
By Rubber Rider

Published on Jul 30, 2010


Part 11 Farming -- John & Roger take over High Creek Station

Now some 18 months later Jim has sold his BC Operation and he has purchased a larger spread here of 1500 sq miles that is doing well.

George the manager/owner on this site is about 70 years of age and understandably desires to retire once a replacement is found for him and he prepared to assist for up to three months.

Prior to this Jim had already brought Brian over from the BC operation on a five year work permit and now was working as an Assistant Manager in a relief position so that others could get away for holidays and in fact was also covering for Keith who wanted some time off

Jim decide to put John & Roger in charge of the new station called High Creek Station, then move Ian & Tony into Tara Station to fill there gap Brian and Allen to take over Base Station.

Keith at Clara Station had declined to move as he is planning to retire in a couple of years and then Pete could be come the manager he tells Jim.

John & Roger went to High Creek Station and meet up with George the owner / Manager and after being taken around the town site where they see there are 12 homes mostly two bedroom. They are spaced well apart so that everyone has lots of privacy; however, we learn that only ten homes are in use. There is also two bunkhouses for the single folk plus a Cookhouse and we learnt that George generally eat there since his wife left him. Several of the ladies did the cleaning etc of the bunkhouses and also did his house keeping.

I do not know if George was trying us out but he suggested we took our swags and went bush in order to meet a lot of he crew on the job. George claimed he spent at least three days a week going bush. Well after the first week here, George said well you two do not appear to worry about sleeping out as we have been doing. John comment was we generally do this at sometime every week and my brother here always carries his swag and some grub as sometimes it takes longer that you expect to repair that piece of equipment.

George is thinking and then he says you two guys amaze me, nothing fizzes on you and you have given me a good feeling that you will look after this operation in way I would to see it.

Thanks George so tomorrow we would like to sit down with you and discuss a number of items and to get your feelings.

Well at the moment, we are using a home that is not occupied and sleeping on some cots using our swags but it does worry either of us, we also eat with George in the cookhouse and meet many of the crew in a more relaxed condition. We were very pleased to see a number of the Aboriginal swapping there BS freely with the white guys.

The next morning after breakfast, we meet up with George in his office and got down to business. Roger started by asking what sort of records did he have on equipment and did it list work carried out on that equipment.

Well nothing down on paper but I carry that info in my head, so who does your maintenance; I bring in a good guy who is millwright and also does some welding. Sometimes I have waited a couple of days because of his work load, oh that's not good as it cost he operation money. George agreed but how can we overcome this problem. Roger said easy, I'm the assistant manager and responsible for all maintenance so that if equipment breaks down I go to the work site and do the repairs -- oh that's different says George but it makes sense.

John then says we make up a flow chart showing where equipment will be idle and that is the time to do maintenance. This way we have found considerable savings. George says that is an interesting idea, but I would have to admit I would have a job doing that flow chart. The project takes about three months to complete, well George if you are still here we will explain how it works.

So tell us where you moving too, well my brother want me to join him and he lives close to Alice Springs. John that is a nice area, oh have you been to the "Springs" we both said yes and it has spectacular scenery we were in that area on holiday.

Different subject how are the kids getting there education, they are all on correspondence from the school of the air in the springs.

Is the internet available on the town site no says George, I did not like the idea fair enough but most kids on other stations get there education this way and it works very well, and the interaction between the kids and there teacher is very much better.

Just before the normal time for completing work for the day a runner comes into the office saying young Adam has been struck down by a Ute and he needs help.

The three of us head for the scene, John checks him over and he finds a broken leg and turns to George asking where is the nearest doctor and hospital.

George says the nearest is about 200 miles away and he has used the flying Doctor service in the past. We find out after calling the Doc there is a nurses station that has X-Ray and it is roughly 100 miles away and the Doc will meet us there please just splint the leg and nothing else other if required give him one #5 tablet to ease the pain.

