ambulance. I was allowed to go with the ambulance and sit next to him, holding his hand the entire time, but Kyle still didn't react. The siren was making a hell of a noise and I could feel the ambulance was going at high speed.

We reached the hospital and once they opened the door, an army of doctors and nurses were around the stretcher. The ones who had come to get Kyle were shouting information.

  • Male. 42 years. Collapsed and unconscious. Heartbeat: 55. Tension 7 on 10.

They wheeled him in into ER but I was not allowed to follow. I was standing there, paralyzed in front of the double door leading to the ER. I couldn't move. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw George and Emily standing there. How they got here so fast was a mystery to me. Emily took me in her frail arms and hugged me with all the love she could come up with. George went to the reception desk and filled all the necessary papers for the hospital and the insurance. Once that was done, he took out his cell phone and made a call. Only a few minutes later, the manager of the hospital was down at ER and greeted George and Emily warmly. They spoke for a few minutes and then the manager came up to me and said they would take the maximum good care of Kyle. He then rushed into ER and came back a few minutes later and came straight to me.

  • Your husband's history seems to show he had a complete check-up with Dr. Corrigan. Right?

I nodded. Even though marriage was not legally approved yet, I appreciated that the manager considered us like that.

  • Dr. Corrigan is on duty today and will be here shortly.

Indeed, a few minutes later Dr. Corrigan came storming into the waiting room and came to me to ask what had happened exactly. I told him in every detail I remembered. He rushed back into the ER. George took me by the hand and led me to the waiting room. We sat down. A thousand thoughts ran through my head. I tried to keep positive and that Kyle's collapsing was just due to an overflow of emotions, but at the same time I was scared to death that I would lose him, just like that!

It took over an hour before Dr. Corrigan came back to give us some news.

  • Kyle is in a coma, he said. I guess he told you the results of the check-up we did a few weeks ago...

I had to admit he had not told me anything. It was true I had been so busy with preparing the surprise, that we didn't had a lot of time to talk. I had asked him several times if he had the results of his check-up but he always pretended that all the results were not in yet as some of the tests took longer than others.

  • I'm afraid he didn't tell you the whole truth.

Dr. Corrigan looked at the manager of the hospital as to get his permission to talk. After all, officially, I was no relative whatsoever of Kyle. Yes, we were lovers for ten years now and lived together, but not one official paper confirmed that. The manager nodded silently, telling Dr. Corrigan it was ok to give the information to me.

  • Mr. Statham, your friend Mr. Atkinson has been diagnosed with brain tumor.

Dr. Corrigan went on explaining things, but I didn't hear him. Brain Tumor! Oh my God! What was going to happen Kyle? Was the coma the logical step towards his death? Was he ever to wake up again? Would I ever be able to talk to him again? The most catastrophic scenarios were coming to my mind. It was not possible. Not Kyle! I imagined him already on a hospital bed, connected to monitors and a hundred of tubes to keep him alive. The sole image of him like that made me lose my mind. I didn't hear anything and even my sight was betraying me. The room began to spin around me and it seemed they had switched off the lights as it became darker... and darker... till it was completely black in front of my eyes.

When the lights came back on, it was blinding. Very strong and white light made me blink several times. My eyes hurt. I didn't know where I was. This was not the waiting room I was at! I was laying in a bed! God! What happened to me? I started to panic. Suddenly I saw George's smiling face above me.

  • Calm down Junior! George said. You're ok. You just fainted a few hours ago, but you are ok now. Emily and I are here and we will take care of both of you.

Oh my God! Kyle! How was Kyle? I asked George.

  • Kyle is in Intensive Care. He needs an urgent operation. He is in the best hands possible. We will have to wait and see how the surgery goes, but Dr. Corrigan said he had faith in a positive outcome.

I was coming back to reality quickly. I tried to sit up but my head hurt like hell and I lifted my hands to hold on to it.

  • You knocked your head on the floor when you fainted. It is most likely you will have a serious headache for a few hours. I'll ask the nurse to give you something.

He left but was soon back with a nurse in tow. I was connected to an IV and she injected something in it. It took less than a few minutes to feel the headache fade away.

