Fate and More

By Alain Mahy

Published on May 12, 2015


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I wanted to deliver him from his suffering. I remembered my father's words to always be myself. Well, this was the perfect time to show the real me. For a split second I thought about what would happen if I had misunderstood him, but I discarded the idea. I got up from where I was sitting, went over to him and kneeled in front of him. I took his face in my hands and leaned softly in. Our lips brushed against each other in a feathery touch. I leaned back and looked in his eyes that were as big as saucers.

  • You ... ? ... How did you ...

I didn't let him finish his sentence. I pressed my lips against his for the second time, a little bit more forceful, introducing some passion and showing him in this tender gesture all the love I felt for him.

This time Kyle responded to my kiss. Our mouths opened and our tongues met for the very first time. We had an undeniable hunger for each other. The dancing of our tongues was the trigger for the volcanic release of pent-up emotions and feelings. Weeks and months of emotional frustrations flew out of the window at the speed of light. The heavy weight of fear for rejection fell off of our shoulders the moment our lips had met. We kissed like there was no tomorrow. We couldn't get enough of each other but we had to part because we needed air!

We looked in each other's eyes. The fear had completely dissipated in Kyle's eyes. The only thing that was left was love and a definite lust as well. At last, he smiled again.

  • Did I understand you correctly? I asked.

He smiled and said yes, a hundred percent. We wanted to go further than just kissing, I felt it, but I was not going to allow it so easily. We knew we had to talk first. We had to know for sure what we were doing. Our kiss had said an awful lot of things, but I wanted to stay true to myself. I had lusted after Kyle, yes, but that was not enough for me. I was sure about how I felt, but was Kyle as well? I knew deep inside of my heart that he was the one for me, but was I the one for him? I wanted to hear those answers from his mouth while he looked me straight in the eyes.

Kyle had only beer in his house. I had only Champagne left in the fridge. Although it was already in the late hours and that we would probably not have a lot of sleep, I opened the bottle that was in the fridge and took two glasses out of the cupboard. The beep of the dryer told me Kyle's clothes were dry and I took them to him. I pretended I had forgotten something and left the room to give the privacy of dressing without me watching. In fact I left the room so I wouldn't be able to jump his bones. When I returned, he had pulled up his briefs and jeans. He was still bare-chested and I admired his nicely sculpted torso and abs. I wanted so much to play with the hair on his chest, but I knew it had to wait. He looked a bit sheepish but still had the smile on his face.

We had finally admitted our mutual attraction. God! We had taken our time, but it made me very happy that we had built our friendship first. We knew we were taking our relationship a step further. The foundations were solid and secure. It was now up to us to continue the building, but I didn't want it to be based on sex. As a matter of fact, I didn't want to have sex with Kyle, but lovemaking. Before we reached that point, I wanted to straighten out things. Yes, we knew each other pretty well, but it was only that night that we admitted to each other that we were gay and that was an important information that we had kept hidden for each other. I wanted to know if there were more hidden facts that we had to know about each other. If we were going to start a love relationship, I didn't want any secrets. It was not about all the small details of each other's lives, but more about the basics of a new sight on our friendship. I wanted to know which were Kyle's aspirations and goals. I was ready to volunteer my answer to the same questions. He would probably have questions for me, too. We sat down, face to face and started to talk. I didn't hide anything for him as we trusted each other in friendship and I was convinced we could pursue that trust in love. I could see in his eyes he was equally sincere and honest with me and that filled me with joy. For the first time we were totally relaxed as our feelings were out in the open. We hadn't any need of speaking in general terms as to prevent the other to know about sexual orientation or feelings.

When the wall-clock chimed five times, we were aware that the night was almost over. There was no way we would be efficient at our respective jobs. I left a note for Elizabeth, the housekeeper, that I was sleeping in and not in my room, but in the master bedroom that had been my parent's. Elizabeth cleaned that room every week as if my parents were going to use it at any time. I felt it adequate to do so. It was my way of indicating a new start in my life. It was also my way to tell them that my Mr. Right had finally arrived. I also left a message on the dealership's answering system. Jessie would find it when she arrived and know that I was probably not coming in. I heard Kyle doing the same on the answering system of the magazine.