Adam is loaded onto our plane and we fly him with his dad to the nurse's station, Doc already there and transportation was also ready. X-Ray was taken and the Doc complimented who ever did the splinting they had got everything lined up correctly. Doc simply put a full plaster on the leg and then reloaded Adam and his Dad onto the plane and headed home with 6 more #5 Tablets and was told to take one before going to sleep to night. The plaster will be left on for three weeks when I will need another X-Ray and all being well we will be able to reduce the plaster to a simple leg plaster. Now Adam was told rest the leg for at least three days and then with the aid of a crutch you will be able to walk a bit.

When we landed Adams Dad ask us to come to the house so his wife can meet you both. We were made very welcome after what Adams dad said, plus he said I think it is the first time anyone has been flown out of here for medical reason and we would like to thank you both. Thank you for the comments and for your information we both have pilots licensees

That evening we both made excuses and went to our sleeping place, I had some Rum & Ginger stashed away, well I poured two good ones and said John we sat down and made a list of things that were needed to be done.

Get the crews wearing Hi-Vis shirts including all the kids, create a schoolhouse, get internet installed; also, renovation of the homes was badly needed. Get George to retire and leave the station.

So John which should be done first, get Jim here and show him what we know. OK let us get that organized so we use his cell number. Well Jim was planning on visiting we said better bring your swag as well.

Two days later Jim arrives so we take a trip out using our Ute and explain the situation. Jim says you are sure you have all the info before George retires we said yes. Ok then I will deal with that situation, however he has many good friends here and it is only fair that he be provided with a good send off. Now you mentioned he has a brother in the Alice Springs area yes says John. Well we need to get hold of him for the party and to take George to his new home.

Finally all is ready and then George's brother shows up and says finally you are going to retire so now we must get your gear all loaded into my trailer and no arguments either.

Well George was given a good send off by all the crew including all the kids wearing there new Hi-Vis shirts and there respective wives who had help to prepare the feast. George understandably was moved and finished up crying in his attempts to say thanks to all those present.

After the departure of George we moved into is old home and got down to business, many of the crew were asking about these Hi-Vis shirts and were saying they wanted one as really like the idea of being seen.

We said they would get there first one free but more will cost $10 each; however we would like to know what size to purchase so please put your name in with Darleen into the office.

Adams Dad was one of the first to put his name in and said you guys did a great job and thank you so much and with that we both got a tight hug from his dad.

We asked how was he doing feed up not being able to get out and about with his mates -- we laughed and said we would both be the same in his situation I'm sure. So what is your job? Well I'm an equipment operator, so what happens if you have a break down. We have to drive in and used to get George to come out and fix the problem. So we said in time we will be installing radios in all the equipment and then you will be able to call Roger here who will be responsible for all maintenance and breakdowns and he will come out to where you are working -- oh that is different.

We both went and looked at the one bedroom home and decided that by taking the bedroom out we would have a nice large room plus bathroom and kitchen. So now, do we have to find a camp handy man to do the work? Well there was nothing so we looked at the situation and decided we would do the job, however we worried about the drywall and doing a good job however when it came time we went for it and everyone felt we had done a good job. While this has been going on our internet folk got that operating plus we got a camera to show the classroom wide angle operating. The school of the air confirmed a good picture at there end. However we asked that they not send that picture out until we gave the go ahead- they said that was fine once we explained what we going do for our opening show.

Jim got a good fast working painter who re-vamped the schoolroom and repainting the outside of the building. I must say it looks good.

Harold the painter started work on all the homes redoing the outsides all were a different color but blended well together and made it an attractive location.

We also relocated the road through the town site and put the road around the back, this helped to keep down the dust as the prevailing winds took the dust away.

The next thing was repainting to inside of all the homes and do some upgrade of the bathrooms, we had spare house where the respective house tenant could move to if they whished. After about five weeks all homes were upgraded and both John & Roger got many thanks for there efforts.

Finally, the bunkhouses were revamped especially to shower area as they were made mutable units that will take at least six guys plus an area for haircutting.

Well all this work really paid off, the crews were more than happy and in fact, we used the showers for hair cutting etc. The fact that we were prepared to bare all made us much more excepted by the crews and this became a social occasion especially since we would eat with them.

