
By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 31, 2005


Fascination, Part 1 By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

I felt the first tremors of orgasm deep in my cock-root. My glans was tingling, my breathing came in gasps, and I was poised on the brink. Ken's hot cock was jerking between my fingers, ready to spurt. Suddenly, my eyes opened and I realized I was home in bed, having a wet dream, anticipating the hot weekend with Ken ahead of me. I got up, my erection straining in front of me, the big swollen helmet head creating a bulge in my thick foreskin. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pang deep inside, and the bulge at the end of my erection became bigger. I felt my glans swimming in hot liquid, a small drop of which had begun to seep through the tight nipple of my foreskin. I went into the bathroom and held my penis over the sink as I squeezed the bulge, and a teaspoon of clear liquid gushed into the sink. I caught a drop on my finger and tasted it. It was lubricant, not semen. Normally, I seep very little pre-come, but on rare occasions I secrete quite a lot, sometimes for no reason. Twice before, without warning, I'd gushed a lot, in situations that weren't even sexual. This time, I'd been so aroused by thinking of the day to come that I'd almost dropped a load, and I was relieved that I hadn't drained myself. Completing a wet dream would have been a set-back for me, as I'd refrained from masturbating the entire week, wanting to save up a heavy load to shoot while with Ken. Now I pulled back on my long tight foreskin, forcing it back with little effort over the head because it was so well lubricated. Slowly my erection went down, and I ran some hot water over the exposed glans, prompting my penis to release a thick yellow stream. This relieved the pressure in my bladder, and I began to get ready for the day ahead. Half an hour later, I was out of the bathroom and getting dressed, thinking about having breakfast out on my way to Ken's house. With a hot buttered roll and several cups of coffee inside me, I pulled my car into Ken's driveway, only slightly surprised that a BMW sedan was already there. Ken sometimes had a visitor, and several times I'd enjoyed a three-way with Ken and his guest. Ken let me in, and introduced me to Bud, his friend who had just returned from Europe. Bud appeared to be several years older than Ken and me. We were in our early 40s. He was about five-six, compared to our six feet, and on the thin side. His thick blond hair and blue eyes contrasted with our brown over brown, and he had a pleasant smile. "Let's strip down and go into the kitchen for some coffee while we get acquainted," Ken suggested. Ken wore only a sport shirt and shorts, and was the first to be out of his clothes. I looked appreciatively at his cock, with its long pendulous foreskin, much like my own. Unlike me, he had "low hangers" that dropped below the end of his penis. I was lightly dressed, because of the summer weather, and soon had clothing and shoes off, very much aware of Bud's eyes upon me. My balls were tight against my body, their normal position, and my cock arced forward over them. Bud was wearing a sport jacket, slacks, and brogans, and he was the last to finish undressing. As he slipped his blue boxers down over his thighs, my eyes were on his crotch. He had low hangers like Ken's, but the head of his penis was fully exposed, and I noted the thick brown scar ring about an inch behind the rim. Like Ken and myself, he had just average body hair, but blond. We sat at Ken's breakfast bar, with no table to obstruct the view as we exchanged small talk and got to know each other. Bud had a doctorate in English literature, and had spent over 10 years teaching at European universities. He was well-spoken, very bright, and charming. Ken broke the ice: "I'm sure Jack noticed the nice helmet head you're carrying. It's very attractive, but I've told you that before." "Thanks for the compliment," replied Bud. "However, I wish it had a covering, the way yours does. By the way, the outlines of both your helmets are very visible, even through Jack's thick foreskin." "I guess you ran into a lot of foreskins in Europe," I said. I assumed that he'd had a lot of experiences there. "Oh, yes," he said. "Almost nobody in Europe is circumcised. That seems to be an American custom. I was one of the victims as a baby, as you can see. I've always been fascinated by foreskins, and always enjoy handling one, especially long and attractive ones like yours and Ken's." "We were lucky, I guess," Ken said. "Anyway, you noticed they're not all alike." "That's another thing. I've always been fascinated by the penis in general. Circumcised or not, they're all so different. Yours are pristine, but Jack's foreskin seems to be tighter than yours. The pucker at the end of your nipple gapes a little, while his is tight." "That's true," I replied. "Mine is tight, just the way I like it, but it goes back." "I was going to ask you about retraction," Bud said. "It skins back easily, you said?" "Sure. You're welcome