I undressed Kyle while he undressed me. We got between the sheets naked and both sporting a hard- on, but decided we wouldn't make love. After all, it was already past five in the morning and we were both exhausted. But we spooned together. Kyle pressed his body against my back, giving me little kisses in my neck. He wrapped his left arm around my chest and that's how we fell asleep.

We woke around one to the annoying noise of Elizabeth's vacuum cleaner. She didn't know at what time we went to bed and wanted her work done. I had an urgent need to go to the bathroom but when I tried to get out of bed, Kyle grabbed me, asking where I thought I was going. I indicated him that it was a nature's call and an urgent one. Instead of just agreeing, he crawled out of bed as well and followed me to the bathroom. We emptied our bladders and I turned on the shower, adapting the temperature to what I felt was perfect. Kyle said we had to think about environment and save water. That was a subtle way to tell me we were going to shower together. While under the cascading water, there was quite some kissing and grabbing and caressing. That was something new to me. Even though I had had a few sexual experiences, we had never reached that intimate moment of showering together. Pragmatic as I was, I discovered the advantages of showering with someone else. Kyle could reach places I was incapable to reach myself. The other good reason was the fact that if we shot our loads, there would be no stains, as the water would rinse it away. If I had been alone with Kyle, I wouldn't have bothered to dress, but Elizabeth was still vacuum cleaning and putting on 501's and T- shirt seemed to be the appropriate thing to do.

We went down towards the kitchen. We crossed paths with Elizabeth and I introduced the two of them, telling Elizabeth that she would see a lot more of Kyle in the future. Her inquisitive eye looked Kyle all over and after her thorough scrutiny she broadly smiled and welcomed Kyle to the house.

  • I prepared a brunch, she said, but still have to do some scrambled eggs.

She left the vacuum cleaner where it was and led the way to the kitchen. She spread out the cut fruit, bread, ham, cheese and smoked salmon. A fresh coffee pot was waiting to be served. She had squeezed some oranges. The kitchen table was dressed for two. She had guessed I had company when she read on my note that I was using the master bedroom. When the eggs were done, she returned to her work and tried to be as discreet as possible. That brunch was welcome! When we finished it, there was absolutely nothing left.

As it was Friday and that we had no intention whatsoever to go to our offices, we knew we had three days to learn to act in this new level of our relationship. The weather forecast was not that good, but we didn't care. We had no intention to leave the house. Kyle wouldn't need other clothes, as I was sure that, as soon as Elizabeth would leave, we would be scarcely clothed for the entire weekend. But she was still in the house after our brunch and I took the opportunity to lead Kyle to the office and show him what I had already done concerning the limousine. I was sitting at my desk handling the mouse of the computer. Kyle was standing just behind me, with his hand on my shoulder, marveling at how far the project already was. For me it was a first to show my work before it was completely finished, but I wanted Kyle's input on a few things. I was fairly happy with the general lines of the car. It was a limousine, but could, with a little imagination, being called a sports car although it had four doors. The curves of the mudguards were very similar to the Alberta I. Kyle said he liked it on the first prototype but that they seemed exaggerated on a limousine. Thanks to the effectiveness of the software, I softened the curves a little and had to admit the sight was a lot better. We were so absorbed by the designing that when Elizabeth knocked at the door to say she was leaving, I realized we had been at it for over three hours.

Kyle, with his knowledge of the automobile world and what was available on the market, was a great help and had great ideas. He was more inclined to introduce more electronic devises to be able to compete with the present offer of limousines. I had my doubts about that.

