
By Jack Santoro

Published on Feb 2, 2005


Fascination, Part 2 By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

I awoke in bed with Ken and Bud. It was early afternoon, and we'd slept soundly after draining each other that warm Saturday morning. Bud and I had docked, which was especially gratifying for Bud because he'd been circumcised as a baby and truly enjoyed the feel of a foreskin enveloping his naked tip. Our ejaculations had distended my foreskin as we'd emptied ourselves, and afterward we'd both worked on Ken to give him an intense orgasm, avidly watching his swollen purple glans as it gushed repeatedly. Bud sat between us as I gradually came awake, and he was twisting our foreskin nipples to arouse us. The pressure in my bladder helped, and it wasn't long until I was rock-hard. Bud's erection, longer than mine at almost seven inches, showed that he also needed relief. Ken, who was as hard as I was, spoke first: "Looks like we'd better go pee and take a shower. We can pee in the shower. I can't resist when hot water runs over my cock." He led us into the adjoining bathroom, with its king-size shower enclosure. We relaxed under the hot water, feeling it rinse away the perspiration we'd worked up during the morning. I felt my erection subside, and saw that the others were also getting soft. I heard Bud sigh with delight and looked down to see a thick yellow stream pouring from his tip. "I couldn't hold back any longer," he explained. "Mine doesn't have that foreskin covering you two have for insulation, and the hot water hit my naked glans." I knew what he meant, because I'd experienced the same irresistible urge when I'd taken a shower while skinned back. The hot water sluicing over my bared tip had been impossible to resist, and I'd enjoy the feeling of my stream coursing through the shaft and head. Now my erection had relaxed enough and I felt my stream begin, pouring out of the nipple of my long foreskin. "Look what I can do with your foreskin," Bud said as his fingers pinched the end of my nipple. The stream stopped abruptly and my hood began swelling under the pressure of the trapped urine. I noticed that Ken's erection hadn't subsided enough for him to pee yet, and I focused on the sensations in my penis. "Let go," I said, and Bud released the pressure to let a thick yellow gush pour from my foreskin's nipple. "That really feels good, doesn't it? I know Ken enjoys it when I do that to his foreskin." Bud smiled at me, and now that my foreskin had drained, he squeezed the nipple again. We both watched my hood swell as the volume built up, and just as it was becoming uncomfortable, he released the nipple to let it gush. His stream was weakening as his bladder was almost empty now, and our streams mixed in the bottom of the shower stall before swirling down the drain. Now I was almost empty, and only a slight dribble came from the end of my foreskin. "Here I go, now. Couldn't piss with a hard-on," Ken said as his stream began. Bud looked at it, still holding my foreskin, and said: "Look at how it's splattering. Ken's foreskin gapes a little at the end, and the stream hits it and really deflects." He quickly pinched the end of Ken's foreskin and the flow stopped. We watched Ken's long hood balloon the way mine had. Bud let go when it was fully swollen and Ken's thick gush poured from the end. Bud pinched it again several times, letting the pressure stretch Ken's foreskin each time, until Ken was running on empty. He then milked Ken's shaft, running his finger up the underside to evacuate the last drops. He then turned to me and did the same. Wondering if Bud had any residue left in his system, I milked his penis, and saw a few drops seep from his slit. "Time to rinse you thoroughly," Bud said as he lovingly stripped back my foreskin, letting the hot water wash away any residue that remained on my glans or the inside of my hood. He replaced my foreskin over the head before turning to Ken, carefully skinning him back to rinse the tender head underneath. I soaped up my hand and encircled Bud's penis, stroking it from base to tip with a twisting motion, as I knew this would get his attention. "Ooohhh, feels good," he said as his penis filled with blood. Within seconds he was fully hard, standing with his hips thrust forward so that the needles of hot water from the shower head beat on his naked glans. "Hey, Bud, you're jumping the gun," Ken laughed. "Let's get back into the bedroom." He turned off the water and we squeegeed most of the water from our bodies with the edges of our hands, then used a towel to finish drying. Ken took a couple of fresh towels from the line closet and we again sat on the big bed facing each other. "I want to see your heads," Bud said. "Mine's always visible, but yours are hiding under that skin." He reached out and pushed back our foreskins so that our tips were exposed to view, rapidly swelling