After this, we got our home upgraded including a shower for four, the third bedroom with a full unsuite. This generally would be for Jim's use however should he bring someone with him Jim can use the middle bedroom and share our bathroom.

Overall, these upgrades made it much easier to bring the radio in to all Ute's and some heavy equipment and after training the crew they all realized that the radio was for there help.

Roger and I got most upgrades done with in the first six weeks of George's departure for time with his brother.

The other good thing 98% of our crew was wearing the recommended Hi-Vis shirts. That made us both very happy.

The next thing is to announce the new schoolroom to the School of the Air; the kids have done a power point presentation that had been sent School of the Air.

So at 9:00am our classroom camera was put on the air and the teacher welcomed the new school joining us from High Creek Station, the kids then came into the room giving there names the last one was Adam who said you would see all of us wearing these Hi-Vis shirts and says since a passing Ute hit me, as there was lots of dust about. but he is hoping to get his plaster off in the next couple of weeks. Adam then said we have a power point presentation and we ask you to watch the school then ran the presentation.

Afterwards the teacher got the other kids to make there comments, they were very favorable from all.

We left the school and went about our work; we both felt thanks to Adams miss- fortune getting all the crews to ear Hi-Vis Gear solved our problem.

Suddenly Roger radio trips and the operator indicates that the drive shaft has broken on his harvester' OK says Roger where you located? Lower side of area five and the best way there take the mainline out of camp and then take the second turn to the right br 150 it should bring you right to us.

Roger soon found the site, and discussed what had happened with Tim the operator, he then started to make a close examination and found the shear pin had gone. Roger did not have a spare one so he used a nut & bolt and made it tight. Try it out please -- Tim says everything is working thanks -- Good there is one other thing I need to do is get a photograph of the name plate and serial number and a side shot of the machine this was done.

Well Tim thanks go ahead and carry on, I'm staying here for a short while and then I will see you no doubt this evening. I watched Tim do his circuit and as he passed me he gave me the thumbs up.

I then returned to the office told John what I had done and then said it's about time we invited Jim here for a weekend or longer if he wishes.

Well we emailed him and almost by return we get a message, you buggers you have stole my thunder I'll be there about 2:00 pm on Friday with a surprise for you both.

Come Friday afternoon the radio trips calling High Creek Station we see it is on Jim's channel. John here Jim how far out are you? Roughly five minutes.

We will meet you at the landing strip -- great both come up here please -- will do.

We get there as he is landing, but it is not his normal plane it turns out to be a four seated with lots of cargo space, so guys what do you think of it? Pretty nice Jim, will all I want is the keys to your old plane and this one is yours.

Then said you did a medical run soon after being here and I don't won't an extra passenger sitting on the floor, so bye sliding out one rear seat you can load a stretcher in and have your medic and also one more.

Jim this is fantastic, thank you so much.

Well you guys have saved the company a lot of money and some improvement was long over due.

Lets go and show you the upgraded town-site as we enter we pull up so Jim can get a good look, my god what a change in appearance. Eight homes are in use so we have one home available but the last one over there is now our school house. It was a one bedroom house and when we looked at is we realized that by taking the bedroom out it would make a nice sized school-room.

The kids now do there schoolwork via the internet, there is also a wide-angle camera installed so the teacher can see what the kids are up to. During the school vacation period you might want to have a managers meeting here and this would be a suitable room.

Then we went to the re-vamped bunkhouse and the showers, finishing up in the cookhouse the cook name is Kim where we drank some good tea. We mention to Kim that Jim here will be staying two or three days. No problems John enjoy your company.

We then went over to our new home and showed the changes we had done. Jim next said the costs for these upgrades were very reasonable I do not know how many arms were broken, for example, who did the structural moods to make the schoolhouse. Well you are looking at them sitting right here then all the painting that has been one was Harold who you brought in, I must admit we have to do the office as we are thinking of some structural changes first.

I am utterly amazed at what you have done but I need to go out to the plane and unload so may I borrow your Ute its outside here is the key go for it!

Jim came back some booze like three bottles of rum, three bottle of gin. Tonic water, ginger ale, six dozen beers.

