
By Rubber Rider

Published on Jul 23, 2010


Part 5 Farming -- the end of a good holiday.

John and I departed Tara Station heading for home; we had our flasks and a sandwich which we eat on the way. I was a beautiful day with a tail wind and as a result we were home in five & half hours we refueled the plane and then got our gear off. By this time our stand in manager Gavin showed up with the Ute and that made it easy to get all our gear back home. He wanted to know where we had been so we told him what we had seen. Well tomorrow must go into town and get our supplies re-stocked, Gavin said before that I must let Nancy the housekeeper know there will two extra for dinner tonight that is assuming you will eat with us. Thanks that would be nice, but first John & I need to get things sorted out at home have a good shower and scrub up plus we both need to get our hair cut and that is something we do on our back veranda.

Gavin said that was one thing he forgot to bring was his haircutting equipment, so Gavin what sort of haircut do you like 0000 cut or closer. Well it is up to you we can help you out providing you come to our place and prepared to lie out in the nude and we can certainly help you out. Absolutely no problem at all guys, good we have a flat of beer somewhere in our stuff so we have the antidote for loss of hair, hey John that dark green esky should have the beer. John & Roger do there hair cutting first or I should say shaving, by this time Gavin showered and is balls to the breeze. We could see he was getting turned on especially when we did each other privates.

Once completed said your next Gavin, in his case we had to use the electric clippers to get rid of the bulk of the hair, his comment was you might as well get rid of the excess hair around my nuts. Once Gavin had also been shaved clean John said come on Gavin we will take a rinse off under the hose here. We had an attachment that made the hose into a shower head. While we rinsing off John grabbed his brother hugged his and gave him a big kiss; suddenly it became a three-way session with Gavin saying how nice it was to meet two open guys who love each other. Turning the rinse water off, we three sat there drying off and swigging another beer.

Gavin looks at his watch and says we had better go for Dinner as it will be served in about 15 minutes. Gavin takes the Ute and his dirty clothes back to his room, Roger and I get some dress shorts out for this evening and a suitable shirt and head off over to the big house.

When we get there Nancy is just setting things up and laughs by saying you got young Gavin well shaved I see and it was well over due in my opinion. So guys how was your trip and from what I have been hearing you have made quiet a name for yourselves. Really good Nancy really enjoyed our trip in the red center and did a number of day tours saw a lot, unbelievable scenery if you have never been there try to do it some day.

Must go back to the kitchen for a few minutes as dinner is almost ready. Come and get it guys and we were served excellent steaks with mushroom, fried onions baked potato with butter and chives all with a pepper sauce.

Nancy always seems to excel with her meals that she put on the table; this was followed with fresh strawberries and cream.

I give Gavin a call and say, some friends of our have invited us both for breakfast in town, we will fly in have a hopefully a good visit and return about lunch time or shortly afterwards, however we would appreciate if you were to meet us on our return with a Ute so we can get our supplies transferred to the house, no problem just give me a call on the radio just prior to landing. Good night Gavin see you tomorrow.

Well we got up about 5:45 am decided to dress in our Hi-Vis gear, sock and boots. We soon got to town where Jim meets us at the landing strip. Jim has a big grin on his face, so I asked what is so funny -- he said you two you really hit home hard especially the way you are dressed coming to town. Let us go and have breakfast and want to hear all about my other two operations and what your thoughts are on they way they operate.

Well firstly a common factor no planning ahead no maintenance person, the crew were very friendly at Clara Station we got stuck there for a couple of days due to weather conditions and water got into the fuel on one there tractors being used for ploughing. We were with Keith in the office when the call came in about the problem. Keith comment was bugger as will not get anyone in here for two or three day due to flooding. Roger said if you don't mind I'm willing to have a look at the problem how ever I need some coveralls and tools. Keith said I'll take you out there. Keith got the problem resolved and showed the Aboriginal operator on how to prevent this problem. I then made sure this member of the crew understood, the next thing was he was shaking my hand and then suddenly grabbed me and gave me a big hug. I was surprised as everyone else there who saw what happened.