  • I have to see Kyle, I said.

  • You can't for the moment. They are preparing him for surgery. The surgeon said to be very patient because it is a complicated and delicate operation. It can take hours.

It took them six hours to perform the surgery on Kyle. Meanwhile, after a few neurological tests, I was released, but I didn't leave the hospital. I sat in the waiting room and George and Emily didn't leave my side. Emily went of some coffee and a few sandwiches. She said I had to be well fed and strong for Kyle when he woke up. I understood what she said and ate the sandwiches although I was not hungry at all.

Dr. Corrigan came to see us after the surgery. He said that everything had gone very well and that the tumor was removed. The only problem was that Kyle was still in the coma and they didn't know when he was going to come out of it. Anyway, the coma was not such a bad thing at least for the coming twenty- four hours as it meant that Kyle wouldn't move and that was good. Coma or not, he was sedated anyway to avoid him moving. His vitals were stable and good. He advised us to go home and rest and come back around noon the next day.

George and Emily insisted I would go and stay with them. I declined politely. I wanted to go home and feel Kyle's presence in the house. George drove me to the dealership to retrieve my car and said about a thousand times that if I needed anything, I should call. I promised I would if I needed it.

I drove home like a zombie, completely on autopilot and not even aware I was driving. I reached home safely. When I got in, the house was feeling strange. The silence was deafening, if you know what I mean. I didn't know what to do. I was like a lion in a cage! I paced from the front of the house to the door to the backyard and back about a hundred times. I went to bed and cuddled up with Kyle's pillow, but could catch sleep. I got up, went down to drink some water. I went up again and back to bed, turning around and around. I looked at the alarm clock and it was well past four in the morning. I was exhausted to the point that even sleeping was impossible, but finally, when the light started to come through the window, I slept for about two hours. At eight I got out of bed, showered and shaved and went to the dealership.

Everybody was concerned about Kyle and I had to tell what happened about a million times, or at least that's how it felt. I tried to work a little, but couldn't concentrate. I was so worried but fate was not in my hands. As I walked into the workshop, I saw that the Veronique I had not moved an inch. I asked Charles why it was there and he said Kyle had the card in his pocket when the ambulance took him away. Fortunately, I had a double and I could move the car. I closed the rooftop and had the car covered with the same cover we used to hide it with to go to the circuit and back.

Around twelve I went to the hospital. As I arrived at the ICU, Dr. Corrigan just came out and smiled at me. I hoped that was a good sign.

  • Mr. Statham! Good to see you. Kyle is doing well although confused. He woke up about an hour ago and had no idea he was in hospital, in intensive care and that he had had an operation. He asked about you, of course. You can go in, but please, don't tire him. He needs a lot of rest. The primary neurological tests are good. We just cross fingers that none of his brain activity will be altered. We will have to do more tests to know that, but it will take time.

I thanked Dr. Corrigan and went in.

I found Kyle in one of the private ICU cubicle. His eyes were closed, but the color had come back in his face. He looked peaceful. I drew a chair closer to his bed and sat down. Then I carefully took his hand in mine and kissed his fingers. His eyes opened and he faintly smiled at me. He weakly squeezed y hand to acknowledge my presence. He opened his mouth to speak but it seemed difficult for him. So I told him to just squeeze my hand once for a yes and twice for a no.

  • Do you feel all right? I asked.

One squeeze.

  • Are you in pain?

Not really one, but neither two squeezes.

  • You want me to call the nurse to give you some painkillers?

Two squeezes.

  • I will have to spank you for not telling me what was going on with you!

One squeeze, but with a smile on his face. He pulled on my hand and I understood he wanted me to come closer. I got up and brought my ear close to his mouth. In a very weak voice he said:

  • Give me a kiss. I need it.

I brushed my lips against his. That was the exact moment that a nurse came to check his vitals.

  • No sex in ICU, she said.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. She did whatever it was she was supposed to do, writing down some notes on the pad that hung at Kyle's bed. She winked and left without any further comment.