under his attention. "We all have helmets," he said. "About the same size and shape, with sexy flaring coronas. Ken's meatus is a slit, while yours and mine, Jack, pout to form teardrops when they swell." "Ken's slit if longer than ours," I commented to Bud. "Looks very sexy, though, especially when he's juicing." "He's starting to seep now," Bud said. "Look at the way the big drop's spreading the lips of his slit." Bud leaned forward to inhale deeply. "Like the smell?" Ken asked Bud with a grin. "I adore the odor of foreskin and wet glans," he said. "I always find that rich masculine odor fascinating. I can never get enough of it." "How does Jack's smell to you?" Ken asked. "Similar, but not as strong as yours. Both of you have the odor of pheromones. That's what gives your foreskins that musky aroma." I knew what he meant, as I'd smelled Ken's foreskin many times, as he'd smelled mine. I'd also slipped a finger inside my foreskin many times, and brought it up to my nose to sniff, enjoying the aroma. Now Bud pulled our foreskins forward again. Ken and I were not fully hard yet, and our foreskins draped comfortably over our tips, extending beyond the heads to form nipples. "I want to taste you," Bud said to Ken as he lay down and grasped Ken's penis, guiding it towards his mouth. Ken lay down in a "69" position with him, giving me a front-row seat to watch the action. Bud's tongue slipped easily into Ken's foreskin, and I knew he was tickling Ken's slit with the tip. Within seconds, Ken's penis was fully swollen. "Oh, Bud, I just love to feel a tongue inside my skin, especially the way you're doing it." Bud removed his mouth, saying: "Your head is so smooth. The entire surface is smooth and sensitive because it's protected by your foreskin. I'm sure Jack's is the same way." "Now I'll taste yours," Ken said. Ken opened his mouth to admit Bud's big purple helmet, and then lip-locked behind Bud's flaring rim. His right hand closed around Bud's shaft and his left tugged at Bud's flaccid scrotum, which began to tighten. I knew Ken enjoyed having his scrotum tugged, and I reached between his legs, gripping the lowest part of his sac and exerting traction. Bud had resumed probing Ken's foreskin with his tongue, and I saw him push his thick tongue deeper, reaching the rim and stretching the hood with its thickness. Ken moaned slightly, and twisted his head on Bud's glans to add to the sensations. "Go ahead, Bud," I urged. "Ken loves to have his foreskin stretched by a thick tongue. Run your tongue around his rim." The view was turning me on, and my penis was extended, my big helmet making a bulge in my long foreskin, filling and stretching the nipple until it shrank back to form a thick pucker at the end. The vein on the right side of my shaft bulged. I saw the bulk of Bud's tongue trace the rim of Ken's glans down one side, until it reached the underside of the head. Ken quivered as Bud's tongue pressed into the triangular groove under the head, caressing the gee-string, Ken's hot spot. Bud pushed forward slightly, and I saw his thick tongue pry Ken's foreskin back along the bottom, exposing the front of the head. "Are you going to strip him back with your tongue?" I asked, but Bud was unable to answer. His tongue ran around to the top and pushed Ken's foreskin back there, fully exposing the round front dome of the cock-head. Ken's long slit was gaping with a large drop of clear nectar, and Bud's tongue flicked down to lap it. Finally, Bud spoke: "That taste drives me wild," he said as he tongued Ken's long slit, pushing his tongue-tip inside, probing deeply. Ken quivered and sucked hard on Bud's glans, his cheeks hollowing with the suction. "Oooohhh," Bud moaned as the sensations hit him. His tongue ran around the head, prying Ken's foreskin back to the rim. Now he gripped Ken's shaft firmly and pulled down, drawing the foreskin all the way back to bare the rim and groove and the tension on Ken's gee-string made the big helmet dip. His tongue moved over the broad upper surface of Ken's glans, caressing the nerve endings, making Ken quiver again. I tugged harder on Ken's sac, which was rapidly tightening, and felt the tension in his body. "Now Ken's big glans is exposed to the cool air," Bud said as he began to blow on it. Ken's penis jerked in Bud's fist as Bud blew on the exposed tip repeatedly. "He really enjoys the sudden coolness," he added. "Now run your tongue around the rim," I urged. "He'll love that too. Bud's tongue traced the outline of Ken's flaring ridge, and Ken removed his mouth to do the same to Bud. They worked their heads around to lap at the back-face of each other's rim, adding to the sensations. I saw the cavity of Bud's teardrop fill with cock-honey, and knew Ken would want to taste it. "Ken, Bud's leaking for you. Want a taste?" Ken responded by drawing his tongue back and probing at Bud's teardrop shaped opening, licking