  • I don't mean electronics in the engine department, Kyle said, but more in the interior of the car. People who will want this car are important businessmen. This means that they'll need a very efficient way of communication such as mobile phone, video conference, Internet connection and so on. For a lot of these people, their car is like a second office. If they pay the price of a Rolls Royce, they will expect the best. It also means that they pass a lot of hours in their car and that's why the communication possibilities have to be the best of the best. A real upscale sound system will be necessary as well and probably a flat screen television. That's what I mean with electronic devises.

He was right, of course. I had no use for a limousine. I loved to drive and a sports car had always received my preference. Kyle stood closer to all kinds of customers and knew or understood their needs completely.

  • There are details that have to be taken into account. For instance, the owner of the car will almost never drive himself. He will always be seated in the back of the car, but never directly behind his chauffeur because the chauffeur's head would obstruct his sight. This means that the main communication systems need their commands on his side and not on the side behind the driver. The same thing is valid for the commands of the sound system and the flat screen television. It is common sense, but a lot of designers forget about it. They think they play safe by putting the commands on the center console. Wrong! Not one owner of such a car wants somebody else having access to his toys.

It was common sense indeed and when I looked at some very exclusive (and expensive) cars, that little detail, like Kyle called it, was often overlooked. His input was really valuable. I wanted to design the perfect limousine and he suggested I should design a second office for a businessman. The combination of both was not easy but doable.

Even though I said he had not to do my work, Kyle admitted the process of designing a car fascinated him. He heard to many complains about people spending a whole lot of money on their cars and who didn't have half what they really wanted or needed. Nonetheless, around eight I saved al the changes I had made and switched off the computer.

  • Kyle, I said, I appreciate all your help and advice, but I think we still have a lot of talking to do about what we want, with us I mean.

  • You're right Junior. I was carried away by what we were doing. On the other hand, even if it is your design, I love to do this. It seems we have yet another common point. What do you think? Do we go out for dinner or do we call for pizza again?

It was when he mentioned the food that I realized I was hungry, too.

  • Let's see what Elizabeth left in the fridge first.

I am not that much of a chef. Don't misunderstand me, I can cook and even prepare complete meals, but I leave it to Elizabeth to cook and fill the fridge with Tupperware that I just have to put in the microwave. It was Kyle who rummaged through the fridge and took out several ingredients to prepare I don't what. I had seen in the many times we went out for a meal that Kyle had a healthy appetite but it was something new to see he liked cooking as well. He cleaned and chopped vegetables like a professional. He prepared a sauce in a question of minutes. He mixed herbs and species to put on the chicken breasts he had found in the fridge. The peppers, tomatoes, onions and garlic were already filling the house with a delicious smell, thanks to their frying in the pan. I loved to see him working like that. He was obviously in his element and loved what he was doing. I observed him and marveled once again at his gorgeous features. I so much wanted to touch him and it suddenly came down on me that I could. I had been used for so long to admire him without being able to touch him that I still abstained to reach out. I could now stand up, put myself behind him and wrap my arms around him without fear of what he would think. So I did! He immediately leaned back and pushed his back against my chest. His hands were full of olive oil and herbs, but otherwise I was sure he would have grabbed my hands and arms and squeezed them tenderly. He turned as much as he could without moving from his position. I leaned in as much as I could and our lips met. It was not one those earthshaking kisses. It was tender and caring. It showed our need to be close to each other. It expressed everything we felt inside. Just that tender kiss made the pace of my heartbeat increase.

I little less than an hour later we were sitting down to eat. Our naked feet were playing under the table while we ate that simple but delicious meal. He had suggested a soft red wine and I had gone to my father's cellar to retrieve one of the hundreds of bottles stocked there. I didn't have a lot of knowledge about wines, but my father had stocked them in such a way that you couldn't make a mistake. I had come up with a Spanish Rioja wine and it accompanied the meal perfectly. The chicken was done right to my liking and was juicy. The vegetables were soft with a hint of crisp on the sides. The sauce was creamy with just a trace of a spicy touch. During the meal we were continuing our exploration of the other's life. A few topics of the night before came back to the surface. There was one that I wanted to know more about. He had said he "envied" me because he thought I had met someone. I mentioned it to him and asked:

  • Are you a jealous person Kyle?

