Fat Tran Panty Poopers

By sasha Steele

Published on Aug 20, 2005


Fat Tran Panty Poopers - (Beach Series) One Bikini Accident By Sasha Steele

He'd been watching for some time the fat trannie in a baby blue bikini strutting his stuff on the beach, and was getting a hardon with the sexy blond's antics. The trannie kept fussing and touching himself, shaking out the long wind blown strands of his fine white-blond hair, adjusting his bikini top against fleshy man-tits and fixing their bottoms on his huge ass. His soft hands explored his curvaceous corpulent body, caressed his big ass, his fat gut, and slid along the smooth material covering the downward curving bulge in the cock-pouch of his bikini bottoms. The transvestite liked his fat body. That was apparent.

So did Dollman as he watched. And from what he could see the sexy blond had a beautiful chubby face with a cute double chin, big green eyes and pursed fish-like lips. His smooth flawless skin was lightly tanned. His heavy lower body was thick and shapely with huge flairing thighs, broad hips and a massive ass. His fat stomach bulged outward above the light blue bikini bottoms that contained what looked to be a very large cock, which turned downward from crescent to a straightened tip perhaps nine inches long and set just off his fat thighs.

His man-tits were fleshy and his chest heavy as were his shoulders and fat tubular arms. The cups of the baby blue bikini top slightly uplifted and squeezed his man-tits creating cleavage. The straps crossed his heavy shoulders and thick back. The bottoms cut upward in a V across his big round ass and set high on the shelf of his fleshy hips. The waist band then rode downward at a slight angle around his thick waist to cover the bulging bald pubis mound and that monster cock under the shelf of his protruding gut.

The big blond was turning him on big time, and as Dollman watched something else, which turned him on even more, became very apparent. More than just touching his rather large bulging cock, as time went on the bikini clad beauty was more like holding himself, clutching his cock, squeezing it while pressing one thick knee against the other. He had to pee, rather badly it seemed. And, pressing a hand into the butt crack of his huge round ass, had to shit as well by the look of it.

Packing up his beach bag and strapping dark blue colored platform sandals onto his chubby feet the pretty blond trannie, Shekeela his name, waddled off in search of a toilet - and was going in the wrong direction. This was the fringe area of TranCity where outworld straights can mix with the trannies. Not all of them admirers. Get off the beaten path and it could be dangerous.

The sexy fat blond was walking toward the shelf, a monolithic slab of rock that jutted out onto the beach creating an open cavern beneath it. The person the blond trannie had asked pointed him in that direction. It was the wrong way and Shekeela was headed off the beaten path. Dollman turned his binoculars to that area. A gang of three no-good straights entered and disappeared in the shadows.

Shekeela's sandals clacked on the rock floor as he hurried into the cavern to find a bathroom. He had waited too long and was desperate. His bladder cried out for relief - like right now. His bowels were pressuring him, his sphincter quivered on the verge, opened. Shekeela pressed his hand into the cleft between his massive butt cheeks. He could feel through the stretchy material of his blue bikini bottoms the hard knob of his turd in the opening.

There were dark areas under here with few people. Good places to shit and piss, or be accosted. Shekeela had little choice. He had to go right now. Clutching himself Shekeela looked around for a spot to relieve himself.

They were waiting in the shadows - a gang of none supportive straights who were jealous of the rich TranCity gays. "Well, well, well, the fat trannie has to go pee pee," the leader of the three straights smirked. They started toward Shekeela. He was scared stiff. A squirt of pee went into his bikini bottoms. He squeezed himself harder. Turned to run.

The roar of the motor bike's engine stopped them as Dollman pulled his Harley between Shekeela and the gang of straights. Dollman cut the engine and got off.

"If it ain't the queer boyfriend," one of the straights said.

Shekeela saw that his savior was a hot mantran wearing black spandex tights and a fitted light weight black leather two button suit jacket. The lace cups of his black bra showed in the low buttoned front. The coat-tail lay on the shelf of his big round butt covering less than half of it. He had on chunk-heel lace-up black boots. His long black hair was worn in a single braid. His makeup was heavy and he wore a ton of jewelry.

Dollman looked at the beautiful and frightened heshetran. "I should be so lucky," he said. "Get on the bike beautiful," he told Shekeela who didn't hesitate to do so. Dollman took off his jacket, set it on the bike and gestured the straights to come and get it.

Shekeela sat on the Harley squeesing his cock. His fat ass pressed against seat had temporarily stopped the release of his poop against the material in the seat of his bikini bottoms. He looked at Dollman. The strap of his black brassiere cross low on the V-tapper of his muscle studded back. Straps laid over powerful shoulders. His arms bulged with muscle.

And speaking of bulges; the material of Dollman's shiny black spandex tights sank deep between the cheeks of his bulging bubble butt. His muscular thighs flared outward and his calf muscles bulged above his ankle boots. And in the front, Dollman's big cock bulged in downward crescent in the cock-pouch of his spandex tights.

