Farmers Ad

By mike tompkins

Published on May 14, 2023


Delivering the load

Piglet sitting in the driver seat talking on his cell phone and hung up. SIR I got a load to pickup in Kansas City to Lubbock Texas, hauling farm equipment sir. Well we better get are ass a moving and it's a three hour drive to Kansas City form Des Moines Iowa, we take 35 south, good move it piglet. As we got on the highway sir got into the back and told me how good I was back there at the truck stop, I we would have had more time I could made a lot of money with you boy, I looked at sir and thanked him for letting the truckers have their way sir, with that sir pulled out a butt plug from his bag and inserted into my ass. I fell to sleep while sir and piglet drove to Kansas City. I woke up to the sound of the trailer being filled my noise men at work. Sir and piglet were not in the front seats, I heard the door being opened and someone getting in, I looked and didn't recognize this six foot bearded man. Behind him was sir, he's all your and remember no brushing or too rough stuff got it, the man just said ok. The man started to take off his shirt then his shoes and then dopes his pants and there was I seven in dick, it had to be one of the biggest dick I have ever seen so far, I don't know if I could take that I told the guy, well your going to take it one way or another boy. With that he grabs my head and shoves it down into his dick being held up in his right hand, I had no chouse but to do as he asked, so l opened my mouth and tried to suck on it for about fifteen minutes. And said lets see what you other hole is like, with that he had me on my stomach and my ass in the air. He spreads my checks and pulls out my plug out and sniffs it and said open up your mouth boy, I open my mouth and he shoves my plug into my mouth, I gag a bit, that's to make sure you keep quiet boy, then spreads my ass and slowly shove his cock into my ass, as he putting his dick in all I could do is try to scream, he is so big I felt like I was splitting open. It took him fifteen minutes to get it in, and all he could say was to hurry you bitch I don't have all day you know. Finally he was in my ass, with that he picks up his rhythm and fucks me harder and faster, till he shots his load In my ass and fall on top of me whispering in my ear, boy that was so hot, I have never had a piece of ass like yours, I wish I had the time and money to do this again, he reach over took the plug out of my mouth and back into my ass, maybe next time you come through and we can get a bunch of guys together with that he withdrew his cock form my ass and got dressed and left.

