Farmers Ad

By mike tompkins

Published on May 15, 2023


Time with in Baton Rouge

I woke up between Kevin and Ron, at fist I didn't recognized were I was then I remembered the wild night before and what happen. About this time I heard a knock on the door I got up quietly so not to wake up Kevin and Ron, it was sir. He handed me my wallet and some more clothes and told me to be on my best behavior and with sir was gone. I shut the door and crawled in between the sleeping men. Kevin's cock was out from under the cover so I decided to see how long would it take to wake Kevin up, so I quietly approached his cock and gently lift it off his leg and started to put it in my mouth, he stirred a bit and I paused to make sure he wasn't going to wake up and touched it with my tongue and swallowed it and felt his cock stirring in my mouth and the next thing I knew Kevin had reached up and grabbed the back of my head and forced his cock deep into my mouth till I had my face buried into his pubic hair , at first I couldn't catch my breath and I heard a low moaning coming for Kevin and his moans were getting loader and loader till his cock had swollen to it full length. And the pace pickup, then I felt a pair of hand spreading my cheek ass and a warm wet tongue wash my ass out , then stuck a finger up my ass, which felt nice and then he bit my ass cheek and stuck in two and making sure my ass hole was relaxed enough and fuck me with his fingers, then another finger and making sure it too was it fit and fucked my hole, then pull the finger out and crawled up to ass and lifted up so he could mount my ass and shoved his cock into my ass in one thrust Ron was deep into my bowls fucking me like he just got out of prison and not had sex for years, I tried to yelled out but my mouth was filled with Kevin massive meat . I could feel Kevin cock getting ready to exploded and shot a mouth full of cum down my throat, it was sweet and slightly salty, Ron saw what was happing up front and pick up the pace and dug his nail into my cheek as he exploded in a fast fucking my ass and shot a nice big loan of warm cum in my ass. I took my mouth off Kevin soft cock and told Ron to fuck me more and with that he kept fucking my ass for five more minutes till his massive cock went soft in my ass and left it there and started to piss in my ass giving me a piss enema., I could feel the piss entering me and I hoped I could keep it from losing it. Kevin watch Ron tell me not to let any of his piss out until he told me to let it go, Kevin just smiled and then told me to since your getting piss in the ass open your mouth and drink all of mine, I didn't know if I could take it both at the same time I was going to give it the old college try. I lean over on Kevin's soft cock and to it back into my mouth and within seconds the flow of nectar of the gods was going down my throat and I tasted like salty corn chips which I do love corn chips. I must have taken a whole quart of his nectar. Kevin told to go the bathroom and relieve my self; boy was allowed him to finally empty his ass. As boy walked out the bathroom, he dropped to his feet ,he knew the session had only just begun and if he was to survive the rest he'd have to show Kevin and Ron the right level of respect!, had enjoyed piss enema Ron give to me. When I return to the room Kevin and Ron were dismantling the sling and packing up there stuff. Its time to go boy, after the equipment was packed Kevin handed me my clothes and told to get dress. As soon all the equipment was stored in Kevin's van Ron went and check out of the room. We all met in the parking lot and Ron went on his way. Kevin told me to get in so I got in on the passenger side of his white van and told me we need to get me some clothes to wear. We headed to a target store wear he bought pair of tight jeans and blue button down shit to match and socks and shoes. We started for his house. We pulled into the garage and shut the garage door and told me to follow him. His house was in the country side, neighbors were at least half a mile a way. He had a four bedroom house with a fenced in pool with a studio in back. Kevin told me to strip, in his house we walk around naked at all time except when expecting when company, which most of my friends are nudist so clothing is optional except for you, yes sir. I have to do some running is expecting some friends to coming by soon so I need you to stay here and wait for him, you and use the computer while I'm gone. Sir I need to tell you something my master what me to pay for my time and told me I need to raise some money for education fund. We will work on that when I get back ok yes sir. Don't call me sir call me Kevin or k9 ok. Yes and with that Kevin jump into the shower and was dress and was out the door. I jumped into the shower and just got out when the door bell rang so grabbed a towel and there was two tall well built black man dressed in jeans and black shirts. Where looking for Kevin is he home, I said no but will back soon and he is expecting you. Both of them kept eyeing me and notice the nipple ring on my chest