At Tara Station, there school is like the others using the internet however, they have a wide-angle web camera mounted high up so the teacher can see what is going on in the classroom via the video link. When we visited the school wearing our Hi-Vis shirts the teacher saw us enter the classroom, well Tara station camera signal went out to all the schools from Alice Springs School of the Air. We are going to contact the School of the Air and with any luck, get a video copy of went on that morning because you will find it very interesting and what was actually said.

You two certainly had an interesting trip, now a question to both of you; what recommendation do you have to improve our operation. Firstly, you need to do what we did by creating a flow chart and mark in the chart the equipment required the two stations badly need to have the appropriate maintenance man who is also qualified to do welding.

So how would you go about getting this info to both manager and assistant manager now this is up to you but I believe we need to get everyone together at a suitable location for up to three days. We also think it would be a good idea to setup video conferencing.

Thanks for your information, I think I will come out to your station to-morrow to talk to Gavin and hear his comments but say nothing when you return after your shopping spree.

We get our shopping done and load the plane, I stay with the plane and Roger goes to collect Jim so that he has his Ute back we took off and were back home within 25 minutes. Gavin meets us as arranged and we get our supplies unloaded and then transferred to our home.

Gavin asks can we all sit down sometime tomorrow together please as I would like to ask you both some questions as I am very interested on what you have done here and also the relationship you have succeed in gaining between all crews. Sure thing Gavin no problem and we wish to know of any problems you have had while we have been away. Gavin says I will leave you now to get sorted out and we will talk tomorrow.

John said firstly what do you want for dinner tonight; well I'm not hungry so what about a good pizza and I know we have some in the freezer after which we can sit a watch TV for a change and have a quiet evening for a change.

Firstly we need to get our supplies stowed away after which a good shower, sit outside to dry off then we can deal with the pizza and I would like to see the TV News to see what is going on in the world.

Roger asks have we any of that white wine, there should be some in the frig great, so I assume you would enjoy a glass -- now that's the best idea I've heard to-day. John in the mean time has fired up his laptop to see what private mail he has, John has received a letter from Ian who he meet in agricultural college saying that he has been invited to look at a job in Australia as assistant farm manager. Now I understand you have been there for several years and would like to know about working conditions. Thanks for your time -- Ian.

Hey Roger come and look at this letter I have just received, Roger reads it and says that is interesting; I wonder who is doing the recruiting I'll find out discreetly.

I reply to the letter and said sorry for the delay in replying but have been away on holiday. From my point of view I have a two bedroom home all on the station and we also have 10 families with there kids who school right hear, for the single guys we have two bunkhouses all single rooms and they have there own cookhouse. Let me put it this way I love this place and no real cold weather in the winter a low temperature would be -3oC but the day time can be nice and sunny and warm, like Canada November in the wet month and we can get very heavy rains so your raingear is a must. As a matter of interest what recruiting company are you using? And where are you working right now, I look forward to hearing from you in the next little while. -- Bye John.

Nothing much on the TV News, Rogers getting the pizza into the oven and I pour us another glass of wine. Roger says that letter is interesting you got from this Ian, well I have replied and I asked where was he working right now and what recruiting company was he using so we will see what happens.

We have a great peaceful evening and hit the bed about 9:00 pm and take a night cap with us in the form of a brandy, while sitting up in bed with our night cap Roger says who would have thought we would have moved to Australia, we both have pilots licenses and have a great crew working for us mainly due to Ken.

You know we should contact Ken next time we go into town and see how he is doing -- dammed good idea must find out his Daughters phone number. We have now slipped down the bed and are hugging each other and John says I'm so happy that we are working together and I think it is sort of funny because when were at the old homestead you made the comment you never know you could be back doing farm maintenance sort of funny when you think about it..

Next thing we knew was the alarm was going off so the normal routine a good piss and quick wash pull a pair of shorts on and we go about getting our breakfast of bacon, eggs and fried tomato plus toast and jam all washed down with several mugs of tea. We had just got everything washed up and generally tidy up when the phone rings. Good morning Gavin speaking and he tells us that Jim is coming out to see him about midday and will be staying at least one night so could we meet up in the office in about 30 minutes in the office to start our discussions -- no problem see you there, thanks a lot.

