
By moc.loa@121BkciR

Published on Sep 19, 1998



Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. It contains graphic representations of male/male emotional and sexual relationships. If such material offends you, please leave now. Also, if you are under the legal age in your community to view adult-oriented material, especially that of a homosexual nature, then you shouldn't be here.

That having been said, I hope the rest of you enjoy the story. Comments would be greatly appreciated, since this is my first attempt to write a story. E-mails can be directed to RickB121@AOL.com Flames of course will be ignored.


Part 1:

It was a beautiful morning in May. The sky was crystal blue and the air clean. The dew was so thick on the ground you could get your shoes soaked just walking across the lawn. All the trees, plants, and lawns were the bright succulent green of spring. I could hardly wait to get outside.

It was Saturday morning and I was looking forward to a day filled with outdoor activities. The week had been particularly stressful at the office and I simply wanted to clear my mind and work up a good sweat.

The first outdoor activity on my agenda this beautiful morning was a run. I lived in the far western suburbs of a major urban area. There is a long rolling park through those suburbs through which a narrow lazy river flows. A two-lane road runs the length of the park. The county is responsible for maintaining a bike path and trails that straddle the road and run its length. The county does a good job and the park gets a lot of use.

My apartment is only about 3/4 of a mile from the park. I would usually do a fast walk to the park to warm up my muscles. Then, when I get to the park, I break into a run, changing paths once in a while for variety. When I finish running, I cool down with a leisurely walk back to my apartment from the park.

I enjoy physical exercise and enjoy being out of doors. When you can put the two together in an activity like running, and then combine it with beautiful scenery and a beautiful day, it makes working out a real pleasure.

What makes it even more pleasurable is seeing all the other hot guys running and working out in the park. Sweat glistening on their bodies, flat stomachs, tight runners' asses. And those skimpy running shorts really get me excited. I love it when another runner approaches me on a hot sunny day, especially the ones who don't wear a jock under their running shorts. Their shorts soaked with sweat and clinging to their bodies. You can get a rather good idea what size package they have because it's all flopping back and forth in their shorts for all to see.

There was one guy in particular that I saw regularly in the park that was hotter than all the rest. He looked like a Greek god running out there. He had defined, chiseled features from the top of his head right down to his feet. He was tall, about 6 foot 2 would be my guess. He had short light brown hair, and dark brown eyes. On warm days he would run without wearing a shirt which let me see he was smooth chested with nicely defined pecs. A thin line of hair started just below his belly button and trailed away into his running shorts. We always seemed to be out running at the same time, but running in opposite directions.

As we passed each other we would always look straight at each other and say hi. Most other guys said hi or waved as we passed, but most did not make good eye contact like this guy did. After passing him, I always had to either slow down to catch my breath, or run like hell to get home and jack-off with his image fresh in my mind. Seeing him was always the highlight of my run, and usually the highlight of my day.

This mystery man and I were such regulars in the park that I looked forward to seeing him on every run. If I did not see him I was disappointed. I began to plot in my mind how I could meet him and get a chance to talk with him. If nothing else, I wanted to find out what his name was so I could put a name with that beautiful face. As things turned out though, my plotting would not be necessary, because fate was about to step in and take care of the situation for me.

I like getting up early and running first thing in the morning. So this morning I quickly cleaned up the dishes I had left in the sink the night before. (I am something of a neat freak.) I put on my favorite running shorts, my Nike running shoes, grabbed my apartment key and I was on my way. As I walked briskly to the park I was wondering if I would see my favorite runner in the park today and I was mulling over various ways I could meet him. It took only a few minutes to walk to the park and then I broke into a run taking my usual course through the park.

It was a beautiful morning and my mind quickly started to wander to the other activities I had planned for the day. It was not long before I was in my stride and my breathing was perfect for the pace I was running. I had run a little more than two miles when off in the distance, around the next curve, came the man of my dreams. My heart, already beating fast from the exercise, began to beat even faster. My eyes fixed on him like a radar beam searching for a target. As we drew closer I would have to make a conscious effort not to stare at him. I was so fixed on him that I lost track of my surroundings, and more particularly, my footing. Which can be dangerous for a runner.

Throughout this park, there were small parking lots at various picnic areas. These lots and the driveways that connect them to the road were dirt and gravel, and were often rutted and pitted with pot holes. If you are not paying attention to where you are putting your feet, you can easily twist an ankle on the loose gravel, or in one of the small pot holes. And that's exactly what happened to me now.

With my eyes riveted on this gorgeous hunk rapidly approaching me I was not paying attention to the fact that I was running across one of these parking lot driveways. I was suddenly jolted out of my trance like state when my foot caught a rock edge the wrong way. Not only did my foot catch the rock wrong, but when it twisted, my ankle buckled right into one of the pot holes and I actually fell. I let loose a string of every four letter word I knew. Both in English and every other language I had ever heard.