and asked me if I had one on my dick and said would you like to see if I do and with that I dropped my towel that was around my waist was now on the floor which both guys stopped what they were doing and asked if I ever been fuck by a black man I said not yet and with that they stripped and started to grope my ass and chest and its time you find out boy. You would make a good pussy Boy you're going to get a treat now and about this time Kevin appeared naked and turn around and spread his ass , is this what you have been looking for boys. Kevin introduced me to the two black friends of his. The younger man is woody, and the age of eighteen I could see why his named was woody he was stoking his 10 inch dick .and it was getting bigger and bigger. It reminded me more of a black fire hose and this is Woody's father big john and has a dick bigger than his son's dick, it went almost to down his knee and it had to at least twelve inches both well build and muscular and not and once of fat any where. John told Kevin to get on all four you white dog and beg your master to fuck your white ass boy. Kevin said yes sir, sir I want you to do what ever you want to my ass sir, fuck me sir, fuck me hard I your white pussy ass boy sir fuck and do what ever you want sir please sir fuck me and with that shoved his massive dick into k9 ass first just a inch in the two then all it in and john moan saying take it all you bitch take you want it you need it don't you boy. All Kevin could say as yes sir and a bottle of popper was stuck under his noise as john fucked eager hole, john told Kevin I always like fucking your white boy ass as the rhythm of john pace picked up. Woody fucked my ass slowly at first and asked how I liked being fucked by a black man, boy (dick) told him it a new exercise for him. And with that wood shove the remainder of his ten inch dick in and dick yelled out oh no fuck me harder give it to me sir fuck my white trash ass and woody turn to his father and said we have a pair of Horny bitches here we should get them to come the meeting Saturday night as the entertainment I think so too said john as he shot his load into Kevin's ass. Kevin felt the hot cum fill his empty hole, john collapsed onto Kevin's back and started to chew on Kevin's neck and back. While woody kept saying take it baby take daddies hot cock up your ass ,oh sweat ass mm nice piece of ass for a white boy your going to never want a white mans dick after this boy with that he shot his load after seeing the two other men come. I could see Kevin licking big john's massive meat. And both men were in enjoying them selves to the max. Both men got up and got dress and asked if we wanted to caterer to there meeting Saturday, they said it would be fun and we could make some extra money. Kevin looked at me and asked what you think boy looked at big john and woody and stated I would cost a hundred dollar an hour for each of us and an extra hundred if there is any S&M or bondage involved and how many hour are you talking about. John said at least thee hours and boy stated we need the cash deposit up front at least half now and the rest when were done. John said he have to discus it with some of the people who are going to be there. Boy said I need and answer and cash Friday at noon ok, john that fine white boy. The name is DICK ok I will get a hold of you before Friday at noon with the cash here at Kevin number ok. With that they left. Kevin looked at me at with a grin on his face. I told since I arranging this fuck session you are now the bottom and you will do as I tell you , got it Kevin and I will call you k9 till I leave got it , yes sir I'm the bottom and my name is k9 and you will call me sir or master unless I tell you then call me and I know you have a business to run so I will give you some leeway but don't push it got it my slut boy and the money you make from selling your ass is mine, yes sir the money I make selling my ass is your money all of it . With that I grabbed my dick and told k9 to suck it and make it you my official slave slut boy yes sir anything you say sir K9 replied as he kneel at his new master feet for the next three weeks. Here are my rules boy for now spoken when spoken too, to be naked at all times except when going to work, visitors and when were in public and do what you are told or your be punished with the razor strap got it k9, yes sir. Now suck my ball and receive your dose of my piss, k9 wrapped his mouth around his master's cock and drank it down; k9 could feel the salt piss run down his eager throat and never missed a drop. After sir stopped pissing in k9 mouth k9 smiled and thanks sir for his nectar of his new master. Sir turn a round and told k9 to clean my ass out and spread sirs ass and started to lick with his tongue and clean sir nasty ass hole and sir moaned long and load when k9 tongue reached his hole, sir moaned and so did k9 and when sir was satisfied told k9 to get him something to drink and k9 jumped to his feet and ran to the kitchen and returned with a can of soda and told sir that all he had in the house at the moment sir.

