
By Rubber Rider

Published on Jul 24, 2010


Part 8 Farming -- Tony’s arrival & Jimbo collapse

Next morning Roger flies Jim into town, Roger and Jim both are wearing there Hi-Vis gear. As we land Jim sees a Ute with a guy standing alongside also dressed in a different color Hi-Vis shirt. We both get out of the plane and I go and refill the tank after I meet this Tony for the first time. Hi Tony I’m Roger the acting manager of the station nice to see you made it OK.

OK Jim I will see you all back at the station in about 3 hours time -- see you Roger and with that I turn around do a quick visual check get aboard startup up and take off. I think to myself if only some of my old mates on the welding crew could see me now, I think they would be jealous. Looking around the color in the landscape is so beautiful with all the different hues of reds and green. I come if for my landing, taxi up to the fuel tank and top off the planes tank then move it to its parking place. Think Ian must be busy I walk back to the office no signs of Ian I call him on the radio one the crew answers saying that jimbo collapsed and we are getting him into the Ute’s bed. I ask is he breathing yes but very shallow Ian has given him some oxygen and he has pickup. I said OK go straight to the landing strip but take it slowly I will meet you there. I grab a Ute and return to the strip and take out the passenger seat and get a foam pad on the floor.

I phone the Doc and tell him what has happened, he says OK let me know when you are 10 minutes out and I will have the ambulance there when you land. I next call Jim and advice him what is going on and that Ian will be with me working as medic -- Thanks Roger we will hear from you later. I had hardly clear the radio when Ian is on there calling me and he says grab the oxygen bottle from the office please and a proper mask. Will do I quickly go and get the bottle and mask and by the time I’m back they are just getting Jimbo into the plane. OK Ian get in and do your best with Jimbo I taxi out and take off, we have one heck of a tail wind so I call the Doctor and give him an update, Tx we are on our way. Jimbo was taken to the little cottage hospital check over thoroughly and he is hooked up to the ECG the Doc reads the tape and says it looks as if he has had a heart attack. I will keep him sedated and then fly him out to a larger hospital for treatment. Looks like you guys have done a great job, thanks Doc but I only flew them here it is Ian here that did the real work out in the bush, even so it’s a pity that there not more folk capable of handling this type of situation. Well Doc we need to get back and leave Jimbo in your good hands, is there anyone here who can give us a ride back to the landing strip. The Doc turns to one of the nurses and asks would you get the porter to take these two back to the landing strip thanks Rose.

We return and get the passenger seat put back in place, top the fuel tank off and I said to Ian that is why it so important to keep everything ready for urgent use we were just about to get into the Ute when I decided to give Ian a real tight hug and say thank you for your effort well Ian responded well he even gave my a kiss.

So Ian I guess your old mate is at the office with Jim who will require an update. On entry to the office Jim asks how is Jimbo, I said go ahead Ian he was your patient Thanks, Ian it sounds as if you saved his life good work there.

Ian first comments to Tony a long time no see how the heck are you; Tony’s first comment was I would not have recognized you if we had passed in street because back in BC you had long hair and a shaggy beard Ian says good god that was some years ago.

Ian is laughing and says we all get well shave here and by the way Roger I need a clean up. You see Tony there is no barber here on the station so we all help each other to the point of scrubbing each others backs. Suddenly we hear a lot of talking outside when we check a great number of our Aboriginal crew is sitting outside the office.

Ian I think you best give an update to the crew that is here on Jimbo, Ian gives them those facts to date and also he will flown out tomorrow for further treatment. Roger adds the doctor in town said Ian had done a good job in accessing the situation. We all back off, the crew was shaking Ian’s hand saying thanks mate, and several even gave Ian a hug.

As soon as I get more news, you will all be the first to know -- the crew called out thanks and departed. Jim says well-done Ian you have now made your name with our Aboriginal Crew.

So back to you Tony, what things did you do at the sugar mill, well basically I was a millwright but as time went on I started welding and enjoyed it so on one period a couple of years ago I took a welding course at TAFF and finished with my welding ticket; well Tony that is fantastic.

Jim says now our plans are for you at first to start at Tara station before taking up your post here and as time goes bye you will understand our reason. However John the manager at weekend fly’s in from Tara to visit with his brother; sometimes it is the other way around and I see no reason why you cannot travel with them as both Roger here and John have pilots licenses. So any questions Tony, nothing I think of at present.

Oh one question do you have swag, yes somewhere on the truck, so you have slept out in the bush, oh yes many times after dark the sky is so beautiful. We see your Ute is rather full now if there is anything you wish to leave here that is fine, Roger will provide you with a dry secure container. Now your drive to Tara will take you close to two days any expense keep all receipts and you will be refunded.

Jim says there are several motels about half way on the trip so no need to you your swag unless you want to, but I am sure being able to have a shower will be welcome,

We return and get the passenger seat put back in place, top the fuel tank off and I said to Ian that is why it so important to keep everything ready for urgent use we were just about to get into the Ute when I decided to give Ian a real tight hug and say thank you for your effort well Ian responded well he even gave my a kiss.

So Ian I guess your old mate is at the office with Jim who will require an update. On entry to the office Jim asks how is Jimbo, I said go ahead Ian he was your patient Thanks, Ian it sounds as if you saved his life good work there.

Ian first comments to Tony a long time no see how the heck are you; Tony’s first comment was I would not have recognized you if we had passed in street because back in BC you had long hair and a shaggy beard Ian says good god that was some years ago.

Ian is laughing and says we all get well shave here and by the way Roger I need a clean up. You see Tony there is no barber here on the station so we all help each other to the point of scrubbing each others backs. Suddenly we hear a lot of talking outside when we check a great number of our Aboriginal crew is sitting outside the office.

Ian I think you best give an update to the crew that is here on Jimbo, Ian gives them those facts to date and also he will flown out tomorrow for further treatment. Roger adds the doctor in town said Ian had done a good job in accessing the situation. We all back off, the crew was shaking Ian’s hand saying thanks mate, and several even gave Ian a hug.

As soon as I get more news, you will all be the first to know -- the crew called out thanks and departed. Jim says well-done Ian you have now made your name with our Aboriginal Crew.

So back to you Tony, what things did you do at the sugar mill, well basically I was a millwright but as time went on I started welding and enjoyed it so on one period a couple of years ago I took a welding course at TAFF and finished with my welding ticket; well Tony that is fantastic.

Jim says now our plans are for you at first to start at Tara station before taking up your post here and as time goes bye you will understand our reason. However John the manager at weekend fly’s in from Tara to visit with his brother; sometimes it is the other way around and I see no reason why you cannot travel with them as both Roger here and John have pilots licenses. So any questions Tony, nothing I think of at present.

Oh one question do you have swag, yes somewhere on the truck, so you have slept out in the bush, oh yes many times after dark the sky is so beautiful. We see your Ute is rather full now if there is anything you wish to leave here that is fine, Roger will provide you with a dry secure container. Now your drive to Tara will take you close to two days any expense keep all receipts and you will be refunded.

Next: Chapter 10

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