About this time piglet and sir got back into the semi and we got on interstate 70 west. Sir looked in and asks if I was okay, it hurts sir but I will be okay sir, thank you sir. Sir gave some whisky to drink and I coughed after drinking some, sir laughed and went on talking to piglet. We stopped at a weigh station and was asked to pull to the side so they could to a spot check sir and piglet got out and was talking to this Oklahoma state trooper as they walked back to the trailer section of the truck, about ten minutes later the trooper came into the rig and looked around and saw me naked and collared laying on the bunk and the trooper was rubbing his crotch were you can tell he was getting a hard on, what do we have here. The trooper takes off his belt and starts to open his zipper and pulls out his cock, it must have been at least five inches of uncut cock. Come here and suck it boy. I get up from the bunk and get on my knees and start to suck the trooper uncut meat, I could tell he hasn't had a shower and taste the piss on his head, he grabs my head and fuck me fast and hard, I thought I pass out but I didn't after about five minutes he shots his load in my mouth about six loads of cum, it was salty but good. He leave his cock in my mouth after he shoots and I keep sucking on that meat, then all of a sudden I feel warm piss being shot into my mouth, the piss goes down my throat slowly , mm this guy must have done this before to slowly piss so I wouldn't miss a drop. With the last drop in my mouth the trooper zips his pants up and puts his belt back on and leave me still on my knees, I get up and get back into the bunk and wait for sir and piglet to return, man I'm so lucky to be getting this attention, but I wont let anyone know that I'm in heaven right now. Sir and piglet got back in and didn't say a word and drove down the road till we got to Oklahoma City were we stopped for something to eat at a truck stop and it was getting late, sir gave a shirt and shorts to wear inside I still had my collar on and piglet had his on under his shirt. We all went into the restroom to take a piss; I waited for sir to relieve himself first, I asked sir may I now relieve my self sir, sir yes you may but leave the door open so all could watch you shit boy. I pulled my plug out and sat on the toilet and started to shit when a stocky in a t-shirt stopped to watch me, sir asked if he was interested in what you see, the guy said yes, what him to suck you off or what sir said. The guy licked his lips and rubbed his chin, and ponders this guy must How much the guy asked fifty for a blow job and one hundred an hour? Well the guy said, ok hundred, I want fuck him, sir said no problem, were do you want him, lets do it in my truck, ok only if I'm there to make sure you don't damage him, the guy thought, I put the plug back in my hole after I cleaned it and put my shorts back on, ok lets go sir told piglet to gas up the truck and get boy a sandwich and a turkey sandwich for me and we will meet you back in the truck in hour got, yes sir. The guy introduced him self as max, so we walked to Max's truck it was parked in far form the other trucks. We got in sir told me to get in the back while we do our business transaction. I striped and max paid sir the hundred dollars then max gets undress and climbed into the sleeper where I was laying on my back waiting to see what max was wanting me to do. Max told me to lay on my back and he straddle my chest and stuck his cock into my mouth, I opened it and started to suck this guy off , I licked his hairy ball, then I grabbed his dick and started to suck him off, I grabbed his ass and spread his cheeks wide to find his hole and stuck my finger into his man hole and finger fucked him while I sucking his four inch dick, sucking him was no problem took it all the way down to the base where his hair was cut short, it looked like he had shaved his crotch at one time. As soon as I got two finger in his ass he shot his load and pulled his dick out of my mouth and told me to fuck him, this was a first but if he wanted that, that's what he's is going to get, so we changed places and I told him to get on all fours and suck my cock and he said no, just fuck me, he handed me a tube of lube and I put some on cock and on his man hole and I mounted him. As I entered him he told me to push it in all at once so I did as told and rammed it in and he yelled out loud OH MAN YES FUCK ME HARD AND DEEP and that what I did. With one thrust I was in and fucked like a rabbit in heat. It didn't take me long to shoot my load in his ass, it was so tight warm. I shot four loads in this dudes ass. SIR was watching all this time and sir had his cock out and walked up to max and told max to suck it now and max just open his mouth and sir fuck his pussy mouth till sir shot his load and told max to lose a drop, at first max was shocked but did what he was told and swallow all of sir cum. Sir said you just got a bonus let go boy. And sir zip up his pants I reach for my shorts and shirt and gets dressed and leaves max with cum dripping from his naked ass and mouth. We found piglet's truck and no piglet, so I just get in and strip, sir goes looking for piglet, but piglet no were to be found so sir returns to the truck and strip down and we fall asleep, about five in the morning and no piglet, then all of a sudden piglet show up and hands sir two hundred dollars in ten and twenties and tell sir he found this guys who wanted a gang me so he and four of his buddies went to a hotel near bye where I fell asleep with his dick in my ass and I just got back. Didn't you get my note I left for you sir, piglet looked on the drivers