That will do for now boy do you have to go to work k9, yes sir I have to show a houses in a half an hour sir, bring me a butt plug now boy yes with that k9 went into his playroom and brought back a six inch plug and some lube and hand it to sir and sir told boy to bend over and spread your cheeks. Sir lubed the plug up and inserted it into k9 ass, it went in his fuck hole very easily and k9 moaned as it was inserted deep into k9 hole. you will keep this in till you come home only when I take it out you may shit boy got and if you need to shit you come home and I will take it out got boy, YES SIR. Good now take a shower and get dress for your appointment and you will call me every half hour to the minute and if you're even a half a second late you will be punished severely got it my boy. YES SIR. With take k9 ran to take a shower and was dressed in twenty minutes and ready for inspection before he left the house and sir reminded k9 that if he did not report in he would be punished for every minute he kept sir waiting, so off k9 went to his appointment and did call on the half hour on the minute till he arrived home where as soon as he entered the door he strip off his clothes and asked sir if he can use the toilet and sir bend over and let me pull the plug out and k9 spread his cheeks and sir took out the plug and waited to the ok to drop his load sir smiled and let it go boy and with that k9 shit and made sure he had clean his ass so master would not punish him and told sir he was done and ready for the plug to be put back in. I told him to let me see if he had clean himself up so k9 bend over and spread his ass cheeks and I saw it was clean and reentered the plug into k9 ass and told him to pick up some chicken for supper and boy asked do you want a young boy sir or regular chicken sir. I looked at him with a smile and said regular chicken boy and with a that k9 asked if he could go back to you work and will call every half hour sir and let you know what is going on at work. At five o'clock boy returned with supper and arrived home where as soon as he entered the door he strip off his clothes and asked sir if he can use the toilet and sir bend over and let me pull the plug out and k9 spread his cheeks and sir took out the plug and waited to the ok to drop his load. while boy was taking care of his needs in the bathroom sir was sitting in the living room reading the paper and boy came into the room I told him to let me see if he had clean himself up so k9 bend over and spread his ass cheeks and I saw it was clean did you wash your hands boy yes sir I did. Now get the table ready so we can eat, with that k9 fixed the table and put the food out and stood and waited for sir to recognize him and said supper is ready sir good; I'm hungry. We sat at the table and fixed a plate for myself and a plate for k9 and saw k9 wait for me to tell him he could eat and when I nodded he thanked me and started to eat and made sure my cup was never empty. I turned my chair and told boy to take care of this and grabbed my cock and told him to take care of it and I started to piss into his mouth and he never missed a drop. K9 thanked me for the piss and told me it was for being a good boy. I told boy to clean up the dinner dishes and put the food away and meet me in the playroom. I got up and walked to the playroom and phone rang usually wouldn't answer the phone but I did and the person asked for k9 so I told k9 to answer and I listen on the extension in the bed room and it dealt with his business so I hung up the extension phone . I went into the playroom and to see what kind of dungeon he had put together.

Sir kissed k9 through the gag and reassured him not to worry. Sir also told him what sound to make if he needed me to slow down as he grabbed k9's dick through his leather trousers. Sir was pleased to see k9's dick was already pushing out against his leg; he was definitely ready for more. Sir roughly pushed k9 into the spare rooms that k9 used as a dungeon at times and for suspension scenes. As k9 quietly stood there looking at the hoist and suspension harness hanging quietly from the ceiling, sir reached over to an old leather Fetters hood and holding it in front of his semi-hard dick and began to piss into the hood. K9 was watching in growing anticipation as sir used his hand to wet and lubricate the inside leather with the piss before he removed his rubber gag and slipped the hood quickly over k9 head before he could say anything. It was a tight fit and sir's dick grew hard with anticipation as he pulled on the drawstring and pulled the rear zipper down to his neck. Sir then padlocked on the leather collar to the hood so k9 couldn't even take it off IF his hands were free. He then buckled on the straps that went horizontally around the head and vertically beneath the chin. At the same time sir was quietly reassuring him and pushing his knee up into k9 groin. By the time the straps were buckled on tightly, k9 was unable to make any noise apart from a small muffled moan as k9 grabbed his hard dick and squeezed. K9 truly belonged to sir!!! K9 was now well and truly his. Sir kept telling me to slow down, as he wanted k9 to get used to the feel of the wet leather hood pressing against his face so sir forced frank to his knees and pushed his face into his hard dick. Sir knew it would only be a matter of time before he got it up k9 ass, but I wanted him to suffer the anticipation