to try it." Bud reached over and stabilized my limp penis with his left hand, while the fingers of his right pushed gently back on my hood. The nipple slid back, expanding over the big glans, and my slit came into view. "Your meatus seems about the same as mine," Bud said. I lifted his penis and looked at the front of his big purple helmet, and saw that the slit was about the same as mine. "Can I push it back farther?" he continued. "Go ahead. It's not uncomfortable." Bud's eager fingers pushed back on my foreskin until the entire front dome was visible. I gave his helmet a couple of squeezes. "Now a little farther," he murmured as he pushed harder, baring the twin lobes under the head, which was beginning to swell from his touch. "You can see what that's doing to me," I pointed out. Bud's penis was also filling out from the rush of blood as I continued to squeeze the head. He pushed back farther, until my thick foreskin snapped into the groove behind the rim. Suddenly liberated, my glans swelled rapidly, faster than the shaft, and it was full-sized before the shaft was rigid. "You've got a perfect helmet head," he remarked. "I like the way the corona flares, just like Ken's. Beautiful purple color, too. I enjoy seeing the different colors on different men. Some have a purple glans, others are red. Most turn a darker shade when orgasm is near. The differences in shape are also fascinating. We have helmets, and I've seen mushrooms, bells, strawberries, acorns, and other shapes. Some are long, like ours, and others are short. The strawberries have a very attractive taper and they're almost pointed. Some men have flat coronas, and others have that beautiful flare, the way we do. Most have slits at the end, but others have round holes, and yet others teardrops, and with some the lips gape. These differences make the glans fascinating." Now we were both pretty swollen, and I compared his glans to mine: "Yours is a lot like mine, too. You've got that flaring ridge, and it's purple just like mine." "Let's take a closer look at your corona," he said, pulling my foreskin back slightly to bare the deep groove behind the head. "You've got those little buds of sensation all around the rim. I'll bet you're really sensitive there." "I am," I replied. "However, my whole head's sensitive. The front part, particularly." "Lucky you, with all that foreskin covering your glans." "We both have helmets. So does Ken." "The similarities are fascinating. Look at our orifices," he said. "Both swell to teardrop shapes when the glans fills out. That's not too common." "You're right," I replied. "Ken's slit is longer than ours, but it stays a slit when he gets hard." Ken had now gotten up to stand next to us and Bud reached for his penis, drawing the skin back from the large purple helmet. He was half-hard, but catching up to us. "Look at the way Ken's slit gapes when a drop of lubricant pushes through the lips." He leaned over to taste the fluid seeping from Ken's slit. "I know you like the way it tastes," Ken remarked. "I do," said Bud. "Not all men taste the same. Yours is salty, but some taste sweet." "Mine's salty too," I said. "Like yours. Too bad I don't have as much lube as you two." "Both of your tips are wet and shiny," Bud said. "That's from having foreskins to keep them moist. Mine's dry and leathery in texture, and I'm sure not as sensitive as yours." The shaft skin on Bud's penis was drum-tight, the result of having been cut closely. Your skin's cut tight," I said, "especially around the neck, and makes your head stand out more." "Quite right. Yours looks like it has a thick fleshy collar behind the corona, completely filling the groove." He let go, leaving my penis standing out proudly, glossy head pointing at him. "Your corona's large enough to lock the foreskin behind it. Does it stay that way all through your erection?" "Yes, unless you pull it forward again. Try it." Bud pulled on my foreskin, watching in fascination as it ran downhill over the head's taper, catching momentarily on the twin lobes underneath before closing over the rounded end. Bud let go of Ken's penis, and his skin stayed retracted too. "I knew Ken's foreskin stayed back. I've handled his penis before. That's fascinating too." Now Bud slipped his little finger into the opening in my foreskin, probing inside. The fingertip tickled my meatus. "That feels good," I said. "You certainly know how to handle a foreskin." "I should. I've played with a lot of them in Europe. Foreskins offer a lot to play with. I can stretch it, twist it, caress the pucker with my finger or tongue, slip a finger or tongue inside it, stretch it with my finger or tongue, and a lot more. I learned a lot of tricks to make a foreskin feel good." Now he pulled Ken's foreskin forward and slipped his index finger into the end. Ken sighed. "Man, you're right, Bud. "Your finger feels good inside there." "I know it does, Ken, and notice I used my index finger because yours is looser than Jack's." Bud's little finger was now probing deeper, reaching for my ridge. I kept squeezing his heavy tip, pressing