
By Rubber Rider

Published on Jul 15, 2010


Part 1 - Farming - Growing up on a farm.

I grew up on a farm, I have a brother but Mum died several years ago so Dad has brought both of us up. Dads always dressed us the same Carhartt bib overalls as they wore well and were very comfortable I should mention Dad wore the same thing and generally, we wore good 14" high lace up boots and gumboots if it was wet. That was the standard dress for all the boys when we at school, however I should mention we always changed as soon as we were home into our grubby ones as we had work to do on the farm.

We both went to the local school and did well and now working full time of the farm, John my younger brother who now was 19 years old loves working with animals and the soil whereas I much preferred to try to keep all the equipment running smoothly this often involved a fair bit of welding.

Dad after the last season was tied up and I had just turned 21 and everything was now stored away except the equipment that needed repair in time for the next year.

Dad was rambling on and he eventually said guys this is hard for me to say this but here goes. Both of you John and Roger have done so much work to endeavor to keep this farm going but I have decided it will better to sell the place unless you both want to take over the operation. However, I am sorry I do not recommend it as we have been loosing money for the last six years.

Now Roger I believe you could do well by getting a TQ ticket in the trade of your choice however John your love of the animals and soil leads me to think you would easily get work on another farm in the area or you go to school and get further training in farming which could lead to better things.

Now boys (sorry Son's) I would like to hear your thoughts take your time and do not answer now, as I know this a shock for you discuss it between your selves and with any luck you can give me your thoughts tomorrow night.

It was getting late in the evening so both John and myself decided to go to bed as we needed to be up at 5:30 am. However, that night when I got into bedroom John was crying, we hugged each other and John was saying what the hell are we going to do brother. I hugged my brother even tighter saying lets sleep on it and tomorrow we will sit down and discuss everything when our heads are clearer. John says OK you're right brother I love you so much poor o'l Dad. We hug each other again and fell asleep.

The next morning we up the normal time 5:30 am, Dad is already up and has a large pot of tea going so we both get our mugs and after two mugs of tea John say Dad and Roger what would you like for breakfast. Dad says we need to use some eggs and there is sausage there. John also added some tomatoes and grated spud.

Once John cooked the breakfast, we all sat down and enjoyed our meal Roger asked John what you have on today because if you are free I could do with a hand to help stabilize some bits that I need to weld up, no problem Roger my work can easily wait so here is nothing urgent. Dad says he has to go into town and will be there all morning.

I got the welding done with John's assistance after which we decided we need some tea so back into the kitchen and sat at the table briefly and then John suggested we sat outside on the veranda. Roger says John your thoughts on what Dad said last night, I love this place but also know it needs a lot of fertilizer to get it going and frankly I don't think either of us have that sort of money to take it over, what do you think Roger?

John you really are the farmer I am the maintance man and try to keep things going but all our equipment is getting old and will need replacement within 10 years, Oh I agree says John. Now john with your background I would suggest you go to agricultural college and get training to better yourself as this could open up avenues like farm manager or assistance of a large operation. Whereas if you work for another outfit the chances of promotion are slim in my opinion.

I like the idea of a TQ and would go for one on welding and possibly get my pressure tickets, this would mean going up north for work with some pipeline company and if I played my cards right would earn good money to allow me to buy my own equipment so that I became independent and you never know could in a few years time be working back on a farm repairing machinery.

So John what do think, well he says Dad is now in his early 70's and should be taking it easy so if he were to find a nice two or three bedroom house on a small plot of land I think he would be happy providing we were both coming and going from wherever he settles down.

I agree says Roger come here brother please and Roger is hugging his brother and giving him a big kiss. They did not here Dad come home either but when they parted they suddenly see him and call out Dad please come and join us, with that they repeat the hugging etc.

Dad says my sons it looks as if you both need good stiff drink because I know I do.

A few moments later Dad has come back with three triple scotches' Dad's next comment is cheers guys you are both great and I respect you very much. I have one question for you both and please do not be embarrassed. Did either of you ever have eyes for a young lady or were friends all young men.

Well neither of us answered this to start with, then Dad said your Mum and I enjoyed each other company and agreed to allow her to have two babies and you are the guys I'm talking about however I guess what is referred too today as being GAY and I'm proud of the fact. Now you two have always slept in a double sized bed, do you ever have sex with each other?

Well John and Roger look at each other and John finally says we prefer the hayloft and they both start laughing. Dad says come here you buggers and gives them both a good hug I am proud of you both but next time invite me too so we can make a threesome.

Well guy's I have a feeling you have discussed the question I put out to last night.

Roger said yes we have and do you want to start John or should I get things rolling. John said you are better than I am in this area.

Well Dad we both looked at the entire situation and with John knowledge of how the soil is these days we both came to the realization that neither of us have the funds to re fertilizle all the ground and then there is no knowing if that would get better crops so we would be broke. Yes, we think selling the property and you to find a suitable home in town so you can walk to the stores.