He emptied his mouth before answering and that gave him time to formulate his answer.

  • I don't think so, he said, but the knot I felt in my stomach when I imagined you with another person made me think. Did I envy you because you were with someone else or did I envy you because you were in company and I was left alone? I could find an answer to that. At the moment I had no right to be jealous. After all, I didn't even know if you were gay or not and if you would possibly be interested in me or not.

He paused to have another bite of his chicken and then continued.

  • I have always been of the opinion that jealousy is a very negative feeling, but sometimes unavoidable. It is in human nature to fear to lose what you cherish. In case of a love, I think, it is more a lack of trust and self-confidence. Those two, most of the time, go together. If you are not self- confident it is not that you don't trust the other person, but a lack of trust in yourself. This allows the feelings of jealousy to come up. The main thing about jealousy is that it all plays in your head. We are masters of only one thing in our life: our thoughts. We know we can change our thoughts, but some of them are so strong that we can't avoid thinking about them. In our case, we are very lucky because we started our relationship on friendship. I helped us discover each other without the interference of intimate love. We were on very close parallel roads. Those roads came closer to each other day by day, till last night when we confessed our love and made two roads into one. I love, I trust and I respect you Junior, and that makes it all worthwhile. But, what about you? Are you a jealous person?

  • After all you just told me, I am supposed to say "NO! Of course not!" but I admit I am jealous from time to time. I don't think it is a lack of trust in our case and not even a lack of self-confidence. It is a question of trusting the others. You know as well as I that the gay community has two sides like a coin. On one side you have those who fight for equal rights and require respect for their life-style, but the other side of the coin is not as glamorous. The other side shows a lot of promiscuity and a total lack of respect. It is, unfortunately, known that some guys don't even think that they can destroy something because of their behavior. I mean that a lot of guys lay their eyes on someone and will take them away only after they have fucked. I don't think that will ever be a problem with us for several reasons. First, and most important, because our relationship has the foundations of friendship. Secondly, we are not bars and scene people. We don't mingle in gay bars and clubs. And last, but not least, I have waited my whole life to find the partner I want. My father told me I had not to look for that partner because he would present himself and I would instinctively know he would be my Mr. Right. I found a few guys in the past and even went to bed with them, thinking that maybe they would turn out to be my Mr. Right, but they weren't. It is only last night, when I realized you were in love with me like I was with you that the absolute conviction entered my head and my heart. I love you Kyle.

Kyle's eyes were moist. This time however it was a sign of happiness. He took my hand in his and kissed my fingers. I got up and went around the table to wrap my arms around him and give him the sloppiest kiss I could come up with. When we parted I started to clean up the table and the kitchen. Everything that could go in the dishwasher, was quickly away. The rest was cleaned up in the sink and with our coordinated work, the kitchen was soon as spotless as Elizabeth had left it in the afternoon. We went to sit in the living room and as I got used to Kyle's frankness, I was not surprised with his next question.

  • What are you expecting from our relationship?

  • That's an easy one, I said. I expect everything.

Kyle smiled at that and asked me to define "everything".

  • That's a hard one, I said laughing out loud, and not a hard-on! But seriously now! "Everything" means that we can relate to each other in harmony, based on Love, Respect and Trust. It means that we share our thoughts and our time. It means that we sleep together end wake up together. It means that we can be ourselves within the bond that unites us. It means we are responsible for what we do and what we have. It means so many things Kyle. What I expect is that I can count on you like you can count on me, for the good things but also for the bad things. I expect to be able to talk to you without fearing that you will judge or condemn me. All these things I mentioned are obviously both ways. I don't have more rights than you and you don't have more rights than me. We are together, living the feelings we have inside.