floor and found the note he had left for sir. Sir told piglet we need to take a shower and when we got back to have some coffee and some donuts to eat while we go. Then sir told me put my shorts and shirts on and grabbed a toiletry bag and off to the shower sir and I went to the shower. We were lucky to get shower room quickly, we got our towels and I follow sir into shower room four and striped and Sir took off my collar and butt plug and waited for sir to come back, he was gone for about ten minutes sir came back and told me to undress him, so I took off his shirt and then his shoes, socks, and then his jeans. I folded them and put them on the bench and told to follow him, he pulls out a douched bottle and filled it up and told me to bend over and he douched me clean. Then there was a knock at the door sir told me to answer it so I walked to the door and answered and there was a young man standing there and walked in and dropped his pants and grabbed his cock, he was not wearing any underwear, sir stepped out of the shower, sir said glad you can make it Chris strip now boy. Chris was about the18 yr old blond hair about 145 lbs. get over here and on you bend over he told the young man. And you too slut boy, so we both knelt in front of sir, sir was holding his cock in his right hand and with the left grabbed the ass of the young man and told him to open up boy and sir started to fuck the boys ass, at first he guy was moaning but got used to sir massive cock, sir then told me to suck this guys cock and not to make him cum till sir said so, and if he came I would punished so I made sure to not to excite Chris too much just enough to keep him hard. sir was about to shot his load and then told make the young guy to shoot his load now and worked my tongue and Chris shot as soon as I played with his nipples. Sir told me to wash Chris and Chris can wash you then, sir just watched us wash and dry each other off then we all got dressed, sir put my plug back in and the collar around my neck. All Chris could do was watch; sir then pulled a card out and gave it to him, telling him if you want more give me a call always looking for more slaves. Chris took the card and put in his pocket and said I think about. With that we left the shower room to get back into the semi. Piglet had donuts and coffee for sir and I had Danish. Sir asked piglet wanted to know he did last night, piglet started to explained to sir as he was on way to get the sandwiches when he noticed the guy dressed like a cowboy in the arcade so I thought would check him out and we got to talking and asked if I be interested in masking some money, I did have a green handkerchief in my right pocket and my collar on, I told him I was strapped for cash was looking in way to make some extra cash the cowboy I might be able to help you boy, some friend and I are in town for the redo and looking for some action, there six of us do you think can you handle it piglet said , I can take anything you guy are into, we need to leave right away , I need to leave a for a friend if that's ok, yes the tall cowboy said, my names buck and yours Dan; but every one calls me piglet. Buck walked me to the truck and left a note let you know were I would be at and left for his motel room. On the way buck said he would make it worth my time if I could stay all night, how does three hundred if were satisfy with you if not you get hundred instead ok , Sam no problem buck , I'm game. I told him no trouble with that, the motel was I bit run down, as we got into too his room It was full of cowboy stuff, saddles ropes and other stuff, buck told me to strip and he call him buddies and start this party and you're the guest of honor, I striped and laid on my back on the bed as he talk on the phone and told someone its time to party and less then ten minutes three guys were at the door with whisky and beer and ice. All of then look like the stepped off the ranch, each one was about five to six feet tall all hard muscles and hairy and each had a mustache and I thought I died and went to heaven, as they striped off there clothes I could see that the smallest cock was six inches and the longest was eight and not a bit of fat on anyone of them. Buck said boys this Sam or also known as piglet and he will be our entertainment for the night so who's going to fuck the pig first, well since you found him buck you should have first crack at his ass, with that buck lubed his cock and mounted me, his dick was six inches and his balls were shaved. He slowly enter my hole to make sure it didn't get wore out too soon and at the same time the other guys slowly beat their meat anticipation of what to come, one of the guy named Joe told me to open my mouth and get his dick hard and wet real good, all I could do is to obey and take another six inched. The other two stood watching me take care of their buddies, next as they drank the whisky and beer, one of them said I need to take a piss and told to stand aside and put his cock into my mouth and let his piss flow down my throat, I didn't know if I could take it all at once, it tasted like corn meal and I took most of if some if it ran down my face onto my chest, Joe stated to lick up his buddies piss as it ran down my chest, how hot is that I thought to myself. Carl stopped pissing and told me to keep sucking him off, Joe moved down to my left nipple ring and took it in his mouth and rolled his tongue and pulled at it, diving me crazy in delight, about this time buck had been fucking hard and deep each time he got harder and deeper till he was bounding his cock, I thought he was going to split me in two. Then shot his load in me and kept pounding my hole.