up the delicious fluid. Both cock-heads were now wet and glossy, fully aroused, evidence of their excitement. Suddenly, they stopped. They released each other's pricks, and Bud spoke: "Okay, your turn, Jack. I want to taste you now." Ken moved away, and I released my grasp on his sac, moving into a "69" position with Bud. His swollen shaft and glans pointed at my mouth, and I began by probing his teardrop, tasting his salty sex fluid. I felt Bud grip my shaft and his tongue push into my foreskin pucker, probing for my hole. Ken's fingers gripped the bottom of my sac and began tugging. "Lip-lock his rim, Jack. He loves that," Ken urged me. I moved my head forward to engulf Bud's helmet in my mouth, and my lips closed tightly into the groove behind his rim. My tongue caressed the broad upper surface of the head, as I felt Bud's tongue push farther into my hood to probe its depths and stretch the skin. It felt like a sharp tickle, and made my cock-root throb. I had a surprise in store for Bud. Opening my mouth slightly, I pulled back slowly, letting my teeth scrape gently the length of his glans. I have sharp teeth, and was careful to scrape the surfaces delicately as I ran my teeth down over the top of his shapely helmet, also scraping the twin bulges on the underside. The sudden acute sensations made Bud shudder, and his tongue pushed harder into my hood, reaching the groove behind my rim. I felt a hot salty taste on my tongue, and knew Bud had released another torrent of lube. He moaned and attacked my cock with renewed fervor. His tongue seemed to thicken, and I felt it prying my foreskin away from the head, then pushed it back. His lips locked around the front of my glans, pushing the thick hood back towards the base of my cock until he'd completely exposed my helmet. Finally, he pulled away. "I love the smooth texture of your glans, Jack. It's so much like Ken's." "Your juice tasted very good," I replied as I released his penis. "You have a lot more lube than I do." "I was in seventh heaven as my tongue followed the sexy contours of your helmets. Both you and Ken have such nice heads on your cocks." "Yours is very attractive too," I replied. I saw Ken reach out with his other hand, grasping Bud's sac, which was already tight against his body. "I really jumped when you scraped my tip with your teeth. That was such a sharp sensation." Bud began to blow on my helmet, wet with his saliva, and the sudden coolness made my penis twitch. "You enjoy that as much as Ken does," he said before blowing another stream of air on my purple helmet. I felt my tip expand with the increased flow of blood, straining with the pressure. "Your head's normally warm inside its cocoon of foreskin, and the cold is an unfamiliar sensation." He was right. It was both unfamiliar and very arousing. "Which one of you is ready to come?" Ken asked, tugging at our sacs for emphasis. Neither of us spoke. "Okay, let's have Bud go first. Bud, you lie back, and Jack and I will take care of you." Bud seemed almost reluctant as he lay back, while Ken and I clustered around him. "I'm glad you're going to do me now. If I had your penis in my mouth, I don't know what would happen when the spasms hit me. I might bite." "That's why we do it this way, Bud," I reassured him. "You can just relax and let yourself go. We'll take care of everything." I poised my lips over Bud's swollen helmet as I gripped his shaft. Ken crouched next to me and grasped his sac. His other hand pulled my foreskin forward to its natural resting place, then moved under me to grip my balls. I slowly slid my lips over Bud's helmet, the widening contours forcing my lips apart the farther I went. I tasted his salty fluid on my tongue as I encircled his flaring rim. My fist gripped the base of his shaft tightly, constricting the veins to make his erection firmer yet. As I worked on Bud's glans, I felt the pleasant tug of Ken's firm fingers on my sac. "That feels so good, both of you working on me. Are you going to swallow, Jack?" "Tell him what you prefer, Bud," Ken answered for me. His fingers continued to tug on Bud's sac, and I felt Bud shiver slightly. "I'd like him to take me deep in his mouth this time," Bud replied. "I'd love to coat his tonsils with my semen." I let my lips slide over Bud's high flaring rim and grip the groove behind the head while my tongue continued to probe his orifice. Now I pushed my lips farther, onto the sensitive circle of skin between his rim and his scar ring, and twisted my head. I felt his glans throb in my mouth as he moaned. Now I pushed my lips farther, encircling the scar ring, while my tongue worked over the contours of his helmet. I circled it with my tongue, caressing the broad upper surface, then working around the flaring ridge, making Bud moan more loudly. When my tongue reached the triangular groove under the head, I felt Bud's glans throb in my