Wow, Kyle replied, you really thought this over well! The pleasant thing about it is that there is not one of the things you said that I don't agree on. Don't walk in front of me, don't walk behind me, please, just walk beside me. Equals in rights and obligations because the first doesn't exist without the second and vice versa. It seems we do agree on a lot of things and I am glad the important ones are in the open. Of course, we know we are humans and we have both reached an age that implies that we have a past, a present. The future we will have to wait for. We both have opinions and it is almost sure that we will have moments when we will not agree on some things. What do you suggest we do when we reach that point?

  • That is called "preoccupation" meaning that you are busy thinking about something that hasn't even occurred yet. I think it is a waste of time. Think about it when the moment is there. If you start to be preoccupied it means you worry about a future that you don't even know if it will happen. If there is a problem, we go back to the first three pillars: Love, Respect and Trust. We are adults and we can communicate, so let's use that tool when it is required. A difference of opinion is often the result of a lack of information. The best thing to do is to gather all that information, talk about it and see, together, how that information can be interpreted. We have a problem? Ok, let me tell you my point of view and tell me yours. None of us is stupid, so we will find the golden midway.

We got really philosophical and the questions were clear and accurate. We knew the basics and we went for them. At first sight it seemed like we were looking at our relationship in a pragmatic and rational way, forgetting the feelings, but it was not the case. We were discovering our compatibility on rational things that could turn into a problem in the future. We loved each other and wanted to get negative things out of the way. Having a rational approach on an emotional situation just showed that we had learned quite a lot of lessons in our lives. Being able to have that approach showed that we wouldn't let any irrelevant event alter what we felt for each other.

We went to bed early that night. First of all because the night before we had been up till five. Secondly because we both wanted to have that skin-to-skin contact and even if we had touched each other whole day, it was not the same to be completely naked than to feel a T-shirt or jeans. We took a shower, together of course, and that's where the kissing and grabbing started. We washed far more than what is needed for hygienically purposes. The warm water and the soap made it so much easier to glide our hands over naked skin. It is superfluous to say we were both sporting hard-ons that were pressed together, wakening the nerve endings in that super sensitive organ. Once we noticed the water was getting cold, we stepped out and dried each other off. We brushed our teeth and then I took Kyle by the hand and led him to the bed.

We slipped between the sheets and cuddled. The kissing resumed where we had left it in the bathroom and Kyle's tongue met mine once again. Our hands were roaming over each other's body and I marveled at the softness of Kyle's. I told him so and he confirmed that he was normally seen using a hydrating lotion after each shower.

Why didn't you say so before, I said.

I jumped out of bed and came back with the lotion, urging Kyle to lay face down on the bed. I squeezed a huge amount of cream on his shoulders and his back, applying the necessary strength to rub it in his skin. I had never learnt to give any massage, but if his moaning was any indication, I was a natural. I massaged his shoulders and upper arms and than glided down over his V-shaped back towards his hairy buttocks. Do I have to mention that I gave his ass-cheeks a special attention and spread them to see his puckered hole? No, I don't have to say it but I did. Each time I spread his buttocks he involuntarily contracted his sphincter muscle and it seemed his ass was winking at me. That made me giggle at first, but activated my hormones even more. I rubbed the lotion in his legs and feet. With every touch I discovered which were his most sensitive spots. When my fingers slipped between his toes, Kyle started to squirm on the bed. I came up again and on the way I kissed his bubble butt. Reaching the upper part of his back I kissed his neck and leaned in to nibble at his earlobes. Man! He was a moaning and groaning person!