I just sat there, as Kyle had closed his eyes. I hold his hands to make him know I was still there. I looked at the bandage around his head and had the stupid thought that he was probably shaved. For the first time in ten years I saw him clean-shaven: no two or three day stubble on his jaw. I heard him snore lightly. The nurse came to tell me that the visits were limited in ICU and that I should leave. She gave me the hours I was allowed into ICU and left after giving Kyle another light kiss on the lips.

When I came out of ICU I saw that George and Emily were waiting there. I went to them with a smile and they realized that things were ok. I told them what the doctor told me and that Kyle had been awake for a few minutes while I was there. You could see the news was a relief for them.

  • Now that we know he is going to be all right, Emily said, we take you out for lunch, as I am sure you haven't eaten more than the sandwich I gave you yesterday. You have to be healthy and strong for him once he comes out, so we better put some food in you.

She was once again in mother-hen protective mood. We left the hospital as I could see Kyle again only around five. We went for lunch and it was once my food was in front of me that I realized how hungry I was. I literally devoured what was on my plate and even had seconds. Emily seemed satisfied.

Of course, the fact Kyle had no tell me what was happening to him, was bothering me but it also bothered George.

  • Why on hell didn't he say anything? It is not a shame to have a brain tumor! I don't understand he kept such a secret from you or us. Kyle has always been quite open and frank. I asked him several times if there was something wrong with him because I noticed he almost didn't eat and was losing weight, but he put it all on the stress of the event he organized.

  • I know George, I said, he did the same to me. Blaming on the work and I am in the same situation you are: I don't understand why he didn't tell me. For God's sake! We are ten years together and living together. I thought he would tell me such important information! But then again, I suspect what explanation he will have once the subject will be on the table again. He will say he didn't want to worry me! That's how Kyle is!

  • Well, said Emily, he did worry us all by collapsing! I even thought he had died there and then!

She had a point there. Kyle had us all worrying sick. It was not the moment to rub it all over his face, but we needed to have a serious conversation about the basic rules of our relationship: Love, Respect and Trust. I had been looking for an answer to Kyle's silence since the doctor told me he had a brain tumor, but didn't find one. It was so unlike to Kyle to hide his condition. I thought that he would have been talking to me the moment he got the news himself. Ok, I hadn't told him I was building a car for him, but that was different, wasn't it?

The following week I was every day twice at the hospital. The first visit was at ten and the second at five. Each time I had a meeting with Dr. Corrigan who was more than happy with Kyle's recovery. The various tests they were performing indicated Kyle was recovering all his brain activity without any alteration. Bit-by-bit he spoke better. The pain in his head was diminishing and they could lessen the medication. Dr. Corrigan was even speaking about releasing him from ICU and put him in a normal room. In ICU IV fed him and he was dying for some normal food.

Once he was in a normal (private) room, Kyle was a lot happier because he could have visits. I was happier because I could visit him at any hour. His room had more flowers than a flower shop. The news had reached all parts of the county and the country. There were literally hundreds of cards wishing him a quick recovery. As to not tire him too much, the people of his office organized a rotation of visits. George and Emily came by daily. So much friendship and love made Kyle's recovery a lot faster. He actually recovered that fast that Dr. Corrigan wanted to start the radiotherapy earlier than what he had thought at the beginning. He warned Kyle about the secondary effects of the therapy. Kyle accepted them with resignation. He knew he had no choice.

Kyle soon became the favorite patient of the nurses, male and female. He was obedient and followed the instructions to the letter. He ate his food, although he said some days it was horrible. He was longing to cook himself again. After three weeks in bed, he was allowed to stand up. The muscles of his legs needed first some physiotherapy. The day they took off the bandage of his head I almost didn't recognize him. He had always worn his hair short, but now he was almost bald! It would grow again, of course, but the sight was somewhat scary.