John we had better get dressed Gavin wants to meet in 30 minutes in the office OK. Hi-Vis shirts coming up, and he told me Jim was going to be here about midday and would be staying at least one night.

Well we all meet up and get into some good discussion, one question that Gavin asked was I see everyone here wear Hi-Vis shirts, how did that come about. Well it was started by Ken before he retired and my comment is it is a matter of safety because folks get seen much better especially if it has become very dusty, and the same thing go in very dusty weather safety glasses are worn as they will keep 95% of the dirt away from your eyes.

With regards to the kids wearing the same thing it gets them used this type of shirt and will continue once they are actually working. Hum very interesting says Gavin and I notice you both wear the same type of shirts, well lets face it Gavin as far as we are concerned we are all working here and by practicing what we are preaching we must do the same, the days of when the manager dressed pretty smartly and kept himself sort of aloft of the working man are long gone. I will tell you something else visit the work sites and it does not matter where it might be, always have your swag with you as sometimes you spend the night with crew sleeping out.

Out of working hours everyone gets talking and you learn a lot of the problems they run up against and in some cases it is easy to remove that problem you also earn respect from the crew. Gavin says you actually have sleep out with the crew as I said yes and recommend it; my problem would be my manager would frown on such a move.

Suddenly we hear Jim voice, hi guys and I said we were just about to leave as we have something to check on lets go to the schoolhouse and will leave you and Gavin to get on with your meeting. John & Roger I'll give you a call later but please come to dinner over at the big house this evening as I would like to hear all about your holiday; sure thing thanks Jim see you later.

Well we went to the school house but could not see any form of web camera high up. We must talk to our internet techs and may be we will have to ask the school of the air, after leaving the school we run into some of our crew and we like to talk with them to find out how they have been making about. While we are talking John's phone goes and its Jim asking where we are and could we both come over to the office sure be there in about 20 minutes -- thanks.

We get to the office and Jim tells us he is very impressed at what he has seen here and would like to see it implemented at the other stations, the other thing that surprised him was when you on some occasion you have used your swags and slept out with crew. Gavin has also realized that a maintenance man who also can do good quality welding so in other words we need to spend some money to save money. Gavin I think I have got it right please correct me if I have made mistakes. Gavin says no I think you covered the basic thoughts however I would like to know how long did it take to get the flow chart drawn up it took about 3 months and involved a lot of meeting with different members of the crew.

Phew was a lot of work but I sure like it, John comment was no two stations will be the same but it all depends on what that station is handling. But when drawing up a flow chart get all the crew involved that two thing it gains your respect with the crew and you will pick up many tips.

Thanks guys says Gavin, Jim breaks in and says I see the time is now 4:00pm and I suggest we all go and get cleaned up and I will see you all at 5:00pm over the big house. We depart for home and I fire up my laptop and check my private mail.

There was a letter from Ian, his first words were the recruitment folk put a Jim Fielder in contact with me, and we have had a lot of discussion resulting in the offer to fly me out to look at one of the stations with the view of becoming an assistant manager. Have you heard of this man and any idea what sort of employer is he is? So roughly, where is your station located?

You said you have just got back from a vacation where did you go. Well enough from me at present thanks for your prompt reply Ian.

Hey Roger look at this letter, the rest of the mail was un-important, Roger reads this letter and then says best be careful on how you answer it. I think will see what happens this evening before answering -- smart thought brother.

We got a shower and clean up and head out to the big house to meet up with Jim, he see us coming and calls out come guys and have drink with me Gavin is not with us just yet. So what is your pleasure a G&T please great coming up. So how was your bus-mans holiday very good and interesting. We really enjoyed the red center; we were amazed how green Alice Springs is. We took a number of day tours several involved an over night stay but well worth it. Jim have you ever been to Alice Springs and area around there, no I have not, well you should and I think it will be an eye opener for you.