They came at him and were put to out of commission in short order. The commotion had attracted others. Dollman put his jacket back on, did it up. Shekeela watched. Dollman's tights were pulled up high on his flat stomach, over the slight shelf of his muscular hips. The pretty lace low-rise cups of Dollman's black brassier fit perfectly his bulging pectoral muscles. His flawless skin was tanned golden brown. His large brown eyes were doe-like, his pouted lips succulent. Dollman was beautiful.

He lifted a leg over to mount the Harley, started it up. "We better get out of here," he said.

"I-I have to go to the toilet real bad," Shekeela moaned. He sounded desperate. His eyes were closed. He was almost in tears. "I can't h-hold it."

"It's alright," Dollman said. He patted Shekeela's heavy thigh. "I've got a private cabin not far up the beach on Transide. We can go there. Hold on to me."

He reached around taking Shekeela's chubby hands to place them around his waist, snuggling him in close. Shekeela's fat gut pushed up tight against Dollman's back, his cock pressed into Dollman's bubble muscle butt. Shekeela was getting hardon.

"I really can't hold it," Shekeela whined. "I'll pee on you."

"It's okay," Dollman said, "I don't mind if you pee on me."

"Sssssss," Shekeela hissed as he released the hold on his cock. The bike lurched as it roared off jerking him back. Shekeela grabbed Dollman around the waist holding him tight. He started to pee. The cock pouch of his bikini bottom saturated, a strong stream burst through the material. Then a flood. Dollman felt Shekeela's warm piss on his ass. It turned him on.

Shekeela's blue beach bag was slung over his shoulder. His long fine white-blond hair trailed behind him in the wind. His pee rained on the pavement as they rode along the street. Shekeela emptied his bladder.

They stopped at an intersection, waited for the light to change. Shekeela felt his bowels move, his ring opened. He couldn't stop it. "Hmmm, I'm going to shit," he said, "I'm gonna dump in my bathing suit."

The light changed, they were off again. Shekeela moved back a bit on the seat lifting his fat ass slightly from it. He pressed his face into Dollman's back, stopped his breath and bore down to relieve his bowels. Dollman felt Shekeela's forehead pressed into his back, and over the sound of the engine heard him softly grunting as Shekeela moved his bowels.

Shekeela leaned into Dollman as he lifted his fat ass from the bike seat. "NNNNNNNNNNNN!" He pushed the hard turd further into the rear panel of his bikini bottoms. "NNNNNNNNNNNN!" His bikini bottoms bulged out touching the bike seat. "NNNNNNNNNNNN!" The big dark brown turd curled backwards. "NNNNNNNNNNNN!" It rode up into the cleft of his ass. "NNNNNNNNNNNN!" It grew. Six, seven, eight inches, then broke off.

Shekeela caught his breath. Dollman felt his heavy breathing. They were nearly there. Shekeela caught his breath and bore down again. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" A second solid turd invaded his bikini bottoms, then a third, a fourth, and Shekeela was finally finished shitting himself.

They pulled into the private cabin that Dollman had rented. Dollman cut the engine, dismounted and helped Shekeela to get off. This wasn't the first time that Shekeela had gone to the toilet in his pants and wouldn't be the last. Doing so didn't usually bother him, but having an accident in front of an attractive stranger, Shekeela couldn't be sure how Dollman would react.

Dollman's big round muscle butt bulged in his tights as he dismounted the bike. And when he turned to help Shekeela off, Shekeela saw that the front of Dollman's tights also bulged. Dollman's fully erect cock tented the cock-pouch of his tights straight out ten inches, the material stretched tight to the contours of his thick shaft and bag. Shekeela had no doubt how Dollman felt about him dropping a load in his bikini bottoms.

Shekeela was hard too. His thirteen inch long cock, bigger and thicker than Dollman's, stretched his bikini bottoms cock-pouch straight out from beneath his gut. Dollman took Shekeela in his strong arms. Their lips met. Shekeela's fat stomach pressed into Dollman's flat abdomen. Their hard cocks touched upon one another. Both undulated their hips. Cocks crossed, caressed and kneaded against one another.

Dollman broke off the kiss. "Let's have a look," he said," turning Shekeela around. There was a good size lumpy bulge low in the seat of Shekeela's bikini bottoms. Dollman put his hand on it. Shekeela shuddered. He liked Dollman touching him, liked the feel of the poop in his pants against the crack of his ass as Dollman lightly pushed on it. "Wow, that's a good one," Dollman said, "come on inside. I'll get you cleaned up." He took Shekeela by the hand and led him into the cabin.

Dollman took Shekeela to the bedroom. They were both still hard. They kissed again. Dollman took off his coat, threw it on the bed, put his hands on Shekeela's protruding gut. Shekeela moaned. It felt good to have Dollman touching his fat. Shekeela's chubby hands rested on Dollman's muscular arms, they felt so strong. Dollman's hands went below Shekeela's stomach, his thumbs hooking his bikini bottoms. He pulled them down over Shekeela's hard cock causing it to jump.