I would have been embarrassed by anyone seeing me fall like that, and now I had done it in view of this beautiful hunk. I felt like such an ass. At first I thought I would just get back up and continue my run. That thought was quickly put to rest though, when I stood up and realized I could not even put any weight on my left foot without a great deal of pain.

I had sprained it really bad. So here I was with a severely sprained ankle three miles from home, having, in my mind, just made a fool of myself. Right in front of the man I so desperately wanted to meet. I wished that pot hole was large enough for me to hide in.

As I stood there hobbling on one foot trying to figure out what I was going to do, my chiseled hunk (without a shirt) comes running up and asks "Are you all right?"

Looking at him and smiling a rather sheepish grin I answered: "I guess I was day dreaming while I was running instead of paying attention to what I was doing. I caught a rock edge wrong and I twisted my ankle. I think it's sprained pretty bad."

"Can you walk on it?" he asked.

As I made the attempt, it was obvious I wasn't going to go very far on that ankle. He asked if I lived nearby and I explained my apartment was about three miles away.

I was anticipating he would offer to go get me some help. But instead he helped me over to a picnic table where I could sit down. His touch sent bolts of electricity through my body and it was only the pain in my ankle that kept me from getting an immediate hard on. Which would have proved to be rather interesting since I'm one of those guys who doesn't wear a jock under his running shorts.

He knelt down in front of me and untied my shoe on the bad foot and took my shoe off. He grabbed hold of my foot firmly, but gently and tried rotating my ankle.

"Are you a doctor?" I asked.

"No!" He laughed. "But I am studying to become a physicians assistant."

He held my foot as he felt around my ankle and lower calf. He had long thin fingers, but they were strong and firm. His continued touch began to cause a stirring in my loins in spite of the pain in my ankle. While still holding my foot he looked up at me and said I should really get it x-rayed and checked out at the clinic.

Releasing my foot and standing up, he said, "You wait right here while I run back to my car. I'll drive back, pick you up, and take you to the clinic."

I halfheartedly protested that he didn't have to do all that, but he insisted.

"How do you plan to get home with that bad ankle? Crawl home? Then you'd have messed up knees to go with your bad ankle. Just let me help you!"

The thought of spending some time with this hunk was therapeutic in itself. I quickly agreed to let him take me to the clinic.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't try running any wind sprints before I get back." he said with a big grin on his face.

He turned and started running back to his car. I shouted, "Hey, before you take off, what's your name?"

"Steve", he shouted back.

"Mine's Brian" I yelled.

"See you in a few minutes Brian." He turned and ran off at a rather quick pace. Steve! At last I had a name to go with the face, and the body. Not exactly how I would have chosen to meet him, but what the hell.

Part II

Steve wasn't gone more than ten or fifteen minutes, but in that time I savored the memory of his first touch when he helped me over to the bench on which I sat. I could still feel his strong hands as they held my foot as he checked my ankle. In those few short minutes I replayed the whole scene a dozen times.

I was startled back to the present by the sound of tires on gravel as Steve turned off the road onto the drive where I had twisted my ankle. He pulled his car up on the grass right by the picnic table. He hopped out (now wearing a shirt) and came over to help me to the car. His touch again sent a new rush of electricity through my body as my mind raced ahead to the many ways in which I could repay his kindness, if only given the chance.

I got in the car without to much difficulty. Steve ran around to the other side, got in, and started to drive back out to the road.

He asked if I had my wallet and medical insurance card with me. I laughed and said, "And where would I be hiding my wallet in these shorts? Do you have your wallet hidden in your shorts?" I said with a big grin. Steve looked over at me and then ran his eyes down to my running shorts and he too laughed. When he stopped laughing he said I would need my medical insurance card for the emergency room. He said we'd swing by my apartment, pick up my wallet and then he'd take me to the emergency room.

As we pulled into the parking lot of my apartment building I gave him directions where to park. It was a two-story building and thus had no elevators, and of course my apartment was on the second floor.

"It's going to take me a while to hobble myself up to my apartment to get my wallet." I said not looking forward to climbing the stairs.

"Do you know where in the apartment your wallet is?" He asked.

"Yes. I always leave it right on the kitchen counter by the wall."

"Give me your key and I'll run up and get your wallet and be back down before you can even get out the car."

I laughed and said, "You're probably right about that."

My apartment key was in the key pouch on the inside of my running shorts. I pulled the waistband of my shorts out, not too far, but far enough to extract the key easily and to make it obvious where I was getting it from.

I held the key out to him pinched between my thumb and forefinger and said, "If you don't mind touching this sweaty thing." He said, "Mmmmm," and laughed again, grabbed the key and was gone in a flash.