K9 made a small moan as sir gently nudged his dick with one of his feet but he did nothing but nuzzle his hooded head against sir knee in submission. Sir now had complete control and was enjoying the increased power. K9's enjoyment was now in sir court and reaching behind him and unlocking the handcuffs, he roughly handled k9 was horny as hell. Sir quickly locked on the handcuffs again and listened to k9's heavy breathing through the nose holes on the hood as he gently caressed his exposed nipples. Sir knew they were k9's "on-buttons" and as he squeezed and rubbed them, he thought of giving them some abuse later on that weekend. Sir listened to k9's moaning into the hood as he gently increased the pressure on both tits before he lifted him to his feet and slowly guided him next door into the main playroom. It was well stocked and equipped with a strong iron cage, a bondage bed, a leather sling and some wooden stocks. K9 had covered the walls and floor with thick rubber sheeting and bondage equipment hung everywhere. He led him to the center of the room where sir forced him to lie face down on the rubber mat. Sir straddled his back and forced his hooded head to the floor with one hand before spitting onto his smooth tight ass, lubricating it with his fingers. Sir grabbed for a condom and positioning himself above k9's tight hole, spat onto his ass lubricating the hole with his fingers. Sir also smeared some lubrication onto the condom and slowly positioned his rock hard dick directly at the entrance to k9's ass. He then gently lowered himself down sinking his dick deeper and deeper into k9's ass until his groin was pressing against k9 ass cheeks. Sir ignored k9 moans as he tried to wriggle and he pushed down on k9 elbows pinning his arms towards the floor and stopping him from moving. Sir then began to fuck him, gently at first but as the hole became more relaxed he increased the tempo and began to fuck him harder and harder. Sir had never wanted to waste time with foreplay and that is the risk guys have to take when they played with tops like him. Sir fucked k9 for a couple of minutes but not wanting to cum to quickly although his balls were aching to shoot their load. Sir kept stopping and leaving his dick deep up k9 hot ass.

Sir reached around k9's chest and squeezed both nipples. K9 moaned loudly into the hood as sir forced a small bottle of poppers under his nose and left them there until the fumes overwhelmed him heightening his awareness and at the same times his vulnerability. K9 eventually stopped moaning and allowed him to relax and enjoy the experience. Sir could tell the poppers were working because k9's ass began to twitch and he could feel him push upward forcing his dick deeper into his ass. He continued fucking k9's for a few more minutes but forced himself to slow down before he shot his load. Sir then decided to give him a present and pulling out his dick he removed the condom before ramming his fat hard dick right back up into k9's ass. It was something they had planned in advance because sir always enjoyed a rape scene. K9 laid quietly on his back with sir dick deep in his ass while sir told him what he had done and what he was now planning to do to him. Sir had to concentrate in order to piss through his hard dick but it is something he loved doing and he slowly began to piss up K9 ass. It must have taken K9 about 10 seconds before he felt Sir's piss slowly fill up his cavity as he suddenly tried to struggle and move. But it was too late to do anything and Sir held him down until he had emptied me. Sir then reached over to a small butt plugs and greasing it with some lube withdrew his hard dick and forced it into K9's now sore ass. Sir then pulled himself off K9 and constructed a rope harness that went around his waist and up between his legs to keep the butt plug in place. Sir also lopped the rope around his cock and balls forcing them to become unbearably hard. Sir then pulled K9 to his feet undid the cuffs and reached over to his leather straitjacket hanging up nearby and forced K9 hands deep inside the internal leather sleeves. Sir quickly buckled up the rear body straps before making K9 cross his arms in front of his body and Sir pulled the arm straps to the rear where he buckled them together. Sir then buckled on the two leg straps and began to gently stroke K9 hard cock and balls. K9 was oozing pre-cum and Sir teased him by gently sucking him off for a while. K9 was desperately trying to get Sir to get him off, but Sir pulled himself off him and led him to one corner of the playroom where he slowly took off the tight hood, allowing K9 to take in a few deep breaths of fresh air. As K9 eyes got used to the soft lighting, Sir pushed down on his head forcing him to his knees and he nudged him to crawl into the cage where Sir padlocked the door shut. Without another word Sir left the playroom and went downstairs.

