Fat Thor

By Todd Mitchell

Published on Aug 5, 2022


I wrote this for a friend as his birthday present. It is very naughty... And yes, do send me fan mail if you like it.

And more importantly, please remember to donations to Nifty (using link https://donate.nifty.org/). Only they can give you that special feeling inside.

Chapter 6. An Examination

Thor was glad to be back on Earth at the Avengers HQ, because his search for a cock that would satisfy his cunt had been a disappointment. He knew immediately that he had to find someone who could help him, and he thought it might quite possibly be here. He'd stopped over-eating, even put himself on a diet and started to train again. But while his stomach had started to disappear, his titties and his big, round, bouncing arse had not. He wasn't sure why this had happened. Maybe he just needed to train more. But that was the strange thing. He just couldn't lift what he used to. He couldn't train as hard. There was definitely something afoot and only one person would know the cure.

Bruce Banner sucked his teeth. There was no words for it, Thor had definitely changed.

"You're a doctor!" Thor bellowed. "You need to find out what's wrong with me."

"I'm not that sort of doctor," Bruce tried to explain. But of course he knew that argument was pointless. He was like some lazy plot point in a novel. Every time anything vaguely science- or medical-like came anywhere near the Avengers, he knew he would be expected to know the answers. So he had built up a diverse collection of knowledge for just these times. After all, it wasn't as it there were Asgardian doctors around. "I'll help you, don't worry," he quickly told the downcast Thor. "But first, why don't you tell me what happened."

And so Thor did, in graphic detail. He was, after all not ashamed of the sexual pleasure he'd given and received. He was probably more ashamed how he had over-eaten and got a little tubby. Bruce couldn't help his eyebrows jump up when Thor demonstrated how he'd danced for the Shi'ar. But he took detailed notes as Thor explained what pleasure the Shi'ar cum had given him, how much he enjoyed giving it and how even Drax's fisting had made him feel so special.

"After you were penetrated," Bruce enquired, "Did you have any seepage?"

"What do you mean doc?"

Bruce squeezed the bridge of his nose. "Did any cum leak out of you after you'd been fucked by the Shi'ar?"

"No," Thor shook his head. "Does that normally happen?"

"So you're telling me you've been walking around with loads of Shi'ar cum in your arse?" Bruce enquired.

"And in my stomach," Thor laughed. "Don't forget about that," and he licked his lips at the memory.

"But then Drax fisted you," Bruce said. "And you said you leaked after that?"

"It was everywhere doc," Thor remembered. "It was running down my legs. And ever since then I've felt tired and weak."

"Hmmm," Bruce pondered. "I'm going to have to run some tests but I think that Shi'ar cum has fundamentally changed you."

"Does that mean I'm always going to need regular doses?" Thor asked. He seemed pretty happy with that idea. Not that he was sure how he would get some. But he'd work that out.

"I'm not sure that's the solution," Bruce shook his head. "I need to run some tests. We'll take some blood, do a body scan, and then some semen." Bruce got out a needle and withdrew some blood. Then he came over with a robe. "Put this on and we'll do the scan."

Thor looked at it dismissively. "I don't need a robe doc," and he stripped naked. It was the first time Banner had seen the full size of Thor's titties and arse.

"Well... wow," the doctor mumbled. "You know what? I should, I should probably... examine you first."

Thor nodded and stood to attention as Bruce examined his titties. "These look a bit bigger than I remember," Bruce murmured. "And your nipples."

"Ohhhhh," Thor whimpered.

"Your nipples," Bruce's finger rolled around them. "They look big and very tender."

"Oh... ah... they are doc," Thor groaned.

"Just jog on the spot for me," Banner ordered, his curiosity inflamed.

Thor did as he was ordered, his titties and arse, unconstrained by clothes, bounced up and down vigorously. He started to sweat and become short of breath very quickly.

Bruce indicated for him to stop and then he held Thor's titties in his hands. "We might have to consider getting you a bra and some panties," he teased But Thor just nodded his agreement, so Bruce continued the examination, wondering how far he could take it. "Now if you put your hands on the table and get your legs apart."

Thor did what he was ordered. Banner was surprised how compliant he was. He now felt duty-bound to test that too. He was after all, a doctor. "I want you to push your arse back for me," he ordered. Thor did so without question. "And if you could hold your cheeks apart for me."