It seemed very odd that we had met and been separated twice in such a short period of time. As he disappeared up the stairs, I thought how infectious his laugh was. His voice too was smooth as silk and deep in tone. I realized I could sit and just listen to the sound of his voice for hours on end. He was just the perfect man. He had looks, brains, a seemingly wonderful personality, a great sense of humor, and a voice that went perfectly with his body. True to his word he was back in a flash and we were quickly off to the emergency room.

When we arrived at the clinic, Steve went inside and got a wheel chair for me. He wheeled me in and I registered at the desk. It wasn't very crowded so we would not have to wait very long to be called. Steve wheeled me over by the waiting room chairs and sat down next to me. We sat talking about our jobs, families, and schools. It was so easy talking to him. No one would ever accuse me of being an extrovert so it was odd for me to sit there chattering away with this guy I had just met. He made conversation so easily and had a way of drawing me out that I felt as though we were old friends that hadn't seen each other in years and were trying to make up for lost time.

We had been sitting there talking for about 45 minutes when my name was called. Rather than let me try to maneuver the wheel chair myself, Steve wheeled me into the examination room and stayed with me. The nurse took all the vital information and soon the doctor came in. I explained what had happened. The doctor sat down on a stool and picked up my foot and pretty much duplicated the exam Steve had performed earlier.

The doctor ordered an x-ray which took another half hour of waiting. Eventually the doctor came back and said nothing was broken, but I did have a severe sprain. He wrapped my ankle and put an air cast on my ankle and told me to stay off it for a couple days. He told me to put an ice pack on it periodically during the first day to keep the swelling down and that I should probably use a pair of crutches for a week and then come back to have it re-examined. I thanked the doctor, finished up all the paperwork with the nurse, and Steve and I were free to go.

Steve wheeled me back out to the car then returned the wheel chair. We had been at the clinic for almost three hours which made it early afternoon. Neither of us had eaten anything all day, so I asked Steve to stop at the nearby fast-food joint drive-through. We could just get a carryout and take it back to my apartment to eat. Steve agreed and we were soon back in the parking lot at my apartment.

Part III

Steve helped me up the stairs to my apartment. I unlocked the door and we went in and Steve closed the door behind us. I simply couldn't believe that not only had I actually met this hunk of a guy, but he was here in my apartment. He helped me over to the couch and I just sort of plopped down on the end. I told Steve where to find some plates and he got our food out and we ate rather hungrily. We continued our conversation while we ate. The conversation was just as easy and free flowing as it had been at the clinic and the time seemed to fly by.

Before my accident earlier in the day I had run a little more than two miles and had worked up quite a sweat in the warm spring sun. As had Steve. I started to feel particularly grubby and I really wanted to take a shower and get into some clean shorts. Steve hadn't made a move to leave, nor had he even suggested that he had to get going. I certainly wasn't complaining, I loved having him there.

But I didn't want to hold him captive, and I didn't want him to feel obligated to stay if he had other things to do. Since contact had been made with him, and we seemed to hit it off so very well, I knew that we would see each other again. It seemed obvious that a real friendship was beginning and I was confident that it would grow. So it was in that sense that I finally said he didn't have to stay, I would be all right now that I was home, and, I added that I really needed to take a shower. He said he didn't have anything else to do and that he definitely wasn't going to leave me alone while I took a shower. With my bad ankle I could slip and fall in the tub and really hurt myself and there wouldn't be anyone there to help me if he left.

I said all right, I certainly didn't mind him staying at all. I had already taken my shoes off, as had Steve, and was just wearing my running shorts and T-shirt. I got up to head to the bathroom, when Steve told me to sit back down. I looked at him and did as he said. He came over and took the air cast off my ankle and unwrapped the ACE bandage. Then he said I could get up and go take my shower. The ankle was still real sore and I was hobbling pretty bad. Steve came over and said he better help me. The less weight I put on my ankle at this point the better it would be.

He helped me into the bathroom, and as I started the water running he asked where I kept the towels so he could get me a clean one. I told him where to look, and as I lifted my T-shirt over my head he came back into the bathroom with a clean towel for me.

Then Steve said, "Look, I better help you get into the tub, so you don't kill yourself getting in."

"OK." I said, and stood there waiting for him to grab my arm to help me in, but he didn't move.

Finally he laughed that infectious laugh and said, "Are you going to take your shorts off, or do you shower with your clothes on? Or are you the timid type that doesn't like other guys to see you naked?"

I laughed back, and said "No, I'm definitely not the timid type, I just didn't want to make the first move."

He laughed again, and said "Drop `em ass hole. And let's get you in that shower."

So I dutifully dropped my shorts. Steve looked me up and down then laughed and said, "Not bad. I already knew you had a nice ass, now I can see the rest of your equipment is just as nice."

Since we had been kidding around I figured he was just continuing the game and so I just laughed and said "All right ass hole just help me into the shower."