mouth. "Deeper, deeper," Bud urged. I pushed my mouth farther down his shaft until my lips met my fingers and the round front dome of the helmet pushed against the back of my throat. Ken was tugging rhythmically on my sac, and I presumed he was doing the same to Bud. I began breathing through my nose because of the big cock filling my mouth. "Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!" Bud murmured, through gasping breath. I felt his excitement mounting because his glans swelled and hardened in the back of my throat. He was shuddering now, and I knew I had Bud poised on the brink. I sucked on his cock, feeling him thrust into my throat as his hips bucked. The engorged glans throbbed hard, and I heard him cry out helplessly as a hot torrent of liquid flooded the back of my throat. I swallowed hard, knowing he'd feel my throat muscles contracting around his throbbing tip. His glans throbbed again, once more flooding my throat with fluid, and I swallowed as I felt him ram his hardness into me again. Bud's cries of agonized joy filled the room as he surrendered to the frenzy of his orgasm, and I was forced to swallow between hurried breaths as he shot again into my throat. His penis pulsed again, and I kept swallowing the thick salty juice spewing from his tip, aware of the odor of chlorine in my nose. His hot hard glans throbbed another time, but it was weaker, and less juice poured out. Now Bud had stopped throbbing, but there was still a steady seeping from his glans, and I swallowed again, but with less urgency. Finally, he was still, totally spent, totally drained, and I removed my mouth. "Look at how purple he is," was Ken's comment as Bud's engorged glans came into view. It looked wet and angry with saliva and cream, and I gently laid it on his stomach, watching the residue drain from his orifice. Ken had released Bud's scrotum, but still held on to mine. I looked down and saw my penis was still fully erect, the big head making a thick bulge inside its hood. Bud's eyes must have closed, for I saw him open them and gaze at us languidly, beginning to relax after his storm. He smiled faintly and said: "Thanks, guys. That was terrific." I leaned over and kissed his lips, then his neck. "Glad you enjoyed it," I said. "Really hot, huh?" "Oh. Yes it was. I was just floating for awhile. It was really an altered state of consciousness." "You almost drowned me," I added. "I'm sure I had a big discharge. For a moment my tip was so swollen and so sensitive I thought it would explode." Ken placed a towel on Bud's stomach to catch the dripping fluid, and I pressed a finger into the underside of his shaft, compressing his urethra to milk the residue. The last drops seeped from his softening cock-head, and we left him alone for a couple of minutes to recover from his daze. I grasped Ken's foreskin, which covered his head during erection, as mine does. I gently slid it up and down the long head, watching it stretch as it glided over the contours. Ken did the same to me, very slowly, as we were doing this just to maintain our excitement. Bud sat up and grasped my shaft, then snapped a finger against my glans through the foreskin. The shock wave shot from one side to the other, filling the head with its pulse. Then it was Ken's turn, and Ken moaned loudly when the finger-snap hit his head. "That hits all the nerve endings in the glans," Bud said. It felt nice when you did it to me before, and I thought it would ring your chimes too." Ken and I both nodded. Bud grasped both our cocks and began peeling back the long foreskins. "I'm just trying to judge who's more aroused. You're both hard, but your glans seems darker, Ken. Maybe you're ready to be next?" I thought it was hard to say that Ken was farther along than I, but was perfectly happy to join Bud in bringing forth Ken's orgasm. Bud gently tapped our naked tips with his finger, then spoke again: "Both heads seem equally hard. I don't think either of you has reached the final swelling that precedes orgasm. You're seeping more, Ken, but you always do, anyway." "Do Ken first, Bud. I don't mind waiting. In fact, I'll be glad to help." "Ken's foreskin is nice and loose now. I can skin him back and work on his helmet." Ken nodded and thrust himself forward slightly as Bud gently pushed his hood back off his head. The big purple helmet stood exposed, wet and glistening. Bud blew on it again, as he'd done earlier, and Ken's shaft twitched. "That sudden coolness feels strange to him too, because normally his tip is insulated by the foreskin," Bud said as he blew again, provoking another twitch. The wetness was rapidly evaporating from Ken's helmet, and Bud engulfed it again with his moth, coating it with a mixture of saliva and Ken's natural lubricant. "There, he's wet again," Bud said as he withdrew his mouth and resumed blowing. He pursed his lips and focused the stream of air on the end of Ken's tip, then