some of the blood out of it, then pausing to let it fill again. "Looks like your prick's enjoying what Jack's doing to it," Ken said. "Yes, every time he squeezes he stimulates my bulbo-cavernal reflex, making the root throb. That's very arousing. That's really important to me, because my glans isn't as sensitive as yours." Now I stopped squeezing, instead holding his shaft with my left hand and snapping the index finger of my right against his rim. His penis jerked in my hand. "Now that's really nice. Jack's sending shock waves through my glans, stimulating the nerves deep inside. He really knows what's good for a cut penis." I shifted my focus, snapping against the underside of the head, right against the hot spot. Bud's penis jerked hard again. Ken snapped his finger against the front of Bud's helmet, adding to his excitement. "You're both so good," he said. "You're both hitting the deep-seated nerves inside. That's very arousing." His fingers probed deeper into our hoods, running around our rims. Ken and I were at attention now, fully aroused, and eager for more. Bud now removed both his fingers, and placed both palms on top and bottom of my penis at the end, slowly moving his hands in opposite directions, twisting my foreskin over the glans and stretching the skin and gee-string. Ken reached down and began tugging gently at Bud's scrotum. "There are so many different techniques of stimulation," Bud said. "It's really an art. That's another thing that makes it so fascinating." He stopped twisting my foreskin and began the same technique on Ken, who sighed in delight at the fresh sensations. "You keep that up, you'll make me come in just a few seconds. Time to move to the bedroom," he suggested. "I'll get us a bunch of towels. We'll need them." We got up and followed Ken, with Bud still holding on to the end of Ken's droopy foreskin. We sat on the queen-size mattress facing each other in a rough triangle, with our erections in full view. We all had straight shafts, but Ken's erection was a bit longer than my six inches. Bud's was longer yet, almost seven, but his shaft was a little thinner than mine or Ken's. Compared to others I'd seen, my penis and Ken's were a little thicker than average, about five inches in circumference. Now Ken spoke: "Bud and I have played before. He told you that, Jack. Now we'll try a three-way. He really knows how to handle uncut cocks." "I only wish I were uncut. I love everything about foreskins, the way they look, the way they handle, the way they keep the head protected. The differences are fascinating. Some are long, like yours, and others are short, not even covering the glans in some men. Others cover only part of the glans when the penis is limp. The short ones usually retract immediately with erection and leave the glans bare. Except that there's no scar, they look circumcised when erect. I wish I still had my foreskin." "We'll make it up to you," I reassured him. I'd played with a lot of guys who'd been cut, and had learned how to make them feel good. "I also like to watch the different reactions. Not all men react the same way to stimulation. Some get very tense right away, and other seem to relax until the orgasm hits. Even the orgasm is different with different men. Some are very vocal, and thrash around when they come. Others just keep silent and seem to shiver. Some shoot long jets, while others only seep. With some men, the streams just seem to bubble out of the meatus." He grasped our erections again and stripped our foreskins back very gently. "That feels good, the slow stretching," I commented. Bud was expertly stretching the nerve endings in our foreskins as they distended over the big helmets. Drops of clear fluid seeped from Ken's long slit as it came into view. "There's another difference," he said. "Ken lubricates a lot. You seem to secrete very little." "For some reason, mine doesn't seem to be very wet. I have to put in a couple of drops of Astroglide each morning after my shower to keep my foreskin lubed." A thin sheen of artificial lubricant covered my exposed glans, but Ken's was awash in fluid that dripped down the underside of his penis. "Your frenulums are different as well," Bud observed. "Ken has a thick one, and you, Jack, seem to have almost none." "I guess I was born that way. Ken's is nice, though. When I pulled back hard on his skin, the gee-string pulls the head down. He says it feels very good when I do that." "I've noticed that about Ken's penis," said Bud. "I've almost made his eyes roll in his head when I've pulled back on his skin. My frenulum was cut away when I was circumcised. I'll never know what it feels like to have one." He punctuated his comment by tugging hard on Ken's shaft skin, and we watched Ken's glans dip sharply. Meanwhile, I ran my finger around the ring of sensitive tissue ahead of his scar, as I knew he'd enjoy the sensation. "You know what it feels like to have a hood over the head," Ken said, replying to Bud's observation. "I've docked you a couple of times." "You have, and I've found it fascinating to have my glans encased in your