I missed my man at home and in our bed. I had gone back to masturbation although I had left that habit over ten years ago. The doctor had prohibited sexual activity till he was sure everything had healed properly. Kyle often started some passionate kissing, but I knew I had to stop him before he got too aroused. It was pure torture. For the last ten years we had made love on a daily basis, maybe not always the full way, but we were sexually quite active. Kyle did not complain, but rather mention he had a severe case of blue balls and that his morning wood was each day more painful. Dr. Corrigan, when told, insisted to wait a while longer to be a hundred percent safe.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, his libido subsided as a secondary effect of the radiotherapy. He hated it as it was making him feeling sick. His appetite disappeared two or three days after each session. He was nauseous and had pins-and-needles in his extremities (hands and feet). All his muscles in his body ached and the headaches came back full force. Although he received medication for the aches, Dr. Corrigan told him those effects were inevitable, but that the effects would fade away with time and with each session. I hated to see Kyle like that, but I knew it was for his own good.

Finally the day of his release from hospital arrived. He gave all the flowers to the nurses. The many fruit baskets wee distributed among the patients who didn't receive any visits. I had to foresee a big box for all the cards he had gotten and the few presents. Although Kyle walked again, even though slowly, he was wheeled to the exit of the hospital. I didn't count how many nurses kissed him good-bye and wished him well. It was heart warming. He would have to come back every week for some time, to receive more radiotherapy and to be watched by Dr. Corrigan. The point was that Kyle was so happy to leave the hospital although he had been treated like a king. He had been there for over six weeks.

For the next four weeks, a physiotherapist came to the house to help Kyle recover the full use of his legs and to strengthen all the muscles in his body. The physiotherapist always started with specific exercises and ended with a deep tissue massage. Together with his release form hospital, dr. Corrigan had also given him the permission to have a little sexual activity although advised to take it slowly at first. We limited ourselves to a lot of kissing and satisfying the other orally. We kept more intense lovemaking for the moment the doctor gave us full green light.

It didn't take Kyle really a long time to be independent again. The only thing that was still tiring him fast was doing the stairs, but walking around in the house or standing in the kitchen was back to normal. The days he had a session of radiotherapy, I drove him to the hospital and brought him back home. After the session, which was always in the morning, he came home and went to bed till the next morning. The radiotherapy was exhausting him. But as the doctor had told him, the secondary effect were each time less and less.

After about four months, Kyle started to be really bored at home. He longed to start working again. He asked the doctor if it as ok, but the doctor was not really keen on it. But Kyle insisted so much that the doctor gave in. He allowed him a maximum of four hours a day. I feared that Kyle would quickly go over the limit, but there was no way to keep him home either. During the time he was off, George had taken care of things, together with Michelle. They had done a good job were happy Kyle was coming back. The first week I drove him to work and went to get him exactly after four hours, but Kyle said he was a big boy now and could easily drive himself. The first day he drove himself he came back only ten minutes late. The second day it was twenty minutes and in less than a week he arrived two hours later than foreseen. I tried to reprimand him, but there was no way to keep him form doing his job. Soon he was back to a full-time activity, except the days he had radiotherapy.

At last, the doctor announced that the radiotherapy could be stopped. The blood tests came back clear and although he would have a biannual control, there were lot of chances that the whole episode was part of the past. The weather was fantastic and we could clearly feel the spring was turning into summer. Strangely enough, Kyle had no recall whatsoever about the Veronique I. One day he found the card to drive the Veronique and asked what that card with his name on it was for. He was flabbergasted once more that I had built a car for him. He wanted to see it. As his company car had to be serviced I told him to bring it in on a Friday and to take the Veronique I for the weekend. I asked Charles to clean it up as it had been standing still for over six months.

When Kyle saw his new toy, it was a repeat session of the first time. I was a bit worried about the total loss of memory about the convertible and made a mental note to talk about it with Dr. Corrigan. Meanwhile, Charles showed him all the things about the car. I had finished my work so that I could leave with Kyle. The silence of the car was amazing. We almost glided out of the workshop as the engine was almost not to be heard. Even though I thought we were going home, Kyle took another road and we enjoyed the sun on our faces and the wind in our hair. Kyle sang along with the tunes coming from the sound system. He looked so happy. I was amazed how quickly he had recovered from a serious condition and that made me as happy as he was. My husband was back!