Jim says this for you two, we both hug Jim and thank you, so much you are very generous, Jim says you two guys that no one else I know to get place looking like home.

Well that evening we go to the cookhouse for dinner, and Jim was amazed at the free conversation that was going around the tables. Roger got called to the conversation as they were talking about Tim's breakdown and that the problem was fixed and his machine back in services within 45 minutes.

After dinner we went back to our home, and we had a few drinks during that time we mention we want your opinion on revamping the office so after breakfast I suggest we go and have a look. That is no problem says Jim I will have a good look and think how I would do it, while I'm thinking I would like to fly several circuits over the land to get real idea of what we really have and see the terrain.

This will also give you a chance to get the feel of the new plane and for the first run I will be in the co-pilots set and you two can swap around in flight.

One thing we did see a large a large pond that could be useful for cattle water but would need to test that water first we mark the map with a GPS reading neither can we see any tracks into the area, the nearest road being about 3 miles away. I said we will talk to some of our Aboriginal crew as they may know of this body of water.

We return to the office to find Darleen there doing paperwork, so Jim is introduced to her as our Boss and owner. John said glad you are here because we want to improve this building and at the same time give you more room. Darleen comment were interesting by saying we need two offices of suitable size one for John & the other for Roger then myself I need addition space as our coping machine came out of the ark has failed on a regular basis in the passed if we had a separate room for the filing cabinets that would free up room.

Jim says a question Darleen how would you feel if we were to go computer accounting including the payroll. That would be a very smart move in my opinion and what program would we be using. Most likely Simple Accounting as this is what our other stations are using. Thanks Darleen for your input it is most valuable to us. We go outside and look at the building and Jim says it needs about 20 feet adding at this end yes that was our thought. So let us look at type of foundation on the preset building, we find it is cement blocks, woodpiles and thick tarpaper that support the main timbers then the floor joists are on top. Jim says leave this with me too sees who I can find willing to the job. You have a spare house and the contractor can live there while building the extension.

Lets look at that place, Jim says the more I look at things may be it might be better to convert this to the office and make the office to another home. John says I think we need to relax so lets go home and have drink before dinner and no doubt we all need a shower, so Jim you can either join us or use your own because we will both be getting a full haircut.

Jim's comment was a haircut was certainly in order providing it is full one. So first one stiff drink of Rum & Ginger and then let the haircutting begin, John was first and then the other two, we all got a good back scrubbing and finally took each other off. After a quick shower we moved out to the rear veranda which was very private since there was a good line up of trees and a solid wood fence. We dried of in the sunshine and had a second drink, we finally pulled our shorts on, grabbed a shirt and went for dinner and had Roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast spuds and greens. It went down very well as we sat down with our crew and all joined in the general BS.

Eventually John decided to make an announcement by saying this guy we have been showing around is our Boss his name is Jim he tours all of the stations that he owns over a period of time so please welcome him in your usual manner.

There a round of applause and Jim stands up and says thanks for the welcome, I have three other stations under my wing called Tara, Clara & Base and in all cases the assistant manager also does the maintenance over the equipment and it was Roger here who's idea was that the assistant does the maintenance as it saves down time and this happened when he was a base station. So if anyone wishes to ask any questions please feel free to ask or come to the office for a private discussion -- thanks so much.

One of the Aboriginal crew members said thanks for improving the Bunkhouses and especially the showers, another said what you have done for the kids is fantastic now they have a schoolhouse and also the internet and I loved there opening show. I also notice now my kid's school marks are coming up thank you so much; well we waited and Jim said thank you guys for your comments much appreciated.