Steve helped me into the shower pulled the shower curtain closed, and said, "There now, you can have some privacy." He asked if I wanted him to get some clothes for me. I said sure and told him what to get and where to get it. He quickly came back and deposited the clothes on the counter. He said to let him know when I was ready to get out, and he would help me.

I like taking long hot showers so I was in there for a long time. I finally heard Steve shout and ask if I had drowned. I shouted back that I was just about done. I finished up and turned the water off. I drew the shower curtain back and began to dry myself off. Thinking about Steve in the other room as I was drying myself off caused me to sprout a pretty good hard on. I tried reaching for my clothes but he had put them on the counter just out of my reach. So I was standing in the tub with a semi hard on when Steve came into the bathroom to help me out.

He immediately saw my erection as I quickly tried to wrap the towel around my waist, but that just accentuated the tent in the middle of the towel.

Steve, just shrugged it off with another laugh saying, "Hot showers, make me horny too. Don't worry about it, it's not the first boner I've ever seen. Come on let me help you out of the tub. It should be real easy with that handle you sprouted."

I was laughing so hard I almost did fall. And my erection quickly went soft again. But I was surprised at all the sexual tension that seemed to be getting covered up with laughter. It was the first time all day that I let myself think that this guy might be even more the man of my dreams than I ever imagined.

Part IV

Steve had brought me a pair of Joe Boxer shorts, and a T-shirt. I got dressed and hobbled out to the living room. When Steve saw me coming down the hall he jumped up to help me back to the couch.

After getting me settled Steve asked if it would be all right if he took a shower too.

I said "Sure go right ahead. You already know where the towels are, and help yourself to some clean clothes. You know where those are too."

"Thanks Brian, I appreciate it." He said. "After I get cleaned up I'll go out again and get us something to eat."

So quickly had the afternoon gone by that I didn't realize it was now early evening. I couldn't believe we had spent the entire day together and he obviously wasn't interested in leaving yet. I thought it was odd that he just didn't go home and shower. I would be all right at home by myself. I knew we had really hit it off and I certainly liked him. But this seemed to confirm that he liked me as well, even if he didn't have all the same feelings toward me that I had toward him.

He showered quickly, and came out into the living room with a towel wrapped around his waist, and found me fumbling around trying to re-wrap my ankle.

He said, "Here, let me do that." as he knelt in front of me.

He wrapped my ankle like he was a pro at it. Then stood up to go get dressed. As he stood the towel fell away from his waist. He made a quick grab for it and wrapped it around his waist again, giving me only a fleeting glimpse of his cock. He acted as though nothing had happened and walked back down the hallway to get dressed.

When he returned we decided on Chinese food. I insisted on paying to express my thanks for all he had done for me. He said that wasn't necessary, but I insisted. He picked up his keys off the counter and said he'd be back in few minutes. He walked out the door closing it quietly behind him.

Alone again. My first reaction was to drop my shorts and madly jack-off before he returned. I settled for reaching inside my boxers slowly stroking my cock while my thoughts about Steve raced through my brain. The entire day quickly replayed in my mind as though I had rewound the tape and then pushed fast forward. I realized that among all the things we had talked about all day there had never been any mention of girl friends or relationships. Was that an indication of anything? Or was he just between relationships, which would explain why a great guy like him had nothing to do on a Saturday night except baby-sit me.

What was going on here? Why hadn't he gone home yet? Was he just a very warm caring person, who was genuinely concerned about my welfare, was he just being friendly? Why did he shower here? Why didn't he go home? He certainly had plenty of opportunities during the day to have said enough is enough and leave. Or was I just exhibiting my own insecurities, not believing that anyone would like being with me just for me.

God, he was beautiful, inside and out. My cock grew extra hard just thinking about him again. I wanted him so very bad. But I just wasn't sure yet about what was going on here. I was deeply closeted and didn't want to change that. At least not yet. What if I made a move on him, and he rejected it, and me. I could lose what I felt was becoming a very warm friendship. I'm quite shy and don't make friends very easily. Never did. So when I find someone that I can talk with easily, and someone who's company I really enjoy, I don't like to let them go.

Most of my friends were straight. We enjoyed outdoor activities and sports and had great times together. We went to movies and the theater together. And there were never any sexual overtones or sexual tension. We were all very masculine. Of course there was always the possibility that they were as deeply closeted as I was. But I doubted it. Could I be friends with Steve if he was straight? Could I be content with that kind of relationship with him, or would my sexual desires for him get in the way and eventually destroy a potential friendship.

I had started the day plotting ways to meet Steve. But fate had intervened and provided me with more time with Steve than any of my plots could have possibly developed into. Of course it took a painfully sprained ankle to accomplish this turn of fate but right now I felt it was well worth it.