moved around the rim, ending up blowing into the groove behind the rim on top. Ken was sighing in delight as the air tickled his nerve endings. I moved in and grasped Ken's scrotum, as I knew he enjoyed this type of stimulation. Bud gripped Ken's shaft in his fist and squeezed. "Ken's helmet is already purple. Constricting his veins will make it darker." Bud gripped Ken's shaft more tightly, and I saw the big vein on the right side swell. Bud leaned over to lap at the bare head, running his tongue around the flaring rim for a start. The lips of Ken's slit were already parted by a big drop of lube and another rolled out, running down the glans onto Bud's tongue. "So salty, so thick," Bud commented as he ran his tongue up the underside of Ken's big tip, into the triangular groove under the head. "Ken's helmet is a work of art," He said, pausing. "Look at the way the two sides of his corona sweep down and forward to meet underneath. They form a deep triangular groove, and inside is where Ken's gee-string is attached." He licked at Ken's gee-string, making Ken quiver in response. "See? That reached him," Bud said as he moved slightly up towards the front, where he inserted his tongue into Ken's long slit. "I love the taste of his slit, because it's always seeping lube." His tongue wiggled inside the long orifice, tickling Ken and making him quiver again. "You're really turning him on," I commented as I felt Ken's sac tighten closer to his body. I gently kneaded his balls through the pebbly skin, knowing that this added to Ken's excitement. Now Bud ran his tongue along the rim toward the back of Ken's head, carefully caressing the flaring rim and the deep groove behind it, pushing his tongue-tip between the ridge and the bunched skin collar. "Now I'm going to put more tension on his skin and stretch the gee-string. Watch the head dip." Bud gripped Ken's shaft harder, sliding the skin back toward the base, and I saw the gee-string stretch, pulling the head of Ken's cock down toward his balls. Ken moaned loudly, and another large drop poured from his slit. "The head's getting darker," I pointed out. Ken's glans had turned a deep burgundy color, telling me he was closer to the point of no return. "I can feel it's harder against my tongue," said Bud. He ran his tongue around the rim, going down the other side until he reached the groove under the head again. He pressed the tip of his tongue against the tightly-drawn gee-string and Ken's prick jerked. Now he backed off enough to snap his finger against the hot spot under the head, and Ken wailed in response. "This is really reaching him. It won't be long now." I knew that Ken's straining cock would be spewing its cream any second. His legs had begun to tremble, and I saw his stomach muscles contract spasmodically. Ken's eyes closed as he withdrew into himself. "Go ahead, I want to watch him come," I whispered, caught up in the excitement. I was vicariously experiencing Ken's sensations, imagining what it would feel like if Bud were stimulating my penis that way. "Now he's totally focused on his groin. Keep tugging his sac and help me bring him over the edge." Bud ran his tongue up Ken's rim again as he snapped his finger against the gee-string, already tight and pulling the head down, adding to the tension in his body. Suddenly Ken howled, and I felt his sac jerk between my fingers. A thick white jet arced high into the air from his widening slit, and his entire body shuddered. Bud ran his tongue up to Ken's slit to catch the next expulsion, then engulfed Ken's throbbing glans with his mouth. Ken howled again and another spasm gripped his body. Ken's hips bucked as the full fury of orgasm wracked his body. Bud's mouth was closed over his straining penis, lips half-way down the shaft, and I saw his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. Ken's hips bucked again, thrusting his rock-hard prick deeper into Bud's mouth, and I imagined the white creamy jet spewing from his big purple tip. Ken's cries of agonized ecstasy filled the room as he convulsed again, and Bud doggedly kept his mouth around his throbbing penis. Ken wailed again, but not as loudly, then settled down to heavy, labored gasping as his orgasm wound down. Bud slowly drew back, his lips stretching as they slid over Ken's flaring rim, then contracting as they followed the tapering contours of the glans to the end. Once his head was exposed, I saw there was a steady seeping from his slit. "He's pretty much emptied himself," Bud pointed out. "He's still draining, but the fluid isn't milky any more, it's opalescent. It'll be clear soon." He was right. Large clear drops began to ooze from Ken's slit, and as I let go his scrotum I leaned forward to get a taste. Bud sat up, letting me have a chance at Ken's penis. Ken lay very still, utterly dazed and almost unconscious. I lapped at Ken's long oozing slit, tasting the thick