A few minutes later we leave the cookhouse and take a walk through the town site. Several of the families are sitting out side, and it's Adam's dad who calls out, hey John and Roger please come and have a beer with us and bring your friend with you. Adam is sitting there with a big grin on his face Tuesday I get my plaster off as the Doctor is going to drop in on his way to Alice Springs, Roger said that is great Adam and I'm sure that will feel a lot better once that weight is gone. Adam gets a call from his mum, come and give me a hand please Adam a few moments later he is bring three beer out for us. Please take a seat, thanks Adam so how old are you now 14 he says, the school vacations are coming up soon so what are you going to do, well I wanted to go Bush but Dad says not on my own just yet. I have to be honest I think your Dad is correct and so what other things do enjoy -- I like anything mechanical and like to help fixing things I used to help George before he retired that's very interesting, you have given me some ideas that I need to think about. We stay there a little longer and then depart saying thanks for the beer, eventually we are back home.

We have had a long day so it was night cap time and then we all hit the sack. Roger an I talked a bit and it was Roger who suggested that perhaps he took Adam out on a couple of call-outs and see how he makes out, I'm sure we can finds some old coveralls for him and a safety vest, just hope he has some boots plus we know he has a swag -- good idea but we must talk to his parents first to get there approval.

Well Adams parents were delighted and the OK was given, several question does he have any coveralls and what about boots and a yes to that as well. Roger says that is great. So when yow want him, say next Monday morning. We will surprise Sunday evening after our evening meal Tx so much it will do him good.

Well come Money morning Adam was kick out bed at 5:30 AM and told by his dad he was working today so had better get his arse In gear very promptly. Your Mum has your breakfast almost ready and also your lunch bucket. There also some items that will carry you over if you and Roger have to stay out the night. Now make sure you have your swag at all times in the truck.

So son good luck on these new adventures - and both Mom & Dad give him a very tight hug.

We heard nothing from Roger until about when at about 6: pm when Roger radio in say he would be late getting in may be an all nighters but let me know before dinner is on the table.

John lets Adams parents folks know he would not be home tonight but was working well and safe.

Eventually the job the job is competed, Adam is well and truly well greased but it did not fizz on him thankfully. Therefore, Adam how do you feel about this work he sort of comments sort of amusing. Adam said some one has to do it the job so why not me.

We get back to the town-site and I said Adam you and I are going to shower in the bunkhouse block and so get your coveralls into the washing machine and make sure all pockets are empty I will put mine in there as well

Well Adam is in the shower and says Yuck my hair sure dirty, must get my Dad to cut it right down tonight -- I smiled to myself on that one. I must say Adam does a good job of scrubbing my back also.

We get our coveralls out of washing machine damp dried and I told him I will take you home have some breakfast and rest and if something else occurs I'll call you otherwise I see you in the morning. I'm going the office and record everything we had to do and then home also and bye the way thank you for all your assistance.

I drop Adam off at home; he collects all his gear and leaves his swag only behind the seat. His Mum see him, how he do Roger; really great thank you as Adam takes his gear she sees his coveralls and says I wash then for you, no need that has been done just going to put them on line for drying. Oh bye the way if he does take nap I suggest you put an old towel on his pillow as he was not able to get his hair very clean. He told me he was going to get his Dad to give him a real tight haircut tonight. She really laughed at that comment and said it was her that encouraged her husband to go that some years ago.

Well luckily no callouts so I was able to have nice two hour snooze that afternoon; I got roused bye my brother hey Mate hears a nice cold one for you so what happened? Had to drop the oil pan off the engine and you know that's a lousy job when there is only limited room and if was not for Adam it would have me much longer he was a great help and nothing seemed to fizz on him either.

Frankly he looked like a grease monkey bye the time we had both finished, when got back I took him to the bunkhouse showers our coveralls went in to the dirty washing machine with extra laundry soap. We scrubbed each other backs and he did a good job. He then tried to get his hair cleaned and even with some liquid detergent still could get it clean. Oh well I'm going to get Dad tonight to get rid of my hair and then I will not have that problem again.

Roger said you know if he maintains his abilities he would do well to get a TQ for millwright & welding. John says I bet TAFF has some online courses we should look into that.

Suddenly we hear our names getting called out, John goes around the front and finds Adam's dad with big smile on his face, your Simon yes he says please follow me my brother and I on the back veranda having a beer can I get one, thank that be nice.