Any of my plots would have resulted in a handshake and a few minutes of awkward pleasantries and nothing more. Fate had provided me with far more than a handshake. Steve had actually held me several times that day as he helped me in and out of cars, buildings and even the shower. He had even seen me naked. All these thoughts and more raced through my mind.

I had to make a decision how to proceed, or conduct myself, in the next few hours before Steve would go home for the night. Should I make a move on him and force the hand of fate? Risk him being repulsed and never spending any time with him ever again. Unable to even run in the park again, because I wouldn't be able to face him after that.

Or should I just sit back and let fate take it's own course. Fate seemed to have done a pretty good job so far this day. I decided I wouldn't do anything to come on to Steve. If anyone made a first move this day, it would have to be Steve. I had decided and I felt strongly that it was the right choice. Just then, I heard the door open. I quickly pulled my hand out of my shorts, and slowly the blood drained from my engorged cock.

Part V

Steve set up the snack tables and got the food out. He also picked up a bottle of wine, which he opened and served. We chattered on about all sorts of things while we ate our dinner. About the time we finished eating, our conversation grew suddenly quiet. We just sat there quietly for several minutes. The silence seemed to be awkward for Steve. He suddenly got up and began to clear the dishes and put away the snack tables.

It was now about 7:30 in the evening. I asked him if he wanted to stay and watch a movie. He said sure that would be fine. I had a pretty good selection of movies, and we agreed on a suspense thriller we both liked. We were still talking, but I detected a difference. Steve had grown a bit pensive and I didn't know why? Or was it just my imagination. Maybe we were both just getting tired after a long day.

Steve asked if I wanted a pillow for my head or my ankle. I said both. I told him to grab the pillows off the bed for me and to get a couple for himself out of the closet. I situated myself on the couch with my head at the end nearest the recliner where Steve would be sitting.

Steve poured us another glass of wine and we started the movie. He put the recliner back, which put his feet and legs right in my line of sight toward the television but without obstructing my view. This was great for me. I had watched this movie a dozen times. Steve's legs and feet were new. I spent most of my time staring at him and memorizing every detail, every curve, every angle, every toe, and every hair.

Once when I went to shift my position I could have swore I caught Steve out of the corner of my eye starring at me instead of watching the movie. But he quickly turned his gaze back to the television pretending it was just my movement, which caused him to be looking my way.

As the last few minutes of the movie played out, my thoughts wandered to the fact that Steve would be leaving to go home in a few minutes. And that saddened me greatly. Straight or not I liked this guy a lot and didn't want him to leave. I knew I would get to see him at least once more, since he would have to come back to return my clothes that he was going to wear home. But these were just my insecurities showing through again. Steve was a great guy, and I knew we would become friends and spend more time together. I had to keep telling myself not to say or do anything stupid that would risk ruining everything.

I was deep in my thoughts as the movie ended, and Steve started talking. The sound of his voice startled me.

He laughed and asked "You dozing off?"

"No. I was just thinking about something." I responded.

"Thinking about what?"

I sat up and said, "I was thinking about how lucky it was that I fell just as you were running by this morning. If I had fallen after we passed by each other we would not have met and had such a nice time together." Even though it wasn't exactly what I was thinking at that moment, it wasn't a lie either.

Steve nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it has been a nice time. I'm glad we've met. I like making new friends. I just wish it hadn't taken a sprained ankle for us to meet. I've really enjoyed your company today Brian. I think we've both found a new friend today."

I agreed, and, before I got all emotional I stood and said I had to take a piss and hobbled off for the bathroom.

When I returned Steve said it was his turn and he headed down the hall to the bathroom. I looked at the clock and it was about 10:30.

Steve came back in the room and said, "Well, I best be getting home."

I thanked him for all he had done for me and for all his help.

He asked, "Is it alright if I wear your clothes home or do you want me to go home naked?"

I raised my eyebrow and said, "Well? Now that you asked."

We both laughed and I said, "Of course you can wear my clothes home. As long as you promise to bring them back so we can spend some more time together."

Through the laughter and the light banter I could detect that streak of pensiveness again. It seemed like he was stalling. That he really didn't want to leave but felt he had too. We had only known each other for about 15 hours, and I was reading his moods already.

"You going to be all right by yourself?" he asked.

I said, "Sure, I'll be fine. You really didn't have to stay and tuck me in." I laughed.

Steve picked up his keys and moved toward the door. I realized he didn't laugh when I said he didn't have to stay and tuck me in. I thought it was pretty funny, but Steve suddenly seemed to be in another world. What the hell was going on? He was standing at the door with one hand on the handle, his keys in the other, just sort of starring down at the floor.

Suddenly he lifted his head, looked me right in the eye and asked, "Would it be alright with you if I spent the night? I didn't like the idea of you being alone if something happens or your ankle starts to bother you."

I looked straight back into his eyes and said, "I have a phone. I could call you for help if something happened." Even as the words were coming out of my mouth I couldn't believe I said that. I would love for him to spend the night, so I quickly added, "But you're more than welcome to spend the night if you want."