I asked him to turn around so I could do his front. He did and I could see a wet spot on the sheets where his manhood was pressed to the mattress. Once he laid flat on his back I started with a new amount of cream. First his shoulders and then doing each arm and hand. Once I reached his chest, despite of the hairs that covered it, I could see to erect nipples standing proud and hard. My slick hands rubbed over them softly and Kyle took a deep breath, holding it as if the sensations were too much for him. I rubbed his sides and stomach, carefully avoiding touching his rock-hard manhood that stood up and didn't even touch his stomach. I rubbed his hips and Kyle spread his legs wider to give me better access to all parts of his gorgeous body. I took a little more cream to massage first one leg and foot and then the other. His whole body glistened in the dim light of the nightstand lamp. Even his face glistened, but that was from a light covering of sweat. I stretched my body over his and as my hands were still slick form the cream, I softly and carefully caressed his face and neck to moisturize the last of the skin that hadn't been touched yet. I didn't rub any cream on his lips, as my lips took care of the necessary hydration.

My whole body glided over the slick skin under me. I thought it would be good to rub some cream on my body as well to increase the feelings. Kyle was thinking like me, but was quicker in his actions as he rolled me over the bed and was lying on top of me. He then took the bottle of hydrating cream and squeezed a nice amount in his hands. He rubbed his hands together as if he wanted to warm up the cream to body temperature. Once done, his hands started at my neck and shoulders and the soft strength in them made be conscious of how sensible I was under his touch. He repeated most of the things I did, rubbing his hands over my nipples and causing me to moan even louder than him. It had been such a long time since a man had touched me that way that it seemed a first. He was gently wakening my hormones and I got more excited than any other time in my life. Kyle was a bit more daring. Or was it the fact I had aroused him enough with the massage? When he slid down my legs and reached my feet, he massaged each toe, but not with his hands. He rubbed them with his lips and tongue, sucking in each of them in his mouth and making me squirm under his ministrations. He then asked me to turn around and as I laid there face down, I had to adjust my genitals as to be comfortable. He put some more cream in his hands and came slowly up. It was my turn to spread my legs wider and giving him full access to whatever he wanted to touch. When I felt his hands on my buttocks I almost came there and then. He spread my ass-cheeks and I contracted my sphincter muscles to give him the sensation he had given me: a winking ass! Kyle couldn't resist that wink. He suddenly dove in between my buttocks and I could feel his tongue on my most private entrance. I gasped for air and grabbed the sheets as if I needed to hold on to something. The jolts of electrifying joy ran in my veins and reached every single nerve ending in my body. My skin was covered with goose bumps, every hair on my body reacted and my toes curled almost to a painful state. I couldn't remember such a state of ecstasy ever before in my life. When he resumed the massage I almost felt a deception that his tongue didn't continue his previous action. He rubbed my back up to my neck and shoulders and then let his entire weight down on me. With both our skins full of cream, the full body massage became a major turn-on. The excitement and horniness grew to a new level.

We made love. I had never bottomed before, but with Kyle on top of me, his manhood poked at my entrance and I was ready and willing to let him in. There was a small but intense pain when he entered me but he was a perfect gentleman and lay still till he felt my muscles were relaxing, all the while nibbling at my ears and whispering words of love. The pain subsided (doesn't it always?) and a slow but determined trust made him getting deep inside of me. When his pubes tickled my ass- cheeks, I knew he was in up to the hilt. The pain was very quickly replaced by a heavenly pleasure. When he started to withdraw, I panicked. I didn't want him to get out of me! The feeling of fullness was not only in my ass. It was a total feeling of fullness, physically and emotionally.