Gavin has just joined us, Gavin what will be your pleasure a nice beer would be great thank you coming up. Nancy the housekeeper comes in and says dinner will be ready within 10 minutes, thanks Nancy. Gavin drinks some of his beer and John & Rogers is topped and they make there way to the dining room as Nancy is bringing the food in all the guys take the places at the table. Dinner that night was general chit chat we finished up with a liquor to round the meal off nicely... Nancy had done a great roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast spuds and greens etc.

Well after dinner we got up to, leave and Jim said thanks for coming and quietly says see guys later so with that we walk home. It was a great evening clear sky and no wind at all but still light. We get home and asked Roger would you like another drink, well that would go down nicely. I poured a couple of scotches and added plenty of ice. Here you are Roger my love thank Mate and do not forget it no one can be better than you and we give, each other a good kiss.

Hey guys may I interrupt oh hi Jim sure come and join us please, I assume you would like a scotch on ice that will sure go down nice. Now I have question for you two discuss on your own. Now you have visited all my operations and no doubt have seen how they operate. Joe at Tara station has given me notice that he wants to retire early so I am thinking that this would be an ideal place to for you two to take over. At the same time you already have meet a number of the crew, the job provides you with another two bedroom home a little bit bigger that this one. So suggest you talk this over to-night and let me know in the morning please. Question Jim who do you plan to cover our vacancy. Jim smiles and says John you may know an Ian who was at college at the same time you were, well it is my idea to bring him out here to look things over and bring him as assistant manager and promote Gavin to manager. Your thoughts guys, ah that is very interesting as out of the blue I got a email from Ian how I like working in Australia I was very non descript in my reply as we asked him what recruiting company he was had been using and he said he was put in contact with a Jim Fielder. If you wish you can read the Email between us in fact let me fire up my laptop and you can read what has been said -- TX I would appreciate that says Jim after he has read he emails he says thank John you were very discrete and I appreciate that.

Please keep it that way and let see what he thinks when he gets here. We ask does Gavin know of your idea's Jim say yes and is looking forward to meeting Ian. Is Ian single or married, very much single says Jim I have meet him already and the arrangements are for him to get three weeks holiday and he is coming over to Sydney spend two nights there and we fly out here in the same way you came.

Now during his first week here I would like you John to go and see Joe at Tara and spend a week with him seeing how he operates and to meet more of his crew; but you Roger to stay here to assess him on his maintenance ability's. This way he does not see your brother to start with and in his emails there is no reference to this effect that you have a brother.

John is laughing sort of cat and mouse you have got that right says Jim.

After Jim left John & Roger discussed the idea of taking over Tara and decided lets do it, then Roger is laughing by saying it will be very interesting to see the reaction on Ian face when he see you for the first time since college.

I replied to Ian by saying we are located in New South Wales close to the border of Queensland. So Ian where are you working and what sort of jobs have you had since graduating. When you know your dates for coming out to look around please email me as hopefully we can meet up somewhere. Remember it will be summer time here so only light weight clothing is required everyone basically wear shorts and a suitable cotton shirt. Look forward to hearing from you -- John

Well Ian visited and I had already departed to visit Joe at Tara, Joe had been primed by Jim ahead of time of my visit and the reason for it but to keep it to himself. I had an interesting time at Tara and found out that Joe did not have an assistant however he sure like the idea of an assistant who also looked after the maintenance in the way you and your brother operate. John how come Jim wanted you out of the way for a few days, I start to laugh it turns out that Ian he has visiting was at agricultural college at the same time I was and we graduated together -- good grief what a small world.

Well Joe I'm going to head back first thing tomorrow morning and I'll let you know how things go. Next morning I am in the air with a good tail wind doing the flight in five hours. About 10 minutes before coming in to land I called Roger to come and pick me up from the landing strip -- the answer was sure thing I am in the area right now with a guest from Canada -- thanks.

Well I land and refuel the plane and then move it over to its normal parking spot, I'm wearing my Hi-Vis coveralls which I use as flying suit and I walk over to the Ute.

Next: Chapter 7

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