When I got home to-night I could believe there was this young man hugging my wife, then I realized that Adam had got his Mum to shave off all his hair off it is amazing how it has change his appearance. Well said when getting scrubbed up he said he was going to head shaved as he was having lots of problem getting his hair clean while getting scrubbed. Simon said he is no longer a teenage he is young man, well Simon he work hard and very well and for first day you have thought had done similar work for the last many months; I hope he maintains his interest well he used spend lot of time with George in the shop doing small engines servicing.

His mum was always to happy as sometime he would come home and was well greased up -- well should have seen him after the work this morning I guess we both looked like pair of grease monkeys. Simon was really laughing so how did he get cleanup. We used the bunkhouse showers and laundry, thanks that answers the question his Mum and I were wondering about, I had better get back home, as they do not know I was coming over to talk any way thanks for chatting and the beer; have a good evening -- thanks for coming goodnight.

The next morning Adam shows up for work and comes over to our office John was there and he said Roger was out at the moment be about 5 minutes. Adam was about to leave and was told to sit-down and automatically took his hat off.

John says when school is completed in three years time what are your plans if any at the moment. Well I have been thinking about that for a long time as I love the life on a station and would not won't to work in any town just too many people but I would like to get a TQ ticket as a millwright like Roger then it means I can live a normal station life. That's really interesting Adam and I'm glad to here you have obviously given this a lot of thought. I tell you what I will talk to TAFF and see what is required, because I'm sure a lot of the study work can be done on the internet but may mean a 6 -- 8 weeks away at there college once a year.

Roger returns and John fills him in on there discussions, Adam is standing now and Roger says come here young man and says you sure look good and I can tell you your certainly not a boy anymore you are a good looking young man.

Adam is speechless, but says thanks and shakes hands with both of them; well Adam I guess we both need to get to work so let's take a tour of the equipment in the yard to start with but first I'm giving you a pair of safety glasses to keep dust out of your eyes and also a hard hat which should be worn in the yard as ducking under the equipment you can easily bang your head and I can tell you that hurts.

One of the jobs in record keeping is to photograph the name plate with the machines serial number and a side view so I will get you to find that plate and clean it off. Well we are almost through everything when my radio trips, High Creek 5 to Roger. How can I help High Creek 5 a couple of the blades on my machine hit some bad rock and has bent them right out of shape and if I try to get them in place it as if they might break off. OK where you located? Along the roadside of BR 20 off the mainline Tx High Creek 5 will see you in about 45 minutes.

OK Adam we will take the Welding Truck, come with me. Roger makes sure he has everything including a spare welding hood and gloves. This should not take too long; better grab your lunch bucket. Adam is aboard the old truck is running and they head out, this truck is a rough rider its springs are almost shot! They soon arrive on scene and both go and have a look at the blades. Roger explains to Adam what they will do so I will get the torch and we will heat it up and I will get you to apply pressure to bring it down in line with the others blades. Roger get the bent support arm nice and hot Adam applies pressure and brings thing in line, the second one is done. A check is made for any cracks nothing was found and Roger gives the go ahead but asks him to do one round and him have a look at things before going continuously -- OK Boss. Well Roger and Adam sit in the shade of the truck, suddenly Adam says bugger, what up dammed coveralls are burning on the leg. Roger grabs his water bottle and wets things down.

Very soon the first lap is done and Roger and Adam check things over and give the all clear. Just before the machine operator starts he asks who is your new helper Roger, I replied this young man is Adam, Simons son sorry I did not recognize you Adam you too have a great day.

We turned around and headed for the office and I showed what I'm doing with the photos of the equipment and how I'm recording all info on equipment breakdown including how many hors spent etc. Adam asks a number of questions and from the way he was talking it showed me he had been at this a good period before George retired. Well Adam I will see you in the morning -- sure thing Roger and thanks and with that he heads home with his hard hat and safety glasses on, as he gets there his Dad is also arriving and Simon says just hang on there please Adam I want a photo of you please after two or three shots being taken he says you go first and get cleaned up and I will be right behind you.

Roger remains in the office and his brother John says he can start as an apprentice which means we can take him on and TAFF has agreed to a shorten period since he already under training of a qualified TQ holder. What do you think mate, that is fantastic so when do we tell him; I think as a matter of curtseys we let his parents know first. I will try and get nine months added time spent with George included -- sounds real good to me.