warm foreskin. The psychic arousal was as great as the physical sensations. That's why I had such intense orgasms when you docked me." He pulled Ken's foreskin towards him, grasped the edges, and stretched the orifice wide enough to take his swollen glans. "I know you enjoyed it, and I really liked feeling you shoot against my head," Ken replied. "You might want to try Jack's foreskin, though. It's tight, but stretches more than mine, and you might enjoy the feeling even more." This suggestion sounded good to me, as I always enjoyed feeling a guy's hot hard glans throbbing against mine as he was in the throes of orgasm, his jets swirling inside my hood. Meanwhile, Ken spread a towel between us. "I love it when we come together while docking," Bud expanded on his theme. "Feeling our juices mixing inside your warm hood enhances my orgasm." "Does for me too," I agreed. Bud turned his attention to my erection as Ken resumed tugging on his scrotum. He gripped my foreskin's end with the fingers of both hands and tugged hard. The opening stretched, and he pulled harder. It came forward away from my glans, and he slipped a couple of fingers inside for more leverage. "I hope I'm not hurting you," he said tentatively. "I know your foreskin will stretch as wide as your glans, and it's not there yet." "No, feels good. Keep going." Bud gripped the edge tighter and pulled harder, until the opening gaped enough to take his big helmet head. "I knew it would stretch. Your head's is about the same size as mine, so it should be a good fit. Now will it stretch forward enough? My helmet's long, like yours." "Let's try it and see," I suggested. I lay on my side and Bud lay face to face with me. He edged closer until the round front dome of his glans filled the end of my foreskin. "So far, so good," he said. "Now let me get a little deeper." He thrust his hips forward, pushing his tip farther inside. "Hold on a minute," Ken said. "I think this will work better if you're both lubed." He knelt over us, holding the end of his foreskin over Bud's tip, letting his copious lubricant dribble onto the swollen glans. Bud had pulled back slightly to give Ken a better aiming point, and the pre-come drizzled over the big purple helmet. I put a finger on Bud's swollen tip, spreading the slippery wetness all over its contours. "I love the contours of your tip," I said. "So much like mine." I could see that Bud enjoyed the gentle stimulation. "You can do that all day long, Jack. It's a turn-on for me. Once you lubricate my glans, my sensations improve a thousand percent." I felt his helmet throb under my fingertip. Now he thrust his penis forward again, slipping the nose of his helmet into my widely-stretched orifice. I pressed against him, relishing the feel of his warm flesh against my tender tip. I felt my foreskin stretching farther, almost to his rim. "Almost there," he said. Ken had gripped my penis behind the head, pushing the skin forward to give us more slack. The effort worked, because Bud brought the rim of my foreskin over his corona to encase the entire head. Clamping my hood tightly over his helmet, he began jiggling it. Ken pushed his hand aside and gripped my foreskin tightly to hold it behind Bud's rim. "This'll work better if I hold it. You guys relax and let me do the work." He began jiggling my foreskin over Bud's head, his other hand tugging at Bud's scrotum, stretching it. "You're getting more action than I am," I told Bud. "This is in our favor, because my tip's more sensitive than yours." Ken continued to stroke our pricks, arousing us further. "I know I'll love to feel you ejaculate against my glans," Bud replied. "Feeling your hot semen will heighten the sensations for me." I took a deep breath and replied: "Me, too. It'll feel really hot for me when you fill my foreskin with your fluid." Bud's tip twitched against mine as he spoke: "One guy in Europe told me about what happened when he docked. At the moment his partner came, their slits were pressed together, and the first hot stream shot right down his urethra. This was the first time it had happened to him, and it triggered his orgasm. It was the most intense climax he'd ever experienced." "That never happened to me," I said. "Wish it had, though." "Me neither," Ken added. "I know I'd come right away if a guy shot his hot cream down my tube." The discussion was making us more excited, and I saw the signs. Bud's balls were now tight against his body, and Ken wasn't able to stretch the skin as much as before. Ken's balls were also tight, and the end of his foreskin was dripping cock-honey onto the towel underneath. I reached back and pumped his foreskin lightly, jiggling it the way he was jiggling mine. Bud, not wanting to be left out of the action, reached between us and cupped my balls, and I felt his fingertips press into the tender flesh behind them. "Touching you makes me more aroused," he explained. "I can feel how tight your scrotum is, and I know it became tighter since we began. I'm also going to be able to feel the root of your penis throb." "I can feel your head's getting