Kyle pulled me up to all four, holding my hips in a firm grip, pulling out till just the head of his manhood was inside of me and then pushed back in, carefully and making sure I felt it. On his way back in he spread my ass-cheeks even wider and could go deeper than the first thrust. Of course, doing that, he rubbed my prostate that came abruptly alive, sending new jolts of pleasure through my entire body. I was oozing pre-cum by the bucket and he made sure that his hand got it all and rubbed it over my sensitive cock. I wouldn't need a lot of that to unload my boiling juice and he sensed it. So he slowed down his hand action and concentrated on the in-and-out movement that his slow motioning hips performed. I was in pure bliss and was ready to die, as I was sure I had reached Nirvana. This was the highest experience of sexual pleasure and I knew I was experiencing it thanks to the love we shared. This had not anything to do with sex. This was the most extreme physical expression of shared and reciprocal feelings of our hearts. But I was in for a surprise as Kyle asked me to flip on my back and put my legs on his shoulders. I had never flipped over so quickly, raising my legs high in the air, spreading them so that Kyle could get between them and enter me again with tender loving care. This time there was no pain at all, only pleasure. The sensation was augmented by the fact we could look in each other's eyes. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up so that I was sitting on his cock, embedded deep inside of me. That brought our faces very close together and the natural consequence was that our lips met once again. I wrapped my arms around his neck while his strong arms kept me in this position. The fever with which we kissed was the purest expression of an undeniable passion. Our tongues were not slow dancing in each other's mouths. It was rock-and-doll in pure frenzy.

I didn't dare to move as his cock was touching places inside of me I didn't even know I had. I wanted to avoid any friction of my cock pressed between our bellies. Kyle was strong enough to lift me till his cock was almost leaving my insides. Then he let me drop so that he was once again impaled on his manhood. He repeated this action several times and our breaths got heavy. We felt our respective heartbeats in our chests that were pressed together. He leaned forward so that I was falling on my back, locking my feet at the lower part of his. I exerted all the strength I had in my legs to pull him even deeper in, but he found the possibility to start his in-and-out movements again. We were oblivious of time. We just were one bundle of sensations and feelings. God! I loved this man and his way of expressing his feelings. He didn't only thrust in and out. He also made some left to right movements and back. The control he had over his body and muscles was extraordinary. We were both sweating profusely, but he was on top of me the drops felt on my face and my lips. I tasted him and knew that I was addicted the moment my tongue came in contact with the first drop. I pulled him by the neck so that his face would be closer and started to lick him all over. His breath got ragged and the movements of his hips faster and more powerful. If it was even possible, his shaft got harder and bigger. He pushed himself up on his arms, threw his head back and I felt the throbbing of his manhood in my ass. With one powerful and deep thrust he started to unload inside of me. I pushed on the inside of his elbows so they would bend and he would fall down on me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with all the love and passion I had in me. He was still spasming and unloading what seemed to be the hugest load ever. I locked my ankles behind his back once more, avoiding him to pull out to quickly. He tried desperately to catch his breath. He was healthy and doing quite some sport, so he recuperated quickly.

Kyle realized that I hadn't had my climax yet. He withdrew and his manhood left my love tunnel. I felt empty all at once but the feeling was soon replaced by yet another sensation: his warm mouth engulfed my still rock-hard shaft and he sucked as if his life depended on it. He added the action of his hands, cupping my balls and pulling on them, while the other hand went for my ass and he introduced two fingers, moving them inside and hitting my prostate again. His combined ministrations sent me over the edge at the speed of light and I deposited my load in his throat. Kyle swallowed it and kept on sucking till my balls were empty and dry. He kept some in his mouth and I could taste my own juice when he kissed me. We shared my juice in this hot kiss till our breaths came back to normal and our heartbeats calmed down. Then he lifted his head and looked at me with so much love that it overwhelmed me. Kyle rolled off of me and rested his head on my chest. Words were superfluous. I reached out and switched off the nightstand lamp just when we heard the downstairs wall clock chime three times. We giggled when we realized we had been making love for hours. We fell in a content and restful sleep.

I thought that if you had real lovemaking, you didn't have wet dreams. I didn't actually have a "wet" dream, but an erotic dream is the least I can call it. In my dream the limousine was finished and built and Kyle and I were making love on the back seat. When Kyle went down on me and took my manhood in his mouth, it felt so real! It felt that real that I slowly woke up and realized Kyle's head was in my lap, sucking me from dreamland to the real world. The sun was shining through the window and proved, once again, that the weatherman on television was wrong. He had said it would be raining all weekend and when I looked through the window, I could only see the most perfect blue sky and a bright and inviting sunshine. Kyle was doing miracles with his mouth and before I was fully awake I deposited another load between his lips that he shared with me as soon as I was spent. Then my bladder reminded me it was full, but I wanted to return the favor. When Kyle saw what my intention was he said:

I woke up horny as heel looking at you and couldn't help to take care of business. By the way, can I borrow a T-shirt of yours, because I used mine as not to stain the sheets.