Oh before I forget must get Adams clothing size and get him some Hi-Vis fireproof coveralls same type as I wear because today he got on fire from sparks as were working on a job -- no problem at all and you know he is about the same height as you and he will fill out in time. I guess you are right -- I'll order four pairs right now and hopefully they can be on the freight truck the day after tomorrow.

So let's go and get scrubbed up and head for dinner, we head over to the cookhouse and as usual Kim has done everyone proud with a nice steak meal. We are listening to machine operator who we work with today and he was telling his mates about this young helper I had with me and asked how he was believe it not Adam looks different now he has shaved all his hair off -- they are having quite a chuckle over that, hey Roger seriously how is he making out? Very good and in fact it has amazed me at his abilities as the beginning of the week we had a lousy job because we had to drop the oil pan on machine and I tell you it's a two hands on job and he stuck with it and no complaints, we slept out that night and started again at daylight and basically got back soon after you guys had headed out for the day and yes we both looked like grease monkeys, and luckily we did not get a callout the following day so allowed both of us to catch up on sleep. Thanks Roger for filling us all in, oh bye the way are coming out for the fun game tonight of cricket, so what time does it start about thirty minutes time; Hopefully see you there but it will later as we both have some other business to attend too first.

As we leave the cookhouse we spot Adam heading over to the cricket pitch but do not see his folks which is good. As we enter there yard we callout anyone home -- come on around please so getting to back we see Simon and his wife having a quiet cup of tea, his wife gets up and says I don't think we were ever introduced but my name is Betty, please sit down Betty we nip over here as we saw Adam heading for the cricket game and wanted let you know we are prepared to take on Adam as an apprentice millwright, he can do all his book work via the internet link with TAFF he will be able to work out of hours on this using the schools computer -- you two guys have done a lot for this station and we don't want to loose you either because you pumped fresh blood in everyone working here and all I can say is you must have pulled some strings somewhere to get them to agree and allowing a guy still a school to start an apprenticeship and does Adam know yet. Nothing has been said other than a discussion John had with him at the beginning of the week said we would look into it however now that things have come this far we feel it only right that his parents know what is being planned for there son. We thank you for the information and will not say anything.

A question how long have you lived here 13 years we came to this station when Adam was almost one year old so has there every been a dinner party for all staff which includes there wife's? No not as such but there were a few BBQ that George at short notice -- ok say nothing this has given me an idea.

I go and back to the cookhouse Kim is cleaning up, have you a few minutes please. We would like to have a special dinner on Saturday evening with all folks attending including there wives and kids as we have a special announcement to make at that time. Therefore, you make up a list of what you need, place the order and I will collect it on Friday morning, and I am going to get enough beer for two bottles each. Indecently what do you like as something special for your personal use? A nice Scotch; please say nothing to anyone we shake hands and I leave heading back to home and meet up with brother Roger who asks how did you make out with Kim he said no problem and will get the order in for extra supplies that he may need. I have said we would do this on Saturday evening and provided enough beer for two bottles/cans per adult. If the bottle shop has some reasonable wine, I will enough for one glass each. If get the wine I'll get plastic wine glasses as well but I need to know the number of adults we have and the number of kids and Adam is classed in the adult group. I will go to town on Friday morning early collect the supplies. The most important item are the coveralls for Adam missed the freight truck but have asked them to hold them and I collect on Friday.

So what are your ideas on notifying all our crew and all the married folk? Well I will get Darlene to make up a letter saying something like John and Roger invite all families to special dinner in the cookhouse catered by Chef Kim at this diner we will be making special announcement and wish you all to attend to celebrate our news.

I am going to make an announcement at dinner in the cookhouse on Friday the wording will be the same as the letter that I am going ask Darlene to deliver these letter, as she will know every one. Have you thought about asking Jim good point it his money we are spending.

So I may quick call to Jim and he was delighted with the idea and said this is another first for my company.

Next: Chapter 13

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