As his cell phone was directly connected to the sound system via Bluetooth and offered the possibility to chose options by voice, he called George and Emily as we were close to their house and invited us in a rather selfish way. That was new! Kyle had always been so organized and almost never did things on impulse. But he looked so happy that I didn't make any comment. Again I made a mental note to talk it over with his doctor. Kyle stopped at a liquor shop and came out with two bottles of Champagne to take to George and Emily. When we stopped in front of their house, he used the horn of the car to announce our arrival. George and Emily were at their front door in no time, admiring once again the Veronique I. They then invited us in and put the two bottles in the fridge to chill them. We had a lovely time, sitting in their beautiful landscaped garden, under a big umbrella. The Champagne as soon chilled enough to serve and Emily had taken the time to make some little toasts to go with it. When the first bottle was empty, it was Kyle who suggested opening the second one. Kyle had never been a drinker and I looked at him a little puzzled. He saw my look.

  • Baby, please don't be upset with me. The last six months have been very hard on me. If I have to believe the doctor, it is almost a miracle I didn't die. I had more than time enough to think about my and our lives while I was in that hospital bed. I recovered from a six-hour surgery and suffered the secondary effects of radiotherapy. Today I am as well as cured. I have worked my whole life and love what I am doing, but... I decided to live! I am going to take things as they come. It has no use to organize everything in our lives. We have impulses and desires. I think we have to live them even if it is not foreseen or planned. Life proved to me that it is short. I want to live and enjoy life while I can. The past is gone and we don't know what the future will bring. So let's enjoy the present time to the fullest.

I had never heard Kyle speak like that, but I couldn't disagree with him. He had almost lost life and I almost lost him. It could happen again at any time. He was right. The moment had to be lived. We were both more than financially secure. We had worked hard our entire life. We hadn't taken time for ourselves a lot. I was not used to live our impulses, but I would have to learn it. Kyle had apparently learned the lesson the hard way. George agreed with Kyle as well and opened the second bottle. I declined politely saying one of us had to be able to drive. Kyle was not drunk at all, but if there was any police-control, with the second bottle he would have problems.

When George and Emily suggested putting some things on the barbecue we accepted. George was not only Kyle's boss and my client, he was also a dear friend and Emily was included in that friendship. Kyle helped Emily in the kitchen and I helped George with the barbecue. The meal was nothing of a five star restaurant, but it was very good and we enjoyed it. When we left is was almost midnight but still quite warm. There was no need to close the car. We jumped in and drove off. Arriving home, I put the car in the garage. I wanted to get out of it, but Kyle grabbed my arm.

  • Thank you for this car, Kyle said. It is just wonderful, but not as much as you. I love you more than I can say Junior. You mean the world to me and I am sorry if I hurt you by not telling you immediately what was going on with me when the doctor diagnosed me with the tumor. I wanted to tell you, but there were tow reasons why I didn't. First, I had problems believing the doctor. I was convinced there was a mistake somewhere. Once it downed on me that, unfortunately, there was no mistake, I didn't want to worry you till the doctor would tell me what had to be done. Before that answer came, you know what happened. All decisions were suddenly taken out of my hands. It is good you told what happened, because that a small part of my life that disappeared completely. I don't remember arriving at the dealership. I don't remember discovering the Veronique I and I don't remember you gave me this car a first time.

He looked devastated by this loss of memory. Nonetheless he recuperated his smile and looked at me so much love that I would forgive him anything at all and told him so.

  • Kyle, you are the love of my life. There is nothing to forgive or to forget. Yes, I was a bit bothered when the doctor told me you knew you had a brain tumor and that you didn't tell me. I thought or relationship was based on Love, Respect and Trust. The fact you kept the information hidden from me was not nice, but I understand your reasons. Now, I want you to promise me this will never happen again. We are together for the good things but also for the bad things. Shared problems make them half as heavy to carry. Shared joys are doubled. In ten years you never have hidden anything and I really would like that this continues. It is very kind of you to want that I don't worry, but I worried double so much because I didn't know what was going on.