"Turn around," Dollman said. Shekeela turned and Dollman careful drew the bathing suit from his fat bottom and down to the floor with its load intact. Shekeela's large bowel movement, consisting of three shinny black logs and a smaller piece, had a slight earthy odor that, to Dollman, smelled pleasant.

Shekeela lay down on the bed, on his stomach with his big legs spread. Dollman fetched a basin of warm soapy water, washed his bum and then dried him with a towel. Shekeela's hard cock, pressed between his soft belly and the soft bed, throbbed.

"Better make sure you're ass is clean," Dollman said climbing on the bed to position himself between Shekeela's spread legs. Dollman placed his hands on Shekeela's soft fat ass cheeks, massaging them.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," Shekeela hummed.

"You've got a beautiful ass," Dollman said. "Get it up here for me." Shekeela got up on his knees lifting his huge ass in the air for Dollman. He spread Shekeela's cheeks exposing the pink ring buried deep between them and leaned his face to them breathing in his sweet aroma. Dollman ran his tongue over Shekeela's pink ring lapping it for several minutes while Shekeela squirmed about on the bed moaning with his face buried in the soft sheets.

"Hmmmmmmm. Suck it. Suck my beautiful ass," Shekeela moaned.

Dollman's watering mouth devoured Shekeela's sweet asshole. He licked and sucked, slurped and slid his tongue in and out his hole driving Shekeela crazy. "Ohhh, mmmmmmm, fuck me," Shekeela cried. "Sssssss. I want your cock in me. I want you to fuck my big fat ass."

Dollman knelt up straight on the bed, drew his tights over his round buns and off his ten inch cock bringing them down onto his muscular thighs. He brought his cock to Shekeela's asshole. Dollman spread Shekeela's cheeks to get at his hole, pressed his stiff cock head against it, then pushed through to the inside. Shekeela shuddered, then moaned in a gruff raunchy way as he pushed back with his big fat ass forcing Dollman to penetrate him fully.

"Ahhh, ahhh. Oh ya. Fuck my ass. Shekeela growled. And Dollman did just that. He grasped Shekeela's wide hips, slid his cock out then rammed it back into the sexy heshetran's fat ass. His undulations quickened. His buff abdomen smacked against Shekeela's soft fat. "Ahh," Dollman cried, "ahh." His motions had become frantic as the tip of his cock heated up.

"Awa, ah, oh ya. Fuck me. FUCK ME!" Shekeela cried.

"Ahhh." Dollman tilted his back, closed his eyes. "Ahhh, ahhh." His mouth was opened wide. "Ahhh. I'm gonna, ahhh, cummmmmm!" He stopped undulating his hips. Pressed himself into Shekeela while pulling back on his fleshy hips. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

Shekeela felt the heat of Dollman's cock like a hot poker shoved up his ass. Felt it explode. And he felt the strong jet as Dollman's hot cum sprayed into his cavity that not too long ago contained the shit that was still in the seat of his bikini bottoms laying on the bedroom floor.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Shekeela moaned. His bulging belly lay heavily on his huge throbbing cock pressing its tip into the bed where a large wet spot had formed. It begged for relief. Shekeela wanted to cum, and do it in Dollman's mouth. "Suck my cock," Shekeela lustfully growled. Dollman withdrew allowing Shekeela to roll over onto his back.

Dollman knelt back to take in the beauty of the fat sexy blond's monster cock. Shekeela lay with his heavy thighs spread. He ran a hand along the side of his belly to his cock and began to masturbate. Protruding from a bald fleshy pubis mound and rooted in a large full hairless scrotum the thick thirteen inch long shaft rose proudly above Shekeela's gut.

Dollman grasp hold moving his hand along with Shekeela's, stroking him off. "Sssssssssssss. Mmmmmmmm. Suck it," Shekeela moaned. Dollman leaned in and took the thick cock head in his mouth. Shekeela squirmed and hissed. "Mmmmmmmmmmm," he coed, "suck my beautiful cock."

Shekeela's right hand moved in a slight motion low on the shaft at his balls, stroking himself as Dollman deep throated him. He reached with his left past his gut to Dollman's head taking hold his braid and started to undulate his wide hips. Dollman moaned his pleasure through a mouthful of cock.

"Sssssssss. Make me cum," Shekeela growled. Make me cum in your mouth." Dollman sped his motions taking Shekeela's hard cock half way down his throat. Shekeela pulled him down while at the same time lifted his thick hips to drive his cock even deeper into Dollman's throat. Dollman's face was buried in his fat.

"Ahhh, ahhh. Oooh, make me cum. I'm gonna... gonna. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Shekeela let go his cock, pressed hard on the back of Dollman's head with both hands and held him there. Wave after wave of his hot cum shot deep into Dollman's throat. Dollman had no choice but to swallow it. That, or drown.

When Shekeela had finally emptied his balls, he released his hold. Dollman crawled on top of him. Kissed him. "That was wonderful," he said.

"Mmmmmm. I'll have to have a bikini accident in front of hot hetrans more often," Shekeela said. They laughed, looked deep into each other's eyes, and kissed again.


Next: Chapter 2

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