As soon buck took his cock in Joe stuck his in all at once not even skipping a beat, just shove it in and hard, I tried to say something but I had another Carl was still in my mouth and buck told Carl to move for a minute so he could get his cock clean off, while I was cleaning buck cock, frank was giving buck his tongue in a deep kiss and playing with him self. All I can remember it was cock and cock every where and all ran together, they drank and pissed on me all night if I was not getting fucked or doing some sucking, and if I was not sucking they were piss all over me, at one point they rode me like a horse and put a bit in my mouth and buck took pictures of me with this buddies, it was hot. When it was over I took a shower and fell a sleep in buck's massive hunk of a man. That night I got four new names and numbers and when I woke up buck paid me the three hundred dollars and he brought me back to the truck . And we where off to Lubbock Texas it only took five hours to get there and an hour to unload the trailer so piglet got his cell phone and found anther load. He had to pickup a load of television in Huston Texas going to Tallahassee Florida. So we got on trucking down the road to Huston it was hot out in the upper 90's. Sir told me to sit up front till we pickup the new load, I was still naked and had only my collar on, piglet had no shirt on but had his collar oh and we need to get gas before we picked up the new shipment. . We pulled into a husky truck stop sir was asleep, I need to pee and piglet told me to put on my shorts and shirt and make it quick, I told him sir the only one who could do that, then sir woke up to our conversation, that's right boy piglet is not in charge of you, go said sir and if any one want sex tell the price, yes sir, so I left to use the restroom. The place was a hopping all the stall were full so I waited my turn, this one older guy kept eyeing up and down from across the room, he approached me and said , I like the collar, thank you sir its my masters sir. Where is your master boy, in the truck getting gas sir? Does you master let you play boy, for a price sir, mm how much boy. Fifty for blow job sir. Ok wee at boy, I thought in the handicap stall sir there is plenty of room in there. So we waited for the handicap stall to open up and when it did, we both went in, I told him I needed to shit and piss he said that ok I watch, I told him I needed the money first so he got out a fifty dollar bill and handed it to my I put it in my shoe and took off my shorts and shirt. And sit on the toilet and relieved my self. The guy pulled his cock out and started to jack off watching me take a shit and piss, this seemed to get the guy a hard on. When I was done relieving myself and cleaning my ass, I opened my mouth and took his dick and started to suck him off, I grabbed his ball and gave them a tug and the dude shot his load into my mouth five times, and they were salty but good, he started to play with my pierced nipples zip up his pants and gave me a card with his number and told me if I'm ever back in these parts to give me a call and you and your master are always welcome. With that he was gone, I put my shirt and shorts back on and went to the truck which was parked in the lot by this time. When I got closer I heard some screaming going on from the truck, when I got in I saw sir hitting piglet bare ass and piglet counting to ten and thanking sir for the whipping, sir saw me enter the cab of the truck and told me piglet was being punished for assuming he was in charge of you he has learn who is in charge here right piglet, YES SIR, I WILL NOT FORGET MY PLACE SIR AND THANK YOU SIR FOR REMINDING ME SIR. Piglet ass was red as a fire truck and I could see some welts forming on his ass, sir then tied piglet balls and cock up with some rope that sir had pulled out of his bag. And with that sir put a butt plug up his ass and was told to leave it there till told to remove it and pull your pants up and let get Huston and get that load of cargo, with that I got into the back of the sleeper and striped down for the ride. Sir ask if I had any takers I told him about the old guy I gave a blow job and handed him the money and the card the guy gave to me, sir just smiled at me and told me to get my rest I was going to need it when we got to Florida . I was pondering if I should tell about the guy, sir wouldn't know if I had scored or not but didn't wand to take any chances, I thought it was hot to do it. And It only took five and hours to get too Huston and when we arrived we they said it would take an hour and a half to load the cargo in. so SIR, told piglet to sit in the passenger seat and watch what he was not going to get for some time and you better not cum or you will not be able to sit for a week piglet slut boy. Sir striped off his clothes and told me to lie on my stomach and spread my legs and ass cheeks, with reach into his bag and pulled out a tube of lube and started to fuck me very slowly .as soon as he entered my ass he started to play with my nipples and talk dirty to me calling me his love slut slave boy, he reach for my left ear with his tongue and starting to lick it and down my neck to the other ear telling how sweet and tight my hole and how he is enjoying fucking my ass and is proud how well I have been acting .sir continue, to fuck me very slowly driving me wild, all I could say was please ,fuck me please fuck me, we were sweating like to pigs and having piglet watch was a more turn on then I ever thought. I could see piglet wanted to have sex with us but he knew he would have to wait. Sir screams that he was going to shoot his load in my ass, he must have shot six loads of cum in my ass and sir fell on top of me. Sir laid there for ten minutes and his massive cock fell out of my ass dipping of his white sweet salty cum. Sir spread my ass cheeks and lick them clean, I could see sir cock dripping of cum and fed it to me, I just open my mouth and licked it clean and sir told me to take my time and enjoy it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that piglet really wanted to be in the action and knew he had stepped over his authority. Sir told piglet to get this rig moving, sir lay down and lie next to each and fell to sleep.

more to cum

Next: Chapter 5

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