Thor's big hands reached around and pulled his cheeks apart. "Can you see doc?" He asked.

Banner inserted a gloved finger carefully. "Interesting."

"What is it doc?" Thor asked. "What do you see?"

"Well your hole is definitely enlarged," Bruce said. "Usually they spring back quite quickly, but your hole seems to have stayed open. As if it no longer is satisfied. Can you feel this?" Banner slid one finger inside.

"A little," Thor mumbled. "Could you... could you put another finger in?"

"Really?" Bruce smiled. "Just the one?" And he slipped in three fingers, opening Thor's cunt up.

"Oh yes," Thor moaned. "You can see doc how much I need it... oh more."

"Well, well," Bruce agreed. "It's as I suspected."

"What is it?"

"We need to complete the tests first," Bruce explained. "So let's scan you. If you can lie on your tummy first."

Thor squeezed himself onto the table and submitted to the scans. Bruce came back out from the booth. "Ok that's good. Now one last test. I need to get some semen out of you." He handed Thor a glass beaker. "Can you wank into that for me?"

Thor agreed and reached underneath his tummy to his cock. Just being naked in front of Bruce had aroused him but his cock remained stubbornly three inches. He kept wanking but his cock stayed resolutely tiny and gave no ejaculation.

"Having trouble?" Bruce enquired.

"Uff, ah," Thor grunted. "Nothing seems to be coming out."

"Let me have a look," Bruce said, squatting down on his haunches. He was sure he had seen Thor's cock before and this little thing, was nothing like it. His testicles looked a little smaller than before too. "Have you cum recently?" Banner asked Thor.

"I came," Thor gasped, "When Drax was fisting me. I came a lot."

"And since then?"

"I... no. Not since then," Thor blushed a little.

"Have you tried?"

"A few times, but I gave up trying," Thor admitted.

"What did you do instead?" Bruce asked.

Thor shrugged, a little embarrassed. "I sat on the handle of my hammer. It's not thick but its long and it reaches the spot that makes me cum."

"But you just said you hadn't cum," Bruce queried.

"I meant it makes me orgasm inside," Thor had to explain.

"I see," Bruce nodded. He reached over and took Thor's small cock and ball in his hands. "Yes. A little boy's cock like this. It's not meant to get erect or cum." For the first time Thor blushed a little, and so Banner was inspired to see how far he could take it. "It's clear the Shi'ar cum has devoured the testosterone in you. You only have a little bitty boy willy now. It's unlikely you'll get hard again."

"Well I don't feel anything when I play with it," Thor admitted. "Though I do remember when I was a boy, my cock looked like this. And if I played with it, I'd get a spanking."

"Then don't play with it," Banner warned him. Thor swallowed and nodded. "After all, The Hulk could definitely put you over his knees. Now I guess I'll need to take a swab from inside your hole and I'll have to have the semen right out of your balls. Can you get on your hands and knees on the table and spread your legs?"

Thor did as requested and Bruce took a swab from inside his hole. Then the doctor reached between his legs and gently fondled Thor's balls. "Even your balls have shrunk," Banner concluded.

"The treatment you'll give me," Thor asked. "Will it get bigger afterwards?"

"We can't be sure," Banner admitted. "Ok, so this is going to hurt, I won't lie." And he pushed the needle into one of Thor's shrunken testicles.

"Eeeeeeeee!" Thor squealed at the top of his voice. His head shot up and tears sprung to his eyes.

"Almost done," Banner softly said, as he pulled the needle out. "There."

"Oh, oh, oh..." Thor sobbed. "Owwww... it hurts, it really hurts!" And he crawled off the table and fell to the floor, his hands cradling his aching balls.

"Now, now," Banner protested. "It wasn't that bad."

"It was, it was!" Squealed Thor, as he rolled on the floor in pain.

Banner walked to a cupboard and opened it up. "This might help with the pain," he said, and returned to hand Thor a rubber dildo. "I used this on Black Widow when she was suffering from anxiety," he needlessly explained. "Why don't you go over to the sofa and suck on it."

Still sobbing like a little kid, Thor sulkily took the dildo and crawled over to the sofa. He curled himself up and started to suck on the dildo and within moments Bruce heard the sobbing recede.

Next: Chapter 6

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