Part VI

We both just stood there frozen in time, starring deeply into each other's eyes across the room. I began to feel the same sense of electricity that I felt when he first touched me. Lightening bolts seemed to pass between us. I was frozen, I couldn't move, nor could I divert my eyes from his, nor did I want too.

Steve broke the magic spell. He let go of the door handle, put the key back on the counter, all the while looking straight into my eyes. It was like our eyes where locked on each other and neither of us knew the combination. He walked over to me and stood right in front of me. We just stood there inches apart starring at each other. Neither of us moving. Neither of us saying a single word. We were barely breathing. I'd never known anything as intense as this moment.

Again, it was Steve who broke the spell. He took a deep breath and moved up against me. He took me in his long strong arms and pulled me too himself hugging me like I'v never been hugged before. I was so surprised at what was happening I just stood there with my hands hanging at my side. Was this really happening or was I sleeping and experiencing a wonderful dream?

My lack of immediate response caused Steve to tense up. He wasn't breathing. Why was I hesitating? I finally snapped out of my trance, raised my arms and wrapped them around Steve and held him with all my strength. Steve finally exhaled in relief as we stood holding each other tightly. I pulled my head back and we looked deeply into each other's eyes again as if reading each other's thoughts. We both broke into huge grins and then kissed deeply, taking turns sucking each other's tongue into our mouths.

As we rocked in our embrace, my ankle began to hurt. I reluctantly broke off the kiss and the embrace and told Steve, "I have to sit down because my ankle is killing me."

He helped me back onto the couch where I laid back down. He put one of the pillows under my head and the other under my ankle, then stood next to me by the couch. His very obvious hard cock was pushing against the fabric of the shorts he was wearing making a large and very uncomfortable looking tent.

Steve took his shoes off again and took his socks off too. The T-shirt came off next and then he pulled the shorts down and off and threw them on the recliner. He just stood there next to me letting me drink him in with my eyes. The thin trail of hair from his naval ran down to a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. It was obvious he kept his pubs trimmed very short, and his balls were shaved smooth.

Seeing the close cropped pubs caused me to look back up to his arm pits, which, I realized for the first time, were also shaved. How the hell did I miss seeing that before?

His cock was rock hard and just as beautiful as the rest of him. It was circumcised and not heavily veined. It looked to be about 6.5 to 7 inches long and a little above average in thickness. The short pubic hairs and shaved balls made it look longer. The color of the shaft blended well with the rest of him, and the shaft was crowned with a rose-colored helmet head.

While his cock was just slightly above average, he was however, well endowed in the ball area. He had a pair of the largest balls I had ever seen and they hung low. His cock stood straight out from his body and seemed to be begging for attention, which I was more than willing to give.

I reached up and grabbed hold of his cock and gently gave it a few strokes and then rubbed my thumb on the sensitive underside just under the head.

He pulled away though and walked over to the other end of the couch were he removed my socks. Then he helped me out of my T-shirt. My cock was also rock hard and tenting my shorts. Steve reached down and rubbed my cock through the fabric of my shorts. I made a move to take my shorts off, and Steve stopped me.

"Let me do that." He said. He hooked his fingers under the elastic waistband of my shorts, and ever so slowly pulled them off my hard cock and down my legs and finally off.

Then he laid down on top of me and we resumed our embraces and kisses as our hard cocks ground against each other in lustful passion and his heavy balls rolled and bounced against mine. We began exploring each others body with our hands and our tongues. But it quickly became evident the couch was too small for our passionate play. Steve suggested we move to the bedroom, and I quickly agreed.

Part VII

Steve helped me to the bedroom. I laid down on the bed with Steve back on top of me. The kissing was the most passionate I had ever experienced and I could have gone on all night like that. His kisses were strong and powerful, but not overly so. He made wonderful use of his lips, and his tongue seemed to have made it's home in my mouth.

After a while Steve began to nibble on my ear lobes, then kissed down my neck and across my upper chest to my nipples. He licked and sucked and bit at each one sending bolts of electricity coursing through my body. He then kissed his way down across my stomach and abdomen, and down to my cock. He licked along the length of my cock before circling my throbbing cock head with his tongue.

He took my cock head in his mouth and sucked on it, slowly moving lower and lower, taking more and more of my cock in his mouth. I watched as my cock slowly disappeared into his warm wet mouth. His head was soon bobbing up and down the full length of my cock taking it deep into his throat. He was massaging my balls with one of his hands while the other probed the crack of the ass. It all felt so wonderful. I still couldn't believe this was really happening.