About an hour later Sir returned and as he walked up to the cage wearing only a piss-stained jockstrap and army boots, K9 pleaded with him to take out his butt plug and to be allowed to douche because of the piss inside him but Sir simply opened the door and dragging him out led him over to the sling and lifting him onto it, tied his legs to the supporting chains with some thick rope. Sir then began wrapping a rubber bandage around his waist and over the straitjacket that effectively stopped him from lifting his body up off the leather sling.

Sir then forced a ball gag into his mouth, which finally shut him up before roping both his hands to the two other supporting chains before he had the opportunity of playing with his hard dick. Sir then started wrapping a rubber bandage around both legs starting at the feet and making his way right up to each thigh. He then wrapped up each arm until K9 whole body was mummified in rubber onto the sling. Sir held onto the back of K9 sweaty head and lifted his mouth towards his where he forced him to kiss him against the gag. Sir also enjoyed the taste of his sweat that was pouring off his face. Sir then reached for a full-face rubber army mask, which he pulled on top of K9 gagged head. The mask was zipped up the back and buckled around the neck. He attached a short corrugated hose to the air intake value and by holding his hand over the end and seeing K9 unable to breathe any fresh air was satisfied there were no leaks. Sir watched as K9 struggled futilely against the lack of air but satisfied he was now controlling his breathing, took his hand away allowing K9 to draw in large gulps of air. Sir then reached for a final rubber bandage that I slowly began to wrap on top of the mask strapping his head down onto the sling. He made sure K9 eyes were covered over so he was unable to see what was happening. Sir reached down to his rope harness keeping in the butt plug and he pulled the rope away and slowly withdrew the plug. He began fingering K9 greased asshole at the same time he was pushing a poppers bottle against the mask intake valve. He listened as K9 began moaning softly and gently tugging against his bondage. Sir began gently tapping K9 ass with a riding crop. Slowly and gently at first, tapping around the genital area and then the cheeks of K9 ass. The canning continued for some time moving up each inside thigh and back again to his ass. Sir also tapped his hardened dick, which sent him wriggling in discomfort. Sir kept telling K9 to keep his ass tight because he didn't want to see any of his piss dribble out. K9 knew not to disappoint him and made sure to keep his asshole tightly shut. Then Sir sunk his dick deep into K9 ass and began to fuck long and hard. He put the poppers bottle under the gasmasks intake valve and began to jack K9 off while he wriggled and moaned softly into the gag. It wasn't long before K9 moaned and shot his load. Sir carried on waking him slowly until K9 was drained and leaning down, Sir licked up some of K9 cum and pulling off the gasmask and gag kissed him hard forcing him to accept his own cum. Sir then began to unravel the rubber bandaging before untying K9 from the leather straitjacket. A rather sweaty but happy pup emerged and Sir dragged K9 out of the playroom into the adjacent toilet where Sir allowed him to finally empty his ass. As K9 walked out the bathroom, he dropped to his feet - he knew the session had only just begun and if he was to survive the next three weeks he'd have to show Sir the right level of respect! This was only the beginning of a life-long friendship between sir and k9, the phone rang and it was big john and said he would be right over to take care of business. It only took him half hour to get to the door and I told k9 to answer it he was still naked but had a collar john just grabbed k9 cock and balls as he pasted him and I stood and shake his hand. And we sat down on the couch and he handed me a yellow envelope and gave me the instruction on how we are to be waiting and to be blind folded and woody would drive us there and bring us back after it was done and then we will be paid for the rest of your money. We are to be ready Friday night instead of Saturday at five pm and everything you need will be provided and here is half of the money and here four hundred dollars and there is a bonus for you two, I hope yours good as you two were earlier. How about one quick to seal the deal, big john rubbing his dick through his tight jeans with his left hand and with the right rubbing my crotch and leans over and whispers into my ear daddy needs his dick taken care of badly bitch and I want to fuck your tight white ass boy and I told him It would cost him two hundred if you want us to show you a good time. Big john smiled and told us to strip and told him shows me the money first you already had a freebee big john. Big john reached into his pocket and pulled a wade of cash and handed me four hundred and said take my clothes off and let's get going k9 More to cum

Next: Chapter 7

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