Fast life, Hard life: Fast life, Hard life

By star fall

Published on Nov 30, 2006



All the names in the story has been changed to keep the privacy of all the persons since I don't have their permission to reveal their name.

This story might contain sexual material. If you are under the age of 18 or find male to male actions offensive Then you shouldn't read this.

Fast life, Hard life Part One

My name is Mike, I'm 18 years old. I'm tall and with a normal body built guy. I live in Estonia, work and go to school. I have blue eyes and dark brown hair. I'm living a fast life for my age, a difficult one. I live with my mom and my aunt. I won't start with my whole life story but ill start from this year beginning. Why is it so important to start from there and not what happened before, is because I wasn't who I am now. This part will mostly be introduction into my life, since I don't remember many details.

My new year started as usual, fireworks and a lot of food, good enough to make you throw up, in other words, so tasty that you would fill yourself up enough to throw up. My life is mostly based on msn and e-mail, though I'm going to talk about more than just that, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a story. I was talking on msn to guys and liked messing around with them 'cause they didn't know how I looked like, other than that, they were straight too, so I told them I was a girl. So when I was messing around with them I started changing into more and more gay. I felt that its not right to toy with them. Soon I blocked them and started to live my own life.

I met a guy on the internet who was cute and nice. He was 22 years old with a slim body figure and brown hair. I found him... actually he more like added me from my ad up in a gay meeting place on the internet... Well it's not easy to find gay people in Estonia so those sites are good for finding someone. Anyways, I talked with him and sometime later, also met him. He had quite an interesting personality, I don't remember much of him though, as weird as it is, he was my first boyfriend and I don't remember him. Only things we mostly did was talk and kiss, we never got to sex. He gave me my first kiss with passion, not just for "kicks" while having sex. Too bad was that I met him only a couple of times after the first kiss, cause he was always so busy. Doing work and all. He didn't even have his own apartment. He lived with his mom. Shortly after our last date, I thought he wasn't the one, so I moved on.

I went on-line into a chat room so I could start meeting other guys, there in the chat room some straight/bi guy started chatting with me. His name was Alex, he invited me to his place, said that he has a cute friend that he would like me to meet, since he thought that we would stay together. Since I was quite messed up and wasn't worried about anything that would happen to me, I went. There I met him, a typical straight and confused guy, bi curious so to say. There I also met his friend, Mark.

Mark was a gay guy, totally gay, like I am. He had short brown hair, or at least so I remember, and a very slim body, I thought he was very cute and I still have feelings for him, even though some other guys thought that he looked like s**t... Anyways, When I was there we had a few drinks, Alex also had a few of his girls over. I was starting to get drunk by the time we ran out of the alcohol and he had another girl invited over, so when she got there Alex and she went out to get some more alcohol. Me, A girl that was there when I arrived, and Mark stayed there. I don't exactly remember how did she know that we were gay but she did, and she had a request for us.

She asked "So you guys are gay huh?" there was a silence in the room, "I have always wondered how gay people tick, I mean, like why don't you like girls Mike?" She asked me...

"Yes, at least I'm gay, and about that attraction... Lets just say that when I look at Mark here, I feel like something is pulling me towards him, a connection, unexplainable feeling... But now when I look at you I can see you, I can say that you are pretty and all, but there is just no connection, nothing, no feeling." I said with a bit fuzzy voice 'cause I was like totally drunk by then.

She had a request "I have never seen guys kiss before, could you kiss each other. If its okay with you two of course, is it?"

There was silence but Mark did stand up and sit on my lap facing me, man that felt good. Since he was also drunk he fell into the kiss quickly, and we kissed for so long that I felt like years were passing by. It was so full of energy, so intense, I just fell out of the world. And at the time when we kissed, Alex came back home and saw us kissing.

"Well looks like we have gotten that far so to see at least." Alex just had to mention that with a 'by the way' voice.

I didn't hear him quite good cause I was more focused on the kiss, but from the background I did faintly hear aww and ohh noises. The kiss wasn't still broken, we kissed on, and I was like sliding away with him from there into the air. I felt like I was floating. Once we broke the kiss he sat down next to me, with me putting my head on his shoulder, and stayed like that for as long as we had time. Soon I lit a cigarette... for a while of smoking Mark took the cigarette and made a few inhales too, yet then came the bad part, I always forget that if I drink too much and then have a smoke too, at a bad time, then I throw up... The worst part is that I threw up on Marks jeans.

"Thanks a lot!" He managed to say with a bit of a louder voice.

"Heh, first sign of love I see." Alex said With a little humor in it.

Mark went into the bathroom to clean his jeans up a bit, and I went to see if everything was ok, and to say I was sorry. I managed even to start crying a bit... Got a bit emotional, `cause usually when alcohol is starting to fade, slowly but starting to, then I start getting a bit emotional and all, if I stay up long enough, I can even get away with a hangover next day and will remember everything that happened. Shortly after that accident...

"Ok, lets get ready to go to the X-bar (a gay place in the old town of Tallinn)! So get out of that bathroom, you look clean enough, and put your shoes on, we need to go!" Alex yelled out to everyone.

So from there we went to the X-bar. There I was mostly having a depressive face and all, cause of alcohol and of what happened. Soon Mark came from the dance floor and made some room for me under the window to sit, then he sat down on my lap again, Man how I liked it, and then he kissed me, again I was slipping out of the world.

Alex came and said "Ok, common, give this guy a memorable night, and a reason to remember this place, drag him to the dance floor, why else did we came here."

Since I was a quiet and a mouse kind of guy, just to not draw attention to myself anywhere, he practically did drag me to the dance floor even though I disagreed with that idea at first. When on the dance floor, we danced, slowly, arms wrapped around each other, kissing from time to time, heh, i was even pushed against the wall when in a kiss with him once, Man, I was like in heaven there dancing with him, being kissed by him, having him so close to me. He felt like the one, The One, The one that I should spend the rest of my life with.

About 10 min after we got to the dance floor the girls left us there and Alex came to us.

"Ok, you had your fun, but now the times up and we need to go." he said breaking the good moment we had there.

Since the time was so late we had to call a taxi, one girl stayed with us, when driving home, but after we got to Alexs place we left the car and the girl went home, Alex gave her some money for us, so that she wouldn't have to pay all for herself, and why should have she. It would have been a bit selfish thing to do.

When we got to Alexs place we went to bed, all 3 of us. I and Mark as you all might think were fighting for the top place, but I easily gave it to him so he was on top of me again. Kissing me... And soon we were having sex. The thing that bothered me was that he not only gave me a blowjob, he also gave a blowjob to Alex. Alex in fact facefucked him, it still bothers me, since it happened right in front of me, as if I wasn't there. Then after that though, I received a blowjob that actually got me off, I i usually last for a quite long time, some can give me a blowjob for even an hour before I get off, so mostly I don't think about getting off when having sex.

The next day I woke up next to Mark, he was holding me, I felt so happy...

To Be Continued...

I noticed that the first story I sent was the wrong one without the corrections, so it was Quite messed up, a lot of mistakes. This is the right one, the repaired version of it, Sorry for the mix-up.

Thank you all for reading this story, its the first one I have ever wrote so I would like to get comments from ya'll, All comments are welcome to my e-mail address.

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