I let him suck my cock for a while then pulled him back up on top of me and kissed him deep and hard again. We rolled over as one and I found myself on top of him. Now it was my turn. I had played this scene in my fantasy's many times, and now I was with him for real, and I was going to take my time and make him feel better than he had ever felt in his life. I had dreamed of having him, and now I wanted all of him. I wanted to experience every inch of his body. I kissed him all over his face, then starting right at his forehead, I worked my way down across his left temple and down to his left ear lobe. I licked and bit at it as he gave a little moan of pleasure.

Then I kissed my way down his neck and along his collar bone and then down to his left arm pit, which I licked and kissed as I savored his fresh scent from the recent shower. His smooth and hairless armpit was a real treat where I lingered for a while. I then licked down from his arm pit out to his left nipple which I circled with the tip of my tongue before licking along the knob with the full length of my tongue. Then I sucked and gently bit at it making him squirm and moan with pleasure.

I made my way across to his right nipple and repeated the scene. His chest was smooth, and I licked down from his nipples across his chest and stomach and abdominal muscles. I traced with my tongue the thin path of hair that led from just below his navel down to where it flared out and blended into his pubic hairs. But rather than follow the path down from there, my tongue took a detour out to his right hip and then down across his upper leg and across to his inner thigh. I licked along the patch of flesh that connects the flesh of the scrotum with the upper leg, and then licked down his inner thigh to his knee.

I continued down the side of his calve, down to his ankle bone. At this point I shifted myself on the bed positioning myself to sit between his feet. Steve had propped himself up on his elbows and was intently watching me and enjoying what he was seeing and experiencing. I then lifted his right foot to my mouth and licked down from his anklebone along the arch of his foot and down to his toes. I lift his foot a bit higher and starting at the back of his heel I licked along the center bottom of his foot back to his toes and along the under side of his toes. Then starting with the smallest toe I took each one in my mouth and sucked it until I got to the largest toe. I sucked it also then licked along the top of his toes. I put his right foot down, and lifted his left foot to my mouth, and repeated the toe sucking and foot wash with my tongue.

I then ran my tongue up the inside of his left leg until I found myself face to face with his big balls. I took his balls in my hand and began to lick them and suck them one at a time. I took his right ball in my mouth and sucked on it gently. Then I took the left one in my mouth and finally managed to get both of them in and sucked them together. The smooth hairless ball sack was wonderful to lick and suck and I could have spent hours just playing with his balls.

After thoroughly working over his balls though, I ran the tip of my tongue down under his balls along the seam that ran to his hot ass. I spread his legs wide apart and told him to pull back on his legs, which raised and exposed his puckered hole for my tongue. I circled his hot hole with my tongue then ran my tongue along the length of his ass. Returning my tongue to his hole I licked and pushed against the opening with my tongue. Pushing harder and harder with my tongue against his hot wet ass finally gained me partial entry. Here too I could have rimmed him, and probed his ass with my tongue for hours, but I wanted to move on.

His moans of pleasure though, encouraged me to continue working on his ass. I licked and ate at his ass for quite a while before I licked back up over his balls. Then I ran the very tip of my tongue up the underside of his cock. The thrilling sensations caused his cock to jump as my tongue moved up. I then grabbed hold of his cock as I ran my tongue around the ridge of his cock head. I licked along his piss slit getting a taste of pre-cum that had formed there. Tasting that drop of pre-cum made me crazy for the full load. I took his cock in my mouth and began plunging it in and out of my throat and mouth. My sucking slowly began to pick up speed and intensity. I couldn't get enough of him, I wanted him deep inside me. I wanted to feel his cum blast against the back of my throat, and taste its salty creaminess.

I was so into sucking Steve's cock that I didn't here him call my name. "Brian!" Then louder and more insistent, "Brian! I'm about to cum, and I don't want to just yet. I want us to cum together if possible this first time together. Lay down and let me get on top of you in a 69 so we can suck each other and cum together. I want you to shoot your load in my mouth. You don't have to take mine. I just want you to become a part of me."

I told him I felt the same way, that I wanted him to shoot in me too. So I laid back down on the bed diagonally to give us room. Steve got on top and quickly took my cock deep in his mouth. I took a few seconds to simply admire his hard cock and big balls hanging over my face before guiding his cock into my mouth. Steve began a slow fucking of my face. Since he had been close to shooting I told him when I was close I'd give him a signal, that way he could control his own action in my mouth.

All this activity had me closer to climaxing than I thought. It only took a few minutes before I could feel those wonderful sensations welling up in my loins. I gave Steve a poke in the side, and he picked up the tempo with which he was plunging his cock in and out of my mouth. As I got closer to shooting I could see Steve's balls tightening up for their release also. That sight and the knowledge he was about to shoot his hot load down my throat took me over the edge.