fluid, relishing the salty taste mixed with the faint odor of chlorine from his semen. Ken's penis was softening, and now the head shrank enough for me to ease the foreskin forward. Bud's finger pressed into the underside of Ken's shaft at the base, milking the urethral residue forward. Ken's front dome was still exposed, and drop after drop seeped from his slit onto my tongue. Finally, I pulled his hood all the way forward to its normal position, completely covering the precious head and tightening to a nipple in front. Bud and I sat facing each other, legs apart, displaying Bud's limp penis and my hard one. He reached out to squeeze my foreskin-covered head gently. "You've been waiting the longest, Jack. You must be really aroused from helping to make Ken and me come." I knew my erection hadn't softened at all during our sex play, and I felt another small drop of lube crawling up my tube as he touched me. "You two guys kept me stimulated," I replied. "Watching you and Ken come was a sure-fire turn-on." Bud was gently jiggling my foreskin as I spoke, and now he moved closer to me. "Just lie down, Jack, and let me get you going while we wait for Ken to recover." I lay back and surrendered to his ministrations. Bud began stretching my foreskin back, at first exposing only the front dome. "You're seeping, Jack. I can see how turned-on you are." He lowered his head and I felt the tip of his tongue flicking across the front of my head, lapping up the drop of lube. Now he pulled my hood forward again, and then began easing it back. I felt my foreskin stretching over the bulky rounded front of my helmet, tensing the nerve endings in the skin, and I felt a slight contraction deep inside. Bud blew on the exposed surface of my helmet, the sudden coolness sending a shiver through my body. "I'm going to do you a little differently than Ken," he explained. "I know how you enjoy having your foreskin stretched back slowly over your big helmet, but I'm also going to blow on it each time I skin it back farther." Now he pulled my hood all the way forward, enveloping my helmet in its warm fleshy covering. When it was fully forward, his fingers exerted gentle pressure, moving it back until the front half of my helmet was bared. I felt him blow straight down into my teardrop shaped orifice, sending cool air inside my tube, and my cock twitched again. Then he blew all around the edge of my partly retracted hood before pulling it forward again. "Now I'm going to pull it back enough to expose your hot spot," he said as he pushed my foreskin back again. I felt the nerve endings stretching deliciously as the skin slid back and felt the slight snap as the edge of my foreskin bumped over the twin bulges on the underside of my helmet. This time Bud blew against the underside, producing a cool sensation in the twin bulges, wet with my lubricant and his saliva. He blew several times, making me quiver and sigh in delight, until my tip was dry. His lips descended to engulf the exposed front half of my helmet, renewing the wetness and lubricating it to ease the passage of my foreskin as he pulled it forward again. "Oh, wow, Bud, you're really an artist at this," I commented in a whisper as his fingers worked their magic on my straining erection. "Nobody ever did it to me that way." Bud began pushing my tight hood back again, and my tip was filled with a sharp tickling feeling as the skin slid back, this time almost to the rim. "Your helmet is so wet and shiny," he said before blowing on it again, first right down my tube, then around the periphery. The alternating warm and cool sensations were very arousing, and I felt my helmet expand even more as blood rushed into it, building up the pressure. Now he pulled my foreskin up to engulf it again, and reversed after a slight pause to strip it down to the rim. "It's really beautiful to see the entire helmet emerging from the foreskin, and watch the corona come into view," he said as he began blowing on the wet surface again. The first blast of air was right on the end, blowing into my orifice, then he moved around to blow on my rim. "I'm going to wet it again before it's completely dry," he said before engulfing my helmet completely with his lips. I felt his lips closing around my rim as his tongue teased my teardrop, then worked down all over the head, bathing it in warm liquid. "You can tell I'm enjoying the taste of your helmet. I also love its glassy smoothness." His tongue probed into the groove behind my rim, pushing between the ridge and the foreskin. His tongue-tip ran all the way down until it reached the wide triangular groove under the head, tickling my hot spot, and then he paused to speak again: "I'm always fascinated by the anatomy of the glans and foreskin. You have a big head, and ample foreskin to cover it. Your prepuce is long enough to form a nipple in front of the glans when you're soft, and to cover the