His sheepish look made me laugh. We got out of bed and did our morning routine in the bathroom. After emptying our bladder and our bowels, we showered, shaved and brushed our teeth. Kyle used my toothbrush. Why not? If we kissed all the time, sucking up each other's spit, taking cocks in out mouths and swallowing loads of juice, there was no reason to scream out loud that we were using the same toothbrush! We didn't bother to dress, as I was not expecting any visit. I almost ran down the stairs, as I needed my morning coffee. I am not really a complete human being without my morning coffee. I can't function or think properly without at least one mug. Kyle prepared some fried eggs, sausages and warm tomatoes for breakfast. I squeezed some fresh oranges and we had a quiet but invigorating breakfast.

Seeing the inviting sunshine, I opened the door to the backyard. It is fortunately quite secluded thanks to Grandma July's work years before. A lot of bushes, threes and other plants made it in impossible for the neighbors to see what happened in my backyard. The sunshine on my naked body made me feel alive and happy. I realized I had been working so hard and so much that I had forgotten what it is to just look at the flowers in the garden. Of course, the fact that Kyle was with me made it all even more joyful. Even though I felt a bit sore from our extensive lovemaking the night before, I felt like pulling up some sports shorts and put on my sneakers and going for a healthy run. Kyle was in for it if I could give him shorts and sneakers. We had about the same body sizes. We went up to my dressing room and I gave him what he needed. When we were ready to leave the house I looked him over and it was weird, but good, to see him in my clothes, even though it was just shorts, T-shirt and sneakers.

We had a nice run in the nearby park. The complete tour of the park took me, normally seen, about an hour. Kyle drove up the speed and we did a first tour in a little less than forty-five minutes. Kyle dared me to a second tour and I was not the kind of guy to turn down a dare. Kyle was clearly in better form than I was, but I kept up nicely. He surreptiously increased the speed and I followed without complaining. The second tour was done in just over half an hour. During the second tour I had taken off my T-shirt and tucked it in the waistband of my shorts. Kyle had followed my lead and we both perceived glances of co-runners and people walking by. Each time we received such a glance, we looked at each other and smiled.

Once back at the house, Kyle wanted to go up to the bathroom for a shower, but I pulled him with me to the backyard. The hose to water the plants was always connected and I opened the faucet, directing the water jet directly to Kyle who gasped at the cold water. He tried to prevent me and that was the beginning of a huge and playful fight to conquer the hose and wet the other. We were laughing like kids who play the same game. Out shorts, T-shirts and sneakers were soaking wet, so we took them off. We got used to the cold water that didn't feel really cold anymore. The sun was getting really hot and the water was refreshing our bodies. We felt so relaxed, free and happy. All the tension we had felt before this weekend was completely gone. All the secrets were out in the open. Thanks to that, our bond got stronger with the minute.

That weekend was the first of many. During the week we were both so busy with our professional activities that we didn't have a lot of time to see each other. We talked a lot over the phone when we had some free minutes, but we both admitted we missed each other. I had learned that when Kyle reached the monthly deadline of the magazine, he would be fourteen to sixteen hours in his office. Since the incident with Alberta I he was even more careful and checked the sources of all the reporters. They were all asked to provide their information sources and even though his personal assistant checked it before handling it to him, he still double-checked everything. He was so professional and responsible! Those weeks, where he was more in his office than in his own apartment, I took the opportunity to go on with the design of the limousine till the day came that the design as finished and that we would start the actual building.

To be continued É

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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