John please tell Dad your thoughts, well I think I will go to an agricultural college and hopefully I can get an assistant manger job of a fair size farm and there is a good college in Olds, Alberta, go ahead Roger I want to get a TQ for welding and then pressure welding TQ. However, this will mean I will have to go north for a few years and get some good money into my bank balance so I can eventually have my own welding truck and you never know I could easily finish doing maintance on local farms.

Nevertheless, both of us we want to spend our time off with you Dad.

Dad says phew I am going to get another round of scotch we all need that, again Dad is back with the drinks and I should add does not normally drink except on special occasion.

Dad says cheers and thank you for your input, now today I have been researching to see if any adjacent farms need extra land. In addition, I got an estimate on what our property is worth and I was un-happy at the suggested price however, I found out most of our neighbors are looking at the same way hence the predicted low price.

I sure like your thinking about advancement and that is going to cost money so assuming I can get a sale of everything and got myself a new place to live I will see if I can help you both out with your expenses while training. Together we both said no Dad you need money to live and such like we have to stand on our own two feet.

I slipped away leaving John and Dad talking, so this allowed me to get a large pot of stew underway and knowing there will be enough at least two nights, well it is in the slow oven now and will be ready for later on. I called out saying I will be back in about 30 minutes.

I went into town and got a dozen beers and a fresh bottle of scotch, I also got some bread doe for dumplings plus some regular crusty rolls which our local baker makes.

Once home John says where did you go? I said to town for a couple of items – John says Dad has been telling me about a couple of houses he has looked at today and they are both within walking distance of the shops, sounds interesting.

I'll be with you both in a couple of minutes, I have to get some of the bread doe cut up and rolled in some flour ready to put into the stew pot later. I return to where John and Dad are out on the veranda and see they have emptied the scotch bottle and Dad is snoozing, like another one John please but I think we are out.

I grab my glass and John's and do a refill, we talk for some time discussing the cleaning out and disposing of the farm etc, I said just a minute must go and put the dumplings into the stew pot. On my return I looked at Dad and then said to John I think Dad is in trouble, John takes a quick look and says go and call the Doctor please and tell him I think Dad has past away.

The Doc was here very quickly and confirmed our feeling and sat down and asked what Dad had been doing today. Once he had our story he wrote out the death certificate saying your Dad loved this place and did not want to leave it. Roger, John give me a hand please we had better lay dad on the floor so he does not get bent up.

Thank you coming so quickly, well I had only just got home and was about to get my supper, look Doc please have supper with us it will be ready in about 20 minutes and in the mean time have a drink for Dad. Well I don't want to run you short of grub; you won't says John we were cooking for three anyway.

The Doc asks where your phone is; in the kitchen please go ahead. The Doc makes a call to George the undertaker and arranges for him to collect the body ASAP.

The three of us have supper and the Doc is about to leave when the undertaker arrives so between us we assist the undertaker in transferring dad to the Hurst,

The undertaker asks have we cleared his pockets, no was the answer so this was done right away.

Once everyone had departed we cleaned up the kitchen and went to bed, we were both crying and finished up hugging each other and fell asleep that way only to be woken by the alarm going off at 5:30 am.

We made tea and got some breakfast then went about feeding our animals this work was completed within two hours and since it was a dull cool day we had some more tea sitting in kitchen. The phone rings and we find it is the undertaker asking if it ok to come out to the farm as he had to do some paper work related to Dad's death. We said we are not going anywhere today so what time would be ok for you we ask, how about 12:30 am – sounds good George come on around the back please when you get here.

John we need a large pad of paper to list things that we must do, while doing this George the undertaker shows up come on in we are in the kitchen trying to list things that need to be done.

George said some of the question I have to ask may sound silly but the government wants answers if possible. Your grandparents on Dads side what were there names and do you know where they were born, what was your grand mother's maiden name and so it went on.

Now did dad wish for cremation or regular burial, simple cremation please and the casket to place along side Mother. Do you wish for a head stone or a laid down plaque - laid down plaque please.

Question is the farm in Dads name only or shared with someone else; the land title was changed when Mother died and our names were added, so you need this form to get Dads name off the property plus a copy of the death certificate.

Regarding the bank was it a joint account yes that was done about 7 years ago – good. So what are your plans? It is sort of strange but dad had a long talk the other night about the farm saying he felt we should sell up and brother John here get further education related to farming, and I should consider getting a TQ in a trade of my choice. However Dad said don't give me an answer right now think about it and hopefully you will come up with some ideas by to-morrow evening.

Well we had just told Dad our plans and agreed with him about selling up. Dad who hardly ever had a drink said we all need a stiff drink and he went to the liquor cabinet and returned with three very stiff Scotches, we sat and talked however I slipped into the kitchen as I was doing the supper last night dad was having a snooze. It was only when we tried wake Dad when I felt he had past away as there was no pulse on the neck and told John phone the Doctor to come as we feel Dad has past away.

Anyway John is going to Old's Alberta, agricultural college and I am going to get a TQ welding ticket plus the high pressure ticket and expect to be working up north; well all I can say is good luck to you both.

Next: Chapter 3

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