head completely when you're hard. Naturally, that much foreskin has to go somewhere when I retract it, and it forms a thick fleshy collar behind your corona. Men with shorter foreskins don't have that. Their hoods lie back flat along the shaft upon erection, completely baring the glans. You and Ken still have the foreskin roll masking the back-face of your rim. Now I'm going to pull harder because I want access to the sensitive rim." His fingers pushed back along my shaft, dragging the skin back until the deep groove behind the head appeared. "Now I'm going to blow into your sulcus, the groove behind the glans, which I knew rarely sees the light of day." He began blowing, and the rim and groove felt icy-cold for an instant, a sudden sharp sensation that made my cock-root contract. He moved his head again to blow down my orifice, and I moaned. "It's becoming dry again," he said, and lowered his head until his lips locked behind my rim. His tongue probed my orifice again, and again worked all around the head, wetting it and stimulating the many nerve endings with sensual liquid friction. Then he raised himself and said: "The shape of your corona is fascinating. I love the way it stands out above the neck of your shaft and the top of it flares. The coloring is interesting too. Your glans is pinkish purple at the front, then darkens to purple towards the corona. The back-face of your corona is really dark purple, almost black, especially when it's swollen and excited like right now." He blew again, all over my helmet, and again the unfamiliar coolness made me quiver. Then I felt a sudden tugging at my scrotum. "Looks like you're really how," Ken's voice came through my erotic haze. His fingers tugged at my sac, and I felt him kneading my balls gently. "Now that Ken's joined us we can really work on you," Bud said. I felt a hand caressing the insides of my widely-spread thighs, fingertips moving to press into the tender flesh behind my balls. Bud's skillful fingers slid my foreskin up to cover the head entirely, then stripped it back again as his lips engulfed my glans. "I'm going to do you differently, Jack. "I'm going to suck on your glans each time I skin you back, then roll the foreskin up all the way. He pushed forward on my foreskin, and it rolled up my helmet as his lips moved back. Then he began baring the head again and his lips followed the retreating foreskin until they wrapped around my rim and groove. As Bud continued, I felt a tickling feeling in the entire head. A spark seemed to travel from my helmet down to my cock-root, and I felt a sudden sharp contraction. It didn't feel like the orgasm was starting because the gush of fluid that poured into my urethra felt cool, not hot like my normal ejaculations. I realized that I'd just had a heavy discharge of lubricant. My foreskin and Bud's lips continued their up and down movements along my entire head, heightening my feelings of arousal. Now Bud paused to speak: "You just let go a lot of pre-coital mucus. Since you're usually dry, you must be very aroused. I can feel the way your glans is hardening. It's no longer spongy at all, and the surface is very hard and shiny. Now for the finale." His mouth descended on my cock as his fingers pushed the foreskin back, and his lips caressed my helmet, following the foreskin. I felt that my cock was harder than it had ever been, and the combined movements of mouth and foreskin were making my glans tingle. "Don't tighten up, Jack. Just relax, let the orgasm come to you," Ken said. His fingers were still exerting tension on my sac, stretching the thick skin and adding to my arousal, but I tried to relax all my muscles. My tip was so filled with blood that it ached for release, and now Bud twisted his mouth around my glans on the down-stroke. His lips worked around my rim and groove, and the heavy tingle filled the straining helmet. Although I was trying to relax, following Ken's advice, I felt the tension build inexorably in my groin. I was right at the edge, and ready for the plunge into orgasm. My eyes closed as the sensations built up further, and I began moaning loudly. The friction from his lips and my pumping foreskin made the head hot, and increased its sensitivity. Then I felt his teeth scrape the broad upper surface of my helmet, and my glans exploded. A lightning bolt of sensation shot down my shaft and my cock-root contracted hard, sending a hot jet into my tube. I cried out in agonized bliss as the sharp sensations shot through my penis, and the torrent of burning hot lava scorched my tube. Time stopped. My entire body tensed and my hips bucked, thrusting my hard prick deeper into Bud's mouth, where it disgorged a second torrent that spread all over my helmet. I felt Bud's tight fingers stripping back my foreskin until it was stretched tightly back along my shaft, and his lips and tongue worked on my throbbing glans to cause another