He looked sheepishly at me and was on the verge of crying. This was not my intention. So, I lighted up the situation as quickly as I could and offered to make up in bed. That brought a smile on his face and he was out of the car before I finished my sentence. He ran up the stairs and when I reached the bedroom he was standing there naked. I had not a clue on how he had done that so fast. I have to admit I was quite fast as well and we both fell on the bed, me on top of him. We kissed with a whole new energy and passion. After all, it was the first time we could go all the way, thanks to the permission of Dr. Corrigan.

I worshiped his body and his soul with my kisses and caresses. I pushed those buttons I had not been allowed to push during all those months. I made him moan and squirm on the bed, wakening all his nerve endings to the best of my abilities. Kyle gasped for air and shot his first load before I had even reached his cock-head with my mouth! I licked the spent juice off his chest and stomach and went on as if he hadn't climaxed. I engulfed his cock and sucked to keep it hard. I licked his balls and let my tongue bath them in spit. I munched on his taint and was rewarded with even louder moans. Kyle knew what was my goal and lifted his legs high in the air. He was totally exposed to me and even if I wanted, I couldn't resist. I dove in between his buttocks and French kissed his puckered hole. I licked his crack up to his cock-head and back several times, knowing it would drive him crazy. Once everything was shinning wet with spit, I added a little lubricant and pushed it in his love tunnel. Kyle was begging me to penetrate him, repeatedly. He stopped begging only when he felt my cock-head pushing on his rosebud.

  • Make love to me Junior, like only you can do it!

I pushed with a little more strength and my cock-head passed his sphincter muscle. The furnace I found was even hotter than what I remembered. I slowly pushed in till I was in up to the hilt. Once I was there, Kyle locked his ankles on my lower back and his arms around my neck. I leaned forward and our lips met. We were once again completely connected. My hips started to move in an in-and-out motion, reaching the fondly remembered places. His surgery had not affected his prostate, as he was leaking pre- cum even though he had climaxed only minutes before. He squeezed his ass-muscles according to my pumping inside of him and I knew that at this rhythm I wouldn't last long. The intensity of our lovemaking was proportioned to the time we had not been able to do it. I felt my juice boil in my balls that were pulled into my body, announcing an imminent orgasm. My thrusts were stronger and went deeper than before. Kyle felt it and made his ass-muscle work even harder and faster, till I threw my head back, pushed forward and stayed still while my balls emptied the pent-up juice deep inside of him. The throbbing in my cock transmitted the information to Kyle who flew over the edge and deposited a second load between our chests and stomachs. We kissed like there was no tomorrow while trying to catch our breath and letting our heartbeats come back to a normal pace.

  • That was even better than what was in my memory, Kyle said,

We cuddled in each other's arms and legs entwined. We fell asleep like that.

In the morning I called James and let him in charge of the dealership. I wanted my weekend with my man. Kyle was still asleep and I went down to make some coffee and prepare a healthy breakfast. As usual the smell of coffee woke him up and he came down the stairs in his white briefs. He was so sexy in that tiny underwear, but he could have worn whatever it was, I would still find him sexy. As I was at the counter, he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me in the neck. I let my head rest on his shoulder, giving him total access to kiss wherever he wanted. This was real life: loving and being loved by the most special man on earth.

After breakfast we showered and once again the cascading water drained our juices. Kyle said we could just take the Veronique I and go for a drive and see where the road would lead us. I thought it was a wonderful idea and so we did. He didn't use the GPS, pretending that it was when someone was lost that one could discover the most unexpected things. I didn't mind to drive till we were totally lost, as the GPS would bring us back. Kyle took roads we had never been on before. The countryside was picturesque and we enjoyed the trip immensely. We crossed villages we didn't even know existed. We stopped at one of typical village pubs and had a light lunch. In the afternoon we drove on and discovered some monuments in ruins. Even though they were in ruins, they were beautiful and surely were the testimony of hundreds of years of local history. We drove on and as the sun was setting down, we reached a village where there was a family hotel. We decided to spend the night and had supper at a local restaurant. After making love we slept like angels. Life was back to normal with the exception that we would live more on impulses... like this weekend.

To be continued if you guys tell me you like the story. All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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