My cock erupted in Steve's mouth with several hot blasts of cum. With Steve fucking my mouth I was bucking my ass up and down fucking his mouth pushing my cock as deep in his mouth as I could get it, as it deposited it's juice in Steve for the first time. As my orgasm was winding down Steve's started. I quickly realized why his balls were so big. He shot the biggest, longest load of hot sticky, creamy cum I had ever seen. As much as I wanted to take it all, I couldn't. Some oozed out the corner of my mouth and dribbled down across my chin and down my neck.

We were both spent, but were unwilling for it to end. Steve just sort of rolled off me and we laid on our sides with our faces in each other's crotch licking up the last few drops of cum as they oozed out. Finally, Steve turned around and got back on top of me. He licked his own cum off my neck then we kissed and shared the cum.

He slipped off me again, but we continued to hold each other and kiss, fondling each other's softening cocks. We laid like that for almost a half hour. We were both rock hard again and had been for a while. Steve got up and moved down between my legs, spreading them and pushing them back. He bent over and started to suck my balls which felt great. He soon moved from my balls down to my ass, and began to give it a good going over with his tongue. I was laying back thoroughly enjoying the rimming, when I felt Steve insert a finger up my ass. I could feel his long finger slid all the way in and then out as he slowly began to finger fuck my ass. It sent chills of excitement up and down my spine.

After a little while he inserted a second finger and continued to play with my ass. He was massaging my cock and balls with one hand while the fingers of the other hand moved in and out of my hot ass. Finally, I couldn't take it any more.

"Steve! I want you inside me. I want you to fuck my ass." Slowly he removed his fingers from my ass, and moved his body up closer to my ass and pushed my legs back further. He looked deep into my eyes again and we both knew how lucky we were to have found each other.

Steve positioned the tip of his cock against my ass opening and began to push his way in. I could feel his cock push past my sphincter as it moved deep into my ass. Steve was gentle about it, pausing to let my ass adjust to this intruder. Then he began a slow pumping of my ass with his cock. I told him to go faster, and he picked up the pace, fucking me faster and faster, his huge balls slapping against my ass with each plunge.

He bent over and kissed me deeply as he continued to fuck me. After a while it all felt so wonderful I wished it could go on forever. When I woke up this morning I never would have dreamed that this day would end with this magnificent hunks tongue in my mouth and his cock up my ass. But here we were, together, in my bed. Steve settled into a nice rhythm with his cock plunging in and out of my hot hungry ass. I loved feeling him deep inside me and wanted him to deposit another big load of hot cum inside me.

After a while I could sense Steve was getting close to cumming. His breathing got heavier, and his fucking got faster. I could feel his whole body tense and his balls tighten in anticipation of their release. I held him tight and urged him on. His moans and grunts of pure pleasure grew louder and louder as he fucked me harder and faster. Then with a loud moan from Steve I felt his hot load blast deep in my ass as he fucked me for all he was worth. I could feel him shoot several big shots deep in my ass splashing my prostate with his cum.

Finally, he began to ease off on his fucking action as he collapsed on top of me. As his cock began to soften he pulled it out and quickly took my cock in his mouth and began to suck me again. This time he licked and sucked my balls as well. He seemed to be enjoying sucking them as much I was enjoying him sucking them. He spent quite a while on my balls before he moved his tongue up along my cock and again took it in his mouth.

He wrapped his strong hand around the very base of my cock and jacked me off as he sucked the top half of my cock. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched this beautiful man sucking my cock. It felt so wonderful. Steve just kept sucking and sucking. I didn't want him to stop, but I began to feel my orgasm approaching. My breathing grew faster and I began to move my hips in motion with his sucking. Finally I cried out as I blasted my second load of cum in Steve's mouth. I kept plunging my cock in and out of his mouth as my orgasm subsided. Steve let my cock out of his mouth but he kept holding it as he slowly and gently milked the last few drops of cum from me. At last we collapsed in each others arms totally exhausted.

We laid there in each others arms just savoring the moment. There would be plenty of time for talk tomorrow. Eventually Steve got up and turned off all the nights in the apartment and came back to bed pulling the covers up over us as we cuddled up against each other.

My mind drifted back over all the events of the day, and I was excited beyond belief at the twist fate had taken. When I woke up this morning Steve was just another runner in the park that I passed every day. Granted, he was the best looking of all the others in the park, but he was just part of my fantasy life. I didn't even know his name. Now here we were together, naked in my bed, snuggled up against him, his cock in my hand. In meeting Steve I found more than just a running companion, more than just a friend. I had found a lover. This was going to be fun.

The next morning I woke up first and just laid there for a while admiring Steve as he slept. He stirred and opened his eyes to see me watching him. We smiled at each other and kissed. Steve and I didn't get dressed again the rest of that weekend. In fact we both called in sick on Monday and spent another day together before returning to reality and work. We did indeed become lovers. Steve moved in with me a few months later when the lease on his apartment expired. But I'm starting another story that should be saved for another time. Fate had brought us together, but it was our friendship and love that kept us together.

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