harder, pressing against mine," I contributed. "Does your also get darker?" "Yes it does. Too bad we can't see it. How about yours?" "Mine does too," I replied. "I wish we could see it." Bud's breathing was faster now, testimony to his mounting excitement. I realized that mine had also picked up. Bud wrapped his free arm around me, hugging my chest to his. "I can feel your heart beating against my chest," he said. "We're getting close." "I can feel you both getting close," Ken added. "I can feel your tips through Jack's skin, and they've swollen. You can even see how the ridges are bigger." Bud's round dome slid smoothly against mine as Ken stroked us, and I knew he was seeping enough lubricant to allow my hood to slide easily. I felt a throb deep inside, and a moment later felt a drop of lube begin to crawl up my urethra. Bud spoke: "I felt your root throb and your glans also throbbed against mine. Are you secreting?" "Feels like it. I know you are. It's really slippery in there." As I spoke, my cock-root throbbed again, but harder. Although I'd been concentrating on relaxing, I felt myself tighten inside. I also felt a tickle begin in my tip where it rubbed against Bud's hard dome. "You'll be coming any second," Bud assured me. "It's going to be nice, feeling your glans throbbing hard against mine." He gave my scrotum a slight squeeze as he spoke, and suddenly the end of my tip began tingling, a hot feeling that rushed down my shaft all the way to the root. Now my eyes were closing. "I think..." I said, and my voice trailed off as a sudden hard shock pounded through my cock-root and the first hot jet poured into my urethra and rushed toward the end. My entire body stiffened and I moaned loudly, caught up in the blissful agony of orgasm. "AAAAHHHH!" I heard Bud cry loudly as the burning stream gushed from my tip. My cock-root was pounding hard now, releasing another torrent of cream, and I felt Bud's body straining against mine as he tumbled over the edge into the free-fall of his climax. We were tight against each other, feeling each other's spasms in our chests as well as in our tips pressed against each other. Bud's copious stream gushed into my foreskin, splashing against my glans and swirling around inside my hood, mixing with my cream. "AAAAAAAHHHHH!" he cried out again, almost drowning out my loud moans, as his body shook and his engorged tip shot another stream against mine. I blasted off again, and felt the pressure in my foreskin as it distended with hot fluid. Bud's throbbing tip pounded against mine, adding to my excitement. Ken's fingers continued stroking my hood, adding to our pleasure. Bud and I shot again, exactly together, and we both screamed with the intensity of the sensations. "You guys are beautiful," Ken said in the distance as I felt his fingers release my foreskin. "Your hood's full, Jack, and you're really creaming." I felt my foreskin deflate as our fluids ran out the end, but Bud's hot hard tip was still throbbing against mine, although his next discharge was milder. So was mine, and I knew we were near the end. Ken let go completely, our cocks still twitched with their last spasms, and I felt the seepage continue in my tube. When it almost stopped, I opened my eyes and looked down to see that Bud's purple helmet had slipped out of my hood and was oozing the residue onto the towel beneath us. I saw Bud open his eyes as he gave me a final hug and then moved back. I quickly kissed him lightly on the lips, and was surprised when he hugged me to him hard. "Jack, your first blast went a little into my urethra. I think our meatuses were in perfect apposition just for an instant, then slipped apart. Anyway, feeling that hot jet penetrating me pushed me over the edge. Did any of mine shoot into you?" "No, I don't think so, but anyway I was so out of it I can't be sure. You really pumped a lot of cream into my foreskin, I know that." "Your foreskin was so ballooned I thought it might split," Ken said. "I had to let go so that some of it would get out." "I wish I could have seen that, too, but my eyes were closed," Bud said. His voice was soft, as we were both subdued and sedated with the after-shock of our shared climaxes. The experience had been intense for us both, and I was still so disoriented that I couldn't remember when I'd let go of Ken's cock. After a minute or so, I was able to speak again: "Ken's prick needs relief," I said to Bud. "Now you can watch as his head swells and turns darker, and maybe even see his foreskin swell if we keep it over the head when he shoots." I turned over as Ken lay down, and I spread the towel over his stomach. Bud sat on his haunches next to me as we began stimulating Ken together. I tugged on Ken's tight scrotum, giving Bud the honor of working on his penis. Both our erections had totally subsided, and my foreskin was back over the big head, forming a nipple beyond the tip. Bud's penis sagged down over his scrotum, which was already dropping. Mine remained tight, its normal condition. "Ken's penis is so beautiful," Bud said as he grasped it and held it pointing toward the