seismic shock in my cock-root. I writhed on the bed, overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations, hot throbs filling my helmet and shaft as another load discharged. I was totally disoriented, aware only of the hot pounding in my groin as I spewed another jet into Bud's mouth. My prick throbbed again and I felt the rush of sensation in my tube as the discharge rushed to spew out of the end. Several more throbs followed, each weaker than those before, until my body began to relax. I was aware that Bud had stopped pumping my foreskin and had removed his mouth from my penis, and I just lay there, getting my breathing back to normal. I was utterly torpid, almost paralyzed, too weak and dazed even to open my eyes. After a time I did, and saw Bud and Ken looking down at me. Bud kissed me on the lips, and then Ken did. "You really had a heavy one," Ken said. I felt my penis lying on the towel he'd spread over my stomach, the top of my helmet brushing against the rough terrycloth as fluid continued to seep from the slit in my softening glans. I raised my head and saw Bud's finger running along the bottom of my shaft, forcing out the last drops. "Bud's milking you down, but I think we all ought to get up and pee, to flush our systems. Feel up to it?" Ken asked. I got up on one elbow as they stood, and then I was on my feet, following them into the bathroom. Ken was first at the sink, his thighs pressed against the counter. He'd skinned back and I saw his thick yellow stream flowing into the drain. "Saves water this way, and there's less splashing," he explained to us. Bud eased in next to him and grasped his penis, sliding the skin forward and pinching it shut. "I'm fascinated by the way natural men urinate," he said. "They can retract and pee from a bare glans or pinch the foreskin shut and make it balloon." Ken's foreskin was now fully distended, and Bud released the nipple to let Ken's thick gush drain into the sink. He pinched it shut again as we both watched Ken's foreskin swell with the volume pouring into it. It swelled to twice the diameter of the head, and Bud let go. Then he pushed Ken's hood back to lock behind the head and Ken finished draining himself. Bud turned on the taps, adjusting the temperature, and scooped a handful of water over Ken's tip and foreskin collar to rinse them. Finally, he slipped the hood forward to its normal position. "You're next," Ken told Bud as he moved away from the sink. "I don't think Jack's relaxed enough to pee just yet." He was right. My crotch muscles were still tight, although my penis was mostly deflated. I moved next to Bud as he let his penis flop into the sink and let got. I quickly grasped his shaft, thumb on top and index finger pressing into the underside, and pinched off his stream. "I don't have a foreskin to balloon, but it feels very nice," he said. I'd experimented on myself and knew that pinching off the stream at the urethra produced a pleasant tingle in the shaft all the way back to the bladder. Bud's big helmet started to swell. "You might get hard again with this treatment," I commented. I let go, and watched Bud's glans gush its torrent into the drain. Ken turned on the water slightly to rinse the bottom of the sink. "You're right," Bud said. "I've done this to myself, and if I wait a minute, I'll get full-hard." When he'd emptied himself, he milked his penis, shook the last drops from his tip, and gave me room. My prick was limp by this time, but the head was still swollen, and the shape of the helmet bulged through the thick hood. I'd decided not to skin back as I was sure Bud would want to play with my foreskin nipple, and when my stream started to dribble from my nipple, his fingers moved quickly to pinch it, making the foreskin swell to the size of a golf ball, the trapped liquid masking the shape of my helmet. My foreskin swelled until it was almost a sphere, until Bud released his grip. The heavy torrent of yellow liquid drained quickly from my nipple and Bud once more gripped the end tightly. "This is so exciting, playing with a foreskin," he said as he let go again to allow the thick flow to resume. He let me empty my bladder and pulled back the hood from the head when I was almost finished. As the last drops dribbled out of my slit, he splashed a handful of warm water over the helmet and retracted foreskin to rinse them squeaky-clean, then milked my shaft to force out the last drops. He threw another scoop of water over the helmet, then eased my foreskin forward to cover it. I sighed and relaxed, still feeling the after-effects of my orgasm. We were all sleepy now, and we returned to the bed to slip into slumber, a tangle of arms and legs, feeling each other's body warmth. We didn't wake up until evening, but that's another story.

End of Part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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