ceiling. The hood still covered the head, and Bud began slipping it back, slowly and lovingly. We both watched as the big purple helmet emerged from the sliding hood. "Ken's really lubing," I pointed out as Bud uncovered the swollen glans almost to the rim. "How are you going to do him?" "I want to see the big tip shoot. Seeing it in its naked glory really gives me a thrill. I'll just keep his foreskin back, and finger the head." Bud stabilized Ken's straining erection with his left hand as he began caressing the big head with his other hand. Ken gasped at the first touch, and we saw the tension fill his body. Bud slipped the skin back farther to expose the flaring rim, and caressed the curving corona with his fingertips. He moved expertly down to the underside, reaching the twin lobes and massaging them gently, then pressing into the hot spot between them, stroking Ken's gee-string and making him gasp loudly. "He's really worked up from watching us come," I said to Bud. "It won't take long." Ken was now gasping loudly; "HAH! HAH! HAH!" as the sensations reached deep inside him, dragging him toward the brink. "I know he experienced our orgasms vicariously as he helped us," Bud replied. "He's close. Just look at how dark the glans is." Ken's big helmet had darkened to the rich burgundy color I'd seen many times, and the lips of his slit seeped the precious lubricant that made Bud's fingertip touches so arousing. Bud now worked his way up the other side of Ken's flaring rim, returning to the top as I kneaded the tight scrotum gently, adding to Ken's excitement and making him gasp more loudly. "Í'm close," Ken muttered," and I saw the muscles in his legs tighten as he spoke. Bud's fingertips caressed the broad upper surface of his swollen glans, sending shivers through Ken's body. "His tip's hard, really hard," Bud pointed out. "I've got him on the edge right now." Bud's fingers danced over the surface of Ken's glans and we saw his eyes close. Bud expertly moved his fingertips all over the turgid surface, stroking a fresh spot every second, to avoid tiring out Ken's nerve endings, and we saw him respond. His stomach muscles tensed, and his legs began trembling. Bud suddenly changed his technique, grasping Ken's engorged tip in his fist and twisting sharply as he tugged the shaft-skin down hard to stretch the gee-string. Ken cried out, loudly and helplessly, as the shock waves of the combined sensation hit him, and we watched a thick white stream shoot high into the air. Ken's hips bucked, and the lips of his slit parted as another heavy gush slammed through them to fall back on Bud's twisting fist. "He's so hard..." Bud muttered as he continued stimulating the hot, swollen glans, keeping the shaft-skin tightly back to maintain tension on the gee-string. He quickly removed his hand from around the head and we saw that it was dipping sharply down towards Ken's toes. Bud now worked his fingertips around the hard, throbbing head, bringing forth more streams of cream, until the jets weakened. He let go, and Ken's erection dropped onto the towel, the lips still seeping fluid. "It's not as milky now," I noted. "I think he's drained the cream and it's just lube from his prostate." "Cowper's Glands, actually," Bud corrected me. "Ken's gifted that way. He secretes a lot, and this keeps his sensitive glans from becoming irritated. The lubricant also softens the sensations, which is important when he's near the peak. You know how important those last few moments before orgasm are." "I know. I really enjoy the delicious feeling of anticipation, knowing that release is just around the corner as the hot tingle fills my cock-head. You really gave him a hot one this time." "Only because he was already primed for it from watching our orgasms. Also, his glans is very sensitive. I just had to touch him lightly, and his nerve endings tingled." "Pulling down on his skin also did it, Bud. You already knew that pulling would make the head dip." "Yes, I saved that until last. I knew the sudden shock when I applied tension would produce that reaction in his ejaculatory muscles. Then when I twisted my fist around his head, he was gone." "I know you enjoyed doing that the same way I did," I said. "It's always fascinating to watch and feel a man come," Bud replied. "I suppose we all get a vicarious thrill from it. It's especially nice for me when he's just given me a mind-blowing orgasm. That adds to it because I want him to feel the same thrills." Now Ken opened his eyes and tried to focus, but he was still stunned by his recent orgasm. Bud leaned over and kissed him, then made room for me. I kissed Ken on the lips, and felt him hug me tightly. "Thanks, Jack, Bud," he said. "That was wonderful. I'm glad I have a couple of good buddies like you." His erection was softening, the foreskin sliding to cover the shrinking helmet. I wiped away the residual drops that still leaked from his foreskin nipple, and Bud and I lay down beside him. We were all ready for a nap, which came quickly.

The End

Next: Chapter 2

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